Friday, July 18, 2008

OK "Boss"

Where do these idiots come from?
  • we can be fully staffed,have brand new equipment,win a great new contract. get rid or merit and SCC would still hate the police and have something negative to say
Four things that will never happen under Daley lead you to a completely wrong conclusion? you must have been the pride of the CPS Debating Club. How do you make the extraordinary leap that if we point out how politicians and "merit" brass have ruined what used to be the greatest job in the world, then we must "hate" the police?

How about this:
  • SCC can point out stupid decisions, massive shortfalls, double standards regarding discipline, promotions and assignments, incompetent bosses, political animals and all manner of bureaucratic nonsense, and there will still be some clout-driven asshat claiming it's not the fault of the Department - it's SCC's fault for pointing it out.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

we can be fully staffed,have brand new equipment,win a great new contract. get rid or merit and SCC would still hate the police and have something negative to say

Hey jag baggs u got a lot of nerve criticizing second city coppers. We who care about this job, this profession or if you prefer vocation find second city coppers running at at 100 percent of the truth when some thing screwed up happens with in this organization. With out second city we wouldn't know anything happening out side of our areas. You have a lot of nerve, it great that second city calls the bosses out for the benefit of all of us. And yes second city is more valuable than our useless union.

7/18/2008 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How about this:

* SCC can point out stupid decisions, massive shortfalls, double standards regarding discipline, promotions and assignments, incompetent bosses, political animals and all manner of bureaucratic nonsense, and there will still be some clout-driven asshat claiming it's not the fault of the Department - it's SCC's fault for pointing it out."

That about sums it up nicely.

7/18/2008 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the TESTING PROCESS? What a FARCE... The City/U.S can give the results of a mayoral/presidential election in 1 night, but the city can,t give the the results of a few hundred Sgts or few thousand Officers for eight months to a year. LEGIT???

7/18/2008 02:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we can be fully staffed,have brand new equipment,win a great new contract. get rid or merit and SCC would still hate the police and have something negative to say


im not a boss, Im a NON MERIT Area Detective. I stand by my point you are ALWAYS negative toward the department and the city. They are your employer, they give you a paycheck, put food on your table. Are they EVER right in a crime strategy? or EVER right by getting rid of some our less then honest brethern?

Your so proud of your self when you get mentioned here or there and you pound your chest. The media, IAD, and the citizens dont only read about the shortage of manpower, equipment, or brains. They also read about this units works x amount of hours or this person got away with doing x and so on.

you take credit for the good, I hope your ready to take credit for the bad.

7/18/2008 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snethen says:

Am I the only one that wonders, out of all the police on the job, supervisors, detectives, sergeants, lieutenants, captains and above, not one, no matter how they got promoted, merit or otherwise, was qualified to be superintendant?
Enter the F.B.I., I'm not going to bash the fbi, however, no way on Gods green earth is Jody Weis qualified to be the boss on this job. They are(fbi) for the most part just what their title says, an investigative unit. They can read a book and tell you how to ride a horse but in reality they are afraid of animals. Contrary to what most of us think we have a very politically savy mayor, if Weis screws the pooch on his job, he gets the heat (rightfully so) he gives the appearance that he believes he's Gods gift to law enforcement. If Weis somehow survives for the length of his contract by accomplishing something good for the city then the mayor gets credit. Its a win, win situation for him.
Long standing policy in this state, put policemen in jail and assure your political future, fill headlines with police misconduct and sell lots of papers. The general public does not know the difference between wilful misconduct and a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, even monkeys fall out of trees. Most coppers in their hearts want to put the bad guy in jail, make the great pinch but not at the risk of their freedom for making a mistake.
Enter C.A.P.S., We have now invited the wolves into the barnyard. Go to a caps meeting and observe, its not an exchange of information, its a police bashing session. Heaven help the copper that sticks up for himself, or the sergeant that sticks up for his people, tell the truth and there are a myriad of ways that you will be made to pay. CAPS gives these people access to reports, records, standard operation proceedure of the department, why? Stand a squad of police men in an intersection checking for seatbelts while shots are being fired throughout the district and there are no cars availlable, why?
The police work for the general public but can't and don't want to be your friend. Can't be friends with someone that someday you might have to cart off to jail. That doesn't mean we can't have a professional relationship.
Lastly, it will do you no good to tell me to take my retired butt and go sit in a corner. I happen to care about all the crap thats going on. Also, if I mispelled a few words......I DON'T CARE.
sergeant David E. Snethen retired

7/18/2008 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy boss you got your white shirt! did mommy or daddy help? maybe the old manilla envelope under the table trick? get a life boss how about you answer all the jobs we are to busy with paperwork! years ago the old saying "19paul does it all was the order of the day, now you idiots at the top want more paper! how about the automated arrest system? we now have much more paper generated than ever great "green" idea! Who got that contract obviously related to daleyinc.

7/18/2008 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we can be fully staffed,have brand new equipment,win a great new contract. get rid or merit and SCC would still hate the police and have something negative to say

4 things that with never happen and scc is the collective police you moron. even the police that dont agree with some of the stuff posted here still have a chance to voice their opinions.
like you have stated your opinion.
now tell me boss are you happy with the way things are?
short man powertage,
answering to the rise in numbers,
unable to motivate people under you. not caring as long as no one screws with your spot..are you safe? NO ONE IS SAFE.


7/18/2008 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lastly, it will do you no good to tell me to take my retired butt and go sit in a corner. I happen to care about all the crap thats going on. Also, if I mispelled a few words......I DON'T CARE.
sergeant David E. Snethen retired

7/18/2008 07:53:00 AM

Excellent points, you're still the man Dave.

7/18/2008 11:12:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

im not a boss, Im a NON MERIT Area Detective.


I stand by my point you are ALWAYS negative toward the department and the city.

you see, people who speak in absolutes like that automatically trip our bullshit meters, and ours shorted out with your first post. go through our archives - we post plenty of pro police stuff, but we aren't suckasses about it. you want "rah-rah everything is fine!" bullshit, hop over to Camden and Henry's site. be sure you ask them why it took THREE FUCKING DAYS to get up a post about a slain copper while you're there.

They are your employer,

nice observation detective

they give you a paycheck,

um, we earn that sucker - every single day. this is why we're pretty sure you aren't a "non merit" anything, you might not be the police and you're definitely an apologist for the city and current administration

put food on your table.

again, we do that by earning a check. no LINK cards here.

Are they EVER right in a crime strategy?

we'll let the statistics argue that point - but we noticed that the accusations of padding and trimming stats won't go away. we'll point out a direct correlation to numbers of police to number of crimes though. how's that clearance rate by the way? has the D-unit broken the 25% barrier yet? you should have some idea of that, shouldn't you detective? or are you just another paper pusher?

or EVER right by getting rid of some our less then honest brethern?

wow, talk about your out-of-left-field non sequiturs. we've never advocated keeping thieves, murderers, dope heads or any manner of crooked individual. it's the department that has - a commander pissed hot, a deputy chief was a multiple drunk driver, another ran a ring of jewel thieves, and a superintendent hung out with the mob. you want more? what we have done is rail against an injustice in Iowa that ran against a judges own writings and wondered why a misdemeanor battery offender who served his sentence gets tried again.

are you sure you're reading the blog and not the comment section? we'd recommend a reading comprehension course.

Your so proud of your self when you get mentioned here or there and you pound your chest.

we're human. we like to be recognized for our effort. it's called ego.

The media, IAD, and the citizens dont only read about the shortage of manpower, equipment, or brains.

we'd hope not

They also read about this units works x amount of hours or this person got away with doing x and so on.

ah, at last, the real reason for your bitching. the blog and its comments are shedding sunlight where you don't want it. now we understand. thanks for clarifying that.

you take credit for the good, I hope your ready to take credit for the bad.

which bad would that be? the bad where we might actually get some decent equipment? the bad where we might actually field all the beat cars 10-4? the bad where we get support from the bosses, the public and the politicians? Oooo, we know! the bad where we aren't second guessed constantly by the media and used by "reverends" bent on $$$ handouts?

or the bad where you don't get to duck out after 5 hours, 2 of which were spent shopping and another on lunch before spending the two hours in soft clothes moving the "x" on CHRIS?

you're an insult to every cop out here and a disgrace to every working detective.

7/18/2008 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

claiming it's not the fault of the Department - it's SCC's fault for pointing it out


Ignorance is not ignorance if you are ignorant to the fact that you are an ignorant fool.

7/18/2008 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we can be fully staffed,have brand new equipment,win a great new contract. get rid or merit and SCC would still hate the police and have something negative to say

Hey, "Boss" send those test answsers my way and I will drink that Kool Aide with you! yeeee haaaa

7/18/2008 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David E. Snethen for next Supt. of the CPD!!!!!!!!!! bet he would do the job for 120 G. too.

I'm not a cop, but got a seat belt ticket by a cop on a bicycle at 61 and Morgan once

7/18/2008 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in the 002dn district there is a Sgt whose position is "administrative assistant to the commander." are these positions in every other district also. what is their function/functions... this individual has her own desk and doesent go out on the street.

7/18/2008 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY Non-Merit Detective. Suck eggs bitch. After that suck shavedlongcock(sorry shaved-nothing against you) then maybe you'll make Merit Sgt. just like alot of those Area Sgts. are. FUCK YOU-go out and clear one case without suspending the mother fucker you fucking idiot. You ID yourself then I'll do the same fucknuts.

7/18/2008 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear the Big Boss "Man" Deputy Chief James Keating deployment of the swat team did not make his honor Bitch Daley proud. Swat in full gear at the taste. A family event!!!

Don't worry Big Boss "Man" you'll get another crack at it next year.

Just keep sucking up behind Daley.
Yes Boss, Yes Boss, Yes Boss.

Oh yea, one more Yes Boss.

7/18/2008 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sergeant David E. Snethen retired

7/18/2008 07:53:00 AM

Did you leave 005 & go to 010 (?)with what's her name that use to go with what's his stripes? Heard she got fired.

7/18/2008 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago bureaucracy is finally starting to crumble so bad that you cannot hide it anymore.

Just like the snowstorm that did Bilandic in, the avalanche of shootings are going to swamp a lot of city public safety executives (and maybe higher)-- count on it.

In any corporation, when incompetence abounds, you either get taken over - or you go out of business.

In government those options do not exist, the solution is to raise taxes and just keep going along - ALL the waste, ALL the incompetence, ALL the whining for more money to do less than a mediocre job. The taxpayers are finally waking up. (Thanks to SCC and other alternative new sources)

No more raises. Pay for performance. Accountability. These are words this government has to start understanding.

In any organization, you have your politicians, your skaters, your "merit" promotions as well as the people that work their ass off for the job.

Many companies have cut back - due to bad decisions at the top. But just like in government, the rank-and-file pay for the executives' mistakes. Eventually, you might see an executive pushed out - but they get golden parachutes. The people just working on their jobs don't. They are lucky they get some severance - and many lost eligibility for pensions. That's life.

Better start realizing the people who fund this city can't write any more checks for incompetence and waste.

You are not the only ones facing more at the gas station and at the grocers.

You want change? Run for offices. EVERY WARD. You already have a great organization behind everyone of you. Plus a BLOG.


7/18/2008 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That non-merit Dick is the tipical area dick that is the most ass fucking kiss ass that walks around in every area. I see them all the time, the bosses give them the easy money cases and then they brag about their overtime check. When they are in over their head on a case, they run to their fuck buddy sgt and whine. The sgt then gives the case to the competent dick who cleans it up and makes the case go away in a good way.
I say this...I know your kind and all I have to say is go on and have breakfast or lunch with you sgt as he loves having you as his "bottom bitch" believe me We all know your kind, Asshole.

7/18/2008 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They are your employer, they give you a paycheck, put food on your table."

I provide my service as an employee in return for that paycheck.I PUT THE FOOD ON MY TABLE. I also agree to live in this city, abide by a draconian displinary system that is extremely invasive on my private life as well as selective in it's enforcement. I reluctantly pay exorbinant increases in my Medical& Dental care and receive less in services. This after YOU as my employer stated I would have free Medical& Dental for Life.That employment incentive was made in 1985. The list goes on.
As for your Non-Merit Moniker, Which I highly doubt, I can guarantee one thing, you're a cheese eating Rat that would & probably has in the past Trick on your partner in order to save your pathetic spineless ass.
Company Sukhole Poster Child nothing more...

7/18/2008 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If merit was gone I would be a lot happier and things would move in right direction.

7/18/2008 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Also, if I mispelled a few words......I DON'T CARE.
sergeant David E. Snethen retired

7/18/2008 07:53:00 AM"

But Dave,
Do you care about the 98%of your incompetent 3stripe brethren, & the great lengths Lt.s Capt.'s, Gold Star ilk will go to perpetuate their malfeasance& blatant ignorance as Supervisors?

7/18/2008 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what J-Fed says to Daley when hes telling him how to handle things on the department. OK Boss!!! This is what special k tells Daley. When Daley tells him to make sure the guys have there hats on. OK Boss!!!

A couple of real suck asses!!!

Next time I need my shitter cleaned out I know who to call.

7/18/2008 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They are your employer, they give you a paycheck, put food on your table."

And I certainly pay my dues to have them as my employer. My taxes are the highest in the nation because I am FORCED to live in this shit hole. My prescription costs are outrageous because they keep taking.
So I am now taking from them. Just give me the check!

7/18/2008 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sergeant David E. Snethen retired

7/18/2008 07:53:00 AM


No matter retired or active... Your the best. Thanks for the laughs, and the BACK UP in 010, when i was in housing. Great to see you in March at Bourbon St.

When are you heading down to KY. Send me an email.

7/19/2008 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things could be worse:

7/19/2008 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say let Todd Stroger run the police department. He seems to do a good job on the county level.

Thank you

7/19/2008 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say let Todd Stroger run the police department.
You MUST be a relative looking for a job.

Chicago is losing business as it has become too expensive to come downtown and park ($32 parking) for a weekday meeting and lunch ($$$ PLUS 10.25% tax). Now I meet people somewhere else. It's a lot cheaper. The county will implode.


7/19/2008 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dave---

Go sit your butt in a corner. Actually, I mean the corner bar. I'll join you, mainly because it is my turn to buy.

The sergeant who escaped 008 the same day you did.

7/19/2008 02:16:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

yap yap yap little doggie

we don't publish any comments speculating on identities

and making fun of our ex-wives is just childish

7/20/2008 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Thank you, Janet"

Damnit, Janet.

(Who remembers this movie?)

7/20/2008 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If merit was gone I would be a lot happier and things would move in right direction."

Merit has ALWAYS BEEN AROUND. It just wasn't called "merit" then.
It was just "fixed." Lots of people paid for their stripes, bars and double bars, even gold stars, back in the day. I'm sure some form of it still goes on today. Do you really think some of the Merit appointees got there because of what was on their resumes? HAH!

7/20/2008 06:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I certainly pay my dues to have them as my employer. My taxes are the highest in the nation because I am FORCED to live in this shit hole. My prescription costs are outrageous because they keep taking.
So I am now taking from them. Just give me the check!

you are not FORCED to do anything

7/20/2008 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Thank you, Janet"

Damnit, Janet.

(Who remembers this movie?)

7/20/2008 09:50:00 AM
I'd tell you but I'm stuck in a time warp.....again!

7/20/2008 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"you are not FORCED to do anything

7/20/2008 10:04:00 PM"

Neither are you, so what's your excuse for being a brown nose?

7/21/2008 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elias A. Voulgaris -
Residence: Chicago, Illinois
Current job: Captain in the Chicago Police Department
Law-enforcement experience: Began career in 1982 as a Cook County deputy
Education: Lewis University (undergraduate), Illinois Institute of Technology (graduate)
Claim to fame: An expert in narcotics and gang suppression activity
Notable: Won Democratic National Convention Special Service Award

What a Tool! Hopefully OC California will hire him now that Stacey Smith is under house arrest.

7/24/2008 12:31:00 AM  

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