Thursday, April 11, 2024

Nolle Everything!

Crimesha continues to not do her job:

  • @Misled64: Watch cases close the next 7 months. Foxx is already ramping up nolles, refusals to prosecute, not objecting to clemency petitions etc. Loevy n Loevy, Bonjean and Blagg will be burning up the Foxx phone lines….

The linked X / Twitter feed seems to be a 26th Street insider working behind enemy lines.

And speaking of 26th Street, Marty Preib has an article up about the election of O'Neill-Burke, the media's reaction to it and how she might derail the driving force behind the "exoneration" movement that allows guilty killers to go free:

  • Burke should sit down in her first week and meet attorneys from the city who obtain the bulk of federal lawsuits alleging police misconduct. Many of these cases arose through shocking decisions from the Foxx administration. These city attorneys have a deep knowledge about how criminals are released from prison as part of a peculiarly Chicago-esque form of lawfare against legitimate cops. The knowledge these law firms hold is vast, a kind of primer that would immediately reveal to Burke that restoring justice in Chicago would mean attacking the police misconduct racket that exploded under Foxx.

    Doing so would also expose the role of the press in this industry. The potential for a spotlight on their writing is perhaps one reason they are so salty about the election of Burke.

Go read it all. It's interesting and therefore, unlikely to happen, but shining a light on the corrupt and bent media is more likely to bring about their failure.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

More crime on the street more ot for me thanks

4/11/2024 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad Judge Marvin “No Probable Cause” Luckman isn't around. He sure could clear the dockets with that phrase.
His famous line with the defendant and the police officer standing in front of the bench, was “I believe everything you say officer, no probable cause” very politely. If you had a decent case the ASA would go for a direct in 42.

4/11/2024 04:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

foxx is the best public defender in county history

4/11/2024 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having succeeded in placing this fox in the hen house, the city/county hogs are dedicated to having their fox rat produce as much mayhem, and ensueing hog swag, as possible, in these waning days of their aging hog asses.

The perception that the entire hog swag pit may be dwindling in it's overflowing abilities is as vexing a source of their urgencies as their own rotting on the hooves hog bods are.

4/11/2024 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke will not do this.

4/11/2024 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have figured she'd be passing out "get out of jail free" cards on her way out the door.

4/11/2024 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billions are getting paid out as the bottom of the barrel law firms are scooping cash on the narrative "false arrests," and they throwing out charges. We all know all the coppers being attacked from previous arrests many are great coppers that did the job,and cleaned up the streets. Now they are letting every arrest be thrown out if they say 1 was bad!

4/11/2024 07:38:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Marty is right on about this one.

4/11/2024 07:55:00 AM  
Blogger No Name said...

Loevy has a nice office waiting for Foxx, thinking she'll be a great rainmaker for firm, and payback for all the cases she's directed towards Loevy for large cash settlements during her two terms as DA.

If Lovey doesn't have nice spot for Foxx, well that speaks volumes regarding her poor grasp of criminal law in general, and her sloth-like work-habits. If Loevy doesn't want her, then she's even less competent than most folks realized.

Perhaps Preckwinkle thinks Foxx is her natural replacement, groomed for years to be Preckwinkle's mini-me, following Chicago Symphony Orchestra's "Solti principle" of "always ensure your replacement is far less competent than yourself, to further burnish your own levacy".

4/11/2024 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now we have dancing Eileen, just dancing around everything she said she would do, like her job and be tough on criminals. Did Toni throw baby in the corner and tell her "girl this be how its to be?" Eileen lied so more people will die on the streets! Eileen clearly said she would be tough on criminals but now she has rapidly changed!Wait a minute she is a democrat that is what they do lie,cheat,steal!

4/11/2024 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke can just roll over or have a great term as our county prosecutor. Preib is spot on as usual. She can restore public trust, criminal justice (not social justice) and integrity to the Office. Burke can get in line and be the good chump Democrat or she can kick them in the nuts and do her sworn obligation.

4/11/2024 08:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These ghetto lotto payouts go back to Devine, if not further. Foxx turbo charged them.
Devine dropped the ball when he folded under the grand daddy case of Anthony Porter,on death row for a double homicide. Anthony Porter was released from prison. Disgraced Northwestern journalism professor protes began with alleged torture under Commander Burge ( never ever proven).
Porter sued the city. The detectives accused of torture insisted on going on trial, no settlement for Porter. Porter lost.
The man protes convinced to confess to the double homicide soon began recanting. After several years he was released and last I heard suing protes and Northwetern.

4/12/2024 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should see the boxes of files being taking out each day from 26th and Cal. SAO is fully purging paperwork and recorded like crazy. Keeping the Picken Kane shredding crew very busy!

4/15/2024 07:20:00 PM  

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