Sunday, October 20, 2024

F#$% the Inspector General, Too

Playing politics with political associations:

  • For the first time, Chicago's Inspector General is asking state regulators to ban a number of Chicago police officers from serving in law enforcement.

    Since Jan. 6, 2021, more than a dozen CPD officers have been tagged as members of radical, sometimes violent groups, even as they deny it and remain on the job.

    Some of those officers, and others with seriously flawed work histories, may be among the names targeted for state de-certification after a history-making move by the Chicago Inspector General.

    "In order to serve as a police officer in any department in Illinois, a person must be certified as eligible to do so by the state of Illinois," said Chicago Inspector General Deborah Witzburg.

Of course, she doesn't name whom she wants de-certified and refuses say who they are.

Here's the thing:

  • the ones who needed to be investigated, WERE investigated already;
  • they were cleared...or the evidence was insufficient to sustain the charges;
  • some resigned or retired.

Most of the rest were involuntarily signed up as part of a recruitment effort or were lured under false pretenses and placed on a mailing list. They attended ZERO meetings, contributed ZERO dollars, and associated with NO ONE. 

This is political BS and is going to end up costing taxpayers many millions of dollars at some point.

Knock it off.



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