Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Here's Some Fantasy

As we read with increasing disgust the tall tales coming out of the media today over the Burge "reparations" we were amazed that people actually believe this crap, that a wholesale top-to-bottom conspiracy could have existed at any point during this entire scenario. An example:
  • Holmes said he had a plastic bag placed over his head to threaten strangulation and was shocked with an electric generator. He said once the bag was over his head and the generator was attached to his body, "it was all about the electrocution and the strangulation."
Strangulation? Suffocation maybe? And wasn't it always a typewriter cover - despite the fact that no typewriter covers were ever located.

"Electric generator?" Have you ever actually seen an electric generator? It's not something you lug around from cell to cell to torture people with - unless you want to torture the poor bastard carrying it around. They're large, heavy, greasy, unwieldy objects.

On to the grand conspiracy - after all this torturing and beating and electrocuting and suffocating, is someone going to clean up the spit, piss, vomit and feces all over the place? Torture is messy - look at the torture cells in third world shitholes. Floor drains, channels for drainage, easily washable walls, usually by hoses, etc. You think Burge and his minions actually did the cleaning themselves? If not, where are all the poor schlubs who did the cleaning? No one came forward to complain?

And lock-up keepers. Any of them step forward to relate to any lawyer or investigator that a prisoner they checked out to the Detectives came back in less than stellar shape? Maybe a doctors note from some hospital relating unusual burns or trauma or ligature marks? Of course, this being a grand conspiracy and all, we suppose Byrne, Bilandic and Washington had all those hospitals closed in the 70's and 80's so they could seal away those medical records of so-called torture.

What about County? The sheriff and his guards accepted prisoners beaten so badly that their own mother wouldn't recognize them - any of them step forward to relate that during a preliminary hearing that Prisoner #24601 was pissing blood, had swollen neck bruises and had to be wheeled in on a stretcher with an IV just to enter a plea?

How about this fanciful tale?
  • So might Darrell Cannon, who testified about being tortured by three Burge "henchmen" in the Police Department in 1983. Cannon said he was taken to a remote area of the South Side and told to "look around" at how there was no one to witness what might happen to him. Cannon said he was threatened three times with shotgun blasts to the head in what amounted to a game of "Russian roulette."
Anyone here ever try to play Russian Roulette with a shotgun? Yeah, we didn't think so. It's a simple single-chambered weapon that goes "bang" if loaded and the trigger is pulled. Besides, you can't use an over/under or double-barreled shotgun - it won't fit easily in a suspect's mouth, and as far as we've read, no one ever reported so much as a chipped tooth from these party games. Russian Roulette with a shotgun is universally recognized as one of the three shortest games in existence.

What a load of crap this all is:
  • no supposed "instruments of torture" were ever produced (aside from the one created by the Peoples Law Office to show what one might have looked like),
  • no witnesses outside of convicts (who had every reason in the world to lie and were undoubtedly coached by plaintiff attorneys for years),
  • no outside documentation from jail intake, hospitals or independent eyewitnesses ever came forward to verify a single hair was out of place on one of these altar boys
  • nor a single Patrol Officer, Lockup Keeper, Wagon Man, all of whom had numerous and document-able contact with each and every alleged "victim" of torture ever broke their silence, even with the potential of universal acclaim from the Left and undoubted riches from the media so eager to prove Burge and his Detectives ran a torture chamber in Area 2
That's one hell of a stretch of the imagination.

UPDATE: Whoever is claiming some "doctor" at County documented something, link it. Point everyone in the right direction. Something from an actual reputable document, not some made up shit like the PLO did. Don't you think that would have been trumpeted by the media if it actually existed?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is the seriousness of the charges that make this torture issue so important. Those charges have never been creditably refuted. A very dark period in CPD history.

4/15/2015 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any copper who voted for Rahm is a complete asshole. Note how he waited till after the election to come out with this shit.

4/15/2015 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a 50,000 volt stun gun back in the early 80s. The 9 volt battery was the "electrical generator".
It doesn't have to be a unit that would power a job site's tools.

4/15/2015 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't an electric generator direct current, much like an alternator in a car??

If you touch a battery, you don't get shocked because its DC

4/15/2015 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's called reparations for allegations. No one was ever convicted of these allegations. How come the media never uses the word alleged when describing these allegations?

4/15/2015 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC,you missed your calling. You should have been an attorney.

4/15/2015 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the lesson that one can get out of this? The more proactive you are and more cases you clear or more arrests you make, the more likely you are to get rail roaded. They simply had no actual proof of these torture allegations. None besides the word of the jail birds and the "statements" generated by the People's Law Office and other lawyers.

4/15/2015 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I have to vote for Rahm because Chuy's a commie and will give everything away"

You dumb pieces of shit!

What the fuck do you think we were telling you?

You're the same assholes who send your kids to CPS because "____Park School" is different...blah,blah,blah.

Your kids will now be taught that you're an asshole.

Now go write a contact card for McStreetlights so you can get your VRI and pay for the two Escalades in your driveway.

I'm so fucking embarrassed by your stupidity.


4/15/2015 05:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's some fantasy for you: I imagine one day I can sit down at a diner and watch an appropriate tip being left, that meetings, events, and lectures won't be disrupted by people who can't arrive on time, and that pick- up trucks outfitted with a tow sling won't be cruising the neighborhood looking for repo victims, that I don't have to overhear incessant complaining about a food order, and that a funeral procession will be free from honking horns, people standing through sunroofs, and the thump- thump of the helicopter hovering 500 feet over a gold hearse at Mt. Hopeless.

4/15/2015 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you SCC and may God Bless Jon Burge and his detectives.

4/15/2015 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you haven't left Chicago yet, hopefully this lights a fire under your ass--I left Chicago and believe it or not, there are still places in this country that are civilized.

Helloooooo, Detroit, Chicago's comin' to join ya'!

4/15/2015 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fact. One of the investigators for lovey&lovey was found dead in his apartment after an alcohol and cocaine binge. Lines of cocaine were found next to stacks of interviews he had of supposed witneses for lovey&lovey cases against the police.

4/15/2015 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, SCC. Amen. Great writing.

4/15/2015 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More of found money, that's taxpayer money, that's money that should go to the pension funds where it is due! I'm retiring in October thought about staying good neighbors low taxes etc, now looking at other states this is really disgusting throwing this money away, and free tuition for the spawn of these animals! Now teaching the kids this propaganda no wonder people don't like police now let's teach kids in school about more anti police bias!

4/15/2015 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC: "Electric generator?" "Have you ever actually seen an electric generator? It's not something you lug around from cell to cell to torture people with - unless you want to torture the poor bastard carrying it around. They're large, heavy, greasy, unwieldy objects."

4/15/2015 08:19:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

"...A very dark period in CPD history..."

No. This is the darkest period in CPD history. Clueless merit bosses, pandering public officials, and a media that would rather spin lies than tell the truth.

4/15/2015 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come they never told THEIR attorneys or PD's? The cover-up even included their own mouthpiece! And OJ didn't do it either.

4/15/2015 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Isn't an electric generator direct current, much like an alternator in a car??

If you touch a battery, you don't get shocked because its DC"

Maybe in your world it is.

4/15/2015 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prep for the Senate Race

4/15/2015 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cermak Hospital is on the grounds of the Cook County Jail. It would not be hard to locate medical records except for the fact that most of the torture victims were flat out liars who never required medical treatment for abuse.

4/15/2015 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was no trial if there would have been it would all be discovered to be a farce. This wasn't even brought up till the statute of limitations was up knowing that it wouldn't be investigated and charges and truths would never get told. They'd be able to play the race card and politicians would dance jump and bow to get the votes. If this election was a blow out it wouldn't even be a story. There would be no need for all those dirty money promises. They conviently sat there and waited till it was "to late" huh?

What needs to be investigated is the back room deals prior to the election making these promises of payouts and non-sense. Unfortunately the Feds are controlled by this same theory of pacifying the same uneducated handout relying groups. Theses groups will never get the respect from groups that work for a living and are forced to support the lifestyles of these groups that take advantage of the politicians that rely on those society useless groups to keep them in office for term after term destroying the economy of the world making their friends and themselves wealthy beyond belief.

The facts our the victims of these so called tortured offenders/victims(ha!)
• the police have no motive to get false confessions.
They are paid the same regardless
Actually get more court time without signed confessions
The real victims of these crimes where same people that are still getting killed today. Those lives didn't matter then as they don't really today. They are just killing themselves and no police officer of any color is gonna stop them when the politicians and society allow it to keep occurring by rewarding the lifestyle with sufficient taxpayer handouts.

• these false confessions where gang fall guys taking the blame for some other neighborhood gangster who made threats and deals with these individuals. The same goes on today. But now there is more DNA evidence and video evedince that can discount these bogus confessions prior to all this non sense taking place.

•if all this did occur who made Burge exempt? There was no test obviously. He was connected politically. Then only the connected ones that put the individuals into the power should be held accountable. Same as today whoever put the exempts in power and made them are responsible. Blame lays all with the mayor. These alleged victims should go after the Daley fortune and pensions. After all that blood money was made from the monarchy that MADE all these alleged bosses that handled business in that non professional manner. (Great Merit system)

All this is only being re setup for a repeat under the current admin since they are making policy on things they don't have clues about. Keep up the good work Rahm and Gary.

4/15/2015 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm and Gary are about to be publicly exposed and disgraced about having knowledge and being notified on a very recent $5 million payout that the Feds are looking into now. Gonna be intersting how they spin this to have no knowledge of it even though they are officially notified in the reports of this incident. Time for the lies to catchup. Good thing the hand picked excempts tried to sweep under the rug. Oops. Someone just tripped on that pile under the rug.

4/15/2015 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh the lovely loyalty of yesteryear :) when you could police... being stopped by police meant you were probably engaging in scrupulous behavior and the encounter scared many to not miss behave at all!

Flash forward, every idiot needs "transparency and FOI" there's no fear of police or accountability for your actions (sorry, i was laughing uncontrollably) but its slowly creeping into the lives of the scum suckers who needed votes and those who grew up in a privileged life without crime. Welcome to the party !!!

4/15/2015 09:49:00 AM  
Blogger pathickey said...

No American admires brutality, or torture and certainly accepts no torture by Law Enforcement. G. Flint Taylor and the Wrongful Everything Industry have completely undermined any and all trust in police officers with the full cooperation of newspapers, television, radio and academics. Smarmy aldermen and genuinely corrupt Mayors, Governors and Federal office holders have disgraced this country. No cop has been prosecuted, much less proven guilty of torture. Not one. Cop Torture is a myth that has been very carefully choreographed and never once has the print media (editors and columnists) challenged any claim, charge or assumption developed to perpetuate this myth.e.g. - "Taylor, who has driven much of the effort to first reveal the torture and then have it acknowledged, said he came face-to-face with Burge in February when he questioned him in Florida in a sworn deposition as part of Alonzo Smith's effort to prove his innocence in a 1983 murder case."…/ct-burge-reparations-emanue…

4/15/2015 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a copper back then.
I never saw a typewriter cover in a station. Maybe they had them downtown. We were lucky to have a typewriter with most of the keys on it and a working ribbon!

4/15/2015 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An alternator is an electrical generator that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of alternating current. You don't get shocked by touching a car battery because the DC voltage is not high enough. You generally start to feel it at about 50V DC.

4/15/2015 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It is the seriousness of the charges that make this torture issue so important. Those charges have never been creditably refuted. A very dark period in CPD history.

4/15/2015 12:42:00 AM

Yes, just like the serious charges about Homan Square. Black site, torture chamber, secret experiments, etc. All a total fabrication, which is kinda hard to refute.

I can make a serious charge about you, too. That doesn't make it true. But it could be impossible to refute.

4/15/2015 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well written/said

4/15/2015 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
It is the seriousness of the charges that make this torture issue so important. Those charges have never been creditably refuted. A very dark period in CPD history.

4/15/2015 12:42:00 AM"

And just how do you refute a negative? How do you prove the brutality did not occur? Line up photos, lack of doctor/emergency room reports, Jail intake photos were all introduced and show no injuries. What more can be done to prove the negative? Where is the proof of the injuries suffered? Oh, that's was all a big conspiracy to cover it up! Hundreds of law enforcement personnel, jail personnel, State's Attorneys, doctors and nurses participated in the cover up and not one of them cracked. Yeah, sure.

4/15/2015 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is the seriousness of the charges that make this torture issue so important. Those charges have never been creditably refuted. A very dark period in CPD history.

4/15/2015 12:42:00 AM

And not one charge of brutality has been creditably proven. But, what the heck, where there's smoke there must be fire. That's what our Criminal Justice system is based on, right?

4/15/2015 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps one of the fop guys will continue this in the fop mailing. I just got mines and the only guys with anything new is kilmer and dean.

4/15/2015 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How Come? How come no one mentions G. Flint Taylor's poster boys and spokesmen for the "Reparations Crowd" criminal records. Cannon has been convicted of three separate murders during his long career and still stands convicted of all three, having exhausted his appeals and pleading guilty to the last one, cutting a deal for time served. His first murder was as a juvenile, so the POPO can't talk about that one. He was a long time El Rukn General and he is the only one who knows how many people he whacked during his career. Anthony Holmes, during his first stint in the pen, was the "Barn Boss" at Statesville. For you young guys that means he was the toughest SOB in Statesville when it was the toughest joint in Illinois. He was also a boss of the "Royal Family", a group of 31 ex-cons who pattered their gang after the mafia. They were actually the "Royal Family" of the BGDs at that time. Holmes went down on a murder in 1973 in which he gave a court reported confession. There was NO MOTION TO SURPRESS. He made parole about 1985 and promptly went back after making a hand-to-hand buy from an under cover agent. He never publicly mentioned his "torture" until after meeting G. Flint Taylor in the late 80's and testifying at the civil trial of Burge, O'Hara and Yucaitis on the case brought by Taylor on behalf of Andrew Wilson in the murders of Officers Fahey and O'Brien. Now they are waiting for a piece of the taxpayers money being extorted by Taylor and his ilk.

4/15/2015 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This torture was going on at the CPD's secret black ops site wasn't it?

4/15/2015 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone here ever try to play Russian Roulette with a shotgun? Yeah, we didn't think so. It's a simple single-chambered weapon that goes "bang" if loaded and the trigger is pulled.

That's true, but there are a lot of idiots out there who really don't know how firearms actually work, other than you pull the trigger and a bullet emerges from the business end of the weapon.

It's plausible that they could have convinced some nimrod that the pump action shotgun was loaded with only one round and then kept working the action and pulling the trigger.

Just because it's not possible to play russian roulette with a shotgun doesn't mean they didn't have some goof believing that's what they were doing.

4/15/2015 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about is WE are paid Reparations for all the abuse, violence, and death visited upon US over the last 5 decades or so by Shithead Nation?

4/15/2015 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is the seriousness of the charges that make this torture issue so important. Those charges have never been creditably refuted. A very dark period in CPD history.

4/15/2015 12:42:00 AM

MORON! They have never been proven. Oh wait! You are a troll. Never mind.

4/15/2015 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burge deserves a "Medal" for his public service! The ACLU, People's Law Office, Loevy & Loevy, Northwestern University, and the Southern Poverty Law Center have succeeded in the perpetuation of a myth, and the fleecing of the taxpayers on a grand scale. That is the only documented crime of note here. Fuck all those worthless, pathetic, leftist losers! Furthermore, fuck the criminal shitheads and their evil spawn! Have fun earning your community college degree in "Modern thug culture and Rap music appreciation" from Malcolm Xcrement college!

4/15/2015 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you touch a battery, you don't get shocked because its DC

Put it on your tongue and say that.

You don't get shocked by a battery because the voltage is too low and your skin is usually too dry for enough current to flow to feel it.  You won't feel 9 volts AC coming out of a wall-wart transformer either.  But 120 volts DC is even more dangerous than AC, because DC current makes your muscles spasm and you can't let go.

4/15/2015 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon Burge was the subject of two separate civil rights lawsuits that dealt with torture allegations. In two separate federal civil lawsuits, Burge was exonerated. So, the torture allegations were in fact creditably refuted.

4/15/2015 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That John Marshall law school has had a bunch of these protests going on about the Chicago cops torturing everybody. Remember that when there are calls for service.

4/15/2015 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't think of even ONE Chicago police detective who would touch some shithead's genitals -- EVEN if it was to torture him.

4/15/2015 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm an old retired guy that brought a lot of cases to A/2 when it was Burnside and on 111th St. I saw Jon Burge and his detectives dozens and dozens of time and I spent a lot of time in those offices and NEVER, NOT ONCE, did I ever see anything untoward or resembling abuse. These were hardworking Detectives putting cases together that would keep these human pieces of shit off the street for a long time so screw these politicians and the media. If you find the facts, you'll find the truth.

4/15/2015 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you "credility" refute something that is mostly made up? those charges have never been proven by any physical evidence either!

4/15/2015 08:20:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

Anonymous said...

SCC,you missed your calling. You should have been an attorney.

4/15/2015 05:33:00 AM


You take that back right now. We're going to be on the correct side of the wall once the Revolution arrives and the lawyers are all lined up.

4/15/2015 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fact. One of the investigators for lovey&lovey was found dead in his apartment after an alcohol and cocaine binge. Lines of cocaine were found next to stacks of interviews he had of supposed witneses for lovey&lovey cases against the police.

4/15/2015 07:21:00 AM

Thank you. Thank you for making my night. Let's hope it is just the beginning.

4/15/2015 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Completely OT - Was Bill Cozzi reinstated and allowed to retire. I noticed his name under the Feb 2014 retiree roster on FOP site. If so, I am happy to hear it and hope he is doing well.

4/15/2015 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jon Burge was the subject of two separate civil rights lawsuits that dealt with torture allegations. In two separate federal civil lawsuits, Burge was exonerated. So, the torture allegations were in fact creditably refuted.

4/15/2015 06:29:00 PM

Truth isn't important.
Headlines are important.
Don't let FACTS get in the way.

4/15/2015 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This torture was going on at the CPD's secret black ops site wasn't it?

4/15/2015 11:49:00 AM

Yes! At one of the MANY black ops sites we have. Homan Square is just the decoy black ops site. But-shhhhh! Don't tell anyone!

4/15/2015 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone missed the point here..for those that were around then,you may recall but for those that were not. Cook County State's Attorney Richard (shorty)Daley was in charge of and had final say on all murder charges. Like today (Koschman for one) you could have 10 eye- witnesses,a murder weapon with prints but you probably wouldn't get far without the required "CONFESSION". This is Chicago man..NO murder gets approved by any policeman at any rank,no matter how solid a case is. Your job is to make a great case and present it them,if they (FRU) approve,fine..if not and it goes south prosecution or media wise then your job is to take the heat (Ryan Harris another) and protect the political appointees.

Point being,look at every heater media case and you would hard pressed to find a reference to CCSA unless it's all good. But every substantial payout the city has made has Daley dna all over it.

4/15/2015 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I can't think of even ONE Chicago police detective who would touch some shithead's genitals -- EVEN if it was to torture him.

4/15/2015 08:16:00 PM
Most accurate comment of all.

4/16/2015 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is the seriousness of the charges that make this torture issue so important. Those charges have never been creditably refuted. A very dark period in CPD history.

4/15/2015 12:42:00 AM

The have never been proven either.

4/16/2015 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Watch Your Step! said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rahm and Gary are about to be publicly exposed and disgraced about having knowledge and being notified on a very recent $5 million payout that the Feds are looking into now. Gonna be intersting how they spin this to have no knowledge of it even though they are officially notified in the reports of this incident. Time for the lies to catchup. Good thing the hand picked excempts tried to sweep under the rug. Oops. Someone just tripped on that pile under the rug.

4/15/2015 09:22:00 AM

Here's to the idiots in charge cracking a femur slipping on that big, fresh and fragrant dog log in front of the door.

4/16/2015 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you have my most humble apology.

4/16/2015 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember an HBO show called "Assume the Position." I can't remember the actor (he was a coach in the movie Bull Durham) but one of the catch phrases used was "When faced with truth or the legend, go with the legend." How true a statement in today's media against the law enforcement community.

4/16/2015 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

methinks the laddie doth protest too much.

4/17/2015 08:43:00 PM  

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