Sunday, August 26, 2012

Try This Garry

So if it's true McNumbers is going back in time to look up arrest numbers, we would request that maybe on one of his sojourns into the hinterlands of Lawndale, Bronzeville, Englewood or Little Village, he and selected exempts actually see what's going on at ground level. To wit:
  • perform three actual arrests; one misdemeanor, one juvenile PCS, and one violent offender for whatever charge they wish;
  • complete on their own, a CLEAR system arrest for each incident. We'll see if the boys and girls down at IT can arrange an inconvenient CLEAR outage, an AIRA misfire and a few printer errors. In lockup, the ten-print machine will go down once during the tour;
  • complete complaints, a TRR, an IOD, an Officer Battery Report, witness To-From and maybe for shits and giggles, chase paper with a fender-bender involved. Then sit around and wait for the detectives (twice - once for Youth, once for Violent Crimes) before getting Felony Review on the horn and waiting around for a lawyer to make a decision;
Then do it in under 9 hours, all while the radio keeps banging everyone for in-progress calls, shots fired, dope, burglaries, robberies, dope, domestics, disturbances, dope, suspicious cars suspicious people, suspicious odors, dope and more dope.

Arrests are down? So is crime according to you. But we still seem to be busier than we can remember being in years.



Anonymous Appletini said...

Any details on the wilding at Oak Street Beach? NBC mentioned it for a second.

8/26/2012 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post scc. Don't forget about waiting for MAMA to pick up the honor roll student.

8/26/2012 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous SCC Fan said...


8/26/2012 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There should be no more jobs dispatched from anonymous callers except for in-progress violent crime reports. With everybody having a cell phone these days, it's no wonder that call volume and jobs assigned resulting therefrom have increased exponentially.

8/26/2012 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me??? A simple 0460 use to take me 6-7 minutes to complete. Now,even when everything is (on track) it takes 30-40 mins.

8/26/2012 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the inventories, felony 101's and trying to find a Lt. to approve the TRR's somewhere in the area who isn't on furlough, RDO, or some other TD.....

8/26/2012 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So well stated SCC. Great posting. That is the reality of day to day police work. It's not like guys want to sit around the station processing these arrests half the damn tour, but there is so much involved. Overworked detectives, dickhead states attorneys, arrogant W/C's. It ain't ez.

8/26/2012 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blame the Pilgrims and their mistreatment of Africans.

8/26/2012 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Throw in a lockup keeper who says "youz wanna go to the hospital?" and a 6 hour hospital run to asshole ER General!

8/26/2012 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Computerized reports drove me nuts on this department.

8/26/2012 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday, somebody posted a short, sweet comment. It was something like -
If crime is actually down, then of COURSE arrests are down. Less crime, fewer arrests.

So, if crime is down, and arrests are down because crime is down, just why isn't he rewarding everyone for a job well done, instead of running around shouting, 'off with their heads'?

8/26/2012 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's not forget that Zone10 (010th & 011th District) was without radio communications during reoccurring times throughout the last months.

Switching between the Zone and Citywide channels.

(Techs came out and replace antenna a few weeks ago)

add that to the productivity issues

8/26/2012 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So rumor has it they posted 40 openings this month all to shit hole districts and when nobody bids the dept can then justify moving (reassigning/detailing) po's from northside down there.

8/26/2012 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know if this job had someone analyzing the "quality control" of utilizing the AIRA, Automated Arrests and Inventory etc. etc.

Their findings would SHOCK the BRASS, the CITIZENS and even the MAYOR and whoever the hell else cares about "boots on the street" because its all fucked up!

The computers go down, dead zones on the street, shit lost in cyberspace sometimes....

I know its better for data and finding info or tracking bullshit but this system is SLOW and maybe needs a cleaning and virus programs sent through or whatever.

It's terrible and it only doesn't really matter on a SLOW night when there are no jobs pending and cars are available.

You see another issue is everyone who is someone or is trying to be someone or is selling themself out to advance themselves is too afraid to admit when something is wrong or not working. They are whats wrong with this place and that "company man/woman" attitude and those that implement "new programs" to THWART Gang Violence and other mainstream issues to show COMPSTAT or McCarthy or Rahm results are idiots trying to advance by forcing us all to TRAIN on BULLSHIT we will never really use or need!

Seriously if reasonable people saw firsthand how behind Chicago is in technology use or problematic it is (time consuming)and maybe how unnecessary it all is they would be shocked.

This new GVRS seminar and the use of caboodle and the other programs is USELESS for the basic Patrolmen or Sgt.'s and Lt's and only essential for the DETECTIVES maybe the Tact teams or better yet for Supt. McCarthy because he doesn't know the neighborhoods he goes to to know the players or maybe best created for the Commanders so they can do a quick recap on shit before getting grilled at Compstat on a shooting to see whose tied to who so they can ACT like they know whats going on. Very colorful stuff I might add but realistically its nothing unless you get the shit head to talk to you and that takes street savvy!

Problem with all this technology you get everybody turning into a computer nerd and they fail to learn how to talk to the people on the streets! The shitheads out there know and can tell who is soft and just because you can pull up there picture on a computer and show it to them it doesn't give you any leverage or leeway or any respect or credibility with the Riff Raff to get anywhere with them.

Ok also, now you know who is connected to who.....what the HELL are you going to do with that info anyways in a blue and white....go kick in a door? Your not going to down a car and sit on anything with jobs pending and really the shit just tells you who the players are and who they know or potentially dealt with in a what!

We don't have time to be Jr.investigators out here BOSS! Jobs are pending you just need to realize we call 4DATA all the time because shit doesn't work or is too slow for the basic beat cars to get their bullshit done properly!

I agree with earlier posts on indemnifying the police in their actions but we still have the processing issues internally as well and we are succeptible to their malfunctions and delays in our basic duties!

We keep putting the CART before the HORSE out here...making decisions and ORDERS and threats and new missions and training but we can't even get the OLD SHIT TO WORK from before from the last new program or idea some young genius boss had to have us all trained on!!

(I will need wellness couseling after my rant sorry....)

8/26/2012 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even stand to make arrests anymore. Most of the computers are down, printers don't work, lock-up tries to convince your arrestee to go to hospital, W/C wants to know why bullshit is going into his lock-up, desk sergeants pissed off about inventories, CR #'s, Phones missing number labels, electric doors and keypads don't work, Check-off time is this all you did?, Same people late to work everyday or on the medical and they want to f*ck with the street cop, bosses talk to you like you're garbage, and say it's not them, but headquarters. Bosses you worked with as patrolmen who were great coppers turned into pussified managers. Yes, I've had it. Give me an event number for being totally frustrated.From now on pay me twice a month and kiss my ass. PS F*ck GIPP TRAP Parole status Gang affiliation Sex offender Debriefing and everything else you want to squeeze on an arrest report.

8/26/2012 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I'm retired and you just wore me out taking me down memory lane! But the truth is still the truth, and what you expressed is where the rubber meets the road! No BS!!! However, these to the manor born clout people in charge will always think their better and know more than a working copper!!! Believe me if the truth could really be made known it would show they hold their manhood cheap compared to you!!! Stay safe!!!

8/26/2012 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McNuts, the Supy. should take after Mayor Tiny Dancer and hire more of F.O.I. members, arm them, give them cars with nice lights and loud sireeens and give them computers to write reports and do backgrounds. None of this walking the streets for a week and shaking down citizens and gangbaners, do it big time. Tiny Dancer would love it for his liberal socialist resume. How about the Sat. Sun Times calling the 8 shot " a disagreement between two waring factions" it sounds like a news story from the Congo.

8/26/2012 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But we still seem to be busier than we can remember being in years."

so, you do know how i feel.

if i had feelings, that is.


8/26/2012 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about screening IAD for mob connections, political ties and familial ties?

Garry, you think knowing NYC and Jersey means something? You know shit about the Chicago Way!

The outfit runs Chicago!

8/26/2012 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about these clout fucks on school crossings?

8/26/2012 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great point !!!
It seems the arrest process keeps getting more and more complicated and time consuming.
The problem is most of cpd management has never made a widget. It is beneth them, obviously, because they are management.
What came first....the blowjob or the boss ?

8/26/2012 02:51:00 AM  
Anonymous I Fart In Your General Direction said...

All this sounds good in theory, but let's take a look at how something like this would REALLY go down.

Garry and his band of merry, clouted ignoramuses would pawn any such nonsense off onto the desk crew or tact team of the respective district.

Do you really think people like Linda Flores, who didn't know that arrestees in yellow in the arrest queue were juveniles, would know how to process an arrest?

Henny Penny Trahanas complete an arrest report? Well to be fair, she DOES have the most recent personal experience of any exempt rank regarding the whole booking process thingy.

Aunt Bea Cuello? An arrest report? More like intimate knowledge of the search warrant process if that helps out your experiment, SCC.

G-Mac? Handle the paper on a pinch? Not likely, as he had his driver try and pawn off a "found" pistol on the desk crew in 011 (they were smart enough to see between the lines and not get involved with that charade). Anyway, his forte seems to be street light target practice and firsthand knowledge of domestic altercation scenarios.

9 out of 10 members of the exempt ranks couldn't make half a pimple on the ass of any copper that's worked 3 years in 002, 003, 005, 006, 007, 010, 011, 015, 021 or 025. And that includes Gun Magnet, Crime Scene Contaminatin' Garry.

So take your numbers and activity reviews and shove them up your asses. The grunts in the field in the blue shirts hold the trump card in this fuck-fuck game you clowns at Fort Fellatio started. It's time you assholes shared the shit sandwich we've been eating for far too long.

8/26/2012 04:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The police USED to bust their asses for the bosses because they rec'd rewards. Slips filled out with a few hours, good toward that well-earned vacation or needed time off to work a side job that paid the private school tuition. A couple hours on the end you could skate if u had a sick kid or wife. Pizza and beer to show gratitude for hours of warrants and paperwork. Today you are refused time off, treated like a five yr old, no support from supervisors or citizens and to top off this bonanza I had a parking ticket on my vehicle, (legally parked), when I walked out the door to go to work this morning. What can I do for you Mr. Mayor?

8/26/2012 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cops: More than 20 youth arrested for Gold Coast disturbances,0,4450932.story

8/26/2012 05:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to ask that he do the detective end of all of that as well.

I'm too tired to make a list like SCC, but you know what I mean--for starters, not in any particular order:

*drive 30+ minutes to get to the district
*interview PO's, witnesses, victims, bad guys
*do a couple of line-ups with multiple victims
*wait for ET's
*wait for victims to show up
*wait for felony review to call you back
*alternately, wait for ASA to show up
*deal with printers not working
*deal with not being able to use your zip drive
*deal with being unable to convert word docs because not all computers are equipped with the conversion software
*use 10+ year-old software (Windows, MS 2003), which is incapable of streamlining or linking anything
*fill out attorney visitation forms
*fill out the over 48-hour hold papers
*do multiple inventories of said papers
*do multiple inventories of other evidence
*gather video, if any, which is usually useless
*now put all of that shit together into a closing supp

I could go on and on.

I thank the PO's who have so much work done before I am able to respond. Please, no bashing the PO's.

I just wanted to point out that the system we have is FUBAR from the ground up, and top down.

I wonder what it costs from beginning to end, to process, let's say 2 shithead armed robbers. From radio call to when they are sentenced to supervision. F*cked up, all of it.

8/26/2012 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said!

8/26/2012 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(I will need wellness couseling after my rant sorry....)

8/26/2012 01:08:00 AM

Maybe, but it was an EXCELLENT rant. Bravo.

8/26/2012 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do coppers like to write a novel? SCC, allow 100 words or less.

The author at 1:08:00 am had a lot of time on his hand. Reduce, Reduce, Reduce

8/26/2012 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More than 20 youngsters were arrested for causing a disturbance along the Magnificent Mile Saturday afternoon, Chicago police said this morning.

Who said YOUNGSTERS? Quit trying to make these little animals feel good about themselves. Call it like it really is.
A bunch of savages.

8/26/2012 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McTreading Water really believes there's a better way to do more with less. He keeps shuffling the worn out deck of political hacks hoping to get a lucky break that will decrease the current increase, but still can't get his oprahesque 'ah ha' moment. The only one "treading water" is him and his lambasted racial ideology that Pilgrims caused a culture of SouthSide violence.
Meanwhile 20 'youngsters' arrested for juvenile high jinx on Michigan 20 less in Englewood that would have otherwise been involved in some shooting or drug sale, right?
It's starting to take effect.
The promise of all good things yet to come from the Democrat leaders.
Are TheTaxpayers noticing the real problem yet...McTreaeding & Rahm.
Maybe we need another park or bike lane.

8/26/2012 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the problem, NOT ENOUGH MANPOWER! I know people are saying that even if you put more officers on the streets the shooting won't stop. This may be true but at least there will be people to handle jobs and protect crime scenes etc. Other departments always run full staff by having hire back every day they are short. It would work something like this, today we are 5 under full staff because we have officers using elective time off, "which is theirs to use period". Post openings for the vacant spots for officers that are RDO to fill at time and 1/2. Done, full staff every day period. Now you don’t have to have officers going to 6120Racine to be deployed elsewhere that are not going to answer jobs or guard crime scenes anyway.
You can work in your own district and take jobs which will actually help out. This makes perfect sense that's why it will never be done. How much money are they spending on the overtime initiatives now? Or should I say wasting.

8/26/2012 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bicycle lanes 100 million, Maggie Daley Park 55 Million, But we have no money to shore up police pensions or hire new police. Well Rham you do have 155 Million to throw away on other things but no police to protect cyclists or the little children playing in Maggie daley Park. Keep voting Democtatic Losers...

8/26/2012 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey remember when the arrest report was one page? HA

GOCR could be completed in about 45 seconds for a simple one


8/26/2012 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT Sorry...
So now they found 55 million for a Maggie Daley park?
Add to that the 91 million they found to add bicycle lanes in the street.
Bring out the calculator and add in the hundreds of millions to revamp Malcom X (almost) college.
Keep adding the millions to make over the old, destroyed Meigs Field.
For good measure throw in the tens of millions of allegedly left-over NATO money that is now earmarked for scholarships for children of 'illegal' aliens.
Then get a subpoena for a forensic audit of the hundreds of millions hidden in the TIF funds.
Now ask yourself why is the city still refusing to put a PENNY more of their 'required' funding into Chicago's First-Responders pension funds, asking that WE suck it up and bail it out or lose it.
Let's hope FOP is keeping tabs of all this drunken sailor spending.
(No offense intended to sailors, drunk or otherwise)
Ol' vet (r)

8/26/2012 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Appletini said...

Any details on the wilding at Oak Street Beach? NBC mentioned it for a second.

8/26/2012 12:11:00 AM

Yes. Obama said if he had sons, they would look like the ones arrested for wildings.

8/26/2012 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about these clout fucks on school crossings?

8/26/2012 02:42:00 AM


You would cry like a BITCH if you got stuck on those damn school crossings everyday.

So ... STFU

8/26/2012 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic one of the three shooting victims in 013 died add that to August totals

8/26/2012 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Good post scc. Don't forget about waiting for MAMA to pick up the honor roll student

How bout when momma decides she's tired of his shit and "Aint comin down there to get his ass"? As a school officer, I deal with this scenario all the time. Ever tried explaining to a 5th grade educated "parent". who had Pookie at 14, that she can't just leave her child here...that by law, she has to come and get him...lest we come and lock her dumb ass up?

8/26/2012 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you went back in time it would also show about 2,000 more cops on the street.

8/26/2012 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about the computers, printers and phones not working in the processing area, but hurry up we are in a backlog.. The city got what they wanted, now choke on this system..

8/26/2012 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God I miss paper. I thought computers were suppose to be faster.

8/26/2012 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After 15 years working for the City of Chicago..... Now I am so glad that I left, and now have the ability to catch a bad guy in the beautiful BURBS where it actually counts. Keep up the good work guys and try to get out now! The City does not appreciate your skill set!

8/26/2012 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't care what they do. If they make me a personal concern I will sue. You can't punish me for not doing arrests. There is no order requiring me to make arrests so if they think they can make me a personal concern I guarantee i will sue the city, department and mc carthy

8/26/2012 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What will happen when he finds that I have more arrests than last year? My pay will still be the same.

8/26/2012 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then add log number and bullshit law suit to their arrest, so they send u down the road

8/26/2012 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aunt Bea Cuello? An arrest report? More like intimate knowledge of the search warrant process if that helps out your experiment, SCC.

8/26/2012 04:20:00 AM

Cuello retired months ago, you moron ...

8/26/2012 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After discovering all that and what all the set backs occurring during a tour that affects an officer processing an arrest efficiently,they will still put the blame on us and continue to do so,if revamping this dept is the answer lets start with a new Major and superintendent,it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out a solution,go back 5 and 10 yrs ago and tell us how many officers were employed by C.P.D.?

8/26/2012 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you remember the old inventory book? Life so much easier back then. Do you remember the sound to a typewriter?

8/26/2012 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I HOPE some fool ass white shirt comes to me about arrests. Name and star, Boss. Im putting you on every arrest I make! It will read something like this:

R/O was not sure of the probable cause of this arrest, but I was threatened by Sgt. ______, #____ to make more arrests. Not wanting to lose my job, above was arrested for....

See you in court, BOSS

8/26/2012 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been a dic for almost 10 years...Never seen it as busy as it is...

Maybe in the parking lot at 35th!

Spend more time running rap sheets of victims than offenders..At least 15 to 20 cases a week...Disaster on the horizon..

A system designed for failure by an inept architect......

They are getting the city they designed and want...


8/26/2012 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

after making thousands of arrests on this job I have slowed down considerably because I just don't give a shit anymore and locking people up has become a royal pain in the ass--- the 4 hour arrest in 2012 used to take me 2 hours in 2002 and I didn't have to worry about taking little boo to the hospital because he has the sniffles or inventorying his cell phone--- the biggest problem you had with the old police department was finding a working typewriter and locating the inventory book....

8/26/2012 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never seen this cities leadership in such a disarray.

We close down city mental health clinics that provide support for some of service members, vets, and others as well, and we also shut down summer programs for disadvantage youth to save money.

Then the mayor takes the money we saved and blows $55 million dollars of it to pay tribute to a Daley god.

Using it for Grant Park bullshit.

WTF Chicago!!! Is that what you want?

Don't even tell me about private donations and that this stack of hundred dollar bills over at the park district is not fungible, and has nothing to do with that stack of hundred dollar bills over there. Or any other city department for that matter.


What's going on here?

We give $100 million dollars in corporate tax breaks to some of these corporations that the taxpayers have to make up for and then the corporations give ten million dollars back as a mayor daley wife memorial and we're gonna act like it's not the taxpayers money or that it doesn't effect the taxpayers here -- that the corporations are so generous?!!

If Maggie Daley cared about "the children" as much as they put on then wouldn't she rather see that money going back into the disadvantage youth programs instead of the Ralm Emanual cuts to those programs?!

Yeah, I think so.

Is this Grant Park think suppose to attract tourist? HA, who even knows who she was outside of Chicago.

What a waste of $55 million of dollars. At least with investing in disadvantage youth programs we might get some of that money back by investing in our future. We may also get the benefit of a lower summer crime rate.

We have sewers that need repair, We have cops we need to hire. The rats are getting as large as cats and aggressive and we blow $55 million on this Grant Park krap.

Then...Oh then.. We have Rahm ordering the decriminalization of weed possession while Periwinkle dams to hell Ron Regan's war on drugs program pointing to how the USA has a much larger percentage of people incarcerated compared to he rest of the world because of it. Why it's unfair to people of color!

And now McCarthy steps up drug busts. LMAO..

I wonder how Periwinkle feel about that and how fast the revolving door will spin putting McCarthy's busts back on the streets.

Who you kidding? Chicago, the games need to stop. The teachers need a contract. The schools need upgrades. What about the parks outside the "Gold Coast" Money going into this park and we'll tell the churls of the city they can look at it but not touch it and we paid for it should it go through.

One way or the other we pay for it. To borrow an Obama phrase "you didn't build that park"

8/26/2012 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the rush hour parkers too!

8/26/2012 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Fart In Your General Direction said...
8/26/2012 04:20:00 AM

Beautifully stated!!!!!!

8/26/2012 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is like watching a lil' five year old that gets into trouble with mom, who then points out, rats out, that his brother or sister is doing something that he/she is not suppose to be doing in order to get the heat off of him.

Yeah a distraction.

When homicides appeared to be going down we were all directed to look at how the homicide rate is falling. Success!! A measure of what a fine job the Supt is doing.

Then when the homicide rate goes up well...don't look at that look at these drug bust that we just did this weekend instead.

See we're doing drug bust now so everything is going to be okay.

Welp some of us would ask the question why was it all allowed to get to this level. Why was the drug sales tolerated if shutting them down is the answer to the violence and apparently so easy to do? Why?

Maybe because the city see the illicit drug sales as a revenue generator eh?

We all know how the politicians bow down to the corporate money and let's face it, the drug money, after it passes through a few hands is spent in what some would call legit businesses and for that reason alone given the financial situation of the city and the state this drug crack down will not last long nor will the arrest's be off the street for long.

We ain't seen nothing me thinks.

8/26/2012 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok i have to ask bevaise there has to be a reason......Why does our boss whete long sleeves whrn it is over 90 degrees?,

8/26/2012 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too much command emphasis on an abysmal info tech system. Get new people in charge, tear the old systems down and start over or live with it forever

8/26/2012 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about screening IAD for mob connections, political ties and familial ties?

Garry, you think knowing NYC and Jersey means something? You know shit about the Chicago Way!

The outfit runs Chicago!

8/26/2012 02:32:00 AM

Speaking of IAD - can someone answer this question for me - Why the fuck is Gerry Callahan back on the job? How many second chances is the drunken fat-ass worthless piece of shit gonna get ?

8/26/2012 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think your anger is a little off target. garry doesnt run the show...the man behind the curtain does. you know how it works.

8/26/2012 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pageing Mary Mitchell Hello Hello
Get we get a comment a Column a rare bit of some intelliget insight on the Urban Blight gripping the City of Chicago Black on Black Gang Crime (not gun violence) you know that cool catch phrase ya'all use to cover up the truth...........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
So no comments.............. What summer vacation, you with Jesse somewhere ?????

8/26/2012 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC how about talking about the contruction of the Maggie Daley park in Grant Park. 55 million of which 35 is coming from the leasing of the parking garages in Millenium Park, Park District funds and private donations. Couldn't that money have been used for raises for CPD, CFD and CPS. Get a plaque and rename the Rose Garden or name a street for her, but a 55 million park in this economy. Just sayin'. Retired CPD

8/26/2012 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get ready geu the commander has been doing interviews with former Msf workers and plans on dumping the do nothing's in the unit area one to be hit the hardest. Good luck to some hope you enjoy midnight in 003.

8/26/2012 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! 1:44AM hit the nail on the head! Must work in 006! My arrest report narrative is way shorter than the garbage they ask you to put in after the facts. How much money he had, whether on GIPP, TRAPP or parole, gang affiliation, inventory numbers, whether you called instant update... It's ridiculous. He's right, pissy desk sgt. That he has to deal with inventories, lockup keepers changing shifts making you wait longer to get dude in the back than it took you to find and process the arrest, watch commander not happy about the quality of the arrest, and it goes on and on. Why bother arresting anyone unless you really have to? Not worth the aggravation.

8/26/2012 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hire more police like 1000-1500! Problems will be minimal, not gone but minimal.

8/26/2012 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just start having those rapid cars, which are supposed to stay in the box, do jobs. Enough of them just kicking back goofing off.

8/26/2012 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Fed up Fred said...

..."It's time you assholes shared the shit sandwich we've been eating for far too long."

Thanks for the laugh. WELL SAID!

p.s. Back each other up. Even if you dislike the person. It's wild out there and we're all we have.

p.p.s. But for everyone's sake, don't do anything stupid that would jeopardize you or your fellow officer's livelihood. If you want to be proactive, it's your choice. But don't drag anyone into a CR#. Especially when all they did was show up to help you out. Know what I'm sayin?

8/26/2012 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Captain Crunch said...

Very Well said.....................................

8/26/2012 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(I will need wellness couseling after my rant sorry....)

8/26/2012 01:08:00 AM

i'd offer to 'cousel' you, but it would probably kill you.

or, at least, make you wish it did.


8/26/2012 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time you assholes shared the shit sandwich we've been eating for far too long.

8/26/2012 04:20:00 AM

with or without the special sauce?

8/26/2012 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T. & Very Important

Apparently some pieces of shit- Latin Kings have targeted the home of a p.o. who works in 025. The p.o. lives in 016. The gang bangers tagged up his home with graffiti and then blew up a m-80 on his backyard.
Can you believe the balls of these assholes? Now if this doesn't motivate you to get out there and generate numbers for your tour then what will? Go out there and be proactive so the bad guys are shaking in their boots like the good old days.

8/26/2012 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What most of the new coppers don't understand , 95+% of CPD's exempt ranks should still be wearing a blue shirt , many were in units b4 being merit sgt, lt , xo .
No leadership in cpd , they do exactly what 5th fl in da hall tells them to do .

8/26/2012 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im surprised that you did not put a thread regarding maggie daley park....$55 million at a time when the city is so broke???? private and public donations? yeah private kickbacks!!!

8/26/2012 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Politicians and CPD Leaders: You've now gotten the Police Department you wanted. Nice and politically correct, so quit complaining.

8/26/2012 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work at 018 and the little Savages were out by the hundreds on Michigan ave,Great job done by all keeping them in line.

8/26/2012 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds Dopey. It won't happen. Mc numb-nuts is fishing for crawfish with a stick

8/26/2012 01:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since Thursday evening 5 pm thru 12pm Sunday the tally is as follows:

48 People Shot
8 Murders
4 "Death Investigations"

I'm sure we will Surpass the 50 Mark in a couple of hours!

From Saturday to Saturday (1 Week)
101 People have been Shot in Chicago
23 Murders

This Should be the front page of the paper tommorow!

8/26/2012 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O18th district up for grabs sat nite. Of course none were fom the area, all from south and west side. Tribune and sun times burning their collective heads on this issue. Tribune doesn't even post comment section since they don't want to hear how the law abioding, non liberal feels. I'm sure the people who live downtown and pay taxes up the ass are getting tired of this real fast....Rahm should count his blessings they aren't causing mayhem in his tidy neighborhood.

8/26/2012 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who wears a gold star should have to (just like you said SCC) be an "undercover boss" just like the TV show.

These people don't have a clue what its really like in a district.

Cut down the 24"x18" property bag for the 1 earring; (personally I see this as a waste of time, if you wanted me to use the small bag, you'd have some in stock),

See if someone is in the tact office so you can get a dope bag,

Play musical toners since the supply guy doesn't work on weekends, and they all have to be shaken before they'll print the next 2 pages...

Locate the one working stapler. The list just goes on and on and on.

8/26/2012 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to 001st District Male Central Detention and this is the interview the lock-up keeper asks (coaches) your arrestee: you sick? were you ever sick?, you think you might get sick later? you sick now, but may not know it? anyone you know sick? are you sick of me asking you sick? Take him to the hospital for clearance.

8/26/2012 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous MAYDAY! said...

You're spinning your wheels, McCarthy. Fact is you're only digging in deeper.

8/26/2012 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now that we're not suppose to arrest anyone with less than 15 grams of weed, arrests numbers will fall even lower. Just waiting for the first murder victim laid out with an ANOV in hand. Had we been able to arrest him, he may still be alive today. That's a potential law suite But shit, who cares this city doesn't want the police to actually be the police.

8/26/2012 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

F*ck the dept and McFart. They don't know what they are doing. I'm not going to get hurt or sue for the city. They put some usless fucks that has NO EXPERIENCE, never work the street, in a specialize unit because they watched several videos, gone to bunch of seminars and NOW they are EXPERT? These same fucks never been a shooting or make an arrest are going to tell you how it's done? Let the shooting continue while the mayor and his cronies lied to everyone.
I'll do the bare minimum and provide service about as fast as the city gives us a contract.

McDummy, you get back what you put into your men and women

8/26/2012 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the districts with no
Lock ups. There have been times I have waited 1-1 1/2 hours for a transport. Entire tact teams down waiting for transports Stupid!

8/26/2012 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear WbbmNewsradio - THANK YOU for that running chronology of shootings, killings and wildings you ran this morning at 1100hrs It had to put things in perspective for your listeners. There's no way to ignore, "and at 5:32 there was a shooting at this location, and two people were taken to xxx hospital, and at 5:36am, there was a drive-by shooting at xxx location and the injured man was taken to the hospital by a passerby, and at 5:47am a woman at a bus stop was shot by a stray bullet, and at ..."

When you said, police were flying all over the mag mile, trying to quell disturbances with juveniles and TWENTY-FOUR of them were arrested... well, I was grinning from ear to ear.

When you said Oak Street Beach was shut down 'briefly, due to gang activity', I was SO PROUD OF YOU!!!
Thank you for finally putting the truth out there so simply that ANYONE can understand how bad things have become here. Maybe the truth WILL set us free.

8/26/2012 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this silly shit McOutofideas is doing?

Looking at coppers revenue generating activity, err... "production."

Looking at arrest numbers...

Looking at this.

Looking at that.

Next thing you know there'll be a general order cut stating that coppers children's underwear drawers are hereby subject to random supervisory oversight.

(Cindy White just wet herself with excitement over that one)

Desperation because coppers are in deep survival mode and giving this city the Policing equivalent of a plain hotdog...

You get the hotdog as the lawfully directed minimum...

Fuck you Gold Star humps and you shit-talkers...

Whatcha cryin' for sweet-pea? Ya gettin' a hotdog when ya shouldn't be gettin' shit...

Oh you're cryin' because we used to give you the hotdog with all the trimmings fries on the side and a drink?

You say "fuck you coppers" but you want us to keep you fat and satisified?

A whole lot of people with selective amnesia about all the *fuck you coppers, we don't really want or need you. Fuck you, your families, your pensions and just go away already* that's been going around for the last decade or so...


We'll translate a bit.

"Fuck you coppers. We ain't giving you shit but keep giving us the hotdog with all the trimmings and a drink."

That sounds about right, doesn't it?

8/26/2012 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put. There's never a computer that works flawlessly in 010. Not one in lockup is hooked up to a single printer, not one. Most of the printers have tickets and haven't worked in months. The ones that do work are linked to only like 3 computers that are always occupied. Some are so frozen that we might as well go back to paper.
Doors in lockup are always stuck. PDTs never work in the cars when u need them to. It's frustrating. Bring 2 or 3 techs in there for the day to fix all that crap and link them all up to the appropriate printers and it would solve a lot of headaches.

8/26/2012 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto on case reporting, inventory and arrest recording being fucked up beyond recognition.

We owe Huberman a foot in his narrow ass...

His people and Rahm al Ghoul run in the same North-Shore Shit-Ass crowd.

We still say this shit was by design to walk this department to a standstill by making case reporting, inventory and arrests time consuming, counter-intuitive, adversarial and fraught with built in glitches.

Re-invention of the wheel to make clouted motherfuckers wealthy...

We remember one swift guy on the tact team who rigged a pin printer to a screen and had a scanned image of all pertinent CPD paper reports... Put the report on-screen, fill in the boxes, load the blank report in the hopper and hit >Ctrl P<...

*zzzt zzzt zzzzzzzzzt*

HE shoulda been the gold star boy-wonder instead of Huberman... It would have been a better person and a real copper in that spot.

Case and arrest including phone calls for notification AND an inventory or two or an impound and tow?

From hitting the station door to dude hitting the lock-up?

About 30 to 45 minutes...


It takes 30 to 45 minutes to type the offender's info because the keys on the pdt are worn out and you gotta type HARD so every other letter isn't a soft-stroke and won't register...

Yeah... The bullshit is intentional and by design.

8/26/2012 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why do coppers like to write a novel? SCC, allow 100 words or less.

The author at 1:08:00 am had a lot of time on his hand. Reduce, Reduce, Reduce

Why dont you just read to the 100 word mark, then stop.
Wah, wah wah... Think your brains reduced

8/26/2012 03:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

07:00 You must have the city, the department and McCarthy shaking in their boots with your threat to sue. Yea, I know you will retire on the millions you will win. Dream on

8/26/2012 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

07:00 You must have the city, the department and McCarthy shaking in their boots with your threat to sue. Yea, I know you will retire on the millions you will win. Dream on

I have been dreaming. everytime I make a note in my 16 year old ledger. So yea, bring it on!

8/26/2012 04:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Ok i have to ask bevaise there has to be a reason......Why does our boss whete long sleeves whrn it is over 90 degrees?,

8/26/2012 10:46:00 AM

I have it on good authority that he wears long sleeves because he does not want to embarrass his underlings with his massive, well conditioned biceps, triceps and forearms. It is not uncommon to have the following question posed to the run of the mill blue shirt, "Hey, did you know that you have a thread hanging from each sleeve officer? Oh, I'm sorry those are your arms." Bow all you blue shirts before the almighty command staff.

8/26/2012 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No leadership in cpd , they do exactly what 5th fl in da hall tells them to do .


everyone has a boss. you do what your boss tells you or there are serious negative consequences.

it is not like doing what the crooks and hacks want done is anything new. CPD has been run this way since the department was formed.

8/26/2012 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why do coppers like to write a novel? SCC, allow 100 words or less.

The author at 1:08:00 am had a lot of time on his hand. Reduce, Reduce, Reduce

8/26/2012 06:22:00 AM

Again, no one has glued your eyeballs to the screen. Pass by it. Maybe some people want to read it! The world doesn't revolve around your bright shiny asshole!

8/26/2012 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And the districts with no
Lock ups. There have been times I have waited 1-1 1/2 hours for a transport. Entire tact teams down waiting for transports Stupid!

8/26/2012 03:10:00 PM

Transport him yourself, ya prima Dona!

8/26/2012 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything is set for us to take longer. The longer we take, the less likely the victim will hang around resulting in us coding a job. Ultimately this brings crime statistics down. Also, have you tried calling 311 for a report. You are put on hold indefinitely with the hopes of the same results. Frustration on the side of the caller and no report done. Simple enough to implemment and too hard to prove but it's a win/win situation for the city. They are dumb but they're not stupid!

8/26/2012 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T. & Very Important

Apparently some pieces of shit- Latin Kings have targeted the home of a p.o. who works in 025. The p.o. lives in 016. The gang bangers tagged up his home with graffiti and then blew up a m-80 on his backyard.
Can you believe the balls of these assholes? Now if this doesn't motivate you to get out there and generate numbers for your tour then what will? Go out there and be proactive so the bad guys are shaking in their boots like the good old days.

8/26/2012 12:35:00 PM

You are a fucking mush. This should tell you NOT to go out and generate numbers. If I have to tell you what the fuck you should be doing to correct this type of behavior, all is lost for this department. Let me guess. You're a fucking hair gel or a supervisor.

8/26/2012 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Good post scc. Don't forget about waiting for MAMA to pick up the honor roll student

How bout when momma decides she's tired of his shit and "Aint comin down there to get his ass"? As a school officer, I deal with this scenario all the time. Ever tried explaining to a 5th grade educated "parent". who had Pookie at 14, that she can't just leave her child here...that by law, she has to come and get him...lest we come and lock her dumb ass up?

8/26/2012 08:32:00 AM

Does anyone know what percentage of crimes juveniles are responsible for? Wouldn't even know where to look something like that up. Maybe someone knows how to use Cabooder or whatever it is.

8/26/2012 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you people don't get it by now, you'll never get it. The new "policy" on cannabis is a free ticket for the democrats' voting block to do what they do best and a reminder to them to vote. It's also a reminder to you that you mean nothing and are a tool that they want to rid themselves of.

But most of you will still go out and get numbers and revenue for these political whores.

8/26/2012 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Maggie Daley cared about "the children" as much as they put on then wouldn't she rather see that money going back into the disadvantage youth programs instead of the Ralm Emanual cuts to those programs?!

I don't think there's even a park anywhere in the U.S. name after a first lady for crying out loud!

All Maggie ever did was lunch!

8/26/2012 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the problem, NOT ENOUGH MANPOWER! I know people are saying that even if you put more officers on the streets the shooting won't stop. This may be true but at least there will be people to handle jobs and protect crime scenes etc. Other departments always run full staff by having hire back every day they are short. It would work something like this, today we are 5 under full staff because we have officers using elective time off, "which is theirs to use period". Post openings for the vacant spots for officers that are RDO to fill at time and 1/2. Done, full staff every day period. Now you don’t have to have officers going to 6120Racine to be deployed elsewhere that are not going to answer jobs or guard crime scenes anyway.
You can work in your own district and take jobs which will actually help out. This makes perfect sense that's why it will never be done. How much money are they spending on the overtime initiatives now? Or should I say wasting.

It will not happen due to $$$$. Use the day off swap - it is what the deptartment dreamed up and it saves the tax payers money. Most other agencies have "minumal staffing" requirements and when people take off it is overtime. Not here! Also, most burbs limit comp. time to 80-hours to keep you from taking too much time off.

8/26/2012 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ABC7's Chuck Goudie interviewed McCarthy in 2003 when he was also a finalist for the Chicago police superintendent. Then, and throughout his police career, McCarthy said his primary goal was "to lock up bad guys."

"First and foremost, I would concentrate on reducing the homicide numbers," McCarthy told the I-Team.

When the I-Team last heard from McCarthy, he was working for the New York City Police Department, managing the NYPD's day-to-day street operations. He had applied for the vacant Chicago superintendent's job, eventually losing out to insider CPD Phil Cline.

8/26/2012 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets also do one of those new naercotics tickets thats going to make Rham rich.
It takes less time to do a long form arrest!

8/26/2012 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...O18th district up for grabs sat nite. Of course none were from the area, all from south and west side.... Tribune doesn't even post comment section since they don't want to hear how the law abiding, non liberal feels. I'm sure the people who live downtown and pay taxes up the ass are getting tired of this real fast....Rahm should count his blessings they aren't causing mayhem in his tidy neighborhood.

8/26/2012 01:35:00 PM

I'm sure you are 100% right, poster. I had the opportunity to be on a popular Michigan ave. corner during NATO. A LOT of the locals weren't happy with the BS in their neighborhood, several of them stopped to chat with us and tell us how they felt.

8/26/2012 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get ready geu the commander has been doing interviews with former Msf workers and plans on dumping the do nothing's in the unit area one to be hit the hardest. Good luck to some hope you enjoy midnight in 003.

Ok, this is the guy that still has his unit broken down by five areas. Do you think they will let him do anything. The dogs are safe.

8/26/2012 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, if crime is down, and arrests are down because crime is down, just why isn't he rewarding everyone for a job well done, instead of running around shouting, 'off with their heads'?

We're entitled to another Crime Reduction Award, if what they're saying is true and crime is actually down!

If what they're saying is not true...

8/26/2012 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How about these clout fucks on school crossings?"

So you're volunteering to handle a corner then?

If not, STFU.

P.S. It's Chicago. There's ALWAYS GONNA BE CLOUT. Grow up and get used to it, junior.

8/26/2012 06:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What will happen when he finds that I have more arrests than last year? My pay will still be the same."

Yes, but they'll put a smiley face by your name!

And next year, if your arrests are down, they'll fuck you.

8/26/2012 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Camden, NJ fires their police.

8/26/2012 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto on case reporting, inventory and arrest recording being fucked up beyond recognition.

We owe Huberman a foot in his narrow ass...

His people and Rahm al Ghoul run in the same North-Shore Shit-Ass crowd.

We still say this shit was by design to walk this department to a standstill by making case reporting, inventory and arrests time consuming, counter-intuitive, adversarial and fraught with built in glitches.

Re-invention of the wheel to make clouted motherfuckers wealthy...

We remember one swift guy on the tact team who rigged a pin printer to a screen and had a scanned image of all pertinent CPD paper reports... Put the report on-screen, fill in the boxes, load the blank report in the hopper and hit >Ctrl P<...

*zzzt zzzt zzzzzzzzzt*

HE shoulda been the gold star boy-wonder instead of Huberman... It would have been a better person and a real copper in that spot.

Case and arrest including phone calls for notification AND an inventory or two or an impound and tow?

From hitting the station door to dude hitting the lock-up?

About 30 to 45 minutes...


It takes 30 to 45 minutes to type the offender's info because the keys on the pdt are worn out and you gotta type HARD so every other letter isn't a soft-stroke and won't register...

Yeah... The bullshit is intentional and by design.

8/26/2012 03:45:00 PM

I would advise against placing your foot in Huberman's ass, you may go up to your hip.

8/26/2012 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy's newest strategy is rain. Let's see if it works tonight.

8/26/2012 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's frustrating. Bring 2 or 3 techs in there for the day to fix all that crap and link them all up to the appropriate printers and it would solve a lot of headaches.

8/26/2012 03:32:00 PM

Stop making arrest

8/26/2012 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok terrible of me to say but think about this.

Is society better off with decreasing the population of certain areas in Chicago?

If you can answer that in a positive way, then you're a democrat !!!

8/26/2012 07:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD Trivia Question:

What Boss famously said - "the days of grabbing the squad car keys and driving around aimlessly are over"?

8/26/2012 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i honestly don't think they want arrest. they want us stopping people and being high visibility. but as for arrest? they're making it as difficult as possible.

8/26/2012 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why do coppers like to write a novel? SCC, allow 100 words or less.

The author at 1:08:00 am had a lot of time on his hand. Reduce, Reduce, Reduce

Why dont you just read to the 100 word mark, then stop.
Wah, wah wah... Think your brains reduced

8/26/2012 03:51:00 PM

8/26/2012 01:08:00 AM

Whenever I see a long mini novel posted on this site. I will skip it. If you can't say what you need to say briefly then you are a very poor communicator. Remember the five B's of communication; be brief boy be brief.

8/26/2012 07:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unit vacancies:

003,004,005,006..good grief!

8/26/2012 07:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) where is barry obama? camden NJ dumping police because of budget? wtf! Cut the hand outs,send illegals packing!

8/26/2012 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Figures Lie, and Liars figure.

8/26/2012 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is buzzing around about the replacement for McSingle. Hang in there boys and girls and stay tuned, very hush hush for now.

The heat is on downtown and there is no way to clean up this summer's mess, Rham knows it and is in panic mode.

Just for laughs might be fun to look at the shooting numbers this year so far I'll take the over on 2000.

8/26/2012 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of this shit matters kids. Mayor fuckstick is doing exactly what he wants and the CPD is responding as planned. We will continue to look out for ourselves, and Racoonboy will twist it in his pet media that we refuse to police and that "the citizens" can't afford a "lazy greedy" police department.

All policing responsibilities will then be turned over to crook county and the burden of policing Chicago will then be spread to all the wealthy residents outside chicago in the form of higher property taxes.

THAT is mayor fuckstick's plan, and Camden just gave him the play book.

8/26/2012 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh-oh,my arrest activity has dropped 700% over the last few years.Not tact or specialized unit. Saw the way it was going with J-Fled. Proactive policing will get you jammed up nowadays. Not worth it with the useless know-it-all jagoffs that are running the CPD to the bottom of the Mariana Trench with their stupidity.

8/26/2012 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT thank you corrupt illinois , cook county and chicago with high taxes , lowest gas prices in el paso texas $3.32 , Highest gas prices Chitcawgo $4.22

keep voting democRATic and prices will double again
Jan 2009 gas $189 , Aug 2012 $4.22

oh I forgot it must be the republican party's fault , just ask barry

8/26/2012 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

youtube video of savages running wild downtown. Truly disgusting.

8/26/2012 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is dumber? The turd hired to kill crime or the turd that hired him?

8/26/2012 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There should be no more jobs dispatched from anonymous callers except for in-progress violent crime reports. With everybody having a cell phone these days, it's no wonder that call volume and jobs assigned resulting therefrom have increased exponentially.

8/26/2012 12:19:00 AM

I don't agree with this. I'm a City worker living on the far NW side. I'll call once in a while when the neighborhood drunkards are disturbing the peace. The assholes don't need to know who I am. I don't need my home or car vandalized.

8/26/2012 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice that Rahm had time to train for a triathalon while this city goes to shit.

8/26/2012 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had a bitch session with desk personel about putting all the crap at the end of the arrest report, i.e. GIPP TRAP gang etc.
They wouldn't approve the arrest until I put down parole or probation. I had to inform them it was the persons first arrest and that they couldn't be on parole or probation. They told me I still had to put it on the arrest. I told them that would be FALSEFING an arrest report, and if an arrest came back AFTER his prints were verified, then THEY could enter it.

8/26/2012 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we should try this...

President Vows To Execute All Death Row Inmates By Mid-September|main5|dl1|sec3_lnk2%26pLid%3D197264

8/26/2012 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: They're mad about Eric Holder sending all those guns down there & Obama covering for him...

MEXICO CITY — Mexican authorities are trying to sort out why a U.S. Embassy vehicle was ambushed by federal police on a rural back road in mountains south of the capital, leaving two U.S. government workers wounded.

8/26/2012 10:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The male lock up sick ?'s were hilarious!! "if u were sick would u be sick?

8/26/2012 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever I see a long mini novel posted on this site. I will skip it. If you can't say what you need to say briefly then you are a very poor communicator. Remember the five B's of communication; be brief boy be brief.

8/26/2012 07:46:00 PM

your wife must really appreciate your philosophy.

8/26/2012 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy is a blowhard drunk. In NYC he had ballsless unions and a ton of cops. Anyone would have been successful, in fact a lot of schmucks did get credit for the crime reductions even though they were incompetent douchebags.

Now that Garry has to deliver and the focus is all on him, he looks like a douchebag. He can't throw 600 cops into a shithole and flood it with collars like they did in NY because he does not have the bodies. In NY they would flood the precinct with Narco, Vice, Warrants, Gang and loads of rookies on foot. He had endless manpower. Big deal, any dope would get results. But in Chicago, he has limited resources and cops that are burnt out and overworked. So he can't look like a star at their expense.

Chicago is going to be his last stop. After he fails like a disaster that he really is, The Ballet Dancer is going to tell him to go get a job in the private sector. He will bring in a black guy to take his place and that will be good enough for the dolts in Chicago to let the carnage continue. Who will care how many shootings and homicides there are everyday, as long as an FOI approved superintendent takes Garry's place.

It really is up to the cops how long he lasts too. If they resist his bullshit he will not last more than another year.

8/26/2012 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Go to 001st District Male Central Detention and this is the interview the lock-up keeper asks (coaches) your arrestee: you sick? were you ever sick?, you think you might get sick later? you sick now, but may not know it? anyone you know sick? are you sick of me asking you sick? Take him to the hospital for clearance.

8/26/2012 01:59:00 PM

This is one of the funniest posts i've read in a while. Sooo true too!!

8/26/2012 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There should be no more jobs dispatched from anonymous callers except for in-progress violent crime reports. With everybody having a cell phone these days, it's no wonder that call volume and jobs assigned resulting therefrom have increased exponentially.

8/26/2012 12:19:00 AM

I don't agree with this. I'm a City worker living on the far NW side. I'll call once in a while when the neighborhood drunkards are disturbing the peace. The assholes don't need to know who I am. I don't need my home or car vandalized.


This is the exact problem with Garry spouting off on how the community tolerates the gangs and that's why they are there.

WTF, does Gary want these people to do!!

None of them want to be the focal point of gang retaliation as soon as the officer(s)leaves.

Hell if you call 9-1-1 now and report a gang disturbance because a gang member is retaliating on a snitch the CPD shows up three hours later IF YOU ARE LUCKY because CPD is in a back log.

Meanwhile as fast as you bust them and take the guns off the street... Quinn, Periwinkle, puts them back out on the streets -- they have nothing else to turn to when they get out so it's back to square one.

It's a nice little scam the politicians have going here because it's a tool used to demand more police, jails, and higher taxes -- that tax money can be skimmed off to enrich certain clouted ones. Why we can build monuments and parks and stuff with no-bid contracts for our friends. We can use this crisis.

8/26/2012 11:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
O.T. & Very Important

Apparently some pieces of shit- Latin Kings have targeted the home of a p.o. who works in 025. The p.o. lives in 016. The gang bangers tagged up his home with graffiti and then blew up a m-80 on his backyard.
Can you believe the balls of these assholes? Now if this doesn't motivate you to get out there and generate numbers for your tour then what will? Go out there and be proactive so the bad guys are shaking in their boots like the good old days.

8/26/2012 12:35:00 PM
Whats the general area this happened at so we can keep an eye out?

8/26/2012 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever I see a long mini novel posted on this site. I will skip it. If you can't say what you need to say briefly then you are a very poor communicator. Remember the five B's of communication; be brief boy be brief.

8/26/2012 07:46:00 PM
Reading the site goes much faster if you skip anything of Box Chevy Phantom's or West Side Inside Do Nothing's. Glad they title most of their posts, but they're easy enough to spot, even when they post 'anonymous'.

8/27/2012 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT Sorry...
So now they found 55 million for a Maggie Daley park?
Add to that the 91 million they found to add bicycle lanes in the street.
Bring out the calculator and add in the hundreds of millions to revamp Malcom X (almost) college.
Keep adding the millions to make over the old, destroyed Meigs Field.
For good measure throw in the tens of millions of allegedly left-over NATO money that is now earmarked for scholarships for children of 'illegal' aliens.
Then get a subpoena for a forensic audit of the hundreds of millions hidden in the TIF funds.
Now ask yourself why is the city still refusing to put a PENNY more of their 'required' funding into Chicago's First-Responders pension funds, asking that WE suck it up and bail it out or lose it.
Let's hope FOP is keeping tabs of all this drunken sailor spending.
(No offense intended to sailors, drunk or otherwise)
Ol' vet (r)

8/26/2012 07:45:00 AM
You left out the millions for the four new boathouses. What's a boathouse, anyway?

8/27/2012 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Why do coppers like to write a novel? SCC, allow 100 words or less.

The author at 1:08:00 am had a lot of time on his hand. Reduce, Reduce, Reduce

Why dont you just read to the 100 word mark, then stop.
Wah, wah wah... Think your brains reduced

8/26/2012 03:51:00 PM

You remind me of our goofy SGT on mids in 017 that KICKS BACK everyones reports to make everyone miserable....this from a guy that pointed a TASER at everyone in roll call and went to callback after working the DESK his whole career ratting everyone one out as a two face disgruntled DOUCHEBAG!

I wonder what his background in ARRESTS/AWARDS were like...another fearless leader we all shall follow ...

8/27/2012 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So rumor has it they posted 40 openings this month all to shit hole districts and when nobody bids the dept can then justify moving (reassigning/detailing) po's from northside down there.

There already sending cars to 016 every night.Its not as slow as it used to be and with not many po's

8/27/2012 03:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading the site goes much faster if you skip anything of Box Chevy Phantom's or West Side Inside Do Nothing's. Glad they title most of their posts, but they're easy enough to spot, even when they post 'anonymous'.

8/27/2012 12:32:00 AM

look at the big brain on brad.

8/27/2012 05:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me??? A simple 0460 use to take me 6-7 minutes to complete. Now,even when everything is (on track) it takes 30-40 mins.

Its not you. Its the shit system we have in place. I used to be able to finish a shoplifter in under an hour from the time I got to the store from the time to lock up. I had to do one finally the other day it took almost 3 hours.

8/27/2012 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You remind me of our goofy SGT on mids in 017 that KICKS BACK everyones reports to make everyone miserable....this from a guy that pointed a TASER at everyone in roll call and went to callback after working the DESK his whole career ratting everyone one out as a two face disgruntled DOUCHEBAG!

I tell you what Hal... I would work with and for that Sgt anyday. And I pretty much hate everybody but a select few. Grow a pair a balls you pussy!

8/27/2012 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading the site goes much faster if you skip anything of Box Chevy Phantom's or West Side Inside Do Nothing's. Glad they title most of their posts, but they're easy enough to spot, even when they post 'anonymous'.

I thought he/she/it/they were the same person. and don't hate, the posts are usually funny a** sh** and very correct. not to many old timers around like this anymore

8/27/2012 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Mission # > Event # said...

Charlie Williams ??

What Boss famously said - "the days of grabbing the squad car keys and driving around aimlessly are over"?

8/27/2012 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD Trivia Question:

What Boss famously said - "the days of grabbing the squad car keys and driving around aimlessly are over"?

8/26/2012 07:05:00 PM


8/27/2012 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't think there's even a park anywhere in the U.S. named after a first lady for crying out loud!

"All Maggie ever did was lunch!"

--8/26/2012 05:09:00 PM


...and "President" in common usage used to mean THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

...not of the miserable Cook County Board Of Commissioners.

Remember how all of those nasty county PR flacks were trained to bark "President Stroger! President Stroger!"

8/27/2012 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When [WBBM] said Oak Street Beach was shut down 'briefly, due to gang activity', I was SO PROUD OF YOU!!!"

--8/26/2012 03:11:00 PM

Oh, please.


If these are the people with a sword of truth who are going to lead us fearlessly forward into the light of a new day, we are in big trouble.

8/27/2012 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had a bitch session with desk personel about putting all the crap at the end of the arrest report, i.e. GIPP TRAP gang etc.
They wouldn't approve the arrest until I put down parole or probation. I had to inform them it was the persons first arrest and that they couldn't be on parole or probation. They told me I still had to put it on the arrest. I told them that would be FALSEFING an arrest report, and if an arrest came back AFTER his prints were verified, then THEY could enter it.

8/26/2012 10:23:00 PM

They have been asking for that for the past 4 years. How nice of you to sandbag somebody with their very first arrest after 4 plus years of nothing from you. Congratulations you are awesome.

8/27/2012 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There should be no more jobs dispatched from anonymous callers except for in-progress violent crime reports."

--8/26/2012 12:19:00 AM

Used to have policemen on the console, often they had worn out shoes working the district they were dispatching now so they knew the lay of the land.

Hell, we used to have policemen for them to send out, too; a lot of the time a two-man car would show up damned fast on even a noise disturbance, maybe 20 years ago. It kept the pressure on 'em, a lot of the time the officers would turn up some other worse happening right by there.

40-50 years ago you would get a couple of dics on a disturbance-with-neighbor call. If they were nearby, they would come and be the police -- and they worked the magic, one visit and the problem moved away the next week. Really.

Then came progress, computers able to keep all kinds of records coupled with some real idiots inputting that info. Not all OEMC, but the bad ones know who they are. Yelling in there, somebody's "birthday" and they're all eating, playing the fool. Attaching an inaccurate, f__ed-up "call history" to wireline phones got a lot of good people to stop being "the eyes and ears of the police." Call goes in "blocking the street," comes out the other end as "fight in the apartment." Callers felt like they were being made an ass of, and they were right.

It is federal law that the new cell phones always be able to call 911.

A lot of BS used to come in off the (now disappearing) pay phones too. So many of those were bogus "man with a gun/person can't breathe" calls too, no different, they learned how to pull your chain. How many thousand times did police run to that lousy steel pole at the gas station, no one there except the bugs flying around the pay phone light.

I know the frustration of the constant s__t, but like with guns or cars it's not the device, it's the person operating it.

Stay safe.

8/27/2012 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It takes 30 to 45 minutes to type the offender's info because the keys on the pdt are worn out and you gotta type HARD so every other letter isn't a soft-stroke and won't register...

Take the in, put the pdt work order ticket on it and you'll never see it again. Problem solved! We've got work tickets over 18 months old

8/27/2012 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's frustrating. Bring 2 or 3 techs in there for the day to fix all that crap and link them all up to the appropriate printers and it would solve a lot of headaches.

8/26/2012 03:32:00 PM

Call 4-data and get it fixed. Simple concept. Try it sometime. Eventually they'll come out and fix it, but you might eat your gun while on the phone with them. Not to mention some copper will have it fucked up 10 minutes after the tech leaves because he needs his coupon toolbar to come up on the home page.

8/27/2012 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tell you what Hal... I would work with and for that Sgt anyday. And I pretty much hate everybody but a select few. Grow a pair a balls you pussy!

8/27/2012 06:35:00 AM
Oh, I see, you have delusions of grandeur also? Can you do everything in like 5 minutes also?

8/28/2012 07:25:00 AM  

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