Sunday, January 08, 2017


So what are the real reasons behind the lack of ISR's? Here's a theory from the comments that rings somewhat true:
  • The old Contact Card system was good, originally, but then Jodie Weis, Garry McCarthy, and a long list of "bosses," both at headquarters and in the districts, turned those cards into a numbers game, asking for "more! more!" contact cards.

    The result? Officers on foot patrol were even doing unnecessary contact cards on ordinary drivers and passengers involved in minor traffic crashes, all with the knowledge of their sergeants, and the then (now retired) district commander, to keep up with the Superintendent's unreasonable demands for more and more cards. This destroyed the intent and value of the original database of contact cards. No wonder a lawsuit was filed over these, now, ridiculous and useless cards. The gold stars and bosses ruined that card database system with their unreasonable demands, and now they have to live with it.

    The new ISR system actually has some value. At least, reasonable suspicion has to be written out in detail, and most bosses know that it would be unwise to ask for "more and more" ISRs.

    DO NOT bring back the "easy" contact cards. It will only allow the bosses the opportunity to demand quotas from officers, and destroy the whole system again. Some people never learn.
This is what happens when you bring in "business" type practices to police work...bean counters attempting to quantify the uncountable. How do you measure crimes prevented? You can't, so you come up with some number counting nonsense that allows you to say, "Look at all the work we're doing!"

And it's all bullshit. Look where its gotten us to. And the people most responsible? Nowhere to be found.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

014 3rd watch lt doesn't get. Saying to do nothing but your job (answering your calls and doing reports) is not enough to justify yourself. Goes on to say "in the corporate world you would be let go" . After all the shit that has happend to this department this is what a new Lt says to a officer!!! Put this under Unfuckingbelieveable!!!!!

1/08/2017 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the old contact card became a way for do-nothing, scared police who don't know how to police to do busy work and generate easy activity.

I knew something was wrong when a shitbird bustout would wander over on auto pilot and say, " you gonna do another contact card on me?"


The contact card before the one before this one was a little longer. It was also the result of civil rights groups saying stops were arbitrary and unfair, so the contact card was used to document and justify your stop AFTER no arrest had been made but the stop was valid and necessary in the process of some sort of investigation.

When it got shortened to cheesy activity it became a stupid way to just turn something in... "hey, you, come here, it's no big deal, I just need your info for this card..."

The dumb card became the purpose rather than the consequence of the stop. Stupid.

1/08/2017 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup this is so true. These dope bosses turned the contact card into a stat and demanded them just for self promotion. Totally destroying what the card was supposed to be used for, an investigative tool. I'm sure by killing the contact card it also effected the Dets investigations too. They used them to put the pieces together solving crimes. But now the bosses made the blue cards "TSSS" cards their new contract card. They run missions for them, ask for them, etc. It's the new contact card and I'm sure once some group sees the massive increase in TSSS cards that correlates to the same time ISRs started, red flags will fly. It's a no brainer.

1/08/2017 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim Fox's chief administrator open an investigation with a special prosecutor to investigate something very concerning....
He ordered an investigation into WalMart for not having the correct amount of Aloe claimed on the WalMart brand bottle.

1/08/2017 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC... I agree with everything. You are spot on. The part about the "bosses having to live with destroying the CC".... you see...they could care less. Their end game is them and their promotions to higher pay and goldbraid pensions. And that's what contact cards did for them. This place is a MESS that keeps spiraling out of control. Now go get the boss blue cards now.

1/08/2017 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of bean counting, with the shortage of Sgts. how is it that a specialized unit such as the Marin unit for example only has 33 po's that are currently assigned as marine unit officers but the unit has 6 Sgts ? That's 1sgt for every 5.5 officers! You gotta be fucking kidding and 3 officers are leaving in the next few months which will drop that number to 1 for every 5. C'mon exempts pull your heads out of your asses and start utilizing these supervisors in a more reasonable manner!

1/08/2017 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The number of calls for service a Policeman
answered and resolved in a timely fashion
WAS NEVER "quantified" as a "performance measure."

Nor were the number of case reports
generated during a tour of duty.

Just sayin'...

How many times did any Policeman have
to put up with being shit-talked at
check-off by a supervisdor for "lack of
activity" even though the officer may
have had an arrest or three, proceeds
of a crime recovered and so on?

Or being shit-talked by a supervisor
for the same reason during
performance evaluation time?

"Yah, wotdafuk? Ya not writin'
'enough' movers and parkers. Ya want me
to ride in da fuckin' car with ya and
point some out?

You could very well be 5 in the district in arrest activity
and other such, hold down a busy beat, roll on assists and
still had to put up with hearing silly shit.

Well, unless you would go drinkin', stinkin',
rakin' and hoein' with the right people. Right?

We remember this interesting nugget:
"Write a day's pay in movers and parkers."

That's not Policing.
That's armed revenue extraction...

Wars have been fought over that silly shit.

Fines and fees as part and parcel of
legitimate Policing and Public Safety?
Yes indeed!

Silly shit like playing a mis-timed
traffic light or fighting with PEAs
for street cleaning violations is the
height of lazy and silly.

We have always said that there IS NO
CORPORATE MODEL that can be neatly laid
over Policing.

The end user is too messy, unpredictable
and dangerous.

The striving to take Policing corporate
only results in time being wasted and
lives being lost.

Evidence out the wazoo on this but
that doesn't stop the smarter-than-thou
law enforcement gypsies from rolling into
town and peddling their poisonous concoctions
and tinctures as a cure for all that ails
Policing in this town.

Police Like You Have No Friends.

1/08/2017 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manager realized they can only manage what they measure.

They could measure contact cards, therefore they managed them. It didn't matter that measuring and managing contact card made little sense. They could measure them and maintain the illusion they were doing something by managing them.

Managers in a screwed up system like CPD need their illusions.

1/08/2017 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Officers would lock up the bad guys, process and debrief the arrestees for information. This was great. But not to Downtown. Downtown wanted Contact Cards, lots of them. If you were on surveillance or inside processing bad guys then you weren't out getting contact cards. It made no sense...

1/08/2017 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never did a legit contact card during my career. My first thought when they came out was that they don't pass the smell test and are gonna lead to nothing but trouble down the road.

1/08/2017 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The appearance of productivity, just like all of those CPS schools who have better attendance, better graduation rates, & students with higher grades yet are turning out the same dolts.

1/08/2017 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if you're a detective trying to identify somebody or gather info then the old contact card system was great. There are two sides to that story.

1/08/2017 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And remember how you filled out the "humper" or "Daily Activity log" with all the jobs you responded to??? Then after OEMC got rolling, it was "event numbers".... .more event numbers for traffic stops, street stops, dispersals, foot patrol..... all bullsh*t ways of "measuring" police work for the politicians to use in election campaigns..... but police work cannot be measured that way..... how many serious violent crimes were prevented when bad guys were in jail for "victim-less" narcotic offenses? we'll never know? how many murders or shootings were prevented with every UUW arrest? we'll never know. ......

ISRs do not prevent crime, because at the end of the stop, the bad guy is still on the street. Only arrests and jail deter crime.

1/08/2017 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A some time ago a female P.O. was told by her SUPERVISOR to create more contact cards so the D/C would stop complaining about the very low NUMBERS of contact cards the watch was not generating. The P.O. told this supervisor she would contact the DOJ & file a complaint of quotes pressure by the D/C .... That was the last time they said ANYTHING about low contact cards to her AGAIN !

1/08/2017 04:11:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Excellent thinking. I will sit right here and wait for the change.

1/08/2017 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to break it to whoever thinks the bosses can't ask for more ISRs...they can and already have in my district...damn shame.

1/08/2017 04:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if these contact cards are similar to the old cards that were filled out by Gang Crimes Investigators, but I do know that the cards completed by Gang Crimes helped in many of our investigations while I worked in Violent Crimes.

These guys were good and the cards were of known gang bangers, not just ordinary people stopped on the street for the purpose of meeting a quota of cards.

All of this came to an end as Gang Crimes was ordered to destroy the cards for a reason that I cannot remember. It was a sad day.

1/08/2017 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..... how many serious violent crimes were prevented when bad guys were in jail for "victim-less" narcotic offenses? we'll never know? how many murders or shootings were prevented with every UUW arrest? we'll never know. ......

My exact sentiment. When you lock someone up for a minor violation, there is no telling how many potential crimes you may have prevented. I don't care how long he's locked up. During that time he can't be a victim or an offender. That is true Broken Windows Theory applied.

1/08/2017 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old Retired Guy Here, Again...!!! I think, the Contact Card, is a great tool, if used properly. I always made them in duplicate. I would turn in one for the file, and keep one, in my own file. They do come in handy sometimes, even a year or two later. If they are being used, just to generate activity, as eluded to here, then it could turn out bad. Truth is, as was posted here, you cannot use the same standard for police work, that is used in the private sector.
Bless You All !

1/08/2017 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous I miss my old Cpt said...

These Mother Fucker's just got greedy, my old Cpt would say at roll (yes, Cpt attended almost Every Roll Call :) "all I need tonight is- - the first team to bring in- - -

1/08/2017 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

non criminal incidents were reduce to a contact card....yup.......all in the name of 5 contact cards for VRI!!!!!!!!!!!

1/08/2017 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I originally thought contact cards were an investigatory tool used to document where certain bad guys were and at what time, reasonable suspicion was used and briefly stated thereby giving dude a true alabi as to where he was at any given time.

1/08/2017 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DO NOT compare CCs to ISRs. They're not the same. That idiot McCarthy and the corp counsel didn't understand that and now we have the ACLU agreement.

1/08/2017 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of bean counting, with the shortage of Sgts. how is it that a specialized unit such as the Marin unit for example only has 33 po's that are currently assigned as marine unit officers but the unit has 6 Sgts ? That's 1sgt for every 5.5 officers! You gotta be fucking kidding and 3 officers are leaving in the next few months which will drop that number to 1 for every 5. C'mon exempts pull your heads out of your asses and start utilizing these supervisors in a more reasonable manner!

So, for starters, the Marine Unit runs 24/7 so 6 Sgts is 2 per watch, with rdos there is usually 1 working per watch, so 6 is nothing. Sounds more like you are pissed you can't get there...

1/08/2017 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a supervisor, I saw these type of contact cards all the time and I would reject them all the time. Cards on victims, witnesses, and even arrestees, which at the time, order clearly stated contact card would not be completed.

1/08/2017 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't meatloaf gone from 014? You guys are still complaining? Jeez!

1/08/2017 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Never did a legit contact card during my career. My first thought when they came out was that they don't pass the smell test and are gonna lead to nothing but trouble down the road.

1/08/2017 01:39:00 AM

Contact cards have been around at least 35 years.

1/08/2017 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of bean counting, with the shortage of Sgts. how is it that a specialized unit such as the Marin unit for example only has 33 po's that are currently assigned as marine unit officers but the unit has 6 Sgts ? That's 1sgt for every 5.5 officers! You gotta be fucking kidding and 3 officers are leaving in the next few months which will drop that number to 1 for every 5. C'mon exempts pull your heads out of your asses and start utilizing these supervisors in a more reasonable manner!
1/08/2017 12:52:00 AM

Is someone salty because they didnnot get what they were promised?

1/08/2017 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you bring in "business" type practices to police work


Exactly. I agree 100%. This is not a 'bottom line' profession. After all, arresting someone and putting them in prison COSTS society $, there is no way around it. This is not a 'for profit' business. Sorry for all the quotes.

1/08/2017 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always said since CPD is the largest expense in the citys budget, the politicians are trying to find ways to cut it down and justify our existance ! Firefighters never have to state how many fires they put out last month right? to justify their existance !

1/08/2017 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like school absentees, We had a guy that would go into schools and just write every kid that didn't show up that day. The commander loved him. Then the guy retired, and that index dropped like a satellite from space.

1/08/2017 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone here elaborate on the reasoning for the original database generated from contact cards?

I've been told so many reasons, personally I think it streamlined investigations thus allowed not promoting detectives.

Just curious, I've always wondering what was the real reason behind the need for contact cards.

Parkers & movers, I get. Contact cards never seemed so straight forward.

1/08/2017 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post! That is exactly what happen with the contact card nonsense.

1/08/2017 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lies, Damm lies, and statistics" "Figures lie, and liars figure," the FBI won't accept our crime stats for the NCRI

1/08/2017 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Well if you're a detective trying to identify somebody or gather info then the old contact card system was great. There are two sides to that story."
Old timer says thats correct. Originally contact cards were ONLY made on truly suspicious people. That data base could be looked at later for investigating possible offenders of crimes committed. Useless contact cards only fouled up the system and served NO USEFUL purpose. But make no mistake the new systems ISSR has only one purpose to employ lawyers to jam coppers.

1/08/2017 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yup this is so true. These dope bosses turned the contact card into a stat and demanded them just for self promotion. Totally destroying what the card was supposed to be used for, an investigative tool. I'm sure by killing the contact card it also effected the Dets investigations too. They used them to put the pieces together solving crimes. But now the bosses made the blue cards "TSSS" cards their new contract card. They run missions for them, ask for them, etc. It's the new contact card and I'm sure once some group sees the massive increase in TSSS cards that correlates to the same time ISRs started, red flags will fly. It's a no brainer.

1/08/2017 12:40:00 AM

There's one YUUUUGE difference here. Contact cards/street stops are usually initiated based on reasonable suspicion. Traffic stops, and therefore TSSS cards, are almost always .the result of an officer having probable cause.

1/08/2017 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh they still keep up the pressure on the damn ISR's just like contact cards. Hopefully everyone, especially the younger people, don't cower to some white shirt demand for cards.

Who gives a shit if the guy is some DIO's idea of a "Top 10." If there is no reasonable suspicion he/she is a citizen on the public way. Leave it be.

1/08/2017 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many of the old cards were hardly ever entered by the over staffed and overworked desk crews.
Some of the best information came from those old cards, provided a good clothing and physical description was entered. Plus the retention period was infinite. When it came time to look for a joe that may have glasses, or a dead tooth, blue skully, red sweatshirt with white lettering, tan boots you had a decent sized suspect selection for the lineup photos. Plus many never changed clothes or traveled far from their street stop.
But the bogus lazy Smith-Jones cards were void of any particulars for investigative purpose and just submitted and approved to meet Watch commander demands.
Now, pickins are slim and even if more valid, the pool isn't as deep.
So don't do any ISRs, since the ACLU altering and over-leveled the field to the point that theyre of little value.
Besides trying to find an offender in a ghetto haystack, the finding an errant complainant is even more difficult.

The Stop is Dead
per Rahm Emanuel, mayor - Sanctuary City, IL.

1/08/2017 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HUMPER = Getting fucked in the ass by the bosses.

If it isn't there, don't force it. Do your job and do it right.

1/08/2017 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6 sets. Two on each watch. Dumb ass.

1/08/2017 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the old contact cards. Whenever our Captain would get worked into a tizzy over the lack of them I'd just make up some fake ones to stop him from crying.

Ceaser Romero, last known address 4123 Dickslap Blvd. Gang Affiliation: The Jokers. Subject has no identification.

Much easier then making up, er, doing these knew ISRs

1/08/2017 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of bean counting, with the shortage of Sgts. how is it that a specialized unit such as the Marin unit for example only has 33 po's that are currently assigned as marine unit officers but the unit has 6 Sgts ? That's 1sgt for every 5.5 officers! You gotta be fucking kidding and 3 officers are leaving in the next few months which will drop that number to 1 for every 5. C'mon exempts pull your heads out of your asses and start utilizing these supervisors in a more reasonable manner!
1/08/2017 12:52:00 AM

Thats the correct sergeant to officer ratio. The only problem is the dept. Does not apply that ratio as a whole to the bureau of patrol. It might take the DOJ to finally get the dept at an acceptable sergeant to officer ratio. Chicago has the highest officer to sergeant ratio of any big city.
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/08/2017 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous See Me After Check-Off said...

Anonymous said...

..... how many serious violent crimes were prevented when bad guys were in jail for "victim-less" narcotic offenses? we'll never know? how many murders or shootings were prevented with every UUW arrest? we'll never know. ......

My exact sentiment. When you lock someone up for a minor violation, there is no telling how many potential crimes you may have prevented. I don't care how long he's locked up. During that time he can't be a victim or an offender. That is true Broken Windows Theory applied.

1/08/2017 06:49:00 AM

You still didn't bring in enough "activity" so prepare to be
on the business end of the dancing start times/being tied to
a punishment post/denial of c/u and other foolishness too
often referred to as "supervision..."

1/08/2017 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a correlation between the old contact card system "Traffic Related" and the lack of TSSS cards. We used the CC as the TSSS. It now looks like we are doing less or were violating rights when we are actually just doing it the correct way....
If anyone looks at that and cross references tickets and case reports with the names on CC they would be able to show why there is a deviation. All smoke and mirrors to make the police look bad..

1/08/2017 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's certain things that can be measured, and they shouldn't. There's certain things that can be measured and should. And there's things that can't be measured and you shouldn't even try.

But the problem why they try to measure everything and act on it is complex. You have people jealous of whatever that want something and can't get it by working hard because they're too lazy. So they complain.

They complain to some half-assed outfit like the BGA or Moepra, or the Zekman Troll and then those complain about the costs to the Politicians and Merit Hacks that run things.

The Politicians and Merit Hacks are getting fat envelopes or are doing nothing and getting paid off of the current system, and they want that to continue. So they look for answers.

Being Politicians and Merit Hacks they have friends who run companies. Some of those companies are Consultancies.

Consultants will produce reports on WHAT EVER you want so long as you pay them. But they don't want to go away after the report, they want to continue generating revenue, so they come up with a "Framework" or "Methodology" or they promulgate a "Best Practice" to be followed. And all that requires....CONSULTANTS. To train, collect data, sift through data, produce more reports....repeat ad nauseum.

In the meantime, the Politicians and Merit Hacks can tell the complainers and investigators that they're "doing something". After a year or two of "doing something", the complainers and investigators want results, and the Rodney Dangerfield RAND Consultants walk in with hefty reports.

There's QUANTIFIABLE RESULTS in those reports. And the 'conclusions' are that we have too much of this, not enough of that, and if we could just dial in with more data, we'd have better results...(of course that requires more consultants).

1/08/2017 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part II: So the Politicians and Merit Hacks tell the underlings: Generate more data! More data! More Data! Then they start managing to the data, and the whole thing goes to shit because it was never designed to be managed to the data.

Example: Home Depot in the early 2000's had Bob Nardelli as a President-Nardelli came from GE and used Six Sigma techniques to continuously improve things. When used properly, a company can become more effective and efficient and save millions. Home Depot didn’t-some MBA correlated sales numbers in stores to staffing numbers and figured that the staffing was about 10% too high. So they cut the staffing by 10%, and expected sales to remain the same. They didnt. They dropped. So they continued to review sales #'s and cut staffing accordingly...and entered a downward sales spiral...until Nardelli got fired. What they forgot was that CUSTOMERS who couldn't find a sales associate on the floor would leave w/o purchasing. You can't really correlate that to anything or manage it-it's one of those intangible things.

In the case of the CPD-you can't really numerically correlate productivity of a cop in arrests, etc. to crime levels. You can't say that if a cop produces 50 contact cards or 10 ISRs per shift that crime is going to drop when you're chasing after non-criminals to generate numbers to make the Politicians and Merit Hacks happy, so they can keep the Investigators and Complainers Happy, so they can keep the Jealous fucks happy.....

It's a giant circle jerk. What does work is having an adequate number of cops available to respond to crime. That's never going to be accurate-sometimes you have too many, sometimes not enough-it's always going to lag by a year or so because until you get the figures from the previous year and look at the trends, you have no idea what's going to happen. Sure, more stuff happens in warm weather than cold-we all know it, but who knows if Apple is going to release a new device that the Apple Pickers find attractive and so crime spikes...

Sometimes you mitigate the "too many, too few" problem with a roving team that works City Wide so they can be called to hot spots as needed...And because sometimes those teams will look like they're not doing anything, you need a set of stones to tell the complainers to fuck off...

Old Cops knew this in their bones...Politicians and Merit Hacks and complainers and consultants and jealous fucks don't. And the FOP ought to kick them right in the nuts so we can get our City back under control.

(not a cop-I'm an MBA!)

1/08/2017 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy is to blame and we as police officers should file a federal civil rights lawsuit against him for forcing officers to get contact cards for no reason than activity . Your law suit is on the way McComstat !!

1/08/2017 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

014 , guy tells you to come In with any type of activity and you complain ? Wow !

1/08/2017 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, you all can call me a fargin icehole if this is appropriate but if all the cops, even the desk jockeys who get desk assignments because they are afraid to be a real cop wear cameras while working, wouldn't every piece of information the bean counters want collected BE then collected without wasting one second of officer time or energy?

I mean, if there is a claim of "too many stops in this area" and enough evidence to get a warrant to look at all those interactions captured on camera in that area during that timeframe, then how about the bean counters spend the time counting those beans and leave the officer to do their job, you know, real police work?

Am i missing something here? Does this not accomplish literaly EVERYTHING the crybabies are whining for, while at the same time eliminating something that pisses officers off and may even endanger their lives and well being? How is what I just said not a win win situation that the whiners could not oppose in any way shape or form?

1/08/2017 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/08/2017 09:48:00 AM -

CUSIP shows otherwise. I agree with you that forcing cops into best business practices that are guided by bottom line demands is severely damaging to good and decent police and policing, including putting police at great personal risk outside that which they sign up for, but the nitty gritty of it all today is that it is indeed all about policing being turned into the revenue generation arm of the executive branch. From cusips to their leverage ll the way to civil forfieture and even traffic court fines, it really has descended into a for profit business, and worst of all, police themselves are being treated as slace labor to produce that "profit".

Emptying the jails, cutting that overhead, is key to profit enhancement when the worker bees combine to enact a street level slow down. This explains the charge stacking to get pleas (removing the cost of trials also helps that bottom profit line) as well.

Why did Rahm come out and dare Trump to cut funding based on sanctuary city factor? Cuz you COPS up there are squeezing him into a no choice situation! He knows that without the PROFIT brought in by drone cops only doing as they are told he is going to run into a brick wall. He is finding out that officers are not the drones he thought they were and he needs someone, something to blame when it all crashes. It IS crashing. Rahm can't blame the cops, that is what BLM is for. He has to blame the funding cut over illegals.

Brother, I agree with ya but this really is all about the profit.

1/08/2017 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
014 3rd watch lt doesn't get. Saying to do nothing but your job (answering your calls and doing reports) is not enough to justify yourself. Goes on to say "in the corporate world you would be let go" . After all the shit that has happend to this department this is what a new Lt says to a officer!!! Put this under Unfuckingbelieveable!!!!!

1/08/2017 12:15:00 AM

You got dumped from tac. Deal with it.

1/08/2017 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way off topic but maybe should be mentioned under bean counting. I use the central location for the patrolmans credit union. I've noticed more than usual shady characters using the credit union. Ya I know my share of shady coppers, with that being said I asked who's idea was it to let CTA credit union merge with ours? The nice teller said CTA 's was going under and we took them in. Where was my vote on that? Does anyone working in management realize CTA hires convicted felons? How long before your face to face with a past arrestee? What a great idea credit union.

1/08/2017 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These fuckers declared war on pensions and health insurance.

That made it real, fuckin' personal.

Then they decided to BLM, ACLU, Obama, bla blah blah, ya'll into prison.

Go get fucked.

1/08/2017 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Like school absentees, We had a guy that would go into schools and just write every kid that didn't show up that day. The commander loved him. Then the guy retired, and that index dropped like a satellite from space.

1/08/2017 11:19:00 AM

And said commander was given a black eye
in his asshole by McCarthy at a Comp-Stat
public humiliation forum because of the
unexpected drop-off in activity?

Then he pivoted on his heels and took it
out on the troops when he got back to
the district...

How are we doing so far?

This is the typically corrosive and
counter-productive management style
at CPD.

And the troops, being far smarter than anyone
in management would EVER give them credit for
being, realized soon enough it was all BULLSHIT
and sharply curtailed whatever school absentee
"activity" that was left.


Only to get beat on by the commander to
"produce" what was essentially a flawed
product anyway.


And say some guys get bluffed/bullied
into doing what the now retired original
actor was so beloved for?

And a sharpie lawyer gets ahold of
the whole damned works...

Commander says:
"I didn't order them to do that..."
>Runs to drop retirement papers<

Bluffed/Bullied Coppers say:
"My balloon-knot tingles and my tummy hurts
and WTF do you mean the Feds want to chat?"

And as time goes by and CPD as a law enforcement
organization, falls screaming and flailing backwards
into it's own ass, you are going to see more of this
kind of awful shit manifesting itself as the intellectually
disinterested dumb-asses in charge keep yelling for more
fuel on the fire.

Shame on any Policeman who doesn't know how to protect
himself from bad bosses demanding that bad practices and
faulty directives be slavishly adhered to.

Intelligence and temperament testing should be
part of the deal for promotion but City Hall,
the community and the progressives will not abide
Police Supervisors who are genuinely sharp.

Sharp and well informed Coppers are thought of
as "uppity" and "need to be brought down a peg,"
let alone the field supervisory and command echelon.

Police Like You Have No Friends.

1/08/2017 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no way 1 Sgt for every 5 to 6 PO' s is the norm, I've talked to many po's in districts all over the city and some only have 1 working on a lot of watches. There are a lot of specialized units where they may have more than they need , like they always say patrol is the backbone of the department and the beat officer is the hardest worker and gets dumped on the most. They need more Sgts in patrol taking the load off of Sgts who are the only ones working a watch, especially in busy districts ! As for units that have a ridiculous number of Sgts to PO ratios what a waste of manpower and taxpayer money !

1/08/2017 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe off topic but...,If I am in Mt.Greenwood and i am a Caucasian Irish-American and stopped is this racially profiling because of the area I was stopped ? I only ask because if I were a black....African-American and stopped in say Englewood does this amount to "profiling ? I am having a big problem with What Is Profiling...?!?!??! Please SCC , try and explain before someone trys to obfuscate the whole question Thanks

1/08/2017 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone else mentioned our credit union frequently looking like a lobby of a project building. Hell, someone may very well be dealing out a jab in there while eating complimentary snacks and drinking complimentary coffee. I thought I was losing my mind the last half dozen or so times that I went there. Then I found out it is now the CPD/CTA credit union. Maybe they should've kept the old building instead of upgrading and taking in non-law enforcement. I have seriously thought about closing my account. I might as well bank at a currency exchange. By the way, thanks CPFCU for giving the members a say. It sure is amazing that the CTA's credit union was going as broke as the CTA itself. Who would have figured?

1/08/2017 11:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the old (white 3x5) contact card and the generic media over used term "stop and frisk" did was just about dismantle one of the most valuable tools we as police officers have in stopping crime called the Terry Stop. Stopping someone on Articulable Reasonable Suspicion which is crucial in preliminary investigation has all been but destroyed by this dept and its shortsighted push for numbers crunching. As if running a police dept is the same as running a fucking private corporation. Idiot bosses under McCarthys rule would regurgitate the need for contact cards. And many coppers with embarrsingly little knowledge of the law would give them many shitty contact cards, and this includes many morons just to get to stay working in jeans. And now we reap what we have sown. Any boss that demands you to increase your number of documented stops should go fuck themselves. Period.

I found it ironic that McCarthy on 60 minutes spouted off about the ailments of our dept and of law enforcement across the country in general when it was he who was part of a system of politics that help put us in the terrible predicament we are today.

Contact cards had a very valuable intelligence utility when performed on real shit bags. Problem was the database became polluted with pissbums and regular folks for the sake of activity. Which of course was the fault of the lieutenants and their commanders for enforcing them on the troops. Apparently no had balls at compstat

Stay fetal my friends. Don't give them shit. Answer your calls and go home. Until they make a concerned effort to get the ACLU/ ISR off our asses they can keep their almost 800 homicides per year status. Fuck them. Don't drink the Kool Aide.

1/09/2017 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old Retired Guy Here, Again...!!! I think, the Contact Card, is a great tool, if used properly. I always made them in duplicate. I would turn in one for the file, and keep one, in my own file. They do come in handy sometimes, even a year or two later. If they are being used, just to generate activity, as eluded to here, then it could turn out bad. Truth is, as was posted here, you cannot use the same standard for police work, that is used in the private sector.

I would have to concur with the old timer...field contact cards are a great tool, when used properly. I would also concur that business standards don't always transfer over well into the category of police work. Many police executive training sessions use parts of the book "Good To Great" by Jim Collins, who has made a career out of researching what makes a great corporation (he has also authored "Great By Choice," "Built to Last," "How the Mighty Fall" and several other great books).
I know that in Europe, the way they groom leaders of their police agencies is to pluck them from recruit classes, and send them to college, immersing them in all kinds of leadership theories, then send them back out into the field as supervisors. While it may work for them in Europe, here in America, no one has much respect for you as a leader if you've never done any real time in the streets as a police officer.
There has never, ever been an accurate method employed to fairly measure how effective and productive your average police officer is. But one thing we all know, as police officers: If you go out on patrol day after day and come in with ZERO activity, you just aren't productive, period, and no one is going to defend you for that.

1/09/2017 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""My exact sentiment. When you lock someone up for a minor violation, there is no telling how many potential crimes you may have prevented. I don't care how long he's locked up. During that time he can't be a victim or an offender. That is true Broken Windows Theory applied.""

Yep go ahead and get caught on video Lieing about the PC for a stop that results in a pinch and see how much crime you stop from the unemployment line. LOL now they expect YOU guys, not me anymore, to go out and get these things using bullshit "reasonable suspicion" like we used to. Did you ever read the narratives on those fucking things?

These dumb fucks actually wrote shit like "observed a black/male walking in the street". And some were far worse then that. And some of these Tac teams would find the first five they could find, write them up, and then off to the sports restaurant to watch the Hawks game. And then an early duck.

1/09/2017 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never did a legit contact card during my career. My first thought when they came out was that they don't pass the smell test and are gonna lead to nothing but trouble down the road.

1/08/2017 01:39:00 AM

Had a Lieutenant that used to shake his head about guys like you. A "higher paying form of welfare" he used to call it. Don't ever complain about the mutts collecting welfare. You are just as bad.

The contact card was a useful investigative tool ruined by bosses that were too lazy to do their job and assure coppers were doing theirs. McCarthy was the worst offender of this. More cards was all he cared about and pushed. He goes down as the worst Superintendent because everything he did was so wrong and damaging to the Department.

The poster worried about how many Sergeants are assigned to the Marine Unit. They have to be there. You shave to have supervision 24 hours a day on three watches. You should be more concerned hat the sergeants on the street aren't on the street. They are in the office or God knows where instead of working with the officers like they should be. Every major lawsuit revolves around a scene where no sergeant was assigned. I know we are short sergeants, but the ones out there are nowhere to be seen.

1/09/2017 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The contact card in it's initial inception was a great tool. Officers only generated a contact card when they believed the person contacted was up to no good. They pulled up the individual on the computer or over the air via a name check to verify the identity of the individual without an ID. The clothing description, time of the stop and physical location of the stop were used routinely by investigators with great success. The contact card also provided evidence that you were out doing your job. Those days are long gone!!!!!!!!!

1/09/2017 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tac is a joke
Retail thefts and suspended licenses

1/09/2017 12:22:00 PM  

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