First Issue?
From the comments:
- In other news you see Larry’s new tact uniforms he wants every plain clothes officer to buy. Basically just a darker version of the shit we already own, STUPID!!! Here’s the price break down for ya plain clothes cowboys. Keep reinventing the wheel Larry, you out of touch moron!
1. Blauer 8666 Hidden Cargo Poly Rip-Stop Pants: $89.99
2. Blauer 9818 Waterproof Jacket: $279.99 - Under Decision Process
Uniform Committee
3. Blauer 4660 Jacket Liner: $ 149.99 - Under Decision Process Uniform
4. Blauer 4665 Lightweight Jack Liner: $99.99 - Under Decision Process
Uniform Committee
5. Proper 100% Polvester Polo Short sleeve: $42.95/ Longsleeve: $47.95
While we're sure the pricing is fictional (nice touch though), the question of a "tactical uniform" brings up an interesting point - does the "First Issue" clause of the contract come into play? And if so, does Larritorious or Conehead know if the money actual exists?
Labels: department issues, from the comments
Working a tact team is voluntary, so I don't believe first issue would apply.
First issue only comes into play if you are mandated to wear it. NO ONE is mandated to be on tact. You cannot be assigned against your will, from the Lt down to the PO. You cannot be reverse seniority’d, you cannot be made to work tact. Before you go onto a team, you sign a little to from saying you give up certain contractual rights just like when you go into
One of these units. So, either buy the shit and stfu, or don’t, go back to the watch and, stfu.
Little Tommy from the County has his tact boys and girls in the similar uniform
Have some balls.. say, "send me back to the Watch".
I REFUSE to buy it. PAY ME.
If first issue applies, EVERYONE gets a complete package.
Can you say kickback?
The Devine Demigods that run the CPD have great ideas to deter this crime.
Retired 021 1997. You signed a to/ from volunteering for tact. You forfeited some union rights.
city claims it isn’t because it’s a condition of being on fourth watch.
also no more ball caps and increased penalties for uni violations. thanks TAC
Where do they sell those backwards hats? Haha
How about just put everyone in brown shirts.
As long as I can wear my earrings, rock my mullet, and show off my tattoos, I’m all good! Just got a neck tattoo and my lieutenant hates it but he don’t complain when I bring in heads. If we have to buy this uniform to stay on tact, I’m for it!
Plain clothes is too scary for the public apperantly
1. It looks too intimidating.
2. The darker color is gonna suck in summer.
3. What's the f$#king point? Just put everyone in the same uniform
Hair Gels 4 life bitches lol
Can anyone on tact actually explain what purpose the current plain clothes uniform serves?
When I saw this, the first thing that came to mind was,
“Which one of Larry’s relatives owns the local Blauer franchise?”
“While we're sure the pricing is fictional…”
Actually, if anything, it’s LOW.
Probably reflects a police discount.
If the dept mandates it be worn by tact teams, the dept must provide first issue. Once issued, any one that agrees to go to tac after that first issue would have to get them on their own, same as turtle gear.
That explains the rain storm coming this week it’s all the tears of tac and PRT flowing get ready to see a mass exodus of tac boys . No more sworn oath brand hoodies or walking around with hoods up on the head go out a nice polo on baby .
Tac cowboys bit annoying at times ? yes they’re but the dept fucking tac over to spend money on something that’s not broken is outrageous only this dept would fuck over the only group of officers that are proactive on the dept
Can’t chase what’s the point this job is pure dog and pony show
It’s about time the plain clothes teams have a crackdown . This is the departments way of warning them if they don’t shape up they’re gone poof like nothing happened .
Saint Dexter was the start of all this and mark my words tac is gone the next day after the next tac involved police shooting that doesn’t look good on video or slightly worded in a way that the media will jump on it almost happened this time
So what does the dept do uniforms because uniforms are slop guys aren’t wearing vests in some districts hats backwards don’t look good tac or not carhart jackets over vests making it easy for some to say they didn’t know who it was
Moondog wanted tac gone a few years ago but opted out of it last second so what did they do cut numbers in half
Tac is dying and is on life support give it one - two years CPD will be late to the trend of getting rid of plain clothes policing like NYPD did in 2020 and brought it back ,,,, NYPD issued polos and brown cargos for NYPD tac when brought back
It’s all happening here now
The writing has been on the wall for years now that our last two administrations doesn’t like any proactive policing . First gang enforcement disbanded , tac was cut down in 2021 briefly , now this , how about disbanding the useless robbery task force and carjacking task force that you can’t find anywhere when needed
Ohh nooo no jeans or hoodies they will need to change out it won’t be easy now for the tac guys and gals to duck early and go straight to the tavern or the suburban strip joints now
Tac is voluntary so either buy the stuff or enjoy being the paper car you clowns are always calling for. Sorry, not a first issue issue.
This is like a story out of the Babylon Bee. Officers working in plain clothes were supposed to be inconspicuous. Of course now the first giveaway is the backwards baseball cap and the molly vest with the fabric star, weighted with 10 pounds of police paraphernalia and the star hanging on their neck from a chain. You might as well be in uniform. I once responded to a scene as a supervisor in c/d whereupon a captain called me out and told me to step back while I was assisting my team. I then identified myself with my star. He said you don’t look like the police and you should be wearing a molly vest. I was wearing a vest under a sweater and my weapons were under my coat. I took it as a compliment that he didn’t know I was the police. I always knew when to identify myself. I came on at a time when you didn’t publicize who you were when working c/d unless the circumstances called for it.
Entirely not fictional and there are pictures to go with em****
If you wanna be a cool looking tactical guy, this is what you have to buy! Don’t forget the expense of the backward baseball camp and the jack Jeep Wrangler with the punisher sticker on the rear and the super dark tinted windows on your ram pick up because you’re cool you’re a tact guy!
First issue does not come into play. They can always go back to the watch to avoid the cost.
It’s called uniform allowance
Remember you volunteer for tact. Did the city buy you your first pair of pants and sweatshirts to be on tact?
Not considered first issue Det have to buy their own dress clothes.
Isn’t it the results that are important not the look? This is how you can tell Larry did zero police work in his career. As so many incompetent merit hacks have shown you in the past and present they have no redeeming qualities as far as this job is concerned. They do dumb shit like this to mask how incompetent they are. It’s their version of smoke and mirrors. Hopefully no one will voluntarily go to tac and this part of the job is a fond memory.
Who is the vendor and who gets the skim off the top?
To get around first issue, they’ll make it a condition of staying on tact. You don’t have to buy it, but you can’t work tact without it. And new recruits will be forced to buy it as part of their uniform.
Lookin' Charp!
Now Crack down on the tac vape smoking with the 2 year tac kids not everyone wants to smell the smoke like it’s Chernobyl in the same squad after you
By far one of the most idiotic ideas I've heard in quite some time. SWAT has their own uniform, K9, ET, marine their own. Are we CPD or what. Everyone should be in the standard uniform. If it's not good enough for whatever reasons, then change the uniform across the dept. LAPD, NYPD, NOPD, Miami, they all wear the same uniform.
The uniform allowance is up to $1800 a year. The tac guys can afford it.
Better to put them on the watch in a blue and white
Why even call it a tact uniform. They aren't even tact anymore, they are just 4th watch. Keep the regular uniform. No need to buy different uniforms.
What a goof ball with the overpriced uniform and the city has no money and tact is optional so
If u don’t want to buy they will just dump u
First issue does not come into play. The tactical team is a voluntary unit. Don’t want to buy the shit, go back to the watch. On second thought, just go back to the watch. The tack-tickle team is just the jobs way of rewarding the ass kissers. Would be good to see what they do if all, and I mean all, left to go to the watch. Who could they control to do their stupid stuff and then leave you hanging out to dry?
Wrong. Lts can, and are, assigned to the tact team against their wishes
Tells me that they,The Dept wants some way to ID Tac officers during all the demonstrations that are gonna take place this year. There will be massive demo's cuz Trumps in office. Get ready
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