Friday, April 12, 2024

So Where are the Charges?

Alabama - a supposed hillbilly backwater - is handing out real Federal time for the PPP scandal. But Illinois?

  • More than four years after the outbreak of COVID-19, a state watchdog is continuing to investigate public employees ripping off millions of dollars from the federal Paycheck Protection Program intended for businesses that struggled during the pandemic.

    Since the coronavirus pandemic began here in early 2020, the Office of Executive Inspector General has found 277 cases of wrongdoing involving PPP loans, which were typically forgiven, meaning they didn’t have to be repaid. The investigators focused on loans of more than $20,000 and found about $7.2 million in improper ones, according to a new report by the office.

    Most of the confirmed fraud cases — 175 — involved Department of Human Services employees. There were 31 cases in the Department of Corrections, 27 in the Department of Children and Family Services and three in the Illinois State Police.

    The inspector general, who also investigates misconduct in the Chicago Transit Authority, confirmed three employees of that agency had fraudulently obtained PPP loans.

    Often, people who scammed the federal PPP program would pay a kickback to an illegal broker, who’d then fill out and process applications asking for financial help for phony businesses.

How is it that there aren't lines out the door at the Dirksen Building and a bus shuttle running convicts to-and-from the MCC?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Westside, Yolanda Talley… We will not let the story die. Resign in disgrace. You’re unsuccessful at everything you do… Recruitment- Joke! You need to be charged with fraud.

4/12/2024 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Department of Aviation Security : 28 POS submitted for loans and nobody is doing anything.

4/12/2024 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my favorite people is a small business owner and her business prior, during and after Covid has consistently employed just herself and two other full time employees. She is also the primary caretaker of two elderly parents. The rest of her employees have always been high school students & retirees. Over the years because she was raised Catholic, she’s given opportunities for people who’ve had some struggles but trying to get on their feet by giving them seasonal work. She got ZERO dollars in PPP money though she applied for it. She owns a brick and mortar shop and held that business together during Covid lockdowns by expanding online shopping thru instagram and having people pick up remotely. She was a prime example of who should’ve gotten it and got nothing. It amazes me that people aren’t in jail for this.

4/12/2024 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrat party process of justice moves as slowly as a bowel movement constipated by quick setting cement sauce.

No amount of roughage can move these turds down their ass pipes.

4/12/2024 02:09:00 AM  
Blogger John D said...

I think the charges will be coming, but the feds work slower when you're not a political rival to their power like MAGA.

4/12/2024 06:31:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Because Democrats do not want to jail each other. No keeses for them.

4/12/2024 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly right? Where are the feds? Federal money federal crime federal time! No 5 AM wake up calls no helicopters flying overhead as the FBI swat teams drag out some old people not in this case because they’re obviously connected Democrats. Look what you’re doing to President Trump first time in history, putting him on a federal trial with so many counts against him you talk about no justice then we have that movie Hollywood sometimes predicts the future called Civil War. I think something is coming people are getting tired of it.

4/12/2024 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't go vilifying those patronage votes now can he !

4/12/2024 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Department of Aviation Security : 28 POS submitted for loans and nobody is doing anything.
4/12/2024 12:18:00 AM


Call Cuck Goudie when he takes off his wife's underwear.

Also send what you know (who, what, when etc) to the Inspector General and Mayor's office RE: Complaints.

4/12/2024 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why no mention of OEMC or CPS? Or CPD for that matter

4/12/2024 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’ll be swept under the rug nice and quietly. Too many connected miscreants implicated. That is all. Thank you.

4/12/2024 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Often, people who scammed the federal PPP program would pay a kickback to an illegal broker, who’d then fill out and process applications asking for financial help for phony businesses."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
That's Exactly what JaMal Green did. He acted as the broker and filled out and processed applications for financial help. Additionally, himself got two or three PPP loans for approx $40k ea.

4/12/2024 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all democratic voters , protected by progressives

4/12/2024 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly right? Where are the feds? Federal money federal crime federal time!

It’s our tax dollars, the feds don’t produce anything, they steal from us producers and give it out to the shitheads, government is sort of like some mixed up, fucked in the head Robin Hood character.

4/12/2024 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on you live in the most corrupt city and state in the country. Nothing to see with the PPP corruption.

4/12/2024 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would not be surprised if CPS is hiding something like this.

Texas high school teacher recruited female students to work as prostitutes for her PIMP son, and school officials didn’t care…

4/12/2024 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all going to be swept under the rug.
Way, way too deviating to the City.
Fire, Police, OEMC, aviation, City Hall, Streets and San…
Not to mention the certain common denominator of the majority of who got the loans.

FBI, IG’s office (Fed and City) won’t do a damn thing…

Unless some brave people do the research, connect the dots, and jam it down their throats.

4/12/2024 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

"How is it that there aren't lines out the door at the Dirksen Building and a bus shuttle running convicts to-and-from the MCC?"

"Blue" state here. All is forgiven - to group members.

Failed state - like Dolton, "woke" to the point even the residents can't stand it anymore with Henyard's redone-three-times-a-day fingernails scratching in their pockets for what little money they have left.

"Not sustainable."

Check your entitlement at the door.


4/12/2024 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is it that there aren't lines out the door at the Dirksen Building and a bus shuttle running convicts to-and-from the MCC?

Jamal should be driving the bus for his fellow inmates...

4/12/2024 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are more indictments and investigations to come. Several CPD Bosses and Patrolman are being looked into for taking a substantial amount of money from PPP loans for there legitimate and illlegitimate security companies. The money recieved from the PPP loans was designed to help their employees not for the owners of the companies to buy new homes, vehicles and office space to look like they are legit. you can find all the information online, and see how much money these companies made. You can also play connect the dots and see how many of the companies owners retired shortly after 2020. It is crazy, that's why Dave Savini has a story coming out on this.

4/12/2024 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess which idiot who shot a Chicago Cop and ended up kaput got a PPP loan?

I hope this is somehow tied into the nest of alleged PPP fraud where the names Clay, Ervin and Shiller are prominent. More likely just a random bit of fraud. Plenty of non connected PPP thievery to go around.

4/12/2024 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing will happen when you look over here this would never happen and CPD or CFD because we are way too honest just look at the exempts how honest they are

Suburban firefighter found guilty of stealing

* it’s good they keep an eye on tight little early overtime and who is doing the input

4/12/2024 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The State Police is allot more than 3. It includes a few bosses. Don’t believe the lying Lts. There’s more than a few dozen Troops involved but the Lts covering it up are creating a scandal.

4/12/2024 11:58:00 PM  
Blogger Tina Trent said...

Here in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, where we enforce the law, the public is happy. Even Atlanta's nearly all-black city council is standing tough (at personal cost) with the police to build their much-needed training center. I feel bad for you guys. I can talk crime control with dozens of no-nonsense black legislators who listen. It's the rich white Marxists who make all the trouble. Sure, we have other idiots, but the idiots are losing.

I've had so many good experiences with black and white police working together here, it's a Mitzvah. The exceptions are bad, but relatively few. Maybe we are too busy, on the whole, the city too busy to hate. It's not paradise. But it sure sucks less. We even just passed a few good public protest laws. I don't know how you stand it.

4/13/2024 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/13/2024 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MEDIA ---> certain ISP members of assorted ranks are jammed up in this too. FOIA FOIA FOIA

4/15/2024 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's COPA's highest ranks by entry:

4/15/2024 10:46:00 PM  

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