Saturday, May 16, 2020

This Again?

  • Weeks into his new post as the city’s top cop, Chicago police Superintendent David Brown said he is considering starting a citywide unit devoted to stopping flare-ups in violence and other crime, a controversial idea that has come and gone in the department in recent years.

    It would be the first time CPD has used such a roving team on a permanent basis since 2011, when two predecessors were disbanded amid concerns about their aggressive style and after a previous unit was rocked by a corruption scandal.

    In an interview with the Tribune at his fifth-floor office at police headquarters this week, Brown floated the idea, describing it as a “significant community policing-oriented unit,” that would be community friendly, a vision drastically different from other versions over the last two decades in Chicago.
"community friendly"?
  • If such a unit were to form, Brown spoke of possibly replicating a program used in the Dallas police academy, which he oversaw as that city’s police chief from 2010 to 2016, that required officers to perform community service.

    “They could work on a Habitat for Humanity home. They could deliver meals one day a week to the seniors in the city. They could do some work with young people in the schools,” Brown said. “And what I like about a community service day once a week for groups like this, it keeps that group sensitive to the needs of the community, rather than every day, all day, every day, they come to work, that’s all they do is enforcement.”
Man, he is going to be getting the "volunteers" lining up around the block for this unit.

Here's the deal Dave. You have a unit for all of this. Last we heard, it's run by a Deputy Chief or some other such politically connected ass-kisser. It's called CAPS and it is about the most useless of positions you could find. But with the right guy in charge, it might be changed it into something worth having around instead of a useless money pit.

As for your city-wide response unit, even the Tribune admits that after disbanding SOS in 2006 and TRU/MSF in 2011, homicides totals shot up by tens of dozens, even hundreds. Having a group of 250-to-300 officers (unconstrained by the Contract protections of District beat officers) that can tamp down hot spots and respond quickly to emerging conflicts is a "must have" item on any supernintentdo's deployment menu. The trouble with these types of units has always been training (next to none) and supervision (see LA Rampart scandal).

You're listening to the wrong people already Dave. You don't know any better yet, but you can learn. And if you continue to listen to them, it's on you.

UPDATE: Someone reminded us - the Sooper Dooper CAPS Program (DCO) is currently underway across the west side. How about deciding which is the better use of manpower, assets and money, then kill the other one and send the officers back to patrol.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Field Force Unit
Mobile Strike Force

New unit?

5/16/2020 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"community friendly" ???

hahaha... with your friendly police you won't have to worry about 300 homicides, you'll be lucky trying to keep them under 700.

5/16/2020 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

-- Geo. Santayana

The first lesson of history is that no one remembers the lessons of history.

-– some dude

5/16/2020 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our district already has 2 community friendly programs: 1 is the CAPS program, and the other is the DCO program. Both suck up manpower from the 2nd watch. What we need are people to handle the JOBS. There are enough officers getting PCI's, we don't need more.

5/16/2020 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MPL Meritorious Promoted Losers Team. Mobile Position Launch Team there you go Diddling Dave.

5/16/2020 12:19:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Good grief, this guy is using a playbook from 2000. Get with the times Dummy Dave. If you haven't figured out that 95 percent of the crime is committed by the community members of the west and south sides then you are already miles behind the last nitwit running the show. Stop, just fucking stop, comparing everything to Dallas. Ask McCompstat how that worked out for him. Learn about the city you work and live in and come up with some original ideas. Otherwise, pack your bags, and move back to the place you can't stop talking about.

5/16/2020 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I signed up to enforce laws not raise somebody else’s kids or somebody’s three hard pushes moment and twenty years of government checks

5/16/2020 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy I am glad I retired... keep on doing dumb shit Brown. Feel free to make as many units as you can think of. Who knows what’s coming next— they might just take away the gun from the police— their thought is they don’t need them while they are doing all this volunteer work

5/16/2020 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately those people that have his ear have been in those positions for many years thru many Sups. So as long as the upper deck remains the same, you continue to get the same ole ideas.

5/16/2020 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately those people that have his ear have been in those positions for many years thru many Sups. So as long as the upper deck remains the same, you continue to get the same ole ideas.

5/16/2020 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he “doesn’t know better yet” he never will. Any urban police officer with two firing brain cells knows that this touchy feely crap is going to do nothing to tamp down crime. This guy is a soft skulled SJW.

5/16/2020 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“...two predecessors were disbanded amid concerns about their aggressive style...”

What in the Holy Fuck anyway!? Isn't that EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT from officers in “...a citywide unit devoted to stopping flare-ups in violence...??”


5/16/2020 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sup Brown is over his head. Stop thinking and go back home. You can’t flood the whole city. Violence is everywhere now. Like a cancer it spread. To late. We need a real leader with real ideas. Flooding the neighborhoods is like a hostile take over. This crap of surge will just put CPD in a bad light. I don’t plan on staying 4.9 years. I will out last our current Superintendent and will get one more vote for Mayor.

5/16/2020 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line is I don’t care if you put the whole department in uniform or half of them in specialized units wearing clean clothes I don’t care if you bring SOS back or tea are you it doesn’t matter politics runs the game they don’t want you putting your hands on people they don’t want you stopping people and those police officers that actually go out and do those types of things that would actually suppress crime get thrown under the bus find themselves in lawsuits worse yet in jail so until that changes I don’t care how you move the puzzle pieces around you have to change the mentality of the politicians that run the show even you the superintendent

5/16/2020 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at Deputy Chief Sabii Kahn. 2 whole years as a patrolman in Skokie and now he is a DC and top advisor to the head of the CPD. The mayors people love this guy. And he’s COVID positive and walks around like he owns the place. What is wrong with this department. How is this possible?

5/16/2020 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anybody know when a CAPS Officer or Supervisor has ever effected an arrest or taken any enforcement action?Or worked after the street lights come on?

5/16/2020 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so screwed. I thought he was going to implement consent decree. Can’t do everything.

5/16/2020 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow, a brand new, super woke, commurunity friendly version of SOS, TRU, and/or MSF!? Where do I sign up?! I mean, I didn’t sign up for the others, but now that the body cameras, aclu, copa, hostile media, incompetent bosses, swiping, police hating mayor & aldermen, and plenty of second guessing are in the mix..... Sign me up! All while being dumped into ultra violent police hating areas of the City? Sounds awesome! The sad thing is, there will be plenty of kids tripping over themselves to be in this new elite unit. Probably some pretty dense Coppers with time who should know better too. As usual, don’t say you weren’t warned.... again.

Pro tip.... when they’re done with you, you will not be rewarded for your hard work. You will be dumped. Likely somewhere undesirable.

5/16/2020 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's 2020 and this department has us making beat tags from cereal boxes. Tell me again how this useless department is going to fight crime.

5/16/2020 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing you guys do is right. You don't get it. You guys stopped being cops along time ago. Slaves to PC and unions.

5/16/2020 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TRU and MSF were not shut down because of their "aggeessive style". They were shut down because Rahm promised something like 1000 more police on the streets when he was elected. So they disbanded the units to put the officers "back on the streets" because they obviously doing work somewhere else. It was something like 400-500 officers.

5/16/2020 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

If one were to step in clown-shit,
would it smell funny?


Somebody, somewhere, is starting to show
the entirety of their ass...

Groot has lapped the field in that regard
but Dallas Brown has the loud pedal to the firewall.

Heh... "Big thinker, SCC?
more like an out loud stinker...

We recall a bit of prose from an American Literature class
during high school that has particular resonance regarding
Dallas Brown having parachuted his ill-informed, blissfully
ignorant SJW/Perpetual grievant/phony Police Reformist ass
into Chicago:

"Ol' man know-all, he died last week,
He went an' drowned in the middle o' de creek.
The bridge was there an' was there to stay,
but he know'd too much to go that way..."

(Thank You Mister "V" wherever you are!)

It is forever and always thus for smug,
nasty-assed, smarter-than-thou m/fers.

Everything Dallas Brown says and does
is the usual leftist logic loop bullshit...

(The logic bird flying ever faster and faster
in a tightening spiral until it disappears
into it's own ass)

>Poink! FLASH! Poof!<

What's concerning and even horrifying
is he believes his own hype...

"Imma be the change m/fers!
You can bet y'all ass on THAT!"

Dear God... Another hate-filled, inflamed and irate
racist and racialist idiot with a dunce cap busting
through his turban is heard from...

Every Chicago Policeman worth the actual ink
that lists the number on their State of Illinois
Law Enforcement Officer Certification, ought to be
given hard pause by the hazard, hurt and harm
that Brown personifies.

Police Like You Have No Friends.

Don't volunteer for this "unit."

Let "The Community" work things out
amongst themselves without ANY Police
intervention, oversight or interference.

Point & Laugh.

5/16/2020 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s an idea. If the area in question tends to be of a certain persuasion send officers that can relate to that group of people or folks of that same aforementioned persuasion. And make sure that supervision is of that same ilk as the officers that they will supervise. And make sure that they actually attempt to nip the situations in the bud by leaving the car and actually doing some almost proactive work. Or just never mind I’ve forgotten how this city operates.

5/16/2020 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't sleep tonight and almost barfed when I read this. Hey Davey you want to know how many iterations of this someone in their 60's has seen in the course of their life?

Each unit a few rotten apples due to shit/clout supervision disbanded time and time again and right now this urban pile of shit simply will not put up with the old tactics anymore that produced so many results. Didn't we just disband Narco ?

This place is like that Tom Cruise movie "Edge of Tomorrow" where you keep going back in time to the same start, keep failing, and then keep repeating in an endless cycle.

5/16/2020 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In an interview with the Tribune at his fifth-floor office at police headquarters this week, Brown floated the idea, describing it as a “significant community policing-oriented unit,” that would be community friendly, a vision drastically different from other versions over the last two decades in Chicago."

Why do we have to suffer death at the hands of democrat imbeciles?

5/16/2020 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're listening to the wrong people already Dave. You don't know any better yet, but you can learn. And if you continue to listen to them, it's on you.

Oh stop right there SCC. Learn? None of these motherfuckers have an active, functioning brain cell. Isn't it time to do something different?

5/16/2020 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“They could work on a Habitat for Humanity home. They could deliver meals one day a week to the seniors in the city. They could do some work with young people in the schools,” Brown said. “And what I like about a community service day once a week for groups like this, it keeps that group sensitive to the needs of the community, rather than every day, all day, every day, they come to work, that’s all they do is enforcement.”

The police departments were created to protect life, limb and property not to build houses, not to deliver meals, not to educate students which teachers should be doing. But the Democrats want to convert the police departments from law enforcement to be at the beck and call of the community as appeasement service providers. Have them do whatever the community wants because the community definitely does not want the laws enforced as they have deemed it racist. So since the City and County do not want to resolve the crime problem in Chicago this is the bunkum you are left with. As to building Habitat for Humanity houses the police would be a poor choice, get those Chicago firefighters as their second jobs are in the building trades!! This new Superintendent was on the news tonight saying he wants to go to the south and west sides and play video games with the kids.

5/16/2020 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA ! where do they find these chumbalones ? if your going to compete with jimmy johns and be meals on wheels for seniors, come on over to my house with a pizza, ill provide the beer and scotch for the whole shift. might have to uber back to the district thou. fukkin food delivery and baby sitters. stick a fork in it edith, this job is over done.

5/16/2020 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same thing Weiss and McCarthy did listen to the WRONG politically connected MERIT NITWITS!!!!

5/16/2020 02:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I want to make that first and foremost, to cops rank and file to ensure they understand. They've got someone here in the superintendent's role that really cares about them," he said........

SUPT Statement to ABC News - if you really care get the city yo settle OUR 3 year old contract!!!!

5/16/2020 02:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Sam Peckinpah said...

Well, if they wear body cans, like they should, that will pretty much eliminate any chance of an S.O.S. type scandal. No way getting around the lack of experience though. The only suckers that will sign up for this are cops with little time on the job, that want to get off midnights in ghetto districts, and a few extreme Kool Aid drinkers. Otherwise, it will be reverse seniority. Remember not too long ago when Mass Transit was a coveted spot you usually needed a phone call to get into? Not so much anymore. This will be another shit detail.

On a side note (rant), it never ceases to amaze me how many cops are afraid of Captains and Commanders. I'm not just talking about pussy millenial coppers, but others with time on the job. You got fools that will get in stupid car chases, speed towards shots fired calls blindly, and do proactive police work recklessly, but if they hear that an Inspector is in the area they panic. You idiots are far more likely to get jammed up, sued, and lose your jobs, playing super-hero in the ghetto, then you are of an Inspector writing you up for some department infraction. I can't wait until I got my 20 years locked in. I'm very close. Every year after that I'm going to consider a gift and will really start speaking my mind.

"Officer, where is your beat tag at?"

"I left it at your sister's house fuck-face."

5/16/2020 02:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Downtown Dallas Brown - welcome to Chiraq pal. You don't have enough cops. No contract for the cops you do have. You have Shakedown Artists around the city in the form of ACLU, Revrunds, JJ, Black Panther Rush, Weatherman over at U of C, and the usual smattering of SWJ's, Communists, Socialists, and white-guilt do gooder mutherfuckers all with some bullshit agenda to coddle criminals.

So as long as you have all that crap, you're gonna have criminals running amok because they're not afraid of anything: Wood Shampoos, Mace, Beatings, Walking back home a few miles through the wrong neighborhood without shoes, prosecution, jail/prison... For all intents and purposes the CRIMINALS in their various forms ARE running this show.

If you think you're here to make a difference - LOL. Ya'll got the wool pulled over your eyes. The BEST thing you could do to reduce crime?

Call up Pres. Trump: Give him the actual lay of the land. Invite him to send in the Feds to start about investigations into EVERYTHING being pulled by the criminals in Government and Private life. Ask for HELP in controlling this crap. Start turning over ALL criminals using firearms and engaging in carjacking to the Feds for Federal Prosecution - no matter HOW OLD they are.

Clean out all the shit and drain this old swamp. Then MAYBE you might have a chance of controlling things. But unless and until then? Fuck it pal. You're a figurehead - that's it.

5/16/2020 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a citizen the guy sounds like a moron. The Police job is to enforce the laws and arrest law breakers. Not to be dogooders. Hopefully when I finally get my unemployment I can get the hell out the shit hole the far left has created. We have a Mayor and Governor that have never ever made a decision on their own. They listen to so called experts and sit in meetings with power point presentations. Hence the extended lockdown. The 100 million the family gave Pritzker to buy the Governorship saved the family 10 times what it cost them by him pretending to be a businessman. He was always the dumb one.

5/16/2020 04:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A fools errand put forth by the head fool. Brown, just go shave your head and find a nice corner to park yourself in. Maybe staff your Gestapo unit with all merit hacks that way nothing will ever get done.

5/16/2020 05:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they could stop by once a week and clean and do the wash. Also stop in and do the dinner dishes for the residents.

5/16/2020 05:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since every district has at least 8 to 10 people assigned to their CAPS office - why don’t those useless 8 to 10 “policemen” go out and build a house or serve food to the homeless once a week? Right now they sit around internet shopping and running errands. Completely useless.

5/16/2020 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So cops gotta do more community service than the convicts?

5/16/2020 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, that unit is already on the way. I'm not sure if it will run like Mr. Brownstone has hinted but its on its way. The bodies are coming from Narcotics. The district level teams that just got detailed to the area a few weeks ago are being disbanded next week. They will all be detailed to this new unit or the Area Sat teams starting the 6th period. This is not a rumor, its a fact!!! LL hates Human Square and especially Narcotics. Multiple command staff members have told me they are done.

5/16/2020 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CAPS is a joke.
Staffed by officers who shouldn’t have been hired as police officers.
Supervised by lackeys of the district commander

5/16/2020 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man being a cop is rough. And apparently against the law. You get sentenced to 30 yrs (29 and a day) community service right out of the academy? I know armed robbers getting 6 months community service!!!! Sheesh!!!

5/16/2020 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, That's the problem with outsiders, they always think they can handle the situation with incidents they used in their own state....Well, this is Chicago Big Brown, strap on your belt, tighten up your Lasso and put on those boots, you have a lot of work ahead of you. Good Fucking Luck you dope, keep listening to your idiots you have at 35th!!!

5/16/2020 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Man, he is going to be getting the "volunteers" lining up around the block for this unit."

Don't kid yourself, he will. There always was and increasingly so, always will be sycophants willing to do anything to either get out of actual police work if even for a day a week, or if nothing else to plant their lips firmly around the base of Brown's carpetbagging johnson in the hopes they'll be recognized for another more do nothing unit down the road or the pipe dream of getting promoted from it.

And as we we all know, everyone who went to SOS in either incarnation was always promoted, not merely used like a tampon and flushed when it was no longer useful.

5/16/2020 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So basically the new chief wants to turn us in to social workers. We are police officers. We enforce the law. We handcuff people and arrest them. We are not social workers, marriage counselors or a big brother/big sister, etc.

5/16/2020 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“They could work on a Habitat for Humanity home. They could deliver meals one day a week to the seniors in the city. They could do some work with young people in the schools,” Brown said. “And what I like about a community service day once a week for groups like this, it keeps that group sensitive to the needs of the community, rather than every day, all day, every day, they come to work, that’s all they do is enforcement.”

Here's an idea how about the city provide free parenting classes so that the next five generations won't have to rely on the Police to raise their offspring...

5/16/2020 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IMHO, the first mistake that led us down the slippery slope of Community Oriented Policing was the 60's Officer Friendly Program. Yea, I'm that old, and retired. It taught kids to disrespect law enforcement. Hey, I'm not your friend. I'm the Police. If you need help, come to me and I will move Heaven and earth to help you. Step out of line and I will crack you. I'm the Police!

5/16/2020 07:40:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

this guy is going to need industrial strength gold bond. aka politicians grade.

that chapped ass from all that lip spittle must make it hard to sit.

5/16/2020 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy is fucking stupid and living in a liberal fantasy world.

5/16/2020 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The People’s Liberation Army in China does the very same thing. Rather fitting under the new city socialist administration. Welcome to the
“new normal” Comrades!

5/16/2020 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "much heralded " David Brown. Yeah, right.

5/16/2020 08:02:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

He has sooooooo much to learn.

5/16/2020 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He hasn’t made any changes, it is the same staff running the show. All of the previous staff of the former superintendent is still in place, hell Eddie is still running the department from home while he collects his fat pension check every month while his cheating wife is a lieutenant in the D-unit, what a joke. Brownie until you get rid of the problems, starting in your office first, then move to next office, it going to be a rough year for you. You can’t trust any of them, they are wheeling and dealing right in your face knowing you don’t know how to run this department. You have no eyes and ears none. Pillow West is self motivator, an evil witch now she is hard worker after sleeping her entire career as police officer in the squad car. Real-less Riccio is just that real-less, Everybody know Lying Lemmer haven’t done anything in his career to warrant him questioning anybody about their activity, that’s a lot of nerves. Freddie stop promoting Bradley by the way that video of him was terrible. Sesso the captain of headquarter is an angry man, such a crabby.

5/16/2020 08:11:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Perform community service?

Suck. My. Dick.

5/16/2020 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He’s talking about the Northwest and Southwest sides right?
Saugenash Beverly, Mt. Greenwood etc ???

Or is he talking about “the community” that Groot is constantly pandering to?
Mr. Brown you’re showing your marching orders and true colors.

5/16/2020 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m Not going to help Build someone a house, but I’ll swing a sledge to help tear some of em down ...

5/16/2020 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officers in CAPS would be perfect, sensitive to the needs of the community, most just sitting in the office looking at Amazon. We have a CAPS officer who would like to point out people to be arrested at various festivals, after being reminded that he was the police too and that he has the same arrest authority as us he went to our supervisor. The supervisor offered for us to transport for him, never heard from him again.

5/16/2020 08:28:00 AM  
Blogger Baby"G" said...

"Outta Town Brown", and the rest of the Social Justice Warriors just don't get it. Police Agencies exist to enforce laws. There are more than enough volunteer groups of Bleeding Heart Liberals out there to go into "Da Hood", Ghetto; whatever you want to call it, to teach the residents to pick up their garbage and not continue to live in it. Before the Chinese Flu, I saw dozens of Suburban White Liberals in Baltimore picking up litter in that Ghetto, which is much of that city. Police should not be Social Workers with guns. Past Mobile Police Task Forces, going back to the Flying Squads of the 1950's existed to eliminate crime by Arresting Offenders. A cop on an 8 hr shift is not going to "Change" a culture that venerates Violence and Drugs. Let the "Revruns" with their tax exempt scams patrol their flock. Now not to be naive; there actually are cops who would volunteer for such a Unit. They are young cops who never grew up in Chicago. And when the Unit fails, they will join the family of cops who have the name Defendant as their new first name. Stay Strong & Safe. Baby "G"

5/16/2020 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

300 person unit. No body cameras must have minimum 5 years on with supervisors who have had previous experience As a PO or supervisor in a unit, tac, gang or saturation etc. now I know this is far fetched, but you bring in people who EARN a spot in the unit by work and numbers not because of a phone call or clouted (never happen but nice to think about). Put the whole unit at Homan square and dedicate at least 100 for area 4, 100 for area 1 and 100 for area 2. Area 3 and 5 can survive with saturation, tac and gang teams which will now ACTUALLY STAY in their district of assignment and not sent to area 4 for surge crap. It’s nice to think but even I know none of this will ever happen. But why would the city want to combat crime anyways. They can do all the smoke and mirrors they want. Go to the unit, kick ass and take a day to build a house... but do it to be in the unit and work, not to be officer friendly.

5/16/2020 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read he was interested in setting up a service corps (pronounced “corpse”) type of community service police outfit.
Third world Peace corps stuff? No chasing, non intimidating, empty holster stuff.
Rake leaves, clean trash, wash windows, cookouts, rodeos, life coaching, general activism.
Wait...isn’t that CAPS?

Restorative justice releasing with affordable bonds continues as the band plays on.

BTW, any notice that ever since outsider JFed (2008) the CPD, every superintendent downcast us.
JPud came in and called us unappreciative bellyachers who would complain that if the City gave us a gold brick ,we’d complain it was too heavy.
GMac came in a lectured about Government sponsored racism.
Jugghead SpecialEd woke up and topped that with his assessment that code of silence and racism still exists.

I’ll give Raj’ to about Memorial Day to Fourth of July weekend (after his training) to begin his pandering bullshit and blame game.
Targeted response proactive lock’m up jump out boys...ain’t happening.

Stay Fetal - ACLU Covid’s Revenge hasn’t hit the courts yet.

5/16/2020 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like he's listening to Lemmer and Cato..

5/16/2020 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jet he big thought into a $200+/yr gig after he retired from Dallas didn't he? Very big thinker if you ask me. Bet his contract has a nice golden parachute as well. Very big thinker indeed. What is old is new again and the fools fall for it. Again!

5/16/2020 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT Just saw an AMC from Riccio's office issued by CAPT Mannion. Is this the same that was Riccio's admin Lt a few months ago? What did he do that warranted a promotion to Captain to go right back to the same job that he did as a Lt? A job that could probably be done by a PO? I thought we were done promoting friends and family when Johnson left, but here it is alive and well. And they wonder why morale is in the shitter. The gold star idiots perpetuate more idiots. Are you listening Brownie?

5/16/2020 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s already in the making
100 man unit Out of area 3 old gang office.

5/16/2020 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep reading about CAPS. Are these people allowed to enforce laws and make arrests? Do they carry guns and have uniforms? Could civilians do the same job?

5/16/2020 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC- you are so funny......
The CAPS ass kissers aren’t going INTO the community.....
That would violate their unwritten two hour workday, where they
get to shop on the internet and do their nails, and have a two hour lunch....
It’s tough NOT actually working eight and a half every day.....
That’s six and a half long hours to fill up with minutiae every single day.
Go OUT in the community? Cmon man....that’s not their job!
Oh wait......YES IT IS!

5/16/2020 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI....RICCIO is the man behind the curtain ,take that to the bank....

5/16/2020 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that when they have no answers to anything the first thing they want to do is go into a community and build a house or deliver food.

5/16/2020 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brown is a moron and is playing minor league baseball in a major league city. What screwy ideas he brings from Dallas will not work here. Your swimming with sharks here Tex, and these M/Fer's will eat you alive. Get a little inside baseball about how things work around here from Special Ed or McNuts.

Meanwhile back at HQ's, you already have a useless group of police functioning as CAPS. This miserable failure of a program will be amplified even more with your recent nonsense of Community Volunteering, playing video games with gangbangers and making dumb statements about keeping the murder rate NMT 300. We have about 190 murders and about 1000 shooting victims in five months. Keep smiling and making dumb statements like shooting for the moon or some such thing. Keep holding fun news conferences. You really do look like a fool.

5/16/2020 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about bringIng back the Police cadets (with a deputy chief in charge of course). Or even better asking the Guardian Angels for guidance.

5/16/2020 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It goes back farther than that. The Task Force from the 1960s, (SOG) Special Operations Group, Gang Crimes Unit, Special Operations Section. At SOS we still had a few guys who were left over from the Task Force, and many of us who were in SOG and gangs. The faces stayed the same but the names of the units were changed to protect the innocent. These units served a necessary purpose at the time, but I doubt if you'll ever hear one of these current bosses saying "we ain't taking any beefs tonight" . To all of you still reporting for roll call, lets be careful out there.

5/16/2020 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/16/2020 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pay exorbitant taxes in this “worker’s paradise” to allow non-contributing members of society to live in this city. Now the city is asking me to actually build houses for the non-contributors that I am already paying for. Did I just hear that right?

5/16/2020 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They asked me to work in CAPS in my District because no other suckers want it. I laughed and said thanks but no thanks.

It’s a colossal waste of time, resources, and most importantly manpower. If you want to play grab ass with a bunch of people that have been raised from day one to hate the police, leave and take a social worker job.

5/16/2020 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit Lt JC is walking around telling everyone that MSF is coming back and proudly displaying his MSF tattoo. He says if the supe sees his tattoo he will make captain for sure.

5/16/2020 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supt Dave says hes gonna get some video games and challenge south and west siders. Dave save Our money.They use real victims, real weapons, real bodies ,real vehicles,real bullets ,real killing and real bodycounts. In Chicago Its played all day everyday and all night every night.

5/16/2020 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So basically the new chief wants to turn us in to social workers. We are police officers. We enforce the law. We handcuff people and arrest them. We are not social workers, marriage counselors or a big brother/big sister, etc.

Well, some of us are, some not so much. Betting some recruits don’t see it that way and would rather be a social worker

5/16/2020 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Outstanding ideas Moondawg!Since I am now going to be teaching children,building habitat homes,community policing,and social work,I am sure that the Teachers,Social Workers,CAPS Officers,etc. will not mind giving up a quarter to half of their paychecks to me as I will be doing their jobs.As a matter of fact you could just dismiss the Public School Teachers.Between e learning and me,we have the children covered.You could also disband all of the CAPS offices and send that personell back to the streets since I will be community policing on a daily basis.When does this Unit begin?I could use the pay bump.

5/16/2020 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless You 6:47 AM!You described CAPS perfectly in one sentence.

5/16/2020 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Look at Deputy Chief Sabii Kahn. 2 whole years as a patrolman in Skokie and now he is a DC and top advisor to the head of the CPD. The mayors people love this guy. And he’s COVID positive and walks around like he owns the place. What is wrong with this department. How is this possible?

5/16/2020 12:43:00 AM

So he is listening to Sabi Khan?? OMG!! That guy couldn't pass the FBI clearance, someone should look into why because it's very very interesting. He has never supervised ANYONE in his prior jobs and he was never the POLICE, he was an "inside" police officer working on numbers. What the hell is wrong with this Department, oh wait....silly question! Please be careful Officers, this guy Khan should never be in charge in this any Police department!

5/16/2020 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the old TUFF Squad and Task Force.

5/16/2020 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“They could work on a Habitat for Humanity home. They could deliver meals one day a week to the seniors in the city. They could do some work with young people in the schools,” Brown said. “And what I like about a community service day once a week for groups like this, it keeps that group sensitive to the needs of the community, rather than every day, all day, every day, they come to work, that’s all they do is enforcement.”

Sounds like somebody needs to be getting random urine drug tests for a few months....

Not only does Dallas Dave not understand the past history of the CPD, he doesn’t understand human nature.

Does he honestly think that exposing police officers to “the community” is going to make them more empathetic to “the needs of the community”? Or is it more likely to make officers more acutely aware of the vast cultural differences between them and “the community”?

I started out (a looong time ago) thinking that the poor people in the community were poor because they had been denied opportunities by “the system”. It didn’t take me too long to discover that the real underlying problem was a total lack of positive role models combined with a culture that actively discouraged the things that could help them escape poverty: education, hard work, obeying laws and not having children in their teens.

I suppose that having police officers more engaged in “the community” might provide some positive role models, but most kids there have been conditioned to hate police by the time they are out of diapers.

Bottom line: “community engagement” didn’t work in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s or the early 2000s, but that won’t stop Dallas Dave from trying it again. “Once more unto the breach!”, he cries - but who will follow him?

Trick question - nobody can follow him because he isn’t leading. He’ll be in Groot’s office taking down her orders while police “volunteers” pound nails and slap paint with Habitat for Humanity.

5/16/2020 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

The "Moon-Shot" unit?

The "Bend Over and Take It In The Moon" unit?

Operation "Moon Pie?"

"Moon Mullins' Raiders?"

For additional flavor and savor there's this:

Sam Giancana's nickname was "Moony"
because he was an unhinged "lunatic."

Many more questions than answers?

Wasn't it Groucho Marx who uttered this snide aside?
"Who knows? Who cares?"

Dallas Moon-Doggie most assuredly doesn't.
That's for damned sure...

Crapping in his own hand and flinging
it at the moon in anger/despair is a
more constructive strategy that what
Supt. Dallas Moon-Doggie is proposing.

It'll be a laugh-a-minute when warm
weather finally takes hold and Dude Inc.
very loudly and colorfully makes acquaintance
with Supt. Dallas Moon-Doggie and makes a very
public ass-clownery of whatever public safety
gambit Supt. Dallas Moon-Doggie conjures up.

And as ALL SUCH WILL FAIL, Moon-Doggie
will default to hurting/making examples of
and punishing Policemen for HIS failure to
bring HIS peoples/folkses/communerty to heel
and cease kacking the shit out of each other.

"My PLAN, is PERFECT! It's you COPS
who are FAILING to FULFILL it!"


When the clown cars of Conundrum, Quandary,
Fuckery and resolute Ass-Hattery all swerve
to avoid hitting the one-eyed bitch named
Karma and end up crashing into each other...

Karma stops, surveys the flaming wreckage,
barks angrily for a while, squats, takes a shit
on the sidewalk for some poor unsuspecting slob
to step in and trots away sideways...

Per the usual, there will be lots of frantic screaming
and breast-beating at The Police to "clean that up or else."

A word:


"WAH! What you're saying is very mean and UNHELPFUL!"

Watching Groot and Moon-Doggie publicly unravel
in response, will be the best entertainment
Chicago Policemen could ever have.

Police Like You Have No Friends.

Protect yourselves and your families from THEM
because THEY mean YOU & YOURS nothing but hurt
and harm.

Point & Laugh.

5/16/2020 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, call it "M" Squad. Catchy, right?

5/16/2020 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s an idea, offer buyout for those with 25 years on and have a massive hiring. Bring the actual young and aggressive manpower in the city up to 15,000 and you won’t need extra units or useless VRI. THEN decertify the Consent Decree and you’ll see crime plummet...DUH!

5/16/2020 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BOF unit Bag of Farts Today we'll be grub hub, next week Holmes on Homes, week after we'll take over for Pace. Fucking major league idiots.Most of these bosses couldn't be the cashier at the Lamb's Farm store. No offense to the wonderful people there. God Bless them.

5/16/2020 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe this new unit can deliver newspapers in the morning too. My god, this shit gets more ridiculous each day. So while your pulling carrots in the community garden, the bad guy is behind your back going for your gun.

We are trained to keep our eyes and ears open, being proactive always looking in every direction for bad guys and ensuring everyone is safe, mostly ourselves. How the fuck do you do that while you are hanging shutters on Mr. Smith's home in Englewood?

5/16/2020 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They already started moving caps officers to the saturation teams on a daily basis 10 officers a day to sit and babysit hot spots. They also are the same dumbasses doing seatbelt missions. Stupid f**ks way to social distance.

5/16/2020 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this ass is totally insane. maybe brown, lightfoot, foxx dart, and all the usless scum alderman do this. time to find another department for employment.. screw him. do this shit on your day off. how about volunteers getting time and a half.why did lightfoot import this moron?

5/16/2020 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crime stopper Brown—wants under 300 homicides and cuts all overtime. One will never exist without the other.

5/16/2020 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brown is way in over his head. He wants a citywide unit used to control flare up to be passing out meals ??? SOS, MSF, TRU were to aggressive ? That’s what you want ! When 010/011/007/015 are up for grabs, you need 100 officers to come in and lock everyone up ! That’s what stops flare ups. But Groot and Prick Winkle won’t allow that. So let’s have them pass out food. Great. The “Sup” thinks things are nuts in Chicago now . Wait until it’s 95 degrees at 1AM on a Saturday night. I’m certain he will see things that he has never seen before in all his days in Dallas. Then will he stop comparing us to Dallas? You cannot compare any other city to Chicago! Ask NY McCarthy. Ask LA Beck There is no 011,015,010,007 anywhere in the country. Maybe the world I hope on that 95 degree night, Groot, Brown, and their chosen exempts can calm the situation, like they did with the 14 year olds playing basketball because the 100 officers will be busy passing out PB and Js to the seniors The days of citywide aggressive units to stomp out the flames are long gone!! The Sergeants and Officers you need for that unit have all already been pissed on and fucked over by the department. The new officers (5 years or less) think they are the police, as they Snap chat, Tweet, and Instagram their night away don’t have the skills or balls to police the way to needed to calm things down. This is what the democrats wanted. They let the ACLU dictate policy. Groot has millennial douchbags who have never held a gun running the department through city hall This is why we are here. Let more criminals out and lock less criminals up. You get Chicago. Groot, Brown, Prick Winkle, Foxx, and Fat Ass are all progressives. This is their mess. They created it Now deal with it We just have to live here, for now

5/16/2020 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an idea how about the city provide free parenting classes so that the next five generations won't have to rely on the Police to raise their offspring...

5/16/2020 07:39:00 AM

The city did provide.Nobody showed up for class.

5/16/2020 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has nothing to do with complete lack of morals and human emotion.

5/16/2020 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“They could work on a Habitat for Humanity home. They could deliver meals one day a week to the seniors in the city. They could do some work with young people in the schools,” Brown said. “And what I like about a community service day once a week for groups like this, it keeps that group sensitive to the needs of the community, rather than every day, all day, every day, they come to work, that’s all they do is enforcement.”

Here's an idea how about the city provide free parenting classes so that the next five generations won't have to rely on the Police to raise their offspring...
5/16/2020 07:39:00 AM

Brown, the city and the Dwarf Queen treats the Department personnel with great disrespect and she is vindictive and punishing to personnel for past community police grievances. Her commentary disrespecting the FOP representatives, her lack of interest in negotiating and resolving the three year expired contract, slow walking or no walking PPE and supporting the corrupt Merit promotion process are just a few show stoppers. Your goofy ideas about volunteering, are just that - goofy. You're not from around here. You should know better than to come to Chicago peddling volunteerism to the rank and file. Trying to be our friend and cheer leader while being a CAPS pimp doesn't cut it.

No offense to Dallas, Tx but these police "moon shots" ideas of yours are mildly amusing, laughable and uninteresting to the P O's working the streets. Why don't you go to the Community and share a thought or two about the evils of dope, gun slinging, carjacking and drive-by's. You know, help the Community to understand its portion of "Police Community relations and responsibility. Maybe the parenting classes for baby mama's would be a better value in starting up a conversation on "Chicago Values".

5/16/2020 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can’t wait till it’s over 80 degrees that’s when the fun is going to begin . City Hall and Superintendent will see soon enough no matter how many uniform officers out there crime is going to sky rocket. You are not making the right decisions dismantling officers morale.

5/16/2020 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your right about Brown being stupid and Uber liberal, but unfortunately for you he is your boss. Get out now before it all goes down.

5/16/2020 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just curious that kid that yelled bald ass was he taking about Goot or Brown?

5/16/2020 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait until the political class cries for more of their people to be promoted and they do not see the results from any examination to their liking. To satisfy the political class the following must apply; only blacks can command majority black districts, only whites can command majority white districts and only hispanics can command majority hispanic districts. Then we must have a fair representation in all of the other command spots. God Help us if a black takes command of the 010 District or 016 and a white takes command of 002 or 003. Put more black cops up north. Spread things around. That would be good for community relations.

5/16/2020 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another Unit?
Under the direct command of Downtown Brown.
So this is how it would look:
Chief + 10 for admin + driver
3 Deputy Chiefs + 10 for admin + driver
Deputy Chief Area North, South, and West
Each Area tour of duty is 8 hrs. Can be adjusted to 10 hr or 12 hr tours by increasing manpower and equity/vehicles.
There are 3 Watch- 1W, 2W, 3W.
Watch has 3 Captains + 1 car per Captain + 5 admin per Captain
Watch has 2 Lieutenants
Watch has 4 Sergeants
Watch has 40 Officers

1 Chief
3 Deputy Chiefs
9 Captains
18 Lieutenants
48 Sergeants
360 Officers
85 admin personnel

Bottom line is to hire more personnel, increase equipment acquisition and distribution, create a stand alone Unit that covers designated areas of the city, to be used to assist District personnel without having to strip other Units or Districts of their personnel.

No plan truly works unless the police are unleashed, without fear of consequences.

Any plan conceived by HQ is doomed to failure unless the Unit is a stand alone Unit and Districts aren’t stripped of their manpower.


5/16/2020 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This ain’t Dallas brother !!!! now I don’t no if any of that shit
Worked out there ( I bet it did not ) but it most certainly won’t work
In Chicago !!!!! Do you want to try something different? Something
That no other superintendent has tried before ? Tell the mayor that
She must agree to let you run the department independently of the
Alderman and the mayors office and then listen to the coppers who
Know how to work the street and the things that need to be done to
Restore some sort of order and respect for the law and if she doesn’t
Agree ( she , won’t ) then sit back and collect like the rest of us our
Doing til it’s time to go . I guarantee you your not gonna get
The production out of the troops !!!! What do you think your
Super man ? You think other policeman haven’t come in here
With the know how and the plan that would have worked ?
Cut it out foo, your the latest political pawn when it gets bad
Enough you’ll be gone and some other ding dong will be standing
Where you are talking the same shit .

5/16/2020 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC; you guys are fucking great!! So on the money all the time!

5/16/2020 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow in my district you have CAPS officers everywhere and do nothing ! Someone has to answer jobs and due police work ,but now - Caps functions are being pushed to the watch because ? . CAPS officers are useless and do nothing ! They have doubled or tripled in last few years .CAPS office are the connected and they do nothing but worry coffee and gossip .And they still push community stuff to watch . What a sham program ! Do police work what u r hired to do arrest offenders don’t hide .

5/16/2020 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In early 1950s, Chief William H Parker, LAPD, created Metropolitan Division for just this purpose. When P/ Captain ( and future Chief) Daryl F Gates was in charge of Metro Division in mid 1960s, he created SWAT as part of Metro. The Mounted Unit and the Dog Unit are also part of Metro.

5/16/2020 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special QUick Immediate Response Team: SQUIRT. The assigned personnel will be SQUIRTS! They will roam far and wide throughout the City putting out fires by SQUIRT—ing on them

5/16/2020 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He really isn’t going to make it the 3 years, then again he might not really give a $hit being guaranteed around $1,000,000 dollars for 3 years. Just another notch on his tombstone.

5/16/2020 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will they give up on community policing, It has been proven over and over it does not work. Waste of man power, resources and money. Community policing has been a scam since its inception.

5/16/2020 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now they come out with a restricted time due notice! Can’t even give you enough time to drop a PD. Unreal, will RDOs be canceled too? What’s the deal the lake front is closed and everyone is to stay home? Why do they need all this manpower?

5/16/2020 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This place is such a shit show!

5/16/2020 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Police Community Friendly Units:

May i Strike Force. (Please)

Take it in the Rectum Unit.

Sugar Or Spice (and make everything nice)

5/16/2020 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CAPS is a JOKE. CAPS should be operated by civilians not PO's. What a waste of manpower. Put the PO's on rapid or beat cars.

5/16/2020 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Look at Deputy Chief Sabii Kahn. 2 whole years as a patrolman in Skokie and now he is a DC and top advisor to the head of the CPD. The mayors people love this guy. And he’s COVID positive and walks around like he owns the place. What is wrong with this department. How is this possible?

5/16/2020 12:43:00 AM

So he is listening to Sabi Khan?? OMG!! That guy couldn't pass the FBI clearance, someone should look into why because it's very very interesting. He has never supervised ANYONE in his prior jobs and he was never the POLICE, he was an "inside" police officer working on numbers. What the hell is wrong with this Department, oh wait....silly question! Please be careful Officers, this guy Khan should never be in charge in this any Police department!

5/16/2020 11:34:00 AM

Wait, Kahn did not pass the FBI clearance? Is this recent or was this the time when he applied to the FBI and didn’t pass their background check several years ago?

5/16/2020 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/16/2020 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave Brown should hire more police officers and stop and frisk criminals. 😃👮

5/16/2020 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s the whole problem in a nutshell.
All of these educated Executives can not come up with an original new Plan.
All nitwits. They couldn’t survive in the real working world if their lives depended on it!

5/16/2020 08:37:00 PM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

5/16/2020 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous I.P. Daley said...

I like Brownie's Community Service ideas. I'm ninety two years old and confined to a nursing home. Can Brownie come and change my catheter?

5/16/2020 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind building a habitat house for chgo humanity next to president jimmy carter. I look forward to drinking a few Billie beers with with presidentafter we buyiold that house.

5/17/2020 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Peter "Judas" Karl said...

CAPS works!

5/17/2020 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so stupid,the man is trying his best but surrounded by idiots who think they know every damn thing

5/17/2020 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad thing is, that anyone left from those old units (that all got dumped to shithole districts and acted like they were special) will be the first morons to apply to get back to that bullshit. When working tact in my district hated when jump out boys (literally children) showed up, etc., with any of those other "special" know it alls. When I was not working tact, and especially if I had a newish kid with me, they were taught to dupe the job to the special know it alls and to leave once scene was secure. Criticize me all you want, but I speak from experience and BTW, all of my recruits moved up!!!

5/17/2020 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disband all of OCD, get rid of all the exempt rank in the building (especially Little Jimmy Sanchez) and put them back on the street to answer jobs and work in a new capacity of (CAPS Officer) . These elite officers already know the problem areas , so it only makes sense for them to work as a community out reach liaison ! Great call Brownie ... I’m with ya as long as you drain Homan Square . One more thing ... take away all of OCD’s take home cars and purchase new squad cars !

5/17/2020 04:50:00 AM  
Anonymous I needed a good laugh said...

CAPS is a JOKE. CAPS should be operated by civilians not PO's. What a waste of manpower. Put the PO's on rapid or beat cars.

5/16/2020 06:40:00 PM

LMFAO now that's rich! Oh sure,that'll fix it hahaha

5/17/2020 05:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Communerty Liberation Officers in Wasted Neighborhoods
Need a house built? Send in the CLOWN!
Diaper change? Send in a CLOWN!
Baby Mama needs a night on the town? Send in a CLOWN.

5/17/2020 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now we have this westside bullshit DCO Program. This was going to be Tony Escamerits's claim to fame. And boy are they hard workers. They talked to a store owner on North Av to put in lights around his building. He did just that. Those hard working DCO officers wanted an award for that. Great job boys and girls. Now go do some real police work!

5/17/2020 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/16/2020 1:28:00-- PM

Perfect post unfortunately sir.

5/17/2020 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless you CPD.

5/17/2020 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perform community service?

Suck. My. Dick.

5/16/2020 08:12:00 AM



That is considered a community service in Democrat areas !

5/17/2020 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brown , use all your merit command in a citywide unit to investigate all gang involved shootings , murders
The best and brightest should have a 90% clearance rate .
Don’t split up two man units for surge missions , assign CAPS officers to work 1900-0300hrs , driving around as one man units in their districts with blue lights on for eight hours , making public announcement on PA system .

5/17/2020 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Community policing is the biggest failure in the Depts history..and this guy wants to continue a program that failed? Knew he was a louse....more than ever...GLAD TO BE RETIRED!!!!

5/17/2020 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this ridiculous mask requirement by the supe needs to go. they do more harm than good unless you're actually the one that is sick. smoke and mirrors. the S U R G E needs to stop as well. I along with my coworkers are not arresting people for standing around disobeying the governors and mayors unconstitutional order slash request. They aren't breaking a law and I am forced to by a supervisor than you can bet for damn sure I'll be putting a certain few sentences in my narrative that some people wont like but that's on them. remember, they'll throw you under the bus in a blink of an eye.

5/17/2020 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 Chief
3 Deputy Chiefs
9 Captains
18 Lieutenants
48 Sergeants
360 Officers
85 admin personnel

Siri put 360 officers on the street you need 164 bosses and administrative officerswhynotjust send Why not just send 17 officers to each district?

5/17/2020 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

caps office is a joke all full of the commanders side pieces n desk dollies

5/17/2020 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the case of the Wizard of Oz" the " man behind the curtain " was a phony!

5/17/2020 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Hey, call it "M" Squad. Catchy, right?"

5/16/2020 12:05:00 PM


Big, tough and mean "plainclothesmen" jumping out of
1957 - 1959 332 c.i. Police Interceptor powered
Ford Custom sedans with hard eyes and heavy fists
while toting sub-machine guns, shotguns and assorted
battle rifles and carbines?

These SJWs who glory in inserting their asses
into Police Business, would shit themselves
at the notion let alone the sight of such.

Such vigor and potential for lawfully ordered violence
in the name of the law is simply too overwhelming for
these squat-to-pee, side-saddle riding, wet-eyed,
hand-wringing punks.

5/17/2020 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special Purpose Urgent Response Team (SPURT)

5/17/2020 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Work on a Habitat for Humanity home? I can't pound a nail in without bending it. That's why I became a cop.

5/18/2020 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous I needed a good laugh said...
CAPS is a JOKE. CAPS should be operated by civilians not PO's. What a waste of manpower. Put the PO's on rapid or beat cars.

5/16/2020 06:40:00 PM

LMFAO now that's rich! Oh sure,that'll fix it hahaha

5/17/2020 05:36:00 AM

Those career CAPS officers would just be an officer safety hazard since they probably haven't done shit since getting out of the academy.

5/18/2020 10:53:00 AM  

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