Special Kind of Stupid
A North Side alderman’s decision to not talk about crime because she believes doing so is racist and contributes to a negative “perception” failed to reduce crime in 2024. In fact, crime in Edgewater, the neighborhood that constitutes much of Ald. Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth’s 48th Ward, soared to the highest level seen since at least 2014, according to city data.
Violent crime in the neighborhood jumped nearly 50% in Edgewater while overall crime increased by 9%.
Her thinking was this:
- By way of explanation, the alderman claimed that “over-reporting of crime leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates.” She even cited a research paper from (checks notes) the University of Tehran.
Tehran....where they chop off hands for theft, toss gays off of buildiongs, execute murderers more than the United States, and regularly stone rape victims to death for the crime of being raped.
But hey, they know tons about "over-reporting" crime. Moron.
Labels: city politics, dumb ideas
That ward has always had idiots....David Orr...nuff said....
Cops hate him.
Can not win whites without cops.
Blacks hate him.
They remember LaQuan.
Hispanics don't have anything, but I'm sure he aggravated them.
Going to be tough.
I hope Chicago voters, vote politicians like this OUT!
Security through Obfuscation! Yeah, that'll work, that's the ticket! >sarcasm<
So sad, I remember when Edgewater was a nice neighborhood... Thanks for nothing DEMOCRATS!
A real beaut to say the least
Maybe she should talk about....Midnight Basketball.
Are there any Americans left as Aldermen?
He / she is running for Miss Universe.
Sooooooo, discussing and or reporting crime is racist? So is it ok to demonize people who talk about or report crime?
Asking for a demon friend.
A vote for a democrat = a vote for increased crime. There is no other conclusion.
I ask you why is every democratic stronghold a shithole now? Perhaps it is because they can't talk about things they need to talk about. Maybe because they use pronouns that confuse people. Maybe because they keep changing the definition of words to make those words sound nicer. Maybe because they cant call a criminal a criminal, and mete out some justice for wrongdoers in our criminal justice system.
Maybe it's because they believe that having a panel discussion on The View or CNN, or MSNBC is "making a difference"
I've seen clips of The View as we all have lately. The audience claps like "trained seals" to everything those nut bag lefties say.
Either way, it's a mental disorder and it is growing...TDS is only the tip of the iceberg.
At some point we are going to have to have a talk about "demonic possession" in some of these people. The screaming and unhinged who can't comprehend the term "Illegal" need to be examined.
I wouldnt expect anything less from a fucktard liberal
You misspelled buildings.
It used to be called community alerts. For the simple reason people should know because it makes them safer.
This is what the fuck you stupid brainwashed liberal Democrats keep voting for so now reap what you Jack offs have sown !
What is the folks “ perception “ of her?
Alderwoman Leni is not remotely qualified to be in her position. She was the owner/operator of a dance studio and has zero prior experience in government. Though she is married to a man and has children, during her election campaign she claimed to be LGBT to appeal to progressive voters. Unfortunately, her plan worked, as it has with so many other unqualified Aldermen across the city. The biggest blame lies with the uninformed and unintelligent voters of our fine city. Leni is now just a rubber stamp for BJ.
Her constituents voted for this overwhelmingly, let them have it. Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave.
Sounds like some Uof C theory shit
and listening to "news radio" and I'm sure they are not alone, "the suspect was 6' 1", 30-35 and wore a jacket. Police need your help..." great description!
Are you serious? You don’t remember how stupid Chicago Voters are.
We said lightfoot was incompetent and fucked up. Too “woke” for a black, midget lesbian.
Then we voted in this inept asshole.
Yeah, we Chicago voters aint that fuckin smart.
Democrats believe in free speech as long as it fits their agenda. Look at the trend in Europe for suppression and criminalization of speech that is critical of protected groups in the name of "free speech". Look at the pressure put on social media companies by the government if you dared to permit the questioning of the experimental covid vaccine.
“Over-reporting of crime leads to an inaccurate public perception about crime rates.” But under-reporting of crime leads to a lot of cadavers in the county morgue. Take your pick, lady. Which do you want on your resume??
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