Friday, January 21, 2011

Wilding Shoplifters

  • A teenage shoplifting gang snared more than $5,000 in stolen loot from Michigan Avenue stores Wednesday night before they were arrested, police say.

    Five girls and six boys allegedly brazenly grabbed clothes from The North Face at 875 N. Michigan, AX Armani Exchange at 520 N. Michigan and Filene’s Basement at 830 N. Michigan, then fled on foot before they were arrested on the first block of East Pearson at 6:30 p.m.

    The arrests follow a spate of similar shoplifting incidents over the last two weeks on Michigan Avenue in which large groups of youths use their sheer numbers to overwhelm and confuse store employees, staff at all three stores said.

    “More than 15 of them came in the store, and then one of the boy’s shouted ‘Snatch!,’ and all you could hear was hangers being ripped off rails,” said a worker at Filene’s Basement, who asked not to be named because she is not authorized to speak with the press.

Trib coverage here.

An alternative media outlet has been covering it and report upwards of twenty juveniles are pulling these guerrilla-type raids on a whole bunch of high-end stores. Can you guess why the lame-stream media hasn't said a word about it until now? Because all the kids are black.

Whoops! We said it. Now Eric Holder is going to say we can't have a serious discussion about race in this country because we pointed that out. Shame on us.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

take a ride on the CTA. the same thing is happening. you receive a smack in the face and off with your hand held devices. all day & all night long.

1/21/2011 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Now Eric Holder is going to say we can't have a serious discussion about race in this country because we pointed that out."

Laugh now. When the TSSS becomes an ASS no one will be laughing!

(Oh yeah, maybe we will be laughing!)


1/21/2011 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the sales tax didn't scare you away this should.

1/21/2011 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez let me think what are the consequences of stealing so much shit from this store. A couple of weeks in juvy hall. Not like I'll miss school or anything. I hear the alternative H.S. in juvy is way better than, well I don't even go to schools no more. At least I'll get all the a-men-ta-tees (big word) I already have access to on the outside, ya know, dope, cigs, all the good stuff. Then when it comes to my court date, I'll get home confinement, and we all know my p.o. ain't gonna check up on me. Iz all good! I'll be walking around the block, selling my dope in style with my new north face and timbalands, and my bracelet around my ankle.

1/21/2011 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried placing a comment on the Chicago breaking news site and guess what? The liberal media has disabled the comments, what a joke... Figures

1/21/2011 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has happened time and time again in 018 and 001, and now it's finally making the news??? I'm surprised the editors let the story run, since we know how they hate to put AA teens in a bad light. And let's not forget when these little darlings beat and rob the unsuspecting white folks in random attacks in the Loop and Near North on a semi-regular basis. I'm pretty sure some aldercreature will blame it on budget cuts that have axed the after-school programs that keep these thugs and thuglettes occupied.

1/21/2011 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have police browse craigslist and you will find all the stolen merchandise.

The kids are from Roseland. 95th and Halstead.

1/21/2011 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's why we are raising taxes... ...these kids OBVIOUSLY don't have enough LINK,SSI, Section-8, WIC, free education, free health care, free after-school programs

1/21/2011 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its only gonna get worse. They started off taking IPhones, then these mob style thefts. Next will be hard core robberies on Michigan Ave. Victims will be tourists and wont come back for court. Media will not cover because it would harm City's image and drive away tourism, hence less sale tax revenue.
Its not good enough that these teens get free lunches, healthcare, schooling, sect 8 and babysitting services. They have to go out and steal and rob for NorthFace Jackets and the such.
Parents should be charged for neglect if they don't pick up these kids and charged with negleck if they allow them to steal repeatedly. No government subsidies for repeat offenders!

1/21/2011 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous HATER said...





1/21/2011 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im a PO in 018 and this has been going on for a long time, We probably get 1200 strong arm robberies a year and thousands of pickpocket victims.

1/21/2011 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has been going on for quite some time. Ipods and iphones are also very popular for these hood rats. All of the shitheads are taking the train downtown from the far south and west sides. Please warn your family and love ones of the numerous daily robberies that are happening. The 018th District is starting to go the drain.

1/21/2011 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

groups of youths

"What's a 'yute'"??

1/21/2011 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No doubt 18 is one of the "quiet" districts that will have to send manpower to the ghetto. These animals take the trains downtown and rob businesses and taxpayers, you know the people who actually deserve police service, all day every day.

1/21/2011 12:53:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

There is a precedent for wilding juveniles which recently occurred in suburban Milwaukee.

On Monday afternoon, January 3rd, roving bands of teens from Milwaukee's ghetto stormed the Mayfair Mall in west suburban Wauwatosa, terrorizing shoppers, vandalizing, committing en masse shoplifting and wreaking havoc in general.

To read more about Mayfair Mall and to compare with the incidents on the Mag Mile, GOOGLE "teens storm mall" and "Mayfair Mall".

Also separately check the term "flash mob" where hundreds can organize and rendezvous on only minutes notice via cell phone texting. This may have played a role in the 'tosa mall rampage.

1/21/2011 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out what happened to the Mayfair mall in Milwaukee a couple of weeks ago no national coverage i wonder why

1/21/2011 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they just need clothes to stay warm

1/21/2011 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous De Oppresso Liber said...

Not to worry, Holder didn't see voter intimidation by the. " new black panther party. " reported during the presidential election, he ain't gonna see this. Justice is color - blind

1/21/2011 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were black? I can't believe it! I am shocked and sickened that this scurrilous allegation was made!

I'll bet they were all National Honor Society members from New Trier High School out on a dare. Yeah, that's it. The newspaper just trying to make poor young black kids look bad.

This is racist, Father Pfleger where are you?

1/21/2011 02:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The vestibules of these stores need to be redesigned as traps -- hit a button, the inner and outer doors lock. We'll "buzz you out" to the wagon when it gets here.

Or maybe just not buzz you in in the first place. "More customer flow than our staff could handle, so we calmed the entry (I like that phrase!) until we were certain that each customer could be waited upon according to our policies." Or something about being over the maximum number of customers as per fire code. If there's too much of anything today, it's corporate doubletalk. Lay it on double-thick here.

Not every sh___ss on the West Side has a legal team on retainer that you have to be scared of, you know. They're doing good if they don't trip over their own shoelaces.

Use less glass in the entry, and make that heavy and shatterproof, with no movable object left in the vestibule --display rack or whatever -- that could be used as a battering ram to defeat it. Lightweight plastic, wood, etc. for that stuff.

Anyone who is physically touched by one of these idiots -- pushing you aside, whatever -- should have the blow returned to the best of your ability. Maybe they trip and go right through a plate glass display case...I've, uh, seen it.

F**k 'em.

1/21/2011 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now even less police in the 25th and 16th and 8th Districts...

Gotta keep the merchants happy!

Slightly off topic…

You probably won't see much video of these incidents as that would be racist and maybe costly. Seems that the lady in the video that was all over the news and You-
Tube because we she blundered into a mall fountain while texting is suing the mall.

Now for not having warning signs or a fence around the fountain, but for allowing their security personnel to get hold of that video and send it out to the world to her embarrassment.

She will probably collect, from the mall and from the numbnuts in security who let loose the video.

The boys in their POD Room will probably loose their jobs and some money as it is certainly a violation of company policy to buzz out company security cam video to the public.

The lesson here is don't do anything stupid with your car cam, PODs or cellphones. Imaging all your friends having to answer the question who sent you this and risk a Rule 14 violation to say they don't know.

1/21/2011 02:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good 4 u SCC...

1/21/2011 03:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i knew that before you pointed it out.

1/21/2011 04:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have been doing this on the west side for the last few years and nothing was done so they have moved elsewhere as the stores here on the west side have improved their security.

Family Dollar on Pulaski and Roosevelt was the first store I personally saw thieves hit and then the whole mall there on Pulaski and Roosevelt was "ran on", unbelievably the Subway had to mount "sneeze shields" as thugs would spit in the food.

Then the thieves moved to Ogden/Pulaski/Cermak and did their snatch and run, including the Osco where the shoplifter was choked to death by an employee and who was obviously part of these thugs.

They were caught so if they get more than a slap on the wrist, make them pay damages, it might change some of their minds about "snatching."

1/21/2011 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even with all the coppers downtown last night for the Chinese president one of these honor students snatched a cell phone around Adams and State.

1/21/2011 05:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the kids arrested were swearing obscenities in the station and saying that the police couldnt do anything to them. A couple had been arrested just a few days before for the exact same thing. One subject's mother who came to the station stated that when her daughter went to court on a previous offense the judge dismissed all charges saying that she wouldnt charge the kids if they stay in school and get good grades. The mother to her credit was pissed at the judge.They will be back they text each other on facebook and plan these raids out according to one arrestee.

1/21/2011 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were caught so if they get more than a slap on the wrist, make them pay damages, it might change some of their minds about "snatching."

1/21/2011 04:07:00 AM

You mean YOU will eventually pay for the damages.
They a'int gots no money. Thats why they be stealin.

1/21/2011 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does their race have to do with it SCC? I mean c'mon now rushing to judgement a little right? Are u saying just black kids do this type of thing? Don't white kids in numbers of 15-20 run into stores and steal everything in site?.....uh wait.. ok ok ok don't white kids harrass and rob citizens on cta buses and trains and on the street intimidating them and then steal their phones,ipods and such? Ok bad example.... don't mostly white high schools have daily gang fights,mob scenes that require large police responses resulting in P.O.'s injured and mass arrests?? HUH SCC??? Do they?Do they?!??....wait let me start over. Don't white neighborhoods have large amounts of dope spots,shootings,rapes,burglaries and thefts??? uh huh yeah SCC thought so.....uhhhhhh Hang on SCC Don't white ki......oh forget it I give up...u racist SCC...u racist

1/21/2011 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They wouldn't have done this in the old days more than once. The coppers would have kicked their stupid little asses all the way home. Now, with the new era that is upon us, these evil little bastards can do this and sue whoever gets in their way their illegal activity. The monsters have too many rights and the victims rights are to get beaten and robbed.

Hey little maggots and your useless parents: When you have chased all of the taxpayers out of here, who the hell will support your no-working asses with your free goodies from the government? No taxpayers means no taxes collected.

1/21/2011 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police should be able to beat these people severely when they catch them. Hard to re-offend with broken limbs.

Yeah, I know, I know, sue the city, ghetto lottery, yada yada.....I'm still of the same opinion.

It's time to put some of these people out of our misery. Support concealed carry, and remember to say 2 things.
1) I was in fear of my life.
2) I want a lawyer.

1/21/2011 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...The lesson here is don't do anything stupid with your car cam, PODs or cellphones. Imagine all your friends having to answer the question who sent you this and risk a Rule 14 violation to say they don't know."

1/21/2011 02:59:00 AM

In a related story, those who tend to put up photos on the internet, (or even a Facebook profile pic), may find that you are giving EVERYONE who knows how to obtain the information, a road map to your exact location. Turns out each photo is "tagged" with a GPS marker that can be traceable by "right-clicking" on the photo. This could be extremely handy for law enforcement in trying to track down stolen merchandise perhaps found on ebay or Craig's list, but absolutely devastating for victims of stalkers or sexual predators.

Here's the story:

1/21/2011 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media would rather talk about Sarah Palin.

1/21/2011 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has been going on in 018 for a long time. They've cut back on the number of footmen on Michigan Avenue too. When they call for a footman or a car in the 30 sector, nobody answers the radio anyway.

1/21/2011 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous NO RACIAL PROFILING said...


You are comparing young African-Americans (don't say "blacks") to swarming locusts. Young African-American consumers have every right to shop at the tony stores and boutiques on North Michigan Avenue as well as upscale shopping malls. Those who argue to the contrary are flaming racists.

s/the rev-runs and the politically correct mainstream media.

1/21/2011 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was the fusion crime predicting super computer??

1/21/2011 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

95th and Halsted is Washington Heights. Head S/E for Roseland.

1/21/2011 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tough Guy! I could be the Hardest Charger in the pond and if I got twenty or thirty hyped-up teenagers running at me full-speed with armloads of swag that does not belong to me, what shit do I really give? Can you answer that?

1/21/2011 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're calling themselves "The Daley Gang". Nothing's to small or insignificant to steal. They'd steal the air if they could.

1/21/2011 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/21/2011 12:43:00 AM

Hey asshole, I'm assuming your a troll because I hope another cop would think catching and processing 15 shoplifters isn't dogging it. What hasn't been reported is that there were several arrested that were also arrested in the last incident. There is no deterrent to them. They are also listing them as juvy's, but they're 15, 16, and 17. They should be all charged as adults.

1/21/2011 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are the consequences......I ain't doing nothing about it. Maybe the two or three people that were illegally given my promotions over the past 28yrs will give the Rats Ass that I, do not. If there is Karma in consequences, Daley, Weis and Burke will all be beaten in the face with an errant pile of "Citizens for all Humanity" jeans as the offenders try to quickly toss them is a Bloomie's Run-By.

1/21/2011 07:57:00 AM  
Blogger Captain Video said...

Remember, Rahm Emmanuel, the guy who vows to cut your pensions, will need you to go after these thugs.

Please remember that if you dare vote for Rahm Emmanuel and when he attacks our pension and wants you to take a pay cut.

Don't like the 10% raise we got last time over 5 years? Be prepared to give it back then.

If police don't get out and vote in huge numbers for Gery Chico then they deserve the huge fucking coming their way under Mayor Emmanuel.

You will be waxing nostalgic for Richy Daley if Rahm Emmanuel gets in, that's for sure.

1/21/2011 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous butthead said...

Heh, heh, heh. . . . that employee said "Them".

1/21/2011 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Monday afternoon, January 3rd, roving bands of teens from Milwaukee's ghetto stormed the Mayfair Mall in west suburban Wauwatosa, terrorizing shoppers, vandalizing, committing en masse shoplifting and wreaking havoc in general

So much for freedom of speech.

Just logged onto JSOnline (Milwaukee Journal Sentinal)to read the article about the Mayfair Mall incident.

They turned off the comment section.

1/21/2011 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard the almighty Seiser was involved in the arrest.

1/21/2011 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we're fucked

1/21/2011 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

could this be the CHANGE we were promised two years ago? (( LOL ))

1/21/2011 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just keeping it real. Peace out.

1/21/2011 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So that's why Earnie Brown says Tact guys shouldn't make retail theft arrests! They'd have their 20 heads of part 1's for the period and stop working. Makes sense to me.....not.

1/21/2011 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous FLASH MOBBING said...

With the ubiquitous possession of cell phones among all, including young thieves and vandals, urban law enforcement must implement a immediate response plan to counter flash mobbing by these young thugs to pillage, loot, riot and even cause serious bodily harm to innocents. We can expect an exponential increase in such coordinated criminal swarming tactics.

Political correctness be damned. In the Mayfair Mall incident, there was even gunfire. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

1/21/2011 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every an equal opportunity crook, Rahm Emmanuel wants to extend the CTA lines to 130th, so that the Altgeld Gardens project dwellers will have equal access to all the looting opportunities and tourist victims downtown.

1/21/2011 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go figure, comments are shut off on breaking news on that story.

1/21/2011 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were caught so if they get more than a slap on the wrist, make them pay damages, it might change some of their minds about "snatching."

1/21/2011 04:07:00 AM

the only thing that will change their minds is a bullet.

1/21/2011 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous I gotta be honest said...

This story was on the news yesterday. If they committed this crime in a poor area would it be on the news? Doubtful. Were they all Juveniles? Since it's not common practice to announce names of Juveniles, is it common practice to announce their race? How important is it to announce the race of Juveniles to the public?

1/21/2011 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After being processed by A/3-SVU, King "the lion hearted" they all swore never to commit another crime until they become adults!!

1/21/2011 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...


cough cough wheeezz!


The toilet is overflowing!

The yuppies cry and dance trying to keep the doo-doo out of their blahniks and birkenstocks to no avail!

Just wait until summer good people!
You ain't seen shit yet!


Perhaps you need the mean, unfriendly and "beefy" Police to jiggle the handle for you?


The new, friendly, tech-savvy, multi-lingual, not everything can be solved with an arrest Police/City of Chicago Customer Service & Revenue Generating Agent (thank u Tracy Ladner!:) will be glad to assist you!

"All Agents are busy... Please wait for the next available Agent. Your wait time is 3 to 5 minutes."

"AAAIIIIIEEEEE! But I'm being robbed and dry buggered NOW!"

*commercials playing while u wait*

"...Capitol One! What's in YOUR wallet?"

"...for pain and inflammation, use..."

This is the future of hunted and enslaved Chicago tax payers.

And the future is now.

j-fled's redistribution of Police resources is moving right along.

Are you afraid yet, tax payers?

Don't be so smug... This shit is happening more than shorty and j-fled want you to know.

Oh yeah... remember to blame the "greedy Police" for this. It's all their fault, right?

1/21/2011 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thug life is good in Chicago.

1/21/2011 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This has happened time and time again in 018 and 001, and now it's finally making the news??? I'm surprised the editors let the story run, since we know how they hate to put AA teens in a bad light. And let's not forget when these little darlings beat and rob the unsuspecting white folks in random attacks in the Loop and Near North on a semi-regular basis. I'm pretty sure some aldercreature will blame it on budget cuts that have axed the after-school programs that keep these thugs and thuglettes occupied.

1/21/2011 12:32:00 AM

Dude, why is it "AA" for the blacks and "white" for the whites?

It's black and white.

1/21/2011 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

look up thei mugshots on 018 arrests. everyone of them looks bored, they know nothing is going to happen. too bad the police cant crack a few skulls like the days of old.

1/21/2011 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, and national and regional chains don't put stores in these animals' neighborhoods. Go figure.

1/21/2011 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw a great article in the Sun Times today about Jodie saying what a great job Goldstein and the crime forecasting unit is doing. Do you think they missed this one or a number of these incidents? After the first I could have figured out the fools would return and continue this. Do that mean I'm smarter than all those computers?
Jodie said the Crime Analysist Group has accomplished their goal of locating even small crime spots. Tell that to the owners of the stores on Michigan Ave

1/21/2011 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let me guess ... all white kids from the Northshore .... NOT !

1/21/2011 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lady walks into chuckie cheese at Central and Touhy with fifteen kids.
They have a good ol time. When presented with the bill, she says it's too much and she's not going to pay. When told the police was being called, her response was the po' lice ain't going to do anything, and walks out with the 15 kids.
Lead by example. If pointed out your a racist.

1/21/2011 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Food fight forces Oak Lawn restaurant to close early
Jan 21, 2011 03:14PM

Share E-Mail Print A large group of high school students engaged in a fight Thursday night at a Chinese buffet in Oak Lawn, forcing the restaurant to close early.

The fight broke out at 9:20 p.m. at Buffet City, 8708 S. Cicero Ave., shortly after about 30 students from Chicago Vocational High School arrived, police said.

Students swore and threatened customers before the fight broke out, police said.

Plates and a table were broken, and several students threw food around the restaurant during the melee, police said.

The restaurant was closed for the remainder of the night. The owners did not press charges, police said.

Hey after a long day of wilding, a kid's gotta eat.

1/21/2011 03:41:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the unpublished "lamer:"

We just went over to the BreakingNews website and wonder of wonders, there were comment sections all over the place, just not on certain articles. Go figure.

1/21/2011 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8708 s cicero oak lawn chinese restaurant had to shut down after 30 cvs students entered and started a food fight and yelling at customers. fucking animals!!!!!!!!

1/21/2011 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They have to go out and steal and rob for NorthFace Jackets..."

--1/21/2011 12:40:00 AM

North Face has been mentioned here a couple of times; you'll have noticed that every TV reporter in town is conspicuously wearing one; either that or Columbia.

Quite the fashion under the camera lights at the latest shooting, with the idiots behind the reporter wearing them too and making funny signs with their fingers...

This strikes me as being extremely unethical.

I can remember when a magazine like Popular Mechanics did an article on fixing something, they'd block out the label on the bottle of glue in the picture, so as not to be accused of giving endorsements or favoring one product over another.

Are they being given the jackets (some with their station name also printed on) or are they buying them themslves? Either way -- unethical, unprofessional, sleazy.

...and helping to contribute to the mad desire of looters for these utterly unremarkable, run-of-the-mill products.

North Face used to be a small American manufacturer of quality hiking and climbing gear; today, it's nothing more than a nickel's worth of name printed on something made by the bazillions in an Asian sweatshop. Typical. Abercrombie and Fitch went the same way, Brookstone, etc.

1/21/2011 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I could be the Hardest Charger in the pond and if I got twenty or thirty hyped-up teenagers running at me full-speed with armloads of swag that does not belong to me, what shit do I really give? Can you answer that?"

--1/21/2011 07:51:00 AM


No, really, you're right -- this has moved beyond "shoplifting" into concerted "mob action."

1/21/2011 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta be honest said...

This story was on the news yesterday. If they committed this crime in a poor area would it be on the news? Doubtful. Were they all Juveniles? Since it's not common practice to announce names of Juveniles, is it common practice to announce their race? How important is it to announce the race of Juveniles to the public?

1/21/2011 11:32:00 AM

it's the honest thing to do.

1/21/2011 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young African-American consumers have every right to shop at the tony stores and boutiques on North Michigan Avenue as well as upscale shopping malls. Those who argue to the contrary are flaming racists.

s/the rev-runs and the politically correct mainstream media.

1/21/2011 07:41:00 AM

shopping includes purchasing, which includes paying.

hell, you'd think at least one of these knuckleheads would have a stolen credit card on them to use.

1/21/2011 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come Car 49 hasn't put an end to this? It's been going on in his Central Control Group for awhile now.
I'm guessing Jimmy Keating is too busy counting the money he's going to collect from his pension and the sweet new gig his good buddy Ritchie Daley got for him. Between the pension and new salary he'll be raking in about $300 K.
What a great country huh?

How come this whiz kid from the predictive analysis unit hasn't predicted these wildings yet?
His unit is doing a great job...JFraud himself said so in today's Sun Times.

Rahm is leading in the polls. Can Armegeddon be far behind?

1/21/2011 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Lady walks into chuckie cheese at Central and Touhy with fifteen kids.
They have a good ol time. When presented with the bill, she says it's too much and she's not going to pay. When told the police was being called, her response was the po' lice ain't going to do anything, and walks out with the 15 kids.
Lead by example. If pointed out your a racist.

1/21/2011 03:14:00 PM

And you are sure that it was a "Lady" who walked into the Chuck E'Cheese? Generous with the compliment aren't you? I mean, sounds more like a thieving good for shit lying ghetto bitch to me.

1/21/2011 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems that the lady in the video that was all over the news and You-
Tube because we she blundered into a mall fountain while texting is suing the mall.

Now for not having warning signs or a fence around the fountain, but for allowing their security personnel to get hold of that video and send it out to the world to her embarrassment.

She will probably collect, from the mall and from the numbnuts in security who let loose the video.

--1/21/2011 02:59:00 AM

Not so fast there -- this woman, who works at the mall, is a career POS with a half-dozen prior retail theft convictions and 12 months for hit-and-run who currently has a court date on theft of a credit card from a fellow employee on which she charged thousands of dollars. Real clothes horse here. Probably looking at six months on that.

Just the type who'd pull a "slip and fall down" and drag out her very-well-fed-looking lawyer. I think it was intentional, she was going to sue "because mall personnel did not come to her aid" -- while she got up and walked away herself, I guess. Too stupid to lay there and make moaning sounds.

Happy jail. See ya.

Now sports...

1/21/2011 06:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This barbaric activity must be on store tapes....why can't we have a judge with some balls, throw these kdis in juvie detention and get them off the street for awhile and give the law abiding citizens a break.

just axin

1/21/2011 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hospira to stop making drug used in executions!!!

Another investment shot to hell.

1/21/2011 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media would rather talk about Sarah Palin.

1/21/2011 07:30:00 AM

There is no real media anymore, they have become a branch of the socialist government. The only real news outlets left are the internet and talk radio.

That is why the socialists in charge are trying to put a damper on both via the fairness doctrine for radio, and more control over the internet.

1/21/2011 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think the whiz kid from the predictive analysis unit could get me the Powerball numbers, so I can save my family and get them the hell out of here?

1/21/2011 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about we round up these poor mis-directed, underprivledged honor students and let them loose in the City Council chamber and let the Aldercreatures get a little taste of a wilding and see how they like?

1/21/2011 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...throw these kdis in juvie detention and get them off the street for awhile and give the law abiding citizens a break.

just axin

1/21/2011 07:29:00 PM

i want them on the streets.


1/21/2011 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hospira to stop making drug used in executions!!!"

--1/21/2011 08:10:00 PM

One state whose law does not mandate a specific brand name recently used another pentothal drug -- the same used for animal euthanasia -- and found that it worked just fine. A bit of wordsmithing by state legislatures'll set this right.

1/21/2011 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had one try to steal my laptop a few years ago on a blue line el stop. There were a couple others with him. I bashed his face in with my sap and laid him flat on his ass. They ran away. Didn't bother filing a report. I don't know maybe I should have, but I didn't want to get in trouble for the sap LOL.

1/22/2011 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are comparing young African-Americans (don't say "blacks") to swarming locusts. Young African-American consumers have every right to shop at the tony stores and boutiques on North Michigan Avenue as well as upscale shopping malls. Those who argue to the contrary are flaming racists.

Soon To Be ex-Mayor
Rich Daley.
P.S. Where's my cut? And don't forget Bobby Vee.

1/22/2011 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the new "Blue Light Special."
And while I'm at it, Fuck You Fitzgerald. You ball less cocksucker.
Pick on the police, but don't do shit about the Daleys raping this city for years and years. That statue of the lady with the supposed scales of justice is really the Shankster asking, "Where's Mine?" You just know that the Daley side of the scale would be hanging lower than a ruptured ball sack.

1/22/2011 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you REALLY want to punish them, throw them in the pews of a locked store-front church and allow the 011th dist minis-mannder to perform her whatever that was there. Just don't make me watch it again. I haven't done anything wrong.

1/22/2011 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gonna hang by Filenes in case they hit it again. I could use a few things.

1/22/2011 05:16:00 AM  
Blogger Captain Video said...

Anonymous said...

Hospira to stop making drug used in executions!!!

Another investment shot to hell.

1/21/2011 08:10:00 PM

The west side junkies don't seem to have any problem with dying after a lethal injection. Why not use some good West Side shit cut with fentanyl? That's always available almost anywhere.

Not like that hard to get Hospira shit. What kind of name is Hospira anyway?

Why not Dead-A-Roni, Killz-em-Good, Die-You-Mutha, or Dead-Guy-Drug?

1/22/2011 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Hospira to stop making drug used in executions!!!"

--1/21/2011 08:10:00 PM

One state whose law does not mandate a specific brand name recently used another pentothal drug -- the same used for animal euthanasia -- and found that it worked just fine. A bit of wordsmithing by state legislatures'll set this right.

1/21/2011 11:54:00 PM

Battery acid works good I heard.

1/22/2011 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

look up thei mugshots on 018 arrests. everyone of them looks bored, they know nothing is going to happen. too bad the police cant crack a few skulls like the days of old.

1/21/2011 01:39:00 PM

It ain't the days of old. We have become the bad guys. Touch one of those miserable savages and risk going to federal prison. And what would it accomplish? Absolutely nothing. They were raised to be savage animals like that. Nothing to be done now.

The stores need to keep their doors locked. Entry by swiping a valid credit card only. LINK cards won't work.

Fuck the savages.

1/22/2011 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're calling themselves "The Daley Gang". Nothing's to small or insignificant to steal. They'd steal the air if they could.

1/21/2011 07:52:00 AM
"steal the air if they could!!!!??". They are already a bunch of oxygen thieves that will probably never do anything to contribute to society.

1/22/2011 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lady walks into chuckie cheese at Central and Touhy with fifteen kids.

"They have a good ol time. When presented with the bill, she says it's too much and she's not going to pay. When told the police was being called, her response was the po' lice ain't going to do anything, and walks out with the 15 kids."

--1/21/2011 03:14:00 PM

She personifies the very Spirit Of Entitlement -- mass of fat sittin' on the front stoop with a 40-dog, talking s__t.

I can just see it cast 150 feet high in bronze, towering over New York Harbor.

1/22/2011 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Also separately check the term "flash mob" where hundreds can organize and rendezvous on only minutes notice via cell phone texting. This may have played a role in the 'tosa mall rampage."

--1/21/2011 12:57:00 AM

Yeah, I checked up on the Wauwatosa stories, and the wildings were definitely organized via Facebook. Mall management knew enough that they were on Facebook sending "you are banned from the mall" messages to many participants.

Here's an idea the lawyers will like -- SUE FACEBOOK when one of these things goes off. They KNOW what's going on, and can be easily shown to be facilitating, "aiding and abetting" criminal activity.

Facebook is LOADED -- Russian investors, Goldman Sachs, etc. Very impressive for a nothing floating in space that produces nothing. Check this out --

Facebook to unveil financials, raises $1.5 billion

By Bill Rigby

SEATTLE | Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:48pm EST (Reuters) -

"Facebook is preparing to open its books this year or early in 2012 to give investors a glimpse into the financial workings of the world's No. 1 social network, after it sealed an oversubscribed $1.5 billion round of financing led by Goldman Sachs.

"The financing, $1 billion of which is from Goldman Sachs' overseas clients and $500 million from Goldman itself and Russian investment firm Digital Sky Technologies, gives the company a projected value of $50 billion, setting the stage for what could be one of the largest initial public offerings next year.

"Facebook [was] founded in a Harvard dorm room in 2004..."

1/22/2011 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I could be the Hardest Charger in the pond and if I got twenty or thirty hyped-up teenagers running at me full-speed with armloads of swag that does not belong to me, what shit do I really give? Can you answer that?"

--1/21/2011 07:51:00 AM

You really got me thinking there. By yourself? Not a whole lot -- but how about with a DOG?

2-3 K9 handlers could stop the charge, back the whole mess into a corner, and bring 'em forward one at a time to be cuffed nice and leisurely.

Even 1 K9 would be a heck of a deterrent to them even getting started up -- the old "Who's first?" game.

Something to think about. We know how they love those dogs.

“More than 15 of them came in the store, and then one of the boy’s shouted ‘Snatch!,’ and all you could hear was hangers being ripped off rails..."

Sounds like a tumultuous-manner forcible felony, huh?


I'm thinkin' "underutilized, great potential."

1/22/2011 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It happened again tonight -

1/22/2011 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It happened again tonight -"

--1/22/2011 10:46:00 PM

"RRRRR! ARF! ARF! ARF!" says the police dog.

Start putting 2-man K9 on a little foot up and down Michigan and let the word get out...

Time to show the flag here, except that the Superintendent's still too busy puffing out his chest and looking at himself in the mirror. First one way, then the other...

1/23/2011 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"take a ride on the CTA. the same thing is happening. you receive a smack in the face and off with your hand held devices. all day & all night long."

--1/21/2011 12:06:00 AM

No manpower to run decoy teams -- only for crossing guards for the private schools at Clark and Orchard Place.

Just let it run wild...

1/23/2011 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just let it run wild...

1/23/2011 06:44:00 PM

my sentiments, exactly.


1/24/2011 12:10:00 PM  

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