Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A dirty little secret

We are about to post the dirtiest little secret known to coppers everywhere, but cannot be spoken of in this country because the left wing will get all bent out of shape if it is ever mentioned in mixed company. Profiling works. RUN FOR THE HILLS!! SOMEONE SAID THE "P" WORD!! AAAAARGH!!!!!!

The international community is finally coming to grips with this truism. Read the BBC report. Italy is going so far as to ban the burqa. Israel, of course, has refined this technique to a razor's edge and regularly stops "splodey-dopes" before they can do damage. But America? Puh-lease. Homeland security is still stopping every 10th person for extra attention, even if it's a Swedish grandmother on her first flight to visit the grand babies in Des Moines. How long until a halfway intelligent terrorist figures that one out and gets in line to be #5? Listen, if #10 is granny and #13 is a swarthy looking dude wearing a winter jacket in August, we're stopping #13, ACLU and the left be damned. We don't care if he landed from Nome, Alaska. He's getting some extra attention.

Waaaaaaay too much time is spent in this country beating down the police for using what is called street smarts, instinct, or gut feelings. It has, literally, been driven out of many coppers, all in the name of political correctness, and we are sure that the rising number of unsolved crimes is a direct result. If you can't explain your hunch on paper in politically correct terminology, you are going to lose a lot of cases at court.

But it works. Has anyone ever head of the book "Eat What You Want and Die Like a Man"? Turns out the author has a website (like us!), is right leaning (like us!), and supports profiling (like us!). Unfortunately, he's a lawyer (unlike us), but that doesn't matter until the Revolution comes, then he's up against the wall like the rest of them. Until then...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a shame, as a lot of skill is being wasted in the process. When I came on the job I learned to profile criminals, not by race. i was able to learn from experienced veterans how to do it regardless of race. This is a lost art, which is no longer being passed along to our recent hires.

8/03/2005 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have the list
of Sgt.'s that were promoted to Lt?

8/14/2005 06:30:00 PM  

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