Sunday, July 20, 2008

CFD (Not a Scandal?) Scandal - UPDATED

So we're assuming that we can count on a nationwide search for a new Fire Commissioner to rein in a Department totally out of control?
  • Eight inspectors from Chicago's Fire Prevention Bureau are likely to be fired for allegedly accepting cash payments in exchange for making weekend pump inspections at high-rise buildings, City Hall sources said Thursday.

    "Businesses were paying overtime for them to come in and do a job on Saturday or Sunday. That is wrong. Employees are not to be paid by anyone other than the city," said Chicago Fire Department spokesman Larry Langford.

If they've got one-hundred Fire Inspectors, there doesn't seem to be a reason some couldn't work nights, some work weekends, maybe even some on midnights so as to spread out the workload and minimize building disruptions. One-hundred Inspectors working 9-to-5 Monday through Friday just seems shortsighted.

UPDATE: from the comments:
  • This has been a deal that CFD agreed to for years. The building owners don't want to do the fire pump tests during the week, CFD doesn't want to pay OT, so they agreed that the building owners would pay the inspectors directly so they could do the tests on weekend and CFD wouldn't have to do paperwork. It's a really shady procedure, but CFD brass was on board with it.

    What happened was that Skinny Sheahan at McCormick Place got into a beef with the head of the fire inspectors, and to screw him, blew the whistle on this. Then CFD brass was shocked, shocked, that this was going on.

    Expect a whole bunch of lawsuits out of any disciplinary action that comes out of this.

    Meanwhile people will die because the fire inspection bureau is turned upside down so Skinny can do what he wants at McCormick Place.
  • SCC,
    Talked to some guys,this deal is another m3dia creation. The CFD guys did nothing wrong,followed an old protocol and are being shafted.

    The building managers used to issue a check to cover the CFD OT because they didn't want inspections conducted on weekdays. The CFD turned the check in to the department and received thier OT,apparently some individuals were slow in turning the checks in. It sounds like a bunch of hooopla over nothing significant...
Daley has his media lap dogs trained well. And his impeccable sense of timing of being "out of town" when scandal or imagined scandal breaks, remains intact.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! The leader of their union says it been common practice for years and would win in court. Shit I watched the 10pm news and didn't even know about the story until I came to SCC the real news site for the city. Fuck those HEROES, they like to play with fire , let them feel a little heat(in the media).

7/20/2008 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did Cortez go? Why did Mr Trotter retire so abruptly? Hmmmm? Anyone answer this one?
and when he left, how much went with him???

7/20/2008 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right or wrong. Legal or illegal.
How about the pols and friends of pols that steal and take millions with nary a word.
This is a prime example of the city and union not negotiating an answer to the problem. And bosses having shit for brains too.

7/20/2008 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geeeeeeee.....they moved Orozco just before the story comes out.

Ahhhhh, the Chicago way!!!!!!

7/20/2008 12:56:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is serious bullshit.

This has been a deal that CFD agreed to for years. The building owners don't want to do the fire pump tests during the week, CFD doesn't want to pay OT, so they agreed that the building owners would pay the inspectors directly so they could do the tests on weekend and CFD wouldn't have to do paperwork. It's a really shady procedure, but CFD brass was on board with it.

What happened was that Skinny Sheahan at McCormick Place got into a beef with the head of the fire inspectors, and to screw him, blew the whistle on this. Then CFD brass was shocked, shocked, that this was going on.

Expect a whole bunch of lawsuits out of any disciplinary action that comes out of this.

Meanwhile people will die because the fire inspection bureau is turned upside down so Skinny can do what he wants at McCormick Place.

7/20/2008 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sTalked to some guys,this deal is another m3dia creation. The CFD guys did nothing wrong,followed an old protocol and are being shafted.

The building managers used to issue a check to cover the CFD OT because they didn't want inspections conducted on weekdays. The CFD turned the check in to the department and received thier OT,apparently some individuals were slow in turning the checks in. It sounds like a bunch of hooopla over nothing significant...

Our brothers in blue were due for an offestting media scandal.

When will we all say ENOUGH IS ENOGUH???

7/20/2008 03:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Play with fire get burned,you just enticed the CFD to join the campaign. Thank-You!!!

TRUST ME,you will know soon enough

7/20/2008 03:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Firemen, earn your pay!!!!!
No disrespect for Paramedics you guys can relate to the bullshit we deal with 24/7.


7/20/2008 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



7/20/2008 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to our world CFD Brethren. Here's to your settlements; may the ones be followed by lots of zeros!

7/20/2008 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the CFD have an unofficial blog???

7/20/2008 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Expect a whole bunch of lawsuits out of any disciplinary action that comes out of this.

Gee, I think bribes are a no-no, at least it looked that way to me on the ethics training and test that was mandated for all city workers.

I live across the street from one of these money grabbing "inspectors" on 109th Place, west of Western.
I particularly like the fact that he runs a fire alarm installation company out of his garage and drunkenly brags how he picks up a lot of business on the week ends.
This from the fire alarm systems that fail his inspection and the building manager is ever so grateful to get a quick repair from his "guys".

PS - Fuck you Mike, try getting in a AA program or better yet, become a man with scruples.

7/20/2008 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old hat. That is why the 2 traffic court cops who took all that overtime away will not get into trouble. All the bosses did it too. So they are putting that one under the rug and the coppers will get their jobs back.

7/20/2008 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

orozco is moved,trotter is gone why? think they knew and were involved? thanks cfd for taking heat off of us! what next? why do the ones at the top always get away with everything? like daley-the 50 cowards, blago and crew,osama obama, madigamn & lisa, stroger the boy wonder,hog balls beavers,eddie burke, and the rest?

7/20/2008 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slow in turning in the checks?

C'mon SCC, you really can't be THAT FUCKING GULLIBLE?

There weren't any checks,it was A CASH ONLY OPERATION.

Timing of this is coming to light is highly suspect, Orozco dodged that bullet didn't he?

Disband the Fire Inspection Division and go for the Grand Jury Indictment on all involved Cinderheads.
Enjoy your stay in the Publiceye shitstorm Heroes...

7/20/2008 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geeeeeeee.....they moved Orozco just before the story comes out.

Ahhhhh, the Chicago way!!!!!!

7/20/2008 12:56:00 AM
Nothing like doing the tests when demand for building water is just any building would pass ???

7/20/2008 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8% of the fire inspectors are on the take and thats just from the initial report with no investigation! Imagine if 8% of the PO's in the city were corrupt instead of the fraction of a percent that have been displayed repeatedly on every news channel at every possible opportunity. What's with the media double standard? Remember the fireman that was fired for trying to get children over the internet while at the house? What ever happened to that story?

7/20/2008 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the city has a bunch of 19 year olds from the 19th Ward that graduated in May from high school (or grammar school) that can inspect do the test the fire inspectors did.

7/20/2008 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good for the Olympics.

7/20/2008 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

However which way you slice it, it stinks that it was "done" with a wink and a nod and acceptance from the CFD high command.

The CFD has enough flunky non-promoted white shirt inspectors out there that they could turn it legitimately into a 24 hr. 7 day
unit, with none of the scandal now associated with it. Shame on the CFD Command staff for going along with this, even if this was the case for several years. If it looks bad, it IS bad.

7/20/2008 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on guys!!! There in NO story here. Try this headline, "BREAKING NEWS STORY COMING IN FROM THE NORTHWEST SIDE!!! Off duty Chicago copper has one to many drinks and passes out on his livingroom recliner. Details at 10pm!" Now that would be a real story that would be played time and time again and immediately following that would be the Abatte video.

7/20/2008 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skinny make a call to the media...? Never!

He said he would never tout to the news while talking about how "ignorant and evil" the cops are. He was referring to this blog site in particular.

He said the cops complain too much and that all they do is "...want, want, want."

He said this because he thinks there's too much bashing of the mayor.

Remember, his brother was a youth officer, so he knows where you are coming from. LOL

Listen, if he or any others sitting in city hall would do this to a fireman, they do it to a cop, too.

So don't lose sight of who's the enenmy.
This is WWII and you are the Americans and the city hall hacks are the Japanesse. Hold no prisioners.

7/20/2008 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nothing like doing the tests when demand for building water is just any building would pass ???

7/20/2008 01:45:00 PM"

Ah, another keen observer joins the SCC ranks.


7/20/2008 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds similar to the wagon man scandal with the funeral parlors. An excepted practice that everyone knew about but got people jammed up eventually.

7/20/2008 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought all firemen were heroes.

Really, I did. Just ask one.

7/20/2008 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC - Please allow me to comment - The city of Chicago along with the "suppression" section of the fire department have no clue. Yes, there are fire pump tests that are required to be done on weekends, (Sears Tower comes to mind). Keep in mind that all these pump test (done on weekends) all required city permits. Thats right, every test done needs a $300 permit. It was always an "unwritten rule" that inspectors be paid directly from building owners. The city did not want to pay inspectors time and a half to work their days off. The compensation received was due these inspectors. The questions the union lawyers should be asking is "If the city had knowledge of these tests and issued permits for them, why were the inspectors not paid by the city?"

7/20/2008 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Firemen, earn your pay!!!!!
No disrespect for Paramedics you guys can relate to the bullshit we deal with 24/7.


Just remember who is cutting you out of the squad when some shithead doesn't stop for the lights and sirens!!!

7/20/2008 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 10:31, Theres is Fireside Chat. Someone have the address?

7/20/2008 11:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee real nice that we try to justify firemen STEALING and say its been going on for years. But when some CPD officers are accused of STEALING they are scum and have ruined our reputations blah blah blah. I hope these comments were from firemen and not P.O.'s

7/21/2008 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember who is cutting you out of the squad when some shithead doesn't stop for the lights and sirens!!!

Exactly, we are in this together!

7/21/2008 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Does the CFD have an unofficial blog???"

Why would they need one ?
To complain about having too much time off ???

7/21/2008 03:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its your job to cut me out of that squad car firebitch! and 99% of the time one of my brothers in blue would get there first and do YOUR JOB!!! Now go back to sitting in your lazyboy chair, watching your cable tv, and telling yourself on how you are HERO.

Ha Ha , M3DIA

7/21/2008 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unlike the FD, P.O.'s are always working their days off, its called going to court. When a P.O. receives a subpoena from a private lawyer attached with a check the p.o. is required to fill out a form and endorse the check over to the city. The city receives the money and pays the p.o. for going to court. If this system is good enough for the CPD but not for the cfd?

7/21/2008 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PO'S. Lets not forget how our fathers and grandfathers took $$$$$ on traffic stops and it was OK. Hell I even gave up some $$ in the 80's, it was cheaper then a ticket. Now its a crime to take a DOLLAR! Im not defending anyone here just stating a FACT, if your a PO who didn't grow up in Chicago or are in denial then your an idiot. How many times must we all get jammed up on what we thought was common practice and the HIGHER UPS did it too and said thats just the way we do it kid. Then all of a sudden its not OK and the HIGHER UPS say," you should have known better kid"... WAKE UP ASSHATS AND KNOW YOUR ENEMY BEFORE YOU START BLASTING EVERYONE. FOR SOME 60 CREDIT HOURS AND A ASSOCIATES DEGREE FROM MALCOM X COLLEGE HAS MADE YOU LESS INTELLIGENT. YES 10 YEARS WITH CPD AND NOW CFD ON AN "ALS" RIG, WE TOO HANDLE MEDICAL BS AND FIRES. IF WE WERE SMART BOTH UNIONS WOULD FIGHT THE CITY TOGETHER "BUT" WE DONT AND THE HATRED WITHIN NEVER ENDS AND MAKES US WEAKER.


7/21/2008 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best was channel five news:
The day it was reported, Allison Rosatti reports: "A Chicago Officer was struck by a car on I- 290 expressway".

"BUT a fireman is in trouble for..." blah blah blah.

These idiots (non-stop) look for drama

7/21/2008 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, timeout SCC. Let's look at this for a minute. First what the hell does Skinny Sheahan have to do with the Fire Department? Second, the guy has more brothers that were CPD then most. I know at least three. All were good guys and workers. I think you need to check your source. Let me guess a fireman doing a side job told you? Skinny might be bald and funny looking, but he would not drop a dime.

7/21/2008 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Geeeeeeee.....they moved Orozco just before the story comes out.


If you watch the news on a regular basis this story originally came out over a month ago and it was on the news back then. The reason it was on again is that they were getting ready to fire them as they complteted their investigation.

I'm not saying right is right or wrong, but it has been going on for at least the last 15 yrs.

Also Skinny Sheahan had nothing to due with it. One of the inspecters was mad that he didn't get his check and mad a phone call to complain and that got the ball rolling.

The bull shit part is that the guys that they caught doing it presently were all African-Americans. So they went back about 5 yrs to find out that there were a couple of white guys that did it and they will all be fired. They didn't want to make it look like it was racial. I bet if it were white guys doing it now, they would go back in time to try to find a black just to make it look like it was a racial thing.

7/21/2008 10:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geeeeeeee.....they moved Orozco just before the story comes out.


By the way it was Orozco and the CFD that started the investigation.
That didn't wait for it to go to the press. They uncovered it and then did their investigation and then let the press know what they would do about it.

7/21/2008 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the F/1 inspector that was filmed getting her toes done while on the job? Well, in the rush to fire her, the city did no internal investigation. Guess what? Old girl got her job back!! Same thing will happen here - count on it

7/22/2008 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the city has a bunch of 19 year olds from the 19th Ward that graduated in May from high school (or grammar school) that can inspect do the test the fire inspectors did.

Anyone remember this quote?
"My grandson was born with a hammer in his hand!"

7/23/2008 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why were they all in M-F day off group? DUHHHHHHH! And then pay them overtime on the weekends! Lets see them slip out of this one boys and girls! And if they did not get a W 2, ohhhhh mamacita!

7/23/2008 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, timeout SCC. Let's look at this for a minute. First what the hell does Skinny Sheahan have to do with the Fire Department? Second, the guy has more brothers that were CPD then most. I know at least three. All were good guys and workers. I think you need to check your source. Let me guess a fireman doing a side job told you? Skinny might be bald and funny looking, but he would not drop a dime.
None of the Sheahans retired from the CPD - none. Mike was a youth officer and John left before he wore out his first pair of shoes.

As for Skinny not calling the media, you are dillusional.
He not only drops a dime, but has them on speed dial.
Either Skin asked you to post this or you really have no idea what you are talking about.

Skinny is the South Side's biggest farce.

7/23/2008 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Daley has his media lap dogs trained well. And his impeccable sense of timing of being "out of town" when scandal or imagined scandal breaks, remains intact."

The ONLY time Daley is in town when some shit hits the fan is when he's not the one throwing it.

The prick should be struck by lightening every time he comes near a place of worship.

7/29/2008 12:25:00 PM  

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