Day One
Reorganization tales:
- We thought the "Quality of Life" car took the cake. We were mistaken;
- Some district put up a "Pod Mission" car. Never left the station, just watched cameras all day;
- Rumor has it three different districts didn't even have cars for the extra people - no pool cars citywide you know. None of them left the station either;
- OEC reports a plethora of "Squad, hold down the following vehicles on Special Assignments" phone calls from a number of Districts at various points during the day so the backlog of office work got done;
- At least one District completely ignored the directive and kept their sheets exactly as before with desk, lockup, and watch secretary spots fully manned;
We make no claims to the veracity of any of the above. It's all out of our comment sections and e-mail. But we aren't blind. We can read a PCAD screen for some of these. It seems obvious that something is going to give at some point and the quasi-military decorum that's supposed to hold the organization together might be the first casualty.
Labels: department issues, rumors
With that new rating system in mind, what is going to when you have people who are supposedly working the street but they have no activity. How will their respective W/C and D/C explain that?
011 2nd watch had the prior inside people on beat cars all 99!!!
On the plus side, not one of the newbies to the day shift rolled on one of my jobs yesterday. Never been a fan of friendly fire, you know?
from the Sun-Times,
Developers' stake in North Side site on block
Deal threatens pension fund co-managed by Daley nephew
May 28, 2009
Developers are foundering in attempts to build a Dominick's-anchored condominium development in Lake View, a deal that threatens public pension money from a fund co-managed by a nephew of Mayor Daley.
The fund, DV Urban Realty Partners, pooled $7.9 million from five city pension funds to invest in the project at 3030 N. Broadway. The money was for a mezzanine loan, similar to a second mortgage, that the fund now says is in default.
DV is run by Robert Vanecko, eldest grandchild of the late Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Allison Davis, a business partner of convicted influence peddler Tony Rezko. The Broadway loan was the partnership's second-largest investment, records show.
read the full article at,CST-FIN-auction28.article
This miserable scum duo takes OUR pension money, makes a guaranteed profit and now it is turning to dust. and the pension board lawyer has the nerve to refuse to release information!
We should have a hundred coppers at those meetings every month SCREAMING for those documents. As it is, Mike Shields is there alone trying to keep it honest.
Mike Shields needs some help! How about the US Attorney? Someone help uncover this goddamned swindle by Daley's friends and family! This is sickening.
The "POD MISSION" PO-leece??? You're killin' me, SCC.
Get over here and mop up my keyboard!
I guess the big question is Who the hell is in charge...
I guess it's like being on a big ship that's sinking and as everyone is trying to bail, you look out and see the Captain of the ship smiling and waving as he water ski's by... fucking clueless!
(OT) Sun times today exclusive looks like "sleepy ,snake,coward, ike" done wore a wire for a year for the feds! Oh Oh a certain sgt who was to promoted to LT. is on the tape hope he did not say anything stupid!
And on todays channel 9 morning news "It was a bloody night in chicago" many people were shot,some killed! All while the "think tank" of idiot police chiefs were here to discuss violence! HEY ASSWADS LET THE POLICE BE THE POLICE,BACK US UP,AND HIRE,HIRE,HIRE! AND ANOTHER PART OF THIS RANT GET US A GOOD CONTRACT,AND CARS THAT RUN! HOW ABOUT IT ASSHOLES AT THE TOP?
Damn, after 8 shootings, with 1 DOA last night, something needs to be done.
Drastic measures are needed, add more officers to the caps offices, that will stop the violence.
I love it the people inside don't do shit!! They probably only work 2 hours out of the day anyway. Are they bitching becase they actually have to work most of their tour? The only exception would be third watch they get a lot of shit on the desk. They need to hit 35th michigan next. Why is a on duty police officer guarding the parking lot. They have no problem wasting a body to ensure the clout babbies have parking.
Why would you want any of those desk jockeys on the street? They dont do anything anyway but complain
Not again!!! POD missions, Half of the pods don't work, then you're mandated to produce #'s so the Dumb F### with the POD enforcement idea can say "see, it's working" and now before you know it.. It's a city wide Bullshit initiative ... I'm just waiting for the initiative's name to officially come out now like TRU, MSF. ...
Me hears inspectors going after these hidden spots ad insubordinatin.
In 003 they took Tact cars we had to go 4 deep. Instead of having 4 tact cars out on the street we only had 2.
I see the pension fund is legit.
Dugan isn't running this department. Neither is Weiss. Each Commander runs their district as they see fit and each Captain runs his watch the way they want. There is not 1 CPD; there are 75 - each watch runs differently. That's why we're fucked up. Do you McDonald's allows each restaurant to run independent of the others? If they did they would be bankrupt. Just like the CPD - bankrupt. Create useless units, create spots, take care of the clouted, do as little as possible and fuck everyone else as long as I get mine. That's the Chicago Way. It's a shame how low we've become.
All they did was "make up" spots for the inside people, the calls for service will still be backlogged and units will still be 99. I mean a pod mission car? Quality of life?
How about just put them in a beat car or rapid and have them handle jobs, ITS THE SIMPLE!!
My sources in the highest levels of government tell me some major shit is coming down the pipeline. Civil disorder will be the result of massive job losses. Here's the worst one: The IRA accounts we counted on are going broke. Chicago Police Officers havetheir deferred comp through Nationwide Insurance. If the Insurance company goes belly up and files bankruptcy, get in line with the other creditors. Insurance companies are starting to hint they want bailout money too.
No Bullshit. True fact.
It's time to PANIC!
They need to hit 35th michigan next. Why is a on duty police officer guarding the parking lot. They have no problem wasting a body to ensure the clout babbies have parking.
5/29/2009 08:03:00 AM
There should be 5 times as many guards on HQ. Our buildings wouldn't pass a threat assessment by high school kids.
5/29/2009 07:08:00 AM
I am a bosses kid, do I get to get an inside position? Fuck you assholes, I have been on the street the whole time. You lazy primadonnas that work the streets holding yourselves on paper all the time, bullshit station assignments, "unavoidable traffic stop"s whenever you get a job. Fuck you asses.
And you know what no one will say a word. Because most are inside for a reason, a phone call. And when your phone call is good enough no one will touch you.
With that new rating system in mind, what is going to when you have people who are supposedly working the street but they have no activity. How will their respective W/C and D/C explain that?
--Big Brother is watching and they will be caught. If the names are kept off the sheets and people are working, they will hammer them with falsifying a document.
Hey SCC... do you or anyone reading this have the ability to compare violent crime statistics prior to in car camera vs. after in car camera? I know I pretty much stopped being pro-active now that oemc is looking out my window...
I AM SOOOOoooo SHOCKED! You mean there were W/C's and D/C's who went around some directives in order to protect their friends!!! I simply don't believe it. I thought all of those asshats hiding inside would want to follow the directive!
If 35th/Mich comes out with this hairbrain idea and then doesn't follow-up with seeing that those cops hit the street, THEN NOT ONLY SHOULD SOME WHITE SHIRTS BE DROPPING PAPER, BUT THEY SHOULD BE EXPLAINING THEMSELVES IN PERSON.
It is the same old, same old no matter what because of the many, many cowards who are bosses - and they only know how to protect their pooches while fucking with any blue shirt who did work.
COM'ON DUGAN, make these white shirts explain their actions and stupid ass decisions about car/beat assignments!!!
watch commanders are pulling a quick one on the new boss
heads will roll soon
captains will be transferred or reassigned to other watches
remember you heard it here first
I guess the big question is Who the hell is in charge...
Why do you have to even ask?
King Daley has not relaxed his control one bit.
Boy, this is great I tells ya! Before, I had to do a bunch of reports while I worked like an Egyptian slave on the desk. Now, I gets to drive me around a police car that is assigned to make sure no one is out walking their doggies without a leash. This is the best thing to happen to the CPD since Jane Byrne. In between bites of hot pockets and pop tarts, I manage to go sneak down to the lake and bird dog the young honeys playing volleyball! No computer in the car? Thats fine with me I dont know how to use it anyway. If only this police cruiser was equipped with an 8-track, I'd be set. Oh well, Weis can't stop me from playing Styxx in my head.....can he?
will you just leave the house mouses where they are.. they are no use on the street and if your gonna get any work out of them it might as well be inside where they do something... obviously if they hit the street they arent gonna do crap... what a joke this department has come
how do you get the no calls & early duck car?
Ive filled in on the desk over the years. That jobs SUCKS!!!
Re: quality of life car. 019 had this car for several years. The original purpose was to address the huge numbers of homeless who'd been displaced by the yups moving into the newly gentrified district.
Originally, it wasn't a bad idea. The car rolled before sunup and not only shagged the homeless, but found many of them services and/or shelter on a more permanent basis.
Over time, it slid into being nothing more than a clouted car, with all the attendant perks.
"We thought the 'Quality of Life' car took the cake." -- SCC
I'm developing the idea now. QOL cars will take a great deal of stress off the remaining citizens who use public transportation to get to w-o-r-k.
Not only must these stalwarts support their own families, keeping body and soul together in a worsening economy, they are treated as dispensers by the "American Millstone" (as the Tribune once called it) -- the "permanent underclass" that has proven congenitally unable and unwilling to make the slightest effort to provide for the tiniest, most inconsequential daily needs.
QOL cars, positioned at elevated and bus stations, will be stocked with cigarettes, matches, Chap Stick, bus cards, "ink pins," hand lotion, Kleenex, plastic cups, quarters, 50-cent pieces, dollar bills, and other small sundries in constant demand on the street, so that decent people will not constantly be bothered.
Kind of like free needles or something. Hell, add that to the list. The cars can even deploy a collapsible basketball hoop with a pay phone mounted on the pole. That'll ensure a crowd.
All of the material can of course be marked with the Mayor's image, the names of aldermen, etc. After all, this is Chicago.
I feel better already!
Day two.
Watch commander gets on the p.a. and says, "Will the watch secretary please report to the watch commander's office? Oh, sorry; there IS no watch secretary. Carry on."
At least our guy still has his sense of humor.
Yeah, the condo freight train is slowly screeching to a halt, brakes smoking. Go look at Zitella's failed 6060 Northwest Highway, where the construction equipment is gone and the trees are taking over again, or the northeast corner of Grand and Harlem, where the artist's conceptions of "luxury urban living" are beginning to peel off in the's all over town.
"Developers are foundering in attempts to build a Dominick's-anchored condominium development in Lake View, a deal that threatens public pension money from a fund co-managed by a nephew of Mayor Daley.
"The fund, DV Urban Realty Partners, pooled $7.9 million from five city pension funds to invest in the project at 3030 N. Broadway. The money was for a mezzanine loan, similar to a second mortgage, that the fund now says is in default."
"DV is run by Robert Vanecko, eldest grandchild of the late Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Allison Davis, a business partner of convicted influence peddler Tony Rezko..."
--5/29/2009 07:09:00 AM
"Criminal" seems to be precisely the word. This sort of thing has gotten to the point that I think we need firing squads -- working three shifts.
I kinda like the old bolt actions; makes for a more impressive public display. "LOAD," comes the chilling command...
The old Meigs Field would be a perfect spot, huh? Poetic CTA shuttle, Port-A-Pots, refreshment concessions too. Come watch the show!
Sidelight -- they would pick Dominick's, too, the highest-priced, most overextended supermarket chain around that'll be the first one to go bankrupt when the economy worsens even more and everyone has to show their cards...
I hope Dominick's (it's just Safeway, from California) took a bath on this already.
In all seriousness, would you really want most of these people to be your backup. If there was only a test for laziness during the pre-hiring testing for new people, a lot of our problems could be eliminated in the future.
Hey SCC, In the immortal words of the Joker..."THIS TOWN NEEDS AN ENEMA!!!"
10th Dist Cop
I want to keep the people in 011 1st watch inside. We have the best desk crew and the best ever watch secretary. They are by no means lazy people,and the really make working in a shitty place during shitty hours much easier. I'd be pissed if poko had to go outside and somebody else came in and fucked how things go around here. Thanks all you inside people 1st watch 011 you guys rock.
And oh yes. Useless BB, the 55 year old rat,019 third watch, will do whatever, and we mean whatever is necessary to get inside. Even with no bid. Well what can one expect from someone who gets CR #'s on partners and beefs on others when it's not 'her way.'
The 008th District won't survive with less people on the desk to busy. The administrative staff, watch secretary etc. are always very helpful. Commanders need to surround themselves with good workers and from what I can tell they all do an excellent job. I know there will be a few who won't agree but don't cast stones before you walk a mile in their shoes, and no I don't work inside it's just my point of view
Anonymous said...
(OT) Sun times today exclusive looks like "sleepy ,snake,coward, ike" done wore a wire for a year for the feds! Oh Oh a certain sgt who was to promoted to LT. is on the tape hope he did not say anything stupid!
5/29/2009 07:45:00 AM
Are you implying that his 5 weeks at "school" were wasted?
Absolutely! the phatphuk was running his mouth.
Some of those unthroned office scabs spent alot of time in the station trying to look busy.
--Big Brother is watching and they will be caught. If the names are kept off the sheets and people are working, they will hammer them with falsifying a document.
5/29/2009 11:33:00 AM
a certain WC is having his former inside worms hold them selves down on "reports" in the station for an inordinate amount of time.
I wonder what kind of report they may be writing.
How about Bt. 1496 2nd Watch in 014? Goes out and allegedly does the rush hour parkers from 7-9 then doesn't take any traffic accidents or until she gets called out on the air. Must be nice to also go and perjure yourself during your son's murder trial, take a 30 day hit and still keep your job. Who is she sleeping with?
Hey SCC.............The other day I am driving past headquarters, and an off duty p.o. from my district is getting out of his parked car on michigan ave. He can hardly walk due to an injury sustained while on duty during a fight in the district where he battered along with 3 other p.o's in the district. But the asshole copper working for headquarters told him if he doesnt move his vehicle from the "police only" spots he will be ticketed. He was then forced to park almost 5 blocks away due to no parking for the POLICE. When does the bullshit stop?? Why is it when there is a media event they get ot illegally park all around HQ but the p.o. can't?????
001 district 3 po's added to 2nd watch. 2 admin , 1 from caps.WC put up 2 man park car(unheard of) and downed a car to let caps po work with another mutt , to ease her back in. One desk guy reassigned as 192r(radio room) Watch secretary assigned as relief at mayor's house, never left station. Thanks for the help
I am a bosses kid, do I get to get an inside position? Fuck you assholes, I have been on the street the whole time. You lazy primadonnas that work the streets holding yourselves on paper all the time, bullshit station assignments, "unavoidable traffic stop"s whenever you get a job. Fuck you asses.
I can see you already have the makins of a fine boss, can hardly wait to work for you
018 had a 10-4 park car while the rest of the dist was 99...
it sounds like the watch commanders are pullin a fast one on the superintendent
Get those coppers who have been at call-back for months even years, back on the street. On guy-Lullo just went back tot he streets after being in the penalty box for 4 frickin years! And they ask where is our manpower. You can thank your screwed up and often over-zealous investigators over at IAD. Yep, they sustain cases that are a joke and brought to them by drug-dealing slime. Doesnt anyone review these peoples cases?? I hear the new guy at IAd is a street copper by heart. If thats the case take a peek at some of these cases that have PO's sitting in limbo for a very long time. The cases that have 30 pending sustainments that should barely be reprimands. Clean your house Chief!
The FOP finally filed a grievance on behalf of all the POW's . Its about damn time. Signed:
former POW!
I have buddies who have been at call back for 2 years almost. Thats just terrible. One would think that JFed reads these files and smells bullshit all over them.
How about Bt. 1496 2nd Watch in 014? Goes out and allegedly does the rush hour parkers from 7-9 then doesn't take any traffic accidents or until she gets called out on the air. Must be nice to also go and perjure yourself during your son's murder trial, take a 30 day hit and still keep your job. Who is she sleeping with?
SHe is a worthless piece of shit who came to 014 and doesnt know how to be the police. SHe is the niece of the commander Lucio Martinez. Useless bitch cant take a job but knows how to go down on bullshit when they call her. SHe is as useless as a tit on a bull....
017 has a new 3rd watch bike patrol with a 1200 start time. Guy dumped out of front office with 3 years on gets the bike. Hasn't been on the street long enough to even train for the bikes, go figure!
In 023 on days we have a homeless car that works 0500-1300ish. If we have a homeless car then why do I and the other cars in the 10 sector (Uptown) constantly get the intoxicated homeless person(s) passed out on the cta bench calls,or homless people "loitering" on the corner. WTF
WC put up 2 man park car(unheard of)
--We have a 2 man park car on 3rd watch.
Anonymous said...
Dugan isn't running this department. Neither is Weiss. Each Commander runs their district as they see fit and each Captain runs his watch the way they want.
The COmmanders do not run their District and you fucking know it. Dugan is a micro-manager and runs all 25 from HQ,unless you are in Cuello's crew, then they run their District. Now to the Watch Commanders. How come I have not seen the same Captain or Lieutenant here on 2nd watch in months. Now with no watch secretaries I will be bounced even more and we will end up with more fucked up sheets everyday. The Commander has to be the Commander and watch 2nd watch in between bullshit meetings and reports all day. Un fucking real! I would just like a consistent boss in this fucked up place! I have been here and ON THE STREET far too long! How is it that the slow districts have their fair share of lts and captains and us crime infested districts don't have shit? How can you justify having captains and lieutenants in 016, 019, 020, 001,018 and districts like that and leave the crime infested districts with even one short! What are you fucking thinking Jfed?
the watch commander where i work was agitated to say the least--- so much so that he said fuck it and subverted some of the new rules to make it work.... at least he tried but quickly saw it wasn't going to work so went to plan b to make it work. as a great actor once said in a great movie, " you improvise, you adapt, you overcome."
Great idea to cut the front desk and the wc secrtary from a guy who never spent one day as a wc. Moral was in the toilet, but guys would work for a decent wc. now all the wc's are ticked off.
Anonymous said...
017 has a new 3rd watch bike patrol with a 1200 start time. Guy dumped out of front office with 3 years on gets the bike. Hasn't been on the street long enough to even train for the bikes, go figure!
5/30/2009 01:07:00 AM
With mealer as a commander, what can you expect? I wonder what Ralph S. do if he has to work the street? He is a expert gofer for white shirts. He has a problem selecting ethical and qualified bosses to work for. First Blago then Mealer.
WC put up 2 man park car(unheard of)
--We have a 2 man park car on 3rd watch
I'm not positive but I think there is federal $$ involved in the park car and it has to be put up as a 10-4 unit..Heard that once.
just shows how well respected jfed is
traffic cars, park cars, quality of life cars who never
leave the station or phantom cars that get station assignments or down on reports for tour
i take the response by certain watch/district commander as f*** you to weis, dugan and rest of the 35thers
Dugan isn't running this department. Neither is Weiss. Each Commander runs their district as they see fit and each Captain runs his watch the way they want. There is not 1 CPD; there are 75 - each watch runs differently. That's why we're fucked up. Do you McDonald's allows each restaurant to run independent of the others? If they did they would be bankrupt. Just like the CPD - bankrupt.
I hope you are not bankrupt, get a dollar, buy a clue.
niece of the commander Lucio Martinez. Useless bitch cant take a job but knows how to go down on bullshit when they call her. SHe is as useless as a tit on a bull....
5/30/2009 12:13:00 AM
hey there, the word niece is written like this ------> "niece." She's really in bed with LM. Literally.
Who is she sleeping with?
SHe is the niece of the commander Lucio Martinez.
Shes's not his Niece :)
Come on now, did we all really think it would change just because some order came out from Dugan? WTF! W/c's are still gonna do what they want and how want to man their desks and cars! You guys and gals must of been dreaming if you really thought it would change! You had to know that w/c's would be making up beats, putting 2 po's on beat car and only one going out on the street, or putting up a hospital car, park car, truant car, curfew car. Come on now, we are the police, we are all adults. We all know we do what we want, when we want, and how we want even if we know we might get into trouble from it!
Listen here, Phil Schitz...You claim to know all of this inside information about the coming "civil unrest." Well lemme tell YOU something, buddy. There is no such thing as civil unrest! It is, as a matter of fact, quite UNcivilized!
I am a bosses kid, do I get to get an inside position? Fuck you assholes, I have been on the street the whole time. You lazy primadonnas that work the streets holding yourselves on paper all the time, bullshit station assignments, "unavoidable traffic stop"s whenever you get a job. Fuck you asses.
Really? Where? What watch? You work the streets? Probably as the Crossing Guard Supervisor.
Another fucking clout baby who thinks he's the police.
In all seriousness, would you really want most of these people to be your backup.
No. But it sure is funny watching them respond to a job in which an arrest must be made. I rode on one the other day and I had this dollie walk up to me with this dazed and confused look on her face, asking me, "Which one should I arrest?" No shit, it happened!
Should these people be out on the street. Absolutely! They were hired and trained as POLICE, not secretaries. As long as no one gets hurt, they will provide weeks, if not months of enjoyment for the rest of us.
The COmmanders do not run their District and you fucking know it. Dugan is a micro-manager and runs all 25 from HQ,unless you are in Cuello's crew, then they run their District. Now to the Watch Commanders. How come I have not seen the same Captain or Lieutenant here on 2nd watch in months. Now with no watch secretaries I will be bounced even more and we will end up with more fucked up sheets everyday. The Commander has to be the Commander and watch 2nd watch in between bullshit meetings and reports all day. Un fucking real! I would just like a consistent boss in this fucked up place! I have been here and ON THE STREET far too long! How is it that the slow districts have their fair share of lts and captains and us crime infested districts don't have shit? How can you justify having captains and lieutenants in 016, 019, 020, 001,018 and districts like that and leave the crime infested districts with even one short! What are you fucking thinking Jfed?
How about 4 Lieutenants, 12 Sergeants, and 70 Officers in an empty academy???????
My Capt. says he can't possibly answer all these damn phonecalls, I haven't been on the street yet and ain't going. Get real people.
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