Collateral Damage
Unfortunately, this isn't going to be the only innocent this year:
- A young woman killed by a stray bullet in the Heart of Chicago neighborhood is one of the city's latest victims of gun violence.
Aaren O'Connor had recently moved from California here to Chicago for a new job and to be with her long-distance boyfriend. Her father says he didn't want her to go because of the city's violence problem.
"I pleaded with her when she told me she was going to go to Chicago," her father said. "I said there are much safer places for you to be."
Now, David O'Connor is living the nightmare he always feared. His daughter Aaren was killed on the streets of Chicago after moving here from California.
The 25-year-old brand manager was hit in the head in the 2100-block of W. 21st street by a stray bullet, police say, while sitting in her car Friday after getting home from work.
Not a safe neighborhood by any stretch of the imagination. It's certainly unfortunate that Rahm cut the number of police by over 1,200, hasn't hired to keep pace with attrition resulting in further shortages, and then made an agreement with the ACLU to prevent the remnants of the Department to actually do their jobs safely and effectively.
Labels: crime
pretty much a shit neighborhood.these kids need to wise up,shitcago is not a safe place.
RIP prayers sent to family.
I feel sorry for this life lost to Street violence. It's said the couple didn't move somewhere else. Everyone is moving out and two good people unaware and moved in. Tell everyone move away.
I will be leaving in three more years. I encouraged my kids to move away and thank God they made it out of here.
I am far from a legal expert but would it be possible to sue the parties responsible for cutting the police to an unsafe level? Maybe one of the real victims from a shooting not some gang banger could sue.
Of course and Rahm is having a party watching it everyday , he doesn't care!!!!
twice a month guys $$$... I cant wait to be Ted Dibiasi
You need to teach the thugs how to shoot. Maybe then they won't kill innocent kids or grandmothers.
And they will also clean out the thug pool quicker. Win-Win?
Many innocent people will be sacrificed and yet only one group of people will be held to blame: the police. The real criminals (aclu, ipra, rahm, ect) will point (and kinda point), the sheeple will bleat, the pols will spew their lunacy and nothing will turn around the carnage because they have legalized criminality and have given aid and comfort to the enemies of civil society. The Rahmicides will continue unabated and the purveyors of anarchy will ignor the blood dripping from their hands. I would like to say "shame" on those who manipulated the current killing field mentality but they are incapable of feeling shame or accepting responsibility.
Please stay safe my brothers and sisters. Work STRICTLY by the book, don't believe anyone who tells you they have your back. There is no more "gray area" policing. Work safe, work fetal. Your family and friends want you and need you in their lives.
Come to Chicago and die in a senseless act of violence!
Sign me up!
But we're witnessing the first fruits of Rahm's War
Against Police and Policing that have made
the street criminal class of people and folks
so bold and brazen.
An actual FATHER, has to prepare to bury his child.
That is the tragedy here...
Maybe Rahm should meet with the man so as to
help him get behind the reasons why his little girl
won't be coming home again.
What a shame!
A police department short 20% and politicians who won't let you work!
As more innocent died at the hands of Savages!
How would the police have stopped this particular shooting from happening?
Oh well....when their culture changes this will stop. Until then, get low.
Life in Pilsen
Rahm doesn't care about that hr celebrates shootings !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are they even reporting such news Citizens don't care they prefer to protest police shootings or where are they now all that circus for what !!! Waste of time !!!!!.
Everyone needs to write to Bishop Cupich and complain. This is ridiculous and the church needs to feel the pressure. Stop donating until he stops this nonsense
The Mayor, Corporation Counsel & ACLU are all to blame for the carnage that is the direct result of the "agreement" foisted upon CPD and the public.
Lets not blame Rahm for everything. CPD cops are a very expensive resource. Rahn had to cut the force to what the city can afford. If very few to none volunteer to join the force than Rahm cannot very well increase the numbers. As for the ACLU, they have the weight of the law, the DOJ and probably the white house behind them. Their noble mission is to protect the persecuted minorities. Wake up and face reality.
The only way to change the current wave of stupidity is to have the silent 80% start beating the drum! It's unfortunate that the 80% are hard working busy family people who are to busy in their day to day lives. Until the 80% make.noise the politicians only listen to the 20% who beat the drum. Has anyone heard the rumor that St Jude's might be cancelled this year?
Whoever steered her toward that neighborhood gave her some bad advice.
SCC, didn't you watch the Super Bowl?
Why no mention of Beyonce, her anti police, pro black panther performance!
Not a safe neighborhood, only 2 miles from the McCormick Place.
Fine, move to Chicago, but that neighborhood?
But this is what the PEOPLE want.
The PEOPLE demand that the police withdraw from their streets.
The PEOPLE demand that the police department convert itself to a social service.
The PEOPLE demand that the ACLU and their champions run the police department.
The PEOPLE refuse to cooperate with the police to solve any crimes.
The PEOPLE will tolerate whatever crime they want to.
Give the PEOPLE what they want.
Just watched the abc7 news report, yes got tears in my eyes as I have 2 daughters in her (may she RIP) age group! Well rahms you 50 cowards more innocent blood on your hands! Did you waste more billions on bike lanes, phony Chicago Fire disgrace on the lake, DePaul stadiums, criminal inc Maggie Daley parks, more body guards for the mayor and treasuer Toni and city clerk? Have you mayor the 50 anti-police media looked in the mirror at who was responsible and continues to be responsible for this carnage? You have bastardized the police every chance you clowns get, you have decimated hiring you have blood all over your hands of innocents. You going to call the doj, the aclu, more attorneys to attack police? Oh forgot you already did this destroying this city, destroying the thin blue line that not long ago prevented much innocent blood and anarchy and mayhem! Hey Johnny and your going after coppers for beat tags and nonsense resign all of you please!
Poor girl moved here watch video Father talked to her her head hurt she told him, shot in the head by the Italian restaurant area the "heart of Chicago" area they call it! More like killing fields elected? I'm sick to my stomach again, live on beat 811 but retiring soon was going to retire here now looking elsewhere you have allowed this to happen then you pay out throw away tax money to thugs pathetic and disgraceful rant/off
Based upon those facts the poor father should sue the city and the Murder Mayor too. Now many will discount this as an unforeseen accident but the shit heads have become emboldened and will continue to victimize others until met with greater force. RIP Miss O'Conner
I'd be pissed at the jagoff who told her to move to that area. When people come here from other States these greedy real estate pricks build up these shit areas as places to live.
Unfortunately a lot of people who are from out of state, the suburbs, etc. don't know which neighborhoods are safer and which ones are more prone to violent criminal activities. These rental agents, real estate agents and websites market certain neighborhoods as cool, hip, urban, etc. where all of the other young people are, so it has to be safe and decent right? The rents are higher so it has to be a safe area right? Wrong. On top of that now that our hands as police officers are tied, robberies and burglaries are going to get worse in all of these hip, urban, gentrifying neighborhoods.
Gun violence? I suppose that is the PC way to say it. Can't call it black violence, may piss off the wrong people and they would have to peacefully protest while "fire violence" breaks out.
I've owned a lot of guns, rifles and pistols, in the last 45 years but never owned or even seen one with a proclivity towards violence.
Gun violence, wrong place wrong time, robbery, home invasion "gone wrong", all this Politically Correct bullshit is getting old.
Your referencing makes it glaringly clear what the problem in Chicago is.
What's the answer? Attacking the police is not the answer. How about supporting the police, support from citizens and supervisors.
Guess that's not politically correct. Politicians can't address the elephant in the room when it's also in their mirror.
So keep your heads down, watch out for one another and stay safe.
I sleep easier at night knowing that my daughter finally moved out of Chiraq, out of the county, and out of the state.
Three Bridgeview men go to Northern Indiana to collect a debt -two are stabbed, the third is now missing and presumed dead.
OakForest as een visited by chalkie - three found dead in a house.
I'll lay odds that Rahm won't make any sympathy calls to this victim's family.
Hey tax collector: the flea markets are selling colored-sweetened-water by the tub full..................are they paying TAXES? $3.00 for a cup O'crap - how much is the city and state getting in beverage tax?
ACLU has blood on their hands.
Force mitigation general order, has anybody actually looked at it and dissected it? Anybody else get the idea it's a bullshit general order meant to leave the officer holding the bag alone? This gets put out with the intention of freeing the city/dept of liability, jamming you up or leaving you second guessing yourself, but the Sup wants you to know he has your back. Combine that with ISR's and receipts, Ipra taking lead on OIS, body and in car cameras, being forced to carry tasers, fake merit supervision or scared bosses, gps, aclu dictating policy, biased media etc etc and you should be left with the only conclusion which is ...
It's sad and you know its gonna happen again. This city is a shithole. BLM ACLU protecting the thugs letting them do what they want that's what happens.
Isnt't that right around the corner from 010?
Lets not blame Rahm for everything. CPD cops are a very expensive resource. Rahn had to cut the force to what the city can afford. If very few to none volunteer to join the force than Rahm cannot very well increase the numbers. As for the ACLU, they have the weight of the law, the DOJ and probably the white house behind them. Their noble mission is to protect the persecuted minorities. Wake up and face reality.
God, I hope this was sarcasm. If not you are one stupid liberal fuck.
All the arts in type kids are moving into Pilsen, west Pilsen etc. Take a look at 18th st. Halsted from about 15th to 22nd st. Many art studios and U of I students. In Bridgeport on Morgan from 31st to 35th artist replacing the gangs. I would rather havecrhem.
Maybe father faker should this guy and explain how it is all the fault of the poleece and see what response he gets!
A tragic and unfortunate incident.
Ain't no pity in Donkey City.
The indigenous folks of Pilsen (S-D Town - is not to be confused with San Diego) have been gnawing on lead from the window sills of the bohemian 3 flats since the 1960's and catching lead between the eyes since the 70's. Whatya expect from the barrio? Suspecting this is one less vote for Bernie, didn't they think something like this would eventually happen in this horseshit town?
Why in the world would whitie even think of living in a ghetto, walking pale targets.
Back in the day the "Italians" controlled that area the illegals and thugs have invaded, what ever happened to the "Tony Soprano" type crew! How many thousand police are we down? Personnel said we are loosing 1700-3000 coppers this year, the city is saying no more 55 and out free medical after this contract which expires in June 2017!
I watched that video on abc7 why is it that the scum-times the fibune no coverage? Nothing on the cover? father faker on the cover with 2 parking tickets that punk gets all the media!If a copper so much as picked his nose it would be on the front page, now a nice innocent girl murdered, father told her not to come in this crime ridden city and she is murdered! You have exempt rank club running around writing up coppers for nonsense, charlie ramsey mr $350.00 per hour where is waldo?
Hope the rahm bunch are ashamed, will rahm send his armored tahoes to pick up this girls family and take them to city hall and offer a big payout and condolences like he did for the scumbag that attacked police with the baseball bat, the same kid crazed and on drugs! come on rahm your a pandering disgrace!
"Wake up and Face reality"
I hope your family is not a victim of one of the noble ACLU products. You fuckin liberal piece of excrement!!!
Yeah this city is done. You have maybe 3 years to sell your property. Thing is this last shit show was the worst cause not only did the dance troupe of BLM block lawful entry into public/private area's but the spineless leadership of the city showed they had the guts of a jelly fish. It will only get worse as the welfare bums and criminals get more and more empowered.
Already they run the street corners dealing drugs and shooting. The thugs run the fucking streets and we cant do anything about it cause the Bosses will shit their pants if we lock them up for anything but a smoking gun in hand. Dont any of you young guys believe their bullshit that they will back you cause they wont. You get in a face to face with one of these gangsta's and end up locking him up these Bosses will shit all over you while pandering to the shit head.
They are out for themselves and their own careers. To be fair these DOJ clowns will be up their ass's too so even good Boss's have to be very careful as well.
DONT get emotionally involved in anything these animals do. Its 9 hours and a payday.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How would the police have stopped this particular shooting from happening?
2/09/2016 04:40:00 AM
Funny you should ask, smug smart-ass...
Everybody was gonna ask YOU the same thing.
"Well, if only you Cops would do et cetera, &c and so on..."
The elected official class, the anti-Police agendists and the
media, have so firmly inserted themselves into Policing and
made such a horrible mess of it in the relentless pursuit of
pandering to the perpetual urban criminal underclass so as
to keep them lounging contentedly on the Alinsky inspired
"Progressive" democratic voting slave plantation of Chicago.
The REAL slaves are the more or less undefended, unprotected,
unadvocated for, intentionally walked backwards with a wrist-crank
tax paying chumps who have proven altogether way too nice to
fight back against their intentional diminishment and destruction.
Chicago will remain hellish until THESE people get mean, mad,
and take on unyielding anger, teach it to their children and take
their city back by force.
Rahm & Co.
Daley Inc.
The media.
The pandered-to,
perpetual criminal
Will not give up their ill-gotten gains so easily.
In the meantime, slanted, glancingly rhetorical, altogether
smug and smartassed questions like, "How would the police
have stopped this particular shooting from happening?"
will continue to be asked.
The righteous answers demand hard hands around the neck
of the status quo...
In answer to how the police could have stopped this tragedy from happening? This current version of CPD could not have stopped it. Even if they wanted too. 1000 new police promised by the tiny ballerina turned into minus 1500 police officers. Merging districts 12 and 13 diluted police coverage of that area. Combining 5 detective areas into 3 overloaded detective cases and clearances. Promoting incompetent political hacks to positions of command and letting them make decisions has consequences. Allowing the ACLU to dictate how street stops are to be conducted. She didn't have a chance.
Before the tiny ballerina, the odds are the police could have made a difference. They would have noticed that there was a spike in any of the following quality of life issues,burglaries,robberies,aggravated assaults,homicides,etc. They would have saturated the affected areas, first with the beat and/or sector cars to nip it at the bud. The detective area supervisor would have notified the local commander of a spike in such crimes and the location. The commander then would call on his local resources(gang and tact teams via his tact LT.) to address the problem. Local gang bangers would be stopped and questioned. Information regarding the problem would be obtained. Surveillance of the problem area would generate an arrest. Gang bangers would not walk or drive around with guns, because the police would arrest them. There would be no closing of beaches due to heat(wilding) There would be no flash mobs. ODDS are this young girl from California might still be alive. But this new police department is not what it once was. To the father and family of Aaren O'Conner my condolences.
out of state. out of the country. they all come to chicago. to meet their end.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'll lay odds that Rahm won't make any sympathy calls to this victim's family.
2/09/2016 09:41:00 AM
Well shit!
The media can FOI Rahm al-Ghoul's cell phone records
to see if he asked what race/ethnicity this young woman was.
That would determine whether the victim's family get a sympathy
call from a man proven to not have a sympathetic bone in his
flexible, weasel-like little body.
A full-on deeply closeted and afflicted sociopath who just
passingly resembles an actual human being.
Is he going to break out the fuzzy sweater of contrition again?
Vile little prick...
He'd piss on the back of your pant leg if you were using
his favorite urinal.
Vary sad! Girl comes here for a job, a boyfriend nice girl father tells her not to come due to the extreme violence, she is murdered and where are the front page stories on television news? how about the Chicago papers? guess they don't want to put failure on elected on front burner, but if a copper looked the wrong way bam "fallen star" story! funny how scumtimes keeps putting picture of finnegan and mcdermott forward, finnegan is in jail, mcdermott was unjustly fired no victim no crime right boss #1 john, and boss $350.00 per hour 32 Charlie?
wonder how much tourism is being destroyed due to war against police, how many coppers down? Actual numbers city hall! is it 1500or3500? Where are all the new 400+ new police explorers promised? is there a delay is shipping as the plant is in Chicago? Maybe a delay in paying elected?
"noble mission">> you are a major part of the problem... stupid, stupid, stupid.
My sympathy to her family. On behalf of the decent, tax paying citizens of Chicago, my apologies. It is politics that murdered this girl. Our mayor wants your daughter treated the same has the low life who pulled the trigger. It is so very sad.
With the increased numbers of supervisors will come more blue shirts. I see st lest another 600-1000 added to our budgeted strength. Still not nearly enough but I'll take anything at this point
But holding the beat car on a post shooting mission will do a lot of good. More useless futility from HQ bosses looking for any way they can to appear pro-active.
Three Bridgeview men go to Northern Indiana to collect a debt -two are stabbed, the third is now missing and presumed dead.
2/09/2016 09:38:00 AM
Sounds like the intro to a really good joke "three Bridgeview men go to Northern Indiana to collect a debt..." Well, at least I laughed.
The BLM leader said that the whole city needed to suffer, that's why they blocked the Water Tower during the Christmas shopping season. They act like animals and we pay, get used to it Chicago, it's your fault.
How would the police have stopped this particular shooting from happening?
2/09/2016 04:40:00 AM
It's a cumulative thing, less police, more crime. Kids grow up with no rules, no father guiding them towards hard work to get advance thenselves, they turn feral.
Is that simple enough for you?
This kind of tragedy will continue until the politicians reverse the damage done by BLM and the ACLU. They can start by repealing Ill. Senate Bill 1304, which requires the stupid, unnecessary, massive ACLU paperwork for a street stop.
Anonymous said...
Lets not blame Rahm for everything. CPD cops are a very expensive resource. Rahn had to cut the force to what the city can afford. If very few to none volunteer to join the force than Rahm cannot very well increase the numbers. As for the ACLU, they have the weight of the law, the DOJ and probably the white house behind them. Their noble mission is to protect the persecuted minorities. Wake up and face reality.
2/09/2016 06:55:00 AM
I hope this is a joke. If not, I certainly would like to know what community this douche lives in.Probably some rich white and safe area. Maybe even a college professor ? You know the type, they know everything a book can tell them and are eager to pass it on to you and tell you how to do your job and how to live. Naive and stupid is no way to go through life.
That neighborhood blows, don't care how many decent people move there. It's still surrounded by shit.sorry for your
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lets not blame Rahm for everything. CPD cops are a very expensive resource. Rahn had to cut the force to what the city can afford. If very few to none volunteer to join the force than Rahm cannot very well increase the numbers. As for the ACLU, they have the weight of the law, the DOJ and probably the white house behind them. Their noble mission is to protect the persecuted minorities. Wake up and face reality.
God, I hope this was sarcasm. If not you are one stupid liberal fuck.
Chicago has only so much money to spend. It is not like the city can just print money like the feds can.
The reality of things is that police work is changing, at least in part due to widespread video that shows what it sometimes has become. People by and large do not want mental patients shot by police when there are other less violent means to deal with them, such as just waiting them out. Every time a cop shoots someone and there was another way out it makes every cop look like a trigger happy nut, even if that is not generally the case.
Other departments have found ways to deal with this problem, and Chicago PD will eventually figure it out as well, or the USDOJ will figure it out for the department.
You forgot about "street violence". That's another popular term used to hide the real perps. Street violence, sidewalk violence, alley violence, stair violence, etc etc. everything but the real cause of violence.
Someone mentioned the 80% speaking out. I think it's more like 98%. The shitty 2% is gaining the eyes and ears of the media. It's about time the 98% speak up and crush the politicians and media with their voices that must be heard.
Hey Toni, "too many people of color in jail" ? I don't think so, seems to me like, "no where near enough people of color in jail".
The facts don't lie but I suppose according to you the " facts can be racist too you know".
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lets not blame Rahm for everything. CPD cops are a very expensive resource. Rahn had to cut the force to what the city can afford. If very few to none volunteer to join the force than Rahm cannot very well increase the numbers. As for the ACLU, they have the weight of the law, the DOJ and probably the white house behind them. Their noble mission is to protect the persecuted minorities. Wake up and face reality.
2/09/2016 06:55:00 AM
Let me guess, you still put out milk and cookies for santa with the hope that you're gonna get one whole dollar from the tooth fairy for that tooth underneath your pillow? Get back inside your mom's basement and go troll somewhere else.
Lets not blame Rahm for everything. CPD cops are a very expensive resource. Rahn had to cut the force to what the city can afford. If very few to none volunteer to join the force than Rahm cannot very well increase the numbers. As for the ACLU, they have the weight of the law, the DOJ and probably the white house behind them. Their noble mission is to protect the persecuted minorities. Wake up and face reality.
2/09/2016 06:55:00 AM
So I'm wondering: What color are the unicorns today in your world and what flavor Kool-aid is being served?
But we're witnessing the first fruits of Rahm's War
Against Police and Policing that have made
the street criminal class of people and folks
so bold and brazen.
An actual FATHER, has to prepare to bury his child.
That is the tragedy here...
Maybe Rahm should meet with the man so as to
help him get behind the reasons why his little girl
won't be coming home again.
2/09/2016 03:07:00 AM
Dad isn't a Chicago voter, so there's nothing in it for Rahm.
There won't be any phone call.
"Not a safe neighborhood by any stretch of the imagination. It's certainly unfortunate that Rahm cut the number of police by over 1,200, hasn't hired to keep pace with attrition resulting in further shortages,he couldn't promote"
Not so short that he couldn't promote a new batch of Lt.s at 130g per promotion.
Good Governance continuing to work it's magic.
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...
Whoever steered her toward that neighborhood gave her some bad advice.
2/09/2016 07:11:00 AM
amen. i lived in several different metro areas before coming back and getting on the job. when you are young and dont know, unless you got street smarts,you very well may wind up like this poor girl.mommas....let your babys grow up to be cowboys....far far away from any shit hole like this and dad, check out the city/neighborhood where junior or missy want to go to college.i mean check it may be surprised about some.
Jim Keating hits it big the boy with the golden spoon!!!!!!
Lets not blame Rahm for everything. CPD cops are a very expensive resource. Rahn had to cut the force to what the city can afford. If very few to none volunteer to join the force than Rahm cannot very well increase the numbers. As for the ACLU, they have the weight of the law, the DOJ and probably the white house behind them. Their noble mission is to protect the persecuted minorities. Wake up and face reality.
Ok, I almost agree with you're perspective ACLU, the DOJ, and the White House influence. Ah, maybe not....But, yes blame Rahm for everything. He cut 1200 officers from the budget, and failed to replace the 2000 that retired. DID HE DO IT TO SAVE MONEY???DID YOU'RE TAXES GO DOWN IT WAS SO EXPENSIVE?? No, he took that money and gave away free shit to get reelected. He did not cut to save money, he cut to spend the money on free shit for bust outs. So yes, this lack of Police is Rahms fault...period!!! Go back in you're basement and drink the kool-aid!!!
Old Retired Guy 6yrs
Sorry for the families loss.. It's a hard bite to swallow when innocent lives are a product of ACLU human testing. Every citizen in Chicago needs to apply for CCL license and carry a weapon. Protect yourself & your love ones. Shame on Rahm, the ACLU, the alderman, and the heavy Clouted CPD brass that feed these citizens crap that the citizens are safe from gun violence. Hey, I have an idea make more Lts & Sgt's from headquarters that never worked the street.. 20% meritorious can kiss my @**.
OT did anyone read about the granny that kicked the deputy? Mandatory 6 year sentence because her 2 armed robbery convictions. Her reaction? Shes upset cuz da gubmintz gonna cut her section 8 and all the other cheese. Un-f'n-believable
Hey, I have an idea make more Lts & Sgt's from headquarters that never worked the street.. 20% meritorious can kiss my @**.
It's 30% for white shirt promotions.
May she rest in peace and may God's light shine upon her. Very much reminds me of the Natasha McShane incident. There is truth that bad things happen to good people. I pray that if there is a judgement day, the shitheads and schemers like Rahm, Obama, DeBlasio and other politically correct assholes will be made to suffer like their actions have caused suffering to others.
Let's not blame the young ladies choice in neighborhoods, she is an innocent victim of the escalating violence in this city. This falls directly at the feet of Emanuel. His own kid was the victim of violent crime and he wanted it hushed up. If he treats crime against his family as no big deal, the rest of us are certainly of no concern to him. Maybe victims should sue the city itself for violating the civil rights of victims by not protecting them as they are required to do.
i don't care if my daughter works another day in her life even with all her damn degrees. i'd rather she be living up here in the upper peninsula with my wife and me and not living in that shithole of a city where here life is in endangered. she has a concealed carry permit, but what good does that do her, she works at CPS and couldn't carry a gun if she wanted to.
Thank God I retired and we are out of that city.
Got thirty inches of snow in the lat 54 hours. But I don't have to worry about getting shot at (unless some drunk during deer season (nov 15-30).
Chicago has only so much money to spend. It is not like the city can just print money like the feds can.
ONLY HAS SO MUCH MONEY TO SPEND..HA!! Lets see where the money is spent..Depaul stadium for a useless team$55mil, maggie park where a park already existed $50 mil,a TIF fund with$ 1.7 billion. Millions to company's that promise to bring jobs by the hundreds but never happens. And most important the cities biggest Budget cost ,police ,with over $3 billion which includes 12,500 officers and equipment. Now remember, this amount is already included every year in the city budget. Yet we are down to probably 9,000 total for the whole dept.That means bosses and the like. Where is the money for the 3,500 that are missing from the force. At $100 k a person.And cars with over 150 k miles that should have been replaced 3 years ago.And have u looked at the amount of condo s and buildings going up in the city. Thats alot of tax revenue. So please RAHM, get of the blog with ur lies.
The ACLU does not live in reality or in the practical world. Please tell me how many of their board members, or employees, or whatever the fuck they are called live in dangerous neighborhoods. They don't! They live in their safe little conclaves, like all the other fucking liberals who say one thing and do another. The blood of innocents is on the hands of ignorant, foolish, naive activists, ministers, politicians, media-types and the ACLU! I hope they all receive a recompense at the hands and ideas of their own making and proportionate to their own misguided views.
Sgt's from headquarters that never worked the street.. 20% meritorious can kiss my @**.
More like 50 percent if you count the cheaters. You know who you are. Number 2 on the list. C.Papa. Explain how you were a merit hack Sgt who worked in 018 and all Cush jobs to end up number 2 on the Lt's list? Cheated. It's not over tough guy and I will prove it along with the others including the IAD cover up about the secret study group at 35th street.
Condolences to the family. This is the result from the agreement by the ACLU and Emanuel to make police fill a 2 page report for every thug low life encounter. This is enforced by IPRA and the US Dept. Of Justice. In general short staffed police are told to leave thugs and all offenders alone. Stay fetal my friends.
Back in the day, in "the Patch" (the Grand Ave crew) would have the offenders deep in a sewer during the winter frost only to be discovered dring the spring thaw. Missing posters at the public library on 2300 blk of Chicago Ave. Now enter the ACLU.
To "NAC" at 4:07
No other cities haven't figured out how to deal with all the crazies gangs and vicious criminals who have been all but glorified by the likes of our pandering politicians, they just haven't yet experienced our especially vicious brand of black criminal here in Chicago. That combined with the Ferguson effect and the "ghetto lottery" provided by our brain dead politicians, is causing a new breed of criminal and the black code of Silence , if not legitimizes the violence sure causes the "non-criminal" black majority to ignor the Problem and God forbid, help the Police find the killers. When that new vicious criminal element spreads to the suburbs and those other cities that don't have a clue yet, you will see what an utter failure the "yes sir", white glove policy of dealing with these criminals and their "silent partners", the black citizens , really is. I don't know what the answer is because our liberal politicians can never let it go back to the days of gloves off policing. This litigious society will prevent that. I and my fellow Police Officers and retired police officers will survive, as we are prepared to protect ourselves and love one's, as for you "good citizens", the prognosis is not so good.
I can't believe some of these either dumb or naive comments. The city is not broke, tiff funds, secret accounts. If the city FIRED 28 of these 50 alderman we would be alright. Alderman receive $117,333 for a part time job.. So 117,333 times 28 is $3,285,324 yearly plus there expense free account. Hmmm? You could hire more police with that kind of money. Have 22 districts you should have 22 alderman... Ring Ring Ring! My alarm clock just woke me up.. This is Croock county, Chiraq, and shitillinois...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
With the increased numbers of supervisors will come more blue shirts. I see st lest another 600-1000 added to our budgeted strength. Still not nearly enough but I'll take anything at this point
2/09/2016 12:44:00 PM
The Great Karnak has risen!
The reality of things is that police work is changing, at least in part due to widespread video that shows what it sometimes has become. People by and large do not want mental patients shot by police when there are other less violent means to deal with them, such as just waiting them out. Every time a cop shoots someone and there was another way out it makes every cop look like a trigger happy nut, even if that is not generally the case.
Your right. You and other libtards would rather have mentals killing officers. And FUCK YOU if you think this City DOESN'T have money. Just remember the city doesn't have money because the media tells you that. Everything and every crisis in Chicago is orchestrated by the polictians to create an agenda.
The girls father is a retired Border/Customs agent. Very sad
Going back a few years that beat was always leading the district in homicides with their gang wars. If you had to attend a beat meeting it was bizarre, with most of the people bitching about not having parking spaces around their houses! Shootings were a way of life?
Just recently there was a news story about a new business on Ashland being tagged with "whites out of Pilsen" graffiti?
Ya, that's the heart of Chicago!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How would the police have stopped this particular shooting from happening?
2/09/2016 04:40:00 AM
More cops on the streets might have meant that he was locked up prior to the shooting for something unrelated. Now, the cops are just running from BS job to job because of the shotage.
To the father of Aren O'Connor and all others who have lost loved ones to Chicago violence. This city used to be a proud crime fighting machine. That was back when any cities number one priority was serving their citizens by protecting them from any type of crime or violence. What happened was that the Chicago Police Department was graced by selfless men who fought for our country on foreign soil and then came home and fought for the law abiding people of our city. They were so effective the county jail was always in court because of overcrowding. Now they are closing whole divisions of crook county jail because there were to many folks and people of color in the jails. Folks and people are voters also. It seems that their vote is more valuable than the lives of innocent people. Tourism, job seekers, corporations, retirees usually list the most important factor when considering a city and that is the crime rate. For those with families who are looking to relocate, after crime rate, public education is the second most important factor followed by cost of living. Judging from Chicago's last place finish in all 3 of these categories, Chicago has positioned itself to become the next Detroit. And just think, this was all made possible by those who live by the law of the jungle and the politicians who covet their votes over those who live by the law of the land.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lets not blame Rahm for everything. CPD cops are a very expensive resource. Rahn had to cut the force to what the city can afford. If very few to none volunteer to join the force than Rahm cannot very well increase the numbers. As for the ACLU, they have the weight of the law, the DOJ and probably the white house behind them. Their noble mission is to protect the persecuted minorities. Wake up and face reality.
God, I hope this was sarcasm. If not you are one stupid liberal fuck.
Chicago has only so much money to spend. It is not like the city can just print money like the feds can.
The reality of things is that police work is changing, at least in part due to widespread video that shows what it sometimes has become. People by and large do not want mental patients shot by police when there are other less violent means to deal with them, such as just waiting them out. Every time a cop shoots someone and there was another way out it makes every cop look like a trigger happy nut, even if that is not generally the case.
Other departments have found ways to deal with this problem, and Chicago PD will eventually figure it out as well, or the USDOJ will figure it out for the department.
Eurika NAC!!!!!I figured out the solution! You go to 26th and California and wait for the poor down trodden prisoners to be released...THEN....adopt one or two of them, bring them home to live with you in your nice comfy house where you all can live happily ever after!
Maybe others like you can take part in this "adopt-a-con" program....I'll even donate CD's of "Let There Be Peace," "Kumbaya," and "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing." Yes, I'm showing my age.
Anonymous said...
Let's not blame the young ladies choice in neighborhoods, she is an innocent victim of the escalating violence in this city. This falls directly at the feet of Emanuel. His own kid was the victim of violent crime and he wanted it hushed up. If he treats crime against his family as no big deal, the rest of us are certainly of no concern to him. Maybe victims should sue the city itself for violating the civil rights of victims by not protecting them as they are required to do.
2/09/2016 09:23:00 PM
May she RIP, look at rahms neighborhood his own son gets robbed, his area how much violent crime? This is a clown that cannot even protect his own area, weakness shows and he is weak! Notice how hillary is sinking so fast, his lifeline is sunk, now when trump takes office how long before rahm has the doj turning from looking at CPD, to arriving at city hall not for coffee but for the criminal investigations?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sgt's from headquarters that never worked the street.. 20% meritorious can kiss my @**.
More like 50 percent if you count the cheaters. You know who you are. Number 2 on the list. C.Papa. Explain how you were a merit hack Sgt who worked in 018 and all Cush jobs to end up number 2 on the Lt's list? Cheated. It's not over tough guy and I will prove it along with the others including the IAD cover up about the secret study group at 35th street.
2/09/2016 11:25:00 PM
lie box?? do I hear lie box? What's your name? did you cheat? what is you star#? did you cheat?
fucking lie box to get hired but nothing for cheating on a promotion test? Have you no shame Mayor Emmanuel? shame shame
She moved into that decrepit area, many young not knowing out of towners live there! What ever happened to the Italian bunch that protected the restaurant area there? How many officers are we down again? Law enforcement in Chicago is a trivial pursuit thanks to the corruption and hate the police attitude in many areas that the media constantly stokes the flames!
May this girl beautiful girl RIP, may her killers be caught and rot in prison then in hell, hope Trump puts in federal death penalties when he takes office it would reduce crime!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
To the father of Aren O'Connor and all others who have lost loved ones to Chicago violence. This city used to be a proud crime fighting machine. That was back when any cities number one priority was serving their citizens by protecting them from any type of crime or violence. What happened was that the Chicago Police Department was graced by selfless men who fought for our country on foreign soil and then came home and fought for the law abiding people of our city. They were so effective the county jail was always in court because of overcrowding. Now they are closing whole divisions of crook county jail because there were to many folks and people of color in the jails. Folks and people are voters also. It seems that their vote is more valuable than the lives of innocent people. Tourism, job seekers, corporations, retirees usually list the most important factor when considering a city and that is the crime rate. For those with families who are looking to relocate, after crime rate, public education is the second most important factor followed by cost of living. Judging from Chicago's last place finish in all 3 of these categories, Chicago has positioned itself to become the next Detroit. And just think, this was all made possible by those who live by the law of the jungle and the politicians who covet their votes over those who live by the law of the land.
2/10/2016 11:40:00 AM
Could not of said it any better! Rising violent crime rate, failed budget,terrible public schools link cards everywhere!
Lets not blame Rahm for everything. CPD cops are a very expensive resource. Rahm had to cut the force to what the city can afford.
Ok let's try to put this statement in prospective. A typical sheepdog can herd, guide and protect a flock of up to 1000 sheep. When the population of the wolf surges due to no natural predators more sheep dogs will be needed to protect the herd because of the upsurge in the wolf population. When you pull the canine teeth from the Sheepdog and castrate him he is just as vulnerable as the sheep. He is no longer that once proud and fearless protector of those who cannot protect themselves. Effectively this is what is occurring in Chicago. The ACLU's anti-police doctrine along with Rahm's doing more with less strategy has turned everyone in this city into prey. By placing the wolf on the endangered species list, allowing their packs and dens to multiply and flourish with no natural predators on the horizon, they will soon dominate the landscape until the ranchers take matters into their own hands.
Anonymous said...
i don't care if my daughter works another day in her life even with all her damn degrees. i'd rather she be living up here in the upper peninsula with my wife and me and not living in that shithole of a city where here life is in endangered. she has a concealed carry permit, but what good does that do her, she works at CPS and couldn't carry a gun if she wanted to.
Thank God I retired and we are out of that city.
Got thirty inches of snow in the lat 54 hours. But I don't have to worry about getting shot at (unless some drunk during deer season (nov 15-30).
2/09/2016 10:51:00 PM
It's nice living in a civilized no-man's land. I'm much further south (80 degrees last week) but I know what you mean.
Leaving San Diego to move to Chicago? A tragic decision.
City is done. You have maybe 5 years to sell and get anything for your house.
This story is front page news in today's Trib.
Hey NAC! (aka Flounder)
It's been a while since you've said something utterly stupid, I thought you were back on your meds!
The most non-violent means to prevent mentally ill people from committing violent crime is facilities for them and requirements that they take their meds! Cops don't hope to shoot a mental during their career. Many CPD officers have been killed in the line of duty by a mental. P.O. Richard Francis used the most non-violent method of all to deal with a mental on a bus, verbal direction. The outcome was her ambushing him, taking his gun, executing him and then shooting it out with responding police. All of this occurred in front of a police station at Belmont and Western in a quiet district on midnights.
I suppose seeing One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest makes you an expert on how to deal with the mentally ill.
Get a life.
This is where the mental health facilities fail their patients. The doctors mis-diagnose their patients sometimes to keep them as patients as 85% are supposed to recover and resume their "normal" lifestyle. and some is probably racism. Whatever. I have noticed that officers are somewhat careless when dealing with the mentally ill, not protecting their guns in case the person might try to grab it, or doing as little as possible like talking to them then getting in their vehicle and leave with nothing having been settled. Dangerous mental are supposed to be reported to the police department by doctors, too but I doubt if they do it.
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