Med Section on Chopping Block?
Rumors rumors rumors:
- Off topic, but you should know that the city is privatizing the medical section in March. There will be no more cops working there, including the nurses. Looks like they are going to be harassing cops. The change seems to be the brainchild of the Human Resources department.
This could be a good thing, seeing as how the Medical Section is among the most outdated, inefficient and poorly run sections of the Department. In many cases, people would rather burn their own time than deal with the Medical Section. Plus the "referral" portion of the system leaves much to be desired, with outside recommendations running into tens of weeks and more to even see a specialist, resulting in countless extra surgeries, lost time, abuse, etc.
Of course, it could be a complete disaster, too. We kind of lean that way just because we know how the city operates things.
Of course, it could be a complete disaster, too. We kind of lean that way just because we know how the city operates things.
Labels: info for the police
Same pukes as Telegen I bet...
Rahm is making a buck here somehow
Good get rid of the abusers
More jobs for slow witted Democrats.
I think it will be a complete disaster, yes mss is fucked up and it's slow motion. But we all know who and what they hire will be worse.
Not a cop here the city is found in violation of equal employment opportunity and had to pay 3.1 million dollars and hire back immigrant non u.s. citizen applicants who were disqualified for not being residence of the u.s. for more than ten years. Ten years being what the city of Chicao's requirement was. Proving that any home rule requirement the city has is void if it discriminates against a group(in this case immigrants with less than 10 year u.s. residency ) however the city of chicago has been discrimating against suburbanites working for Chicago and not allowing them equal opportunity as they do Chicago residence, because of the city residency requirment. How can it be equal if you live outside the city you will be terminated but if you live inside the city you will be fine. That is 100 percent discrimination against a certain group ...aldermAn Burke touched on this a little when they agreed to pay the 3.1 million. In his speech when addressing the pay out. If I was a city employee I would be making calls to your respected unions and eeoc asap and file law suit presidence has been set
The medical section can't get any worse than it is now. Hopefully, privatizing it will mean that they will do a much better job of tracking and getting rid of the abusers; an overhaul has been long overdue!
Good!!!. We have mutts abusing one of our greatest benefits on a daily basis. You should see the dog pound at call back all up in arms at the possibility of being put back on the street. The people at 311 are actually in fear of having to work a beat car. The dogs talk amongst themselves and pass along names of doctors that can keep them on light duty. This department has become nothing but a welfare state the last twenty years.
Not that it was run great before, but now we'll have a bunch of civilians that don't know anything about the police or the department handling things which could make it even worse. Not to mention the percentage of civilians that are natural born police haters mixed in too. If I had a nursing degree and was getting kicked out from down there I'd be putting in my papers.
If you burn your own time to stay home sick or have a simple planned medical procedure you are foolish. Would you pay $320+ a day to stay home because you dont want to wait 15 min at the medical section. Remember those Pdays and Bfds are better sold than used for legitimate sickness days.
About time. Too many fakers on the medical. Phony sickness and injuries. I'd like to see them use those ankle bracelets like they use on inmates to keep those on the medical in line.
Wait and see. In the meantime it will be fun watching the police working there now look for spots.
There should be incentives or financial rewards for NOT using the medical. Don't need a ribbon, show me some $$ for not using it in almost 16 years. On the other side, how successful is the Medical Integrity Unit doing. Still see the same abusers using the system.
This is a good idea. Many of the people working down there should not be dealing with patient care. I am sure most Mss staff with the time, will retire.
I used TD more than I should have, rather than go on the medical.
The times I did have to use the medical, I was always treated much better by the PO's than civilians.
If it's civilianized by civilians with an anti police bias then that could be a very bad move.
privatize could be a good thing---imagine a medical section which answered the phone, returned your call, acknowledged faxes, kept scheduled appointments---where IOD referrals were handled during your visit--and not via phone days later....can see the medical part running much smoother---question is- who provides the Dept muscle to keep the naughty in check---the pattern of misuse people, the violate medical policy folks----they already have at least three white shirts running around-----and please please tell me the plan is NOT civilianization----the city has a poor track record of making that transition- they fail to assess the need, they hire poorly and integrate atrociuosly.
Next caps and all the other dollies hidden in commanders offices around the city
Maybe the new medical section can pull Teeny Dean in for a fitness for duty exam. The pension board doesn't have the balls to do it. Lappe? Hauser? Hello, guys. Get to work.
The outsourcing of government work into the private sector is one of the greatest scams that is running in our country right now. For a long time politicians controlled who got government jobs. Then in the late 1970's to 1980's that practice was stopped. So then the politicians simply decided to change their game plan; the best way to reward their donors and backers is to hand them off pieces of what the government does on a daily basis. Usually when a section of a department is privatized it ends up costing the tax payer more. I wonder why? Could it be because someone needs to be paid off?
its only going to get worse. it s like an HMO now. Have to get approval for any little thing from an outside company. Had an IOD in the summer. Doc said i have something torn and needs surgery. Gives me a date but medical sec says i have to wait for approval. 3 weeks go buy and nothing. Surgery is coming up and i have to get pre-surgery clearance. Have it scheduled for a Friday but by Thursday nothing back from medical. Cancel Friday only to get called on Friday that its finally approved.Now have to get new appointment within a week so i can have my surgery.Sure this happens over and over.Sure the way the city tries to save money and the way it treats it officers and going to be worse.
The medical section is TERRIBLE. So if the city screws it up most of us won't notice. If it actually manages to improve it, then by golly it will be a miracle.
Since the Feds are here to tell us how to run the police department I think that it is time for "Operation Lockstep". The city will immediately used the same standards and protocol for hiring, medical usage and use of force as the Feds. Instead. Of being like "Mike" we can be like well. The Feds!
Just think how crime will be solved. By just using "snitches" and wiretaps then waiting 4 yrs then finally a indictment! Then everyone shits their pants cause its the Chicago Police that got them. After shitting themselves they shit their friends then the Feds move them out of town so then can meet new friends and snitch on them.
Great news. Quit putting coppers in jobs that civilians can do.
Is Rahm's doctor brother going to play some part in this? Profit somehow, and save the city money by doing everything in his power to deny police officers required medical treatment like the death panels of Obama care? Is this the first step to Obama care for officers?
Not all change is good. As Anonymous already posted, knowing who and what the City hires, we are screwed.
Been waiting for 11 mo for surgery Time is running out .. FOP is NO HELP
Which is exactly what I did. I was too sick to deal with those fucking people.
Like a certain person now retired in Florida with her fired UIC police husband. Every year that bitch hurt herself and was off all summer. Now she is disabled. Riiiight. All the bosses knew and did nothing.
Ok let me get this straight. You can't have a 10 year requirement as a United States citizen but a 5 year requirement is OK, WTF. This is exactly what is wrong with this country. Once the rights of the military or Law Enforcement are diminished or controlled as to who they will accept as a candidate by the federal government we are doomed. Tell the taliban and isis that they only have to come here and remain illegally for 5 years and they to can apply.
Good no PO shouldn't have been their in the first place. I worked in a hospital and can tell you it's not supposed to be run that way. It will get better now. Aww poor PO's now have to work the beat. You juice baby's go cry me a river. Hahaha
About time
Wait until you see who's trying to get disability out of 124. What a disgrace and abuse of the system.
Seek out the disability fakers
They are privatizing the medical section not changing medical procedure or general orders on using the medical. How is that gonna stop the medical abuse some of you should think before you make comments.
Anonymous said...
Not a cop here the city is found in violation of equal employment opportunity and had to pay 3.1 million dollars and hire back immigrant non u.s. citizen applicants who were disqualified for not being residence of the u.s. for more than ten years. Ten years being what the city of Chicao's requirement was. Proving that any home rule requirement the city has is void if it discriminates against a group(in this case immigrants with less than 10 year u.s. residency ) however the city of chicago has been discrimating against suburbanites working for Chicago and not allowing them equal opportunity as they do Chicago residence, because of the city residency requirment. How can it be equal if you live outside the city you will be terminated but if you live inside the city you will be fine. That is 100 percent discrimination against a certain group ...aldermAn Burke touched on this a little when they agreed to pay the 3.1 million. In his speech when addressing the pay out. If I was a city employee I would be making calls to your respected unions and eeoc asap and file law suit presidence has been set
The city has to pay the 3 million, but the residency in the US was not eliminated. It was just reduced to 5 years instead of 10 years
Great. Now the clouted people that have been hiding there will be coming to a district near you to be hidden somewhere else. Awesome. Kiss that management spot on days goodbye!
It won't be the same without Moe looking over my shoulder while going tinkle for the last twenty years.
"Privatization" seldom seems to equal "efficiency." What often seems to happen is that displaced employees remain on the payroll somewhere, while the private firm brings in ten more people -- "teams" -- to do less than what two people did before.
This "healthcare" (one word today) thing seems capable of absolutely infinite expansion. Face it -- we don't make things here anymore. There is no "creation of wealth." "Consumer spending," financial and real estate speculation, and "healthcare" seem to be all that are left, in a "service economy" that has never existed anywhere.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Not a cop here the city is found in violation of equal employment opportunity and had to pay 3.1 million dollars and hire back immigrant non u.s. citizen applicants who were disqualified for not being residence of the u.s. for more than ten years. Ten years being what the city of Chicao's requirement was. Proving that any home rule requirement the city has is void if it discriminates against a group(in this case immigrants with less than 10 year u.s. residency ) however the city of chicago has been discrimating against suburbanites working for Chicago and not allowing them equal opportunity as they do Chicago residence, because of the city residency requirment. How can it be equal if you live outside the city you will be terminated but if you live inside the city you will be fine. That is 100 percent discrimination against a certain group ...aldermAn Burke touched on this a little when they agreed to pay the 3.1 million. In his speech when addressing the pay out. If I was a city employee I would be making calls to your respected unions and eeoc asap and file law suit presidence has been set
Im curious if the day will come that they'll have to drop residency just to get quality applicants to take this job. With all of the people retiring it will be interesting to see how hard it will be to fill those positions.
Privatizing means a connected firm will get the contract and things WILL get worse.
This could be a good thing. The Medical Section is probably the most incompetent part of this department. Now go after the Medical Roll abusers.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Not a cop here the city is found in violation of equal employment opportunity and had to pay 3.1 million dollars and hire back immigrant non u.s. citizen applicants who were disqualified for not being residence of the u.s. for more than ten years. Ten years being what the city of Chicao's requirement was. Proving that any home rule requirement the city has is void if it discriminates against a group(in this case immigrants with less than 10 year u.s. residency ) however the city of chicago has been discrimating against suburbanites working for Chicago and not allowing them equal opportunity as they do Chicago residence, because of the city residency requirment. How can it be equal if you live outside the city you will be terminated but if you live inside the city you will be fine. That is 100 percent discrimination against a certain group ...aldermAn Burke touched on this a little when they agreed to pay the 3.1 million. In his speech when addressing the pay out. If I was a city employee I would be making calls to your respected unions and eeoc asap and file law suit presidence has been set
2/10/2016 01:27:00 AM
True but they are "illegal immigrants" Now when Trump takes office will he make them give the money back as we help him load the trains and buses,cargo ships shipping them all back to "home sweet home" this country will have a balanced budget, Trump being pro-police will make sure our pensions are funded,law and order is enforced and the democratic give aways will stop as they are marched off to the elected cell blocks! Wait Trump and Russian President Putin are friends maybe we could use their gulags (real prisons) to ship our felons,illegals and elected thieves to, this would definitely reduce recidivism that would be "change we could believe in!"
why not change the medical to 365 work days for your career , when tey are used by abusers , bye bye , no pay status . for the serious illness , let cpd memorial fund step up to the plate .
It ran pretty well when TS was running it.
They have been saying this for awhile, the more things change the more they stay the same! If it happens it just means another "contributor" got a contract that will cost taxpaying people more millions in "extras" that is the Chicago way!
Remember boys, Be a medical user, not a medical abuser.
"why not change the medical to 365 work days for your career , when tey are used by abusers , bye bye , no pay status . for the serious illness , let cpd memorial fund step up to the plate ."
Signed the dumb ass who's never going to have cancer,heart disease or any injuries ever.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
why not change the medical to 365 work days for your career , when tey are used by abusers , bye bye , no pay status . for the serious illness , let cpd memorial fund step up to the plate .
2/10/2016 12:57:00 PM
I'm glad to hear that you're so willing to give up one of the only pieces of real leverage we still have over the city. What do you suppose that we receive in return? I don't enjoy seeing the same five or six people always having the summer and holidays off, but I'd rather deal with that than simply give away something that is ours to bargain with.
Next caps and all the other dollies hidden in commanders offices around the city
2/10/2016 08:26:00 AM
You forgot the dollies from gun registration. Doesn't take a genius to type in info off a card.
I have had mixed feelings about just having just straight sick days like they do in a lot of other work places. You use them, they are gone but you can accumulate them and save them for any future major medical issue. The medical abusers will learn fast when they are gone but the real scammers will concoct some phooey IOD. Only issue at the end of 30 years what do you do with unused days? I think some sort of buyout would be the best.
How about giving away nothing would even sound better
I totally agree with one of the above posters. I have never been on the medical in my 17+ years on the job. Instead of rewarding the dogs, how about rewarding those of us who are honest, hard-working officers?
Anonymous said...
Maybe the new medical section can pull Teeny Dean in for a fitness for duty exam. The pension board doesn't have the balls to do it. Lappe? Hauser? Hello, guys. Get to work.
2/10/2016 08:29:00 AM
Hey that is correct why is dean on disability still? Mike Lappe your in the pension letter bragging about all the abusers that are getting caught why not get Dean FOP members stand with you Mike, while your at it expose the board members that allowed over 60 million to be pilfered by dv (daley vaneko) urban realty 60 million gone come on Mike who did it? now that the DOJ is already here how about they go over to pension office and find out about our stolen pension money?
Will never forget going shopping at a mall up in the northern suburbs only to run into a chick from my watch who was on the medical. Look on her face was priceless.
If you call in because you're sick or need a mental health day, at least stay the f*ck home.
Anonymous said...
Good!!!. We have mutts abusing one of our greatest benefits on a daily basis. You should see the dog pound at call back all up in arms at the possibility of being put back on the street. The people at 311 are actually in fear of having to work a beat car. The dogs talk amongst themselves and pass along names of doctors that can keep them on light duty. This department has become nothing but a welfare state the last twenty years.
2/10/2016 03:22:00 AM
My best memories from the job are those that happened in patrol in a beat car. Life is what you make it.
Anonymous said...
why not change the medical to 365 work days for your career , when tey are used by abusers , bye bye , no pay status . for the serious illness , let cpd memorial fund step up to the plate .
2/10/2016 12:57:00 PM
You're an asshole. What about people with MS or leukemia? What if you tear a tendon or need a new knee? Pray you're never struck seriously ill asshole.
Anonymous said...
There should be incentives or financial rewards for NOT using the medical. Don't need a ribbon, show me some $$ for not using it in almost 16 years. On the other side, how successful is the Medical Integrity Unit doing. Still see the same abusers using the system.
2/10/2016 06:54:00 AM
Well yay for you. You're probably the person who comes in sick and gets 12 other people sick.
I've had a cold/flu for the last 11 days, but I'm on furlough. I guarantee you if I was at work I'd infect people.
Consider your reward for not using the medical that you are blessed with good health.
Anonymous said...
why not change the medical to 365 work days for your career , when tey are used by abusers , bye bye , no pay status . for the serious illness , let cpd memorial fund step up to the plate .
Whoever posted this does not know the story. If the Police Department gave 2 weeks sick time for every officer like private industry and the officers were able to sell back their sick days at the end of the year it would cost the Police Department double what they are paying now for all sick time. That is why every time this subject comes up the Police Dept. does not change their policy. Also if they changed this policy they probably would have to pay workmans comp claims like they do in private industry. So even with all the abusers the police dept is still saving money.
Who do you think they are going to hire? The staff from Marcus Welby, MD? These will be "revrun" jobs; passed out for votes.
I know a guy who on his 3rd year of light duty... Guy said he injured himself getting into a squad.... This guy is so full of shit, no one questions him, cause he brings up hippa and works men's comp, dude has a lawyer on retainer just in case any business happens to him too
What could possibly go wrong ?
Having a low paid clerk delve into your medical records doesn't necessarily mean our security will be compromised, right?
Maybe they'll be the same outfit that handles the St Rogers medical services.
Or it could be that there will be a neighborhood clinic that will be doing the follow up visits.
Englewood Neighborhood Community Care, South Lawndale Medical Case Mgmt. Farmacia y Clinica Cortéz de Pilsen and St. Bernard's Mobile Health Unit come to mind.
Good put those desk jockeys in a beat car. That goes for all the officers working at head quarters
That is 100 percent discrimination against a certain group ...aldermAn Burke touched on this a little when they agreed to pay the 3.1 million. In his speech when addressing the pay out. If I was a city employee I would be making calls to your respected unions and eeoc asap and file law suit presidence has been set
2/10/2016 01:27:00 AM
i agree... but our union is flat out afraid of this mayor. they are like a battered wife, slapped around enough to flinch every time rahmmie looks in their direction.
Also, to the comment about "illegal immigrants," it helps when you actually read things instead of just parroting your new hero's crazy talk. Trump supporters are the new Obama cult followers. Brainwashed lemmings. These mentals with permanent hard-ons for trump have let that manhattan liberal slumlord sneak in to the party Lincoln started, even though trump never voted in a single republican primary and is running to help Hillary after Bill suggested he run.
Long time coming, I've been wanting this to happen for years. Enough of the so called nurses and Hippa violations. Your personal health is your business.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is a good idea. Many of the people working down there should not be dealing with patient care. I am sure most Mss staff with the time, will retire.
2/10/2016 07:06:00 AM
Doesnt look that thats any but one old nurse so dont know where you see many
It will still be the same ole same ole down there. They need to hunt down these medical AND disability people that are scamming.
Yeah, lets see whn u get hit by another car .... you get ambushed and attacked or you are injured by someone you are trying to help etc...
Wtf! Our records should no longer include our soc n dob. Look at all the civilians adjusting court paper n electronic records in the courts systems imagine if these p I'll ice haters get into medical section
The medical abusers I have known on this job have all been rewarded with a "spot" at headquarters. No time on the streets before they were rewarded with their spots. Meanwhile the work horses that don't abuse the medical keep eating the sh_t we're force fed! They rub salt in it by acting as if they somehow deserve their spots or promotions. It's time bosses start looking beyond the ass kissing they're enjoying for more deserving qualified people for these spots and promotions. All you so called qualified supervisors and civilian managers should start looking into these officers' past.
2/10/2016 12:45:00 PM
Anonymous said...
why not change the medical to 365 work days for your career , when tey are used by abusers , bye bye , no pay status . for the serious illness , let cpd memorial fund step up to the plate ......
Because you might need it someday, asswipe! Not everyone that "uses" the medical is an abuser. I have been lucky to this point and used about 20 medical days is 20 years, but as I get older and see what my friends and family have gone through, it can happen to anyone. ..even you, asshole! Just like all cops aren't bad, all people that use the medical for legitimate reasons aren't abusing our "Contractual Right!"
Why do people think they're heroes for not using the medical? It's a BENEFIT that those in the private sector would kill for. We are exposed to all kinds of germs, diseases and toxins than most other people never encounter. We are also driving around all day and have to deal with higher risk of accidents, going into unsafe buildings, chasing people (for those that choose to do so), fighting people etc. We are much more likely to become sick or injured than most other professions. If you're sick and you use your own time, you're a fool. If we didn't have this benefit and one of you complainers got sick, you'd be bitching that you HAVE to use your own time.
And for those of you who feel that EVERYONE who goes on the medical is a "medical abuser", you're also fools. I have had cancer twice since being on the job. I didn't tell people about it because it's nobody's business. And while I was on medical for months each time, I was labeled by everyone as a "medical abuser". I'm still going through follow up procedures and surgeries, so I guess I'm still an abuser of the system. You all think you can tell if a person is sick by looking at him. Must be all the years you spent in medical school. If we didn't have the benefit of a great medical leave policy, I would have lost my job, and my kids and I would have lost our house. But you're right. Let's get rid of one of the few good benefits that we have so that people who are pissed off because they have to work while someone else doesn't, can quit complaining. And I'm sure people will say that it's ok for me to have used the medical because it was cancer, but there are so many abusers out there. And to that I say, you have no idea what anyone else is going through, so worry about yourself before you work yourself up so much that you end up a "medical abuser" too.
why not change the medical to 365 work days for your career , when tey are used by abusers , bye bye , no pay status . for the serious illness , let cpd memorial fund step up to the plate
How about not
I take time as well. Dealing with those idiots? No thanks. I'll stay home and puke in peace without worrying about missing a Sgt visit or having to drive an hour to get there and get released or whatever the hell it is they do there. An hour each way on traffic is worth the time alone. But I'm at the point where I'm just DONE. Leave me alone for a couple more years so I can just leave this shit job.
why not change the medical to 365 work days for your career , when tey are used by abusers , bye bye , no pay status . for the serious illness , let cpd memorial fund step up to the plate .
2/10/2016 12:57:00 PM
The memorial is not there to support a officer but to help with extra cost due to illness.
I was sick. I had a major surgery, with PPO there was a lot of out of pocket that nearly wiped me out. The memorial helped with that and I am grateful as I had to back in the hospital two times after. I was never sick, never was on medical. I'm glad the medical was there for me. I really hope you get a catastrophic illness, with only 365 days for a 29 year career.
ps. I hope the memorial goes belly up by the time you need it jagoff
"""why not change the medical to 365 work days for your career , when tey are used by abusers , bye bye , no pay status . for the serious illness , let cpd memorial fund step up to the plate ."""
Yeah and the criteria for that is what? Your clout?
All you brain trusts need to realize it's 5% that abuse the Medical and it's the same 5% who are habitual offenders. No other Major Metro City has a Medical Roll policy as draconian as the CPD. Sgt.'s sent to harrass you at home when your ill, having to go to the Medical Section to get a release for a head cold, sent to Dept authorized quacks that have returned Officers to duty with broken bones and heart conditions leading to heart attacks.
Let's keep on fixating on the 5%. Get Real.
Hire private investigators, not internal affairs to investigate disability pension abusers and medical abusers .
I would love someone use that argument above to sue to get rid of residency. This city sucks.
I am so happy to be retired. Get off the job and back to the human race.
Anonymous said...
There should be incentives or financial rewards for NOT using the medical. Don't need a ribbon, show me some $$ for not using it in almost 16 years. On the other side, how successful is the Medical Integrity Unit doing. Still see the same abusers using the system.
2/10/2016 06:54:00 AM
So you're one of the assholes that comes to work and gets everyone sick instead of using the medical for it's intended purpose. Give yourself a pat on the back for being a tool. Don't even think about giving us any bullshit about you not being sick in 16 years either superman.
What about the former deputy's daughter who was chased thru Wisconsin in her youth who made a career out of good spots / light duty and then going on medical in the end for weight loss surgery now trying for free medical and a pension. Take your sex offender Sgt. brother with you when you turn the lights out.By the way he lost a lot of weight too???How much did this cost the city for you two.
Anonymous said...
Hire private investigators, not internal affairs to investigate disability pension abusers and medical abusers .
2/10/2016 11:18:00 PM
Insurance companies do use private investigators on occasion. It is a labor intensive and expensive operation. Surveillance is always expensive and not always fruitful.
Obviously you pro-privatization people have never worked with the civilians working for the department. They are the worst!
Hey sgt I am going home sick, ret 38 smith Wesson. It's a Benifit squad.
Probably a good thing the med. section will be privatized, but only if competent medical professionals run the show. I had whooping cough a few yrs ago, highly contagious and dangerous for anyone not in good health otherwise. My dr faxed to the med sect. saying I need to stay home and he would fax my progress. My nurse called and ordered me in, I told her to read the drs note and didn't matter, I was ordered to come in, sit in the waiting room and potentially infect all. I demanded to speak w the c/o, he ordered me to stay home prob bc he was afraid of getting sick himself but total disregard for the health of everyone in the bldg.
Anonymous Trump Wilson 2016 said...
Wtf! Our records should no longer include our soc n dob. Look at all the civilians adjusting court paper n electronic records in the courts systems imagine if these p I'll ice haters get into medical section
2/10/2016 07:55:00 PM
Relax and worry about something else. You have no idea of how many civilians have your information. From HR to BC/BS, doctors offices, civilians in the ASA office to Public defenders office. Use your id card at the dentist and the eye doctor, they know who you are and have your information. Even in the medical section nurses talked to you, but civilians still have access to the records.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
why not change the medical to 365 work days for your career , when tey are used by abusers , bye bye , no pay status . for the serious illness , let cpd memorial fund step up to the plate .
Whoever posted this does not know the story. If the Police Department gave 2 weeks sick time for every officer like private industry and the officers were able to sell back their sick days at the end of the year it would cost the Police Department double what they are paying now for all sick time. That is why every time this subject comes up the Police Dept. does not change their policy. Also if they changed this policy they probably would have to pay workmans comp claims like they do in private industry. So even with all the abusers the police dept is still saving money.
2/10/2016 04:28:00 PM
Not sure about that anymore. While you are right in what you say, it probably applied years ago, not to the current CPD. Being an old timer years ago guys would take TD if they needed to treat a minor one day sickness, not so anymore. Not saying it was a smart thing to do, but it was done because the po's wanted to protect the medical.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The medical abusers I have known on this job have all been rewarded with a "spot" at headquarters. No time on the streets before they were rewarded with their spots. Meanwhile the work horses that don't abuse the medical keep eating the sh_t we're force fed! They rub salt in it by acting as if they somehow deserve their spots or promotions. It's time bosses start looking beyond the ass kissing they're enjoying for more deserving qualified people for these spots and promotions. All you so called qualified supervisors and civilian managers should start looking into these officers' past.
2/10/2016 07:58:00 PM
By grace of GOD on medical only 3 times for a total of under 10 days in over 20 years. Never hit medical for b.s. Never milked an iod. Worked beat car whole time. Used to be a worker, not anymore. Just answer my radio assignments and give them a parker here and there, and lock up on signed complaints. Disheartened to see city reward the useless and unethical, who get merit promotions or soft assignments.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hire private investigators, not internal affairs to investigate disability pension abusers and medical abusers .
2/10/2016 11:18:00 PM
Right. Waste More money from the budget.
Hire the guy on a Bike. Half of us here don't even know what he looks like..but it isn't hard to spot a cop in an unmarked or a PI.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
why not change the medical to 365 work days for your career , when tey are used by abusers , bye bye , no pay status . for the serious illness , let cpd memorial fund step up to the plate .
2/10/2016 12:57:00 PM
The memorial is not there to support a officer but to help with extra cost due to illness.
I was sick. I had a major surgery, with PPO there was a lot of out of pocket that nearly wiped me out. The memorial helped with that and I am grateful as I had to back in the hospital two times after. I was never sick, never was on medical. I'm glad the medical was there for me. I really hope you get a catastrophic illness, with only 365 days for a 29 year career.
ps. I hope the memorial goes belly up by the time you need it jagoff
2/10/2016 09:47:00 PM
You were on 29 years and don't know we get a lot more sick time in our career not posting it here but your an asshat if you believe that!
"By grace of GOD on medical only 3 times for a total of under 10 days in over 20 years. Never hit medical for b.s. Never milked an iod"
Don't tell us you're the same asshole that would come to work with a full on head cold or flu spreading your germs around because you have principles. Ignorant company Mush.
Not sure about that anymore. While you are right in what you say, it probably applied years ago, not to the current CPD. Being an old timer years ago guys would take TD if they needed to treat a minor one day sickness, not so anymore. Not saying it was a smart thing to do, but it was done because the po's wanted to protect the medical.
2/11/2016 09:16:00 AM
There have been actual studies done on CPD medical roll usage, and it was broken down by age, rank, sex and race. The report was so inflammatory it was suppressed and not released generally.
Hire the guy on a Bike. Half of us here don't even know what he looks like..but it isn't hard to spot a cop in an unmarked or a PI.
2/11/2016 10:56:00 AM
How wrong you are. I know investigators that do insurance work and they are very clever in what they do because they know the fakers are on the lookout. They will even tail a subject out of state. But, you will not ever see that come to Chicago, unless Uncle Terry wants the job.
The Medical is the best benefit that we have. Just because a small minority abuse it we should curtail it? So 5% of the department are dogs, does that mean we should all take a pay cut because of the dogs? Even if we got 12 days a year of medical time to use as we see fit, what happens if you get in a bad accident off duty or get cancer and need to be off for 9 months. It would have taken over 12 years to accumulate the amount of time needed to be off. If you do not have enough medical time then you are in a no pay status. Do you want that for your family. I was a clutz and during my 25 yrs on the job I broke bones 3 separate times; used about 9 months on the medical for all 3. Does that make me a dog? It is a peace of mind and something that you do not realize what you have until you really need it.
It won't make a difference just someone getting paid back another dip in tax revenue to clouted!
I totally agree with one of the above posters. I have never been on the medical in my 17+ years on the job. Instead of rewarding the dogs, how about rewarding those of us who are honest, hard-working officers?
So the department is supposed to reward you in that you claim to be hard working yet you couldn't take the time or make the effort to list the poster you agree with by listing the date or time stamp from their comment?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hire the guy on a Bike. Half of us here don't even know what he looks like..but it isn't hard to spot a cop in an unmarked or a PI.
2/11/2016 10:56:00 AM
How wrong you are. I know investigators that do insurance work and they are very clever in what they do because they know the fakers are on the lookout. They will even tail a subject out of state. But, you will not ever see that come to Chicago, unless Uncle Terry wants the job.
2/11/2016 03:14:00 PM
Once upon a time, a short-lived medical abuse team was initiated. Medical abusers were recorded shoveling snow for HOURS with their injured backs. A trucker admitted to using CPD for health coverage, while he claimed injury, but was running long hauls and doing repairs, climbing up and into semi engines. People were followed, businesses were infiltrated, resignations were tendered. And that successful little unit died within 18 months, thanks to politics. Enough said.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Not sure about that anymore. While you are right in what you say, it probably applied years ago, not to the current CPD. Being an old timer years ago guys would take TD if they needed to treat a minor one day sickness, not so anymore. Not saying it was a smart thing to do, but it was done because the po's wanted to protect the medical.
2/11/2016 09:16:00 AM
It was done back then because going to the medical section was such a pain in the ass.
And now, at 3510, with almost no parking available, it's a pain in the ass again.
Your not hardworking when you come in with your fever and flu or strep throat (all of which I've seen) In fact all of those that do are just assholes. You infect everyone around you, they then get their families sick. Your also a liability but your too stupid to see that. People get sick and most use the medical correctly.
Anonymous said...
Why do people think they're heroes for not using the medical? It's a BENEFIT that those in the private sector would kill for. We are exposed to all kinds of germs, diseases and toxins than most other people never encounter. We are also driving around all day and have to deal with higher risk of accidents, going into unsafe buildings, chasing people (for those that choose to do so), fighting people etc. We are much more likely to become sick or injured than most other professions. If you're sick and you use your own time, you're a fool. If we didn't have this benefit and one of you complainers got sick, you'd be bitching that you HAVE to use your own time.
And for those of you who feel that EVERYONE who goes on the medical is a "medical abuser", you're also fools. I have had cancer twice since being on the job. I didn't tell people about it because it's nobody's business. And while I was on medical for months each time, I was labeled by everyone as a "medical abuser". I'm still going through follow up procedures and surgeries, so I guess I'm still an abuser of the system. You all think you can tell if a person is sick by looking at him. Must be all the years you spent in medical school. If we didn't have the benefit of a great medical leave policy, I would have lost my job, and my kids and I would have lost our house. But you're right. Let's get rid of one of the few good benefits that we have so that people who are pissed off because they have to work while someone else doesn't, can quit complaining. And I'm sure people will say that it's ok for me to have used the medical because it was cancer, but there are so many abusers out there. And to that I say, you have no idea what anyone else is going through, so worry about yourself before you work yourself up so much that you end up a "medical abuser" too.
2/10/2016 08:13:00 PM
Finally-the voice of reason.
"By grace of GOD on medical only 3 times for a total of under 10 days in over 20 years. Never hit medical for b.s. Never milked an iod"
Don't tell us you're the same asshole that would come to work with a full on head cold or flu spreading your germs around because you have principles. Ignorant company Mush.
2/11/2016 02:54:00 PM
No jag off. I'm not that asshole, but I bet you are the medical abuser/suckhole/merit hack asshole.
Don't tell us you're the same asshole that would come to work with a full on head cold or flu spreading your germs around because you have principles. Ignorant company Mush.
Listen here boy in the bubble. Some copper coming to work with the sniffles is the least of your worries if you work the street. The volume of people contacted during the course of your tour sort or negates your odd aversion to coming in contact with germs, that is of course if you even work the street you empty holster douche. AaahhhhChoooooo. I just sneezed on you, now go hit the medical pussyboy.
2/11/2016 02:54:00 PM
Years ago I was IOD and needed surgery. I went round and round with the assholes and after 4 months they decided to send me, to an orthopedic surgeon. He tells me I need an MRI. Back to medical for a referral. They refuse say I don't need one and tell me they're putting me back light duty. Told them I go back full duty or not at all and if I injure myself because they refused to send me for an MRI and THEIR doctor said he couldn't do anything they can explain to a lawyer why? 45 minutes later I had a referral for the MRI. I had surgery and between them jagging me around, surgery scheduling and recovery it was 9 months that I was off.
I get back to work and my second day back the watch commander calls me into the office. OK, boss what's up? I have to counsel you on you medical absences! What? You mean the 9 months those assholes at the medical kept me off, Uh, yeah that's what it has here on this paper! UNBELIEVEABLE!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"By grace of GOD on medical only 3 times for a total of under 10 days in over 20 years. Never hit medical for b.s. Never milked an iod"
Don't tell us you're the same asshole that would come to work with a full on head cold or flu spreading your germs around because you have principles. Ignorant company Mush.
2/11/2016 02:54:00 PM
No jag off. I'm not that asshole, but I bet you are the medical abuser/suckhole/merit hack asshole.
2/12/2016 08:45:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Don't tell us you're the same asshole that would come to work with a full on head cold or flu spreading your germs around because you have principles. Ignorant company Mush.
Listen here boy in the bubble. Some copper coming to work with the sniffles is the least of your worries if you work the street. The volume of people contacted during the course of your tour sort or negates your odd aversion to coming in contact with germs, that is of course if you even work the street you empty holster douche. AaahhhhChoooooo. I just sneezed on you, now go hit the medical pussyboy.
2/11/2016 02:54:00 PM
Two great comments. Don't think you need to sneeze on them. They have all kinds of reasons to hit the medical
12 days a year , start a bank when you start career 360 days , when it's gone carried absent without pay . Now , we could use the current medical for serious illness cancer , heart surgery , broken bones etc . Approved by a committee of physicians . This would cut down on the medical roll abusers .
For all of you going on about you've never used it or needed it; this is what the rest of the city gets:
1 paid Sick Day per month: 12 a year. And supervisors looking at your usage of Paid Sick leave with a microscope. Use more than 3 at a time, Required to have a doctors note saying you are fit to return to duty. IOD? Use your paid sick time first while the city decides if they will reimburse it to you Months later. It does accumulate if you have a good year and don't use any, it will all roll over to the next year etc....
I blew out my back last April...ruptured lumbar is what the Doctors said after the CFD bus ride to the ER and the MRI. Had to use 8 days at one go. And I'm still not 100% despite doing my PT stressing and bending exercises. I wish we had a medical leave program like you guys have for us at Finance.
But we've got our own scammers, in FMLA so they can keep their Sec 8 or CHA vouchers...
Go off on FMLA for 423 days straight, but drive by while I'm working in the rain and honk and wave with a big old smile.
I'd take your guys med section abuser investigative unit and turn it loose on all other city agencies before having it look at the CPD.
Don't tell us you're the same asshole that would come to work with a full on head cold or flu spreading your germs around because you have principles. Ignorant company Mush.
So it is safe to assume that when your kids get a cold you banish them to their bedroom and have no contact whatsoever with them? Now, who is ignorant and the mush? It must suck being you, your head must be spinning with the thought of all of those mean germs out there. Ewwwww, ickey.
Director of H.R. is pushing hard for the change to happen by change day (28Feb16). It will be a nightmare down there. What is the union doing about this????
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