Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Two Plus Two Equals....


This popped up in the comment section:

  • What about the millions going to these so called violence interrupters? Who are they reporting too? Where is the transparency with them with progress? Do they have to hand in paperwork to someone in the Mayors office? This is a complete handout program to worthless organizations that contribute nothing to helping. 

We still meet up with co-workers, active and retired. And we talk about things....changes, rumors, strange decisions, politics. They're smart people, and we consider ourselves reasonably intelligent and well read. So when we put together certain things, we wonder what's going on behind the scenes:

  • ShotSpotter goes under after a lengthy City Council battle;
  • a friend says a couple of low level command staff met with some HQ type command staff who said that in additional to the regular aldermanic notifications that go out after shootings, a number of pilot districts will be making a "violence interrupter" notification will be made;
  • the comment at the top of this post appears along with a second one asking essentially the same thing.

So what's up? Conehead suddenly has a few million bucks from what was spent on ShotSpotter and certain "progressive" aldercreatures need money to grease the skids for the violence interrupters that they're touting as an alternative to police....who they want to disband anyway.

Something strange is afoot, it costs millions, and the only thing adding up is our property tax bills.



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