Is 9.5 Running?
He's making appearances and talking about Chicago and crime of all things:
- During the online “Overtime” segment of Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel discussed the poor approval ratings of Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and stated that other Democratic mayors aren’t doing well and the focus needs to be on safety, education, and good finance, but “We’ve gone through five years where people became way too permissive as a culture…which is why everything’s locked up at Walgreens and CVS. And that is a disaster.”
The ex-mayor also said that if he could have gotten away with using "they/them" pronouns years ago, he would have used it to get into girls locker rooms, hinting for the first time that he might have been heterosexual at some point.
So is he/she running?
Labels: city politics
He/she is getting their tutu ready for the big show!!!
Maybe he just wanted to use the girls' locker rooms because he identified more with them. Does he fail to realize that all this soft on crime shit started while he was mayor? Does he not know that his friends in county government and state government are fully behind the soft on crime movement, especially if those criminals are in the country illegally? You can't run on common sense and law and order when you've acted in opposition to those while you were in office.
LOL! Mayor 9.5 hated the Police and gave us the sewer tax. There by doubling our Water bill. He is a scum bag!
He screwed over retirees with their medical. He’ll never get anything from me but the middle finger.
Fat A$$ runs for President = 9.5 for Governor
That would depend on if his wife’s wedding dress is still in a basement in Chicago.
Rahm is not to be trusted- he speaks with forked-tongue
The 9.5 digit midget never lets a good crisis go to waste!
Someone should follow him, see if he's stashing another wedding dress in a crawl space.
Dude suffers from napoleon syndrome another train wreck of the demorats stick to being a ballerina
Rahmster Rabbit is being a bit disingenuous.
Betting man says....100 to 1 odds
Boys Town and Men's Country bath house will be safe again....
I work a side gig where 9.5 comes into……his entourage have been given orders to tell all that come in contact with him to address 9.5 as Mister Ambassador……..Right! Just Like Brandon, who wants his wife to be addressed as First Lady? Do they all have puppy $hit for brains? Why would anyone in Chicago even vote for Johnson or think about Emmanuel as a Candidate for Dog catcher?
Where is his wife’s wedding dress? Hopefully she burned it
Rahm liked both sides of the fence.
Nothing wrong with some sissy play as long as it's between consenting adults, free of drugs and alcohol
I'll take Rahm over Lightfoot / Johnson.
Where is the wedding dress. Seriously, way to much baggage from the Mcdonald case.
Beware of the ways of TheTiny Dancer!
If his mouth is moving on ANY form of mass communication he IS running.
Stupidity reveals itself.
Rahm loves his money and power..the governors race will be in the fall of he runs for that! Governors position brings him closer to presidency than being a mayor. Possibly even run during mid terms, Senator 4 fingers??
Seems like a good bet
My sources tell me that he still has his wedding dress under the stairs in Chicago. So....Officially he is a "resident" of Chicago. And I do believe that Chicago is actually stupid enough to elect this motherfucker again.
The real question is, who will our chubby governor be backing? Imagine the worst case scenario for Chicago...and thats what voters will elect. Until there is a true conservative in this race, change is not possible. And the system IS rigged against any conservative. It doesnt matter what the name of the next democrat mayor of Chicago is. They will elect him/her, then complain about it for another four years. Meanwhile taxes will go up, crime will continue to rise, and decent people will move outof the city. If they are smart, they will leave the state. Burke and Madigan may be convicted, but the machine still lives people...
Ahhhh the lil sawed prick rises up
The liberal public has a very short memory for indiscretions and incompetencies of their political affiliations and staunch demoRATs Will vote for ANYthing with a D next to it.
Just look at the overall cook county voters selections over the past 20 years. They just keep doubling down on stupid , Meanwhile too many others just sit it out and say it won’t make a difference anyway.
Fuck Rahm he took away my medical. Even worse than that he joked about it at all his Washington cocktail parties, how he screwed over us and what a tough guy he was.
He's running for something, my bet is Governor, when fatass runs for prez.
Rahm is the reason that we have no manpower. Don't hire and keep that money for his pet projects. He de-funded the police before the mantra became mainstream.
NYC is so screwed up that former governor Como is seeking a come back running as a candidate for mayor of New York. Sad thing about that is he is probably the most reasonable candidate in the group seeking that position.
Since he's already missing a digit, he could use it!
Rahmmie loves playing catch...
Rahm is the main reason CPD is a total disaster. Remember he’s the one that put Eddie Johnson in as superintendent. Eddie is the one that promoted all his frat brothers and sorority sisters. 99% of whom are and were total incompetent idiots.
Don't care for him at all, but that is a real title and proper way to address him. Ambassador to Japan is a pretty big deal, despite being a political appointment
Everyone has forgotten McDonald's who? Except for the scapegoat
Gov Pritzker will not run again, he will run for President in 2028. he will lose
Emanuel will run for Governor in 2026. he will win
Senator Durbin will not run again in 2026. He is retiring.
LT Gov Stratton will run for Durbin's senate seat in 2026. she will have a tough primary, especially if it's against Kwame Raoul
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