OT Cuts Coming
- Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the city of Chicago “can’t afford” police overtime expenses at the current level and called on Superintendent Eddie Johnson to develop a cost-cutting plan.
Lightfoot said she’s “angry and frustrated” with the department’s overtime expenses, which totaled $67.6 million in the first six months of the year, according to a Sun-Times report.
Asked who’s to blame for the overspending, Lightfoot said, “Every department head has to take responsibility for what goes on.”
“I’ve talked to Superintendent Johnson about it. We’re going to challenge him to come up with a very specific proposal. When you’ve got 13,000 sworn members, there should be no reason why they blow their budget,” Lightfoot said. “We’ve already started a conversation about what we’re going to do next year to make sure that doesn’t happen. We can’t afford it. The truth is, we can’t afford it.”
Time to look at cutting the fat Groot.
Look at that - we just saved you about eight million.
Chime in with your suggestions.
- How many Chiefs do we have? Six? You need three, tops, one for Patrol, one for Investigations, one for Admin bullshit.
- How many Deputy Chiefs? Nineteen? You need maybe six like we had 20 years ago. One for each Patrol Area, One for each Detective Area. Maybe one spare for furlough relief.
- How many Captains? Forty? Redundant - eliminate them all and put their cars back in the vehicle pool .
- How many officers are there compiling statistics to make pretty charts for you? It numbers on the hundreds, but it should be zero. And those are the people who shouldn't be getting Duty Availability - they aren't available for diddly shit.
Look at that - we just saved you about eight million.
Chime in with your suggestions.
Labels: department issues
PERFECT time to get frustrated. SUMMER IS OVAHHH.
Fast forward to the next bloody weekend and promises that every breathing officer will be out on the streets to 'do something.'
Great suggestions !!! No more canceled holidays, No more canceled rdo’s For Tac/gangs, get rid of VRI, there is no need for OT because we’re fully staffed at over 13,000 according to the mayor. We have plenty of officers to cover these areas were at full strength. Use their words and stats against them. There’s also no need for ot because crime is down. WTF is she talking about ?? The city can’t afford it she’s the boss !! Get rid of all if it ☠️
Go ahead and cut vri—
The flip side of that coin— activity will plummet and the loop is right for the picking
Just look at soldier field after a soccer game or navy pier after the 4th of july
Democrats - the class of people that keep digging to get themselves out of a hole
Cut vri.
and of course o.t. will not be offered until the next weekend bloodbath
This is fucking rich! She is responsible for the majority of the OT to try and keep her violent constituents under control. Now like everything else, the common copper is the whipping boy. The vast amount of that OT was MANDATORY! Now that it’s getting colder and closer to arbitration she wants to place the blame on us. You (progressives) took the power from the police now you need way more bodies just to attempt to try and maintain a modicum of control. The blame lies squarely in the mirror, Groot.
Wait until the swipe out starts. I will find that 10:55 traffic stop that will take me a good half hour or so to complete. I’ll probably write two tickets. I’m hitting the cash box. I’ll do this a couple of times a month. Then, I’ll get the court notification. Gotta go to court. Don’t want the deviation. Hitting the cash box for that too. Cha-Ching. (Oh by the way, I’m not going to remember any of the specifics of any of the tickets I write, so you won’t even get the fine money)
Oh, and don’t cancel days off on holiday weekends and you won’t have to pay that OT either. Stupid bitch.
"Lightfoot said she’s “angry and frustrated” with the department’s
overtime expenses, which totaled $67.6 million in the first six
months of the year, according to a Sun-Times report."
Is the mannish-assed, militantly misandrist mayoress
buying air time at WVON and telling "Tha' Communerty"
how "angry and frustrated" she is that they're the
CAUSE for CPD O/T being what it is?
What a joyously ignorant, willfully obtuse
wretch she is...
How she hasn't bitten her tongue and keeled
over from sepsis due the amount of shit she
talks to the Police is amazing.
We’ll do the pretty charts for a fraction of the cost. We’ll even throw in all the data that’s left out at no extra charge.
Let's see how bad it gets when there is not a cop on every corner every weekend.
Let me get this straight. Overtime, not a problem through the summer. Result, crime (murder) is down, yippee, success. Summer is over and overtime is now verboten (forbidden.) The next crime spike traditionally occurs from just before Thanksgiving, to just after New Years (you're welcome Mayor for this tip on Policing.) Will overtime be an issue then? No, it won't. She'll next make it an issue in February, when LL is "Shocked, Shocked I say," that soooo much O.T. was used to keep the mayhem down for the Holidays. It's all Bullshit Political Theater! So far as I see, LL hasn't offered solutions to anything, only excuses.
Cut everything, see where that gets you. Rahm cut the Police manpower, what happened to crime. There just isn’t enough of us.
And How much will it cost the City in Tourism, When some lunatic Kills on Michigan ave? Remember the guy who stabbed the Doctor in the neck at the Westin and was caught by Officers working Michigan ave.
Mayor Lower Than Whale Shit doesn’t understand that all 13K police don’t work the streets at the same time. Empty HQ of police and replace with civilians, empty the district office personnel and replace with civilians, empty all desk officers in all other units and replace with civilians and you still won’t have enough cops per watch on the streets. Oh wait we can empty Call Back. No still not enough and besides some of those cops have been stripped so can’t use them. Oh I know force everyone off the the Medical and IOD. No can’t do that? Wait, of course, it’s so simple! Unleash the cops. Allow them to be the police and enforce the laws and ordinances without fear of being hung by the thumbs. Na can’t do that. I know, I know hire thousands of more police. No, can’t afford the salaries, bennies, and pensions. I guess crime will continue to run rampant and OT will continue to be the answer for more cops on the streets to try and hold back the tide of a city in criminal decline.
EVERYONE already knows EVERY city department is overflowing with unnecessary upper management positions. If your going to start with cuts in the police department, start with Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs. Then re evaluate which Commanders are actually NECESSARY.... Demote unnecessary Commanders and have their positions replaced with Captains and/or Lieutenants... Demotions will create more Lieutenants to fill in vacancies instead of making more Lieutenants. Send the hundreds of unnecessary administrative spots citywide back to the streets with all the unnecessary slugs hiding in headquarters. Next, clean up callback. Finish “ investigating “ cases ASAP.... Shit or get off the pot. Separate those who deserve it and close the bullshit cases..
Get the community to buy in. Tell them they need to grow up and stop the bullshit. It will benefit them in the long run in less tax increases. 😂
retired now, but I always tried to get everyone to not work special enjoyment, etc. Can't strike but if everyone stuck together, for just one week, but better a month, they would get the message. Just imagine the numbers if noone gave up their days off. Sad but true.
How many more people in uniform do u need? The person does not even have to be willing to put hands on anyone, just hand around at the station or do the medical shit. Lol. We need the numbers to go up
Sears, K-mart, Applebee’s and now Chicago Police go the way of VHS cassettes. Crime fighting has gone the way of a Three Musketeers bar!
Stay safe, put in a full days work and go home. It’s just a job! Detroit here comes Chicago.
She thinks overtime is bad now. Wait till we start bringing in a TVB 15min before swiping out. Pay me my monies dummy
Cut that vre crap at Homan Square, bunch of clout babies making 12 hours to write ANOVS to bums. Most of them are house mouses M-F then come in on OT to write ANOVS.
Absolutely right! she needs to start making cuts at the top. Way too many brass. The fact that we have 19 Deputy Chiefs is disgraceful.We don’t need any Deputy Chiefs if you ask me. Just have the Chief of patrol delegate directly to the commanders. Hell, make the Chief earn his pay. Captain is also a HUGE waste. Complete overlap. Between commander and the captain we have two massive salaries sitting in the same office doing the same thing. Why can’t Lightfoot see all this waste? Also drains the pension with crap. Stop promoting all these unnecessary brass. Friends promoting friends.
Ok, here's the thing... either black lives matter or they don't.
Fuck you pay me.
13,000... bullshit !
Yes CPD, shit, the entire city government is very top heavy.
You are a reformer or you are not.
Good luck with all of that, mizz mayor.
Don’t anyone get angry but - is it just me or, is about 70% of the Department clueless. I no longer want to get involved in anyone else’s job for fear they will get me in trouble. Most officers I in counter don’t know the orders. Most try not to do any paper. Just code jobs. If they do a paper job they don’t want to write much. They leave out a lot of the elements. I feel most lack any education. Or are missing common scenes. I find it hard to believe that just about everyone has some college. If I didn’t have 12 years I would look into switching my profession. My morale is zero in my District. This job really blows. I don’t want OT no way. I hope they can figure out a way so as I can never get any.
Twenty and out! Can’t wait to see the sign Welcome to Tennessee in my future!
Excuse me but wasn’t she the one that wanted a shit load of boots on the ground canceling our rdos so we could babysit the community for Labor Day holiday ? I would have rather been at a bbq than doing that bullshit. So go ahead and keep implementing fixed posts in the hood and all that nonsense. You want lower body counts in Chicago ? That’s what it fucking takes. A shit ton of officers watching the south and west sides like babysitters l. Don’t like it? Pull them all out and distribute them more equitably around town . Problem solved. Good luck on your city.
Tact teams and units having multiple days off cancelled e dry period during the summer, “just because.”
Holiday weekends have days off cancelled, typically as close to the last minute as you can get.
I know it’s cheaper than training and paying benefits for additional officers but the city has gotten out of control with these mandatory cancelled days off.
You need your days off to decompress, spend time with your loved ones, and protect your mental health. The bosses say they care, but if they did, they wouldn’t abuse us like that and overwork us.
Lori wants to cancel days off, and offer up volunteer OT to plug gaps, and then blame the police for the OT costs? As Henry Hill said, “fuck you, pay me.” But I’d often just rather have the time off.
Area Central and South have OT every Friday, Saturday and Sunday... They barely do anything more then TVB's and pissers on normal days imagine what they are doing on OT... also why do they get 15 hours per day in the middle of winter?? Waste of money right there..
Fuck it, carry me on days when I have court. What ever the number of police isn’t enough! Another experiment going on at the cost of public safety.
Do they want the public safe or save money. Because they can’t get both. Negative crime reported by the News is costly, always saying crime is down is a fantasy. Chicago neighborhoods show the true cost of crime on humans and property.
I wish they would stop making us all work on holidays so they can save money.
I work a fair days work for a fair days pay. What else do they want? My blood.......... Fuck their OT! Stick it up their @$$, smoke that in your weed pipe DemocRATS!
They really must hate us :(
I guess everyone gets everything for free and now they expect me to work for free. Screw that.
I want a contact like the CPS teachers.
Repeal the Gold Braid bill.
Po's Going to court is a waste of money. Use the body cam footage. Use the reports made by the po's
Direct oemc not to give out Jon's to cars that are about to end their tour to save on possible overtime
Does that mean I have time to go to the bar again? Hello Bucktown!
I don’t care anymore by Phil Collins will be the first song I play. They can take this job and shove it will be another.
Cut the fat
2 tact secretaries
3 review girls
The easiest and quickest way to save police OT is to end VRI.
Another easy cut is the Safe Passage program. It was created only a few years ago by Rahm, is useless and was only a patronage hiring program for the Community’s unemployable. End Safe Passage for immediate savings and no change to any city service.
Not only are Captains redundant, they are draining. I can’t speak for all districts, however, 019 I can. Someone who has the authorization, please pull up how much OT Captain Paul Kane is making. I’m not a jealous type of guy, love when anyone can make money off this job of ours. I don’t, however appreciate a Captain bragging about how he paid off his summer home, yet hand picks who makes the OT and how! He’s a bitter prick of a human being. Paul my lad, this will be your downfall. Professionally and personally
Lightfoot said she’s “angry and frustrated”
Lightfoot said, “Every department head has to take responsibility
Ompa lompa dumpa dee doo, what do you say when you you don't know shit fool...
OMG! Do they really think we care, LOL! Take everything away and there will be nothing to take away. They treat Police like punks and earned boys. No respect for the human garbage handlers. I do believe everything they do is personal. They have been totally disrespectful towards the men and women of this department from day one. It is like they Have an axe to grind.
famous phrase "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate", most frequently translated as "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here." This inception should be added to all police buildings and police job applications. I can’t wait to get out of here. This job is like a living hell. If I see one more FOP magazine with peer support I’m going to scream. This place is really crazy.
You mean specialEd will not have anybody to make the pretty charts? Old specialEd will have no choice but to break out the crayons and a ruler.
There goes the extra money I usually put into the local economy. ;)
Just when I wanted to work some OT. Not!
OT hit 100 million this week thanks to the summer, fourth of July, labor day, and numerous festivals. That was the straw that really broke the camels back. There is still almost four months to go and it's very possible that the final OT tab will
be 120 million at the end of the year. Major major changes coming in regards to overtime involving court and staff shortage. Basically all court notifications by the states attorneys office will now have to be approved by a Sgt or higher. Also, the OT cost cutting is not being conducted by Special Ed (despite what groot is saying on TV) or any of his staff but by Susie Park, the director of police finances who is not talking to anybody on the fifth floor. When it's completed, Eddie will be told to sign his name at the bottom. Needless to say, if you rely on OT, best start looking for a side gig asap.
No OT pay and I will go home. I hated staying late.
Groot's Mantra: Deflect, deflect, deflect...
Deflect from her own shortcomings, to make it look like everyone else is at fault somehow.
Stop cancelling RDO’s period. We have all these units and they still cancel our days off or make us work 12 hour days for holidays. If we really are back up to 13k officers what gives?
The laugh tracks are playing every time Ed and Groot change things for the worse. I know the place is having difficulty with money. But if crime does not get under control no one Is going to want to stay or move into Chicago. I gave Groot a chance but she is truly over her head.
From a guy who doesn’t do any OT.
Court. Box one and box 2 only. No need for 9 officer.. I.E an entire gang, tac or narcotics team to sit at 26th and Cal for a PCS arrest where only 2 or 3 officers may testify. No more in district RDO OT initiatives. No more cancelled RDOs period no matter how much you wanna “flood the zone.” It’s unpopular, but in the interest of cutting OT then on these holidays take your tac, gang and mission teams from slow districts like 020,016,017, 002, 024, 022 and put them in your busier districts like 010,010,015,003,007,006,008. It’s highly unpopular but I’m only talking about ideas. Also; take 6 officers by reverse seniority or volunteer from every district in the city on each watch for the entire weekend and put them together as a “unit”. That’s 156 officers to use as a saturation unit for these busy districts. Only extension of your is for a person in custody... period. Cut out mandatory staff meetings. No more fake OT for the DIOs of the district for follow ups. All photo arrays for the D Unit need to be done during your tour of duty no matter what the schedule of the victim or witness is. No more running witnesses to the grand jury and making it an 8 hour tour on days then go right into working afternoons... (ahem, area south..) . There Gould be a cpd officer or Sgt at the door of grand jury checking officers in and out. When they get to grand jury they sign in.. as they leave the jury room and true bill is announced the Sgt should immediately sign them out as they no longer have a use for them.. I know, I know.. the dics need to go across to the other side for a “meeting” with the state about a “big case”.... for 6 hours.. yeah right. It can be done. Pretty easily. Detectives make tons of OT with terrible Clarence rates.. take the OT away.. it’s not like you can get any more cases suspended. Keep an electronic log of how much OT goes into a specific RD number or case. Then when that case is closed out see how much OT was spent on it and what was the disposition of the case. So a shooting that had 180hrs of OT that was suspended two weeks later with only two progresses and a suspended report means that case was dodged and used to just make money.
The little schnauzer was quick to point out the 1,000 extra officers who were added to patrol for the labor day weekend and then she says she's disappointed with the overtime spending. Definitely showing signs of being bi polar.
That $67.7 Million could have gone to a TIF. Try to think of the Developers and their Globalist Banker pals, will ya? French Cognac and Cuban cigars cost money.
No overtime for salaried employees.
But the City can afford your private security staff? Oh, I forgot. Her policies does not include her.
Can’t afford it, eh?
So is it safe to assume the CPD “Security Specialists” (GAG!!) assigned to your protection detail will have their hours adjusted to conform to your daily, local itinerary, Larry?
Will they work a straight eight with a lunch break when they accompany you on your weekly out of state jaunts?
I didn’t think so.
Fucking hypocritical toad.
>100 Officers compiling stats for pretty charts?
Sounds like Chicago buys Blackwing Pencils by the case!
Tower of Babel anyone? An accountant brought Capone down.
How much of those salaries came from Federal money?
Trump announced yesterday that the V.A.'s no-cut policy had
been broken. No more life-long seniority security schmucks.
If true, she inherited a whole company of self-serving pencil
pushers that would NEVER exist in private enterprise. You
know why Jeff Bezos is so detail obsessed? His grandfather
used to work for ARPA. Jeff worked on his farm in the summers
sometimes and he learned to solve problems with minimal
resources (money, people, time). Amazon started from nothing
and hit $1Trillion market cap last year. It has since dropped, but
it will be back. The CPD geek squad is the polar opposite of
the people hired by Bezos. It's a mathmatecial massage unit
whose days are numbered.
Wait until the swipe out starts. I will find that 10:55 traffic stop that will take me a good half hour or so to complete. I’ll probably write two tickets. I’m hitting the cash box. I’ll do this a couple of times a month. Then, I’ll get the court notification. Gotta go to court. Don’t want the deviation. Hitting the cash box for that too. Cha-Ching. (Oh by the way, I’m not going to remember any of the specifics of any of the tickets I write, so you won’t even get the fine money)
Oh, and don’t cancel days off on holiday weekends and you won’t have to pay that OT either. Stupid bitch.
You sound angry because you might have to learn to actually live within your means.
Anonymous said...
And How much will it cost the City in Tourism, When some lunatic Kills on Michigan ave? Remember the guy who stabbed the Doctor in the neck at the Westin and was caught by Officers working Michigan ave.
9/10/2019 12:47:00 AM
Caught after it happened? Reactive not proactive! If he was caught before incident asshat that’s a win!
Anyone else notice that everything she says contradicts everything else she says? More police, now less police...
—-not a cop
Groot's Mantra: Deflect, deflect, deflect...
Deflect from her own shortcomings, to make it look like everyone else is at fault somehow.
9/10/2019 02:32:00 AM
LL likes to dodge, duck, dip, dive, then make a return hit as low as possible on the target, then repeat. She's a real dodge baller.
They could start saving on O.T. by stopping with the whole canceled day off city wide every fricken hioliday...It's not needed! Then crack down on the units! The people in Area South gangs/Sat teams get to work a day off nearly every week, and for what?? The waste is unreal in this department.
Remember, Streets and San has over 50,000 employees.
Anonymous said...
Po's Going to court is a waste of money. Use the body cam footage. Use the reports made by the po's
9/10/2019 01:42:00 AM
WHAT ? Rules of evidence means you need the officer who’s body cam was used and you need the officer who authored the report unless the defense attorney is willing to stipulate to it.
We don't have a manpower problem. We have a police and distribution of manpower problem.
We have too many new hires who act like they are 20+ year vets and don't want to do anything. I get it, its a different time but Jesus! you signed up to be the police. Sometimes you have to arrest someone, write a ticket, tell someone no.
Secondly its time to take a hard look at all the plain clothe units. Start with district tact and gangs. 1 team each of 10 and a Sgt working straight afternoons is all we need. Put the rest back in uniform on patrol. 8 guys down on a one bag arrest doesn't cut it anymore.
Com stat is a huge waste of manpower. Take those Officers who are crunching the numbers and put them back out. Stop hiding desk officers in the districts.
Make it so no one has weekends off at HQ or elsewhere. At least a F/S or S/M DOG. There is no reason recruits should have weekends off while in the academy. Put them in DOGs along with the instructors. Along with this no one, and I mean no one, with under 10 years on should be inside or teaching at the academy.
Unless you are a Detective, undercover OCD, dist tact and gangs, or on some kind of special assignment you should be in uniform.
Take home cars need to be looked at hard. The only one in a district who should have a take home car is the D/C. If you work at HQ in any capacity, except for the Supe and 1st, you do not need a take home car. I may consider an exception for SWAT if they are on call.
Overtime is not the problem
that’s the problem.
It’s time to restructure from the TOP and work
your way down, Mayor
Get rid of the 20 house mouses in Mass Transit that will save 3 million, and dump the big mouthed Commanders Secretary
The mayor is experiencing what is called "Cognitive Dissonance" her ego encouraged her to run for mayor, she was elected that inflated her ego , now she is angry and frustrated that the problems are much bigger than her knowledge and ability so naturally the blame can not be with her perception of just what the problems are, the greater the ego the more the inability to admit what you don't know. Rahm Emanuel parachuted in to the job due to the clout he has with Obama, the whole point was to inflate his resume for higher office, here again the job was bigger than his ego but he was smart enough to just put bandages on some problems , kick the can down the road regarding the financial problems (making them worse) declare victory and escape, unfortunately for Mayor Lightfoot she doesn't have Rahm's political acumen or clout
No more OT here in Filmore, the well has run dry and plenty of tears to go around. Really cleaned up with the moolah having to do nothing and I mean nothing for it. We knew it would end, some cops will soon have visits from the repo man for all those new shiney toys they bought.
Send a bill to Crazy Kim in 701 for free rental car , actually unmarked tact car she used for nearly a decade, gas, maintenance, tolls.......
Does anybody else remember her saying “do whatever it takes to keep the crime down” I swear she said she didn’t care how much OT we worked at the beginning of the summer. Now it’s an issue. Typical liberal. Wants all the perks and none of the financial responsibility. Stop canceling our fucking days off if you don’t want to pay up
compiling Stats you have them at district level and at 35th Michigan what a waste of manpower 2 layers of useless PO’s that are afraid of working the street!
To Anonymous at 9/10/2019 03:09:00 AM
You Sir are a douche who has a little knowledge but no experience. First is that motions for cases are dictated by the defense attorney not the ASA. Meaning ASA doesn’t know which officer will be called therefore all officers need to be there. Photo arrays and interviews with victims and witnesses are dictated by the availability of the victim and witnesses. How do you think it’ll look when a victim tells the media “ The police never showed me pictures.” Furthermore you idea of an electronic log for each case shows how little you know. There is an investigative checklist that that should be done on each case regardless of the outcome of the case. Reports, interviews of victims and witnesses, hospital records, subpoenas, phone records, video retrieval and review and documentation, search warrants, etc etc.. only after you have exhausted all these tools should a case be suspended. Detectives have been forced to cut corners but that’s how all cases should be worked.
I can’t go on almost everything you suggested is just stupid.
Hey LL you want to cut expenses? Why look at the people that work their asses off and miss out on their entire summer year after year because they have to work non-stop. Why not look at the black hole of “social benefits” dished out to the welfare dependents across the city- having kids they can’t afford and committing the obscene amount of crime that requires us to work these hours in the first place? Do you think we like having our weekends canceled? Our holidays ruined? Do you think we like having to go to court on our time off? Because we don’t. You make us do this bullshit then bitch about it later. Go fuck yourself.
Lift the residence requirement, more people will apply. Man power solved. Oh wait.... you need our money to fund your communist city of welfare dependent leaches. Never mind.
guess what SCC?
you just rearranged the deck chairs on the Titanic...well done!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Po's Going to court is a waste of money. Use the body cam footage. Use the reports made by the po's
9/10/2019 01:42:00 AM
Comments like this are why I retired,and don't regret it. The right to face your accuser is one of the pillars of the justice system. Officers(and command staff, that's you tommy lemming)that don't even understand the pillars of the justice system, can not implement it, nor properly participate in it.
House mouses are trembling as we speak.
Hmmm I have an idea ... Tell dude Inc to stop homiciding dogs old ladies and children ... Lest we forget police overtime is driven by crime real or anticipated
I’ve said it before and I will say it again, there is a reason those OEMC cameras remain outside of 26th St. It is just that no one had the stones to make a move against the OT nonsense. Well this lady has the stones and some of us are going to feel the sting. Forewarned is forearmed. Too bad so many of us think we are smarter than everyone else.
Senator Ted Cruze was right. Chicago doesn't have a gun problem, per se. It has a criminals with guns on the streets problem. The police should be allowed to do their jobs(no consent decree, no Copa, BLM, ACLU interference) Then you won't need all the OT to keep order.
The prickwanker plan is working.
Just not as efficiently in all it's intended results as hoped for.
1. Reduce county costs to free up graft pot money = Check!!!
2. Produce abumdant public perception of sjw victory!!! = Check!!!
3. Return to hoods their most prolitfic chaos producers = Check!!!
4. Present hood residents with choice of submission to democrat party subservimance or whatcha gonna do about it, beyotches??? = Check
Alas, some unintended byproducts of said successful prickwanker plan elements have manifested:
1. The Whatcha Gonna Do About It, Beyotches??? element = Shoot up the hood, muthafuckazz!!!
2. The above unintended byproduct has put a crimp in the pimp of the planned glorious celebration of the victory of the sjw element perception deception.
3. The "saved" county graft pot money has been offset by the huge increased neccessity of the big hog city budget increases needed to pay for the increases required to attempt to impede the increased chaos pumped back into the hoods via the prickwanker plan element pertaining to the above described county graft pot money.
4. As those pesky coppers insist upon being paid, well, this has resulted in the big hog city being at odds with the big hog balled county grafting machine.
Bug Eyes mayor vs Banjo Buns county boss mutt = city graft hog vs county graft hog.
And the CPS huge gluttonous hog mutant is about to use it's "leverage" of pissing their hog juices all over "the children", if they don't get more hog trough feedings.
Toni Baloney + Lori the Glorious + CTU mutants = Pay Dem democrat Taxes!!!!
(Yeah, I know. I got lazy and merely added a bit to my original post on the Kass Ass article below. I plead guilty. Can I get a suspended sentence, communutty servicing and a pee pee whack from the KY-Bandito??? Is possible??? Or no???)
The allocation of resources on this department is a joke. Way too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
A certain admin Sgt in area central should be looked at. Party over Dave.
TVB 10 minutes before check off???
that what we come up with really your SGT can order you to cut them.
CMON guys !!!
ORDER ET's like your supposed too
CANVASS for cameras and actually find video
Impound vehicles
NO BREAKS on domestic
CAll the state attorney regardless if its a shit case that will get you at least 2 hours waiting for a call back
Start brushing up on those shitty reports you turn in make them classic novels.
CONTACT cards for card loaded with bangers put every detail in report.
Find mentals and take them to hospital.
The actual job would take longer but we have become used to doing half ass investigation.
Every single city agency is top heavy. They are grossly overloaded with useless jerkoffs who contribute a minimal amount of useful work. Ms Mayor, you said it. You would sacrifice yourself politically to right the ship. Put your money where your mouth is. Slash the aldermen in half. Cut the fat at the top of every city department.
I'm not a Police Officer. I am a retired Firefighter from a northwest burb. I try to read your blog everyday. The info is very interesting at the lest. I don't remember the day I was in Chicago. Easy to get there using the train and public transportation. Guess what can't carry.
Crime ridden shit hole and they tie your hands. I know everyone does their best. Keep up the good work you do, keep safe and give them what they want. Remember your safety is your number one goal.
Thanks for all of what you do.
Offer the old-timers a $50,000 bonus if they retire this year or next year that will save you millions Right Cooter
If she’s upset about the overtime wait until the swiping out starts. I’ll be doing my best to stay late everyday and finally make some overtime on this job
Let's see. Groot thinks OT is too much. But she also thinks crime is too high.
Sorry, honey, can't have it both ways.
Typical Univ of Chicago egghead. No common sense.
Start in the D unit. Enough said !
Cut as many gold braided pensions as possible. In NY captains run the districts, do we really need district commanders? Nope. keep captains and let them run the districts. Save money now, save pension fund later. Too many political hacks are being rewarded with gold braided salaries now, and pensions later.
Tact teams and units having multiple days off cancelled e dry period during the summer, “just
You guys refuse to stay fetal anyway. You guys will do anything to stay in blue Jean's so your the cities bitch and will be used as such.
I can't afford to live in this city anymore. Screw you
But 50 aldermen, their staffs, and office budgets are ok though.
How about the news affairs office? How many police officers are assigned there and they have their own commander? About 25 POs? What a scam. Why do we have Robin Robinson on the payroll?
4 civilians at 45;000 a year and one Sergeant are enough.
Susie Park, the director of police finances
Uh, she’s the City’s Budget Director. Please know what you’re talking about before you type.
Anonymous said...
Court. Box one and box 2 only. No need for 9 officer.. I.E an entire gang, tac or narcotics team to sit at 26th and Cal for a PCS arrest where only 2 or 3 officers may testify. No more in district RDO OT initiatives. No more cancelled RDOs period no matter how much you wanna “flood the zone.” It’s unpopular, but in the interest of cutting OT then on these holidays take your tac, gang and mission teams from slow districts like 020,016,017, 002, 024, 022 and put them in your busier districts like 010,010,015,003,007,006,008. It’s highly unpopular but I’m only talking about ideas. Also; take 6 officers by reverse seniority or volunteer from every district in the city on each watch for the entire weekend and put them together as a “unit”. That’s 156 officers to use as a saturation unit for these busy districts. Only extension of your is for a person in custody... period. Cut out mandatory staff meetings. No more fake OT for the DIOs of the district for follow ups. All photo arrays for the D Unit need to be done during your tour of duty no matter what the schedule of the victim or witness is. No more running witnesses to the grand jury and making it an 8 hour tour on days then go right into working afternoons... (ahem, area south..) . There Gould be a cpd officer or Sgt at the door of grand jury checking officers in and out. When they get to grand jury they sign in.. as they leave the jury room and true bill is announced the Sgt should immediately sign them out as they no longer have a use for them.. I know, I know.. the dics need to go across to the other side for a “meeting” with the state about a “big case”.... for 6 hours.. yeah right. It can be done. Pretty easily. Detectives make tons of OT with terrible Clarence rates.. take the OT away.. it’s not like you can get any more cases suspended. Keep an electronic log of how much OT goes into a specific RD number or case. Then when that case is closed out see how much OT was spent on it and what was the disposition of the case. So a shooting that had 180hrs of OT that was suspended two weeks later with only two progresses and a suspended report means that case was dodged and used to just make money.
9/10/2019 03:09:00 AM
9/10/2019 03:09:00 AM
Shhhh...Stop it or "they" will finally catch on..
To the guy that says they don't need a whole narcotics team in court for a pcs. I agree but Narcotics doesn't make OT for court. Daytime Unit. Duh
She thinks overtime is bad now. Wait till we start bringing in a TVB 15min before swiping out. Pay me my monies dummy
Hahaha there is no way coppers are gonna write tvbs at the end of there tour who are u crapping
Can the overtime! don’t they keep saying the department is at full strength? Liars!!
Imagine that? A cop on every ghetto street corner and Groot had no idea?
How are all the pals and friends going to stay wealthy if she spends on the city services? Can't get reelected without that cycle of city contracts and campign "donations".
Cant get rid of the exempt positions, I just made merit Lt and am guaranteed to get an exempt spot. Will be DC in future!
Guess it ain't cheap to "Flood the Zone"....
OT.. Have not heard any news lately on the good Sgt. RG. Whats the status on him? Has he sobered up and staying away from lower Wacker Drive? Has his incident been swept under the rug cause he's clouted?
Less overtime means more crime.
If you want crime to go down you have to hold the ones committing the crimes accountable.
Whose committing the crimes?
Herein lies the snag.
Now, kees me you fool!!!!
"Go ahead and cut vri—
The flip side of that coin— activity will plummet and the loop is right for the picking
Just look at soldier field after a soccer game or navy pier after the 4th of july"
Sorry dude the loss of activity threat disappeared a long time ago, they have already accepted the fact that there be violence DT/ Mich Ave.
Last year-to 2 years ago, Rahm put the cost of VRI on the individual units of the officers that work VRI in an effort to quiet critics for spending 75 million a year instead of hiring more police. So it now looks like OT spending at the district level is out of control. They had a 5 year chart how overtime was up: 10 35 45 50 million (not exact #'s but you get the point). The Black hawks, laquon protests, Cubs WS. The last number, the biggest jump was the VRI switch-a-rue.
Also Its not unusual for tier 2 districts aka civilization has to hire P.O.s back just to meet the requirement of 2 man bet cars or at least one street supervisor.
Replace all democrats with republicans. No more crime! No more overtime! Except for the Financial Crimes Unit.)
Wait till swiping in and out starts, I will be getting an hour OT every night!
Get the community to buy in. Tell them they need to grow up and stop the bullshit. It will benefit them in the long run in less tax increases.
lol almost pissed myself.......Next time thrown in some unicorns, Santa Claus, Peter Pan, Bud Bilikens to give your statement more street cred.....
You also forgot to mention the CAPS program (professional party planners) . Do we really need to have a community BBQ (park district responsibilities ), and health screenings (dept of public health responsibility ) , domestic violence (dept of public health responsibility ),basketball tournaments (park district responsibility) Public Safety and patrolling the streets (The POLICE responsibility)
As for the meets, nothing important ever comes out of them. If some wants to report a crime or problem then go to the station and make a report. When a CAPS officer has to do something other than fun an games, such as real police work, they say call 911 and have patrol handle it.
Ms Mayor, the answer is simple. Hire new police officers at lower rates then make their raises at a lower and slower rate followed by lowering the retirement age to 52 and make them pay higher percentages for the first three years until they turn 55 then return back to same rate. This will not only save you money in the long run, you will also rid the dept of all the “old timers” that aren’t willing to “adapt” to the new standards and have yourself a new dept in about 10-15 years! Plus more savings with the older officers gone...at an average of $90k base salary a year. Problem solved. Nothing happens over night, but this is a great start. Take a survey (like the one you sent about our budget) to determine how many officers with 20+ years would pay the extra money in healthcare costs and how many would like to see the age dropped and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
28 on her detail getting sgt's pay....
By the way, when is JB going to cut all the waste and fat from the Govt?
Maybe mayor bug eyes should look where the extra officers are deployed for all this OT.Start there first.
I’m over 20 years as a SGT and maxed out yet I’m under 55..... how bout letting all coppers maxed out under 55 got out with the 2% insurance just like those who came on at 35 yoa and got out at 55 putting in only 20 years? You could hire 3 coppers for what I make and they would sure do a whole lot more work plus we would be off the city payroll.......
Where can I get a list of the 19 Deputy Chief positions?
Oh Larry, did you think flooding the zone was going to be free? I check the money box anytime my days off are canceled cause my time is money. 6 communerty members got gunned down in 1 weekend so you want to cancel my following weekend off? FUCK YOU, PAY ME! You want to cancel my weekend to work Lolla? FUCK YOU, PAY ME! You want to cancel my holiday and make me miss time with my family to babysit your constituents? FUCK. YOU. PAY ME! You're offering teachers 16%, so that means there's money to be had aka money to PAY ME! If you don't want to pay me 16% or more, then lift the residency requirement and pay me 12% for 4, no other changes. What do you say, Lar?
I’m not saying there’s no abuse.... like anything else in the city there is , and will be, abuse.
That being said a lot of this O.T. is mandated by the 5th floor of City Hall and the 5th floor of HQ yet Groot and the media will paint the “greedy” cops as the culprits.
FOP are you out there?
Pat: quit imitating “Shakes the Clown” and get involved.
Court. Box one and box 2 only. No need for 9 officer.. I.E an entire gang, tac or narcotics team to sit at 26th and Cal for a PCS arrest where only 2 or 3 officers may testify. No more in district RDO OT initiatives. No more cancelled RDOs period no matter how much you wanna “flood the zone.” It’s unpopular, but in the interest of cutting OT then on these holidays take your tac, gang and mission teams from slow districts like 020,016,017, 002, 024, 022 and put them in your busier districts like 010,010,015,003,007,006,008. It’s highly unpopular but I’m only talking about ideas. Also; take 6 officers by reverse seniority or volunteer from every district in the city on each watch for the entire weekend and put them together as a “unit”. That’s 156 officers to use as a saturation unit for these busy districts. Only extension of your is for a person in custody... period. Cut out mandatory staff meetings. No more fake OT for the DIOs of the district for follow ups. All photo arrays for the D Unit need to be done during your tour of duty no matter what the schedule of the victim or witness is. No more running witnesses to the grand jury and making it an 8 hour tour on days then go right into working afternoons... (ahem, area south..) . There Gould be a cpd officer or Sgt at the door of grand jury checking officers in and out. When they get to grand jury they sign in.. as they leave the jury room and true bill is announced the Sgt should immediately sign them out as they no longer have a use for them.. I know, I know.. the dics need to go across to the other side for a “meeting” with the state about a “big case”.... for 6 hours.. yeah right. It can be done. Pretty easily. Detectives make tons of OT with terrible Clarence rates.. take the OT away.. it’s not like you can get any more cases suspended. Keep an electronic log of how much OT goes into a specific RD number or case. Then when that case is closed out see how much OT was spent on it and what was the disposition of the case. So a shooting that had 180hrs of OT that was suspended two weeks later with only two progresses and a suspended report means that case was dodged and used to just make money.
Another piis ant, who has never did a day of work looking for that meritorious promotion with his or her suggestions.
Shit, how am I going to pay for my property tax increase?!!!!
Get rid of all these chiefs and deputy Chiefs and all these Commanders as XO’s and all the Captains too. An XO is the old District Secretary before we had the District Manager. Total waste of money. Clear out all these useless units and hiding spots. As to Patrol, you don’t need 3 Lieutenants who are never there anyways to run the Watch because they don’t run the Watch. All you need is one Lt and the rest can be done by Sgts. When the Lt is off then highest Sgt gets Out of a Grade pay, it’s cheaper in the long run and just as effective. There’s TOOOOOO many supervisors doing nothing. So how bout a few supervisions doing their jobs as opposed to a whole lot of supervisors doing nothing. Also get out of the consent decree with the ACLU.
Hey Groot
“Flooding the Zone( the ghetto)” has a pretty high cost.
What is the cost for each "flood the zone'????
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Po's Going to court is a waste of money. Use the body cam footage. Use the reports made by the po's
9/10/2019 01:42:00 AM
Sure, why bother to abide by the Constitution?
All the stupid comments regarding cutting court are made by people who don’t go there anyway. Sitting on subpoenas was tried under Hillard and resulted in a pedophile being released and a SGT and PO from court services getting arrested for contempt so good luck with all that.
Nope, sorry SCC, no suggestions.
Not even sarcastic ones.
However, I do have a comment on that pic the Trib posted of Special Ed and Mayor Poverty-Crime -- That look on Ed's face is priceless.
Like he's thinking: 'Keep it up ya little smart-ass'.
Empty out the academy of every single officer, back to the streets with you. Hire retired coppers to teach the classes at a cut rate.
Too many Chiefs that were meritorious promote because of the buddy system. You only need 6 or 7 with brains and not clout. Then will save money on all their staff which they all have.
If she really wants to save money she should immediately get rid of compstat. Every compstat meeting they pay through the nose in OT. And that’s not even mentioning all the officer’s in the districts that their entire job is to run compstat numbers. Some have multiple officers and even sgts doing this job. I’d the Cmdr’s are doing their jobs and the area deputy chiefs doing his job by keeping the Cmdr’s accountable, then why in the world do we need a compstat where they need a hundred people there at each meeting. It should be just the deputy chiefs and Cmdr’s at MOST. Why would they need to call Lts up to a podium to jackpot and embarrass them in front of everyone when the Cmdr should be handling that at the district. I guess they’re admitting the Cmdr’s aren’t doing their jobs if they need to do this at compstat?
How about get rid of the Mayors detail getting Sergeants pay
Every big American city ruled by Democrats for decades never want to take a peek at their over stuffed, feather bedding public education system. I'm not even talking about teachers and those who actually work in the schools ( and there are too many of those who SUCK) I'm talking about the central offices which push paper and have perpetual meetings and are very well paid for 8-5 jobs. Of course, big city teachers' unions and their apparatus are revolving kick back machines for Democrats so nothing will change and it's always easier to pick on cops.
12:22:00 AM
"you won't even get the fine money"
Now that's rich! Best post so far.
My man, you are a true radical within the system.
Little Lori didn't bargain for savvy people like you.
I would say that approx half of the Dept. works inside. There have been time when we have more people working inside the district that outside.
The mayor is “angry and frustrated “ at the wrong people. Again.
She's been in office since May, so where the hell was she when they signed the orders to cancel all the RDOs, all the weekends, all the holidays that cost the city this money in overtime? This nonsense has been going on for the last 5 years and getting worse. And we don't have 13K officers- that number is so fucking inflated it has been floating above the ionosphere for some time now. People are retiring by the hundreds each year and no one other than bosses' children/friends and the desperate even would even consider taking the job, courtesy of yours truly, Obama- the biggest American hating conman ever to be elected. He just had another multimillion dollar mansion built btw, but hey its all about wealth redistribution right?!?
Wuh, now wut, we s’pose to give it back ?
She always angry.
Bit off a bit too much running for elected office, hmmm?
She’ll about 120 days in now, only 1301 to go.
I’ma gunna go out onna limb here and think that the Traveling Grootie MacLightLoafer thought Floodin’Da Zone meant taking 30% of manpower from 020, 019, 017, 016 - was going to be for free.
Maybe the eloquent CPS educated 21st Century Police Strategist, The Abominable DrRev Jugghaid SpecialEd PhD didn’t articulate this in those three (3) 1,000 Man Deluge he provided since Memorial Day.
Holidays just don’t sneak up on us...but that overtimes sure do.
Its no small wonder why he’s #1.
Gaudy Groot budget snoops have yet to song and dance with the nonessentials, those vast resources of District CAPS and HQ.
Wonder what the GrootForceDetail makes in OT (for just 120 days so far) and really is it necessary to pay ne’er on the streets POs at a D3 rate for basically standing around or picking up steamed and blocked fedoras from the haberdashery?
Id expect the finger pointing will start with the 3 Areas and will get most if not all the heat. District OT was always in check, reserved for the best of the best number humpers.
How can Cook County help...?
Cut court appearances by 80% will be the olive branch Prickwrinkle could be willing to offer for some Groot love for the CCSAO-2020.
Make me swipe and cut special, you will get squat from me. Maybe a parker, otherwise it's log me twice, lunch, gas, personal for the 12 years I have left. Texas here I come!
o/t cuts, no raise ,no contract.... just SJW clown mayor groot ,under guise of saving money... giving the f u to street patrol cpd …
Tell the hood rats to quit calling over their baby momma drama...that will cut the ot.
Without a doubt, there will have to be exceptions.
ETs coming in at the end of the tour with 30+ inventories from the homicide they just processed can’t just be passed off to the next watch. There’s that whole thing called “chain of custody” and each item of evidence inventoried just doesn’t get heat sealed in a plastic bag. Nope, there’s labels that must also be generated, bags secured with tape and sealed with evidence tape, etc. The typical ET inventory takes at least twice as long as a “regular” inventory. And then there’s the Crime Scene Processing Report. EVERY crime scene photo taken must be described in this report. Extensive 041A’s one 0110’s can result in HUNDREDS of photos. Believe me when I tell you it is a slow process.
Canine handlers automatically (COURT DECISIONS awarded as a result of grievance and law suits) get time and a half when their time to care for and transport their canine to and from home and maintain their vehicles, etc is interrupted for any reason. Having to drive to the nearest district to swipe in & out would cut into this time. I know handlers that will be submitting OT slips 2x a day when they’re driving somewhere to swipe in/out on time when they should be preparing the squad, loading water, gear etc., feeding, grooming, walking their dog. There’s a lot more associated with that gig than must know. The dog doesn’t cease to exist at the end of the tour or on RDOs either, hence the paid time each day the handlers get to maintain city/department property (vehicle and animal). Interrupt that and you’re gonna pay them a premium, Groot.
Then there’s SWAT. These guys also have take home cars. Will they be paid OT for the time it takes them to go swipe somewhere when they leave home to start their shift? Will they be allowed to leave early to try and swipe out and get home when their shift officially ends? The answer is “NO”.
Can’t forget the officers assigned to narcotics, intelligence etc who have take home covert or enforcement vehicles. Same considerations/exceptions will have to be considered and applied.
In short, anyone that has a take-home vehicle is going to have to be compensated for time spent traveling to and from work as they are caring for/in control of city property. Or at the bare minimum, compensated for driving to and from a location to swipe in and out. If not, there will have to be provisions made for such employees to already be on city time when they’re enroute to swipe in. And they’ll have to be allowed to swipe out early, thus allowing them to get home from wherever they swipe out from. And just wait until weather or traffic conditions occasionally extend that travel time. And, no, the harebrained idea of keeping all the aforementioned vehicles at department sites isn’t quite feasible. SWAT shouldn’t have to respond from home to Homan to load gear and find their cars while an HBT or active shooter is in progress. Canine people won’t put their department dog in their personal car to drive it to work to put it in a department vehicle.
You want input to cut the fat Mizz Mayor? You’d best do your homework or else it WILL end up costing you more when these guys start dropping winnable grievances and OT slips for extension of tour on a daily basis. I guarantee this whole swipe in/out process will be implemented half assed like everything else on this job because the planning that went into it was done by fucking imbeciles that were never the working police and have no grasp of the reality of day to day operations of this department.
Sit back and observe ... this will be yet another EPIC FAIL CLUSTERFUCK. Guaranteed.
Anonymous said...
Not only are Captains redundant, they are draining. I can’t speak for all districts, however, 019 I can. Someone who has the authorization, please pull up how much OT Captain Paul Kane is making. I’m not a jealous type of guy, love when anyone can make money off this job of ours. I don’t, however appreciate a Captain bragging about how he paid off his summer home, yet hand picks who makes the OT and how! He’s a bitter prick of a human being. Paul my lad, this will be your downfall. Professionally and personally
9/10/2019 02:10:00 AM
cpd,captains ,, $145,000?
Well if we are punching out everyday....i don’t know why everyone wouldn’t make a late T stop, take your time changing and collect 30 minutes every single day. If your staying your whole tour...what’s the difference.
Get rid of all the house mouses
Blah blah blah just more bullshit coming from the 5th floor. Oh yeah 13000 PO’s hahahaha.
She's polishing the brass on the Titanic at this point.
Any word on when our retro checks will be available?
In office for little over 100 days the Mayor appears to be showing periods of mental stress or inability to deal with a number of city issues. Most recent is city financing ($838M deficit), expenditures (bloated and unnecessary programs -Sanctuary City, Contracts, Graft/Corruption) and related funding streams (Gambling, Recreational Drugs).
With crime spiraling out of control from the previous administration to the current, the Mayor appears to be confused on how best to mitigate the city's criminal element, especially on Holiday weekends. Working with a base line of 13,000 officers under her direction, Police Administrators cancel leave and routinely place 1000K additional police personnel for law enforcement purposes back on duty. The cost associated with salary and benefits for this effort are extraordinary and remarkable for budgetary purposes.
The Mayor's remarks demonstrate her lack of in-depth understanding of the city's crime problem, fails to understand her fiduciary responsibility and sound principles of basic municipal financing, an suffers from an inexperienced and knowledgeable staff.
By her own admission, having such huge municipal financial problems, she continues to allow for additional costs of police personnel knowing full well the financial pitfall of such decision making. Clear thinking and decision making on the Mayor's part appears to be lacking. Confusion, poor management and messaging are her hallmarks thus far.
Sadly, it is clear these poor traits and qualities are the legacy of the current Mayor and her predecessors. To see and experience the decline of another major city is truly disheartening and difficult to understand.
Ed isn’t going to change anything. He’s part of the old guard. The detective division will continue to spin the clock. That’s why people become detectives. Unlimited OT.
Completely disband and dissolve the department. The courts don't uphold the law anyway so what's the point? Replace the police with BLM and antifa who will enforce woke social justice rules and property confiscation orders for a fraction of the cost.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Area Central and South have OT every Friday, Saturday and Sunday... They barely do anything more then TVB's and pissers on normal days imagine what they are doing on OT... also why do they get 15 hours per day in the middle of winter?? Waste of money right there..
9/10/2019 01:33:00 AM
Crap like this is ridiculous and very wasteful. All city hall has to do is eliminate this nonsense and problem solved.
Winter is right around the corner, so she can talk a big game now, OT is sparse in the winter for everyone. The interesting time will come when it warms up for the summer of 2020, and those bodies start dropping again. Don’t forget there’s a presidential election in approximately a year. Candidates coming to town, including our president, need a lot of OT to deal with the “orange man bad” protesters. A hiring freeze and an OT freeze simultaneously, this should be interesting.
You have it all wrong. If Lori can cut the peons' OT, she can hire MORE Deputy Chiefs.
Of course, let's have a good look at Groot's weekend trips and the redecorating expense of her office....Rahm's continued security detail...aldermen bullshit...no mention of that...
what about the excessive overtime at streets and san?
Eliminate all appointed ranks , all were Sgt. , Lt. before being politically appointed , all the Best to run Units , Districts , Areas . You do not have to pad their pensions , give the a $10k yearly bonus , with a car , make them work in day off groups so a Gold Star is available 24/7 , this eliminates the do nothing street deputies. CPD has plenty of talent , many wearing blue shirts , suits that could be appointed for $10K bonus above their salary . We would have a well run department , less money and it will save pension.
Mayor Lightfoot why do shortshank and ballerina have security assigned and a 17 year old was assassinated because she testified against a gang member . Her Hispanic blood is on your hands , you protect politicians, not citizens .
News media , where are you ? Call her out . What are you afraid of ?
“Cut the fat
2 tact secretaries
3 review girls”
Really? You think the fat that’s killing this departments payroll is tact secretaries and review girls? Not the captain rank? Too many deputy chiefs? Too many chiefs? Nope, Tact secretaries is the fat draining the life’s blood of this department. Even if we put them in a beat car, they’d still be a blue shirt making the same money. The blue shirts are the fat that needs to be cut, great assessment boy genius.
Lotsa shops closing on Oak Street. Buy the store mannequins and put 'em along Michigan Ave and the lakefront with a yellow CPD vest.
Plus side:
VRI, 4th and 5th watch O.T. maxed out for pennies on the dollar, no one ever seen sitting in a squad car, and bosses happily tumescent as all are on post 24-7.
Minus side:
Alimony checks start bouncing city-wide, junior gets to go to a public school, and bosses sadly flaccid as there's no one obligated to purchase $100 private klub raffle tickets.
I have a plan, pull my finger...
Parking tickets generated $264 million in 2016. Well i guess I'm going to stop writing parkers....
Hey I didn’t cancel MY days off for Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day so don’t get pissy with me.
OT: LEOs issues gaining ground. Excellent and on point by Dick Morris.
Stop giving city money for the defense of illegal immigrants.
Stumpy's tactics actually have a name: DARVO
DARVO refers to a reaction perpetrators of wrong doing may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior. DARVO stands for "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender."
All you have to do is look at the list of assholes that have doubled their salaries EVERY YEAR and presto, 💰 back in the coffers. Cuz my measly 10-20 hrs a pay period is breaking no ones bank!!!! But that would mean the clouted can’t make their boat or second house in Michigan payment!!! 😢
specialEd will have no choice but to break out the crayons and a ruler.
9/10/2019 02:15:00 AM
so thats how i step my game up. keep uing my crayons but add in a ruler an BAM even i can become duh stuperintendant
We are not at 13,000.
The city can also save tons of money on vehicles by taking away all the senseless take home cars for Lts Captains Commanders etc. put the cars back into the fleet and the city won’t have to buy any new ones. These take home cars are in perfect condition and all the bosses do is drive to and from work in them wasting gas. They can drive their own cars like the rest of the working people. These are the little changes that need to be made.
You cancel our days off and force us to work and now you’re mad about it? It’s your idea to force us to work on our rdo’s!!! It’s quite simple, stop canceling days off and save money on overtime!!!
Lightfoot wants to stop impounding cars for suspended licenses. 1 car with two POs making $60.6/hr in OT and working 8 hours an RDO costs just under $970. 1 impound makes the city money ($1000-$970). A couple parkers and movers (you can pick which fine amount you wanna tack on) and the city really runs a profit. It's not OT that's the issue, it's how the OT is used.
The DUI guys are renowned for making so much in OT but they actually make the city more money than what they annually gross just by the $2,000 impounds (man, if dum dum is driving near a park or school add another $1,000 and if suspended add another $1,000). Just the $2,000 in 1 DUI impound will cover all the court costs and still leave plenty for the city.
Imagine a DUI unit (not the traffic unit) where Gangs/Tact/Saturation/Summer mobile/etc. can simply give an easy ring to come take the DUI. They currently avoid them like the plague. Just call out your DUI guys. Make use of your assets.
After retiring I looked back on the countless times sitting in the jury room at 26th watching the ASA asking the super tact/gang guys and girls (about 10 sitting in the room) about their part in the arrest and 9 out of 10 always say "I was just there, I didn't see or do nothing". But just before the ASA walked in they were all bragging about their great arrest and what they did. The ASA then looks at the arrest report and questions how they all got on the arrest report if they saw and did nothing. Year after year of listening to this same bs. They want the glory but too scared to testify
Think I’m gonna start working from home.
"More activity! No OT!! We'll dump you!!!...Except I get OT"- Sgt DS Area Central
F***k this, I'm outta here
I put the Over/Under on VRI comments at 5 and of course it was the under. VRI is Homeland Security Money. That had a special event number. It is entered in CLEAR as a Homeland Security mission. Grant money can ONLY be used for what it was applied/granted for. So can’t stop building SDSC rooms to save money, that is what the government gave that money for.
Do it like CCDOC. Everyone hit the medical for a day.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Court. Box one and box 2 only. No need for 9 officer.. I.E an entire gang, tac or narcotics team to sit at 26th and Cal for a PCS arrest where only 2 or 3 officers may testify. No more in district RDO OT initiatives. No more cancelled RDOs period no matter how much you wanna “flood the zone.” It’s unpopular, but in the interest of cutting OT then on these holidays take your tac, gang and mission teams from slow districts like 020,016,017, 002, 024, 022 and put them in your busier districts like 010,010,015,003,007,006,008. It’s highly unpopular but I’m only talking about ideas. Also; take 6 officers by reverse seniority or volunteer from every district in the city on each watch for the entire weekend and put them together as a “unit”. That’s 156 officers to use as a saturation unit for these busy districts. Only extension of your is for a person in custody... period. Cut out mandatory staff meetings. No more fake OT for the DIOs of the district for follow ups. All photo arrays for the D Unit need to be done during your tour of duty no matter what the schedule of the victim or witness is. No more running witnesses to the grand jury and making it an 8 hour tour on days then go right into working afternoons... (ahem, area south..) . There Gould be a cpd officer or Sgt at the door of grand jury checking officers in and out. When they get to grand jury they sign in.. as they leave the jury room and true bill is announced the Sgt should immediately sign them out as they no longer have a use for them.. I know, I know.. the dics need to go across to the other side for a “meeting” with the state about a “big case”.... for 6 hours.. yeah right. It can be done. Pretty easily. Detectives make tons of OT with terrible Clarence rates.. take the OT away.. it’s not like you can get any more cases suspended. Keep an electronic log of how much OT goes into a specific RD number or case. Then when that case is closed out see how much OT was spent on it and what was the disposition of the case. So a shooting that had 180hrs of OT that was suspended two weeks later with only two progresses and a suspended report means that case was dodged and used to just make money.
9/10/2019 03:09:00 AM
Whoa buddy, take it easy on the Ritalin.
Look out Body Camera Staff in Records.
Unlimited overtime given to 5 year wonders, who think they were the real police out in the field. Besides all the overtime they are still behind. Maybe less time watching other videos and more time watching those they are paid for.
Chicago “can’t afford” police overtime expenses at the current level and called on Superintendent Eddie Johnson to develop a cost-cutting plan.
Lil' Lorrie the useless overstuffed exempt ranks and assorted merit appointees are what shitcango "can't afford", plain and simple...
If we cut their salary, we'll pay less in overtime and still get the same bodies on the street. They're going to have to work all the OT when I start taking that money from the pockets of those racist police.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A certain admin Sgt in area central should be looked at. Party over Dave.
9/10/2019 06:54:00 AM
Is that Diamond Dave.... formerly admin Sgt. in 007?
Dave’s philosophy is too much is never enough.
So "budgeted" 13,400 huh? Call bullshit. We all know the actual amount of ofcrs is well below that on the streets. Hire to fully staff 100% and that would help control the o.t. The citizens of Chiraq pay their taxes and deserve to be protected. Ofcr safety issue.
Confiscate the money from drug dealers! They got millions!!
YES call for an ET! Get out of the car and look around. Don't just call in a request and state they only touched the door knobs. There's usually costume jewelry boxes with a high gloss finished touched or shoe boxes, plastic storage bins etc. Smooth solid surfaces. You need photos because an offender is in custody state that in your request. Put them in a backlog and maybe they will make more probably not but it's worth a try.
What’s the clearance Clarence?
How do you catch a killer before he kills?
I think I saw it in a movie
Mayor should look into getting rid off some our top heavy brass, who also drains the pension. Second look into some of the Lts and SGT's, who make $60,000 just in overtime. We do not need all these Chiefs and Deputies, knock them to Lt.
9/10/2019 03:09:00 AM:
Agreed, but whose gonna pay for my second family in New Lenox?
Crazy Kim drives a unmarked car round, CS drives a SUV that does not belong to her, GR stealing the OT from everyone else. Get rid of CS you will save money.
OT... Ex commander of 007 Kenny Johnson.
The social security thief.
Isn’t his federal sentencing tomorrow?
I bet he is crapping himself.
Don’t drop the soap chump.
How could the groot be upset about ot when she wasnt even mayor groot yet? Fuck her and the horse she rode in on. I would love to have my back pay, but that isnt happening any time soon.
Is it aCLOWNability time?
I'm still waiting for Casino VRI. Beat 4577C on post at the craps table. Sgt like "4577.. have all my 77 cars meet me at the penny slots"
Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A certain admin Sgt in area central should be looked at. Party over Dave.
9/10/2019 06:54:00 AM
Is that Diamond Dave.... formerly admin Sgt. in 007?
Dave’s philosophy is too much is never enough.
9/10/2019 03:33:00 PM
Lately he’s been laying low checking comp time box instead of money. He thinks he’s beating the system by cashing in later, what he doesn’t know is they’re looking at overtime HOURS worked not just how much OT cash is being stolen. Hopefully soon, he and the approver of his OT end up giving kenny some company
Back in the day 13000, and today 13000 why no manpower.
so she cancels our days off to “flood the zone” and then complains she has to pay us. Thats like going to a domestic and locking up the victim because she caused cuts to the guys fists with her face. Don’t blame me, I didn’t want to work Memorial Day or Labor Day or the 4th of July, I wanted to be at home not making money. You made me come in. I was more than willing to be at home drinking at no cost to the taxpayer.
Get your cit training in ....,
After retiring I looked back on the countless times sitting in the jury room at 26th watching the ASA asking the super tact/gang guys and girls (about 10 sitting in the room) about their part in the arrest and 9 out of 10 always say "I was just there, I didn't see or do nothing". But just before the ASA walked in they were all bragging about their great arrest and what they did. The ASA then looks at the arrest report and questions how they all got on the arrest report if they saw and did nothing. Year after year of listening to this same bs. They want the glory but too scared to testify
I would blame ASA for making notification for everyone that's on paper. They should read the case and see who did what and who needs to be in court. One more thing about Impound Court. Every time I was there I've seen people coming in and saying "I don't know anything about the case, I just filled out the impound form". That's just their way to scam the system and make some OT to show up and leave right away.
Glad to be retired and able to watch this shit show from a distance.
I’m not sure who these coppers are with the tvb suggestion because all a tvb ends being is 2-3 tickets and a bond, which takes less than 15 minutes. Who’s taking longer than 15-20 minutes on tvbs?
Get rid of VRI. If the mayor were to follow most VRI units she would get bored watching them sit at the hotels.
How about FIREMEN. CFD! Holy fuck! Is Cpd the only city service with OT issues. Wtf!
Anonymous said...
OT.. Have not heard any news lately on the good Sgt. RG. Whats the status on him? Has he sobered up and staying away from lower Wacker Drive? Has his incident been swept under the rug cause he's clouted?
9/10/2019 08:34:00 AM
He's been assigned to 311 but is still on medical. The question you should be asking is if an audit has been done yet to investigate all the o.t. he's made as an elite tactical tool Sgt the last year or so? You know, just to make sure he hasn't been stealing or anything.....
just park unoccupied squad cars in a high crime area with the emergency lights on, no coppers and engines running. the lt at midway did that for a long time and it kept the terroists away from midway.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lightfoot wants to stop impounding cars for suspended licenses. 1 car with two POs making $60.6/hr in OT and working 8 hours an RDO costs just under $970. 1 impound makes the city money ($1000-$970). A couple parkers and movers (you can pick which fine amount you wanna tack on) and the city really runs a profit. It's not OT that's the issue, it's how the OT is used.
The DUI guys are renowned for making so much in OT but they actually make the city more money than what they annually gross just by the $2,000 impounds (man, if dum dum is driving near a park or school add another $1,000 and if suspended add another $1,000). Just the $2,000 in 1 DUI impound will cover all the court costs and still leave plenty for the city.
Imagine a DUI unit (not the traffic unit) where Gangs/Tact/Saturation/Summer mobile/etc. can simply give an easy ring to come take the DUI. They currently avoid them like the plague. Just call out your DUI guys. Make use of your assets.
9/10/2019 01:37:00 PM
The city gets $25 per impound. The tow yard gets the rest. The city doesn’t own the tow yards.
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