Saturday, March 16, 2024

Chief of Patrol Named

Finally, Conehead is appointing Larritorious' command staff:

  • The Chicago Police Department has officially named 28-year veteran Jon Hein as the new Chief of Patrol.

    Police Supt. Larry Snelling described Hein as an "experienced leader" who has served multiple positions in the Bureau of Patrol.

    "I have seen firsthand Chief Hein's leadership in responding to public safety concerns, major events, and critical incidents and it's why I know he is the right person for this position. As Chief of Patrol, he will lean on this experience to oversee the direction of our Department's largest bureau and guide the public safety strategies in each of our 22 districts," Snelling said in a news release.

Also, Papaioannou has been named the Deputy Chief of Counterterrorism.

Nothing like burying bad news on a Friday night.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, where to begin. Larry you have just buried morale. This guy is as phony as they come. Sit back and watch the comments roll in, and they won’t be kind…

3/16/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein??? We’ve waited this long for you to tell us it’s Hein?? Wow. I’ve known him for quite a while. Believe it or not, he wasn’t too bad of a guy back in the day. I knew him in MSF and some other spots before. He was quiet and friendly and was part of the unit and made friends. Then, he decided he needed to suck the behinds of some Lts and Exempts. That’s where he went downhill. He made sure in order to move up he would start drinking the kool aid, tow the company line and run over any of his troops or friends in order to get there. Power went to his head and he lost a lot of friends. I don’t really consider him my friend anymore because of how much he changed. Well John, you finally got the spot, but think back to the good ole days and remember all the friends you had and how many you walked away from just to get the power.. it’s kinda sad and it’s gonna be lonely at the top. MSF was a long time ago, but you know what you did and how you changed. You know you sold your soul when you got that merit Lt bump, and that’s when you lost yourself.

3/16/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein? Larry what were you thinking!!
Jerome would have boosted morale immediately
You didn’t know Hein was hated, or did
you just listen to Tally? Wow

3/16/2024 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s funny how many of the newer girls who worked in 018 or part of heins admin staff are cheering for this on social media telling how great of a guy he is.. yes girls, he’s always been good to the girls.. but just the girls..

3/16/2024 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s not like clout and The Chicago Way have never met. What a fucking joke.

3/16/2024 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Depressed about sums it up. Hein is an asshole egomaniac. Thanks for nothing snelling. Another one fooled by Heins constant ass kissing. I’ll be honest, I would rather have tallley than Hein. He talks to the troops like their children. So far Larry, you are 0-1 on the big picks.

3/16/2024 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing like promoting a drunken, egotistical lunatic with a long history of sex beefs as the chief of patrol. Hell how current marriage is exactly that. This should fix everything.

3/16/2024 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bulnes the DC of academy… god help our recruits with that moron. Hein incharge of patrol(we’re doomed), bulnes in charge of the academy(recruits are doomed) and papiano in counter terrorism(11 time merit but he’s ok at least.)

3/16/2024 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Combined amount of promotions achieved on rank score ?

3/16/2024 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since all abide by the dictates of feckless politicians, the faces can change but the shit remains the same.

It is always on the individual to use discretion as the only means to avoid being sandbagged.

Choose wisely.

3/16/2024 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with all of this is that it shows snelling doesn’t have a clue and actually thinks this is a good choice. Snelling screwed this one up making Hein.

3/16/2024 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news comes on a Friday night so they have all weekend for the spine removal and testicle replacements. They will be ready to serve by Monday!

3/16/2024 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until they name Talley 1st Dep. fucking ridiculous

3/16/2024 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deputy Chief Bulnes is a joke! Now she is in the Academy running it. It will be ran into ground. I guess the Superintendent figured no recruits how bad can she mess things up! We’ll ask all the people where she left their Units shambles!

3/16/2024 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein?!? This Guy couldn’t lead a camel to water if the lake was right in front of him. Terrible boss and is bi-polar to boot. This guy is not a leader of men. Terrible choice

3/16/2024 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

F this corrupt department. Dont show it. Collect collect collect.

3/16/2024 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Papaiannou is the real police, and a good man all around. Heard good things about Hein.

3/16/2024 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department has become a joke promoting people that making it their duty to create a toxic work environment. Degrading his subordinates and having his head so far up the bosses rectums that it finally paid off. Unqualified to
lead a preschool marching band. The patrol division will have a tyrant at the helm. Great job

3/16/2024 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Bulnes deputy chief of training and support (academy)

3/16/2024 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another Greek in charge of special functions!

3/16/2024 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bench is short!

3/16/2024 05:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein's got a short fuse.

3/16/2024 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have yet to meet 1 person who has had anything nice to say about this man.

3/16/2024 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two of the most clueless guys on the job. I can't wait for the convention.

3/16/2024 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greeks alway$ get a seat at the table.

3/16/2024 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barz and Jerome have been crying and talking $h!t since the announcement

3/16/2024 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to Jill Stevens? i heard she was pissed that she passed over for the promotion. Rumor is she is going to CCG.

3/16/2024 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Chief Hein and good luck.

3/16/2024 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

counterterrorism ? what a joke ! That place has been running in reverse for years. Boss after boss after boss has NO idea what they are doing or how to fix it. Its a shame. What once was a productive useful effective group of units is now a joke. Gangs is the only unit that still produces effective results, and that's only 2 or 3 teams. Wake up ! Its over ! They won and we lost !

3/16/2024 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The circus of Fools called CPD continues.

3/16/2024 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A white boss... I guess they have to give 1 so it's not so obvious

3/16/2024 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who has that youtube video of the exempt approaching some young thang in the back of a pickup truck, taking her phone and programing a number into it before giving it back? Was that Hein?

3/16/2024 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling and Hein both got their merit lieutenant nominations from Godsel. There is a history and loyalty there.

3/16/2024 08:00:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

I need a drink. Beatrice, set me up. Daddy's thirsty!

3/16/2024 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really thought McDermott would be back, rumors at 35th he was coming back and running DNC security. Then retire.

3/16/2024 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein will be demoted or step down by September 1. To many people have secrets.

3/16/2024 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, FBI officers residence gets burglarized and they have the guy in 3 hours. Hmmm, crimes can be solved. But only when a government worker gets victimized by their own soft on crime policies....

3/16/2024 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proof that if you suck enough d$&k you get the spot . Let’s be honest this is what happens when you put a gym instructor in charge . Snelling is lost and this proves it. Thank god my spot is immune from these two idiots . Hein is a tool plain and simple . Heard him talking down to one of the deputy chiefs …while he was a deputy . Of course the pu$$y deputy didn’t stand up to this tool .

3/16/2024 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
who has that youtube video of the exempt approaching some young thang in the back of a pickup truck, taking her phone and programing a number into it before giving it back? Was that Hein?

Negative, that was Don Jerome. The guy that all the two and three year wonders love because he encourages and allows vehicle pursuits. Don once had a pursuit he was involved in that ended in Schaumburg. PH 1 was involved as well and they had to go two miles away from the pursuit because they were in O’Hare airport air space. You really can’t make this shit up.

3/16/2024 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Full video of Popioneaiu’s interview process. Ha

3/16/2024 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can blame Larry all you want, Waller did that.

3/16/2024 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The shit show begins!

3/16/2024 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A neighbor asked me how many police are assigned to the “counterterrorism” bureau and it they ever respond to the the terrorism taking place on the streets everyday. Do they answer everyday calls for help or just ride around in their company cars and play the secret squirrel thing. Very nosy neighbor.

3/16/2024 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any respect I thought I had for snelling died when he named Hein chief of patrol. The man is an awful human being that only cares about himself. He was only a Capt in 015 3 years ago. I guess that's why snelling picked him!

3/16/2024 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guy has an inflated ego, a history of womanizing, bipolar, and an alcoholic. Good luck with this jerk and his crazy current wife.

3/16/2024 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
who has that youtube video of the exempt approaching some young thang in the back of a pickup truck, taking her phone and programing a number into it before giving it back? Was that Hein?

3/16/2024 07:47:00 AM

Not Hein.

3/16/2024 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
And Bulnes deputy chief of training and support (academy)

3/16/2024 01:46:00 AM

She should have been fired as a Sgt. In Narcotics for being directly responsible for the murder of a Police Officer by her negligence.

3/16/2024 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way people are talking about this Hein guy reminds me of Pigott... except for the part about liking the ladies.

3/16/2024 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who has that youtube video of the exempt approaching some young thang in the back of a pickup truck, taking her phone and programing a number into it before giving it back? Was that Hein?

3/16/2024 07:47:00 AM

No that was Jerome.. who would have been a hundred percent better choice than Hein. Hein got his spots by kissing ass and being a guy who always tells the bosses what they wanna hear. I worked for Hein when he was a sgt in MSF. He was decent but he changed when he started trying to get the Merit Lt spot. He ultimately was chosen but in the process he ran over a lot of good friends. Some of his fellow sgts and blue shirts who worked for him. Hey John, remember how you made Lt? Your chin became a ball rest for Godsel and you were rewarded with the merit spot. Then it all began, the real John Hein started to come out. He then became the ultimate company man who cared about himself, moving up and taking care of the ladies over workers.

3/16/2024 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein is actually a good guy and is the right person for the job.

3/16/2024 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not much respect for Hein. A handful of ass kissers from CCG and 018 will say how great he is only because they know they have a spot now or a good connection. I’m also willing to bet 90 percent of them are females..

3/16/2024 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon Hein has always been the Police. Not as many bought metals on his chest as Jerome, but Hein will do just fine. Good luck!

3/16/2024 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein is a condescending, arrogant prick. Talks to people like they’re pieces of shit. Zero people skills, another Eric Carter. Snelling how could you be so stupid to listen to Tally and promote this cancer??? You just annihilated what little there was left of the department’s morale. Great job Larry. You just proved your incompetence to everyone on the department. Please go back to being a gym teacher and chasing female recruits. Jerome would have been the solid choice to right this sunken ship and boost morale, but you blew it by promoting Hein. If you weren’t aware, contact Management and Labor affairs about Hein. When he was our commander in 018, approximately 27 supervisors bid out to get away from him. Management and Labor Affairs actually had to come into 018 and having a meeting with the clown to see what the problem was. Larry it’s painfully obvious that you are completely clueless. Never in the history of the Chicago Police Department has it taken nearly 6 months to name a command staff. It’s never taken more than a couple of weeks. We still don’t have a 1st deputy!!! Which tells us that I guess you don’t really need one. ”Pretty boy” Superintendent Snelling please make sure you turn off the lights when you leave. And make sure you add another few more rows of unearned ribbons to your chest while you’re at it. This department is doomed.

3/16/2024 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get ready Area 1. It seems newly merit Lt Haleem ( three merit promotions) is heading back to the Area after two months in 005. Bruno and Ursitti what the fuck is wrong with you. This place has been falling apart with recent additions and now this.

3/16/2024 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous removed for privacy issues said...

Anonymous said...
Another Greek in charge of special functions!
3/16/2024 02:46:00 AM

So what I'm hearing is that Greek men are the only one's capable of handling "special functions" well they definitely know how to make me feel safe- thank you!

3/16/2024 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When yall expect something different,
And the show goes on....

3/16/2024 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/16/2024 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Horrible, horrible pick. Hein is a total jagoff and treats people like garbage. What were you thinking Larry? Should have made Don Jerome. He would have brought back morale. Instead you just destroyed it with Hein. Watch…. And Papaioannou? He’s an arrogant douchebag, do nothing with cushy spots his whole career. For a good laugh watch his television debut on a dating show.

3/16/2024 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best part of being retired is you only come here about once a month after 5 or 6 years of being gone. I see it the same shit show ran by the same clowns.

3/16/2024 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Just checked the comments. Maybe 1 positive comment about Hein. One suck hole on Facebook put, Heins a great boss. I’m sure the comments will be negative on the blog from cowards. No you fool, we all just know Hein. The comments here are not the people who are the problem, Hein is the common denominator. He sucks and he sunk himself years ago when he turned his back on people and became a company man. Jon, your friends remember. Or at least the people who use to be your friends.

3/16/2024 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a morale boost! I knew he was a lock for C.o.P. after seeing the car-beque that started from the interior of his department explorer last month at the 18th st exit of 90/94. Somebody give that man a cigar! Can't wait for August.

3/16/2024 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure "Larritorious" decision was made under due consideration that only had the department's mission, future, and reputation as a top priority.

Someone get the deck of cards with 52 jokers out please.

3/16/2024 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein? A dark day for CPD morale. He will smile to your face and stab you in the back as quick as he can.

3/16/2024 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein will be the perfect fall guy if things go bad in the summer and DNC.
With that said good luck sir!

3/16/2024 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bulnes is as clueless as they come. The academy will be the next place to be destroyed. They would better off putting the laziest person on the job there over Clueless! I’m just shaking my head on how dumb the God Star’s have become.

3/16/2024 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


just look at who the exempts are one by one…

De Vries… meh.
Hein… terrible pick for chief of patrol. arrogant, clueless, back stabber.
Novalez… promoted way too fast, way too high, two-faced as them come.
Talley… nice person, but not IAD and/or recruitment material and the thing with her niece should’ve been reason enough to gently force her out.
Ursitti… again- a nice person and a great boss who backs here people but she has never been a detective and is in over her head.

Ben… lovely human being but barely suitable for a D/C spot, let alone moving up.
Bruno… has potential, but not there yet.
Bulnes… aaahhhhhh the Humboldt Park Hood Rat… destroys everything she touches and isn’t qualified to be a LT much less a D/C.
Calderon… snake ass backstabbing one track mind.
Chung… solid. 2nd best D/C we have.
Gutierrez… nardo the retardo? wholly unqualified and incompetent.
Jerome… arrogant womanizer with an ego that couldn’t fit inside a football stadium. Go retire.
Muhammad… barf.
Nieves… Solid. easily the best D/C we have, but turned down Chief multiple times? that’s telling.
O Connor… useless and clueless.
Papaioannou… smart, nice, looks the part, but zero balls and never could make a decision.
Shemash… why is she a D/C again?
Stevens… very smart but over promoted.
Walker… genuine and smart, but IAD material?

“Houston, we have a problem.”


3/16/2024 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good ole, Jon Hein. Was my Sgt in MSF….total jagoff

3/16/2024 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein at the Palestinian protest on Black Friday needing to speak with the law section about what charges to pin on people for blocking a street. Come on man!!!

3/16/2024 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry obviously never saw Hein in action or should I say inaction at north ave beach a few years ago. It was up for grabs and he looked like he was gonna cry. Had no idea how to handle it. Bigger bosses had to show up and take it over from him. Useless..
My partner and I couldn’t believe it. He literally looked scared ..

3/16/2024 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He’d stick it into anything moving.

3/16/2024 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein? Larry what were you thinking!!
Jerome would have boosted morale immediately
You didn’t know Hein was hated, or did
you just listen to Tally? Wow

Ha! Jerome finally got it right where he gives it, it the arse! Take heart you can still chase ppo Latina arse, in fact I’m hoping to see a couple of them enter the ring at De LaSslle during Police and Fire Night like they did at the bar. Ha ha I can’t stop laughing at you…

3/16/2024 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein might be top 5 biggest strokes in CPD History . He treated anyone ranked below him like a piece of shit and has never done a fucking thing on this job. I have never seen a grown man kiss ass like him. When he was in 009 he thought that the sun set and rose in Godsel’s pants.

3/16/2024 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who has that youtube video of the exempt approaching some young thang in the back of a pickup truck, taking her phone and programing a number into it before giving it back? Was that Hein?

3/16/2024 07:47:00 AM

T1000! Heard he wanted the Academy so he can get first crack (pun Intended)at the new P.P Oh Oh Oh O's

3/16/2024 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DJ is well respected by everyone.
Period. Full stop. Larry missed
an opportunity here and I thought
he liked him.

3/16/2024 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commander j Wallace from Narcotics is asking to be demoted after not being made a deputy.

3/16/2024 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Papaiannou is the real police, and a good man all around. Heard good things about Hein.

Angelo & Vince

3/16/2024 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bulnes is probably better than Cruz.

3/16/2024 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gangs is the only unit that still produces effective results, and that's only 2 or 3 teams. Wake up

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😄😄🤣😂😆😆😆😁😂🤣😅 thank you so much for the laugh. I'm working overtime and was pissed until I read this. thanks. Still ROLFL

3/16/2024 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greeks alway$ get a seat at the table.

3/16/2024 06:49:00 AM

Pun there intentional?

3/16/2024 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of you are really hilarious!

I've read this blog since its beginning. Whenever an exempt is promoted or moved he/she is called an asshole, fuckup, suckup, box of rocks, whore, dumb SOB, totally un-qualified, political hack, etc, etc, etc. The only positive comment is' "used to be a good guy, but turned into a ______."

Let's start a list of who should get these promotions. One rule, you cannot name yourself.

3/16/2024 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today’s email this is why DJ is a class act.
Recent e-mail
.. stay on top of things in the area and provide
a smooth transition for chief Hein..

3/16/2024 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Jim Jay Bullock said...

I think I toe tapped him at an O’Hare stall. He was receptive.

3/16/2024 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
who has that youtube video of the exempt approaching some young thang in the back of a pickup truck, taking her phone and programing a number into it before giving it back? Was that Hein?

3/16/2024 07:47:00 AM

T1000! Heard he wanted the Academy so he can get first crack (pun Intended)at the new P.P Oh Oh Oh O's

3/16/2024 01:55:00 PM

Some years ago our T1000 was hit with a ricochet bullet in his foot. He shrugged it off. The bullet, unfortunately, passed away.

3/16/2024 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm sure "Larritorious" decision . . . "

You must be new.
No super ever picked his own staff since OW Wilson.

3/16/2024 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jerome is a stroke , everyone needs to open their eyes

3/16/2024 06:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A/1 D/C DJ is that raspy-voiced creep that uses the 016 gym just to stand in the hallway for 3rd Watch Roll Calls and impress the females. It is quite comical to hear them laugh behind his back. The common question asked is: why is a Dep Chief working out at this time instead of working in his office ?

And yes, it was him with the pick-up truck 'pickup' video.

3/16/2024 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was Hein the Commander of 18 when that inside gal killed that tourist at the retirement party?

3/16/2024 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like that last comment. We hear all the negatives about everyone that gets promoted to exempt. Let's start a list of who should get promoted. The funny thing about the new list is that everyone named would probably not want the job if asked. They'd probably be too smart to take it.

3/16/2024 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous In the know… said...

Papaioannou is a good boss who is smart & takes care of his people. He won’t ask you to do something he’s not willing to do himself. There’s been a few times he’s been the punching bag by his bosses for his people and taken time for it. Congrats Deputy.

3/16/2024 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Commander from Narcotics is telling everyone he is asking to be demoted after being skipped over again. Good riddance Josh. Take your kiss ass Orlando with you.

3/16/2024 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Larry, thanks for the hard SLAP

3/16/2024 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just look at who the exempts are one by one…

De Vries… meh.
Hein… terrible pick for chief of patrol. arrogant, clueless, back stabber.
Novalez… promoted way too fast, way too high, two-faced as them come.
Talley… nice person, but not IAD and/or recruitment material and the thing with her niece should’ve been reason enough to gently force her out.
Ursitti… again- a nice person and a great boss who backs here people but she has never been a detective and is in over her head.

Ben… lovely human being but barely suitable for a D/C spot, let alone moving up.
Bruno… has potential, but not there yet.
Bulnes… aaahhhhhh the Humboldt Park Hood Rat… destroys everything she touches and isn’t qualified to be a LT much less a D/C.
Calderon… snake ass backstabbing one track mind.
Chung… solid. 2nd best D/C we have.
Gutierrez… nardo the retardo? wholly unqualified and incompetent.
Jerome… arrogant womanizer with an ego that couldn’t fit inside a football stadium. Go retire.
Muhammad… barf.
Nieves… Solid. easily the best D/C we have, but turned down Chief multiple times? that’s telling.
O Connor… useless and clueless.
Papaioannou… smart, nice, looks the part, but zero balls and never could make a decision.
Shemash… why is she a D/C again?
Stevens… very smart but over promoted.
Walker… genuine and smart, but IAD material?

“Houston, we have a problem.”


3/16/2024 12:47:00 PM

The REAL problem is your assessment of the exempts. Have you worked the streets ever? Your "Nice" ratings never did anything to prove themselves as police.

3/16/2024 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ve read this blog since its beginning. Whenever an exempt is promoted or moved he/she is called an asshole, fuckup, suckup, box of rocks, whore, dumb SOB, totally un-qualified, political hack, etc, etc, etc. The only positive comment is' "used to be a good guy, but turned into a ______."

Let's start a list of who should get these promotions. One rule, you cannot name yourself.

Well to be fair… you are sorta correct.. not always does this happen but you’re right.. happens a lot. HOWEVER, in this case with Hein, the comments are fair, accurate and well deserved. He’s an a-hole to the 10th degree…

3/16/2024 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein might be top 5 biggest strokes in CPD History . He treated anyone ranked below him like a piece of shit and has never done a fucking thing on this job. I have never seen a grown man kiss ass like him. When he was in 009 he thought that the sun set and rose in Godsel’s pants.

3/16/2024 01:52:00 PM

Hahahhahahah. BINGO. Comment of the day here. He was Godsels lap dog and burned many of his friends to be loyal to godsel in order to secure that merit Lt spot and more..

3/16/2024 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bureau of Patrol is going to be dumpster fire bigger than when Hein’s take home car burst into flames a few weeks ago

3/16/2024 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Department is Fucking joke....It's over..

3/16/2024 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came here to bash Hein. Tally.
You’re corrupt and shame on you.

Bulnes u have a fresh start.

DJ most people I’ve talked to wanted you
To get CO Patrol. Keep your head up.
Respect as You have always put us first!
Prayers for your mom (God bless)

3/16/2024 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I’m really disappointed in that guy. When he worked in 24 he told me he had a master’s degree. Why would he lie….a bachelor’s. I hope he didn’t lie about catching Nate Smith.

3/16/2024 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just look at who the exempts are one by one…

De Vries… meh.
Hein… terrible pick for chief of patrol. arrogant, clueless, back stabber.
Novalez… promoted way too fast, way too high, two-faced as them come.
Talley… nice person, but not IAD and/or recruitment material and the thing with her niece should’ve been reason enough to gently force her out.
Ursitti… again- a nice person and a great boss who backs here people but she has never been a detective and is in over her head.

Ben… lovely human being but barely suitable for a D/C spot, let alone moving up.
Bruno… has potential, but not there yet.
Bulnes… aaahhhhhh the Humboldt Park Hood Rat… destroys everything she touches and isn’t qualified to be a LT much less a D/C.
Calderon… snake ass backstabbing one track mind.
Chung… solid. 2nd best D/C we have.
Gutierrez… nardo the retardo? wholly unqualified and incompetent.
Jerome… arrogant womanizer with an ego that couldn’t fit inside a football stadium. Go retire.
Muhammad… barf.
Nieves… Solid. easily the best D/C we have, but turned down Chief multiple times? that’s telling.
O Connor… useless and clueless.
Papaioannou… smart, nice, looks the part, but zero balls and never could make a decision.
Shemash… why is she a D/C again?
Stevens… very smart but over promoted.
Walker… genuine and smart, but IAD material?

“Houston, we have a problem.”

Ursitti and Novalez and Nieves are the most respectful bosses we have. Papaioannou is a good dude. Novalez was the real police and was the guy you wanted when you stepped in it and he never made you feel like he was your boss. I call BS on this one. Have you even worked for all these people? Even if you had 30 years on, that would mean you had a different boss every 1.6 years. Once gain I call BS.

3/16/2024 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bulnes sucks. Period.
At least she can't get anyone killed at the academy.... maybe.

3/16/2024 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ursitti… again- a nice person and a great boss who backs here people but she has never been a detective and is in over her head.

All talk with the fake wellness. Couldn’t care less about the troops. Useless when it comes to wellness. Does absolutely 0 when it comes to that. About as fake as they come. Great résumé and education but would rather take advice and support from a bum on the street.

3/16/2024 11:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon Hein has always been the Police. Not as many bought metals on his chest as Jerome, but Hein will do just fine. Good luck!

He’s a drunken jag that’s never done or earned anything. He is one of the most heated people on the job, from patrolman to fellow exempts.

3/16/2024 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like that last comment. We hear all the negatives about everyone that gets promoted to exempt. Let's start a list of who should get promoted. The funny thing about the new list is that everyone named would probably not want the job if asked. They'd probably be too smart to take it.

I could’ve given you a list of a handful of good Lts and Capts that would’ve been good picks, but most saw the writing on the wall with this job and left, the good ones that remain don’t want it, so you get the meritorious ball swallowers like Hein ..

3/17/2024 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told ya the comments were gonna be great..

3/17/2024 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barz and Jerome have been crying and talking $h!t since the announcement

Verta get off the blog with that bullshit.

3/17/2024 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Hein still sleeps in the back stock room of the gas station on western an Warren while on duty.

3/17/2024 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way people are talking about this Hein guy reminds me of Pigott... except for the part about liking the ladies.

3/16/2024 09:45:00 AM

The whole Piggott clan made a good living hanging off Richie Dalys ball sack.

3/17/2024 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ Hein is actually a good guy and is the right person for the job.”

Thanks for commenting John
Not sure how much more ass you can suck to get any higher
What was this department thinking with this prick

3/17/2024 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do any of you peons care.
Activate your BWC & go write a mover you worthless dogs.
Clout gets you promoted, you peons get Sparred.

3/17/2024 03:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein has always been the Police. You can’t be liked by everyone and the higher you go the more enemies you make.

3/17/2024 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y. Talley take the hint and retire.

3/17/2024 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever happened Carter’s driver?
They take care of that useless dude?

3/17/2024 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein has always been the Police. You can’t be liked by everyone and the higher you go the more enemies you make.

He’s a drunken asshole that never did shit but show up hung over or still drunk most days. It’s one thing to have a few people not like you for whatever reason, but when everyone can’t stand you, it’s usually you ..

3/17/2024 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just ask his ex wife in 019....

3/17/2024 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Was Hein the Commander of 18 when that inside gal killed that tourist at the retirement party?

3/16/2024 06:49:00 PM


3/17/2024 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Houston, we have a problem.”

3/16/2024 12:47:00 PM

You personally know all of them? Sure ...

3/17/2024 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon was my Capt in 015. He was very personable, always backed us up. Congrats Jon!!

3/17/2024 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein has always been the Police. You can’t be liked by everyone and the higher you go the more enemies you make.

3/17/2024 06:34:00 AM

Sounds like he made a conscious effort to make more enemies in order to go higher. It worked, but now those former friends are calling him out here.

3/17/2024 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole Piggott clan made a good living hanging off Richie Dalys ball sack.

3/17/2024 01:34:00 AM

I thought Richie's sack was Huberman's territory.

3/17/2024 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A/1 D/C DJ is that raspy-voiced creep that uses the 016 gym just to stand in the hallway for 3rd Watch Roll Calls and impress the females. It is quite comical to hear them laugh behind his back. The common question asked is: why is a Dep Chief working out at this time instead of working in his office ?

And yes, it was him with the pick-up truck 'pickup' video.

Bc he can’t date any more of the female F /4 Ppo’s in 9 because he has had them all… he needs new territory to hunt his new he needs a dog walker who works where he lives…

3/17/2024 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked for JH in MSU. Always rode around with us, backed us up. Good for you Jon!

3/17/2024 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein has always been the Police. You can’t be liked by everyone and the higher you go the more enemies you make.

3/17/2024 06:34:00 AM

Sounds like he made a conscious effort to make more enemies in order to go higher. It worked, but now those former friends are calling him out here.


Sorry but “former friends”? How do you know because they didn’t post their names.

3/17/2024 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pasty Don needed another humbling haha. Time to retire and take care of your cats full time

3/17/2024 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt Homers head is so far up the Chiefs Heinie it’s ridiculous.

3/18/2024 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling promoted Hein to Chief of Patrol? He’s still listening to Tally. He hasn’t learned anything yet.

3/18/2024 04:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt Homers head is so far up the Chiefs Heinie it’s ridiculous


Sgt. Homer from 019 is a thief and a snake.

3/18/2024 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't think you would publish that one... was it because of the stuff about the wife? Lol! I thought I made a good point though.

3/18/2024 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good choice. Willingly went to 011 and 003 and 3 different times to 015. Godsel lost his clout and got run out of CPD. Does Hein have wack, sure. Name a gold star that doesn't.

3/18/2024 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He didn’t have a choice to go any of those places. Quit swallowing his nuts already, he’s horrible ..

3/19/2024 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are doomed with this chief of patrol

3/20/2024 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just ask his ex wife in 019....

3/17/2024 09:54:00 AM

Why do you think she says she’s only related because of her kid?

5/04/2024 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is with his secretary trust me II have to take this

5/27/2024 09:10:00 AM  

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