Christmas Posting
Though sporadic, we managed to get a number of posts up over the holiday. Be sure you scroll down over the past 10 posts or so. We cover a number of topics that have come up including the Bears, Obama, newly authorized weapons and the front page article in the Tribune that outlines the outrageous fees paid to remove dead bodies.
As a side note, we are exploring the possibility of opening a competing body removal service that will only charge a base fee of $500 per body (almost a 50% savings for the City!) Additional charges will be levied based on the degree of decomposition. We will be hiring shortly - wagon experience preferred. Submit resumes to our e-mail.
As a side note, we are exploring the possibility of opening a competing body removal service that will only charge a base fee of $500 per body (almost a 50% savings for the City!) Additional charges will be levied based on the degree of decomposition. We will be hiring shortly - wagon experience preferred. Submit resumes to our e-mail.
That's a great idea, but how much do I get from it??
Richie D.
Your're crazy! By undercutting the competition, the city will never pay. You have to double the other guy's price in order to lure city funding. Saving money is for suckers! What city do you work for?
Are you willing to hire retirees for the 'transport endeavors?' If so count me in as I'd be willing to go $28-35 an hour....what say you?
We were actually going to hire retirees on a percentage basis ... PLUS found. Think of it as "salvage rights." We'd ask only for a little bit kicked our way like the Captain used to get.
What the hell is Kwaanza??
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