Sunday, July 09, 2017

Boo Hoo

  • Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle's administration is warning of 10 percent budget reductions if a judge doesn't allow a countywide sweetened beverage tax to take effect by August.

    In a letter dated Monday sent to all county elected officials, bureau chiefs and department heads, Preckwinkle budget director Tanya Anthony said analysts would be providing them "a recommended course of action" to meet spending cuts needed if Cook County Circuit Judge Daniel Kubasiak doesn't lift a temporary restraining order that's preventing the penny-per-ounce tax from being levied.
  • According to a memo sent out by Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, as many as 925 employees of the department could be laid off as a result of spending cuts.

    “The proposed layoffs amounted to approximately 17 percent of our work force,” Dart said.

    Meanwhile, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office is looking at drastic cuts as well. State’s Attorney Kim Foxx told CBS that she expects that she would have to lay off at least 100 prosecutors and dozens of administrative staffers if the revenue from the soda tax isn’t replaced.
Since Foxxx isn't prosecuting as many crimes, she can probably afford to law off a crap load of lawyers anyway. Public defenders, too.

And Dart? Well, his budget could use a bunch of trimming anyway. Via the underground sheriff blog, some numbers that would make a name for an actual investigative reporter:
  • Sheriff Tom Dart's budget has increased 124 million (inflation considered 41 million) since he took office in 2006. The Sheriff added 68 Shakman exempt positions while eliminating 602 full time predominately officer positions in the last decade. Records indicate the Sheriff has been incredibly reckless with budget decisions, resulting in 600+ less officers providing valuable resources and protection to the citizens of Cook County.  Records also indicate that Sheriff has had more than sufficient funding to keep staffing at standard/safe levels but inexplicably chose not to do so!

    2006 Sheriff Budget:: $388,872,980.00
    2016 Sheriff Budget:: $513,351,967.00

    Elimination of 602 Jobs..
    Sheriff office 2006:: 7,306 full time positions.
    Sheriff office 2016:: 6,704 full time positions.

    Political Hiring..
    Exempt Positions 2006:: 176 positions
    Exempt Positions 2016:: 244 positions.
It sure looks like Tommy has been hiring way too many administrators at the expense of the rank-and-file...many of whom are married or otherwise related to media figures. We don't think his office will be hurt functionally by eliminating a whole bunch of spots.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

To bad! Don't spend the money if you don't have it! What they hell did they do before the tax idea came up? This is why this place is in financial ruins. And how do they know how much tax money they'd collect on the sugary drink tax? So many people will not buy the drinks in cook county. I thought it was for health reasons anyway right?

7/09/2017 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Move out.

7/09/2017 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the jails are empty, and many are torn down, where is the money going?

7/09/2017 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These assholes love taxes... people do not drink that much soda to cover the amount of money they demand.. so you already know what is coming to a property tax near you... I am glad I don't live in CC no more. Fuck that place and it's piece of shit politicians

7/09/2017 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aSAs don't do fire them... and county is empty, so let those guys retire out. Government does not need to grow, cut salaries

7/09/2017 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any talk of cutting LINK, Section 8 or plain old welfare? No, guess that won't happen.

7/09/2017 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gonna solve the budget crisis right now for Kim Foxx. When Anita was in Office I believe she had 4 executive positions plus her. When Kimmie took over that swelled to about 14 plus her. Some of the additions were Director of Ethics, Deputy Director of Ethics, Director of Diversity and Deputy Director of Diversity just to name a few. Add them all up so that's 10 spots and let's conservatively say 150k per spot per year give or take that's 1.5 mil a year total. Boom you I saved a 100 ASA's. And the fucking position of the Director of Ethics makes me wanna laugh. What a crock of shit. How about some news outlet run with this....

7/09/2017 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had enough of the crook county tax and pay system of government!!!!!!!

7/09/2017 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Dart is toast. Now he is trying to blame Preckwinkle as Sneed's anonymous source. Preckwinkle should fire back by cutting the funding for all his political hires. Dart has 244 exempt political appointees. Make him dump 100 of them as a start..

7/09/2017 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked for the County board from 01-07. The commissioners were all over Dick Devine and Mike Sheehan to slash their budgets at the time. Now Dart adds 140 million and hundreds of Directors and the Commissioners don't say a word. Mike Quickly, former Board member now congressmen was always feuding with Sheehan on the budget. Now he's butt buddies with Dart and all is good. Dart should be criminally charged for slashing hundreds of officers when his budget rose substantially. Where is the Feds or at least the IG on this.

7/09/2017 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Ashley Judd's bloody bedsheets said...

Which DEMON-CRAT will do the most damage to Chiraq in the near future??
A.) Preckwinkle
B.) Rahm
C.) K. Foxx
D.) Fat Eddie
E.) Tommy Dart
F.) There is no future here

7/09/2017 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe these dumb ass politicians should be trimming their budgets and keeping them that way . I used to do operating budgets. EVERY year we had to stay FLAT or 2% lower. EVERY BUDGET CYCLE. We had to prioritize. If there was something we really needed over and above it had to be approved. Well guess what Taxwinkle...TAXPAYERS are your upper management. I will never understand how these asshole get away with the massive budget increase and there is no accounting to the taxpayer.

7/09/2017 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the cutting begin and why stop at 10%?

7/09/2017 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Aide to President. said...

If Dart is going to be a rat for Sneed on Preckwinkle perhaps he should at least get his facts straight. The Teamsters local 700 representing the guards supported the pop tax. So the theory that Preckwinkle is retaliating for the Teamsters not supporting the tax seems like fake news. But that didn't stop Sneed or the Sun-times editorial running with it. Dart basically owns that paper with all the spouses of reporters he's hired. But if he is going to hit Preckwinkle using his own news-paper, perhaps he should fact check first.

“Teamsters Local 700 is undeniably in favor of the proposed beverage tax, as it will guarantee job security for hundreds of people that work in Cook County,” said Teamsters Local 700 President Becky Strzechowski. “Without this tax revenue, the budget will face detrimental effects, including future layoffs of our own Local 700 county members.”

7/09/2017 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does that mean no more pizza parties for the inmates?!

7/09/2017 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the tax was just passed in Nov 2016 to take effect on July 1, 2017, how were those employee's being paid prior to July 1, 2017?
I think a line by line audit might find some unnecessary items.
Why is it that politicians can only find taxes and fees and Never find the bs to cut from budgets, like those excess unnecessary positions.
Politicians need to wake up and see that people are tired of the fee's and taxes and that a Tea Party of sorts may be in the near future.

7/09/2017 04:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all the rule changes by Kim Foxx, the States Attorny office is utter useless!

Who cares if a bunch of low class lawyers lose their jobs!

7/09/2017 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Half of the dart's employees don't show up for work anyway so maybe they should be laid off.

7/09/2017 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taxwinkle should just resign.

7/09/2017 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lay off 5,000 TRIPLE DOGG DARE YOU!!!

7/09/2017 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bet money the pizza delivery man dont get laid off.

7/09/2017 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boycot Cook county stores! Buy nothing in Cook county. This will send the politicians a clear message.

7/09/2017 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the judge continues to do his job and maybe Illuminates what is going on in the county and call's attention to the huge cost overruns in personnel the bloated budget in crook county maybe the feds maybe just maybe Jeff sessions could send some people in and start the process of a forensic audit and put the criminals in this corrupt county finally away for a long time where they belong! Layoffs hear what affect nothing as far as taxpayers!

7/09/2017 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5,442 employees??? 5,442 employees to staff a prison and a few courthouses?? If laying off 925 employees is a loss of 17% of your work force, then you're staffing 5,442 people. How the *+#% do you have that many people in the first place to staff a few buildings and we only have about 8,000 to staff a whole god damn city?! That's insane!

7/09/2017 06:50:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

They will only lay off the decent ones.

7/09/2017 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheriff Dart has cut the Deputy court security division by 45% staffing. And then they acted shocked when officers are injured, escapes, or mishaps happen like the inmate woman raped at the Courthouse. What's even more infuriating is Preckwinkle gave Dart all this funding to misappropriate. Makes you think she has skeletons in her budget too. Remember when Dart and Preckwinkle came into office as "reformers". HAHA that was funny. She makes Toddler Stroger look like a fiscal hawk.

7/09/2017 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cook County Government is like Jabba the Hut from Star Wars. Laying around, not doing much of anything, crying "Feed me! Feed me!" and if they don't get it they try to punish you. Fuck this shithole County. I can't wait to get out. I don't want to live or work here anymore.

7/09/2017 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are less police on the street, less arrests for kim's asa's to "prosecute" so Kim can get by with having to lay off her " workers".

7/09/2017 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a question to Thomas J Dart. Every time I'm in hog wild there is at least 10 exempts/political junkies from the Sheriff's office chowing down on half priced pork chops. Can they at least car pool. It seems crazy that they all drive their County issued cars and cant even share a ride. Perhaps the President can order the exempts to drive their own cars to work. Its also not safe having 80 lawyers riding around in squad cars who couldn't handle an emergency police situation.

7/09/2017 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first to be laid off should be Dart and Taxwinkle. Both of them are useless POS.

7/09/2017 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Don't Tread on Me said...

I believe that Illinois, Chicago, and Cook county are someday soon going to implode! And I just don't think that a 1 cent soda tax will be the reason. It is WAAaaayyy more likely that greedy tax and spend politicians and EPIC mismanagement will be!

It's like seeing an impending Train Wreck, and you just cant look away!

7/09/2017 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dart snitching on wrinkle to Sneed of Rag Times. Is Dart nuts?

Source The underground Sheriff Blog..

Dart uses his media contacts to level assault on Preckwinkle! Source in President's office says Preckwinkle is furious.

 Dart office contacted Sneed (Sun-times) using anonymous sources to level blame at Preckwinkle for the budget proposed layoffs. Source says Preckwinkle is furious.

Sun-times Editorial Board blames Preckwinkle for layoffs without even mentioning Sheriff Dart's reckless top heavy budget

Link to Dart's Budget..
Sheriff Tom Dart threatens 925 layoffs after misappropriating millions.. 

Sun-Times Editorial Board..
If hundreds are thrown out of work, the blame is on Preckwinkle

It is unconscionable that Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle has threatened layoffs in 925 positions this summer if a judge does not allow a tax on sweet beverages to take effect by August. The tax was unpopular with the public and its legality is untested. It is not, as of yet, a reliable source of revenue, and it is unfair to tie the job security of hundreds of employees to its success. They deserve better.

7/09/2017 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Problem being that these scumbags in power will not lay off their friends, only those employees that do jobs that the citizens need. This is how they force tax increases - kind of like how madigan (not Rauner) screwed us with the budget.

7/09/2017 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how many liberal democrats vote for every tax that comes up, because it benefits dogs, cats, children, whatever, then can't afford to live in the city?
How many democrats will leave a liberal, sanctuary hellhole, never to vote democrat again? Has to cost a lot of money supporting criminals and illegal aliens, why even have police and courts that are always bothering them?


7/09/2017 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a show of good citizenship Perrywinke should be the first to take a huge pay cut. Take one for the team Toni. ♠️

7/09/2017 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all political smokescreen to distract from Dart-winkles corrupt budgets. At the last second all the jobs will be saved and these two clowns will play hero to the workforce. All while deflecting from their criminal top heavy budgets where ther is more Chiefs than Indians.

7/09/2017 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We hope it gets so bad that Preckwinkle
has to starve the Sheriff and State's Attorney
offices to skeletons.

7/09/2017 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did this letter go to the judge handling the matter? It says to "all elected officials" If so, this is what's known as in the legal profession as an ex parte communication and highly improper, even sanctionable. It's obvious's almost as if Preckwinkle was attempting to interfere with the judicial process via threat. Anyone from the county ethics board reading this?

7/09/2017 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The SAO doesn't seem to want to prosecute crimes and the Sheriff has closed wings of the jail. Go ahead and cut.

Of course, bullshit social programs get paid

7/09/2017 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im gonna have a coke and a smile and see how this plays out

7/09/2017 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the true purpose is the "children", their welfare and well-being, why only a penny per ounce. The tax should have been presented as a true "sin" tax. Like a bullet tax or cigarette tax, make it ten to twenty-five cents an ounce. This shows intention to "save" the children. A penny tax shows revenue generation, how much can we tax and not suffer repercussions of the tax.

In the same light all candy should be taxed similarly. Those M&Ms consumers should be helping the children. Thinking about it chips are not real good for you, tax them also.

Just go with the European Value Added Tax which can be hidden in the various steps of production and distribution, but make products cost in total 50 to 75 percent more what would cost if not taxed.

7/09/2017 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Civilian here.

What a blatant attempt to influence Judge Kubasiak. I hope the judge has the courage to follow the law. If he does, thenI predict that the soda tax will go bye-bye. In the meantime SCC and dear readers, it's time to identify - and continue to identify - the names of those hired by Dart Foxx, Prekwinkle at the upper levels and identify to whom they are connected. It's transparency at its finest.

7/09/2017 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the blog and perhaps any other friendly media outlet should make it a daily point to expose Dart. How about Daily Dart.

7/09/2017 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fart is always bragging about closing divisions of the jail and letting out criminals. So why do we need all these employee's anyways.

7/09/2017 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, the old "Embrace and accept another TAX or or or you will lose COPS and your life will be more filled with FEAR" plot eh?

This time we see the idiotic position that this Soda Tax is expected to account for 10% of County POLICING! Ten FRICKEN PER CENT OF IT!

How oh HOW are one in ten cops funded NOW without this NEW TAX - especially. placed alongside the rising property taxes and the rising personal income taxes and the rising business taxation that will be passed on to make sugary drinks even MORE expensive (because the truth is that ALL taxation placed on Businesses are passed on to consumers to pay Juuuust like property owners pass on the property taxes included within the RENT bill).

See why Folks are despising POLICE more and more all the time? You Rank and File Human shields are placed right where you are to take the heat FOR and INSTEAD of the crooked Dart, like Rahm. Really, the most poignant question facing us all now is, well, how long are you going to continue to gluttons for such punishment? What will it take for you to do something about it, you know, like ummm arrest the corrupt bastards? You need not a journalist to lay out a case for you regarding what you all already damn well know already.

Compile the evidence as part of your "investigation"and then make the arrests and then the media will have no CHOICE to cover THAT. It would be more effective than begging them to do your job, well part of it, for you. I know you don't want to hear it, but someone has to have the courage to stand up and tell you what you NEED to hear.

7/09/2017 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of these people who are "elected" know anything about economics and budgets. Anyone who wants to run for office should be subject to scrutiny on government budgeting and spending before they are allowed to run for any office. You'll see how dumb they really are, just like our merit police "leadership" who don't score well on tests, but are miraculous management sleuths. It's exhausting.

7/09/2017 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo is right...The asa office doesn't want to prosecute anyone anymore, so fuck em. Tom Dart is a fuckin Moron ! Lets all screw the taxpayers every year and threaten with the loss of jobs..will its about time the fuckin democrats all take a a hit, get rid of them!

7/09/2017 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

County government is loaded with many administrators and assistants, all at high salary and benefits. Then, you have the average county worker making 35% over what his private sector counterpart makes and add the fact that many county workers do not work in their job description or work at job that are not necessary, it makes for one grand hidden patronage system. Efficiency is not part of Preckwinkles plan. Tighten up the labor force which accounts for most of the county budget and you wont need to raise taxes. You can start with the County Hospital, move to the jails and then head over to the park district.

7/09/2017 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More crooks of cook county.
http ://

7/09/2017 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send out the pink slips now so people can find new jobs while the economy booming. Would be a blessing. Opportunity to leave cc forever.

7/09/2017 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sugar drank tax may not come due to the lobby, but that doesn't rule out a different source.
PigWinkle is going to get that money from residents one way or another.

With Crook County budgets increasing Every year and never any spending cuts, the low wage employee is first to go.
They don't eliminate the bloated political patronage +$60 k positions. The six figure positions are doing less, yet their incomes keep rising.
PigWinkle and a thieving band of 17 Commissioners, padding10 Bloated Agencies with multiple sub-agencies within, all under her reign.
Plenty of room to make cuts, yet they're too lazy. It's too much work for high school accountants to crunch numbers and raising a tax is an easy and generally unchallenged task.
But Democrats are fat greedy hogs always looking for more slop.
Even the roach-coach seen a dropoff in sales at 26th & Cal, they made adjustments - Crook Co didn't.

Never Vote for a Democrat on the County Board including judges.

7/09/2017 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think of how much more money would be collected if EBT card purchases were not exempted from this tax! The Lakefront would rival the Riviera!

7/09/2017 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back a few years ago there was a robbery of a bike at 35st on the lake front with the offenders heading S/B on the lake front.the offender were around 11 to 13 years old. I headed to 39 street when I observed a kid riding a bike. I was on a PAPV. I called to him and he fled dropping the bike blocking my path and ran. I gave a description. The kid ran into the projects there. I call for a car to come and get the bike it did not match the bike that was stolen. The Sgt. arrived on the scene and out came the kids mother. The mother asked what we were doing with her kids bike. I explained what happen and she called her son over who turned out to be five years old. Me, mom and the kids had a chat. The mom and kid left the Sgt. looks at me and said that not the description you gave. I said I know he change his clothes already. So at five years old someone had taught the kid to change clothes when you run from the police

7/09/2017 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Screw em. Start laying off. They should've had their budgets cut bu 10% as a first option.

7/09/2017 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is sao hurting for cash? Half the office retired when preckwinkle got her stooge in there.

7/09/2017 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the flush handle?

7/09/2017 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the Curragh yesterday on Northwest Highway in Edison Park, when someone said that McCarthy was on the front page of the July Irish American News, with a attached story. When I went to get a copy, their was none there. I was told that as soon as the July paper came in that 41st Ward Democrat Committeeman Tim Heneghan grabbed all the issues, over a hundred and ran out the door? Was this idiot trying to make sure that McCarthy who is running for mayor against his patron Rahm didn't get any press? Later we went to Mo Daileys and got a couple of copies. Heneghan wasn't there yet! If this lunatic somehow beats Napolitano for Allderman, can you imagine the shape the 41st Ward would be in. It won't happen, but can you imagine!

7/09/2017 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No more Meat Pizzas
Only Vegan Pizzas
Easy on the Cheese

7/09/2017 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Democrat math. Cook County budget is $4.4 billion. Recent deficit is $67 million which represents 1.5% of the overall budget. So why ask for 10% from every department? Makes you wonder if the true deficit is larger or they want to insure that their buddies in the high paying administrative positions keep their jobs at the expense of those that work in the trenches.

7/09/2017 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Democrat math. Cook County budget is $4.4 billion. Recent deficit is $67 million which represents 1.5% of the overall budget. So why ask for 10% from every department? Makes you wonder if the true deficit is larger or they want to insure that their buddies in the high paying administrative positions keep their jobs at the expense of those that work in the trenches.

7/09/2017 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this stuff all the time and seldom comment, but come on... I've had a question for ages - is this person really named "Preckwinkle?" That in and of itself is enough to give me an aneuriysm from laughing too hard. That's almost as bad as being named "Barack Obama."

7/09/2017 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm gonna solve the budget crisis right now for Kim Foxx. When Anita was in Office I believe she had 4 executive positions plus her. When Kimmie took over that swelled to about 14 plus her. Some of the additions were Director of Ethics, Deputy Director of Ethics, Director of Diversity and Deputy Director of Diversity just to name a few. Add them all up so that's 10 spots and let's conservatively say 150k per spot per year give or take that's 1.5 mil a year total. Boom you I saved a 100 ASA's. And the fucking position of the Director of Ethics makes me wanna laugh. What a crock of shit. How about some news outlet run with this....

7/09/2017 12:31:00 AM

That information is not correct.

7/09/2017 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crook County Il Taxwrinkle already spent the 1st $ 67 Million of the soda tax steal from working man..problem is Taxwinkle's Crook County has not collected a dime yet
Judging from all the tax free soda flying off the shelves this weekend, like one shopper with 35.. 2 liters Pepsi .. another with 8 cases of Gatorade .. it may only dimes get collected
LOL corrupt Crook county ,Il Dimms

7/09/2017 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The county budget is $4.4 billion. The beverage tax was supposed to bring in $200 million a year.

How does the loss of the beverage tax mean the county has to cut the budget 10%??

In any case, it is unlikely the beverage tax would have ever brought in anywhere near $200 million. It is just there to have something to blame when they go over budget. They will just claim it was that they got less receipts from the beverage tax than expected.

7/09/2017 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tax-Tax_ Tax- They want this (Dimms) so that they keep the MACHINE going. Nothing will change because you have so many people with political JOBS. In Crook county.

7/09/2017 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If laying off 925 employees is a loss of 17% of your work force, then you're staffing 5,442 people.
I saw an article recently that claimed almost 3400 employees just at the jail. This dovetails pretty well with other stories that claim close to 800 on duty at all times in the jail. That would require about that many warm bodies to keep 800 people on duty at any one time.

7/09/2017 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are going to do an affirmative action layoff too by race not seniority like they did to Detroit Police Officers.

7/09/2017 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the teamsters seem to be part of the problem. Nobody should support a tax increase of any type because this state, county and city are so corrupt they could find millions if they just cleaned their houses up.

“Teamsters Local 700 is undeniably in favor of the proposed beverage tax, as it will guarantee job security for hundreds of people that work in Cook County,” said Teamsters Local 700 President Becky Strzechowski. “Without this tax revenue, the budget will face detrimental effects, including future layoffs of our own Local 700 county members.”

7/09/2017 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political positions anyway. Good riddance. Unnecessary expenditure, typical Illinos machine!

7/09/2017 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of this was known about Dart for years. Even the media wanted him to run for Mayor. No one cared. He just had to show up talk about puppy mills or some runaway on Now he is a villain? Who did he piss off? The gravy train was good for the no show no work 6 figure government gig so what really happened?

7/09/2017 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's trying to influence the judge who issued a T.R.O. on her ridiculous sugar tax.

7/09/2017 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see goofy Toni operates just like Rahm using pie in the sky numbers to base their budgets on.
Cry me a river Toni.

7/09/2017 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I read this stuff all the time and seldom comment, but come on... I've had a question for ages - is this person really named "Preckwinkle?" That in and of itself is enough to give me an aneuriysm from laughing too hard. That's almost as bad as being named "Barack Obama."

7/09/2017 01:48:00 PM

She's an interesting creature, no?

A Minneapolis weirdo transplanted to Chicago and married
a teacher named Zeus Preckwinkle
who taught at private schools in the Hyde Park area.

Early enabler and supporter of Sparkle-Farts Obama...

So with these credentials, you know she has no
concern for the working stiff who pays the bulk
of the freight to keep Chicago and Cook County

7/09/2017 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My long time pizza place, "La Villa Restaurant" has stopped giving away free soda with pizza orders, because of the tax!

They used to give away at least 1,000 liters of soda bottles with pizza, per month!

Now that the business stopped, the workers in the plants and warehouses of various companies, are going to be scared of losing good paying jobs due to this tax, if the this trend continues with stores and restaurants stopping orders!

FUCK YOU TONI Preckwinkle!

7/09/2017 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crook County,Il is crooked to the core, just like Chicago Public Schools, City of Chicago ,, taxpayers were privileged to buy/pay for lunches each day for CPS staff ,costing only 9 Million a year
Just shop Indiana , Counties outside of cook.. now Illinois State income tax hike taking away another $1100 a year ..,forget it Illinois

7/09/2017 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cant take away from the leeches.. nobody else is stupid enough to vote D other than the self loathing sjw crowd.

7/09/2017 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go eat shit with that tax increase dancing boy rahm. Gfy

7/09/2017 07:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
They are going to do an affirmative action layoff too by race not seniority like they did to Detroit Police Officers.
7/09/2017 02:50:00 PM


7/09/2017 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Kimmee would have to lay off 100 ASA's? That means she has 1000 prosecutors if the cuts are 10%. Like others said the prosecution of crimes has tanked because of the "fetal position" and other factors such as increasing requirements for prosecution. So, my question is...WTF?

7/09/2017 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CC Jail is already shorthanded. How many COs can Dart lay off before the jail is on lockdown 24/7/365 due to a lack of guards? CPD will be assigning officers to court because the officers are laid off from the CC court section. Idle threats. Always idle threats of layoffs. They can't afford to lose those votes. Ain't never going to happen.

7/09/2017 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The wife and I took our first trip today across the border into Indiana today. We hit Jewel, Strack and Van til, save a lot and, Walmart. Where we stocked up the back of the Pickup with sugary and sweetened beverages. We then hit Costco in Merrillville, where we stocked up on more sweetened beverages.

We both agreed that after looking at all the receipts that, we will be making this trip each month to avoid the PRECKWINKLE TAX. We also fueled up the Pickup for the short drive back. We also enjoyed a nice lunch at Coopers Hawk with savings taxes.

Argue with me about spending money in CROOK COUNTY vs Indiana, but you do the math and you will do the same.

Its time to oust rahm, Taxwrinkle, both madigans, and put term limits on all elected politicians in Illinois.

7/09/2017 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dart needs to go check out and start looking like all the other Sheriffs in the USA.

But then again, he isn't a real Lawman like the rest of us.

Inspector Callahan,
Sheriff Dart, tell us about your most memorable felony arrests.

Sheriff Dart,
I never made a felony arrests.

Inspector Callahan,
Well then tell us about your most memorable misdemeanor arrests,

Sheriff Dart,
I never made a misdemeanor arrests either.

What a pathetic sheriff we have in Crook county.

7/09/2017 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dart has run out of unemployed lawyer pals to give supervisory jobs. The jail has more bosses with gold stars than the Pentagon. You will never see one of them, nor Dart for that matter, in Division 9 or any of the other rathole troublesome spots.

7/09/2017 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over half of Crook County budget is to give FREE healthcare to illegals and Obama voters.

The majority of Cook County property taxes pay for County hospital system and the Jail.

7/09/2017 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm gonna solve the budget crisis right now for Kim Foxx. When Anita was in Office I believe she had 4 executive positions plus her. When Kimmie took over that swelled to about 14 plus her. Some of the additions were Director of Ethics, Deputy Director of Ethics, Director of Diversity and Deputy Director of Diversity just to name a few. Add them all up so that's 10 spots and let's conservatively say 150k per spot per year give or take that's 1.5 mil a year total. Boom you I saved a 100 ASA's. And the fucking position of the Director of Ethics makes me wanna laugh. What a crock of shit. How about some news outlet run with this....

7/09/2017 12:31:00 AM

That information is not correct.

7/09/2017 02:05:00 PM

What exactly is not correct and by all means correct me please. Enlighten me!!!!

7/09/2017 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice these low life conniving politicians alway say they will be laying off cops first. This is to scare tax payers. Surprised Prickwankle hasn't announced laying off doctors and surgeons at county hospital. Like Chicago Crook County is loaded with excess patronage workers. Many never have to show up for work. Hope this judge realizes that he will be up for reelection in the future. Tax payers are pissed and outraged!

7/10/2017 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why Illinois is the documented worst run state in the US. I will be joining the thousands that for every year. Texas here I come. Hee haw.

7/10/2017 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Dart has the most corrupt budget out of all of them. Now hes backstabbing winkle to the press. Why doesn't she put the hammer down on his political patronage machine.

7/10/2017 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Dart ever show up at work?

7/10/2017 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Physician salaries at Cook County Health and Hospitals System can range from $156,882-$170,485. This estimate is based upon 1 Cook County Health and Hospitals System Physician salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. See all Physician salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market.

7/10/2017 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son tested for the CCSP; White male 28 yoa, college graduate, psychology major, past employment, counselor half way house for the criminally mental ill, transition them back to society; state penitentiary, counsel prisoners at intake and preparing for release, lasted 2 weeks when he saved a guard from a beatdown he was asked to work max security detail ( he stands 6'5-245 lbs college athlete, hi school wrestler) after a year plus at state institution he moves on to a county jail, modern facility, now a court officer armed transport of prisoners to courts and federal transfers.

Deemed not qualified for CCSP, he says he answered truthfully on psych portion, a thief is a thief, con man a con man. Experience is the best teacher. Examples are the best teacher, only a fool would believe less and that's what CCSP wants to hire.

Dart & Pinkwinkle can go fuck themselves and this aint sour grapes, my son is waiting for the call after testing in top 10 for real jobs outside Crook county.

7/10/2017 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO POP in the Jail, no coffee, no tea, just good ol' Lake Michigan Water 6oz glass 3 times a day, it costs RAhM to much for more.

7/10/2017 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Teamster Strong said...

Rumor has it Edward "Eddie" Acevedo will be running for Sheriff. Also, Teamsters 700 and AFSCME locals will stand with Acevedo, who was a Cook County Sheriff Sergeant, Chicago Police and State Rep.

7/10/2017 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what stinks? My property taxes just went up another $900. They try and blame police and fire pensions are the reason for the increases. How about we drop this sanctuary city bs already. How much does it cost tax payers to send these kids to school where they get all their supplies for free a hot breakfast and lunch and their parents aren't paying property taxes and most probably don't pay incomes taxes either. I would imagine if they go to Cook County Hospital they aren't paying any medical bills either. Enough is enough. You're taxing the middle class to death. Keep blaming the city, county and state workers and keep the real reasons our city county and state is broke a mystery. I can't wait to retire so I can move out of Illinois.

7/10/2017 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lay off 200 civilian directors that are employed for the Sheriff at 100 thousand a year. They don't do anything but get in the way. All bullshit positions that aren't needed. How much money did I just save?

7/10/2017 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You know what stinks? My property taxes just went up another $900. They try and blame police and fire pensions are the reason for the increases. How about we drop this sanctuary city bs already. How much does it cost tax payers to send these kids to school where they get all their supplies for free a hot breakfast and lunch and their parents aren't paying property taxes and most probably don't pay incomes taxes either. I would imagine if they go to Cook County Hospital they aren't paying any medical bills either. Enough is enough. You're taxing the middle class to death. Keep blaming the city, county and state workers and keep the real reasons our city county and state is broke a mystery. I can't wait to retire so I can move out of Illinois.

How could your taxes go up? The city didn't get reassessed and won't get reassessed until 2018. This bill is the second installment of your taxes. The first installment you paid in March or April was 55% of the previous years raxes. Mine like almost every city resident went up very little. Something is wrong with your bill I would check it out

7/10/2017 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Physician salaries at Cook County Health and Hospitals System can range from $156,882-$170,485. This estimate is based upon 1 Cook County Health and Hospitals System Physician salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. See all Physician salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market.

7/10/2017 08:40:00 AM
That's all the Chicago police detective with some overtime can make that sound make well over 200,000 a year that's not a lot of money for all the school and considering you have to pay back what four to $500,000?

7/10/2017 06:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preckwinkle is doing it wrong. She should pass a law that everyone must buy sugary drinks and then fine,,oops, I mean tax everyone who doesn't. It's perfectly constitutional, right Chief Justice Roberts?

7/10/2017 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. You guys act like ASA's ARE Kimm Foxx and CCJ staff ARE Tom Dart. People on here rooting for thousands of people to loose their jobs is sickening. When is the last time anyone heard an ASA or an CCSD employee rooting for a loss in CPD manpower? Never. Every third topic on this blog is about how CPD is understaffed. But somehow it's cool to have thousands of County front line staff to be laid off? This blog has become way to reactionary and has turned into more of a gossip page for me. If it's about what's going on with the job I read every article and comment because the knowledge about the job here is unmatched. But the I hate everybody and everything tone is getting old. No wonder every LEO outside of Chicago hates us. They read this blog. An IDOC Parole Officer turned his "lights" on at me the other day on the Ryan while in my personal vehicle. I flashed my badge and he flashed a finger. I love it here and read everyday but I'm don't read to get my dose of politics. I read to stay on top of my sh!t. This won't make it past moderation but I suppose the "men" in charge might see it. Next time they talk reduction in force HERE I bet ASA's and Sherriffs have our backs... until they don't.

7/10/2017 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous memo said...

Dart could start off by bot giving away free pizza to the convicts

7/11/2017 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/10 @ 1104 pm.... I really doubt you are the police, and definitely not in Chicago.If you are, you are a career house mouse who should've been head cashier at Moo & Oinks... Now go get your shine box.🍕

7/11/2017 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cook County President: We’re going broke
Local Government
West Cook News Reports | Feb 9, 2016

Cook County’s board president is threatening cuts “affecting some of the county’s most vulnerable citizens” if Illinois taxpayers don’t give the county more money.

Toni Preckwinkle told the Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board the county is struggling to make payroll because the state owes it $66 million.

Cook County’s payroll includes 21,969 full-time employees earning a collective $1.528 billion.

A 5 percent across-the-board pay cut would bridge a $66 million budget gap. But Preckwinkle isn’t proposing any pay cuts for Cook County employees.

In 2014, 3,001 (14 percent) Cook County employees earned more than $90,000 in compensation, before accounting for taxpayer-funded pension contributions.

Another 12,662 (58 percent) Cook County employees earned more than $60,000; and 21,914 of Cook County employees -- or 98 percent -- earned more than Cook County’s median income of $30,048.

The average Cook County employee earned $78,875 in 2014-- $69,937 in compensation and $8,938 in taxpayer-funded pension contribution. But that pension contribution still isn’t nearly enough.

Cook County’s employee pension was $6.25 billion in debt as of Dec. 31, 2014, or $3,165 per Cook County household. That’s a jump of 270 percent over 10 years; the debt was $2.305 billion on Dec. 31, 2005.

7/11/2017 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "No wonder every LEO outside of Chicago hates us. They read this blog. An IDOC Parole Officer turned his "lights" on at me the other day on the Ryan while in my personal vehicle. I flashed my badge and he flashed a finger."

So a Parole officer turned his lights on? And you 'flashed your badge"? WTF? The last time that I looked Sheriffs had stars, not badges. But if you are employed with the Sheriff's Office you should probably look at your ID somewhere for the correct spelling instead of: "HERE I bet ASA's and Sherriffs have our backs... until they don't."

7/11/2017 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Tribune
A temporary restraining order issued last month by a Cook County Circuit Court judge over the county's planned penny-per-ounce tax on sweetened beverages was upheld Monday by an Illinois appellate court.

7/11/2017 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cut the spending before you raise taxes!

7/11/2017 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/10/2017 08:40:00 AM
That's all the Chicago police detective with some overtime can make that sound make well over 200,000 a year that's not a lot of money for all the school and considering you have to pay back what four to $500,000?

Very few detectives make that. Maybe a few,but that's all

7/11/2017 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the father -
Deemed not qualified for CCSP, he says he answered truthfully on psych portion, a thief is a thief, con man a con man. Experience is the best teacher. Examples are the best teacher, only a fool would believe less and that's what CCSP wants to hire.
You boy took the usual M/2 shaft that CCSP plays. They learned from their master at H.R,- CPD how to shaft these over qualified men. The double dipper head of CPD-HR has admitted how they use the shrink b.s to keep the great ones out the door. He learned from the best in being a hater, Tracy Lander. Rahm had to get rid of her for all the law suits, and she lasted two weeks at the county with Toni. Toni even threw her out. She is the cousin of the former presidents wife. Hard to believe !

The firm they use to test the applicants on their mental stability hire all 10 times to pass the board certification to be a licensed psychologist. You can just guess what state university they got their Ph.D. at !Hint - Way south in Chicago.

They hand out PhD' like cotton candy at a carnival.

7/12/2017 03:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/12/2017 05:43:00 PM  

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