Monday, August 24, 2015

Another Bloody Weekend

Don't the aldercreatures or Rahm ever get tired of these headlines? We mean, the silence from these characters as their constituents are filled with lead and buried every weekend is mind boggling:
  • Six people were killed and at least 31 others have been wounded in shootings across Chicago since Friday evening.

    The most recent homicides happened within minutes of each other Sunday night on the Southwest and West sides, according to Chicago Police.
Nearly 40 maimed and wounded in a weekend. We don't think this even counts the guy who was doused in gasoline and set on fire on the west side. What was the total for the week - 60? 70? And Garry storms out of CompStat because Contact Cards would have stopped every single one of these shootings, right?

If even a quarter of this happened in, let's just say, Boystown or Beverly or Jefferson Park or Michigan Avenue or any other of half a dozen parts of town, there would be hell to pay. But hey, black and brown folks (or people)? Barely a peep, even when a 65-year-old grandmother catches a round.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

If even a quarter of this happened in, let's just say, Boystown or Beverly or Jefferson Park or Michigan Avenue or any other of half a dozen parts of town, there would be hell to pay. But hey, black and brown folks (or people)? Barely a peep, even when a 65-year-old grandmother catches a round.

Gotta agree. But, SCC, you guys OK? You've been sounding a little pissed off lately. This statement seemed like not so much sarcasm to Rahm,Aldermen/women and who ever else, and more *grabs persons shoulders and shakes them* "do you realize what the fuck is happening?!"

8/24/2015 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is black or brown folk doing the shooting and causing the mayhem, and they are doing it to other black and brown folk. Are there cultural differences at play which could explain all this violence? Did these people come from a violent culture in the old country?

8/24/2015 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

South-Side Mogadishu & West-Side Mogadishu...That explains it all in a succinct manner..Send in the United Nation Peacekeeping Forces...Lol....No matter what happens,they will keep on killing each other..It's an accepted part of their attitude and culture...

8/24/2015 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, please. Our absentee mayor isn't going to comment. Was a bicyclist killed? No. Was a flowerpot damaged? No. Were tomatoes delivered to his doorstep? No. So, what's the problem!?!

8/24/2015 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

start keeping statistics on how many persons are shot/killed by WARD AND PRECINCT compared the statistics to the number of votes the Mayor received and incumbent alderman respectively per WARD/PRECINCT then ask the VOTERS to bring about changes in their next ballot cast!

1. vote out the mayor
2. vote out the alderman


8/24/2015 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw Kylie Kardashian make more headline news then put out of control shootings and murders in Chicago-!!!

8/24/2015 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats are racists. Why would they want to do anything to help the blacks of Chicago? The Dems get their votes by paying off a few "community leaders," and promising more government "programs" that don't do anything to really help the black community. The Dems own those votes, and they bought them with our tax dollars.

Black unemployment is 31%. How many more gave up and are not even counted? Do you think it bothers the Democrat bosses? These guys used the KKK as their political goon squad from 1870 to 1970. Their great grandfathers were the pro-slavery Democrat party that opposed Lincoln and fought Reconstruction after he died.

8/24/2015 04:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black Lives Matter! but only if a white dude is stopping a thug.

8/24/2015 04:43:00 AM  
Anonymous E.P. McGee said...

Have no fear, 'Black Lives Matter' is on the case.

8/24/2015 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ACLU is getting what they want

8/24/2015 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone really care ??? Seriously. The politicians have handcuffed the police , by implementing these silly laws regarding stopping people. Soon , the police will have to give a receipt on why they stopped people. The 40 maimed will soon turn into 80. I for one don't care about drug dealers and gang bangers getting killed or shot. Good job to all the politicians for creating these stupid laws that stop the police from being proactive. The only problem is when the police do nothing all of the Democratic vote may be killed off.

8/24/2015 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The money given by Rahmulus and his emissaries to quiet these constituents is deafening!

8/24/2015 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't they just admit it. It's black on black crime.

8/24/2015 06:53:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Garry' s incompetence will continue until someone important catches a round on Michigan Ave. while on a family outing. Contact cards my ass.

8/24/2015 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But, at least they took care of those murdering plastic bags.

8/24/2015 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, now, SCC. Don't be going all Rand Paul on us.

Bein' a bleedin' heart for the 'hood and all.

Boystown, Jeff Park, and Mich. Ave. have all suffered because they have been stripped of police to appease the ghettos. Beverly deserves whatever it gets.

8/24/2015 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor already got reelected,no worries t'for at least 3 more years..

8/24/2015 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous W.H. Thompson said...

Hey SCC,

Here are the Official Unofficial stats:

Weekend: 6 dead, 36 wounded
Last week: 12 dead, 75 wounded
MTD: 36 dead, 241 wounded
YTD: 315 dead, 1,874 wounded

Illustrating Chicago Crime, Murder and Mayhem at

8/24/2015 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously now. How does McCarthy still have a job as superintendent? Anybody can get the same results as he and his initiatives. Put anybody in there at this point.

8/24/2015 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) police say the plan to stop expressway shootings don't seem to be working! Another 1 Sunday the holy day church day!

Leo doesn't look to promising for your leadership, but not blaming you or our state brother or sister notice the community activists and revs are nowhere to be found! How about a huge checkpoint like they have on Mexican border to check every vehicle for entry, oops bad idea the Mexican and illegal flow through anyway any ideas bueller? It's the wild Wild West is it Amish people? What Kind of terroristic people would do something as uncivilized as this? A tow truck shot at? May God and St. Peter help us all!

8/24/2015 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but still has to do with a bloody weekend.

Hopefully, any of you who anticipated retiring this year or next, rebalanced your 457 portfolios, prior to the correction. G-d help you if you were surfing the market "all in" and didn't protect yourself. You may have more years of work ahead of you.

8/24/2015 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They only protest when a check can be written by the city. The lawyers call store front REV-runs and cut them a slice of the lawsuit pie to gather protesters.

Any other crime the hood and neighbors get into snitches get stitches. Think about it police chase a murderer and a baby dies when hit by the shooter! They get a lawyer and file suit against the city.

If the Ass hat politicians quit funneling tax money to these fake churches they would fold. Lawsuit would drop. The city needs to let all these suit go about 5-10 year make these goofs wait. Then low ball them. Do you think LOEVY and LOEVY could survive if all the cities case went 10 years?

8/24/2015 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember crime is down.

8/24/2015 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If even a quarter of this happened in, let's just say, Boystown or Beverly or Jefferson Park or Michigan Avenue or any other of half a dozen parts of town...

Because it couldn't happen there. There are too many intact families who care about their kids and take responsibility for their actions there. On the South and West sides of town, that generation-to-generation chain of role models who live life right and do right by their kids and the community was broken long ago.

8/24/2015 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't there an artical a few months ago about how crime is up and the Detective Unit is at the lowest personal numbers it has ever been? Shut down two detective areas and shift them to the other three areas. Dept lets them retire but won't replace them. what do you expect will happen when less detectives are out there. True they might not catch the homicide offenders as often as we would like, but at least they are investigating other crimes like burglaries, robberies, ect. Put them away for other crimes and they won't be out committing shootings. Just saying.

8/24/2015 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if McCarthy is unable to motivate the Beat Officers to produce contact cards then there is only thing to do.

Send in the RAMONINATOR! Aka 1020.

He knows how to motivate officers into producing contact cards. His Post Whatever missions are what legends are made of.

We would recommend that he take over Comstat meetings when McCarthy is unable to attend or, has to Abruptly leave(LOL) the meeting.

Just provide him with a bullhorn and a stack of contact cards.

8/24/2015 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

base police protection according to re taxes paid. they don't like cops in their hoods anyway. so give them their wish.

8/24/2015 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicongo won't know any real "progress" until the death/wounded rates are reversed...Just saying what everbodys thinking & knowing

8/24/2015 04:20:00 PM  
Blogger overandout said...

Keep the law abiding people and areas out of your ghetto reports

8/24/2015 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a tipical weekend in Chiraq.

8/24/2015 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The alderman are to busy thinking up more stupid things to draft an ordinance for instead of working on the truly serious things that effect this city. This is a part time job and the pay and benefits should reflect that, and, by the way, so should the number of alderman.

8/24/2015 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well....let's see. Back in the 70's immigrants we picked on by white groups (I.e gangs). They formed gangs for protection against these fools. Gangs did not exist in Mexico. They were created here.

8/24/2015 04:56:00 PM  
Blogger Johnny said...

Hey, it is a political thing. If the you know who people do not want more cops in the hood, then the shootings are not a political problem, hence, not a police problem. I will state it as a fundamental rule of life: Never try to fix something for somebody if they do not want it fixed.

8/24/2015 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wasn't there an artical a few months ago about how crime is up and the Detective Unit is at the lowest personal numbers it has ever been? Shut down two detective areas and shift them to the other three areas. Dept lets them retire but won't replace them. what do you expect will happen when less detectives are out there. True they might not catch the homicide offenders as often as we would like, but at least they are investigating other crimes like burglaries, robberies, ect. Put them away for other crimes and they won't be out committing shootings. Just saying.

8/24/2015 11:16:00 AM

McCarthy made it clear he has no interest in the D-unit. Why do you think the last Chief TB left to take another job before he was 50 YOA? Also this Det list is just about 10 years old. The people who are getting made have a lot of time on and just want to do their 3 years for the pension and retire. Nothing against them but we need a new test and a new list. Staying up over 24 hours on an investigation is for younger people. A lot of the other things like having to have a separate Det do your line-up and doing some of your own evidence just cuts into the investigation time. The numbers are low, the area buildings are $hit and the BS in the workload is higher. Of course clearance rates are going lower.

8/24/2015 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, I love this woman!!!! Grandma telling off Black Lives Matter!

8/24/2015 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"On the South and West sides of town, that generation-to-generation chain of role models who live life right and do right by their kids and the community was broken long ago."

8/24/2015 10:51:00 AM

Yes, sir or madam, absolutely correct.

Makes me sad though -- born here, and have seen our manufacturing base that offered so many jobs to kick off in just totally destroyed.

Read up on Camden, N.J., and see where we are headed -- see where we have already landed -- in at least half the city. Just one article here --

Not making excuses for anyone, just pointing out how it's harder these days -- and the cultural slide towards crazy-death-by-police and funerals-as-a-fun-time-lawn-party ain't helping.

Welcome To Chicago -- Rahm I. Emanuel, Mayor

Yo! Hey! Rahm?


He cain't hear you...

8/24/2015 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"South-Side Mogadishu & West-Side Mogadishu...That explains it all in a succinct manner..."

8/24/2015 01:03:00 AM

Sure does.

"Failed states."

Some of our outliers can't even pay their freaking water bills -- someone in their City Hall stole the money.

"Send in the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces..."

Some of the blue helmets drawn from local sources are worse than the criminals. Refs. from a couple of days ago -- "Central African Republic." LAST people you want to see coming up the street.

"No matter what happens,they will keep on killing each other..It's an accepted part of their attitude and culture..."

Face it, deal with it -- some people enjoy this s__t and look forward to each new funeral. Maybe they can tip the body out of the casket and open up like crazy inside the place. Happened plenty of times before.

Way it is, and everyone knows it. A man -- not a "reverend" or a "pastor" or a "community activist" no one ever heard of, but a MAN -- stands up and says clearly and loudly what he sees in front of him. Breaks my heart, but that doesn't make it any less real.

(This message not funded by any "community development" government grants. Just want it to stop.)

8/24/2015 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think that maybe a few of these shooting could have been prevented if the police would have stopped & frisked. Oh well...

8/24/2015 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm & The Aldercreatures?

Sounds like a 60's boy band.

They're somehow above the ugly that's playing
out on the city's streets. It doesn't affect THEM.

Which is why we so fervently hope one/some of
THEM will have the joy and pleasure of being
rubbed on by some of the creatures Policemen
are very well acquainted with.

8/24/2015 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, now, SCC. Don't be going all Rand Paul on us.

Bein' a bleedin' heart for the 'hood and all.

Boystown, Jeff Park, and Mich. Ave. have all suffered because they have been stripped of police to appease the ghettos. Beverly deserves whatever it gets.

8/24/2015 08:02:00 AM

Stripped my left butt cheek.

You try to find a Parker in 018 or 019 for Street Cleaning or Rush Hour if you don't ride a bike like I do.

Foot patrols around Pearson and Deleware, cute female cop checking meters.

2 SUV's and a Segway around Sheffield and Belden, cops doing Street Cleaning and Residential Permit ticketing.

Side streets around the old Town Hall house, cops busting a nut to get night game tickets written before the cars get towed.

016 district rolling around on nights writing exp plates and city sticker tickets. Same in 024. My ex wife moved to the 6300 block of Winthrop. Shootings in the area every other week, she's glad I made her get her CCL and a .45

Funny enough, it seems down right safe to be a mouthbreather on a bike in Audtin or Garfield Park or Humbolt.

You know me... FGOA Bike

8/25/2015 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If even a quarter of this happened in, let's just say, Boystown or Beverly or Jefferson Park or Michigan Avenue or any other of half a dozen parts of town...

Because it couldn't happen there. There are too many intact families who care about their kids and take responsibility for their actions there. On the South and West sides of town, that generation-to-generation chain of role models who live life right and do right by their kids and the community was broken long ago.


Ehhh, those families eventually move to the suburbs and their kids start doing heroin. So I wouldn't say "intact". Dope-sickness can lead a fiend to get violent. But mommy and daddy have the dough so who am I kiddin'?

Also, I might add, moving to the burbs to escape the city and the kid THEN starts doing dope is beyond me. You can save so much more money on gas/public transportation starting your addiction in the city. Just don't get robbed waiting on your dealer*cough *cough I mean tutor *cough *cough

8/25/2015 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's happening in the west and south sides is a direct result of the complete break down of the family. Remove the father and replace him with government hand outs and freebies and this is what you get. A formerly safe community now ruined by violence and poverty created by the local, state and federal government. Superintendent McCarthy cannot in any way impact, influence or change the heart of a 16 yr old black male in the ghetto who has no father, no education because it's looked down upon, no values, no direction. Instead of marching on city hall or marching for black lives, or marching for justice, march into your neighborhoods ( black men) and get a job and take car of your children and be a husband to your wives or marry your baby's momma. The strongest governmental unit that exists is the 2 parent family of a mother and a father. If there's no father in the picture then men of the community step up and be men, church step up and be a church. Nothing and I repeat NOTHING will change until the family unit is the desire and is the reality in the west and south sides. Remember people don't burn what they own, and to own it you got to work for it. No excuse just do it. Man up, Dad up, Family up .......

8/25/2015 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But, at least they took care of those murdering plastic bags."

8/24/2015 07:44:00 AM

Yeah, I have noticed a big upswing in Chicago's sea turtle population lately.

Those bags are NOT "made from precious oil." The feedstock is ethylene, a waste product from natural gas production.

The idea of the plastic bags in the first place was to conserve the trees that were going to make paper bags.

There will be just as many plastic bags in the waste stream as ever -- except now you will have to go and buy a package of them if you want them. Someone is getting hit off here in a big way.

8/25/2015 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"016 district rolling around on nights writing exp plates and city sticker tickets."

8/25/2015 12:12:00 AM

Go where the remaining money is, where people will suck it up and not complain of "racism" like they would if someone hit the triple-parkers around the megachurches.

City eating itself alive.

8/25/2015 03:46:00 PM  

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