Rahm Running?
This explains a lot of his media appearances:
Since coming home in January from his stint in Tokyo — a job he repurposed to be American envoy to all of Asia — Emanuel has been as visible as any other Democrat. Never mind that he currently holds no office and hasn’t been on a ballot for a decade.
Name the political podcast and Emanuel has likely been on it or will be shortly. He immediately snagged a CNN contract and regular Washington Post column, no small accomplishment for a former official at a moment of retrenchment for news organizations.
He’s also hitting the lecture circuit, appearing for paid and gratis gigs before audiences such as the Realtors and the Chicago Economic Club. Emanuel is pointedly avoiding Ivy League campuses and later this month will make his first stop on a service academy tour when he speaks at West Point.
Just as striking is to talk to anybody in high-level Democratic politics who knows Emanuel — which is to say most everyone — and hear how matter of fact they are about the inevitability of his candidacy.
He's doing the Newscum thing, "pivoting" to the center to claim to be a "moderate" before veering left when actually in office. Newscum mentioned tranny sports, Rahm is bitching about education. Neither did or will directly condemn it - Newscum won't propose or support any Laws to protect girls from getting beaten by boys and Rahm's record with the CTU resulted directly in the Rise of Conehead.
Remember, Rahm was one of Clinton's hatchet men, (in)famous for allegedly coining the phrase "you never want to let a serious crisis go to waste" and (allegedly) wasn't above manufacturing a crisis to do so. He sent a dead fish to a pollster he didn't like (the humor of which we appreciated) and stabbed a table, naming opponents, while screaming "Dead! Dead! Dead!" over what he saw as political betrayals (which cemented him as deranged).
His record of scandal when running Freddie Mac was never fully investigated, nor his subsequent stock trades that netted him hundreds of thousands of dollars. He worked closely with Sparklefarts and saddled Illinois with Tammy Fuckworthless while supporting assorted anti-gun platforms.
He manufactured a residency based solely on a discarded wedding dress, was a big part of Chicago's descent into irrelevancy, hid the McDonald video then blamed CompStat McCarthy for it, punished the detail cops who let his hired gardener leave tomatoes on his front porch and we remember something about a weed deal on his front porch that made a certain blog.
Hopefully, all of these scandals and more are properly exposed should he actually run for something.
Labels: dumb ideas, national politics
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