Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Don't Look Now....

....but this sounds like "vigilantes."  Not very good vigilantes. but along the lines of what we had predicted a few months ago:

  • Two men were shot on Sunday morning after they successfully tracked down a robbery crew that mugged their relatives, only to have the offenders open fire on them, according to a Chicago police report.


    At about 7 a.m., a 64-year-old man and a 69-year-old woman were robbed by three gunmen in the 1600 block of South Miller Street, according to a Chicago police report. CPD said the crew pistol-whipped the woman, took property from both victims and fled in the Kia Soul.

    Two relatives of the victims who were robbed on Miller Street decided to track down the offenders. Within minutes, they found the Kia Soul and the robbers in the 3700 block of South Ashland. Their plan quickly went sideways when the robbers opened fire on them, according to a CPD report.

    Police said an “unknown number of offenders” shot a 44-year-old man in the elbow and torso and shot a 19-year-old man in the thigh. A ShotSpotter detected 12 rounds fired at the scene. Both victims were taken to Stroger Hospital in fair condition.

And guess who didn't say a word about it?

  • The Chicago police media statement did not reveal that the victims were shot while hunting down a robbery crew. CPD reports provided to CWBChicago, however, confirm that information.

Kudos to CWB for tracking down the actual reports and not relying on CPD spokesweasels for accurate information.

The Department brass (and democrat politicians) are terrified that people (and folks) are going to start taking the law into their own hands, because THEY KNOW the police can't or aren't permitted to take any risks enforcing the law. If/When they do, cops risk suspension time, employment security and prison. 

The public isn't restricted by all that Use of Force stuff or have to have cameras on so that four or more different agencies can figure out how to fuck up cops lives. Some of the public has figured this out. More will shortly. And when they do, they're going to wonder why they're paying massive taxes and fees for a multi-billion dollar Department that doesn't do shit....and then we'll see some change. 

We'll be long gone, but the view from the cheap seats is sure to be entertaining.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The public is going to be really screwed this summer. All these policies will be in full swing by then.

11/01/2023 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hit the nail in the head. All of us would love to go out there and hunt down the criminals. I’m doing that, sometimes dealing with the absolute scum of the earth, things go sideways. If the arrest doesn’t go down perfectly wrapped in a bow with the arrestee saying thank u, u get totally jammed the fuck up. It starts with the sgt asking what happened, then the Lt criticizes and analyzes the force you used, then iad, then copa, the the inspector general, then the police board. Every one of them looking for the slightest thing u did or said of script to use to fuck your entire life up. This is why cops don’t stick their neck out anymore. It isn’t worth it. Without indemnification, like prosecutors and judges have, cops will never be out there proactive again. They’ve seen and heard of too many stories of people getting jammed up for making a mistake in the heat of the moment to risk it anymore. Sorry, it’s the truth.

11/01/2023 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vigilantes? That will never happen.

If Pricktwizzler or Garland even think it might be a vigilante, they will convene a Law Enforcement Task Force with local state and federal police agencies. The FBI, DHS, even CIA, and NSA will be boots on the ground, violating civil rights, and generally increasing police state authority at the expense of people who are just trying to defend their own families and the laws they follow.

11/01/2023 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would give anything to chase these robbers again like we used to. I just know now that if I do and they crash or I crash it’s my ass, my financial well being, my job, my freedom on the line. When u weigh all that and toss in the fact that the department and copa are actively trying anything they can to fire cops and then all the lawsuits you’ll be a part of… yeah, no. Tell me anyone that would risk all that anymore.

11/01/2023 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you do ever do the vigilance thing? S, S, and STFU!

11/01/2023 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say what you want, these men are heros. “They’re idiots, should’ve just let it go,” bla bla bla. Shut the fuck up. How do you feel when your friends, relatives and innocent victims are violently attacked by these animals? Yeah, they drew the short end of the stick this round but if they’re law-abiding citizens I hope they gun up and smoke these pieces of shit next time. Since we are forced to stand down, even watching people victimized at times, capable and willing me. Are the only answer. That dude the other day that disarmed and stabbed a robber to death, for example, needs to be treated like gold. Arrest, interview and follow procedures but treat him like the vigilante hero he is and make sure to shake his fucking hand on the way out when he’s RWOC. Our citizens shouldn’t have to fight for themselves and we should be able to be the fucking police and protest them. I’ve been on for close to twenty years and this is out of fucking control. Such a damn shame what is happening.

11/01/2023 01:13:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Note to would be vigilantes:

Always go hunting those who preyed on you or your loved ones with greater firepower than they brandished. If possible, bring as many (preferably more) bodies than they had. Strength in numbers is real.

As all these savages understand is pain, force and fear, it is absolutely imperative that you come hard, fast and with brute force. Getting the drop on them greatly increases a successful outcome.

They expect compliance when they’re putting guns in the faces of innocent victims because they haven’t yet been met with resistance. They get more emboldened with every lick. And since it’s pretty much impossible to engage and kill the bastards in real time (unless you’re John Wick), the next best thing is to hunt them down after the fact.

Good luck to any and all who will do what’s necessary. God speed to you.

11/01/2023 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even the ghetto generationals have yet to get ahead of the curve on this.

If you're gonna do the vigilante polka, do it right.

Identify target, eliminate target, before target even knows you exist.

11/01/2023 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not related to this article but thought you may enjoy this:

11/01/2023 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess more "trauma healing" is in order.

11/01/2023 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised it took so long.
I wonder what their plan was ?

11/01/2023 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lesson here? Shoot first!

11/01/2023 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is what it is going to take but the good guys need more firepower like Chuck Kersey:

11/01/2023 06:58:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap LLC has real growth potential.

11/01/2023 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i'm happy the vigilantes didnt get killed.

lesson here to any future dexters.....dont let these thugs ever get the upper hand, if they are in your sights, just do your thing. someone will clean the mess later.

11/01/2023 07:25:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

You have to today. The police have no duty to protect you. Protect yourself and family first.

11/01/2023 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too piggy back off of the sisters comment not only did they land nicely but the other cheaters in Patty Casey’s group ended up in great spots. TS and wife KS went straight inside to great spots. They walk around like they studied and earned the promotion. Anyone can study the test a pass. There was a bunch of outrage when a few F/1’s cheated last time but when a husband and wife and her sister and the Dillon sisters cheat no one makes a stink

10/31/2023 11:05:00 AM

Do you have any proof of cheating or are you just making baseless allegations. Your obsession with them is strange. Let it go and live your life.

11/01/2023 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy Liberals you voted for this crime and backed the 🐀.....look laugh point leave

11/01/2023 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department has always had a problem reporting vigilante's or serial killers for that matter. They would rather put out a community alert on multiple crimes, than call it what it is...

Once upon a time, after multiple bodies were found dumped in similar fashion over a 2 week period, I asked at roll call one time "if anybody else thought there was a serial killer loose in the district?"

A supervisor in the room shouted out, "There better not be anything on the news about that officer..."

So, I assumed that I was right and someone did...Sounded to me like it had already been discussed in a staff meeting, and a plan to keep it on the QT was already in place.

If you ask me, I believe there are some active "serial killers" in Chicago at any given moment...but no one did ask me. Neither does the media in this town ask any substantive questions.


11/01/2023 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't buy this at all. This sounds and looks like one group of shitheads versus another group of shitheads. Neither group are outstanding citizens.

11/01/2023 07:52:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Someone once said, "The purpose of the police isn't to protect the people from the crooks, it's to protect crooks from the people."

The situation is going south fast. Which is probably what the TPTB want. They can't remake a working system more to their liking, only a broken one.

11/01/2023 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The trick to vigilantism is to be better armed, have better skills, and finish the job so they don't come back....

11/01/2023 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off-topic, but important…

11/01/2023 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not that I want to see things like this happen. But by leftist's own logic are they vigilantes Or mutual combatants?
And again, by leftist logic, aren't these robbery crews the vigilantes by trying to correct the wrongs of society the way they have been.
Mental gymnastics...

11/01/2023 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're going to a gunfight, it's always best to bring a gun. If you're tracking down armed bad guys, you should expect that you'll need to be armed as well.

11/01/2023 09:01:00 AM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

An off duty Washington DC police officer shot and killed a 13yr old who attempted to car Jack the officer. Another potential robber about the same age ran away. The 13yr old had already been previously charged with armed car jacking and was on juvenile probation. The 13yr old had his hand in the pocket of his hoodie as if he had a gun, he did not. Described by family as a bright, funny, caring, boy. I wonder how deep the pile of crap will be for this officer.

11/01/2023 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I remember reading somewhere in the book of Creedmore how to resolve these problems.

11/01/2023 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All brought to you by "your friendly neighborhood" democrats.

11/01/2023 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Street Justice

Fascinating that an average citizen can track down and find carjackers shortly after the crime has been committed while CPD consistently terminates the chase and comes up empty handed.

11/01/2023 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An unarmed vigilante against armed robbers is an effective vigilante. This Leftist type of vigilantism will only produce more victims.
Well, as long as they eat their own.

11/01/2023 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were the vigilantes wearing MAGA hats?
Asking for Smollett....

11/01/2023 10:01:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Poor planning.

11/01/2023 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vigilanteeism is alive and well in every black community in America. What the hell does anyone think a tit for tat gang shooting is?

11/01/2023 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City is going to hire 20 civilians to also look at bwc videos.

11/01/2023 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tips to vigilantes: precision high caliber long rifle with quality long range optics, an elevated tactical position that provides adequate cover and concealment, and as always discreet routes of tactical entry and egress. Happy hunting.

11/01/2023 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous @ 11:05 AM:

Are you aware that PC took two promotional exams at home proctored by your aforementioned person.

11/01/2023 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous AXEMAN 009 said...

I used to work at cook county department of corrections. Crime here is really getting out of hand. I had to draw down on some guy at my house . Thought about calling in a 10-1, but didnt. Coppers came and I asked them if i needed to do a pointing incident.They laughed, I looked puzzled per usual. This doesnt happen at my trailer park!The methheads stay on thier property. Cheers!

11/01/2023 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebodies Lying.

Oct, 5 City claimed to have over 17,000 illegal immigrants already here and the MSM headlines read prepared for 25 buses per day more, 1,250 ILLEGALS A DAY!

Chicago braces for buses carrying up to 1,250 migrants daily: ‘An untenable situation’
By Alex Oliveira
Published Oct. 5, 2023, 8:02 p.m. ET

Fast forward 25 days later (25 x 1250 == 31,250 ++ 17,000 already here == 48,250)

Over 20,000 migrants have arrived in Chicago since late last year
By FOX 32 Digital StaffPublished November 1, 2023 11:49AMChicagoFOX 32 Chicago

CHICAGO - Chicago reached a milestone in migrant arrivals Wednesday.

More than 20,000 migrants have arrived in the Windy City since Aug. 31, 2022, according to Office of Emergency Management and Communications. Of those in Chicago, roughly 11,500 migrants are currently being held in two dozen city shelters. Another 3,317 people are waiting for placements, most of them in Chicago police stations


We await the follow up msm story on how Chicago city officials are glad they convinced Texas to stop sending the migrants ,

just like downtown river north alderman are glad they convinced mayor to not put migrants in the corn cob towers hotel and the hotel owner knew nothing about,

Somebody is lying. These numbers are as fake as the number of cops on the beat.For three weeks now the number of migrants reported in shelters, police stations and airports have basically not changed and yet 1,250 more a day right

However they did use the weasel word "over" which gives them plausible deniability I guess

11/01/2023 01:46:00 PM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

Black Mayor of Chicago Pushes for City to Give Black Citizens Fewer Parking Tickets in Name of "Racial Equity"

Copied from The Unz Review under the blog by Paul Kersey

Parking tickets are raysisss

11/01/2023 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This department has always had a problem reporting vigilante's or serial killers for that matter. They would rather put out a community alert on multiple crimes, than call it what it is...

Once upon a time, after multiple bodies were found dumped in similar fashion over a 2 week period, I asked at roll call one time "if anybody else thought there was a serial killer loose in the district?"

A supervisor in the room shouted out, "There better not be anything on the news about that officer..."

So, I assumed that I was right and someone did...Sounded to me like it had already been discussed in a staff meeting, and a plan to keep it on the QT was already in place.

If you ask me, I believe there are some active "serial killers" in Chicago at any given moment...but no one did ask me. Neither does the media in this town ask any substantive questions.


11/01/2023 07:46:00 AM

Just like the black serial killer in Rogers Park a few years ago, killing Whites.They had him on video running from the scene. The police department along with the media killed the story.

11/01/2023 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone know who won the Pension Board election? (Lieutenant spot)

11/01/2023 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these clowns elect progressives , support blm and then complain crime is out of control

11/01/2023 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember politicians and community activists that support criminals are not your friends
politicians have plenty of bodyguards , alderman have concealed carry
you think they care about your family bwahaha bwa haha jajaja

11/01/2023 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vigilantes? That will never happen.

If Pricktwizzler or Garland even think it might be a vigilante, they will convene a Law Enforcement Task Force with local state and federal police agencies. The FBI, DHS, even CIA, and NSA will be boots on the ground, violating civil rights, and generally increasing police state authority at the expense of people who are just trying to defend their own families and the laws they follow.

11/01/2023 12:26:00 AM

You're right, just look at how it is in the UK with regards to just defending yourself. A very slippery slope.

11/01/2023 02:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look over here the illegal criminals are now traveling out to Oak Brook. They won’t except them to have them live there so they’ll just go there and visit and do what they do. They’re criminals and that’s what criminals do Brandon anything to say

11/01/2023 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m currently in the DC area and news out here says the officer is a Fed. So he’ll be fine.He’s not one of us.

11/01/2023 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ask me, I believe there are some active "serial killers" in Chicago at any given moment...but no one did ask me. Neither does the media in this town ask any substantive questions.


11/01/2023 07:46:00 AM

I just polished off a full box of Fruit Loops, burp.

Does this qualify?


11/01/2023 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every Jew a .22. Stay alive with a .45 so said Rabi Meir Kahane a number of years ago. He was written off as a nut job. Seems now that the Jewish community is finally getting the message the the police can not help them and are gunning up. So ironic from a liberal gun hating community.

11/01/2023 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT Where is Jimmy? (most of the young guys don't have a clue as to who he was)

11/01/2023 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tips and Clues:
New product being marketed.
You'll need a search warrant to gain access.

11/01/2023 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

people who are just trying to defend their own families and the laws they follow.

11/01/2023 12:26:00 AM

You're right, just look at how it is in the UK with regards to just defending yourself. A very slippery slope.

You don't need to look so far away. Just look to Kenosha, Wisconsin and Kyle Rittenhouse. Attacked by two assailants. One armed with a steel wheel skateboard, the other with a handgun while he was a felon on parole. And the system went after the person who defended himself.

Even though he was justifiably acquitted the case never should have happened. A big waste of taxpayer money.

But it sent a message:Do not stand up for yourself.

11/01/2023 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The criminals know that there's a policy in place. So what do they do when they're committing a crime? They just leave. And these supervisors in turn say ‘stop the chase,’" Villegas said.

11/01/2023 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I remember reading somewhere in the book of Creedmore how to resolve these problems.

Chapter 6 verse .5

11/01/2023 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vortex makes some excellent, affordable scopes that zero well at 100 to 300 yards.

.308, 300 Win Mag or good old 30-06; easy to reload be sure and wipe down the cases.

Just sayin'

Have a nice day.

11/01/2023 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My problem is that while I was camping I went canoeing & had ALL my guns with me. While paddling along my canoe tipped & I lost all my guns so nothing to register which I was going to do when I came back. But alas no more AR’s or any other long guns. So sadly as much as I would love to return fire I have nothing to use……
Now asking for a big ugly friend of mine IF & this is a totally hypothetical if I, I mean him if he returns fire with a weapon he had forgotten to register is there a law on the books about airing out a POS with a weapon not registered??? He has one of those FOID medical marijuana cards??? Again asking for a friend?

11/01/2023 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
My problem is that while I was camping I went canoeing & had ALL my guns with me. While paddling along my canoe tipped & I lost all my guns so nothing to register which I was going to do when I came back. But alas no more AR’s or any other long guns. So sadly as much as I would love to return fire I have nothing to use……
Now asking for a big ugly friend of mine IF & this is a totally hypothetical if I, I mean him if he returns fire with a weapon he had forgotten to register is there a law on the books about airing out a POS with a weapon not registered??? He has one of those FOID medical marijuana cards??? Again asking for a friend?

Your friend says you’re an idiot.

11/02/2023 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know you have a soft, cuckold, "thank you may I have another" population when after all that's gone on in the city you haven't had some Paul Kersey type turn the Death Wish movies into a reality series.

11/02/2023 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ask me, I believe there are some active "serial killers" in Chicago at any given moment...but no one did ask me. Neither does the media in this town ask any substantive questions.

Anyone remember the smiley face killer on shaved's site?

11/02/2023 03:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The process is the punishment.

Anonymous said...
people who are just trying to defend their own families and the laws they follow.

11/01/2023 12:26:00 AM

You're right, just look at how it is in the UK with regards to just defending yourself. A very slippery slope.

You don't need to look so far away. Just look to Kenosha, Wisconsin and Kyle Rittenhouse. Attacked by two assailants. One armed with a steel wheel skateboard, the other with a handgun while he was a felon on parole. And the system went after the person who defended himself.

Even though he was justifiably acquitted the case never should have happened. A big waste of taxpayer money.

But it sent a message:Do not stand up for yourself.

11/01/2023 07:40:00 PM

11/02/2023 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drug cartels are tired of the youths in Chicago robbing beating their employees that sell coffee ,food products everyday.
It’s soon going to be a blood bath. Cartels won’t tolerate the youths beating,robbing people.
Normal citizens are now hunting down car jackets .
Thank God for CCW .
I’m waiting for men to step up to the plate , start taking out these gangsters seeking drugs ,recruiting innocent children into gangs ,women into prostitution. I’m in the streets , listening to people afraid to shop , go to parks .
Louisville slugger Armed men can clear a few drug corners .
Blacks being pushed to the back of bus as Johnson funds illegals. Illegals in school with their children,not Johnson children.

11/09/2023 09:30:00 AM  

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