A Discount?
Driving the city into the ground:
Mayor Brandon Johnson is trying to put a 3% squeeze on city contractors, asking them to agree to reduce their prices by that amount on all invoices sent to the city to help Chicago get past “difficult economic times.”
Chief Procurement Officer Sharla Roberts’ surprise request was sent this week to all main contractors doing business with the city. The letter does not describe the nature of the economic crisis and doesn’t say what, if any, repercussions there might be for companies that refuse the cost-cutting request.
It states that “in light of the economic times,” the city “faces new challenges to reduce its costs and allocate resources in a way that accomplishes more with less” to maintain city services.
The mayor’s request comes during what amounts to crunch time for the city and the Chicago Board of Education.
Given that the CTU is driving Chicago rapidly toward insolvency, now would be an excellent time for legislators in Springfield to stop proposing freedom to murderers, rapists, police attackers and child molesters, and do something positive for taxpayers:
- pass a law to make teachers on par with police and fire - that is to say "essential" and therefore ineligible to strike, holding children hostage for financial gain.
Time to say "No" and mean it.
Labels: city politics, money questions
Why should they... the contractors didn't bankrupt the city by welcoming the illegals with open arms.
What's in it for the contractors? Will the city give them a 3% break on their licenses or something?
Is he willing to take a pay cut it starts at the top
Lawrence Welk says...
Ahhh one ..naaa ...two....n....three....
Fuck you ...Pay ME !
But...the CTU says they need at least a 35 % raise....
It's for the kids. Come on.....
...get past “difficult economic times."....Sounds something like Fast Eddie, or Madigan would say when the envelope was not fat enough....
Make them contribute the full 9% into their pension instead of only 2% with the city kicking in the other 7%. As the libs like to say, "pay their fair share."
Just add six percent to any bids and show a three percent discount.
The proper response to a deadbeat asking for a discount after the contract was signed, the work performed, and the bill sent is: Getthefuckoutaherewiththatbullshit.
Fuck you, pay me.
File the lien and lawsuits now. Don't do another thing, provide a single thing, or agree to anything with these degenerate spendthrifts known as "Democrats".
Sooner, rather than later, they're going to get to a place where they are literally BEGGING for people to provide goods and services. That's when you get ALL your money owed, and deposits of 100% up front before providing a single thing to them.
They have NO CREDIT - junk bond purchases and loaning money to the neighborhood junkie are better bets than giving a thing to Democrats.
Western Springs democrat voter here...
Maybe city workers should take a 3-4 % pay cut across the board....only fair way to help.
Fuck off BJ
Hey conehead.
how about a 3% discount on my property taxes? How about 3% on water/sewer/garbage bill also?
Enjoy your 1 term!
Retired in Texas……
Did I read, hear, learn that not-a miracle-boyd ripped off the city for a couple hundred thousand smacks for loosing a toofus while being within 2 feet of a police officer?
Good grief………..
Watch each others backs out there!!!!
CTU is the biggest mob.
Will kickbacks be discounted, too?
Police and fire pay 9 1/8% towards our pensions, teachers pay 2 1/2%. Time for the CTU who always rails about "the rich" to pay their "fair share"...
As a contractor, recommend raising prices to Chicago by 10%, Cash in advance only. 👍
It's the "Help Us We Are Stupid" plea.
Haha. My response would be FU city. You signed a contract.
So he wants hard working self employed contractors to sacrifice earnings from their work so he can give away more money to the teachers union? Illegal immigrants? Convicted felons?
Let socialism begin in your own backyard BJ!
Cut your salary, cut your deputy mayors salary,
Cut your bodyguard detail,
How about cutting teachers salaries if their students can't read at grade level?
What sacrifice has CTU made to the children?
You want to save 3%? Here's an idea. Buy 3% less stuff.
Why is it that everything wrong about this city has to do with the Board of Education and the CTU?
No public employee should have the right to strike and no public sector union should be able to contribute to elected officials. That is a conflict of interest as they are bargaining with people they are paying off. Make both illegal and you will stop the nonsense.
Try selling that 3% discount to the CTU instead of their current demand for the whopping increase they think they are entitled to. Producing near-idiots who can’t read, write, do math, along with a 35% absentee rate (which they still collect the money for) deserve a much bigger CUT in pay. Time for a full accounting of that Union and just who is on the payroll, and what do they do.
Fuck the city and it's ghetto leadership
Set up Chicago DOGE, that's how you save money.
So, a city that is already famous for not paying it's bills is now asking for a discount? The solution is right under your nose BJ. Stop spending American taxpayer money on illegal aliens. You are going to be put out of a job because of this, and you cant even see the trees because the forest is in the way.
I hope the contractors send the city a bill saying that they can no longer operate under the current agreement and raise prices 5 percent.
Until Chicago looks at its own fiscal irresponsibility it will continue to spiral. A 3, 5 or 10 percent discount isnt going to help anything.
Chicago voters had better start looking for a business man to run things like a business and elect him/her as mayor regardless of what color his skin is.
“Greed is good “
Don’t stop there. We need a Mayor Recall Bill passed. We cannot wait for 2 more years!
Will the city give me relief from any red light camera or parking tickets that I may incur to help get by in these tough economic times?????
Democrat voter? Throw yourself off a tall building…
Worst school system in the nation! They indoctrinate the kids like this trans delusion: https://www.cps.edu/globalassets/cps-pages/services-and-supports/health-and-wellness/healthy-cps/healthy-environment/lgbtq-supportive-environments/guidelines_regarding_supportoftransgenderand-gender_nonconforming_students_july_2019.pdf
Then we have so many so called "teachers" living outside the city, cheating system on taxes,and doing little for huge paydays! Plus how many buildings fully staffed handful of kids! Got a guy that is a copper has his 5 kids in the CPS meat grinder, him and wife both coppers more worried about vacations than putting their children in private schools! So many oh and buying the jacked up ram pickups and jeeps with the punisher stickers in the back window! Get your kids out of there,what kind of a special moron are you?
Where is my payment for the flsa ot lawsuit? Justice delayed is justice denied.
Don’t worry Potter is spilling the beans on CTU and Stacey Gates,their time is Over.
Of course he is slashing spp pool ending by the hat 3% number? Of course not bthe t he will be happy to raise your taxes another10%. Get ready for a surprise city council vote to o do exactly that. Across the board tax increase o all taxes.
Late '60's: Union wanted 2% wage increase. Employer said couldn't afford. After time of bickering, Dad interjected with don't give us a raise, get us a 2% guaranteed discount, across-the-board, on all goods, services and purchases (including big-ticket items) by union members. "My gawd, man! Are you trying to wreck the economy???" They got their raise. That was back before key chain tabs, "X" brand rewards, "X" apps and 11% big box store discounts, when there was only Wed & Sun newspaper coupons, S&H Green Stamps and Plaid Stamps (and air and water were still free).
Employees hired after 2017 pay the 9%. Problem is, more than half of CPS were hired prior and are grandfathered to only paying the 2%
How about any suburbanites that enter the city via car pay that "congestion" tax
You're a funny funny guy...
Pffftttt!!!! When I get my discount on water sewer and trash disposal along with my city sticker. Fuck u BJ!!!!
Workers should take a pay cut to allow leaders to continue spending frivolously? Sounds like a great idea. Maybe Elon should come to Chicago.
I think the Budget for "Violence interrupters", " Safety Access " and " The Friendly Reverend Fund" could be studied for "excess " spending !
Cost savings 101City of Chicago
Brandon should reassign 130 Officers off his bodyguard detail
Cut off all aid, food, money, OBUMMER phones from all illegals
Fight all lawsuits brought before the court
Demote 97 percent of Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, & Captains
Eliminate Fireworks at Navy PIER
All sports teams get a bill for traffic & security around stadiums
No more I bonds, maybe pass a city ordinance that requires ( a credit card charge of $100.00 non refundable) for anyone that gets locked up
Maybe accept credit card machines at district level to pay traffic fines immediately without tying up traffic court.
Turn off 1/2 the lights in district stations at night ( saving $$$$)
Tons of options Brandon
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