Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Congratulations! Hurry home, Mike!



No. 07-1207. [8-329] STATE v. METTE

Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Dubuque County,

Monica L. Ackle, Judge.

REVERSED AND REMANDED. Heard by Huitink, P.J., and Vogel and Eisenhauer, JJ.

Opinion by Per Curiam (10 pages $5.00)

Michael Mette

appeals from his conviction of assault causing bodily injury. He asserts that the district court erred in rejecting his self defense claim and in finding his victim suffered serious injury. OPINION HOLDS: The district court's finding that Mette had a duty to retreat is not supported by substantial evidence; thus, we conclude the district court erred in rejecting Mette's defense of justification. We need not consider Mette's serious injury argument. We therefore reverse and remand for entry of judgment of acquittal.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mette got out? WOOOHHHOOOOOO

10/01/2008 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice lets hope the Iowa SAO isnt as big of PUSSIES as the Cook County SAO is and they let this one go!!! Now, Mike, SUE SUE SUE!!! FUCK THESE CORN GROWING HILL BILLY COUNTRY FOLK!!! THEY CALLED DOWN THE THUNDER WELL LET THEM HAVE IT!!! Enjoy easy street Mike, YOU DESERVE IT!!

10/01/2008 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Home...may Iowa BURN!

10/01/2008 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They did the right thing

10/01/2008 11:22:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...



10/01/2008 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Great news! Welcome back Mike!

10/01/2008 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the job Mike!!!!

10/01/2008 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just read about this on ongratulations mike, its about fucking time a chicago police officer gets some justice in this world. now hurry home office, dont forget to file a wrongful prosecution lawsuit on your way out of the armpit of the midwest: iowa

10/01/2008 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/01/2008 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue for millions!!!!!!!!

10/01/2008 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Mike!! Well deserved:)

10/01/2008 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justice finally gets one right. When will Officer Mette return to work???

10/01/2008 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTG!!!!Now get him out of that hell hole and give him his job back with senority and back pay.

10/01/2008 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Now make them pay for ever putting you though that bullshit in the first place. Sue everyone, but especially the asshole who started the fight.

10/01/2008 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of nice the ruling came down on 10-1

10/01/2008 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

look for weis to look into an old mette beef, re-open it, and have him indicted right here in Illinois!!!

10/01/2008 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok so at the very least, sue the heck out of Iowa (wrongful arrest and butchery from the prison hospital), full back pay and maybe even an on the spot promotion for his discomfort. They really had there way with the poor guy and he stuck it out like a pro. Thanks to John Kass too, the ONLY reporter who tells it like it is.

10/01/2008 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless!

Congratulations from Area 4.

10/01/2008 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did it SCC. This gave us all a forum. I guess we need to thank Daley and Weiss for writing letters and most of all John Kass for keeping it alive in the press.
Mike's plight would never have come to light without this blog.
Don't know you Mike, but Godspeed.

10/01/2008 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank god someone in iowa has common sense. hurry home mike! i hope you sue the shit out of everyone involved in this sham of a case and i hope you become a rich man.

10/01/2008 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! fantastic! Now up to j-fed to step up he stated "When Mette is released he will be welcomed back on cpd with open arms"! Ok boss where is Mike going to be working at? Lets elect Shield Fop President, Mette fop V.P. a new age has dawned! Bye mark,greg,timmy,sidney,frank retire your finished!!

10/01/2008 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/01/2008 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can he sue??

He should be able to sue them for aalmost killing him in the prison - medical malpractice, but, can he sue the prosecuter, judge, etc???

Not a cop.

10/01/2008 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mike, I hope your nightmare is soon over, you return home to your loved ones, come back to the job and and win a lawsuit against those who unjustly prosecuted you. It's time a copper won the lawsuit lottery. You deserve it much, much more than those pieces of excrement who always sue us. When's the party?

10/01/2008 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we "do a Mike Nifong" (NC DA in Duke lacrosse team case) on that bitch Ackley and Gallagher?

An innocent Mike did eleven months plus inside for merely defending himself.

Fuck that drunken slime Gothard and his father.

10/01/2008 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news...let him out today God Damnet.A petition should now be generated by the union and signed by every cop, demanding reinstatement for Metter with full back pay, salary and seniority. An attorney should also be solicited to file a case report and complaint against the guy he hit in self defense. After that, Mette should sue the fuck out of the assholes.

10/01/2008 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very nice ... and Weiss said he'll give him his job back, excellent

10/01/2008 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks SCC for keeping this a front burner issue. Thanks to John Kass too.

10/01/2008 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news!!! Hurry home Mike

10/01/2008 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mikey, the first round is on me.

10/01/2008 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, there is justice, sometimes it just takes a while---I hope you will own IOWA, after all the lawsuits you throw at them--God Bless Brother

10/01/2008 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is awesome! But will J-Fed now pursue federal charges?

10/01/2008 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome home! I'm still never spending a dime in Iowa!

10/01/2008 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news during a very shitty week. Congrats to Mike and his family

10/01/2008 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats mike and hurry home....

10/01/2008 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey FOP, how about trying to do something good for a change and plan a welcome back benefit for Mike at the hall... maybe, just maybe it might boost morale for at least one day! See you when you get here Mike!

10/01/2008 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurry home and get bacj in uniform! We need you here Mike!

10/01/2008 12:49:00 PM  
Blogger Mike's 10-1 said...

Attention, units on City-Wide, take a SLOWDOWN on Mike's 10-1 in Iowa. This is the 11th District, Zone 10 simulcast.

Words of gratitude from Mike, his family and loved ones can not adequately express their thanks to Mr. John Kass, Second City Cop and ALL OF YOU who so generously gave of your time and support in this ordeal.



10/01/2008 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yipee. Hope I meet you one day.

10/01/2008 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS MIKE METTE!!!!!! A happy day in Chicago, and a PROUD day for Chicago Police.

Thank you SSC, John Kass for keeping this story alive in the news!!!

10/01/2008 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What will we do to welocme our brother home?

10/01/2008 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/01/2008 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the best freakin' news I've heard all week...month...year! Congratulations Mike! Can't wait to have you back! Now-we just have to make sure Jody doesn't decide to have his fed buddies review your case and charge you federally Cozzi-style!

10/01/2008 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on,Dont think thet rat Daley and J-Fed had anything to do with this.They are no good rat motherfuckers.Who said me Cooter

10/01/2008 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THANK GOD! A year overdue! Hope you're back in blues real soon Mike!

"a brother in blue"

10/01/2008 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/01/2008 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats, now give him his job back J-Fed like you promised.

10/01/2008 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can he get his job back?

10/01/2008 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THANK GOD! Prayers do work!

10/01/2008 01:22:00 PM  
Blogger ParkRidgeUnderground said...


10/01/2008 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God...Welcome home MIke

10/01/2008 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, Welcome Back!!!, I'll hope he sues Iowa.. Now he can come home and watch the White Sox win the World Series.

10/01/2008 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/01/2008 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today is my birthday and I could not wish for a better present than Mike to be free and on his way back to wearing the uniform. What wonderful news.

10/01/2008 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mike!

Although I am elated that he is coming home, I am also sickened by the situation. No ruling will ever give him his life back.

Where is his justice?

...oh wait, he's a police officer. Civil rights, the constitution and justice do not apply.

10/01/2008 01:41:00 PM  
Blogger Coldtype said...

That's damned good news.

10/01/2008 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/01/2008 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was gonna leave a comment but I ate a LOT of black beans at lunch so my comment will have to wait. I gotta take a HUGE Daley.

10/01/2008 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JUSTICE. At last.

10/01/2008 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FINALLY !!!!!! Lets get the ball rolling and get Mike a homecoming benefit, raise some $$$$ to pay off all of his legal bills, plus get an atty on retainer to sue the shit out of Iowa officials and the p.o.s that put Mike there in the first place. God bless you MIKE!! We need to keep the pressure on the city and get Mike his job back ASAP !!!!

10/01/2008 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/01/2008 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is some excellent news!!

10/01/2008 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news. 20 days and out, hopefully less. This was Bs from day one.

10/01/2008 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard it about nine-thirty on WLS radio. They had Kass on the air, but he didn't have time to take questions. Congratulations to all around, except fake victims, cops that don't follow the blue line, asswipe prosecutors, and one idiot judge.

10/01/2008 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not get too excited. There is still lots of time for Supt. Weis to seek separation and have Mette indicted for Civil Rights violations.

10/01/2008 02:05:00 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

That's a beautiful sight, SCC. I hope he gets a nice fat chunk of Iowa in return, too. Will Weis try and pull some kind of double jeopardy on him and try to keep him off the streets?

10/01/2008 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God. This outcome was long overdue for Mike and his family. Thanks to John Kass from the Tribune for his columns too. Here's a little from today's:

I'll have more to say in Thursday's paper, but what's bothered me about this isn't just that Americans have a right to self defense, even in Iowa. There's more to it. There are those anonymous haters posting their animus against an innocent cop on the Internet whenever I've written about Mike. And the lack of general news coverage about an innocent man who was abused by prosecutors and the legal system has been appalling.

If only Mike Mette had been some gangbanger with a rap sheet as long as his leg, a few armed robbery convictions, maybe an assault with a weapon or two, he might have had the support of the crowd that goes to bat for wrongfully convicted felons

10/01/2008 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Keesing Bandit says---

I would give Michael a kees, but I'm sure he would rather see a woman about now.

John Kass---you were a big part of this--you know what you can do...

Kees me--but you are not a fool!!!

10/01/2008 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


SCC, thanks for all of your efforts in keeping this case in the public eye.

John Kass thank you as well for all you did getting publicity for this case.

To Mayor Daley and Superintendent Weis, thanks for writing the letters, although it took longer than it should have. Now please follow through on your promise to reassign Mike to the CPD.

10/01/2008 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. SouthSide says---

This doesn't get much better than this. Sox in the playoffs--Mike gets freed--I feel so generous I even want the Cubs to win tonight.

10/01/2008 02:08:00 PM  
Blogger Yahoo Mush Mouse said...

Welcome back home!

10/01/2008 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THANK GOD! It's about time we received some good news!

Hurry home Mike, we're all waiting for you.

10/01/2008 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iowa little too late, you caused this man , a officer , time he will never get back.

I hope your pocketbooks are deep.

Now to get him back in the Department.

Mike , good to see your coming back to friends , and your supportive family.

10/01/2008 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news! Finally! Hopefully Mike will sue Iowa and Jake Gothard and teach them a lesson. The truth shall set you free!

10/01/2008 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!!!! Now sue every last corn kernel out of them!!

10/01/2008 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally some good news. Best wishes to Mike and welcome back.

10/01/2008 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! Once in a while we see some justice.

10/01/2008 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



At Least There Is ONE Judge/Panel Out There That Could See Through All The BULLSHIT That Was FRAUDULENTY PAINTED On Mike Mette.

Get Back Home Soon Mike & Enjoy Your Family & Your Brothers & Sisters In Blue, They Stuck Up For You Here On SCC BIGTIME & Did Not Let You Be Forgotten.

Welcome Back To The Real World Mike!!!!

By The Way SCC, Any Iowa Plates/Folks Out This Way Won't Get ANY Breaks From Me, Movers/Parkers Etc, THEY WILL BE WRITTEN, I Hope The Same Applies In Shitcago Too

10/01/2008 02:54:00 PM  
Blogger Elm Creek Smith said...

About damn' time.

When is he going to sue Iowa? When is he going to get his job back?


10/01/2008 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the phone number of the states attoney's office in Iowa so we can call and tell them to let Mike go home now instead of 20 days from now? We miss him.

10/01/2008 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a bad week for the police department this is some good news.

Hurry home. Gets yourself ready emotionally and physically and get back to work.

The prosecutor in Iowa needs to be investigated for either corruption or stupidity. The most important choice cops make is who NOT to arrest. The most important choice prosecutors make is who NOT to prosecute. Discretion is the key. As is having common sense.

10/01/2008 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like how jagoff shortshanks writes a letter at the last minute when he knows damn well this case is a winner for Mike. What an asshole!

10/01/2008 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Common sense is alive in IOWA,good luck MM,this afternoon J-FED said in a statement that the department will welcome you back,you my man were railroaded,I hope when the time is right,you sue anyone who looked at you the wrong way in that shitty town.

10/01/2008 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW,good luck MM,look forward to seeing you in the blue,our blue.

10/01/2008 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally. Look forward to welcoming you home, Mike!

10/01/2008 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, some good news! God bless Mike and thanks to all who helped bring this about. John Kass, Mayor Daley, and Supt. Weis are all to be commended for their roles in this.

10/01/2008 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

F-ING AWSOME!!!!! Congrats Mike!!! Now it's time for you to own that state for the pain and suffering you endured. Lets see how an ASA likes getting sued for punitive damages!!!

10/01/2008 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/01/2008 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The department should send a marked CPD vehicle or two to escort him back to Chicago!!

10/01/2008 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even we coppers in iowa are happy to see that this total BULLSHIT has finally been righted. Congrats Mike, I'm so happy to see that you are heading home to your family. God bless and CONGRATS!

10/01/2008 04:00:00 PM  
Blogger cpd4176 said...

That is so amazing!! Will he get his job back?

10/01/2008 04:03:00 PM  
Blogger Westcide Dog said...

Congrats Mike!!! Hurry home and get back to work!

10/01/2008 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God somebody came to there senses and saw through this political set up. Hope the Judge is investigated and found guilty of some sort of corruption.

Hurry home Mike. Be sure to file the lawsuit to not only get your job back but go after the asshole prosecutor and judge, not to mention the idiot coppers that fucked you over bigtime.

I have to say, this story from start to finish is the biggest stab in the back any copper has ever got from another department.

10/01/2008 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What welcome news.
I hope Mike and his family will have a nice vacation together and then a HUGE party, day long, selling tickets, where all of us can say welcome home.

10/01/2008 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was gonna leave a comment but I ate a LOT of black beans at lunch so my comment will have to wait. I gotta take a HUGE Daley.

10/01/2008 01:55:00 PM

Don't forget to wipe your Weis and shake off your Brust.

10/01/2008 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if able sue the fuck out of someone or all.

10/01/2008 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Mike from the UIC Police Dept

10/01/2008 04:43:00 PM  
Blogger Det. Shaved Longcock said...

The right thing has been done.

Thank you to the appeal court in Iowa.

10/01/2008 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a dream last night...Mike got assigned to a traffic car on Lake Shore Drive, and stopped Jake Gothard for speeding and found him to be DUI !

10/01/2008 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that Gothard is going after Mette with a civil suit. I hope that turns around and Mette sues him from now until the end of Gothard life.

Sounds like they could use Judge Judy in Iowa.

10/01/2008 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous said...
look for weis to look into an old mette beef, re-open it, and have him indicted right here in Illinois!!!

10/01/2008 11:54:00 AM

COME ONE NOW!! What the hell is wrong with you? Can't we ever enjoy a happy ending without some jagoff ruining it. You're way off base about your comment!!!!

10/01/2008 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commend Weis???

Are you fucking kidding??

That J-O did the very least he could without getting lynched by the rank and file.

Before anyone pats Weis on the back wait until METTE has his job back with retro.

Welcome back METTE!

10/01/2008 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*****SCC, Please read this the new sos is being formed mobile strike force they will be out of homan, civilian dressed and bdu for their uniforms. they will be trained on m4s and old members of sos will have first pick as long as they are not in behavioral intervention more updates as they come thought it was pretty ironic

10/01/2008 05:14:00 PM  
Blogger WINDY CITY VETS said...

As President of the Windy City Veterans Association, I am honored to say "Welcome Home" to military veterans quite often.

It feels great to FINALLY say "Welcome Home Mike" to a fellow Brother in Blue who has endured trials and tribulations.

You survived the unjust. Carpe Diem!

10/01/2008 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand the Gothard family is rich. Sue the fuck out of them for anything you can think of, Mike. Mental anguish, lost wages -- that's just the beginning. Then sue for malicious prosecution and unleash a shitstorm on the judge, the prosecutor and shine a spotlight on their relationship with the Gothard family.

Normally I advocate grace and discretion but in this instance fuck that. Go for blood.

10/01/2008 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/01/2008 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley " My Letter help set you free, just like the Jews from Pharoh"- Now U Cops kiss my ring

10/01/2008 05:47:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

11:19 & 11:21 AM, 2:54 PM

Like all of us, I know you share the joy of today's decision by the Iowa Court of Appeals.

The three above-cited posts were "anonymous". Had you posted your eMail address, I would respond to you via private eMail rather than reply on this blog.

Both the City of Chicago and the State of Iowa have a population of almost 3,000,000 people. I believe the overwhelming majority of Iowans are decent and law-abiding folks who, under analysis, would deplore the outrageous decision of Dubuque Co. Judge Monica Ackley.

All of us denounce Ackley. Also toss in prosecutor Timothy Gallagher, both Gothards and the original defense attorney as dirtbags.

However, your vitriolic posts condemning nearly three million people is not only inappropriate, it's plain stupid.

Again, I know your heart is in the right place. Please chill out about the Hawkeyes.

Considering the bizarre circumstances of this entire debacle with innocent Mike inside for almost a year, we pray that Iowa Attorney General Thomas Miller waive the 20-day appeal period and expedite Mike's release forthwith.

Despite a handful of assholes in Dubuque, this could demonstrate that most Iowans are a class act and will do the right thing.

Please call off your hare-brained "dragnet" for every vehicle just because it displays Iowa tags.

10/01/2008 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad to see that Mike is getting released and will soon be home. The problem is I don't see why the city of chicago should give him back pay. They did nothing wrong to him to cause him to lose any pay. I do feel that he should get his job back A.S.A.P.

But I hope that everyone doesn't get bent out of shape when the city doesn't give him money.

He will just have to get more money from the rednecks in the state of Iowa

10/01/2008 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome home......i'm sure you and youre family couldnt be happier....Now go and get what is rightfully yours, some Iowa money...congrats

10/01/2008 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I am thrilled for Mike, his family, and the entire CPD family. Finally, some good news. Mike, we are all smilin for you!

10/01/2008 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord there is a Court Of Law in Iowa that understands that a human being has a Constitutional Right to defend themselves when being attacked by a drunk. In my America one doesnt have to run and retreat! I want to thank that court and judge(s) that overturned this great injustice on a Police Officer.
Finally, I have said I will never write a fellow copper a ticket on several blogs that go back and forth on the matter. All I can say now is that any officer from Iowa that is in our neck of the woods better walk a straight and narrow line when in my city because I can assure you you will get the same Professional Courtesy you extended Mike. In other words you will be better off not identifying youreself as a officer from Iowa.

To all my departed lawenforcement brothers and sisters may you Rest In Peace and you will never be forgotten.

10/01/2008 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurry back Mike, but don't hurry to come back to work. Spend the next few months at least through the Hollidays with your family and friends. Come back to work when your damm good and ready, but don't rush it!


10/01/2008 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Mike
Niles Pd

10/01/2008 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/01/2008 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the justice system. It has worked for Mike, but you all did so much to help him. Let's be careful what we say here until Mike is home. Safe, sound and back to work. We don't want to make ourselves look bad to anyone by what we say in print. (nothing wrong with thinking about it for now though).

To J. Kass, a big thank you for everyting you have done and for bringing this into the light.

To J-Fed, Shortshanks, Devine and dare you say you did anything on this. You guys came in on the very end of it all and only after pressure was put on all of you in the media and by the working force of po's. Stay out of Mike's lime light !!!

10/01/2008 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its about time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/01/2008 07:34:00 PM  
Blogger larry said...

outfvking standing great news you will always have our support .
from you're brothers and sisters in the NYPD

10/01/2008 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The department should send a marked CPD vehicle or two to escort him back to Chicago!!

That's an excellent freakin' idea!!!! I'll volunteer for that detail just so that I can give Iowa the finger all the way there and back. I think Weis should go in his Tahoe also.

10/01/2008 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got chills reading this! Best news ever!!!

I wish you all the best Mike Mette!
Welcome home.

We should have a SCC welcome home Mike party!

10/01/2008 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS Mike!!!! Get home soon. I can't wait to meet you at your welcome home fundraiser.

10/01/2008 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very, very good. Just completely sad the time he has lost and can't get back.

10/01/2008 07:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey, FOP organize a welcome home rally for this poor guy, fuck the Cubs, fuck the Sox, this is our World Series. How about as many of us that can go, go to the airport or in front of Mike’s house when he arrives home. Let’s pack the terminal or the street and give a Brother the welcome home he so rightfully deserves. Let the jerk-off media come see 3000 or 4000 coppers on the street in front of Mike’s house cheering and clapping for our Brother. We don’t have to stay long I’m sure Mike wants to be with his family, but just to knock the guy off his feet, Mark 11 months is a long time, hell I worked in the jail believe me it sucked to work there and I can only imagine being locked up with those animals. Come on Mark cut loose with a little dues money and rent 30 or 40 buses and let’s have a Welcome Home Rally.
This could probably help moral a little, and shit nothing and nobody else is.

10/01/2008 07:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy for Mike and the entire Mette family. Your CPD family has been praying for you to get the justice you deserve. Welcome home.

10/01/2008 07:52:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

I'm still waiting on the DOJ to see if they investigate Mivchael's rights when he was refused medical attention plus I had mouse file a complaint with the BAR association in Iowa.

Thank you to former Supt. Cline, Devine, Supt Weiss, Mayor Daley, The Thin Blue Line, Civilians, John Kass for all rallying around an innocent man.

btw: I hear the Aldermen passed a 6% raise for themselves, offered our stars 1% for next contract yet there's a hiring freeze on adding more officers? Um...

10/01/2008 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome home Mike..cant wait to see you back in filmore!

10/01/2008 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayers have been answered. I only hope that Mike received an outrageous financial settlement too. Maybe Mike will be the real life story that Hollywood has invented with "Life" the made for TV series. Who who have thought that art imitates life, instead of the other way around.

10/01/2008 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There IS a God. Jody owes this man a job. NOW.

10/01/2008 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurry home Mike

4th Dist.

10/01/2008 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

October 8 Mike Mette Day; we can stand in front of City Hall at the same time and demonstrate that the only breaks we get are 'acts of GOD'.

10/01/2008 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Mike, welcome back to IL!

10/01/2008 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the best news this department has heard in a long time! After the many losses we have faced this year where our morale couln't stand another blow, Mike Mette finally receives his justice. God Bless ALL who fought to see his return home. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. However small it may seem. Godspeed Mike come home soon!

10/01/2008 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Mike should use some of the same asshole lawyers(Loevey&Loevey) the shitheads use against us. FOP should foot that bill!!! Take the money and run Mike! Get the away from this hellhole and find a new life far away from this liberal city!

10/01/2008 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Answer your phone. The Briskman brothers are calling.

10/01/2008 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sucked and was tragic, you are a bigger an better man now that you suffered so..
Welocome back, I never met ya but I feel I was in there with you.
Cpd area one

10/01/2008 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news! Prayers were answered. Thanks to all that worked tirelessly in support of Mike.

I hope they have enough sense to get him released and escorted to the state line...ASAP.

Mike is going to need some down time to regroup with his family and friends.

After that, perhaps a wee bit of retread school at the Academy, and then... back to Fillmore.

God's speed Mike, hurry back, we miss ya out there.

10/01/2008 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We Lost a great cop...thankyou P.O. Taylor. We got one back too, bitter sweet.

10/01/2008 09:16:00 PM  
Blogger kateykakes said...

Wonderful news. Congrats, Mike. :)

10/01/2008 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let this be a lesson to all of us. On this one ordeal, we all finally stuck together. We supported Mike as one big police family. We came together and brought this travesty of justice to the attention of the media, and were lucky to have John Kass on our side. It was ultimately of course, the decision of the court that finally set him free.... but we need to remember that when we stick together on important issues, good things CAN happen. We supported our brother without bashing and second guessing each other. Let's show Mike that the Blue Line has grown stronger and welcome him home! Can't wait to have you back in blue Mike!

10/01/2008 09:35:00 PM  
Blogger Ten 80 said...

Awesome! Congrats bro!

10/01/2008 09:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Northside is corect. This is not an issue between the CPD and the residents of iowa; it is between the the judge and prosecuters of the "case" against Mette. Two wrongs do not make a right. Simply celebrate the reversal and let retribution play its' way through the civil court system. Thank you.

10/01/2008 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



10/01/2008 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Mike, and welcome back from the 025th!

10/01/2008 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

METTE FREE,CUBS LOSE,now all we need is JESSE eaten by a crocodile for trifecta.

10/01/2008 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey, FOP organize a welcome home rally for this poor guy, fuck the Cubs, fuck the Sox, this is our World Series. How about as many of us that can go, go to the airport or in front of Mike’s house when he arrives home. Let’s pack the terminal or the street and give a Brother the welcome home he so rightfully deserves. Let the jerk-off media come see 3000 or 4000 coppers on the street in front of Mike’s house cheering and clapping for our Brother. We don’t have to stay long I’m sure Mike wants to be with his family, but just to knock the guy off his feet, Mark 11 months is a long time, hell I worked in the jail believe me it sucked to work there and I can only imagine being locked up with those animals. Come on Mark cut loose with a little dues money and rent 30 or 40 buses and let’s have a Welcome Home Rally.
This could probably help moral a little, and shit nothing and nobody else is.

10/01/2008 07:50:00 PM

Hey, AMEN to this!! SCC---set up a date and time and place. You'll see the coppers there! Welcome home, Mike from 019!

10/01/2008 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FINALLY some good news for a cpd officer. As you all grieve at the loss of one brother...know your getting one back! RIP Officer Taylor and Welcome back Officer Mette.

A cop's daughter

10/01/2008 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Despite a handful of assholes in Dubuque, this could demonstrate that most Iowans are a class act and will do the right thing.

Please call off your hare-brained "dragnet" for every vehicle just because it displays Iowa tags.

10/01/2008 05:50:00 PM

IOWA = Idiots Out Walking Around You didn't see them out protesting the Mette injustice--write 'em.

10/01/2008 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Welcome Home Rally!!!!

10/01/2008 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank god

10/01/2008 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, FOP organize a welcome home rally for this poor guy, fuck the Cubs, fuck the Sox, this is our World Series. How about as many of us that can go, go to the airport or in front of Mike’s house when he arrives home. Let’s pack the terminal or the street and give a Brother the welcome home he so rightfully deserves. Let the jerk-off media come see 3000 or 4000 coppers on the street in front of Mike’s house cheering and clapping for our Brother. We don’t have to stay long I’m sure Mike wants to be with his family, but just to knock the guy off his feet, Mark 11 months is a long time, hell I worked in the jail believe me it sucked to work there and I can only imagine being locked up with those animals. Come on Mark cut loose with a little dues money and rent 30 or 40 buses and let’s have a Welcome Home Rally.
This could probably help moral a little, and shit nothing and nobody else is.

10/01/2008 07:50:00 PM

I think this is a great idea!

10/01/2008 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome home Mike! Hey j-fed how about making Mike a Detective, it would really show you cared! Thanks in advance boss!

10/01/2008 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations and come home quickly Michael...

From your brothers in Brown; the men and women of the Cook County Sheriff's Police.

Game on.

10/01/2008 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news that Officer Mette will be released and cleared of wrongdoing was justice delayed, but in the end not denied. What happened to Officer Mette was a travesty of justice. He had the God given right to defend himself.

Officer Mette needs to retain a top notch attorney to pursue all avenues of recompense for his being wrongfully convicted and incarcerated.

Congratulations to Officer Mette, his family, friends, and other fine officers of the CPD. Chicago Tribune reporter John Kass is to be commended as well. He kept this story in the public eye along with SCC.

10/01/2008 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The department should send a marked CPD vehicle or two to escort him back to Chicago!!

That's an excellent freakin' idea!!!! I'll volunteer for that detail just so that I can give Iowa the finger all the way there and back. I think Weis should go in his Tahoe also.

10/01/2008 07:43:00 PM

You can no more blame the people of Iowa for the corrupt judges and states attorneys in Iowa than we can blame the people of Illinois for the shit shape of our court system at 26th st.. I doubt if I am wrong but there is a connection between that asshole gothards father and the courts in Iowa. Slug an aldermans kid here and see what happens, no matter if your right or wrong. I'm just glad he is coming home.

10/01/2008 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such great news!!!!!!

10/01/2008 11:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a follow-up to a report done by Channel 2 Jay Levine, he erroneously reported that Mike received support from Senator Obama! This is entirely false in fact Senator Obama, along with our other do nothing Sen. Dick Durbin did nothing for Mike and you should all know that, when it comes to election time! Both Senators stated it was something they did not want to get involved with! The MMDF website will post an entire list of politicians who were contacted and did nothing, very soon. CmdrMac

10/01/2008 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well,God forbid this made the Supreme Court around election time!

10/02/2008 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though the awesome cubs lost today, I am happy everything worked out with Mike.

10/02/2008 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back MIKE!!

I missed the bus trip and feel for you and the time you spent there in Iowa. I hope you SUE them and SUE them WELL!

IOWA is a liberal democratic bullshit state that that obviously has criminal justice problems like the Cook County/Il. State Justice system here!

Either way settle in and enoy your life again!


10/02/2008 02:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The department should send a marked CPD vehicle or two to escort him back to Chicago!!

10/01/2008 03:52:00 PM

Great idea except I don't think there are two CPD vehicles that could make the trip without breaking down.
We'd be forcing Mike to spend even more time in Iowa.
Let's just get him home and have a blowout party for him. FOP hall, and keep it going all day. Make sure you set up designated drivers because J-Fed will be watching.
On second thought, set it up in the burbs and don't let that prick know where we are.

10/02/2008 04:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN! Thanks SCC for keeping hope alive. Thanks Weis for the great statement you made, it's all we've been asking for all along. That you be on "our" side and not "their" side. We know you cannot do that, but it was nice that you did it for a few minutes for Mike Mette and said we'd all be together soon. Also, the letter was real brotherhood. Thank you.

10/02/2008 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is he getting his job back too?

Hey SCC, look into this aspect for the guy!

10/02/2008 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so amazing!! Will he get his job back?

JFed says yes....

10/02/2008 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

160+ comments. Many want to join the celebration party, or ride in a marked squad thru IoWay displaying the finger?

How many were on that long bus ride to support Mike?

Everybody loves a winner.

Get Mike out of there, restore him to duty, and don't ever spend a dime in that state. If you're going west, take the northern route, thru Minnesota, or god forbid, further south, thru Kansas rather than even fill up your tank in that god forsaken hole.

10/02/2008 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about this for an idea. Have the FOP look into renting a nice RV for Mike's ride home. Large enough for him and his family. Comfy chairs and a well stocked fridge.

10/02/2008 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Im so happy for you and your family. Good Luck and stay out of Iowa.

10/02/2008 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/02/2008 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
The department should send a marked CPD vehicle or two to escort him back to Chicago!!

10/01/2008 03:52:00 PM

Great idea except I don't think there are two CPD vehicles that could make the trip without breaking down.
We'd be forcing Mike to spend even more time in Iowa.
Let's just get him home and have a blowout party for him. FOP hall, and keep it going all day. Make sure you set up designated drivers because J-Fed will be watching.
On second thought, set it up in the burbs and don't let that prick know where we are.

10/02/2008 04:39:00 AM

The cars are all junks who if we are lucky could make a tour! Maybe we could use burkes new car, he gets one every 6 months! As far as osama obama and dumb durbin they never did anything for Mike another reason to vote McCain/Palin!!

10/02/2008 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not blame the average Iowa citizenry. It was the prosecutors and the judge that was behind this railroading. Hopefully the police and good citizens will vote these useless POS's out of their respective office and then they can get a job at Walmart. (No disrepect to the people at Walmart)

10/02/2008 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally some justice. Glad there were over 10,000 + names on that petition. SSC did a great job getting the word out as well as many Kudos to John Kass!

10/02/2008 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a CPD/CCSPD Helicopter mission to pick Mike up?

10/02/2008 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ironic that the Iowa appeal came on 10-1.

10/02/2008 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a follow-up to a report done by Channel 2 Jay Levine, he erroneously reported that Mike received support from Senator Obama! This is entirely false in fact Senator Obama, along with our other do nothing Sen. Dick Durbin did nothing for Mike and you should all know that, when it comes to election time! Both Senators stated it was something they did not want to get involved with! The MMDF website will post an entire list of politicians who were contacted and did nothing, very soon. CmdrMac

10/01/2008 11:59:00 PM

When the news has the big welcome home coverage for Mike, if I were him, I would make sure I point out the erroneous reporting and clarify who actually helped and who didn't.

10/02/2008 04:25:00 PM  
Blogger DJK said...

So, FULL Rights restoration? As though it never happened? Let's hope so...

10/02/2008 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We therefore reverse and remand for entry of judgment of acquittal."


10/02/2008 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about someone finds out when Mike is getting out and have a caravan of cars pick him up and escort him home to Chicago?

10/02/2008 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike should sit down with John Kass and write an extremely detailed book about this horrific miscarriage of justice. Name, names and all the dirty work involved in his conviction. Then he should FEDERALLY sue the state of Iowa. I hope he gets enough money to never have to work another day in his life. A huge homecoming party needs to be put together for him and EVERYONE should attend! God Bless you, Mike!

10/02/2008 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im telln' ya. Throw a big bash/fund raiser for Mike. I'll be there. whooo yaaa! Welcome home brotha, welcome home....

10/02/2008 11:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that this travesty of justice may be finally corrected.

I also hope that the people of Iowa take a long look at their judges. I am sure that Mike Mette is not the only person that has been f#cked over by this judge. How many Iowans have been harmed by this idiot judge?

10/03/2008 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Mike!! I'm so happy for you and your family. I will be buying tickets to the welcome home party!

10/03/2008 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP: Pop for a fully-stocked LIMOSINE for Mike and His Immediate Family to ride back to us in.

10/03/2008 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I still guilty of fraternizing with a felon? I will take it off my resume if I have to....It was my one claim to fame. Good job for all those chickenshits who could not send even a note for fear of ruining their reps.

10/04/2008 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how we spend too much time reading these Blogs...need to spend more time w/family

10/08/2008 04:34:00 PM  

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