Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Lighter Sentences = More Crime?

  • California’s Proposition 47 of 2014, The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, which changed some drug and property crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, has coincided with a rise in crime in parts of the state.

    Conservative columnist Debra Saunders, who is the lone conservative columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, argues in her latest syndicated column that the release of roughly 3,700 inmates has decreased public safety.
The statistical evidence is pretty damning - in San Francisco:
  • car theft has risen 47% from the same period in 2014;
  • robberies have increased 23%; and
  • aggravated assaults have risen 2%.
And in Los Angeles:
  • the city saw a 12.7% increase in overall crime;
  • violent offenses climbed 20.6%; and
  • property crime increased 11%.
If only someone was around who could have predicted this! But we suppose they have someone there, too, who says loudly and weekly, "Crime is down!" despite all the evidence to the contrary.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leftists/liberals live in their own fantasy world.

8/26/2015 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Combine that with the morale of the police being down wife and we're gonna start seeing increases everywhere

8/26/2015 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the inverse Fox Butterfield Effect. Remember the idiot from the NY Times?

Butterfield Effect Still in Full Effect at NYT: 'Crime Is at Its Lowest Level...Even While Overstuffed Prisons Cripple' Budgets

8/26/2015 02:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catch and release, it is the environmentally correct crime fighting technique.

8/26/2015 02:56:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Good. California deserves the havoc.

No keeses for them.

8/26/2015 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do the same stuff in Chicago. Burglaries are classified as Criminal Damage to Property. Robberies are turned into thefts... All to keep numbers down. A house in 016 where only a safe was taken was classified as a theft from building, not a burglary.

8/26/2015 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Toni Preckwinkle, the leader of the "let everyone out of jail" crowd, is now trying to put her handpicked person in place to replace Anita Alvarez who she says is too tough on crime. Between shaky finances of this city and what could happen if someone like Preckwinkle got her claws into the State's Attorney's Office, Chicago is heading for Detroit status and the tax base will move out of the city in the blink of an eye. That's some scary stuff.

8/26/2015 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next thing any good commie would do is to create a domestic surveillance department like the good ol' KGB. Gotta do something, huh?

8/26/2015 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a reason liberals are called 'Libtards'. I've known a lot of liberals, they're pretty much good people. But damn are they stupid when it comes to common sense things.

They believe in the good in people, but the problem is that criminals by their very definition are sorely lacking in that 'goodness'.

So when you let a criminal out of jail early, a liberal says "Well, I'm sure they got the message. They'll turn themselves around now that they got the message."

Conservative says "BULLSHIT!"

Criminal says "wooooooo hooooooo! PARTAY TIME YA'LL!!! Oh wait, no money, gotz to get to work... hahahahaha" - and they do what they know how to do - which is rob, steal, attack, beat, maim, murder, etc...

Liberals can't get past the 'good in people' bit to understand basic criminal nature.

To fix this issue we need:

* Liberals out of the legislatures all over

* Liberals out of the White House

* Cops to be cops again - welcome to the Wood Shampoo pal!

* Criminals to go to jail/prison and stay there for a long time - lock those fuckers up - no yard, no working out, nothing. Sit and read. Make prison hard so they don't want to go there.

8/26/2015 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is called "restorative justice therapy (RJT)" and it will work if it is given enough time. RJT is a brilliant theory formulated by our President and is closest advisers and approved by the Dept. of Justice. Just be patient, things will work out in the end.

8/26/2015 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Toni Preckwinkle, the leader of the "let everyone out of jail" crowd, is now trying to put her handpicked person in place to replace Anita Alvarez who she says is too tough on crime. Between shaky finances of this city and what could happen if someone like Preckwinkle got her claws into the State's Attorney's Office, Chicago is heading for Detroit status and the tax base will move out of the city in the blink of an eye. That's some scary stuff.

8/26/2015 07:49:00 AM

How true! go tour county jail, empty tiers, no 1 sleeping on the floor, heck dart even opened a nice kitchen is let inmates grow organic vegetables, now he is today's suntimes talking about letting more go free! Like it when goofy dart says the shoplifters ale locked up for to long! ERR Tommy dart this is not first offense Tommy these are criminals who steal that causes the innocent people the taxpayers who honestly buy merchandise to pay much more in order for store to recoup from theft! Got it Tommy? Get it Tommy? Good Tommy?

8/26/2015 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this look familiar?

8/26/2015 05:54:00 PM  

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