This isn't a nightmare. Nightmares aren't planned events and this is a planned event:
- Illinois Governor JB Pritzker gave a dire warning about the potential for layoffs and drastic cuts at the state and local level if the federal government doesn’t offer more assistance Tuesday. "This is a nightmare scenario,” Pritzker said Tuesday while announcing $220 million in grants for small businesses.
Wait....Illinois is broke? And he's giving out $220 million?
What the actual fuck?
What the actual fuck?
- “If we don’t receive support from the federal government for our cities and our counties – you’ve already seen challenges, I think, in our police departments and fire departments across the state, cities and counties,” Pritzker said. “If they don’t receive federal support, they won’t be able to maintain their workforce.”
Governor Pritzker’s current $42.9 billion spending plan signed into law in June relies heavily on federal assistance, and it authorizes borrowing up to $5 billion from a federal COVID-19 relief fund. Pritzker said if the support doesn’t come through by the end of the month, the state will have to do something.
Fatass should have been doing something over the last year, like cutting spending, eliminating waste, fixing government, instead of destroying the economy at the behest of the national democrats.
Labels: money questions, state politics
“Trump is bad, Trump is bad! We need federal money.”. GFY. I hope he doesn’t get a dime, and he has to lay off people. Start with the politicians and their staffs.
Why do we need a Lt. Governor and staff? The only thing I know about her was that she was 1st in line to buy pot gummies on Jan 1. Lay her ass and staff off.
The State is already receiving $5 Billion from the Federal Reserve Bank of the US. The $5 Billion was used to plug the budget gap for Fiscal 2021. This is PRINTED money by the Fed which is responsible for the US money supply. The US Stock Market has been rising lately because the Fed is devaluing the dollar by printing trillions to prop up the economy - just like it did from 2009 to 2013. By devaluing the dollar, you will see asset prices increase (like stocks and real estate) and commodity prices (like oil, cotton, etc) because they are traded on worldwide exchanges in dollars. As dollars devalue from over supply, assets / commodities rise in price. Why? Because dollars are worth less and hence you need more of them to purchase assets and commodities. Another name for this effect is inflation.
Sooooo .... Gov Pigsker wants the Fed to print more money for his reckless spending? Does Pigsker know that inflation hurts the poor the most b/c prices go up faster than wage increases. This effect also widens the poor - wealthy divide b/c the rich own most of the stocks and real estate that increase in value when the dollar decreases in value. Thanks Pigsker for wanting to screw our economy more. How about you simply cut the bloated state budget?
So what ... lay ‘em off by the thousands. You don’t have the money to pay them and the pension obligations will keep growing. So lay them off Pigsker or just shut the fuck up. You’re a one term sow anyhow. So just roll in your mud and enjoy!
Didn't Pritzker give many/most/all state employees a raise shortly after he took office?
Hey Governor FATSO,if you stopped following the B.S SCIENCE and advice from Witch Doctors and opened up the State,s Economy nightmares could be avoided.Maybe if you stopped leaving the State of Illinois to vacation 3 days a week some of these issues could have been handled.I know the list is too long to post in one paragraph but $77,000,000 Million for a makeshift COVID Tent Hospital built in a week and closed down a week and a half later inside McCormack Place.$17,000,000 Million spent on defective Chinese Masks.$5,000,000 Million spent on middle of the night commercials telling people to wear those defective masks!Hundreds of Millions of Dollars wasted on the failure to furlough or layoff thousands of State,County,and City Employees who have been sitting at home for over 6 months doing nothing.Millions of Dollars in property damage to businesses by out of State Rioters and Looters because you failed to deploy the National Guard properly and did not allow Law Enforcement to attack the problems.I am sure everyone has an extensive list for the illustrious Governor of Illinois.
And every channel on cable is running “ vote YES for fairness “ upcoming election commercials , the constitution amendment , when it goes through, Jabba will be able to hike taxes as much as he wants. In order to secure that he shelled out 50 million of his own money to push this shit through.
Lying piece of useless shit. I love how every time there is a crisis with the budget...they mention police and fire. So sick of these useless bastards. Next it will be his fair tax garbage so he can pretend to,tax “the rich” while fleecing everyone except the leeches.
Well, dum dum, there will be no help coming from DC. They act like government employees exempt from the economic downturn that has nearly destroyed the airlines, restaurant and bar businesses. The only good thing about layoffs is that they can't lay off too many cops. There aren't any to lay off unless you lay off in the "people of color" community because there haven't been any cops in the white neighborhoods in nearly 15 years and I saw the line up for the 17th district a few days ago. 2 beat cars and a wagon. That's what was left after they donated their usual number of cars to the ghetto. The way coppers are retiring now, even if they announced layoffs, 6 months later they'd have to rehire everyone laid off and open the academy up again to keep up with the retirements and cops that are sick of this place that are just deciding to quit.
Groot has destroyed the city in record time. Way to go honey! You're one of a kind. The bad kind.
Follow the money of $220 million and I’m certain those politically connected are at the other end of the government rainbow of the pot gold.
as an old guy and life long prisoner of this shithole i can never get over the daily give aways while crying broke. every day these dnc shills announce another give away program, the money is disbursed and you never hear about it again. buying votes while crying poor mouth. the beast is insaitable, they should just fly a c-130 in circles over the ghetto dumping cash and quit trying to justify these bullshit programs. if these democrats had any sense they should be afraid.............very afraid..........people will only put up with this shit for so long.
“If we don’t receive support from the federal government for our cities and our counties – you’ve already seen challenges, I think, in our police departments and fire departments across the state, cities and counties,” Pritzker said. “If they don’t receive federal support, they won’t be able to maintain their workforce.”
The lardass is instilling fear in the public. Yes the police departments have seen challenges from you and your Democrat Party because you want to defund the police, you let the rioters & looters take over Chicago, you let the criminals out of jail, you don’t prosecute them, you are eliminating bail, you want to hang officers if they make a mistake and you keep telling the citizens that there is systemic racism in the police departments. So when you eliminate the police you won’t need any federal money for enforcing laws.
Yes they need to stop the spending. Illinois has over 7,000 local government agencies probably more than any state in the union for it’s population. Most of them are just duplicating services. Take townships for example, they can be providing the same services as the villages or towns that they encompass. It’s the way the politicians put people into jobs that are not needed as the services are also provided by other units of government. But it provides political jobs and votes.
Gov. Dirigible is doing two things: Scaring people into voting for senile Percy Joe / Kamala Ho because Dems think this guarantees a bailout (pro tip - it doesn’t); and also laying a bed for massive - and I mean MASSIVE - tax hikes (pro tip - they’re coming, regardless of the election results, and will be even more massive if Fattie’s graduated tax passes).
Federal support means donations from the other 49 States.
At the same time, at least two other large, corrupt and big-spending states want the bailout, so now down to 47. The plan was to use the 3 large states clout to bully the gov’t into paying for their party, but that plan is sinking, or stinking.
On a more interesting note— it was told to me the blues brother chase scene was racist, just because...
And Dukes of hazard is racist too because of the hill billy moon shining and because of the police always chasing some good ole southern boys... main because the scenery was the south
Not making this shit up
How about opening the economy instead of continually strangling it?
We should have never closed the state down economic suicide!!
How much in TIF Districts?
But Prickzter campaigned on making the billionaires pay their fair share.
Did we run out of billionaires already? Or are all of us "billionaires" now?
JB, how about opening of things again and stop with the stupid metric, data, science shit already. Let kids go back to school, play sports, go to restaurants again. Enough already. All you Democratic governors were in on this scam and as long as all of you were committed to defeating Trump you would get paid back for all your hard work in destroying the Illinois Economy by Biden as President.
Now people are protesting, peaceful law abiding people are protesting, calling, writing letters and you are feeling some heat, huh?
So you are giving away millions for contact tracers and blowing through all this COVID money on politics and you want to cut the police departments and fire departments first.
Stop with the Friday "inflate those covid numbers" while no one is paying attention shit and stop beating the fear gong. Flu season is coming up and it looks just like Coronavirus, so when our kids want to go trick or treating, don't start with the "eat candy" or die shit scaring the kids and all.
You Democrats are so pathetic, you could care less about the hard working people who paid the taxes so you can give shit away.
Anonymous said...
Why do we need a Lt. Governor and staff? The only thing I know about her was that she was 1st in line to buy pot gummies on Jan 1. Lay her ass and staff off.
9/17/2020 12:08:00 AM
She also has a huge state police contingent cars and all, and noble knows who she is or what she does? She does travel on tax payers dime though!
That fat fuck trying to scare me by throwing in how police and fire are underfunded?!? Give me a fucking break!!! I’m more afraid because coppers are hog tied by you and your BS SJW policies you miserable billionaire.
Central Management Services (CMS)
One of the state's worst budget black holes.
Even Ben Shapiro, a lifelong Californian, is leaving for Nashville. Think about that, a corporation with multiple employees leaving for a better run state. Destroying a state because they hate Trump.
fuck pritzker!!
lay off the whole fucking state workforce, I bet we wont see any difference.
I can remember the last time I needed the state for anything
No federal government bailout for Illinois! Better to let Illinois go bankrupt and start over.
Wouldn’t it be funny if, big if, money from Washington went directly to cities, bypassing lard-ass.
End the skim now.
He is a clueless tub of goo.
The star and costar of this nightmare is Larry and fat boy.
For all my life this is SOP. Dem's screw up, use police/fire services as bait to get fed's to bail them out until the next predictable shit show.
Time to either take a stand, blue flu, or embrace that back door lov'en/
Anonymous Anonymous said...
On a more interesting note— it was told to me the blues brother chase scene was racist, just because...
And Dukes of hazard is racist too because of the hill billy moon shining and because of the police always chasing some good ole southern boys... main because the scenery was the south.
Anonymous said:
I contend that all of baseball is a racist sport. Consider this..In the area that the batter is required to be in to get a chance to hit the ball, what is that batter surrounded by? Yes, you got it WHITE lines. Players of color (POC) are completely surrounded and confined by white lines. If they step out of the white cage he cannot hit the ball. What is the color of the lines that a POC's hit must not cross lest it be declared a foul and odious ball. We must change the white privilege of those lines or we will never have equality. We must change the color to yellow, no that is Asian privilege. How about red, no that is Native American Privilege, Well what about black lines, no that would be black privilege. Maybe Green? No that would be Irish Privilege. Well if we can't change the colors of the lines we must defund the lines and remove them altogether! How can we tell if a ball is fair or foul? Only one way and that is to ask the batter if he feels it was fair or foul. Makes no difference to me because mlb is dying and will soon be dead.
BGEN Frank Savage
But there's money for contact tracers!
So now police and fire are important an those are your first cuts or is it a scare tactic to believers of his bullshit- I saw Hyatt an the airlines are laying off thousands shit Tommy Bartlett ski show closed after 70+ years. He is going to find out with no people working you get no tax base only spending and like the bright thinkers from NY why should anyone else in this country pay for your failed policies, why are republican led cities not failing with the ch.7 equal percentages
The Gov ran Superior Bank into the ground. Now he can do the same to Illinois.
llinois Governor JB Pritzker gave a dire warning about the potential for layoffs and drastic cuts at the state and local level if the federal government doesn’t offer more assistance Tuesday. "This is a nightmare scenario,” Pritzker said Tuesday while announcing $220 million in grants for small businesses.
Real nightmare is tub of lard trying to put on a pair of underwear...
Ill annoy and steal your money, has been stealing the tax money and spending more than they bring in since Edgar left office! The common denominator is democRATS...too many democRATS ever increasing over the years until the state cannot balance their budget...WT actual F is wrong with these politicians that they can't cut the budget and pay off their debt??? MAYBE THEY STEAL TOO MUCH!!! It's not like the state is a fashion plate, it actually looks worse than a 3rd world country, I think the term "SHITHOLE" has been appropriately used before.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and again, expecting a different result!!!
There's no money left to lose and now governor asswipe is threatening jobs loss!!!
like the city,10 people to cut down and hall a tree away with 4 city vehicles, 24 men to clean a sewer out,streets and san on 103rd has over 100 people working inside,a private company put over 300 street lights(new led) one day compared to 1 truck 5 crew to change maybe 2/4 lights aday,in otherwords too many workers and money for taxpayers.waste waste waste
Follow the money......
BIG money.....
FatAzz and LeGroot GIVING MILLIONS away......
Where all dat money be coming from?
Keep track of all this spending, boys nad girls.....
Can’t cry poor - PAY INTO THE PENSIONS.....
DECENT RAISES for the police
DEMAND forensic audits of all this PUBLIC FUNDS being GIVEN AWAY.....
NEWSFLASH....State of Illinois balances budget, feds come in and fill a few empty prisons, not club fed, with corrupt, lying, stealing, thieving bastard democRATS!!!
Anonymous said...
“Trump is bad, Trump is bad! We need federal money.”. GFY. I hope he doesn’t get a dime, and he has to lay off people. Start with the politicians and their staffs.
9/17/2020 12:04:00 AM
Should he not get federal money, the spin will be that it's the President's fault that Illinois is broke, and Illinois democrats will believe that. Never mind states that for some reason don't seem to have the debt problems that Illinois does. You're talking about voters that have let democrats run the state into the ground for years and years. Illinois' problems didn't start with Pritzker and this didn't happen overnight.
Dems really put all their faith in the Nov election...again. Is the State is shifting around budgets, trimming any pork off the other appropriations yet? We need a whistleblower. Never ending lesser traveled highway construction projects to empty airport runways and terminals, unused popped up Covid hospitals to census cowboys.
The state of the union depends on an election not a spending freeze.
"I'm calling on the board to use $4 million in Help America Vote Act funds to develop an emergency grant program that will further subsidize and incentivize the use of drop boxes, support local efforts to recruit election judges and address other issues," said Gov. Pritzker.
$4 million to try and get people to vote or to be an election judge or poll watcher, on top of $14 million for new voting machines. That’s about as necessary as a Larri $50 million Contract Tracer program. That’s what IL does with govmint bailouts.
JB Pigfluenza hasn’t trimmed any budget whatsoever. Kept people out of businesses and revenues dropped from every tax he’s raised from gasoline to sales taxes. No work - no pay? What happened to all the tollway booth agents?
LOL IL Gov Fatass seeing polls his IL income tax increase losing ground, on Nov 3rd Ballot
Anyone here besides FU lightfoot, willing to pay more taxes?
Lying democrats saying income tax increase just the rich more ..ya sure!!!!
Ooooh, layoffs are a nightmare scenario! I'm sure that line will work wonderfully on private-sector people like me who *already* got laid off because he and other governors like him decided that America wasn't gonna go to work this summer. Get back to me when the Midwest permanently ditches ten or twenty percent of state employees across all agencies, fat boi, because that's the deal that I got.
On the plus side, unemployed with no dependents during a recession is a perfect time to relocate to a lower cost, lower tax, more stable part of the country. If Pritzker/Evers/Walz/Whitmer think it's bad now, wait till they see the 2021 revenue situation.
If there’s going to be layoffs, let’s start with the teachers.
Ah. I see you've screwed up your state, and want my state, who didn't, to give you money. Yeah, no thanks. You all made that bed together, you can all sleep in it.
The state can save many millions anytime they want by consolidating the 7,000 units of government. Eliminate the townships and at least half of the school boards for starters
Meanwhile, Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, (Democrat) , is wasting even more millions by sending out Illinois Residents reminder letters that they can vote by mail in November. This alone costs Illinois Taxpayers millions, for materials, personnel to work up the letters, and postage. These reminders are all over the News and other Media all day long, every day and night 24-7. Democrats know this is just another ploy to make it easier to cheat in the upcoming Election, and also know it's a total waste of Illinois Taxpayer Dollars used to further the scam. Yet they cry poor every dayy and want the Federal Government to bail out Illinois. What a bunch of arrogant, dysfunctional, irresponsible, lying jagoffs.
Vote Trump-Republican 2020 Quit being used as a fuckin Chump for the Socialist Democrat Party. Only a Fool keeps doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Don't be that Fool any longer.
"Follow the money of $220 million and I’m certain those politically connected are at the other end of the government rainbow of the pot gold."
You took the words right out of my mouth.
Close the tollways. The tollways burn tbrough money every year, so they dont show a profit. I wouldn't be suprised if there are a few $40,000 toilet seats. Tollways are a patronage job, those employees have platinum pensions. Sell it, close and convert to normal highway or out source it.
Oh and can we talk about combining the recorder of deeds office with tax assessors office, and a few dozen other duplicative city and county agencies.
And did I mention all HQ take home cars are taken away, and thos that need wheels can get small ford focus like cars.
Same for County officials, and other city agencies.
8:25 PM
Yeah, like the toll collectors on the Pa. Turnpike.
Being phased out by E-Z pass.
But they still have 'State Stores' for hard liquor.
That's the only place you can buy it.
Job requirements? High school diploma + political connection.
Easy job with State benefits and pension.
Pritizker has a monopoly on Omaha Steaks.
Not only did he have a pre-Covid stash, he continued to buy
when the general public had no money.
Anonymous said...
“Trump is bad, Trump is bad! We need federal money.”. GFY. I hope he doesn’t get a dime, and he has to lay off people. Start with the politicians and their staffs.
9/17/2020 12:04:00 AM
Should he not get federal money, the spin will be that it's the President's fault that Illinois is broke, and Illinois democrats will believe that. Never mind states that for some reason don't seem to have the debt problems that Illinois does. You're talking about voters that have let democrats run the state into the ground for years and years. Illinois' problems didn't start with Pritzker and this didn't happen overnight.
The point of my comment was that fatass and the troll both slam The President every chance they get, blaming him for anything and everything, and then they’re crying they need help from the federal gov’t. I hope The President tells them to go pound sand. And yes, 90yrs of Dem rule in the city, and 50 yrs of Madigan, Cullerton, and the rest of the thieving Dems that operate in Springfield have gotten us to the point we are at now.
Jesse White has nothing to do with voting. It's a generic form letter. If you want to vote by mail, there's the Chicago Board of Elections (Chicago, obviously) and Cook County Clerk (Cook County Suburbs obviously).
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