Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Right After You "Boss"

The 16th and 17th District Chicago Police Scanner feed is turning into quite the entertaining social media platform. We're not quite sure how they operate as most District Radio Zones have gone encrypted and the audio is only available after some sort of time delay. The company line is "this is for security" but we suspect it's also to keep the media at least ten-to-thirty minutes behind actual events.

They have an amusing exchange from Zone 4 (001/018) the other night when a few hundred non-demonized teens began rioting and looting.

But if you can't hear it, this is the transcript:

  • Car 100: If you're an officer, you should be putting hands on people and arresting them right now, not watching them walk by you.

    Officer: Right after you. (background laughter)

Amusingly, this paragon of "leadership" was the subject of a recent COPA finding for misconduct off-duty that resulted in a multi-day suspension that just came down last Thursday. At the time, he was a mere captain.

The are three documents there:

  1. a Final Summary Report sustaining five charges and a penalty totaling twenty-five days of suspension;
  2. the Supernintendo's non-concurrence letter, signed by Eddie Johnson - a known drunk, philanderer and political tool, recommending Sustaining charges #1 and #2 as Reprimands and Not Sustaining charges #3, #4, and #5;
  3. a Resolution Letter partially agreeing to the recommendations and issuing a three day suspension.

Obviously, from the Final Summary Report, it can be seen that COPA is handing out suspension time for any and everything based on mere allegations and without any sort of actual investigation that would stand up to scrutiny. If the media thinks CPD railroaded certain cop killers into prison, they ought to look at these COPA "investigations" and wonder what-the-actual-f#$%?

Also obviously, it helps to be connected.



Anonymous Touch me here said...

I heard that a Sergeant from 010 who is now a big boss, who loves his trusty adding machine, whose name can't be used on the blog because it probably made hime pass out would drive in the opposite way of shots fired without even calling it in. He would counsel people for not writing tickets when in 010. He never wrote any tickets himself. Right off of his year he went to tac. Can you see the pattern here?

8/01/2023 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since this post is about worthless p@ssys I nominate 1406 team 10 p.o. In the Humboldt park doing dick all day while the district is in a RAP

8/01/2023 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a douche!!!

8/01/2023 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COPA is giving 10-30 days for late activation and this goof gets 5 for all that. It’s all legit blue shirts

8/01/2023 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He got one thing right " it is ridiculous " complete nonsense. But all white shirts will force you to answer questions , if all supervisors just said " you don't have to answer, or go down there to make a statement " we'd win " but there's always a scab that will.

8/01/2023 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any chance Harris doesn’t serve the 3 day suspension.
Did you ever notice very few good people make exempt.

8/01/2023 12:43:00 AM  
Blogger Mario from the barrio said...

Coward no balls so-called boss, who would be the first prick to throw you under the bus for these hoodlum ghetto thugs looting and rioting in the south loop, because they’ve already destroyed their own hood.

8/01/2023 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Jack Dempsey's Ghost said...

I never had any real problems with the guy, but heard enough bullshit about him. What gets me is that dumb wrestling belt he had made up to reward the retards for their proactive police work. Seen photos of that with the "winners," floating around, and let me tell ya, it looks really cheesy and stupid. One of these young dumb fucks is going to end up in court one day for screwing up, and photos of them holding up and wearing that blue colored Championship belt will be enough to sink'em. You kids leave the toy belts for WWF wrestling, which in all its phoniness is real compared to CPD.

8/01/2023 01:00:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Yep… Handjob extraordinaire Davy Harris.

A legend in his own mind and a textbook example of the ‘Peter Principle’.

Another multi-merit mutt who should’ve plateaued at sergeant (if that). Who remembers his “Commander’s Belt”? A WWE-type belt awarded to impressionable kids in 001 in recognition of whatever bullshit activity they manufactured at his request.

Davy Harris.. living “The Job” vicariously through subordinates too afraid to question his motives.

I was out there last night, didn’t see you there, Davy. Last time I checked, you also have the powers of arrest, you swollen Derek Jeter half-assed lookalike. Break out those bracelets and show us all how it’s done, “boss”. Otherwise? You can suck it… you know where it hangs. Oh yeah…me? I just sat there with a big smile on my face and let the savages have at it.

8/01/2023 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will always be the dumb old timer that says put the commander as box 1. That doesn’t do anything for your probable cause or RAS. Only arrest on signed complaints. Only detain on clear probable cause. Don’t put yourself in the RAS territory. Either you observed a clear crime being violated or you don’t touch anyone. There is no such thing as RAS for a minor. How can you possibly tell the difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old? How will you articulate that difference into writing? Don’t be a fool. Don’t stick your neck out for this guy. He recently merit promoted a 3 year wonder chick to merit detective. Was she the most qualified under his command? Who knows. He’s not on your side. He’s just trying to look tough for the deputy of mayor or whomever can get him bumped to deputy chief after the stint in 1. He isn’t going to bat for you and isn’t showing up to court for you. If you do put him as box 1 he might just put a number on you. And remember, it is your duty to refuse an illegal order. If they’re not committing a clear articulable crime ( curfew is not clearly articulable) then you have nothing.

Who cares if they loot a spot. Unless you personally saw the person take something And you have a signed complaint for that arrest, don’t do it. You’re not earning any brownie points. Believe me, I’ve done “arrest” on looters. It gets thrown out 100% of the time unless some poor detective does a crazy amount of backend work to make your arrest legit.

8/01/2023 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BIA is just like COPA.

There not your friends. They get me sick!

8/01/2023 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will continue to say it. CPD failed because lack of leadership. The dumbest keep getting promoted to the highest ranks. They had him as a inspector for a while.

8/01/2023 02:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are videos of the wilding up on CWB. It’s very interesting because super hero Hein is out there not wearing a vest or a body worn camera. Is he exempt from wearing a BWC? I thought it was mandatory. Hmm

8/01/2023 05:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First line of the arrest report should of stated R/O was ordered to make said arrest. Dichead street deputy should of been in box 1 also.

8/01/2023 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CCG is filled with handjob bosses. Hein, Harris and weasel Barz

8/01/2023 05:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was this grieved? If it did it’ll probably get tossed by the arbitrator.

8/01/2023 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Jetter is a douche but come on...

These asshole school do this shit all the time and throw cones out blocking access to your driveway... happens to me all the time... its so LaFonda doesn't have to do shit.... remember the actual city crossing gourds? Yes replaced w shinquwa in vests with a free ir#

8/01/2023 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the incompetent white shirts put "hands" on these honor students. You idiots along with the democRAT politicians made the rules now follow them. They want someone else to get jammed up other than themselves....enjoy liberal asshole

8/01/2023 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, you cant have a CPD memorial plate on your car????

8/01/2023 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How has Harris not been demoted? He should have been arrested for pushing the special needs security guard. Where is the media on this?? Why was he given special treatment ? Is it because he’s …

8/01/2023 06:32:00 AM  
Blogger 6PapaBoner9 said...

Douchebag Dave.

He was Escamerits Captain when I left.

The ‘Duo of Arrogance’ is what we called them in the Area.

Two complete assholes that should’ve never made it on that job.

8/01/2023 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn't the coward liberal media reporting how supervisors want street police to break the rules harassing the honor students..keep voting for democRATs and enjoy the wilding

8/01/2023 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pathetic. Makes me laugh to think this merit hack was an inspector

8/01/2023 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Further proof that much of CPD's Command Staff have never been the police, they are cowards, absolutely no leadership, mostly merit promotions (buddy system), complete morons. Take them away from their usual inside hotel room at HQ's and they are clueless.

8/01/2023 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So conduct unbecoming. Assault / Battery (agg?) with a vehicle. Rule #14’ing your statement to COPA, bringing discredit to the dept etc etc = 5 whole days w/o pay. Mess up signing up for special employment and it’s a 3-6 month whack, so that could be dozens of days penalty depending on how you work it. See the problem with this??

8/01/2023 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Old wise man said...

This is what happens when you don’t let the police be the police. The policies that Lil Lari put in place have rendered the police powerless and useless. Lil Lari has done more damage to Chicago than Hurricane Katrina did to New Orleans. I can’t even imagine the bull shit that little twerp and her gigantic dick are doing in Cambridge.

8/01/2023 07:51:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

That police officer with that great reply deserves a few of my famous white wine spritzers

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

8/01/2023 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous David Lee Roth said...

What a Box of Rocks.

8/01/2023 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit Merit Merit Merit! Only the best and it shows.

8/01/2023 08:03:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

How soon will the arrested youtes get their city hall payout?

8/01/2023 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His nose is big...big like a pickle. He's in the 00q district doing the Humpty Dance 💃. Well, just as long as he's not getting tuned up by 016 district bike riders. What a useless bum, DC Jeter look alike.

8/01/2023 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously??? During the BLM (mostly peaceful looting and riots) we were told to stand down when we were being assaulted by BLM and antifa. Now a voice over the radio (merit?) tells officers to put hands on. There must have been something that caused this change at the downtown level.

I am assuming a fair portion of officers still would like to go hands on, but the department has never been there to give support when the shit hits the fan, so I don't mind if we ask for clarification on the rules of engagement? Because without that, I am just going to sit in a beat car under a shade tree, eat a sandwich and work out a crossword puzzle until I get a call...

BTW....Isn't that what MSU and summer mobile used to be for? What about mobile SWAT?

"Right behind YOU boss..." This is where leadership by example might make a difference..

8/01/2023 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He’s a wimp

8/01/2023 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do your job!!

8/01/2023 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the report awards section, the very first, top most listed award is the Democrat National Committee award?

Partei uber alles?

8/01/2023 09:15:00 AM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

I follow many of the Chicago scanner accounts via Twitter including this one

My service/repair guy at work was killed on Lake Shore Drive right before Thanksgiving 2021 and I saw video via a bystander of it and found out the next day :(

8/01/2023 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Harris was the Captain in 002 for awhile and must have learned from his mentor Josh Wallace. They both only received merit promotions because their daddy’s had the hookup. Josh’s partner as a Po is in federal prison for making traffic stops and stealing money. Look it up , partner was RC. Josh got away due to politics and talking. He should have been fired and charged. Now this bozo thinks he’s smart and it’s beneath him to be the commander of 002. Talks shit about all the other exempts

8/01/2023 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday’s post about the new laws that come into affect is the duty to intervene, per the safety act. The meaning is that they will be themselves and destroy everything thing they touch and we will get the blame. Say goodbye to any new businesses coming to the city and good luck keeping those that are still here.

8/01/2023 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when ole Dave was newly assigned to News Affairs not long after he made Lt. In his first Compstat meeting he gets up in front of everyone and states that his first order of business is that he is going to shut down the Second City Cop Blog. Immediately after Compstat, he weasels his way to Legal Affairs and demands they go into court and get an order shutting down the blog. The sergeant there explained to simple Dave about the first amendment, freedom of the press and such trivial things that protected free speech. Needless to say, Dave was not happy as he had already failed in his first self assigned duty in his new unit. When word reached the Sup's office about Dave's intellectual prowess, he was given a coloring book and a juice box and told to go sit in a cubicle until he was needed. Dave was rarely called on again, never attended another Compstat meeting, and was soon hidden in another unit where his "skills" could be put to better use. Douchebag Dave will never be forgotten for "almost" shutting down the SCC blog!

8/01/2023 10:15:00 AM  
Blogger Crusty Ol' Timer said...

Anonymous said...
“There will always be the dumb old timer that says put the commander as box 1. That doesn’t do anything for your probable cause or RAS. Only arrest on signed complaints. Only detain on clear probable cause. Don’t put yourself in the RAS territory. Either you observed a clear crime being violated or you don’t touch anyone. There is no such thing as RAS for a minor. How can you possibly tell the difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old? How will you articulate that difference into writing? Don’t be a fool. Don’t stick your neck out for this guy. He recently merit promoted a 3 year wonder chick to merit detective. Was she the most qualified under his command? Who knows. He’s not on your side. He’s just trying to look tough for the deputy of mayor or whomever can get him bumped to deputy chief after the stint in 1. He isn’t going to bat for you and isn’t showing up to court for you. If you do put him as box 1 he might just put a number on you. And remember, it is your duty to refuse an illegal order. If they’re not committing a clear articulable crime ( curfew is not clearly articulable) then you have nothing.”

-You mean “Dumb Old Timer” and not “Crusty Ol’ Timer” …correct? Otherwise fight me (at The Albany Inn)!

8/01/2023 10:24:00 AM  
Blogger Mario from the barrio said...

BJ’s Hood rats, out for a stroll.

8/01/2023 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like there will always be idiot bosses like this, there will also always be POs dumb enough to do their bidding... 🤷‍♂️

8/01/2023 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe a “joke of a Commander” Dave H. should be given a “wrestling belt” for his ability to order Officers to commit an “ACT” he would not do himself, and his inability to be an effective leader! F_ _k off Dave, piece of TRASH!

8/01/2023 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

001 used to be a great place to work. The downfall probably began not long before Pigott took the reins. Between him and Alderden most of the experienced Officers were chased away or retired. I know most of the younger Officers still fawn over Alderden, but I can guarantee you that if you were drowning, and it were to benefit him, that he would step right on top of your shoulders and not even look back. Zuber pulled the rip cord pretty quickly. Now this guy is left in the aftermath with his stupid wrestling belt that apparently still dupes some of the newer Officers. This Department sees absolutely zero value in knowledge, skills, and experience. You are considered instantly replaceable. I’d say the only attribute that these bosses hold true to is that fact that they can always find younger, more impressionable Officers to do their bidding in exchange for better start times, management spots, and short crappy ducks. Watch what happens with these 40ish disorderly conduct arrests once they hit the courts. If charges get dropped, the legal slime will come out of the woodwork looking to shake the settlement money tree with A/Os name attached to the paperwork waiting for you at 35th. Let me know which of the bosses will still be sitting there with you. From my experience…. None.

8/01/2023 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there and Hein was out there with a pancake holster and no vest, camera, or handcuffs. He’s ordering you to make arrests and he doesn’t even carry the equipment necessary to handcuff someone. Hmm. Jon, please leave the job u arrogant stroke and take Harris with you.

8/01/2023 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
First line of the arrest report should of stated R/O was ordered to make said arrest. Dichead street deputy should of been in box 1 also.

8/01/2023 05:31:00 AM

That excuse went out the window at the Nurinburg Trials.
"Because my boss said so" doesn't hold up well in Federal Court.

And if you can't articulate a crime on an arrest report, maybe you shouldn't be doing it.

8/01/2023 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once upon a time before radio encryption and delayed cpd zone radio rebroadcast the public had the ability to avoid opportunity and attention starved domestic terrorist activity zones as they happened. So much for the serve and protect gas lighting by the brass.

Don't get caught in the COPA trick bag when you know the tribunal will not back you up.

OMG Hooray Pravda reports 40 18th district insurgents where put on the naughty chair for half an hour BIG EFF-IN DEAL. Thank you kim foxx/BJ/and city alder-x's (don't want to assume your genders) /sarc

Waiting for the next department warning to citizens "Hey we warned you WATCH OUT they be shooting, robbing, beating, and carjacking going on out here" (so it's not our fault you were warned. we have a clear conscience now we warned u)

I also find it laughable as the MSM tried to further gas light the people with the yellow jacketed Peacekeepers AKA BJ's ex-convict vigilante's made a huge impact. The 7/11 looting/destruction was mostly peacefull am I right??/sarc

Stop calling them a mob it was a teen trend!! Sounds harmless right? Words matter.

8/01/2023 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious! That messenger coward was shutdown immediately. Just goes to show everyone how divided the department really is. Don’t be fools and stick your necks out for these merits. Self preservation!

8/01/2023 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to pull up the interview this moron did where he lies about crime being down in the district and the reason for it being his "leadership". Always has been a merit tool, always will be.

8/01/2023 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? Commander Michelle Rubino played on her phone during the George Floyd riots and now the Dept wants us to lock the poor disadvantaged youths? You first!

8/01/2023 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all this wildin was just “silly” decisions like the mayor said it was then none of it was arrestable offenses. Silly decisions aren’t illegal right boss? Harris care to chime in on this?

8/01/2023 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just keep it up and demoralize the officers. And now special is suspending officers for calling of To Work in their districts or area. So an Officer is Working and e-mails special events and still gets suspended.

8/01/2023 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep voting democrat!!

8/01/2023 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only they had caught Harris saying "Do you know who I am?" on video. That would be priceless.

8/01/2023 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when ole Dave was newly assigned to News Affairs not long after he made Lt. In his first Compstat meeting he gets up in front of everyone and states that his first order of business is that he is going to shut down the Second City Cop Blog. Immediately after Compstat, he weasels his way to Legal Affairs and demands they go into court and get an order shutting down the blog. The sergeant there explained to simple Dave about the first amendment, freedom of the press and such trivial things that protected free speech. Needless to say, Dave was not happy as he had already failed in his first self assigned duty in his new unit. When word reached the Sup's office about Dave's intellectual prowess, he was given a coloring book and a juice box and told to go sit in a cubicle until he was needed. Dave was rarely called on again, never attended another Compstat meeting, and was soon hidden in another unit where his "skills" could be put to better use. Douchebag Dave will never be forgotten for "almost" shutting down the SCC blog!

Must be one of the many “highlights” of his strenuous career. Didn’t he get decked in the face by some piss bum who was riding his bike? I’m sure his retirement party, whenever that may come, will be filled to the brim. Make sure to buy yours doing the pre-sale, minimum of 100 blue cards to be eligible to purchase.

8/01/2023 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein is an arrogant piece of shit, always has been and always will be !!

8/01/2023 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“There will always be the dumb old timer that says put the commander as box 1. That doesn’t do anything for your probable cause or RAS. Only arrest on signed complaints. Only detain on clear probable cause. Don’t put yourself in the RAS territory. Either you observed a clear crime being violated or you don’t touch anyone. There is no such thing as RAS for a minor. How can you possibly tell the difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old? How will you articulate that difference into writing? Don’t be a fool. Don’t stick your neck out for this guy. He recently merit promoted a 3 year wonder chick to merit detective. Was she the most qualified under his command? Who knows. He’s not on your side. He’s just trying to look tough for the deputy of mayor or whomever can get him bumped to deputy chief after the stint in 1. He isn’t going to bat for you and isn’t showing up to court for you. If you do put him as box 1 he might just put a number on you. And remember, it is your duty to refuse an illegal order. If they’re not committing a clear articulable crime ( curfew is not clearly articulable) then you have nothing.”


is the word 'articulable' really necessary here? Either there is a crime 'afoot' or there isn't - ya, if you're a fucking mute you might have a problem in court, because, for one reason or another, you cannot verbally describe what you have witnessed. I, myself, am not a fucking mute, and the 'articualble' part can be safely assumed

8/01/2023 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you put hands on that young non-Florida-vacation-affording rascal and I will FOI that video forthwith and if you are not 100% right, then you are 100% wrong. Now go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass ... ah ... nevermind.

8/01/2023 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do southside rules work on the Mag Mile? Just Axin.

8/01/2023 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you repeatedly meritoriously promote people. Harris has NEVER been promoted by rank order. All of his promotions are merit. In 25 he was nothing more than a water boy for Tony "Escamerit" yet he thought he was so smart. Both of them would be in such foul moods if something was posted about them on Second City. Was so entertaining to watch them walk around sulking. It is only a matter of time before DH screws up big time. This department is so screwed because of the likes of this and so many other goofs.

8/01/2023 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Well Harris was the Captain in 002 for awhile and must have learned from his mentor Josh Wallace. They both only received merit promotions because their daddy’s had the hookup. Josh’s partner as a Po is in federal prison for making traffic stops and stealing money. Look it up , partner was RC. Josh got away due to politics and talking. He should have been fired and charged. Now this bozo thinks he’s smart and it’s beneath him to be the commander of 002. Talks shit about all the other exempts

8/01/2023 09:44:00 AM

Well when we have absolute idiots like auntie Yolanda, Ben (didn’t she get caught plagiarizing at one of the cpd Ivy League schools?), Bulnes, etc of course he should get a bump.

8/01/2023 06:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone please post the video of Harris lying about stats in an interview and praising his “leadership”.

8/01/2023 06:15:00 PM  
Blogger 6PapaBoner9 said...

-You mean “Dumb Old Timer” and not “Crusty Ol’ Timer” …correct? Otherwise fight me (at The Albany Inn)!

8/01/2023 10:24:00 AM

The kiddies are asking Google where they might find ‘The Albany Inn’.

Had some of my best formative years there.

Let’s try to put an age on you, shall we? What was Sgt Dave C. gonna do to his car at The A.I. one particular night? Extra points if you remember the make and model of said vehicle.

8/01/2023 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Between him promoting someone that does parking tickets to detective and trying to fuck anything under 200 pounds I'm surprised he had enough time to go over the air.

Or maybe it's because the unbeleive amount of worthless officers in 1 that think they can hide is nauseating.

Just ask the girl on afternoons that shot her boyfriend

Or maybe the desk Sgt on days that's an absolute worthless human being

There's alot going on... But hey outdoor roll call at the redline tomorrow

8/01/2023 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that SCC is back, it's time to bring back the "stay fetal" saying.

Let the mayhem be. Don't put yourself in jeopardy. These bosses don't have your back. You will get into trouble. You will take time, get fired, charged etc.

8/01/2023 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Old Wise Man said...

Did anyone see Fred Waller on the news last night essentially apologizing that there were 40 arrests on Sunday in 001? What a goddamn joke . Fred essentially said, we had to make those arrests we had no choice those teens wouldn’t listen. Um Fred… those teens were looting a store and they needed to go to jail there’s no need to apologize. WTF ?! This is leadership?! Sorry we had to arrest individuals that are committing a forcible felony and placing citizens in danger of being injured ?! I wonder if Super Dave Harris will nominate Fred “I’m sorry” Waller for the coveted, Commander’s Belt?

8/01/2023 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many on BJ’s detail that should be a hard line

8/01/2023 10:47:00 PM  
Blogger Last of the Dick's from A6 said...

I don't know what happened during the riots and subsequent looting, I was fortunate to be retired from the job. I viewed the situation from the safety of my living room.

At times I was very critical of the lack of response from the department. I have also been very critical of officers who turn their head and say you got what you wanted or what you voted for to the citizens and disregard their peril, or only extend aid to another officer and their families. How do you know who to extend service to. Do off duties and their families have a special identifier so you can immediately know who is deserving of service.

I served under difficult and dangerous conditions similar to the recent hardships that you current officers are experiencing and you have my respect and sympathy. But I have been told by may of you young officers that you had been told to stand down, and told to allow the looters and rioters to have their space.

These are the actions that I viewed from the comfort of my living room when the attack on the officers at the site of the Columbus statue occurred. This was an absolute disgrace and a failure of the departments leadership. Now the failed department leadership and the political leaders want a complete turn around to establish order and enforce the law.

I can not see how the leaders expect to have gained the trust and confidence of the rank and file officers and have them perform aggressively after the performance they have put on display for the past five years.

The only answer that I can give is that each of the officers that are in the danger zone every day have to be assured that the department leadership has a viable plan to end the nonsense and to stand behind the actions that they are now ordering. The political leadership also has to give the officers the same assurances.

It took a lot of years to get to this point in time and it will take even longer to win back the rank and file. Everyone of the politicians and brass knows the difference between right and wrong. I don't think that they have the courage to go forward. If I was on the street working in todays climate I would have a very difficult time placing my trust in any of these individuals.

Sorry for the long rant. I wish the very best for all of the officers in this very difficult time.

8/01/2023 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why hasn’t Capt. Mannion been made Cmdr of 001?

8/02/2023 12:31:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

"...Do south side rules work on the Mag Mile..."

They would if allowed to be used.

8/02/2023 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again…. What’s the main recipe here? Merit.

8/02/2023 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW....Isn't that what MSU and summer mobile used to be for? What about mobile SWAT?

SWAT and MSU make arrests? They are busy barbecuing, working out shirtless and posing for IG pictures. Arrests are for peasants.

8/02/2023 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad he wasn't using the city car when he did this. That would have been interesting to see what they did then.

8/02/2023 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
do southside rules work on the Mag Mile? Just Axin.

8/01/2023 05:39:00 PM

For "them", yes.
For "us", no.

8/02/2023 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
001 used to be a great place to work.... If charges get dropped, the legal slime will come out of the woodwork looking to shake the settlement money tree with A/Os name attached to the paperwork waiting for you at 35th. Let me know which of the bosses will still be sitting there with you. From my experience…. None.

8/01/2023 11:52:00 AM

Truer words have never been spoken!
The only thing in your statement I would change is "If" to "WHEN charges get dropped,..."

Then the only ones you'll see at civil court when they're getting sued are P/O's and a few Sgt's.
These new kids at CST will learn soon enough.

8/02/2023 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why hasn’t Capt. Mannion been made Cmdr of 001?

8/02/2023 12:31:00 AM

Because he's smart.
Only a
1) dumbass
2) egotistical dumbass

would take that spot.

Seamus is at least smart enough to say "no".

8/02/2023 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old Wise Man said...
Did anyone see Fred Waller on the news last night essentially apologizing that there were 40 arrests on Sunday in 001? What a goddamn joke . Fred essentially said, we had to make those arrests we had no choice those teens wouldn’t listen. Um Fred… those teens were looting a store and they needed to go to jail there’s no need to apologize. WTF ?! This is leadership?! Sorry we had to arrest individuals that are committing a forcible felony and placing citizens in danger of being injured ?! I wonder if Super Dave Harris will nominate Fred “I’m sorry” Waller for the coveted, Commander’s Belt?

8/01/2023 10:19:00 PM
Old Fred needs to put his star war jammies back on get warm milk and stop being a coward! A real leader leads he cowers!

8/02/2023 07:38:00 PM  
Blogger Mario from the barrio said...

Looks like BJ’s thuggish little Al Capones were up to their usual unlawful antics which he condones and encourages in the south loop. As they Rioted and looted at will, he took offense to reporters calling the lovable little criminals being involved in “mob activities “. Well, Mr. Communist, they were involved in mob activities, yes mob activities, plenty of mob activities. You are you kidding, you stupid moron.

8/02/2023 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous NavySealRanger12 said...

@ 11:01 PM Last of the Dick's from A6 said...
I don't know what happened during the riots and subsequent looting, I was fortunate to be retired from the job. I viewed the situation from the safety of my living room.


So why are you commenting? No police department has seen the s*** we are seeing since the Haymarket and Communist riots in the 1880s. In the riots of the 60s and the Bulls Riots in the 90s the CPD had control of the city within 12 hours…and most citizens and politicians cheered them on. An officer puts their hands on a violent felon like was done 20 years ago and you’re going to jail. The citizens and politicians in this city and county hate the police. You clearly don’t have a clue what’s going on and if you feel so strongly you can still don your retired badge and strap on your .357 and walk around downtown or ride the subway. Dude Inc will teach you real quick how the rules have changed.

8/04/2023 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Harry J said...

Had some good early morning beers at the Albany Inn in the late 80's. Now reired Harrison ranger. Ah , the good old days.

8/07/2023 08:40:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Been there. Done that.

8/08/2023 07:54:00 AM  

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