Monday, February 08, 2016

Pflger Whines Some More

  • Father Michael Pfleger says a Chicago Police officer issued parking tickets to his parishioners during services at Saint Sabina this weekend.

    Pfleger says the church’s main parking lot is blocked off by the city due to street construction and some who legally parked on Throop Street between 78th and 79th received tickets.

    “I’ve come to find out since that the same officer, the same star number who gave them out yesterday gave them out today and I want to see the officer,” Pfleger told WBBM. “I want to get behind why he decided to target St. Sabina Church.”

    In response, Chicago Police News Affairs said, “We can confirm that two tickets were written today in that area around 12:30 p.m. One ticket was for parking in a crosswalk and the other was for parking in a no park zone.”
Um, because "courtesy" only extends so far. Parking in crosswalks and in No Parking Zones is illegal every day, every week, all the time...unless you go to St. Sabina evidently.But of course, rules are for other people (or folks) down in that part of town.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago I was writing parking tickets by a Catholic hospital. The security guard came out and said there was a conference and they would like parking courtesy. I told him to have the head nun call my commander in a flippant manner. Guess what happened? The field lieutenant came out and asked for my tickets so they can be non-suited.

2/08/2016 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sucks to be you, dude. Gotta follow the rules. So do your parishioners. Just like the po-leece.

Hey, Guy On A Bike, grow a pair and pedal on over to Sabina's and spread your parking violation detection skills a bit.

2/08/2016 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TWO whole tickets? Mikey makes it seem dozens, if not hundreds, of tickets were issued.
Sounds like the officer probably showed a great deal of restraint.
Btw, that's not targeting your church, Mike; that's reminding some selfish ass that people need access to safe crosswalks, and those using walkers or wheelchairs should not have to crawl over some selfish cretin's automobile to enter a crosswalk.

2/08/2016 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like one rat washing the hands of another rat--- rules don't apply as always

2/08/2016 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I bet office is scared. Phlakeys peeps have been gettin a pass because the hood is to sketchy for the guy on a bike.

2/08/2016 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking he was crying about that cook county tax rate being 10.75%...

2/08/2016 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well he sure has a lot to say about the police but he is silent on abuse by clergy.I think there is a code of silence among the Father Pflger's in the clergy.

2/08/2016 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say keep up the good work officer... Write everything illegal you can, no breaks, no courtesy!

2/08/2016 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody knows there is only free parking blocking the street on the West Side. When did this get extended to Englewood?

2/08/2016 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like the good father is turning a minor grievance into a major injustice. He should warn his flock that illegal parking will draw a ticket.

2/08/2016 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CAPS. Broken windows theory. You know asshole. Little problems left unchecked lead to bigger problems like.....I don't know....murder. Just trying to help you come to grips with your parish's problems, that's all.

2/08/2016 01:19:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

100-1 odds some Bosshole will order that officer to non-suit those tickets.

I'll personally send that copper $100 via police mail if A) he refuses to do so, or B) he does, but only in response to that Bosshole's direct order - and only after said Bosshole gives this order in writing or in front of witnesses.

Pfuck you, Pfleger. There's a special place in Hell for you, jagoff.

2/08/2016 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a Cop here...

Just the southside Er nurse who loves this blog. Did I ever tell you all the story of the CFD medics who came into emergency room with a shot up M1 and Faker close behind in his car? Medics came in. Trauma team got on the job. Medics informed us that "Father Faker" (verbatim. That's what they said... "Father Faker" - we all knew who they meant. No further clarification needed.) was tailing behind. Er staff got prepared.

So the trauma team is working on the M1. Faker comes in and bypasses security and walks into the trauma room and almost knocks over one of the nurses and gets to the head of the patient. That's a huge No No and major HIPPA violation (if not spouse or legal guardian) not to mention the attending physician gets the head of the patient to quaterback the play. Faker proceeds to dictate the code as if he was the surgeon general. Nobody is paying attention to him but trying to get him out of the way. Security wouldn't do anything because they were told to NOT interfere with Faker. Finally one of the team nurses shouted out.... "Please leave this room and let us do our damn jobs!!!" Faker very defiantly walked to the door of the room only.

The medics told us when the M1 was in the back of the ambulance that Faker opened their doors and jumped in the rig dictating to the medics on what to do and where to go. The medic told him to leave and he said he didn't have to. Finally the medic stood up (big guy) and Faker left the ambulance.

Faker wanted his name and wanted to speak to the medic's commander. He refused to give his name and laughed in his face. The whole night he pranced around the Er looking at all the patients, walking freely everywhere and even walking behind the nursing stations asking questions he had no right to know.

Everybody hated him being there but later privately we were informed that to stop him at the door and lead him to the waiting room with the other people (or folks) it was a publicity risk. The house supervisor feared he would find a news crew and exaggerate and paint a bad picture of us even blaming us for the outcome of the M1's condition which led to the ICU and I believe he expired a day later. So the house ruled nobody was to enforce anything on Faker. Unbelievable.

Anyway. Keep up the good work, SCC. Your noble and most prestigious work is a beacon of light in this helpless toilet spinning city of liberalism and lies. Most people (or folks) I talk to are very much Pro Police and Pro Common Sense. We don't drink the Rham-al-Ghul spin doctoring Koolaid.

Er Murse.

2/08/2016 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone know why they got rid of Crystal?

2/08/2016 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Father Fakers Facebook page:

I guess some Cop is upset with me, and decided to take it out on my Parishioners....Yesterday and Today during Church Service A Plainclothes cop With a Gray SUV with M plates ticketed folks up and down Throop street, If you are one of those who received a ticket BRING IT TO ME TOMORROW.....all this while the City left our main driveway to the parking lot tore up all weekend......I don't know whether it is our Flag at Half-mast or me going to beverly...but ytou have messed with the wrong Church!!!!!!!!! ALSO, When I get the tickets I will post his Star number

Is this guy really a Catholic priest?! Meanwhile I just read the chicago archdiocese is closing parishes. Count me in for some flager dollars in the collection basket. No money from me until he is removed.

2/08/2016 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like yet again, some people aren't subject to following the rules like everyone else!

2/08/2016 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This would be a good opportunity for that new superintendent to stand up to a PITA for CPD and the city.

2/08/2016 02:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take photos. Cover your backsides.

2/08/2016 02:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God saids render to Caesar what is Caesar's

2/08/2016 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Not a Gold Star said...

Someone should have ticketed him for flying the Chiraq flag above the US Flag.

2/08/2016 03:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't he just mouthing off about coppers who aren't doing their job? Now he's whining about one who does?

2/08/2016 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job to the officer for doing his job. This father faker is just dying to be the center of attention as always. Keep up the good work against those breaking the law. Case closed.

2/08/2016 04:18:00 AM  
Anonymous stash the polski guy said...

jeez, seeBS disabled the comment section. I see a lot of dissatisfaction of late. the peanut gallery is not buying the narrative from Chicago's MSM. good.

2/08/2016 04:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC. Amen!

2/08/2016 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get that CL # rolling

2/08/2016 05:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the officer was responding to a complaint Faker phlager!!!!!

Why didn't you arrange something for your congregants beforehand?

Dumbass. You're an embarrassment to the Catholic church. Why they leave you there is beyond me.

2/08/2016 05:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't he tweet something last week about the Police should "Do Their Job"...

2/08/2016 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, gee. Two parking tickets and he's being "targeted." A whole new DOJ/ACLU investigation starts up.

If the Church followed its own rules, this guy would have been gone ages ago. Always a coward for an Archbishop here.

2/08/2016 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck the Phony priest!

2/08/2016 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I want to get behind why he decided to target St. Sabina church..."

Phleger is a "Pharisee" of the worst sort...

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.
For there is no power but of GOD: the powers that
be are ordained of GOD."
~Romans 13:1~

Don't park in crosswalks.
Don't park in No Parking Zones.
Among OTHER laws and ordinances
enacted for public peace, safety and welfare.


We reckon Phleger and the other members of
Chicago's phony clergy have yet to preach that sermon
while they whine about The Police they hate taking a
reasonable step back to allow their congregants exercise
of free will to loudly and vividly do each other in.

Phleger wants to "see" the officer, huh?
It surely ain't to shake hands and sit at
the table of common purpose. (Only on Phleger's
very one-sided terms of course)

For a bunch of people and folks who allegedly have
no use for The Police, they surely keep heaping
mouthfuls of P O L I C E, do they not?

As for all of the slander against The Police, these so called
men of GOD are espousing to deflect from their abject failure
to minister to their flocks with exhortations to abide in The Word
while keeping destructive faux outrage hotted-up against The Police?

~Matthew 5:3-12~

And this in particular:
"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be
called the children of GOD."

The Police supposedly need to have the weight
of DOJ, ACLU, #blm and ginned-up faux outrage
on them.

More so that the willfully ignorant self-haters and
lovers of death who have been let to stride this city

It's the new normal.

Police like you have no friends.

Go home safe and sound to YOUR
families no matter what.

Oath of office does not constitute a willingness
or obligation to lay your life on the same altar
the lovers of death/haters of the rest of society
Seem to enjoy sacrificing each other on.


Policemen stand accused of being selfish and
somehow uncharitable for guarding themselves
and their lives too hard.

"We needs y'all sacrifice to show y'all care about us!"

Genuflect on the blood sacrifice of a carpenter from
Galilee why don't you...

Or are you afraid to embrace his message because that means
having to reject the making of excuses?

>Collective gasp of outrage from the cheap seats<

Paying you hellish, bloody-minded, hateful people and folks no heed.

"We wants a supahvisah!"

2/08/2016 05:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A citizen reader thinks for Pfleger; The procedure outlined on the ticket provides you with instructions as to how to dispute the ticket. It is the same procdure I have to follow along with everyone else who recieves a citation. What kind of an asshole are you to think you can do as you please whenever you please? Next Sunday after you deliver one of your super inspiring sermons, you might mention to the flock duing announcements that they should NOT park illegally around the church or anywhere else for that matter as the consequences are surprisingly you are likley to be cited. Besides, who the hell drives to your so called church anyway? I would think that congregation would walk to church and the small number of white liberals slumming it for the services are the only ones who drive from the northside or Hyde Park. They can afford to be stupid.

2/08/2016 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love all these excuses, "my license is suspended but I'm just going to church", "i'm going the wrong way (in one way street) cause I just got out of church", "I'm drunk cause I'm comming from the bible study"... I hope that bosses have balls to tell him to take a hike when pfader comes to the district complaining.

2/08/2016 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised he doesn't get the same kind of play like many of the Funeral homes and churches get in 015. He must not have a working relationship with the district commander there.

2/08/2016 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fr Faker again?
Two tickets?
Which spineless whiteshirt will order the officer to show up at St Sabina and apologize?

2/08/2016 06:20:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

He wants to see the officer? Did he get a ticket? None of your business Flakey.

2/08/2016 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally! Come to the Northside, and witness teams of revenue agents being dropped-off and not picked up until they have written their quotas! Residential and Commercial areas in the 019th, 20th & 24th Districts are saturated by revenue agents. Because the City realizes that Northside Whites are easily intimidated and they PAY their tickets. Unfortunately, businesses are losing business because of the aggressive parking enforcement. The revenue agents would never dare to enforce parking ordinances on the South or West sides with the degree of intensity that is used on the Northside, and you are seeing more and more businesses on Clark Street empty. Customers are afraid to park in parts of Chicago and are taking their business where their is Free Parking! So with all due respect to Fr. Faker's status as an ordained priest; he is once again full of s%@t. Baby"G"

2/08/2016 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the good Father will tell his parishioners that they may deposit their tickets into the collection basket during services and that the Church will pick up the tab.

After all, to err is human, to forgive is divine.

2/08/2016 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was anybody else appalled by the half time show last night? Glorifying the black panthers on national tv??! Who approved this?

2/08/2016 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey fake father....are you special? When I go to mass i park legally every time In fact where ever i go I park legally.

2/08/2016 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better watch it, he'll snuff someone which means absolutely nothing threatening.

2/08/2016 07:11:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Think Father Pfger is a little paranoid, two ticket conspiracy

2/08/2016 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfucking real. Didn't Phelmo asked for police to do their job.? Well then, make sure along with your followers you send a thank you note to the CPD...

2/08/2016 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) behind tribunes paywall flint Michigan poisoning residents now Chicago hello rahm bruce Toni the 50

City fails to warn Chicagoans about lead risks in tap water
More than two years after federal researchers found high levels of lead in homes where water mains had been replaced or new meters installed, city officials still do little to caution Chicagoans about potential health risks posed by work that Mayor Rahm Emanuel is speeding up across the city.

In a peer-reviewed study, researchers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found alarming levels of the brain-damaging metal can flow out of household faucets for years after construction work disrupts service lines that connect buildings to the city's water system. Nearly 80 percent of the properties in Chicago are hooked up to service lines made of lead.

The study also found the city's testing protocols — based on federal rules — are likely to miss high concentrations of lead in drinking water.

Yet when city officials notify homeowners about new water mains being installed, the letters do not mention potential lead hazards. Residents are advised merely to flush all faucets and hose taps for several minutes after the work is completed to remove any "particulates," a solution EPA scientists and independent experts say is grossly inadequate.

2/08/2016 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you want everyone to be treated the same, but your people shouldn't get parking tickets?! Then you try to bully 5he officer who did his job & wrote the cars for illegal parking. Pfleger you are actually more full of shit than I thought at first.

2/08/2016 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crook County is proposing a tax on gun owners in the form of required insurance.

I think a better tax, a "violence tax" as they call the $25 tax on gun purchases, should be assessed on all residents of Englewood and Austin. Those are the areas where the violence in most rampant, and where the perpetrators of the violence reside. That would be a proper way to tax: on those whose actions cost society.

This place needs an enema.

2/08/2016 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were you guys I would certainly pay attention to all of the legal violations around this church.

Obviously this priest, who is a pillar of the community, would want his flock following all of the laws correctly.

I am sure he will come to appreciate the good service of the CPD in watching over the area surrounding his church on a daily basis!

Stay safe!

2/08/2016 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just because you're paranoid doesn't mean everyone is not out to get you

2/08/2016 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is writing to tickets harassment? Now I see why the archdiocese suspended him. Fr. Faker

2/08/2016 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sick and tired of that asshole , aren't catholic priests supposed to be reassigned frequently by the church ?

2/08/2016 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does the copper know he was ticketing a parishioner? Oh Yeah... Cops are supposed to have ESP, it's a prerequisite for entering the academy!

2/08/2016 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two lousy tickets and he holds a press conference AND wants to meet the officer? Pay the fucking tickets and shut up already.

2/08/2016 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to Pfleger: Leave the Catholic Church and open your own store front revival meeting. In other words, go away.

2/08/2016 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When all the Catholic Churches close, I don't think the new Imam is going to like Fr. Pfleger's antics very much.

2/08/2016 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy Flegar is such an ASS! He is not a real man of God!

Tell your people don't violate the laws!

I guess they think they are so special and just do what ever they want and he defends their crap!

2/08/2016 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parking courtesy for church goers on Sunday has always been the norm since I was a little kid on Garfield Blvd. Cars would be double and triple parked up and down the blvd.

2/08/2016 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This asshole priest has a problem with a Police Officer doing his lawful job, then his people can contest the just ticket like any other citizen of this city!

Flegar is NOBODY SPECIAL and MUST follow all laws!

I would have wrote the same tickets if I saw the violations!

He is a perfect example of someone who should follow all laws rather then complain about laws being enforced!

Lead by example Father Faker!

2/08/2016 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have always given courtesy to churches, yes he is an ASS, but all that does is feed the fire for him to spread more bullshit.

2/08/2016 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am surprised the archdiocese hasn't yanked this guys chain yet. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? The shit that spews from his mouth and rhetoric that unbecoming of the catholic church is an insult beyond belief. Fuck this guy!

2/08/2016 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm..let me see if I am understanding thisc correctly. Father Identity Crisis shits all over the police, blames everyone except the person doing the killing, and in return expects immunity from any laws enforced upon anyone associated with him or his fake Catholic church? Pay the fuckin ticket and quit bitchin' likea Sally.

2/08/2016 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know who I AM?

You must not. Otherwise, you'd know better than to enforce the law around me.

I'm going to cry so hard to the media that when I get done with you everyone is going to know where you live and what your name is.

Where is Chuck Goudie? Get my bitch on the phone!

Hey, father fuck nuts. Go fuck yourself.

2/08/2016 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and I'm sure when he's done screaming those tickets will magically go away....

2/08/2016 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not above the law nor are your parishioners. Get over it! Park legally!

2/08/2016 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how he loves contradicting himself! Didn't he just post something a few days ago telling all police officers to "do your job" and now he's bitching because we are. Lmao!!! He's an embarrassment to the Catholic community!!

2/08/2016 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's a coward. Fire him and take his PENSION AWAY

2/08/2016 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start a petition to have him removed from the archdiocese

2/08/2016 09:28:00 AM  
Blogger Transmaster said...

I must be so disappointing for Catholic clergy like Father Michael Pfleger to be prevented from running for public office by the Vatican. Which, of course, is a good thing. All these Liberation Theology whiners can do, is whine.

2/08/2016 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Faker is above the law, don't you know! If some goof in the police department, like the director of news affairs, non-suits the tickets that would and should be the last straw on writing packers city wide. Stay fetal my friends.

2/08/2016 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey phather, how about you dip in to the church coffers and pay the tickets. Or would that crimp one of your Ralph Lauren shopping trips.

2/08/2016 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: I hope the Officer suing the ghetto family wins a ton. This should have been done a long time ago. Every time an Officer gets a CR filed against them, if it comes back Exonerated or Unfounded, a lawsuit should be immediately filed for defamation of character. The Officer is probably traumatized because he/she knows they did nothing wrong, but had to go through process to clear their name. Every time Loevy and Loevy, PLO and others file suit, we should counter sue. FOP, are you listening!!!!

2/08/2016 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what about "chickenshit" stops such as an expired plate or missing brake light that might result in someone getting kilt because they don't feel like following the rules that the rest of society has to??

2/08/2016 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, but you should know that the city is privatizing the medical section in March. There will be no more cops working there, including the nurses. Looks like they are going to be harassing cops. The change seems to be the brainchild of the Human Resources department.

2/08/2016 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether it's the church's rules or local ordinances, this person who attended seminary feels they don't apply to him or that place that masquerades as a Roman Catholic Church.

One of the few Parkers I write is a crosswalk violation, it's dangerous .

Get a CR number on the copper, see how far that flies? I'd laugh if it a black officer

2/08/2016 10:06:00 AM  
Blogger Johnny said...

Time to fault Father Michael Pfleger for not going to the police department first. But then I guess he regards you guys as the enemy. Otherwise it would seem an honest mistake.

2/08/2016 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't about time FOP holds a press conference letting people know what kind of asshole Phlagger is?

2/08/2016 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He wants to see the officer to see if he is white ... Why does this pos have demands met all the time by the city, media etc?? He is the Devils minion of hate and division .his white guilt is staggering.

2/08/2016 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off how are you supposed to know it's a parishioner? Oh wait. The "SS" on the right side of the license plates? Right? Indicating St. Sabinas.

2/08/2016 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He can meet with the officer only if he agrees to meet with the families of soldiers killed in action and explain why he chose or allowed someone to fly the American Flag upside down and under the "CHIRAQ" flag.

2/08/2016 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well are you not the one who was complaining that if the Police are not doing there job they should leave for another job. Well looks like to me that the Officer was doing his job. Oh yeah that's right you want the Police to pick and choose what they should do and not ticket your good people attending your services. Well Fuck you you big Asshole. Go some place else with your bullshit. You are the reason the Catholic church will never see a penny from me or anybody else in my Family. First you want the Police then they are to mean then they do not do enough make up your mind you piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2/08/2016 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now blacks from St. Sabinas can park illegally , have tinted windows , expired plates , no city stickers or whatever violations were written . Flakey wants tougher gun laws , something wrong most gun violations are in his neighborhood not in Beverly or Mount Greenwood . talk about a phony .

2/08/2016 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A man compared to Jesus by Neil Steinberg.

2/08/2016 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Douche Bag Mikey .......

Yes we all believe that it was an error in "communications" with the maintenance staff , that you were flying the "Chiraq" flag above the U.S. Flag. Sure you pandering piece of shit. And we couldn't tell that there is a "character" patterned after you and your nonsense in that "blockbuster" of a movie either. However all silly shit aside you seem to have a pattern of threatening law abiding citizens when they don't agree with you or follow your ideals. Is that what they call a "bully pulpit" ? Perhaps your just not that "special" How long do you think the "church" is gonna come up short in the collection plates before they gag and tie you up ? Me thinks you are playing in the big leagues and you are most definitely "bush league" at best. Whatcha gonna do if ya get bounced from your little fiefdom ? Stop your feet and threaten to quit again , thats played out bro . Maybe you could convert to a Baptist Minister , lots more freedom to make all those moves and when those lawsuits blow up in your face and ya gotta come up with the legal fees you could go to your " flock" and ask them for the dough

2/08/2016 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the old days the wagon in 025 would write a hundred tickets or so around a church,

2/08/2016 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flake off didn't follow the rules when ordered by late Cardinal George to leave St.Sabinas. So, George relented or as the good father said, he was going to start his own religion. What a whack!

2/08/2016 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I truly hope that no one Kowtows to his demands to see the officer. He is no one special and does not deserve to get treated any different than the regular public, like myself. He had a few parishioners who apparently broke the law and parked their cars in locations they shouldnt have parked in, due to laws. They deserve tickets. The End.

2/08/2016 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets pray st sabina gets closed down

2/08/2016 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My hat is off to the Office that is doing the enforcement. Keep up the good work. Stay Safe

2/08/2016 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things I love, my wife and nurses.

2/08/2016 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No tickets in the Rosemont shopping district, no parking fees too. Watch as all of the tax paying businesses head out to greener pastures.

2/08/2016 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It sounds like the good father is turning a minor grievance into a major injustice. He should warn his flock that illegal parking will draw a ticket."

2/08/2016 01:15:00 AM

What -- preach the smallest bit of responsibility, of consideration for others, of obedience to the law?


2/08/2016 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phuck you Phleger

2/08/2016 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous RetCPD said...

He must think he is GOD!!!

2/08/2016 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remind the father of the bible, Mark 12: 17 and Mathew 22:21

2/08/2016 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Finally! Come to the Northside, and witness teams of revenue agents being dropped-off and not picked up until they have written their quotas! Residential and Commercial areas in the 019th, 20th & 24th Districts are saturated by revenue agents. Because the City realizes that Northside Whites are easily intimidated and they PAY their tickets. Unfortunately, businesses are losing business because of the aggressive parking enforcement. The revenue agents would never dare to enforce parking ordinances on the South or West sides with the degree of intensity that is used on the Northside, and you are seeing more and more businesses on Clark Street empty. Customers are afraid to park in parts of Chicago and are taking their business where their is Free Parking! So with all due respect to Fr. Faker's status as an ordained priest; he is once again full of s%@t. Baby"G"

2/08/2016 06:38:00 AM

I get your point and agree with you. However these Department of Revenue do not solely hammer the North Side.
They also hammer the shit out of Beverly, Mt Greenwood, Garfield Ridge, Bridgeport etc. The only areas they avoid like the plague is the ghetto.

2/08/2016 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A disgrace to fly a Chiraq flag at the church, my parents were married at this church and it makes me ill. Why is the Catholic Church allowing this type of behavior ?

2/08/2016 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T. Is everyone in the Clearing area getting the mailings from the Mike Madigan campaign slamming Jason Gonzales? If Madigan is against him, my whole family will be voting for Gonzales. (6 votes) plus my dead parents.

2/08/2016 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, what was that he said in his FB post: Ofcrs do your job or LEAVE? Well, little bitch, looks like ya got your wish and an ofcr did his job so STFU!!!

2/08/2016 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sucks to be you, dude. Gotta follow the rules. So do your parishioners. Just like the po-leece.

Hey, Guy On A Bike, grow a pair and pedal on over to Sabina's and spread your parking violation detection skills a bit.

2/08/2016 12:17:00 AM

I'm just guessing, but I think guy-on-bike has an assigned area that's more than ten miles away from Sabina. I think the ticketing situation is being handled correctly right now.

2/08/2016 01:57:00 PM  

Mr. Pfleger "wants to see him" (the officer)? Sounds like he's summoning him to his office. Officer, whoever you are, DO NOT make an appointment to see this man. If he wants to see you, he can either come into the station and wait at the desk while you are working, and you can speak with him in the lobby just like every other citizen, or the Commander can order you in and pay you overtime. DO NOT volunteer to adjust your hours, do not volunteer to meet him, or to stop by his office, or church or anywhere else. Do NOT let this man summon you! He is simply a citizen and deserves no special privileges. And, next week, if there are cars illegally parked in clear defiance of the law, (Crosswalks, hydrants or other public safety issues) write them again. I can absolutely see a little consideration for any church during services, but not flagrant violations and not for those in utter disregard or flagrant thumbing of the nose at the law (or the police) whichever is most appropriate.

2/08/2016 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What goes on at St. Sabinas is a far cry from the Catholic Church and faith. If you have ever gone to one of their Sunday " masses" you will know what I mean. It is a cross between a Baptist bible gathering, some of the Catholic faith, and some Caribbean foot stomping worship. And, it does last for some time. He should be transferred to Nebraska.

2/08/2016 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wow. I bet office is scared. Phlakeys peeps have been gettin a pass because the hood is to sketchy for the guy on a bike.

2/08/2016 12:27:00 AM

I tell you what...

Finance assigns me to work over where the hell ever that church is, I'll go there. Heck of a ride from City Hall though and I don't even know where that "church" is.

But I'll take out as many parkers and compliance tickets I can find.


Guy on a Bike from Finance.

2/08/2016 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Transmaster said...
I must be so disappointing for Catholic clergy like Father Michael Pfleger to be prevented from running for public office by the Vatican. Which, of course, is a good thing. All these Liberation Theology whiners can do, is whine.

2/08/2016 09:30:00 AM

I am surprised he hasn't. After all they are prohibited from being parents but Pfather Pflaker has adopted 3 kids.

2/08/2016 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, but you should know that the city is privatizing the medical section in March. There will be no more cops working there, including the nurses. Looks like they are going to be harassing cops. The change seems to be the brainchild of the Human Resources department.
This might not be necessarily a bad thing ??? All I've ever heard were horror stories about the medical section, at least with it privatized it might be asier to sue if and when they fuck up !

2/08/2016 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We have always given courtesy to churches, yes he is an ASS, but all that does is feed the fire for him to spread more bullshit.

2/08/2016 08:47:00 AM

Courtesy for blocking a CROSSWALK? So people have to be endangered or entirely blocked from using it? No.

2/08/2016 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
(OT) behind tribunes paywall flint Michigan poisoning residents now Chicago hello rahm bruce Toni the 50

City fails to warn Chicagoans about lead risks in tap water
More than two years after federal researchers found high levels of lead in homes where water mains had been replaced or new meters installed, city officials still do little to caution Chicagoans about potential health risks posed by work that Mayor Rahm Emanuel is speeding up across the city.

In a peer-reviewed study, researchers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found alarming levels of the brain-damaging metal can flow out of household faucets for years after construction work disrupts service lines that connect buildings to the city's water system. Nearly 80 percent of the properties in Chicago are hooked up to service lines made of lead.

The study also found the city's testing protocols — based on federal rules — are likely to miss high concentrations of lead in drinking water.

Yet when city officials notify homeowners about new water mains being installed, the letters do not mention potential lead hazards. Residents are advised merely to flush all faucets and hose taps for several minutes after the work is completed to remove any "particulates," a solution EPA scientists and independent experts say is grossly inadequate.

2/08/2016 07:38:00 AM

Since I was a child, my parents made sure I knew to run the water a couple of minutes before using it, to make sure I wasn't drinking, cooking in, or bathing in water that sat percolating in Chicago's lead water pipes. I do it to this day. People should have been aware of this for decades.

2/08/2016 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Fr Faker again?
Two tickets?
Which spineless whiteshirt will order the officer to show up at St Sabina and apologize?

2/08/2016 06:20:00 AM

How does that even constitute a legal order? (I could never apologize when I wasn't wrong.)

2/08/2016 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the church won't touch him, but he's not above the law. I get tickets when I park illegally. Enough of his self righteous rants. And enough of caving to the loudest people with no common sense.

2/08/2016 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck him

2/08/2016 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Called the archdiocese to ask about St. Sabrina flying the Chiraq flag. The lady hung up on me.

2/08/2016 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologize if someone related the following incident in a previous post, I have not read all of the posts on this subject yet

The Following is the text I will be sending to St . Sabina Church Fax Number (773) 846-3128.

Father Phleger:

I read with great interest your comments regarding two of your parishioner's receiving parking tickets during Sunday Mass.

Approximately two years ago Department of Revenue employees wrote approximately twenty cars on Touhy Avenue, just outside of St. Juliana Church.

The following Sunday the staff at St. Juliana had signs on every entrance of the church reminding parishioner's of the potential for tickets, and encouraging them to ensure that they park legally.

Feel free to call the Rectory, I am sure they can give you copies of the warning notices.

Kevin O'Rourke

2/08/2016 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call Cupich...he was @St. Sabina yesterday with the Football Player, Jim Brown. Tell Cupich his favorite screaming, whining priest is mad the Police are doing their job and that Flaky wants to identify the Officer as in 'a threat'. Well, I've told the Archbishop's office staff that I'm not threatening anything cause I've already stopped giving to the money basket and more folks have continued. We can Not have Mob Rule...a democratic society does not allow that. Is that idiot trying to start a war? Further, the tickets were 2....from the way Flaky screamed we'd think it was a mass ticket spree but it was not, one was for parking illegaly in a Cross-Walk, the other ticket was for illegally parking in a No Parking Zone. As a side bar: at Mass yesterday in all the parishes....they turned on a tape of the Archbishop whereby he was asking for money. Afterwards, they passed the basket for the whole Archdiocese and later passed the basket 2 more times (3 baskets in all during Mass yesterday) for the Parrish Church....In a long life-time, I have never attended a Mass with the basket passed 3 times....that was a first. They are saying they have a shortage of Priests....why no let women be Priests or married men...but they won't do that....shame on them. And ALL the money we've turned over to the Church after 5 or 6 generations...shame on them.

2/08/2016 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my best days on this job was putting the cuffs on this asshole and carrying him to jail.
As you would expect, the B B ball watch commander waived his fingerprint clearance and he was out within an hour.
Have to admit though that he was totally cooperative and didn't talk shit to us.
The Chgo Archdiocese should be ashamed for letting this asshole cavort about as he has.

2/08/2016 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucky I don't work down there
I'd ticket them all day also
The rules are rules
We have inspectors ticketing our vehicles

2/08/2016 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cooter would have booted the vehicles.

2/08/2016 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Directly from Father Faker's Facebook page, January 29th......"45 Killed 221 Shot so far this January....I'm really tired of hearing crime is up because Police are standing down because of all the negativity....Really? First of all that's your job ...Do it ! Second of all, Police tell young people all the time."If you are not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about" Well the same thing goes for the Police!!! To all the Good Police officers, the majority, who are working hard every day...THANK YOU...To the Bad ones....LEAVE!

Today.......“I’ve come to find out since that the same officer, the same star number who gave them out yesterday gave them out today and I want to see the officer,” Pfleger told WBBM. “I want to get behind why he decided to target St. Sabina Church.”

So father.....first you write complaining that the police are not doing their jobs because of all the "negativity". Now you write complaining that the police ARE doing their jobs. So which is it? We do not get to choose which laws or ordinances to enforce. Why don't you stick to being a priest and tend to your flock.

Or, and are a priest, not a public figure like you have on your Facebook page.

2/08/2016 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Church folks should be more inclined to follow the law of the land. After all the Bible tells them so. Despite having strict boundary between church and state this leader of the chaos encouraging devilish arrogant prick continues to challenge authority under wrong circumstances. I for one will not support the Catholic Church in any way. My kids will attend school elsewhere. I will not put a penny into the offering basket. ISIS may be a inetrnationa6terror group, but this idiot's church is almost a domesticterorist for creating chaos within a community. I question the true puroose and existence for the current members of his congregation. Shame on them.

2/08/2016 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pflafer always preaches that "Chicago cops are not above the law"... Well after, neither are you or your parishioners. Follow the rules father... We do.

2/08/2016 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

General orders state that you con not get a CR disputing a traffic ticket.

2/08/2016 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what's got to be done now, don't you?

That's right, turn the heat up. More and more tickets (legit, of course) for every car in violation around that bullshit church. And as far as someone hoping the officer that wrote the tickets isn't "made" to meet that asshole priest? There isnt anybody on this department that can order you to meet or sit down for dialogue with anybody, especially that asshole priest. And I agree with snapping pictures of the vehicle violation in the event some jack off supervisor orders you to non suit. I don't think any supervisor these days is stupid enough to paint themselves into a corner with ordering an officer to do something clearly contradicts performing a lawful police function. Oh wait, I forgot where I worked for a second. Are plenty of supervisors that stupid.

2/08/2016 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is actually a commander who wrote faker a mover once. He's not your average gold star though

2/08/2016 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the vehicles in violation have signs posted on the windshield indicating the driver and occupants were attending church service? How was the officer supposed to know the vehicle belonged to a parishioner attending mass?

2/08/2016 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get so tired of this individual and his constant demands for special treatment. The media nitwits highlighted Pfleger's quarrels with the archidiocese, but omitted to add that there is a standing practice that pastors and associates rotate between parishes every six or seven years or so. Pfleger wants to exempt himself from this rule, so every time he is supposed to be reassigned he acts as if it is a conspiratorial plot.

2/08/2016 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"First off how are you supposed to know it's a parishioner? Oh wait. The "SS" on the right side of the license plates? Right? Indicating St. Sabinas."

2/08/2016 10:31:00 AM

Didn't Rauner just eliminate a whole mess of these vanity plates? Cost too much to produce, keep track of, distribute, and confusing to ofc.

...except if anything survived the process it would have been Pfleger's "SS" plates. Maybe "VSOP" would be a better abbreviation.

2/08/2016 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the few enforcement actions that CR won't be pulled for is a parking violation, at least it used to beees thata way.

2/08/2016 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corey Brooks, fake walkathon pastor, pulled the same crap, except he whined to GMC about the tickets

2/08/2016 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

So any more "attempted arsons" at St. Sab's? You know, crappy T-shirt lit off, carefully placed on metal outside handles of thick UL-rated, long-exposure, wire-glass doors hung in steel frames set into solid brick walls?


"Hay-mer-yen-cy! Hay-mer-yen-cy! Ewerybody get off from strit!!!"

(What was that from? Flick about Russian sub inadvertently comes ashore outside small New England village.)

2/08/2016 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RetCPD said...
He must think he is GOD!!!

2/08/2016 01:36:00 PM

He thinks he is a black reverend with that accent, THAN, the he thinks he is above God-- guy is in a state of disarray

2/08/2016 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think all us cops working and retired should attend one of Phelger's mass. About 200 of us!

2/08/2016 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone that gives one cent the Catholic Church is a FOOL! The silence from the Archbishop is a sign of approval. I am more embarrassed to admit I am Catholic than to admit I work for the Chicago Police Department. Both are joke with the idiots that run each.

2/08/2016 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is this piece of shit fake priest going to be shot and killed by one of his "parishioners?" That would be the ultimate poetic justice. He's gotta catch a stray bullet at some point. I wonder if he'll still use his "black guy voice" while taking his last breaths.

Nice work by the cop writing his "parishioners." I'm sure you need some movers too. Perhaps when "church" lets out, some extra attention could be paid to the driving of his surely unlicensed "parishioners." He deserves no special treatment, nor do his supporters. If anything, his complaint should be met with stricter enforcement around his "church" and the surrounding neighborhood. Let's get this city the revenue it needs from the people who drain its resources the most. Sure, only 1% of those ticketed will actually end up paying anything, but it's better than nothing.

2/08/2016 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Remind the father of the bible..."

2/08/2016 01:37:00 PM

"The WHOO-AA? The WHICH-AAA? The BIBLE? This whoo-aa who-laa HOUSE be THE HOUSE OF THE BIBLE!"

>echo< >echo< >echo<

"Tell it! That's right! Bible, oh yeah!" responds the congregation in what is often a mindless call-and-response style..."

He got FOI from over there on Stony hanging in back to get rid of disturbances, questioners? "Community working together..." Devil man's dollar buy a predetermined number of hours, standing w/shades, fez, arms folded like hardass...

Or are they getting old now, from the way I remember them? Scaring little kids on their way home from school, doing 4-deep jumpouts...

2/08/2016 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/08/2016 08:47:00 AM

Did they give a pass the churches on the north side last year???

2/08/2016 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I WAS a catholic. Cant believe i was forced to believe in that. Hard to find faith when you look at the world around you.

2/08/2016 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fwd: petition: Demand the Catholic Churc

2/08/2016 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, the copper had to get his quota for VRI.

2/08/2016 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I realize that illegal parking is a violation but to give that asshole Phleger ammo to complain about the police is a little silly. If you just want to mess with him fine but I really hope it was an officer of color. There care plenty other places to write. Our aldermen will be all over this and make it seems like the cope did wrong.

2/08/2016 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pay to park just like everyone else who has a job and pays their bills and taxes, just like you don't father!

2/08/2016 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will chuck Goudie , carol Marin ,Pam zekman go to st Sabrina's next week and report on all the illegal parking Tip of week go down Indiana ,State street from 35th to 55th lots of double parking , bus stops , fire plugs blocked with no enforcement

2/08/2016 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ladies vote for Bernie , Carly or Donald , none of them blamed Benghazi on a video tape or lied to victims families.

2/08/2016 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty sad day when a copper writes a legit ticket and sees he made the fucking news. What a joke.

2/09/2016 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I realize that illegal parking is a violation but to give that asshole Phleger ammo to complain about the police is a little silly. If you just want to mess with him fine but I really hope it was an officer of color. There care plenty other places to write. Our aldermen will be all over this and make it seems like the cope did wrong.

No, you are absolutely wrong on two points:

Pfaker said "police, do your job". The car is illegally parked. It was cited. The police "did their job".

Second, it doesn't matter what color the officer is. The law applies to all equally, and it doesn't matter who wrote the ticket. We're blue first. Fuck Pfaker and his bullshit. Time to call him out on his bullshit. The police aren't above the law. Neither are bigmouth priests or their parishioners.

2/09/2016 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think all us cops working and retired should attend one of Phelger's mass. About 200 of us!

2/08/2016 06:57:00 PM

I, for one, don't recognize his type of mass as anything remotely resembling the Roman Catholic Church. No dancing in the aisles, or shouting, or political rants for me, thank you. And no fake dialect-drawls from the pulpit, either.

2/09/2016 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anyone that gives one cent the Catholic Church is a FOOL! The silence from the Archbishop is a sign of approval. I am more embarrassed to admit I am Catholic than to admit I work for the Chicago Police Department. Both are joke with the idiots that run each"

Wouldn't be the first time they ignored someone's asshole getting violated.

Oops, I mean some asshole violating the rules..

2/09/2016 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Did the vehicles in violation have signs posted on the windshield indicating the driver and occupants were attending church service? How was the officer supposed to know the vehicle belonged to a parishioner attending mass?

2/08/2016 06:03:00 PM

A respectful parishioner would NEVER put someone else in a position of having to climb over their car, and would never put someone's home at risk by blocking access to a fire hydrant, right?
These are the values a parish priest should be instilling in his flock, right?
Placards are meaningless.

2/09/2016 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...except if anything survived the process it would have been Pfleger's "SS" plates. Maybe "VSOP" would be a better abbreviation.

2/08/2016 06:17:00 PM

It stands for 'Seriously Stupid'.

Let it be, he's earned it.

2/09/2016 03:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


A little faith is all that makes sense in a world like this.

Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox...pick one and give it another chance.

2/09/2016 05:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"First off how are you supposed to know it's a parishioner? Oh wait. The "SS" on the right side of the license plates? Right? Indicating St. Sabinas."

2/08/2016 10:31:00 AM

Didn't Rauner just eliminate a whole mess of these vanity plates? Cost too much to produce, keep track of, distribute, and confusing to ofc.

...except if anything survived the process it would have been Pfleger's "SS" plates. Maybe "VSOP" would be a better abbreviation.

2/08/2016 06:17:00 PM

Pfleger's plates actually say "DA BLOOD." Made me want to puke when I saw them. And I know someone who went to a service there some time back to take a roll down memory lane (met his wife years ago at the St. Sabina dances). Came out saying "I don't know what to call what I just saw in there, but it sure wasn't MASS.

That the Archdiocese does nothing is sickening.

2/09/2016 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic, but you should know that the city is privatizing the medical section in March. There will be no more cops working there, including the nurses. Looks like they are going to be harassing cops. The change seems to be the brainchild of the Human Resources department.

2/08/2016 10:04:00 AM

Good, shake it up citywide, there is no need for PO's in inside spots. Get them that are afraid to work the streets on the streets. If they don't like it they can leave and find a new job. Hell, if they privatize inside spots it would probably be more efficient anyways

2/09/2016 06:54:00 AM  
Blogger Sir Robert Reel said...

Father Hollywood will start performing voodoo against police officers soon.

So if you start experiencing pain in your posterior it may not just be the ACLU.

2/09/2016 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they give a pass the churches on the north side last year???

No. St Tars got ticketed.

2/09/2016 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rather than give money to a Catholic church, I rather give my money to a family member trying to pay down their student loans! Screw the church and their phake priests like Phather Phlegar!

2/09/2016 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey if I go confess to Faker that I intentionally write tickets to his parishioners can that be used against me?

2/09/2016 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RetCPD said...
He must think he is GOD!!!

2/08/2016 01:36:00 PM

Oh My God! Pflaker ISN'T God?

I am pissed, I have been misled!

2/09/2016 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I WAS a catholic. Cant believe i was forced to believe in that. Hard to find faith when you look at the world around you.

2/08/2016 07:59:00 PM
In times like these, you need your faith more then ever.

2/09/2016 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Transmaster said...
I must be so disappointing for Catholic clergy like Father Michael Pfleger to be prevented from running for public office by the Vatican. Which, of course, is a good thing. All these Liberation Theology whiners can do, is whine.

2/08/2016 09:30:00 AM
Must be something new. Back in the late 60's there was a catholic priest who was an alderman. He was against the block busting going on the drew the line on Ashland.

2/09/2016 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they give a pass the churches on the north side last year???

2/08/2016 07:55:00 PM

NOPE..People got tagged around Juliana's for "No parking anytime" for a couple weeks last year - Pastor had the alderman change the no parking signs so parking would not be prohibited on Sundays.

2/09/2016 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does St. Sabina's have metal detector's, do the decon's wand u?

2/09/2016 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little off topic but with the dept. of revenue all over writing tickets I do all my shopping, and grocery shopping and dinning in Park Ridge, Niles, Harwood Heights, along with purchasing gas, I DO NOT PATRONIZE CITY BUSINESSES!!!! Why expose my self to the dept. of revenue and their very pimpy tickets, red light cameras, speed cameras? For big tickets items I go outside of cook county or to Wisconsin. I've abondoned the SS TItanic aka The CPD, I'm in my life boat, I'm staying fetal, and I can see the shore. I just have to survive in this life boat 4 yrs till I max out. I'm in my 25th year but don't have the age.....yet. So all I can say if you haven't done so already, abandon ship!!!! Get to your life boat and stay fetal till you can make shore, and collect a pension. This job is DEAD! This department is DEAD! Just survive to escape......

2/09/2016 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I use to work in 6. Stopped in one Sunday morning to check it out. He was actually speaking in tongues. I was ready for the snakes to be pulled out of a box. Hey, if it is part of your religion, cool, but it is not part of the catholic religion. I thought it was a new reality show

2/09/2016 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I'll take out as many parkers and compliance tickets I can find.


Guy on a Bike from Finance.

2/08/2016 02:47:00 PM
put ur money where ur mouth is, request it!

2/09/2016 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to get rid of Phleger?
Contact Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) Catholic Church in Glenview, who successfully kicked his sorry ass to the curb and out of the parish years ago!

2/09/2016 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have carried men to their final resting place in coffins draped by the American Flag. I have flown that our Flag in combat zones. I have placed a Flag draped coffin in the back of a C-5 Galaxy to bring a US Navy Corpsman home from Afghanistan who was KIA. I have seen it flown at Arlington National Cemetery and at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery while attending funerals for veterans. I have folded that flag from a coffin of a Chicago Police Officer killed in the line of duty and presented that flag to his mother. I have saluted it at Morning and Evening Colors aboard bases across this world.
Who the hell does he think is flying some piece of shit rag over our National Ensign?

2/09/2016 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic, but you should know that the city is privatizing the medical section in March. There will be no more cops working there, including the nurses. Looks like they are going to be harassing cops. The change seems to be the brainchild of the Human Resources department.

2/08/2016 10:04:00 AM

Good, shake it up citywide, there is no need for PO's in inside spots. Get them that are afraid to work the streets on the streets. If they don't like it they can leave and find a new job. Hell, if they privatize inside spots it would probably be more efficient anyways

2/09/2016 06:54:00 AM

Yeah,great idea. Wait until the Reverends get their people in there. Along with the BLM crowd.


2/09/2016 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Gran Torino said...

Look how Micheal is like.. demanding to see this officer and talk about why his parishoners are being targetted by Chicago PD. See Michael...the police are out there doing something after all.

2/10/2016 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/08/2016 09:30:00 AM
Must be something new. Back in the late 60's there was a catholic priest who was an alderman. He was against the block busting going on the drew the line on Ashland.

2/09/2016 10:35:00 AM

You are referring to Fr. Francis Lawlor who was on the faculty at St. Rita H.S.
He truly hated seeing the Marquette Park area turn to shit and fought tooth and nail to keep the area from turning into Englewood.
If I recall correctly, the Archdiocese shipped him off to Oklahoma somewhere.

2/10/2016 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I'll take out as many parkers and compliance tickets I can find.


Guy on a Bike from Finance.

2/08/2016 02:47:00 PM
put ur money where ur mouth is, request it!

2/09/2016 02:39:00 PM

I can't. For the simple reason is I am not detailed to the division of this department that works that side of the city.

That side of Chicago is handled by the shift that works out of the 43 & Exchange office and I am detailed out of City Hall for all areas of Chicago from Roosevelt to Juneway Terrace on the North/South and from Lake Michigan to East River Rd on the East/West.


You know who.

2/10/2016 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commandment No. 11: No parking in crosswalks!

2/10/2016 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Finally! Come to the Northside, and witness teams of revenue agents being dropped-off and not picked up until they have written their quotas! Residential and Commercial areas in the 019th, 20th & 24th Districts are saturated by revenue agents. Because the City realizes that Northside Whites are easily intimidated and they PAY their tickets. Unfortunately, businesses are losing business because of the aggressive parking enforcement. The revenue agents would never dare to enforce parking ordinances on the South or West sides with the degree of intensity that is used on the Northside, and you are seeing more and more businesses on Clark Street empty. Customers are afraid to park in parts of Chicago and are taking their business where their is Free Parking! So with all due respect to Fr. Faker's status as an ordained priest; he is once again full of s%@t. Baby"G"

2/08/2016 06:38:00 AM

I get your point and agree with you. However these Department of Revenue do not solely hammer the North Side.
They also hammer the shit out of Beverly, Mt Greenwood, Garfield Ridge, Bridgeport etc. The only areas they avoid like the plague is the ghetto.

2/08/2016 01:41:00 PM

And other not so nice areas. I've routinely worked Austin and Garfield and other "not so great areas while based out of City Hall, and back when I was on the 11a to 7p shift I'd even been assigned to work the 60's and 70's around Stoney and as far south as Rainbow Beach. Never knew that Chicago actually wet as Far East as 3600 until then.

I've had district cops in Austin pull up on me and tell me I should vanish cause the thugs are looking for the revenue fucker that just tore up the hood. I've had our management stop putting me in certain areas of the city due to "anonymous" threats if I ever go back into a specific area. I was sort of surprised that the bangers could read, but I digress. I'm currently working on getting permanently assigned to only work in 017, 016, 024 since I'm in the process of moving out of 019. 41st Ward actually wants me detailed out there on a perm basis as does 39 and 45. Must be doing something right.

2/14/2016 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a body cam...I got my FOID...I just got my IIIA plate mole vest...and I'm carrying daily at work with my CCL. If the City Clerk can do It I can.

2/14/2016 04:03:00 PM  

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