Friday, March 14, 2025

The Fleecing of Chicago

The Contrarian's Paul Vallas goes over some well trodden ground:

  • Suing the City of Chicago for alleged police misconduct has become both a lucrative racket and drain on city finances. On Monday, a Chicago jury awarded $120 million in a wrongful conviction lawsuit to two plaintiffs, both of whom spent 16 years in prison. This amounts to paying each man approximately $4 million for each year behind bars. Just last August, another Chicago jury awarded $50 million to a man who had spent 10 years in prison before then State’s Attorney Kim Foxx agreed to the dismissal of charges against him. That settlement was equivalent to a whopping $5 million per year of custody.

    All three of those men were represented by a Chicago law firm that, in 2022, secured $42 million in settlements out of a total of $117 million Chicago paid out to litigants. Since 2000, Chicago has paid out $700 million in lawsuits to criminals, most of whom are guilty, for alleged police misconduct and lawyers representing the city got $138 million.

We say "well trodden ground" because Marty Preib was writing about this for years, in books and also on the Contrarian site, naming names, law firms and media whores who advocated for the release of guilty persons after witnesses died, moved out of state, or officers retired, etc. And with a willing accomplice in Crimesha, these scumbags were able to free assorted murderers via lies, omissions and perjured testimony. Someone in Crimesha's office even directed them to friendly law firms, who after securing their cut, undoubtedly made campaign contributions to assorted aldercreatures who had voted to approve "settlements."

"Fleecing" is the mildest description for the extortion and fraud that is still going on to this day.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I sue myself for being a "Dog Ass" ?

3/14/2025 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is true. I used to serve papers for a trial lawyer, he told. me that every 3 months he had to pony up 10k cash to the party.

3/14/2025 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 million for each year behind bars? Is that what they would have made if they had not been? I mean there has to be some sort of realistic limitations to what they're entitled to.
I'm not saying its right, I'm just saying for every other circumstance where some one has been wronged, they're not compensated too much more than what they would have earned, cover bills, fees.
Complete shake down.

3/14/2025 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the Chicago way...

3/14/2025 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many years ago during a trial at 26th., an ASA was lamenting that you can’t practice law in Cook County. We said aren’t you doing so now? He said many of us are just going through the motions but not really practicing. To really practice unhindered for either side of in a case you have to get out of Cook County because of the corruption. The utterance “motion to fix” was never before the bench but behind the bench. That always stayed in my mind.

Even after the last Greylord trial in 1980 where the Feds took out over 100 judges, attorneys and court personnel for shady dealings, some things don’t seem to “smell right” in the Cook County legal system even today.

3/14/2025 03:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Juries in cook county and chicago have to be filled with some of the lowest IQ people in the nation. 120 million TAX payer dollars going to some scumbag? That money comes right out of the tax payers pocket you morons. Oh you need a new school in your neighborhood? You can forget it cuz it went to pookie and his lawyer.

3/14/2025 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

amazing how all these innocent offenders actually gave a confession on committing the crime and how they did it,,,, happens all the time,,right??

3/14/2025 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't a jury convict them? So why not hold the jury liable too?

3/14/2025 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

watch "a murder in the park" on Netflix about the Anthony Porter debacle.

3/14/2025 07:49:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Open City Checkbooks.

3/14/2025 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disgusting and say the least.

3/14/2025 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago has paid out 700 million since 2000 for these frivolous lawsuits. How much has Chicago paid out for illegals since 2022? I’m going to guess it’s a similar amount if not more. Bottom line is the Democrats love to spend other peoples money. However, the money is about to dry up from the feds.

3/14/2025 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its wrongfully convicted not innocent.

3/14/2025 08:17:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

Paul Vallas is so disingenuous. He's part of the Democrat Party, which is the party that allowed this "ghetto lottery" to occur by approving the payouts instead of fighting the suits. As usual, the Democrats are part of the graft, getting payouts from the lawyers that are involved in this.

3/14/2025 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t go to CWB till after breakfast because when you see what legislators are proposing it will turn your stomach.

3/14/2025 08:29:00 AM  

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