Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Die Already

Two  media entities that we wouldn't shed a tear over if they went under tomorrow:

  • The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, a significant Chicago Public Media financial backer, voiced its sadness over a round of deep job cuts at WBEZ and the Chicago Sun-Times, as the organization faced pushback on social media and from a Chicago alderperson over the decision.

    The $8.2 billion foundation also expressed its continuing optimism for the merger of the two legacy journalism titles but sidestepped questions about whether it continues to support Matt Moog in his capacity as Chicago Public Media CEO.

    Moog, who announced his resignation last December and said he intends to depart the organization in August, cited financial pressures Wednesday as one justification for pink-slipping 14 people across both news organizations.

    Those cuts mean the elimination of WBEZ’s podcast unit and the conversion of the WBEZ-run Vocalo radio station — which has offered R&B, jazz and Spanish-language programming — into a streaming-only service.

    Four nonunionized Sun-Times staff members also were among those laid off.

Unfortunately, Mope-rah and the spouse abuser weren't among the layoffs.



Anonymous Fred G. Sanford said...

Legacy media can't die fast enough for my taste. If we had anything resembling a free market it'd be dead already. However,the government and large corporations have agendas and narratives to push and they'll spend billions pushing them even though most people know it's all bullshit and nobody's watching or reading their drivel anymore.

I would tell laid off media workers to learn to code but some 12 year old in Bangalore, India does it better and cheaper.

I would tell them to go mine fucking coal but that's not green enough for them.

I know. We should ship all the laid off media workers to the Congo to dig lithium and cobalt to make batteries for the fucking electric cars they couldn't ever shut the fuck up about.

There. Problem solved. Where do I go for my Nobel prize?

4/10/2024 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These tax subsidized mooch pits are always gonna dump the workers before ever dumping the managements.

The very first things they threaten to eliminate are the very few things that are an actual service desired by their consumers.

As for 'public' broadcastings, well, the tax payers and 'donors' would get much more bang for tbeir bucks if these 'broadcasters' would cast actual broads to their audiences, akin to pornhub qualities.

At least the money shots might be worth the money.

Accompanied by a nicely played Mozart minuet, on harpsichord.


4/10/2024 02:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It hasn't gotten old yet --

Learn to code, bitches!

4/10/2024 04:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sun Times is dying the “death by a thousand cuts.” The paper’s circulation was 350,000 in 2007 and now is an abysmal 57,000. The primary funder is the taxpayer. The paper is irrelevant and speaks only to a “far left” audience.

This is evident in the timely published article in “The Free Press” authored by Uri Berliner, a senior editor for NPR. He stated NPR lost its way and reports “with and absence of viewpoint diversity,” just like the state funded Sun Times. Very interesting article from and “insider” at NPR for 25 years.

4/10/2024 04:38:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Boo Effing Hoo. No keeses for them.

4/10/2024 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of it. No one of any sensible value listens to it anyway. Hopefully the other rag for sun times will go bankrupt. who are nothing but Scheels for the Democratic Party can go find a job that they’re qualified for maybe working at McDonald’s because reporting is not what they do a bunch of scumbags.

4/10/2024 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all you need to know about NPR and public radio

4/10/2024 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A great article about the WBEZ/WTTW national clone NPR.

4/10/2024 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn’t or wouldn’t read their biased BS news.
I rather eat pigeon shit on crackers

4/10/2024 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck them The only people that listen to WBEZ are the self hating whites that live around U of C

4/10/2024 08:30:00 AM  
Blogger No Name said...

WBEZ is nearly unlistenable. This FM station lost the plot, with its uniformly constant messaging of "all things "white" bad, all things "POC" good".

Most WBEZ listeners were once older white upper-middle class professionals, as alternative to rock stations, seeking some cultural enrichment and in-depth news-stories as background radio sound during day and sometimes at night. For past several years, WBEZ abandoned its traditional audience, to become a progressive squawk-box, boring us with its hectoring progressive politics and castigate "white-privilege", in its stated mission to attract more POC/young listeners. That new audience never materialized, while its older former listener-audience mostly disappeared - both bored and dismayed by constant theme of overt progressive political propaganda.

WBEZ board's "progressive-focus" marketing strategy obviously failed, because contributions and listenership dramatically dropped in response to media-content changes. WBEZ has been in dire financial straits for several years now, largely abandoned by its traditional listening audience which also composed majority of its contributor base. To recover, WBEZ would need new board, with members selected for their meaningful business administration experience and ability to fundraise, rather than appointing more political activists. But that isn't going to happen.

4/10/2024 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it possible that there are not as many far left people in the the world as they want everyone to believe? Where are all the super progressives out there to support these two commie media businesses? Could it be that most people just don't give a shit about the crap they are peddling?

4/10/2024 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No support for any of these left-wing alleged news organizations. The progressive and socialist propaganda machine needs to be cut off from its public funding machines. Private funding needs to rethink squandering their money on these organizations unless of course you believe in their spewing crap.

Fairness, equal time or by omission, misinformation, deception and lack of candor has consistently has beeb their hallmark. You peddle crap, you own it and we do not support it.

4/10/2024 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

News papers started selling news only to the woke about 10-15 years ago, the problem is that they are selling news to those without jobs who don't read the papers and don't purchase anything from their ads. Not a good business decision. People with jobs won't waste their time being lied to.

4/10/2024 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NPR - National Pink Radio - on the left of your dial.

4/10/2024 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fake media won’t die until democrats money laundering system which finances it is dismantled.

4/10/2024 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go get a real job most people don’t want the news cuz it’s too fucking depressing see ya wouldn’t want to be ya

4/10/2024 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I subscribed to the slumtimes till Barry was running for pres and they were treating it like the second coming. thats the reason i gave them for quitting and they had no response.

4/10/2024 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commercial radio exists on revenue from sales of air time which is based upon listeners. Since no one listens to their brand of crap, they need to exist on private donations. Now that times are hard, the money is running out.

Eventually Chicago and Illinois will follow suit...

Thats the problem with communism. Sooner or later, you run out of other people's money.

Promoting Chicago values since 1837

4/11/2024 03:59:00 PM  
Blogger Old Joe said...

The Fibune needs to be history too.

4/12/2024 08:09:00 PM  

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