Sunday, November 28, 2010

J-Fled, Please Resign.

Who gave J-Fled the advice that he ought to belittle the dead?
  • Because there was no emergency attached to the burglary report, Flisk was dispatched alone to process the scene for evidence, Weis said.

    In light of Flisk's death, the superintendent said he will review the department policy of allowing evidence technicians to respond to crime scenes by themselves. But he pointed out there was no reason to think Flisk, a 20-year department veteran, was walking into a dangerous situation.

    "Keep in mind evidence technicians are not usually first responders. They don't go where an emergency exists," Weis said.

From everything we've heard and know about Mike Flisk, he responded regularly to "in progress" calls while making his rounds of assigned jobs. That's kind of the reason dispatchers say, "Units in (insert district here) , Units on Citywide, shots fired in the area of 1234 Main St." Someone might be nearby who isn't normally monitoring the regular zone.

Mike Flisk was a first responder. Mike Flisk went to where emergencies existed. Mike Flisk was ambushed and murdered by a piece of shit who doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as civilized people. And Mike Flisk certainly deserves better than J-Fled "Gotta Run" Weis making his death less than the horrific tragedy it is.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if the ET's are responding to a scene after the crime has happened they are still responding 99 in dangerous neighborhoods. We don't even know yet if the shooter had anything to do with the burglary. Now is the time to demand your backup. Don't worry about the RAP. F**K any Officer or boss who thinks you don't need backup. Lets show them what the shortage is really doing to the city. Bring it to a stand still. If another officer needs backup and you are just doing paper tell the person you will be back. Nothing matters as much as watching each others backs.

11/28/2010 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention his ridiculous comment at the end, "How much more can we take?"

Really? You publicly say that and show a sign of weakness in front of these jagoffs!? You are horrible and don't even qualify to be a janitor that hides in the storage room of the district.

11/28/2010 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this isn't the appropriate post to put my comment, so I hope SCC, that you can put it in somewhere that it fits.

Just read in the Trib that Jfled said that there was no reason to believe that Officer Flisk was walking into a dangerous situation when he responded to the ET call at the burglary scene. This just proves once again that he will NEVER understand our job. He doesn't get that we are taught to assume that EVERY situation we walk into on the job can be dangerous. All Weis did by making such an absurd statement is give fuel to the liberal mindset that the work we do isn't dangerous and worthy of respect. When we have had so many Officers killed in the line of duty this year, how could he try to portray any duty on this department as not being dangerous? We have become targets. Walking out of our houses off duty has become just as dangerous as going to work. Weis should be ashamed, but his ego won't allow it.

God rest your soul Officer Flisk.

11/27/2010 09:31:00 PM
On the contrary, I think this is one of the MOST appropriate and accurate posts on the blog today.

11/28/2010 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on! I hate this Cro Magnon too, but everyone is wrongly directing their anger to Jody. This was an animal that made up his mind to take one of ours and little to nothing could have been done to prevent it. You're reading too much into his statement SCC.

11/28/2010 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with Mike in Mass Transit and know his sister who is a Sgt. in 009. J-Fled by his comments shows that he did not understand the job when he took it and still does not understand it. Several years ago I attended training at Great Lakes conducted by the FBI Hostage Rescue personnel. They made it clear that whenever they confront what might be an arrest situation they approach it with multiple agents. Then they joked about a time when they arrested a 72 year old Outfit guy, who soiled himslelf when they grabbed him, because there were 6 agents. The old guy thought it was a hit team coming to kill him. It was all a big joke to the G-Men, because they operate in groups, a luxury not afforded to police officers. So anything that J-Fled says must be viewed as someone talking about something that person does not understand. At least he was not wearing a uniform when he discussed the case. Mike will be missed by anyone who ever met him; he was a wonderful human being.

11/28/2010 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not to defend Weis or belittle the memory of Mike Flisk

What he meant was that ETs respond to ET jobs after the criminal has left the scene

NOT that ETs Mike Flisk or otherwise, blow off assisting other units on 'in progress' jobs
dont make traffic stops, or fail to do aggressive preventative police work

I know everyone is hot over the horrible year we're having but lets take a deep breath everyone

11/28/2010 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous "GOTTA RUN" said...

Lying cowards and good leaders are mutually exclusive.

J-Fled couldn't "lead" a pack of starving hounds to a side of beef.

11/28/2010 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen Reverend SCC! Amen! You're preaching to the choir here, but Amen!

11/28/2010 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Hey, I'm Just Sayin . said...

I'd like to add something to your post, but I believe your words are ABSOLUTELY spot on and need no enhancement.

I've said it here before: Jody Weis is not, nor has he ever been a police officer. There is no reason for any of us to expect him to act like, talk like, feel like or respond like the REAL police. We should expect him to act like a Fed, which is all he's ever done since he arrived here.

11/28/2010 02:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like this jagoff would even know what the job of a police officer consists of!

The more he opens his mouth, the more he shows how totally ignorant he really is. He is nothing more than a puppet for the Daley Crime Family!

11/28/2010 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to bury our dead then march on city hall.

11/28/2010 02:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not afraid to say that every time a brother in blue is killed, I come close to sobbing, just thinking of the shock and pain his wife and kids and extended family are going through... yet, not once have I seen a look on J-Fled's face after one of these vicious attacks on our brother officers that even looks like he is anything more than mildly annoyed.

He is not a cop.

11/28/2010 02:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please J-Fled just go away, you along with the axxhole mayor have ruined this department we are screwed for a very long time because of you two dicks

11/28/2010 02:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice also that there has not been the slightest peep or public statement from our Mayor.

Two police officers killed in one week and daley can't be bothered to appear in public to make a statement of any kind or even issue a press release.

21 years of corruption, fumbling and mismanagement continues unhindered.

11/28/2010 03:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did J-Fled "belittle the dead?"

You are pushing it SCC. He did not say they never resond to dangerous jobs, they do, I have seen them, as you have. But you are stretching it by saying he belittles the ET's.

11/28/2010 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't like the fact that J-Fled said somehting like "You don't know how many times I have been here" to the press ----

Fuck you J-Fled you arrogant prick... no one gives a flying fuck about you or where you've been.

11/28/2010 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Notice also that there has not been the slightest peep or public statement from our Mayor.

Two police officers killed in one week and daley can't be bothered to appear in public to make a statement of any kind or even issue a press release.

21 years of corruption, fumbling and mismanagement continues unhindered.

11/28/2010 03:59:00 AM

Come on guys,don't be so hard on little Richie. You all know he is tired out from the long ride to Michigan. It's a holiday weekend and he is worn out from yelling at his driver to go faster. What do you want the poor Lad to do,get back into the car and endure another long ride just so he can get in front of a camera and say this will not be tolerated? On top of that he would have to get back into the car and be driven all the way back to Michigan. It's not easy sitting in the back seat of the car for an hour and fifeteen minutes.

How do you like them PEPPERS RICH?

11/28/2010 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And don't they tell recruits at the academy that crime scenes can be just as dangerous during the evidence collection stage as it is when the crime first happens? There are too many 'what its' going BACK to a crime scene.

Of course J-Fled wouldn't know that, because he's not the police.

11/28/2010 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

E.T.'s have been responding 99 to jobs for as long as I can remember - and I've got 28 years on. Can't lay this on J-fled. He's a stupid idiot, but this was a practice long before his time.

11/28/2010 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous HATER said...








11/28/2010 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now is the time to demand your backup. Don't worry about the RAP.

That's the problem. I heard way too many officers tell the dispatcher "give that other car a disregard squad. I'll let you know".

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Afraid someone is going to steal your arrest?

I really hope this latest terrible situation wakes some of these people up. If the dispatcher says they are going to send someone with you, accept it. If they don't, ask them to find someone to go with you. In fact DEMAND IT!

Why put your family's future in jeopardy for the sake of a bruised ego?

11/28/2010 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
not to defend Weis or belittle the memory of Mike Flisk

What he meant was that ETs respond to ET jobs after the criminal has left the scene

NOT that ETs Mike Flisk or otherwise, blow off assisting other units on 'in progress' jobs
dont make traffic stops, or fail to do aggressive preventative police work

I know everyone is hot over the horrible year we're having but lets take a deep breath everyone

11/28/2010 01:32:00 AM

Obviously not a wearer of a CPD uniform here!...First of all, the criminals do not always "leave the scene"...sometimes they live where it happened and open the door for the police officer when he/she arrives! These asswipes consider ANYONE they see in a CPD uniform (except Weis) as aggressively preventing them from committing a crime just by their presence so wearing the uniform is reason for confrontation in their minds...there is no such thing as "just ET jobs"... the police are the police!

Retired Sgt

11/28/2010 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Notice also that there has not been the slightest peep or public statement from our Mayor.

Two police officers killed in one week and daley can't be bothered to appear in public to make a statement of any kind or even issue a press release.

21 years of corruption, fumbling and mismanagement continues unhindered.

11/28/2010 03:59:00 AM

And not one cmment from ANY of the candidates for mayor either!

11/28/2010 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only hope Officer Flisk's wife has the strength to rebuff Weis at the funeral.

11/28/2010 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention his ridiculous comment at the end, "How much more can we take?"

Really? You publicly say that and show a sign of weakness in front of these jagoffs!? You are horrible and don't even qualify to be a janitor that hides in the storage room of the district.

11/28/2010 12:36:00 AM

Saw him say that and wanted to puke. He is NOT a cop. First, HE has nothing to do with anything. And second he looked like a whiny grama up there.

Give me the cops of my youth who used to kick a little ass. THEY were cops. And NOBODY fucked with them.

---not a cop

11/28/2010 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on! I hate this Cro Magnon too, but everyone is wrongly directing their anger to Jody. This was an animal that made up his mind to take one of ours and little to nothing could have been done to prevent it. You're reading too much into his statement SCC.

11/28/2010 01:13:00 AM

Bullshit. He represents the department and has no clue how do to it because he's a businessman rather than a law enforcement officer. SCC is right on. I felt the same way when I saw his news conference.

Mike Bilandic had more balls than Weis and Bilandic was ALWAYS crying.

---not a cop

11/28/2010 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your right about the f%^&*g mayor, hasn't said nothing on the news, what a piec of s*&^t, always new this POS was a waste of our tax payer money.

11/28/2010 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice also that there has not been the slightest peep or public statement from our Mayor.

Two police officers killed in one week and daley can't be bothered to appear in public to make a statement of any kind or even issue a press release.

21 years of corruption, fumbling and mismanagement continues unhindered.

11/28/2010 03:59:00 AM

The silence says a lot, doesn't it?

11/28/2010 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In light of Flisk's death, the superintendent said he will review the department policy of allowing evidence technicians to respond to crime scenes by themselves. But he pointed out there was no reason to think Flisk, a 20-year department veteran, was walking into a dangerous situation.

--Really? You never know what you are walking into.

11/28/2010 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are 99 every job should have a second car sent as a back up.

Simple missings can and DO turn into a bi-polar lunatic off their meds returning home. Two cars for every call!!! Take it upon yourself to back up a 99 unit if a second unit is not assigned.

11/28/2010 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Come on! I hate this Cro Magnon too, but everyone is wrongly directing their anger to Jody. This was an animal that made up his mind to take one of ours and little to nothing could have been done to prevent it. You're reading too much into his statement SCC.

11/28/2010 01:13:00 AM

Your words and sentiment betray you and show you are not, nor have you ever been, a police officer. Only a police officer would know how you gave yourself away. Go to hell you piece of shit.

11/28/2010 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on! I hate this Cro Magnon too, but everyone is wrongly directing their anger to Jody. This was an animal that made up his mind to take one of ours and little to nothing could have been done to prevent it. You're reading too much into his statement SCC.

11/28/2010 01:13:00 AM
You are WRONG.. jpw is supposedly the LEADER, HEAD of our department, as long as he is READING a statement, it should be proper! His statement was and is totally inappropriate.. from beginning to end to the attitude he displays during it.

I also object to him deferring to news affairs - HE IS WHERE THE BUCK STOPS, he doesn't defer to News Affairs, they defer to him.. HE makes the determination on what to release to the news media, and he is responsible for being the SPOKESPERSON for the department, especially in high profile instances such as this. However, it would probably be better if he stood beside a real police officer in uniform while that person, who actually feels the pain of losing one of our own, looks directly into the camera and speaks from the heart about the incident. It actually can be done without divulging information that we don't want released, but jpw hasn't figured out how to do that yet - even after all the media training from the fbi!

11/28/2010 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What he meant was that ETs respond to ET jobs after the criminal has left the scene
But you and I know that just because THAT criminal has supposedly left the scene, there are still situations that crop up... hell I have been at the scene of a crime (homicide) when another one occurs fifty feet away.. you can defend jpw all you want, but he is wrong, wrong, wrong, and he doesn't get it, and obviously doesn't want to listen to anyone who does.

11/28/2010 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not afraid to say that every time a brother in blue is killed, I come close to sobbing,
actually, I do sob...

11/28/2010 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Every situation in the vicinity of 81st and Manistee is a potentially dangerous one.
2) Yes, Jody does not have a clue about what a citywide unit may or may not respond to.
3) Yes, the majority of the blame rests on the animal that did this, but a portion of the blame rests on Daley and Weis for empowering these savages to think they can get away with it.
4) I know there are alot of Cline bashers on this blog, but we are up to eight officers murdered in under three years of Weis, that doesn't include Airhart who Weis could shoulder some blame for anyway. Only one (Vazquez) murdered during Cline's 4+ years. The correlation is clear, when the police are handcuffed, not only the civilian murder rate goes up, but ours does too. I hope Weis' next job is head of Securitas for $24,000 a year.

11/28/2010 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Come on! I hate this Cro Magnon too, but everyone is wrongly directing their anger to Jody. This was an animal that made up his mind to take one of ours and little to nothing could have been done to prevent it. You're reading too much into his statement SCC.

11/28/2010 01:13:00 AM

You are missing the point. He did not make any statements to inspire the troops. Before Weiss, we had experienced leaders who could share tha pain and inspire the officers on the street who are suffering. Instead Weiss reads a prepared statement and truns to reverends and CAPS for help at a press conference? Where was his staff? Fire and brimstone speech? Does he really believe reverends are the answer when a officer is murdered in the line of duty? Nothing here move on.

11/28/2010 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JJerks statement is outrageous.
This from a man who's previous job was looking through documents, listening to phone conversations, and conducting interviews where it was a crime to lie to the investigator.

No street stops or traffic stops, no domestics, no foot chases from a shooting/robbery/battery scene.
In other words...No Police Work.
That's what our " leader" brings to tge table.

11/28/2010 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

During my many years on the job I responded to many "Units on City-wide" calls as did many ETs, Dics, Inspectors, and even gold stars. The reason we did it was because we were the real police, which is something j-fled has no concept of being.

Having a white shirt or a gold star help you put the cuffs on a bad guy is the way a boss lets you know that he/she has your back.

11/28/2010 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
We need to bury our dead then march on city hall.

11/28/2010 02:36:00 AM

You are correct Sir.

Marching on the Hall !!!!!

11/28/2010 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm not afraid to say that every time a brother in blue is killed, I come close to sobbing, just thinking of the shock and pain his wife and kids and extended family are going through... yet, not once have I seen a look on J-Fled's face after one of these vicious attacks on our brother officers that even looks like he is anything more than mildly annoyed.

He is not a cop.

11/28/2010 02:40:00 AM


I just want to know, what kind of leader reads from a script?

J-Putz, thats who, but then again he's not a leader.

11/28/2010 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just shows that the only reason our current Supernintendo was brought in was to clean house. What think happens when to police when its own boss puts his trust in the beast and not his own men.

11/28/2010 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time you drive out of the district lot you are going into a dangerous situation. This city is a war zone. Keep your heads on a swivel and stay safe.

11/28/2010 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Mayor not issuing a statement or making his media appearance along with the other "activists" usually hogging the media remaining silent on these deaths is sickening. They should all be outraged. Police receive no backing anymore. Disgusting....

You men and women of CPD please stay safe. I go and back up on every call in the town I work. No matter what type it is supposedly. Safety first.

11/28/2010 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somewhat OT. There are rumblings that someone in Operations Command, now under the DOC, has complained about the incompetence of a certain commander of said DOC and his LT. Seems this moronic twosome have fucked up so many things that seemed to work fine for years that somebody has had enough. We can only hope that they don't wait until March to remove these idiots.

11/28/2010 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you gotta understand, Anonymous @ 11/28/2010 03:59:00 AM, when you speak of "Notice also that there has not been the slightest peep or public statement from our Mayor" is that Shortshanks, now having declined to run for reelection is what's known as a "Lame Fuck" Oops, that's "Lame DUCK" The other is what he's been all of his miserable life.

So sorry.

11/28/2010 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice also that there has not been the slightest peep or public statement from our Mayor.

Two police officers killed in one week and daley can't be bothered to appear in public to make a statement of any kind or even issue a press release.

21 years of corruption, fumbling and mismanagement continues unhindered.

11/28/2010 03:59:00 AM

I noticed.
But the little prick will be at the funeral talking his shit and mugging for the cameras. Show some class mr. mayor. Keep you pie hole shut and just stand there.

What other pols will seep out of the wood work to be seen at the funeral? Please stay away. Especially Gov. Jello.

11/28/2010 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weis wouldnt understand that concept. He probably couldnt even tell u what a city wide was. FUCKING JAGOFF

11/28/2010 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weis knows nothing about what is a dangerous situation and what is not. He is not now, never was and never will be a police officer. Unless he was on HRT or whatever the feds call it he probably never had to respond to an emergency. Remember, the FBI goes in WAY after something happens, with rare exception. The one time that he was at an emergency, Joe Airhart was left to bleed out precipitating ten years of hospitals, rehab and ultimately his death. This guy does not realize (as another poster points out) that EVERY call a policeman goes on is dangerous. Hey Jody, read up on the statistics involving LOD deaths at domestics. Or take a look at videos available all over the internet which show officers from all over the country getting shot or beat up or hit by cars during traffic stops. Or read about the murder of the four officers in the coffee shop in Washington state. Putting on the uniform and being out in the public is dangerous for us.

Mike Flisk went to recover evidence by himself, which is a common (if misguided) occurrence. He should have had company, and that should be policy. But we don't have enough officers do we, to accompany every ET to every job.

That may not be Jody's fault, the blame for that goes higher, like to the 5th floor at city hall where any money that could pay for more officers is pissed away with stunning regularity. So now the mayor will get up at the funeral and say his stock speech, how the police are so valuable, the city could not function without us yadda yadda yadda. But it will be bullshit.

You want to make a statement Mr. Mayor? Get up and say "enough, we are going to hire the top 1500 people on the upcoming test". Tell the Flisk family that Mike's murder will mean that we are going to take the city back from the gangbangers, thugs and thieves who no longer fear us.

I retired a few months ago after 26 years. People ask me if I miss it. I don't miss the BS. But I would give anything to be able to suit up, head over to 004, and rattle some cages. And I could get 50 other retired guys to come with me. In a heartbeat. That's what police officers do.

But Jody or Masters or Brust, you would not know about that would you?

RIP Mike, you were one of the good ones.

God bless the men and women of the Chicago Police Department.

11/28/2010 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Keep in mind evidence technicians are not usually first responders. They don't go where an emergency exists," Weis said.

Hey JFLED, we (the real CPD) are all first responders! You wouldn't understand that because you are not and never will be a police officer. Moreover, when an emergency exists YOU run the other way!

As SCC stated “That's kind of the reason dispatchers say, 'Units in (insert district here) , Units on Citywide'”

R.I.P. Mike. Your family is in good hands.

11/28/2010 10:45:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

My name is John Northen and I endorse this message.

11/28/2010 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice also that there has not been the slightest peep or public statement from our Mayor.

Two police officers killed in one week and daley can't be bothered to appear in public to make a statement of any kind or even issue a press release.

21 years of corruption, fumbling and mismanagement continues unhindered.

11/28/2010 03:59:00 AM

Thank You!!!! Ultimately all finger pointing, blame, responsibility and accountability begins and ends with him. Remember he is the one who appointed Weis Superintendent.

11/28/2010 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this guy Weiss is a twin-brain of goof-nuts Daley. Way past his time to go. He's NEVER went on any kind of call in Crookago, like we all have hundreds of times. Who is he to say ANYTHING. Once again, another whizz-kid trying to tell the Real Police how to do it, and what it's all about, although he has NO experience in it at all. Typical of the too much College and not enough High School generation. If the Old School Dicks were still around and on this case, there would be some answers already by now. What a disgrace the Dept. has become, a political Whorehouse for theose connected, and those who have enough to drop cash for what they want, or for trade favors, like free gym memberships, etc.

11/28/2010 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason J-Fled sounds so uninterested, insincere, and scripted is simple. He was NEVER A CHICAGO POLICE OFFICER! He and his phoney crew ARE NOT ONE OF US AND NEVER WILL BE! I know they wear our unearned uniform and it sickenes me, but they just don't have the emotion attached to the uniform that most of us do. J-Fled is so bad for the CPD and his stench will be smelt for years after he is gone.

11/28/2010 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the article:

"When a uniformed Chicago police officer is gunned down in the middle of the day while assisting a member of our community, it is time for everyone to take a really good look in the mirror," Weis said.

Hey, J-Fled, after you get done looking, RESIGN.

11/28/2010 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In War, the number one thing is watching out for your fellow soldiers, everything else is secondary. It's time for CPD Officers to adopt this mindset. There is no longer ANY need to hurry up on ANY call, other than other P.O's, Off-Duty P.O's, or retired P.O.'s calling for help. Everyone else can just wait, till we get true Leadership with some Balls, in both City Hall and the CPD. Officer Safety= #1. If it isn't safe, don't do it till it is. Call for backup, Canine, SWAT, etc; whateve necessary. Too bad if the bosses, politicians and the non-supportive Public don't like it. WE STAY SAFE, thats #1..

11/28/2010 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice also that there has not been the slightest peep or public statement from our Mayor.

Two police officers killed in one week and daley can't be bothered to appear in public to make a statement of any kind or even issue a press release.

21 years of corruption, fumbling and mismanagement continues unhindered.

11/28/2010 03:59:00 AM

But he has appeared in "his last Christmas tree lighting." Everything he does nowadays is touted by the media as "his last..." this or that. Hopefully, we have seen the last PO killed under his watch.

11/28/2010 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That big head hillbilly Jody puts his foot in his F.B.I. mouth every time he goes off script. He really really sucks.

11/28/2010 11:36:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

Zone 6 Dispatcher: "725, units in Seven, attention units on CityWide, we've got a man shot--a man shot at 6948 Paulina. This is a Zone 6 simulcast."

J-Fled's thought process: "Oh, shit! That's right down the street. The police are going into harm's way on a shooting only 45 seconds away from me. I've GOTTA RUN--(the other way). But no slowdown or disregard has been given. The shooter is escaping. I'd only be a distraction, right?
Let's get out of here. This Englewood is scary. I could get hurt or worse."

NOTE to "our fearless leader": The fatal shooting of Reginald MYERS at 6948 S. Paulina St still remains an unsolved murder, you fuckin' COWARD!

11/28/2010 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His comments clearly reflect his understanding of the job and not from any experience in ever being a police officer. He is no better than a high ranking clouted supervisor who moved up the ranks based on who he knew and not what he knew or accomplished.

11/28/2010 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hair gels knocked our past bosses

believe me hearing a radio call of Man Shot , shots fired
Phil Cline , Terry Hillard , LedRoy Martin would be on scene within minutes and never say
all of the above product of the
60's and 70's Chicago Police Dept
That group was the Thin Blue Line
Most had partners that you could trust with life
verbal or physicac assault on an officer and offender went to ER,threat with any type of weapon , offender went to Morgue

Gotta Run

11/28/2010 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was really great this morning when our Pastor acknowledged the pain CPD officers are feeling, and asked for prayers for all police, fire fighters, and paramedics.
He seemed to understand the job more than Jfled ever will.

11/28/2010 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do we tally our leadership failures let me count the ways.

If this current person of interest is the trigger man we can start with the original judge that sentenced him and the people that paroled him can't we?

Will they be held accountable for their poor judgment?

We have these internal reviews all the time the minute an officer fires a weapon - how about putting the judges on administrative leave as a matter of procedure while we inspect the reasons for his or her actions and let's look at their track records in the public venue with a fine tooth comb until we sort it all out.

Maybe they're not fit to be in their positions eh?

And what about all the other events that setup this environment over the last hours, days, weeks, months, years that makes it okay in the minds of the hood?

The robberies, the shootings, the off-duties murdered, the lack of manpower, the street fights, the park district gang talks, the pod cams, neighbors that have been to prison and back on the street again, failed city gun ban laws and speeches by the Mayor, Governor, Alderman, Police Chief, etc... the lack of manpower on the street. It's all connected. It creates and environment.

We all interpret the world through our personal experiences from our environments. No two are exactly the same. You can't just judge this ambush in a vacuum and say oh well it wasn't an emergency situation and so no-one could of possible foreseen danger. The entire neighborhood is an emergency situation and is a danger. Stepping out the door is a danger. Standing by a window in your home is a danger.

When the mayor comes out of his office and proclaims that people in the hood need to come outside and report what they see and then the people see these off-duty's getting murdered and the on-duty getting ambushed it sets up an certain environment. You interpret one way and they another.

We can't protect ourselves and then your neighbor is supposed to challenge the crime. HA, get real!

The system will take your report and then you're left to fend for yourself against any retribution.

At the same time the leaders in city hall want to disarm you to protect yourself making you jump through all kinds of hoops to own a firearm. This creates an environment for crime to thrive.

The law abiding citizen can not come to the aid of anyone on the street toting a gun. The criminals know it and are embolden by it. Get back in the house old man and mind your business right?

I'm sorry. I just don't buy the J-fled line.

Oh and yes..yes,yes, Where's IS the Mayor? Is he busy looking for vacation retirement property away from this sanctuary city and it's zones of impunity that he help create? Someone should see if they can go pull him out of his spider hole and take accountability for his actions.

11/28/2010 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a saying, "the buck stops here." the proverbial buck stops at Jody Weis's desk and his command of this police department at this time. i have never felt as unsafe on the streets as i do now, and i'm talking about when i am at work in these high crime neighborhoods. manpower is down, which means backup is down. also down is the perception that there are police on the streets, which only emboldens the criminals that they can get away with their crimes. down is the perception that if you attack a police officer there will be severe consequences to your health, and in years past, many gangbangers stayed away from police out of fear of getting their asses kicked, because they sure as hell are not afraid of the criminal justice system, the courts or the jails. While manpower is down, Jody Weis further weakens us by perpetuating the perception on the street that the police will be punished if they put their hands on bad people, which ultimately makes us police officers unsafe on the street.

God Rest You Officer Flisk, you are a victim of something a lot bigger than the thug who killed you.

11/28/2010 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More Chicago police officers have been killed under this superintendent's short 3 year regime than any other superintendent in history.

You want to know why? Coppers are afraid to do their job for fear of reprecussions and retaliation from JPUD. With coppers taking a step back due to the malice of JPUD and his fed buddies the criminals have become more brazen. Nobody fears the police anymore especially the ghetto welfare breeders.

JPUD is more concerned about putting coppers in prison (ie: Cozzi) or getting some face time belittling and stripping officer on TV without knowing all the facts (ie: the incident at 79Vincennes). Its no wonder with a becoming victims of violent crime at an alarming rate. With leadership like this its no wonder.

11/28/2010 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is DA Mayor? He has time to march with the rev's after an violent act is committed among their flock. We can go out on the street shorthanded, but he and Burke have a full staff of bodyguards.

11/28/2010 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one should respond by their selfs in these neighborhoods. Let see J-fed go by himself to any call in these neighborhoods. Ohh thats right J-fed fled with his entourage when he heard a call of shots fired!!!!

*****REFUSE TO GO ON CALLS 99******

11/28/2010 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't J-Fled look like he's had some work done on his face? It never moves. He looks so Botoxed and tightened, he can't make expressions.

11/28/2010 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have read it here before that we have to watch out for each other. Stay on the crime scene until the E.T is finished processing the scene. If not on scene, when the E.T. arrives, ask the dispatcher if the E.T. is on scene and back him/her up.

11/28/2010 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Show some Leadership!!!! Stop thinking about protien powder and do the right thing for once in your life. You have no future after CPD so enjoy this and the $ while you can. Nobody in lawenforcement will ever hire you. You have No Soul.-Semper Fi

11/28/2010 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ETs are not second class cops WTF!! How can you say these things. Your a disgrace.

11/28/2010 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just like the title! How about having every Tweet that and post it on their Facebook Page!

11/28/2010 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't J-Fled at the scene of a homicide, well after it happened, when a shooting occured just blocks away and he earned his moniker?

11/28/2010 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only hope Officer Flisk's wife has the strength to rebuff Weis at the funeral.

I hope Mikes family makes it clear that only the POLICE are allowed to attend the services.

This excludes shortshanks,and jfled and his staff.

11/28/2010 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a former Academy instructor I have always enforced the need for officer safety. That while you are out there doing the job, never let your guard down, and you should never be 99. J-fled you have crossed the line this time. What the fuck do you know about officer safety and or working 99. You should leave today RIGHT NOW and take your crew of mindless fools with you. You rotten bastard!!!!

11/28/2010 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*****WORD FORM 35TH ST.************

JFled was heard saying he understands the troops our hurting by this latest attack, but any officer crossing the line against any person, will be dealt with and made an example of. Meaning? from what I gathered is, that we can be killed!!! Yet, don't slap anyone, don't put your hands on anyone, don't use any force deemed "TOO MUCH" or you will be hung out to dry.

I am beside myself with grief over the loss of my brothers in arms. I for one Will make every effort to stand by my fellow officers. Weather I like them or not.

11/28/2010 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Every time you drive out of the district lot you are going into a dangerous situation. This city is a war zone. Keep your heads on a swivel and stay safe.

11/28/2010 09:53:00 AM

Hell, every time you walk out of the district door.

Remember Police Officer Thor Soderberg.

11/28/2010 05:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the problem. I heard way too many officers tell the dispatcher "give that other car a disregard squad. I'll let you know".

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Afraid someone is going to steal your arrest?

No, it's just we don't want an incompetent clouted up asshole riding on our Area Three job.

11/28/2010 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J FLED thinks anyone not in one of his pet units is non essential.
I/F 760

11/28/2010 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are rumblings that someone in Operations Command, now under the DOC, has complained about the incompetence of a certain commander of said DOC and his LT. Seems this moronic twosome have fucked up so many things that seemed to work fine for years that somebody has had enough. We can only hope that they don't wait until March to remove these idiots.

=========='What they produce is worthless. Face the facts.

11/28/2010 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are rumblings that someone in Operations Command, now under the DOC, has complained about the incompetence of a certain commander of said DOC and his LT. Seems this moronic twosome have fucked up so many things that seemed to work fine for years that somebody has had enough. We can only hope that they don't wait until March to remove these idiots.


If you are a former academy instructor, I question what you really know about policing.

11/28/2010 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the problem. I heard way too many officers tell the dispatcher "give that other car a disregard squad. I'll let you know".

As a sergeant, newly returned to patrol in 1996, I was shocked how many times I heard this the first few days. It stopped when I took each of those people aside later on and told them they WOULD NOT do that when working for me.
There is ZERO time to 'let you know, squad' once a bullet has entered your brain. At that point, it's way too late, not just for you, but for your family and your friends, your pets and your unborn grandchildren. It's too late for the elderly neighbor you shoveled the walk for and it's too late for the kid you might someday have saved from an abuser.
Dispatch is REQUIRED to send backup for a REASON. Let them.

11/28/2010 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

( Even the judges are laughing at you mayor. )


Wedding guest hit with gun charge in Back of the Yards

An Indiana man was arrested Saturday night at a wedding in the Back of the Yards neighborhood after he was seen dancing with a gun holstered at his hip, prosecutors said today.

Seeing the 9mm handgun strapped to his waist while he partied in the foyer of a church gym, an off-duty police officer working security arrested Samuel Caballero-Solis, 51, of Indianapolis about 8:30 p.m. in the 1900 block of West 48th Street.

The off-duty officer disarmed him and called police.

He was charged with unlawful use of a weapon and Cook County Criminal Court Judge Israel Desierto set Caballero-Solis' bail at $10,000 today.

The judge joked about the discrepancy between local gun laws and generally less rigid rules across the eastern border.

"He is from Indiana," the judge said

via >>

11/28/2010 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

believe me hearing a radio call of Man Shot , shots fired
Phil Cline , Terry Hillard , LedRoy Martin would be on scene within minutes and never say
all of the above product of the
60's and 70's Chicago Police Dept
That group was the Thin Blue Line
Most had partners that you could trust with life
verbal or physicac assault on an officer and offender went to ER,threat with any type of weapon , offender went to Morgue


11/28/2010 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Notice also that there has not been the slightest peep or public statement from our Mayor.

Two police officers killed in one week and daley can't be bothered to appear in public to make a statement of any kind or even issue a press release.

21 years of corruption, fumbling and mismanagement continues unhindered.

11/28/2010 03:59:00 AM

But he has appeared in "his last Christmas tree lighting." Everything he does nowadays is touted by the media as "his last..." this or that.

11/28/2010 11:33:00 AM

Let me know when they announce shortshanks "last" breath or "last" day before he reports to prison. Either one is OK.

11/28/2010 08:02:00 PM  
Blogger Big City Police (Ret.) said...

Anonymous said...
I only hope Officer Flisk's wife has the strength to rebuff Weis at the funeral.

11/28/2010 07:37:00 AM

Lay off the family, idiot. They have enough problems right now.

Why don't you go take care of him, tough guy?

11/28/2010 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest over-paid fool in CPD history.

11/28/2010 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One can only wish that when all is said and done, Jody Weis goes the way of Ruth Love. After all, they have a lot in common.

---not a cop

11/28/2010 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/28/2010 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been on 26 years. Never have seen it this bad, or seen a worse supt. Yet this arrogant son of a bitch won't go away. My heart is breaking tonite over the death of Officer Flisk, and the state of this department. My God, why can't this complete mistake of a superintendent just accept that he is universally hated, totally out of his element, and just resign. Can anyone confirm that when our fallen brother was taken from the hospital to the M.E. that as all officers stood out side and saluted our brother, J-Fled was there...sittinng in his God damn Tahoe??

11/28/2010 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That big head hillbilly Jody puts his foot in his F.B.I. mouth every time he goes off script. He really really sucks.

11/28/2010 11:36:00 AM

Sir or madam,
I take exception to your comment---I find it totally offensive and completely uncalled for---------------------------------------------------you insult hillbillies throughout our great land with a comment like that.

11/28/2010 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous DAN D. said...


11/28/2010 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOT that ETs Mike Flisk or otherwise, blow off assisting other units on 'in progress' jobs
dont make traffic stops, or fail to do aggressive preventative police work

11/28/2010 01:32:00 AM

What you do not understand is that the FLED does not KNOW enough about our job to know that E.T.'s are first responders and, even though they are not normally assigned to calls other than E.T. calls for service, they do ride on in-progress jobs while 10-99, make traffic stops while 10-99 and do aggressive preventive street work between their E.T. duties. Why? Because they are the POLICE and protecting the citizenry is their job. E.T.'s are POLICE OFFICERS that happen to also be an E.T. but they are POLICE OFFICERS, first and foremost, which is something the FLED will never be.

11/28/2010 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only a few months left of this nightmare...and then what? Weis has successfully dismantled this department. Wasn't that what he was brought here to do? Will our department recover from the damage within our lifetime, if ever? Let's not wait and see.

We need to rebuild from the ground up, not vice versa. We need to instill our young officers with sense of tradition and honor that the CPD is renowned for. That begins by allowing these animals to roam the earth. One way, or the other.

Don't rely on our current leadership to show us the way. It's not too late, but it will be soon. We lose precious knowledge and resources with every retirement.

Take a few minutes to share a little bit of that experience. The good ones will listen. The dogs will always be dogs. We need those few good ones to keep us together. At the end of the day this is just a job to some, a calling to others, and a blessing to a few.

Mr. Weis accomplished his job. Don't make it his legacy. Do the opposite. Lead by example, and from the front.

11/28/2010 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A City at War With Itself: Chicago - Fast-Tracking to Anarchy

11/28/2010 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only hope Officer Flisk's wife has the strength to rebuff Weis at the funeral.

I hope Mikes family makes it clear that only the POLICE are allowed to attend the services.

This excludes shortshanks,and jfled and his staff.


While I agree with this sentiment, lets not forget the horrible, tremendous stress that the Flisk family is under. Maybe they don't need to be burdened with any more. They have lost their son, brother, husband or father. That seems to me to be enough to bear right now.

God bless you all.

11/28/2010 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for you to leave Mr. Superintendent. Allow us to be the police once more, regain control of this city and put the criminals back in there place.

Richie is leaving please do the same sooner not later before God forbid we lose another Brother.

11/28/2010 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Notice also that there has not been the slightest peep or public statement from our Mayor."

I bet he found Saddam's spider hole......

11/28/2010 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fled just leave town

11/28/2010 11:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More Chicago police officers have been killed under this superintendent's short 3 year regime than any other superintendent in history.

You are wrong. Try to control yourself. Things will never improve as long as we rant inaccurately. Remember the job didn't begin on your date of appointment.

11/28/2010 11:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"More Chicago police officers have been killed under this superintendent's short 3 year regime than any other superintendent in history."


Not true. When you have time, check out the Northwest wall at 35th and Michigan. It contains the stars of the officers killed during the 1920's. They averaged over 10 officers a year killed in the line of duty. Some years there were 13 and 14 killed. It was a particularly vicious decade to be the police.

That is not to take away from what is going on today. There is no question that it is open season on the police; the media, the mayor, and Jody Weis all have responsibility in the situation.

11/29/2010 12:08:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...


you can take your statistics and shove them up your ass. or maybe you didn't notice the string of unprovoked attacks on multiple PO's this year across the nation?

you can also take your contention that "attacks on an ET are absolutely nonexistent" and shove that one up your ass sideways, seeing as an ET just got killed in an unprovoked attack. maybe enlighten your dumb ass as to the loses ET's have suffered over the past decades.

it's going to be a cold day in hell before we allow your comments here under that moniker again.

11/29/2010 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Come on! I hate this Cro Magnon too, but everyone is wrongly directing their anger to Jody. This was an animal that made up his mind to take one of ours and little to nothing could have been done to prevent it. You're reading too much into his statement SCC.

11/28/2010 01:13:00 AM

Your words and sentiment betray you and show you are not, nor have you ever been, a police officer. Only a police officer would know how you gave yourself away. Go to hell you piece of shit.

11/28/2010 08:05:00 AM

Sorry, I hate to break it to you, but your life is not always in your hands. Sometimes we rely on fate and luck to make it home to our families. When you stop at a red light, do you always keep an eye on the guy in the car next to you? If he is intent on shooting you while you're attention is elsewhere, there is nothing you can do. When you sit at the district desk typing a report, what can you do if someone is intent on shooting you as your attention is on the computer. Unfortunately bad things happen and sometimes it is beyond our control.

11/29/2010 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a sergeant, newly returned to patrol in 1996, I was shocked how many times I heard this the first few days. It stopped when I took each of those people aside later on and told them they WOULD NOT do that when working for me.

11/28/2010 07:30:00 PM

Nobody worked for you. You were an employee of the city that was assigned to supervise other employees. Get it? You were not the employer, so stop pretending.

But thanks for letting us know you are a sergeant from the April 1996 class and that you returned to patrol and, with your years of wisdom and experience garnered outside of patrol, singlehandedly saved patrol peons from themselves, you pompous dickhead.

11/29/2010 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

01 March 2011 cannot arrive here soon enough.
I can't wait until this year is over; I pray that it ends with no more tragedies within the CPD. I eagerly
await the rebuilding of our once-fine Dept. into something we can eventually all be proud of again,
and we can set these memories of the past 3 years
aside permanently. I can't take much more of this.
God bless the CPD, our fallen and their families, and
Bill Cozzi too. Don't forget to take the time to send
Bill a holiday card, I'm sure it will lift his spirits.

11/29/2010 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I hate to break it to you, but your life is not always in your hands. Sometimes we rely on fate and luck to make it home to our families. When you stop at a red light, do you always keep an eye on the guy in the car next to you? If he is intent on shooting you while you're attention is elsewhere, there is nothing you can do. When you sit at the district desk typing a report, what can you do if someone is intent on shooting you as your attention is on the computer. Unfortunately bad things happen and sometimes it is beyond our control.

11/29/2010 12:46:00 AM

More proof that you are just like the FLED. You are not now, nor have you ever been, a police officer. Now go away, you piece of shit.

11/29/2010 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

somebody start a count down clock

11/29/2010 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mutant's insulting comments about the deceased officer not being a "first responder" really should mean the end of J-Fled's career.

The Chief of Patrol or Detectives should be handling these press conferences; Weis is a disaster.

This department has been in the toilet since John Thoms died. He indeed was a hard man, but he ran the day-to-day operations like the para-military organization we are.

11/29/2010 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shows you the difference between J-Fled the clueless fuck and every previous Superintendent no matter how good or bad they were. No previous Superintentdent needed a written speech to comment to the press regarding a fallen PO. J-Fled resign and take the jagoff MASTERS (X3) with you. Lets get a cop back running the department. I don't care who as long as he or she has the balls to back us and knows the job.

11/29/2010 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read in the Trib that Jfled said that there was no reason to believe that Officer Flisk was walking into a dangerous situation when he responded to the ET call at the burglary scene. This just proves once again that he will NEVER understand our job.

J-Fled is right! come Chicago has never had an ET Murdered, sorry but come on some places are safer then others. it is what it is.

I worked Patrol for 29 years in a marked vehicle every day.I was injured then worked a traffic car for three months then retired. Big difference Answering Calls is dangerous. You know it.

11/29/2010 10:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I hate to break it to you, but your life is not always in your hands. Sometimes we rely on fate and luck to make it home to our families. When you stop at a red light, do you always keep an eye on the guy in the car next to you? If he is intent on shooting you while you're attention is elsewhere, there is nothing you can do. When you sit at the district desk typing a report, what can you do if someone is intent on shooting you as your attention is on the computer. Unfortunately bad things happen and sometimes it is beyond our control.



11/30/2010 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To any and all mayoral candidates.
If you want to clean up and improve the police department, you have to do more than get rid of Weis. You have to purge the department of
Mike Masters
Bill Bazarek
Debbie Kirby
Peter Brust and any and all Fed compatriots of Weis
Beatrice Cuelo
Anthony Carothers
Ernie Brown
Any or all of these individuals will continue to destroy the department, cause you undue embarrassment, and will
destroy your agenda. It's time to clean the pipes. Dump them all.
Don't say you weren't warned. I've worked around these individuals and know what they're like.

11/30/2010 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To any and all mayoral candidates.
If you want to clean up and improve the police department, you have to do more than get rid of Weis. You have to purge the department of
Mike Masters
Bill Bazarek
Debbie Kirby
Peter Brust and any and all Fed compatriots of Weis
Beatrice Cuelo
Anthony Carothers
Ernie Brown
Any or all of these individuals will continue to destroy the department, cause you undue embarrassment, and will
destroy your agenda. It's time to clean the pipes. Dump them all.
Don't say you weren't warned. I've worked around these individuals and know what they're like.

You forgot Civilian Commander Robert (retired Sgt.) Roman, submitter of clout babies for merit promotions, Brian Murphy, who left the job as a Lt. to work in Streets & San, then returned to the Dept. as a Deputy Chief; and James Jackson, who is nothing more than window dressing for the reverends, says and does little and really has no power within the Dept. since Aunt Bea was promoted to Asst. Supt., essentially taking over his position. Cutting all that lead weight from the Dept. will save millions. Oh, and don't forget Cmdr. Frank (photog) Gross, and the Cmdr. of the DOC. Both exempt positions could be done by a Lt., and likely be performed far more competently than they are right now. As far as civilians go, Bonnie Amado has shown herself to be nothing more than a political hack who has done next to nothing to fix a multitude of problems in many Dept. bldgs.,some old and some new, until SHAMED into making changes after pictures were published HERE ON SCC about the deplorable conditions at E&RPS/HOMAN SQUARE, 016, 011, 001 and various other Dept. facilities. And who can forget Mike Picardo, formerly of Fleet Services? Has his retirement arrived yet, Mr. Mayor? How long must the CPD 'eat' this leech/worm?

11/30/2010 09:42:00 PM  

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