Thursday, October 02, 2008

Visitation Today

2 to 9 p.m. Thursday at Blake-Lamb Funeral Home, 4727 W. 103rd St. in Oak Lawn.

St. Jude at 7 p.m.

The funeral will be 10 a.m. Friday at St. Bede the Venerable Roman Catholic Church, 8300 S. Kostner.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to the Cubs game last night (OUCH) and they had a moment of silence before they started the game for our fallen brother.

Thanks Chicago Cubs.

10/02/2008 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so sad.

10/02/2008 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be there. So will a couple thousand others, I'm sure. Thanks for the info, SCC.

No acknowledgement, no applause, no NOTHING, when Daley and/or Weis speak at either the wake or the funeral, people.

10/02/2008 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rest in peace. I hope Blake Lamb still provides the service for free, which I hope they do.

10/02/2008 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GOD Bless You, Officer Taylor. You fought the good fight and gave your life trying to make this city a better place. You will NEVER be forgotten. May you rest in peace and may your family find peace in knowing you are a true HERO to all of us!
022nd District

10/02/2008 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/02/2008 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The wake was very sad. But one thing in all this tragedy is you truly see what a family we are. Brothers and sisters in blue. Nothing can ever put a wedge in this bond. Not with all the bickering, off color coments and everything else, we are all family. God bless Nate. May you rest in peace.

10/02/2008 08:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a 2nd watch lt. in 020 is acting w.c on 3rd watch and is refusing to allow cars to go to the wake of a fellow officer. he should never see anymore activity from anyone on his watch when he is w.c.

10/02/2008 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what makes me sick! Seeing all these people that are not the police strutting around with all their gold stars on at an Officers wake. Weiss, Brust, Daly and Murphy (don't care if he was the police once, he's a fucking tool politician). Get the fuck out of our way at St. Judes and let Nate's friends and co-workers in the room,not all the Gold Stars that are required to be there. Let the gold stars that WANT to come, stand in line like the rest of us to pay respects and not get marched in like a fuckin parade. Then, watching the majority of the exempts fly out of there after St. Jude was an even bigger joke, like a tac team just released from an all day detail. Sickening
A friend of Nate's

10/02/2008 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good evening all,

Allow me to preface this comment by stating that not all exempt fall into the category identified hereafter, to the contrary, there are some exempts who are exceptional and who genuinely care for and are concerned with the well-being of their troops. With that being stated, I proceed.

Today in the 008th District I learned of a most disturbing fact. Some exempts decided that they required a breakfast before the funeral of Officer Taylor. This is not just a donut and coffee breakfast because that would be beneath them. This is an all-out breakfast consisting of eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, juice, etc. I am not sure why this is necessary. One might remind those insisting on this breakfast that this is not a celebration that might precede a softball game but the funeral for an officer slain in the line of duty. I find the very thought reprehensible that our command staff would demand, and demand is the proper word, a full breakfast for themselves prior to the funeral. And if that is not bad enough, they have taken over the basement of St. Bede's for this function, which was to be used for hot lunches for the children, who now have to find someplace and something else to eat so that our exempts can gorge themselves. I find this most disturbing and it exemplifies the rift between the rank and file and most exempts. True leadership does not entail ensuring that your own belly is full first. True leadership means that you ensure that the needs of your officers are met first and fully. Then, and only then, do you take care of your own needs. The concept of leadership is a dying art in this agency, and continues to grow weaker by acts such as this. Once our leadership realizes that rank comes not only comes with power, but also the responsibility to use that power for the greater good, rather than for their solitary well-being and comfort, can this department begin to experience the culture shift necessary to pull ourselves out of this morale nose dive and create real change. Change begins at the top, and unless the leadership is willing to change how they do things and shift from the old ways of thinking, this department will continue to find itself in a quagmire of poor morale, low motivation, and a lack of trust and faith in our leadership that continues to grow daily and grows even wider by acts such as demanding a breakfast on the day of a slain officer's funeral.

Rest in Peace Officer Taylor.

10/02/2008 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fed had the nerve to show up in a CPD uniform. !@#$%@@ you fucking stroke - how dare you...

Their was great turn out and show of support today and tonight at the wake. Thank you all that came. My prayers are with Nates family right now. Nate you are in a better place right now. You are side by side with angels where their is no signs of violence, mayhem or rage. We will see you soon my brother. God Bless ole friend.

Fellow Englewood Ranger:

10/02/2008 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the Commander of 008th District standing in line with the rank and file the man exudes leadership and class.

10/03/2008 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So the Commander of 008th District standing in line with the rank and file the man exudes leadership and class.

10/03/2008 01:51:00 AM

He is un tainted by the gold star, he is one of us always. He is a boss that knows how to police.

RIP Nate the world is less good today without you.

10/03/2008 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, you want to know what is sad and pathetic, i was standing in line at the wake last night to pay my respect to the falled officer. I was able to go during work hours to attend the wake despite the back log. So, ast 1900hrs is approaching, the line is moving fast to try and get as many officers in the small area to hear St. Judes, when all the sudden, the line froze to a halt. I stood in the line and watched every brass member of our dept, including the superintendant, and aunt bea, walk right past all of us hard working police officers that know what is going on out on the streets everyday to make sure that they all filled the room and left all of us officers standing in the hallway. Unbelievable. Not one exempt member shook any of our hands, they ignored us like we were nothing and non-existant, unless you where one of their "brown noses". Sorry, SCC, this had to be mentioned to all the troops. Please Stay safe and back each other up because no one in "Fort Kool Aid" will. Oh and to add to the measure, the superintendant looks like an ass in this uniform!

10/03/2008 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

008 Commander IS a great guy. He is kind to all ranks and all people. He is the type of boss that you WANT to work for because he treats P.O.'s with respect and gets it in return. Just because someone takes a test and moves up in rank or sucks ass and moves up does not mean that you are better than anyone with a blue shirt. Get that through your head. The same people that kiss ass probably talk about the person whose ass their kissing behind their back.

10/03/2008 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm watching ch 7 news right now. It's been on for 27 min and still no funeral coverage. A dog on the expressway in California got earlier coverage. The exempts can kiss my ass. I would have spit in JFed's eggs.

10/03/2008 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today the Funeral procession was extremely long with cars from every suburban city. I even seen cars from Kenosha WI. and Michigan State Police. Thank You all that participated.
Unit 189

10/03/2008 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Love Nate and his family. All of our thougts and prayers are with them during this time of tragedy. Here is a perfect example of why we must stick together. After the funeral I stopped into store and could not believe all of the people complaining about how they were upset regarding the traffic disruptions caused by the procession. Not one person gave any thought to the fact that this funeral was for a Police Officer who was MURDERED while protecting the city they live in. I could not believe what I was hearing, and this was from Old, Young, Black, White, Male and Female. One person even had the audacity to make a comment wondering whether they would do this for him. Some of these morons even had the audacity to say it was over the top and totally unnecessary. At that point I kindly informed THEM that anytime any of them would care to be murdered while trying to protect a community they to not live in, by someone they do not know, and leaving a wife and young daughter, I'm sure that the same type of funeral would be held. I then had to walk out, go home and hug my family. I can't wait to leave this city, this lack of human decency is disgusting. Officer Taylor did not deserve what happpened to him nor did any of our other fallen BROTHERS and SISTERS.

10/03/2008 09:56:00 PM  

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