Saving Taxpayers Money
If only all illegal shooters would make this effort:
The Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office has concluded its investigation of the death of Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi, the man who allegedly shot a Jewish man in Rogers Park and then got into a lengthy shootout with Chicago cops last October.
On November 30, authorities found Abdallahi, 22, dead, hanging in his Cook County jail cell. Now, the medical examiner has concluded that, as initially suspected, he died by suicide.
Maybe Dart could hold a workshop to teach inmates the best location and method to remove themselves from the judicial process? He could call it "Epstein 101" and have whats-her-name teach it.
You can thank the drooling vegetable for this catch-and-release asshole.
Labels: we got nothing
Good riddance. Even if the guy was offed by a fellow prisoner - WHO CARES? Was a total POS... Oh he's dead? Gee whiz... let's waste more money with a bullshit autopsy.
Dart should be more concerned about hundreds inmates that died under his watch than those exposing corruption in his office. He has completely destabilized that office. DOJ should take over the jail!
Family members and slime bag lawyers will cash in soon as he was turning his life around and the people failed him
Paging Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Dr Kevorkian please report to Division 5. 💉
The democrats legacy continues
Happy Pulaski day everyone!!! Nothing better than a paid day off
Sell the ropes in the commissary.
Epstein 101 dam that SCC
So he died in the jail not the hospital? The CC press release always stated that he hung himself in the jail but died in the hospital. Prob trying to deflect responsibility and liability and embarrassment. Typical government double speak. Either way fitting end to a terrorist. And it was a terrorist attack not a hate crime. The officers should be awarded for actions during an ongoing terrorist attack, at least till they ended it.
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