Monday, June 17, 2024

Teachers Demand What Now?

Seriously, what does any of this have to do with an "organization" that can't teach kids to read or do basic mathematics?

  • Teachers in Chicago are using their powerful union to fight for climate action in city schools.

    The Chicago Teachers Union opened public contract negotiations with the city today, demanding electric school buses, cuts to buildings’ planet-warming pollution and clean energy job training programs for students, among other provisions, writes Adam Aton.

    The move marks the latest in a growing trend of unions fighting for workplace improvements that go beyond the traditional scope of wages and benefits. And the worsening state of the climate — from summer heat waves to flooding in Florida to the wildfire smoke that blanketed Chicago last year — have pushed some unions to embrace the cause as a workplace issue.

How about this then:

  • eliminate parking lots at schools to "encourage" teachers to ride to-and-from work on Public Transit. After all, the RTA goes out to the suburbs with two or three transfers now. And Stacy Davis-Gates can take the train and two buses in from her South Bend residence.
  • eliminate the air conditioning prevalent in schools now - the amount of coal-powered electricity these appliances gobble up causes how many tons of carbon emissions? We suffered (and survived) thirteen-plus years of grade and high school without any air conditioning.

Set the example teachers....or shut the hell up and start teaching kids.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unions can bargain for wages, benefits, and working conditions... How da fuq does any of this fake climate garbage equate to any of that?

6/17/2024 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are good.

CTU should read than.

6/17/2024 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a few more:

- make all CPS teachers hired before 2012 to start paying the full 9% of their own pension contributions. CPS teachers hired from 1986 until 2012 have been getting 7% of the own 9% pension contributions paid for by CPS aka taxpayers. (After 2.5 years of receiving their pensions, CPS teachers got back what they actually contributed to their own pensions)

- eliminate residency waivers and make all CPS teachers and other employees live in the city. No other city entity allows for residency waivers.

- give CPS teachers and other employees a bonus and a rax break to live in Chicago neighborhoods they teach in.

- make it illegal for CPS and IL teachers and other employees to strike like in 39 other US States.

- eliminate the $2500-$3500 perk for advanced degrees (Masters and Doctorates) if the CPS teachers don't use the degree in their subject area.

- allow unused sick days to be paid out at retirement for a one time payout at the rate each sick day was banked not at the rate each CPS teacher or employee was at when they retired.

- increase the age when they can start collecting their pensions from 60 to 65

6/17/2024 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The square footage of cps parking surfaces, stripped of blacktop, resoiled to a depth of 3 feet+, planted with trees, fruit bearing trees fit for our climate, would be delightful.

Johnny Appleseed

6/17/2024 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They need more money....

6/17/2024 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People were sold the Illinois Workers' Rights Amendment. This is the result.

6/17/2024 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if she ever saw the movie " Hoffa "

6/17/2024 01:54:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

They want to solve climate change and they can't even teach the Demon Spawn of the Great Unwashed Democrat Welfare Voters how to read? No keeses for them!!!!

6/17/2024 02:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is another front for the fake global warming scam. The teachers care so much. If they care so much then stop putting out defective “products”. If this was a company they would be closed down by the government and sued.

6/17/2024 04:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your ideas, now if someone would just have the balls to throw that back at them it would be hilarious.

6/17/2024 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let them strike and then Reagan their asses

6/17/2024 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Unions like this need to be busted.

6/17/2024 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a phenomenon common sense solution. Close all the parking lots they could use that for the illegal criminals. Throw them in the lots inside of tents. You’re right about the air conditioning it gobles up a lot of electricity and it is coal fired so get rid of it. Open them windows up. They aren’t teaching anything important anyway with a 60 to 80% under anywhere else children’s grade levels they are making kids really really stupid. And then going along with the other thread on here about the trans shooter look what the public schools are teaching the children about the trans bullshit they are actually teaching them going into their skulls full of much teaching them sorry for using that word I meant they are indoctrinating them into a culture of total evil. Look up the alphabet teaching program in Chicago public indoctrination centers makes you sick to your stomach that along with social media ruining children for generations. These are our kids, but then again if you’re stupid enough to send your kids to these institutions, there’s something wrong with you also and you need mental health. Your kids are not disposable. Now get into that jacked up jeep, get to your boat to your fancy Vacations as your children wither away.

6/17/2024 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things the CTU never mentioned in their disturbing want list.

#1 Improve the air quality inside each school building. The EPA hasn't doesn't a comprehensive air quality evaluation of each school building since 1978.

#2. Make all schools fully accessible, not just 1st Floor Usable. 1st Floor Usable just gets people with accessibility issues into the building. What happens when these people need to go to upper floors and back down again without a working passenger elevator to use?

#3. If a CPS employee is fired or resigned and then DNH'd, work to get their ISBE licenses revoked for life. And no allow these individuals to collect a pension, especially if they're arrested and convicted of a crime that involves a CPS student.

Currently, CPS employees can be convicted of misdemeanors, serve time, come out of prison, and start receiving their pensions at 60 years of age.

See, Scott Gallus former HVAC teacher at Prosser Career Academy HS.

If the CTU cared, these two issues would be on their want list.

6/17/2024 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wrote this about 10 years ago some if it has already come to pass

Since we no longer worry about the starving kids
of Ireland. It is time to re-apply that brilliant essay to our modern
problem. What to do with the broken children of Chicago? If
followed to the letter my proposal will:
Ensure a 100% college graduation rate
Lower property taxes by at least 75%
Obliterate teacher unions
Create thousands of good high paying jobs.
Make schools profitable
Eliminate violence
All we have to do is assign every person a college degree at birth.
Right on the birth certificate next to the foot print makes it legal.
By this simple bit of paperwork we have it in our power to change society.
Of course this will alter education, so let’s look at the school of the future.
Names will be changed from schools to Feeding Stations or FS.
every person from age 3 until 25 can attend. But since everyone already
has a degree attendance is optional. All social services will move into
the FS’s thus saving billions on rent and heat. The money saved will
be partially returned as a stipend, and every FS will be franchised
to a gang, we will finally face reality and surrender the building.
Our school of the future is vastly different in many ways.
Halls become bazaars full of herbal delights since drugs are now legal.
Gangs will run this operation closely watched by the city department of
revenue. All drugs are taxed. Violence is over, no more drug wars. All meals are free but the lunchroom ladies have to serve three a day so breakfast begins at 8am.
After breakfast we will visit the gym renamed The Garden of Physical Delights. Only basketball allowed, everyone else can go to the pool which has been transformed into one large waterbed. After the Bazaar energy will be worked off on the pool bed, then on to the dispensary to take care of infection caught on the waterbed..
The Library becomes a game room full of computers and video games.
The seats in the auditorium are replaced by larger attractions and gaming tables. Lunch, at noon, then off to afternoon pursuits. Sadly no sports, band
Or any other classes are offered since everyone is stoned by one pm.
Dinner at 5, doors will close promptly at 10pm.
Some teachers will remain as ball boys and gym attendants. Others can make a living
sitting in the dunk tanks lining the old study hall walls. Administrators will be kept on at
full pay .
Most importantly everyone is happy kids, parents, taxpayers, the police, and
politicos. Calm will return to the streets and everyone will want to go to school.

6/17/2024 07:42:00 AM  
Blogger Old Joe said...

SSC readers, don't confuse CPS with education.

6/17/2024 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spot on.

Remove all parking lots upon Chicago Public School property, require ALL employees to adopt public-transportation, with exception of use of facilities maintenance trucks during working-hour shifts.

Remove, or prohibit use, of all air-conditioning at CPS owned or occupied buildings, both headquarters and every school building. CPS operated for decades without air-conditioning.

Perhaps CPS itself is a major contributor to climate change within Chicago airspace. It certainly occupies and operates a huge SF amount of building footprint area. It certainly employs a huge number of individual car-owners who drive to/from work every workday. It certainly wastes a great deal of natural resources and edible food.

And of course, CPS FAILS miserably at its primary (only) mission, which is to educate poor and middle-income students of Chicago. Its teachers and administration, its teachers union and city hall boosters, all want to spend HUGE amounts of taxpayer-funded monies, and yet don't have the ability, nor apparently true responsibility, to successfully fulfill its sole purpose of educating children to meet academic grade-standards.

6/17/2024 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget all the toxic heavy metal waste and plastic landfill material caused by laptops, computers, tablets and other electronic devices distributed like candy throughout CPS system.

Or the pounds of waste=paper product from yearly dumpster-loads of disposed books.

6/17/2024 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schools should only have access to their own re-cycled water. Schools should only have electricity from solar panels and wind turbines. Or the teachers can ride stationary bicycles that are hooked up to a generator. Anyone caught with a petroleum based product (plastics, clothing products, sporting goods, health and beauty products, medical supplies, cleaning supplies) will be flogged and shamed.

What a bunch of dipshits.

6/17/2024 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teaching kids? I can't bes bothered with that bull shit! I bes too busy demonstratin for the underserved community, you'll.

6/17/2024 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Largest polluters of the world are


Do you think the commies within the CTU will call for China to clean up their environment?

They will, about the same time Lay-Bron James speaks out against them and their human rights atrocities.

6/17/2024 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no hypocrite like a progressive liberal hypocrite.

6/17/2024 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPS days are numbered and they know it. Students who can't read or write huge amount of tax dollars going to them and decreased enrollment. The public is onto the scam in the wheels are in motion.

6/17/2024 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CLOSE 50% of the buildings and consolidate! All schools should be at 90% plus capacity. Big tax payers savings too.

6/17/2024 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Defund the CTU they’re not reaching these students Jack shit anyway ! They’re indoctrinating them into the progressive, socialist, Marxist, democratic ideology ! There are functional illiterates, ignorant as all hell, and will make loyal party members ! Will believe anything that they are told, and do anything they are told to do no questions asked !

6/17/2024 09:49:00 AM  
Blogger mike said...

Douglass Academy High School had 35 students and 34 administration and teachers with nearly 900 seats unfilled. yet the ENTIRE school is open. It spends $68,000 per student.

The last school year in which ANY 11th-grade Douglass students could read or perform math at grade level was the 2016-2017 school year. Just 2.4% of students could read or perform math proficiently then.

Start there

6/17/2024 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPS needs to lay down the law on all these 'non-permissible bargaining issues.' But, it's CPS, so we all know that's very unlikely....

6/17/2024 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sticking up for the teachers but the pension contributions are a tricky one. Supposedly they gave up a 7% pay raise in an agreement with the city for the pension contributions. Guess city thought it was better to push the city pensions contributions down the roars rather than have to pay the 7% pay raise

6/17/2024 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these teachers are so lucky im not the mayor

6/17/2024 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7% pension pickup was in addition to yearly raises of 2%-3%

6/18/2024 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Douglass HS had the highest paid CPS principal in Michael Durr at $171K+ and they have an assistant principal at over $130K.

6/18/2024 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Half the teachers read below eight grade levels

6/18/2024 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to ride around every public school in my district onthe 2nd watch and write books of parking tickets to the teachers. Many cars in no parking zones. The hell with them

6/18/2024 04:51:00 PM  

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