Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hammer Time!

When your only solution is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a bent nail:

  • The leader of Chicago’s largest police union is warning CPD brass that renewed reliance on canceling officers’ days off will tank morale ahead of the Democratic National Convention, when the eyes of the world will be watching how they respond to demonstrations and gun violence.

    John Catanzara, president of the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, recently lambasted Chief of Patrol Jon Hein for allegedly directing other supervisors to “cancel whoever’s days off you need to.”

    Catanzara insisted that Hein was “on a warpath,” and he urged Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling to step in. “Unless the superintendent reins this nonsense in, morale is about to start fading away really fast … before the huge convention that is going to turn this city upside down on its head,” he said in a YouTube video on June 28.

Hein is quite frankly, a moron, a piss-poor "leader," and just dumb enough to miss that Snelling and Conehead are using him as the whipping boy for any blame coming down the road for staffing issues. 

Look at Larritorious deflecting:

  • Before Memorial Day, Snelling told reporters that his administration would “be judicious” about cancelling officers’ regular days off and would give them “advanced notice so that they can plan around those changes.” But in recent weeks, as gun violence has spiked and police resources have been stretched thin by special events, the department has again relied on the controversial practice, aimed at addressing long-standing staffing woes.

    Former police Supt. David Brown faced sharp criticism for canceling days off, and concerns grew as a wave of suicides impacted the department.

    When Snelling addressed the violent Fourth of July weekend on Monday, he told reporters that day-off cancellations had fallen by about 70% this year, but he said canceling time off is sometimes necessary. “It’s not just canceling days off just to cancel days off,” Snelling said. “It’s to make sure that our officers have enough manpower out there to deal with the situation at hand and make sure that they keep down the violence.”

You know how he can claim a 70% reduction in cancellations? 

  • The department stopped doing it for the first five months of the year. They let beat cars go unmanned, watches were shortchanged, and they hoped the weather would keep crime down.

And it worked as it does every year....until the weather warms up, as it does every year. Then the staffing issues are exposed for everyone to see. Then they rely on the media to not report it....which they don't.

The solution remains what it always has and what we've writing about for seventeen years and what we've espoused for our entire careers:

  • gut HQ for real...make it stick. Every bureau is overstaffed by 75%;
  • minimize front don't need a secretary, assistant secretary, ticket clerk, stat person(s), DAC officers and whatever other made-up positions exist merely to hide officers. Civilianize it all;
  • get rid of CAPS for pete's sake. It's outlived it's usefulness and is merely a money laundering operation nowadays. The amount of swag, cash and outright thieving that goes on, it's amazing that the media has never done a deep dive into it;
  • downsize unit administrative staffs, Detective areas and Homan Square especially. You could reduce inside staff by 50% and no one would ever know;
  • revamp the Academy. Teaching one hour of every five is ridiculous, and it's worse at the outlying training spots. At one training session last year, we had eleven different instructors in an eight-hour session, four of whom never spoke a word;
  • someone grow a set of testicles (looking at you Larritorious and Hein) and tell Conehead he gets twenty cops and two sergeants the way it used to be. The other hundred-and-thirty go back to a District;
  • man the beat cars, every single one, every single watch, first and foremost. Instead of Tact Teams, go back to 06 cars. Make it a monthly assignment, plain clothes, and they're the Area response team. Make the Chief there responsible for their deployment and for their numbers. Real numbers, not blue cards. Heads and CB numbers.

And those Area Teams, that's your old Task Force deployable asset. If you run it correctly, you'll probably have a few hundred officers per Area. Add in a voluntary Special Employment OT initiative and you'll get plenty of greedy cops sucking up the OT, further minimizing the need to cancel days off all summer.

But sadly, no one has the balls or the will power.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein is the biggest morale killer. He’s a douche that only cares about where the next ass is so he can stick his head up it, in case there’s a promotion involved. He doesn’t give a rats ass about the officers.

7/11/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Money laundering in CAPS? You don’t say. That would explain why the 4th district was giving away $50 dollar bills as a door prize for the christmas party.

7/11/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blue Flu in a few weeks! Oh yeah!

7/11/2024 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umar Johnson (of the breakfast club) is calling for chicago to organize and show up at the DNC like Bobby SEAL of the black panthers had done at the 1968 dnc.

7/11/2024 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein is not respected by anyone from other exempts on down. Zero respect.
Seriously lacking in leadership and management. It’s one thing to not be liked,
But the lack of respect tells you all you need to know.
I have known him since our days in 024. I predict many other negative comments will reveal some of his secrets, right John. Pathetic.

7/11/2024 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with all your points but……..
It still won’t stop the violence because they don’t want you
arresting the “over policed” citizens that could be Obama’s
sons (and daughters)
But at least you’d get the lazy fucks out of their hidey holes
and make them squeeze into their uniforms and hump a beat car

7/11/2024 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you SCC. Spot on

7/11/2024 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many 5 year wonders hiding inside at the academy.

7/11/2024 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of the canceling days off was just to cancel days off. They canceled multiple days in a row for single day events or holidays. If they expected to need the extra manpower on Friday and Saturday, they canceled days off from Wednesday to Tuesday "just in case." They canceled days off just to avoid having to restore them and then cancel them again. They just strung it all together into one long stretch of canceled days off, even when it was completely unnecessary, just to avoid having to keep making decisions each day. They showed no concern for officer fatigue or burnout, no concern for mental health or rest or time with family. They used and abused officers as if they were robots who could work 20-30 days straight with no ill effects. They'll do it again and again, resulting in astronomical overtime costs, mental health issues, physical health problems, suicide, family problems, and low morale. They won't care, and they won't change. The lack of manpower demands that days off are canceled. The misuse of manpower creates some of the issues. But they'll send a nice email to thank you for your work or to express fake sadness for the next suicide. The mayor might even pretend to care for a few minutes while the camera is on him. And if you make a mistake, have a minor lapse in judgment, step out of line in any way, while enduring endless hours of work with no days off, they'll happily take your job and portray you as an evil racist or criminal.

7/11/2024 01:46:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Fuck Cantanzara.

It wasn’t too long ago that he was sucking off Larrytorious. “Breath of fresh air” ring a bell? What happened Johnny Boy? I’ll tell ya. You got played - again - trying to polish HQ knobs to further your own agenda. And when it backfires? Only THEN you pretend to have the best interests of the membership as a priority. Maybe another hours long, one-on-one meeting with Stupidintendent Snelling so he can punk you out again is in order. You can boast all about it in the FLOP magazine like last time (LMFAO).

Your schtick is played out, J-Pussy. Only you’re too fuckin’ stupid to see it.

7/11/2024 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a limit as to where white males can go on this department. Chief of Patrol will always be a white guy position because it is expendable. Same goes for Street Deputy. You might get a few Hispanics in that position. But historically the black SD never show to important jobs - think too drunk Eddie Johnson (Laquan McDonald) or Fredrick McLean (Tangie Brown). SD is a position for smart white dudes. If you are good you get out. If not, they McNaughton you.

7/11/2024 02:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are the only “union” in the city that doesn’t get double time for anything outside of our normal work week, so as far as I’m concerned the FOP is all talk and no action. Other unions have had double time for the last decade or longer.

7/11/2024 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the sky is falling why isn’t it all hands on deck? Why isn’t every agency in the city cancelled RDO’s and 12 hour days? CFD, CTA, S&S, Water, Fleet, animal control, buildings, etc, etc. everyone should be ready for mass emergencies and general support.

7/11/2024 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“……and tell Conehead he gets twenty cops and two sergeants the way it used to be. The other hundred-and-thirty go back to a District;……”

Won’t happen. BLM Brandon who suffers from delusions of grandeur is counting on making a splash on the national scene and will be walking into the DNC with platoons of protectors and other assorted lackeys. Hopefully they will do a drill presentation similar to “Calypso Louie’s” F.O.I.

7/11/2024 03:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you reduce the Academy training staff then you can't have a generous duck policy.

7/11/2024 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. For every action there is a reaction.

7/11/2024 05:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've said it for years. There is no police shortage. There's a shortage of officers that work outside. Have you seen the academy in service training? Taser training being taught by POs who never discharged a taser in the field! And these front offices! 3 district secretaries, "liaison", affinity officers etc etc.

7/11/2024 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic but important. I have posted on here before and people don’t believe me. JB Pigster is the person undermining Biden. He wants to be President and will do anything to get it. His mortal enemies are the Crown family, don’t believe me ask Leo S. His ambition even permitted him to appear at their facility yesterday. This would have been unheard of six months ago. This is way more scandalous than I can put on here. The hot mic moment was scripted. Watch what happens.

7/11/2024 05:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no no no if the police start enforcing the laws and making arrests the usual rev-runs and community activists and liberal media will start calling the police racist

7/11/2024 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of the useless Mayors detail. A bunch of people who were never the police making huge money doing nothing.

7/11/2024 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein was a Sgt under Godsel in the 009th district, both came to 009 together and it was a disaster and a disaster so bad I believe they were both removed after 14 months. Hein was called the shadow because he followed Godsel literally everywhere never more than 3 feet from him, it was very embarrassing. Neither of them were able to connect with the blue shirts or all other supervisors they were not liked. Command under Godsel was the highest level of incompetency I had ever seen in my entire career. Needless to say they were both quickly removed and Chung was brought in temporarily and restored 009 back to a functional District.

7/11/2024 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McDermott was our man that helped keep canceled days off to a minimum

7/11/2024 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can they stay inside if they can dance really good...

7/11/2024 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the goals of the Progressive Socialist Marxist Democrat is to demoralize the American police officer and drive them from the profession.

7/11/2024 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the points you made SCC just make too much sense for the CPD top brass to actually implement some of these “common sense” rules & regulations…..

7/11/2024 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boom you dropped the truth bomb SCC! The truth hurts and it does, but it is the truth way to many inside dollies secretaries with guns same pay as much needed busting ass street beat coppers! also put D-unit in uniform the days are long gone when people thought they were not the police (Even though many are really not the police anyway). They talked about hiring back some retired old timers with skill-sets that could work inside and impart wisdom to the younger backward baseball cap coppers. You talk about slick Larry an old school gym rat, he always looks good his command staff looks like slobs, and commanding respect will never happen, but then again you cannot find 2 coppers with same uniforms.

As far as morale sinking sorry John it is already in the bargain basement ad falling deeper into that black hole, that you cannot recover from. Lastly don't forget they hired retired coppers to teach at the new academy but when larrys kids working at the academy got jealous and wanted to bring inside over 100 of their friends the contract got cancelled,and they blamed David Brown because company was from Texas but they hired many retired CPD coppers! Yep Larry the "fambly and friends" program still strong under your lack of leadership.

7/11/2024 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, those pointers on how to run the department will only work if we had professionals running the show. Luckily for me it's ran by a bunch of inept fools.

7/11/2024 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do it.
Also. Pay double time for holiday weekends if you volunteer. Time and a half if forced. People will willingly volunteer.
Triple time if you process an arrest with a hospital run, trr, ISR’s, iod, and the felony upgrade. The time commitment destroys the officers health and sleep patterns.

7/11/2024 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cancelling days didn't seem to add more manpower on my districts schedule. They could do everything previously mentioned in this post. I think they could do 12s for those already working and that should add enough coverage including volunteers.

7/11/2024 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you are preaching to the choir. Nobody in this town does anything that makes sense anymore. Everything is bass ackwards. IN sa-ni Ty.

7/11/2024 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

There's a sense of dread and a summer overtime weariness setting in so HQ shouldn't be surprised if 25% of the department hits the medical by August 15th. I'm also beginning to wonder what kind of private security the corporate media will hire to protect their "journalists" while here in town to cover this convention. They demonized PMCs like Blackwater but that's just the kind of firepower and skillset you will need to protect and guard those expensive news trucks and downtown hotel suites.

7/11/2024 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on a tact team. We do a great job. The tact teams are an important part of CPD. We are helping to lower crime. Yeah beat cars are important. The tact teams are equally important.

7/11/2024 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad cantazara called out hein. He is as bad as is reputation. You are supposed to have your time off request in 14 days out. If in by then, it HAS to be approved or denied 7 days out. What hein did was against the rules. After people were approved 7 days out, he took it upon himself to deny tons of requests throughout the city 3 days out. He doesn’t even know the most basic time off request rules. Every single person that got denied should file a grievance. If you need to cite the source, it’s in a bureau of patrol order 20-0198 that came out Dec 15, 2020 titled district level OT initiative. So tired of these exempts just doing whatever they want bc they’re to stupid to know the rules.

7/11/2024 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Common Sense solutions will never be enforced in this department.

7/11/2024 07:33:00 AM  
Blogger CFD brother said...

OT (kinda)
Gov Corpulent, Conehead, Supt. Atlas, et al., have squeezed "private entities" and raised $100 M to take care of all their foils & trolls, along with family with another useless waste of dollars.

"The leaders say they reached their milestone of raising $100 million to expand community violence intervention programs. The plan is to take those programs to communities facing extreme violence."

“Gun violence is a cancer that is destroying the soul of our city,” said Arne Duncan (known a$$ kissing lefty). No doubt old Arne is getting some of that largess!

An audit of the fund's uses is promised and is expected shortly before the second coming!

7/11/2024 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, remember the old days. Every beat car was two man. Also numerous rapid response cars, traffic cars, two wagons, and foot posts in 025. Can’t even staff half those anymore. Haven’t had a rapid response car in years.
Just too many new inside positions. CAPS went from a couple officers to over a dozen today.
Shame, shame, shame..

7/11/2024 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s about fucking time cantazara. Thank you! It’s again starting to get ridiculous with the canceling of days off. Now Fourth of July weekend encompasses the 3rd of July thru the 8th of July. Cancelled days off the whole way thru. WTF. This is crushing us. How many times do we have to tell you fucking morons in charge? Snelling, we really thought you’d be better than this. Here you go doing the same exact shit the previous supts did. Guess what, everyone hated those guys and stopped doing anything because we got burnt the fuck out. You’re doing the same fucking thing. Everyone is becoming angry again, pissed off, disgruntled because you can’t figure out a way to let us keep our DAYS OFF. We need them. Those 2 days our the only way we stay somewhat sane doing this horse shit job.

7/11/2024 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fucked up part is I know 2 retired cops who applied for a civilian job at HQ & were rejected, both had 25+ yrs on this job & some dumbass up the chain refused to hire them.

7/11/2024 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling sucks. He’s actually worse than the previous guys because he’s an insider and “should” know just how bad cancelling these days off messes with coppers. I finally had the Fourth of July off this year, well, I was supposed to. After 6 years of working the fourth, I was planning to go to a cottage to spend time with loved ones. Instead it got cancelled and I spent it inside a squad car. How pissed off I was and still am is immeasurable. Not only me, but my family lost out on a nice getaway, and I was supposed to be off! I wasn’t asking for a day I was working off, I was RDO. Now I won’t be RDO on the 4th for another 6 years and I realize how shitty this dept leaders treat their employees.

7/11/2024 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling and conehead have no problem at all cancelling our days off and all the events we had planned along with it, but how about cancelling these stupid city events and telling them we don’t have the police to run it safely instead? Why are those events more important than your police officers lives?

7/11/2024 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These fucking cancelled days off take a big fucking mental toll. It’s not like in the past when the job was easier and fun, these days every day at work is navigating thru a mine field. Every single interaction you have is video taped. You can not say one single perceived inappropriate thing or your ass is toast. You can not make a mistake. The stakes are so high everyday you work that the stress just eats you up. We need those days off now more than ever before. Why can’t the exempts see this? Why can’t the union win us some kind of arbitration award that forces them to just give us our days off. I can’t believe it’s come to this.

7/11/2024 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous J. Murzyn said...

You are right on this and I work in a unit. Lots of dead weight!

7/11/2024 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So many 5 year wonders hiding inside at the academy.

7/11/2024 12:49:00

Some are 2 year wonders! Sit in a constitutional policing class watch how clueless they are! What’s your best arrest instructor? “Well I did dui enforcement!” so Larry and Brandon canceled the contract with over 100 experienced police officers to bring over 100 kids from the street who don’t know much to teach the material that is paid for in federal dollars. Is that called pay to play?

7/11/2024 08:32:00 AM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

Doesn’t anyone have the courage to put in a par form to take the day off without pay? Isn’t there anybody out there with the financial acumen to be able to miss a day pay? The only downside to taking the day off without pay is that you must work one extra day before you retire.

7/11/2024 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling is not only going to make police work 12 hour shifts with no days off, he is also going to make them all wear really tight fitting hats all the time so they can all look as cool as he does.

7/11/2024 08:54:00 AM  
Blogger tab said...

They could give a rat's ass about mental health, family stability or overall morale. It's time for some blue bird flu!

7/11/2024 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I am on a tact team. We do a great job. The tact teams are an important part of CPD. We are helping to lower crime. Yeah beat cars are important. The tact teams are equally important."

You must be the team responsible for the increase of the number of people shot, but less killed. Good job, get them in to patch up and back on the street. It's really helping /s

7/11/2024 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Street Deputy was always a place they put someone they weren’t mad at but didn’t know what to do with.

7/11/2024 09:15:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Good advice that will fall on deaf ears.

7/11/2024 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have said that from the start. Hein thinks he was given the Patrol job because he was selected for his skills. Nope he was selected by Talley , whom he held water for because she and others recognized they needed a fall person for this current administration. So they dialed up the number for the white hillbilly from Danville to be the fall guy. Only a stupid hillbilly would fall for it.

Now, because he is that stupid hillbilly from the sticks with and IQ of a scholarly nitwit, the mayor has cover of a person he hates, so who cares of the hillbilly takes it on the chin. He’s just a white hillbilly from Danville.

7/11/2024 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand what John is saying and agree 100% BUT unless he can orchestrate a calculated response to highlight and expose the criminal mismanagement and its direct impact on the out of control plague of violence it’s all just posturing. Think outside the box John and play hardball you hold all the cards.

7/11/2024 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought it would be different under snelling. If he’s such a great leader, then he should know rule #1 is to take care of your troops. He’s doing the opposite.

7/11/2024 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The position of "Family Liasion Officer" or (flo-girls) needs to be eliminated and replaced by 1 PO or a civilian. Area 2 has 3 PO's and 1 Detective assigned as Family Liasion Officer's to dish out untold amounts of "Tax Dollar funds" to homicide victim families. Why is a Detective assigned as a "family liasion officer" anyway? This detective should be assgned to investigate homicides rater than pass out "tax dollar funds", but when your involved with the Administrative sgt then you dont have to investigate homicides. The other 3 "flo-girls" come and go at their leisure, but will always put in an OT slip for a hard days work. LOL

This is an example of 4 bodies that can be utilized to answer 911 calls that go unanswered for hours. Add this to the other 4 areas and you come up with 20 bodies to fill those empty beat and rapid response cars.

7/11/2024 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
McDermott was our man that helped keep canceled days off to a minimum

7/11/2024 06:20:00 AM

This is a joke, right?

7/11/2024 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fatass was on tv news segment last night extolling community intervention programs, and I quote," CVI(community violence interruption) is where is at" It's sickening how they believe on their bullshit solutions. Those $100 million should be going towards our pension or our memorial foundation. Paying "reformed" ex cons to fix ghetto problems is a complete waste of money and will never work.

7/11/2024 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would the department be able to function without CAPS. How much crime is CAPS holding down? How many CAPS will be on the front lines at the DNC?

7/11/2024 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about all the exempts that continue to stay silent and go along with this crap. Did one single one of them step up and say anything? The whole top brass are all merit hacks that never did shit. They’re all afraid to lose their spots so they go along with whatever they’re told, even tho they know it’s fucked up. There is zero respect for any of these exempts. Zero. District commanders on up. Not a single leader of men in the whole lot. So when u come asking for more traffic stops or numbers, remember how u stayed silent and didn’t do a thing to help us out, then enjoy your zeros.

7/11/2024 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"CAPS". what a joke!! You never see a CAPS Sgt around, the Caps people coming in and leave when they want, never put on the uniform (Act like they are so fucking special), sit and hide in the office with the door locked as to not bother them. Dont understand why the Tact office doors and Caps doors are always locked and we have to knock on the doors to find anyone...right 019???

7/11/2024 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fucked up part is I know 2 retired cops who applied for a civilian job at HQ & were rejected, both had 25+ yrs on this job & some dumbass up the chain refused to hire them.

Let me guess white males?

7/11/2024 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a demented, thieving old fool as President, a lardass, never had a real job, tax cheat, as Governor, a Who knew? seemingly retarded fool as Mayor, a rather dimwitted, cant pass a test Supt., a do nothing political hack State's Attorney. All democRATS, of course. And apparently all our problems are being caused by Richard Nixon, who died in 1984! Who knew?

7/11/2024 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for resignations from City Hall and CPD, for Gross Mismanagement.

7/11/2024 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This state is f#$&@d up.

7/11/2024 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Directing other supervisors to “cancel whoever’s days off you need to...”

Morale is already in the tank, that comment just proves that the low morale is justified. This convention is going to be a struggle to get through already. Lowering morale with that Galactically stupid statement doesn't help.

May G-d be with CPD during these trying times. Looking forward to this being over and done with, and then brass complaining about excessive OT.

Hein and Snelling are probably both coppers that slipped an envelope to Ald Ed Burke to get a promotion...They sure didn't get there with people skills.

Chicago values...since 1837

7/11/2024 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been saying it for years, WHT ARE SO MANY OFFICERS DETAILED OUT OF THE DISTRICTS??? When will the media pick up on this. Look at the units. They have line item budgets. Why do so many units have more officers detailed to the unit then assigned?

7/11/2024 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn’t the timekeepers job not a civilian? Really a P.O. in that position waste of manpower

7/11/2024 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Long Arm of the Law Says:

No such thing as “gun violence”, just a buzzword democrats use as an excuse for not doing their job of protecting the public. Is it “vehicular violence” when thousands of vehicles across the Country crash every week and kill or injure people ? Well why not ? Explain the difference..

7/11/2024 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They know the rules about cancelling rdos, they don’t care! They never have! They know that it’ll get grieved and the arbitrator will rule in the officers favor years down the road, when the bosses are retired and gone. They literally don’t care and never have.

7/11/2024 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I submitted a to/from for pride parade & 4th July and both of them were DENIED! by Senora Ben

7/11/2024 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/11/2024 07:52:00 AM

I truly believe the only answer is leaving the profession. There are always city positions (Streets and San, CDOT, water department, etc) that you could bid over to. It’s not ideal, but ask yourself if you’re able to continue on working for CPD for 10,15, however many years, until retirement?

The answer isn’t with suburban police departments either. A former coworker lateraled to a large suburban agency. Great pay, decent morale, no cancelled days off. There was an adjustment period of course, but everything seemed great. That was, until the cameras arrived. Several senior officers retired immediately. Several more took positions (not available to anyone else) outside of patrol that avoided the cameras. Almost immediately, he says the bosses started reviewing every call and micromanaging their decisions. If not on scene, Sgt’s are supposed to review BWC of certain calls. Lt’s, Captains, WC’s randomly review for compliance…and just plain Curiosity depending on the call. If you had a domestic, you better believe every brass member on and off duty is viewing it. Then afterward, providing critiques and commentary about what you could have done differently. Mind you, none of them aside from the Sgt and field Lieutenant will ever have to wear a camera. Who wants to deal with that every shift?

If that is happening in a town of 150+ officers, 40k+ residents, what happens in the town of 5,000 residents and 20 officers? Where maybe you only have a handful of calls a day?

It has never been easier to be hired by a police department. Yet, there’s literally no where to go. At a time, everyone knew where the good and bad departments were. Now even the “good” departments struggle for 30 applicants

7/11/2024 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Work in 015 and was in roll call yesterday and absolutely felt like crap, just completely rundown. Looking around the room and talking to everyone we all felt the same way and know this weekend will be in upper 90’s. In my 20+ years I have always bounced back as have others but I have not seen it like this since the George Floyd crap. We have all been talking about hitting medical for exhaustion or PTSD symptoms, it just gets worse everyday with no end in sight and wifes at home saying we need to do something because they’ve had it with missing preplanned events. Expect people to start snapping before convention let alone dealing with a city being looted and burning for a month. Is there anyone else feeling this desperate?

7/11/2024 10:50:00 AM  
Blogger Transmaster said...

Why am I not hearing Mayor Conehead squealing like a pig with Governor Pritzker secretly placing illegals in leased buildings in Chicago without telling anyone in Chicago about it. He is hiding Illegals from the people coming to the Democratic convention is what is being reported.

7/11/2024 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The SILENCE from Dr. SOBO and his staff speaks volumes about their allegiance. They should be advising people to HIT the Medical for mental health and severe stress. If they truly care about the CPD speak out about the blatant abuse that leads to suicides, traffic accidents, boozing, CR #’s and divorce. With the convention disaster looming when CPD embarrasses Chicago on the World Stage it will be too late. Send a message NOW!

7/11/2024 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking as a civilian who was.a resident of Chicago for 60 years and as a retired career military I can totally understand the burnout that is happening. It burns my ass every day that the media doesn't step up and report this abuse to the public. Most people have no clue what CPD and their families go through. Please take care of yourselves, your partners (when you actually have one), and all of your brothers and sisters on the job. Do whatever you have to do to maintain your health and your sanity. And know that Chicagoans that care understand that you can no longer be the Police of yesteryear. We really do care, we will do our best to protect ourselves and let you write the report when it is over because we realize that is all the political powers will allow you to do. We are voting against the politics but I fear we have lost the war.

7/11/2024 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, cancel everyone’s days off- then send an inspector to the roll call.

That’s great for morale.

7/11/2024 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The crime problem is a direct result of the cultural shift and anti-police climate. Eliminating or adding units will not change a thing. Some of you on here need some serious mental help or maybe it’s time to put down the bottle and pick up a hobby or start a sport. I suggest pickle ball and mass every Sunday. It’s good for your soul. The hating on the detectives though and putting them back in uniform? For what? Patrol? They are not in patrol and many already volunteer and work overtime in uniform. The guy that keeps stating that detective is not a promotion it’s an assignment. Ok, so they make 15k more than a regular 9161 and they handle a totally different job/investigations; Crime scene processing, canvasses, lineups, ERI interviews, juvenile processing, creating all types of supps, clear closing or suspending case, missings, death investigations, and the list goes on and on. Tons of those reports, most of them poorly written, have to all be followed up on by a detective. Some of you really show how little you know, almost like civilians. Detective work is not just prosecuting people or solving crimes. There is a lot more work that is done to put a case together. Especially when todays copper can’t write a paper that matches their body camera video, can’t hold crime scenes, let suspects and evidence walk away on video, etc. And remember, even the worst detective would be able to handle patrol jobs because they were already in patrol. You patrol officers that hate on detectives would drown if you had to do that job. You have no idea and it shows.

7/11/2024 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why they don’t have a voluntary OT is beyond me.

Some guys WANT to come in on their days off, others don’t.
Let the guys who want to work come in. Let the guys who want to enjoy their lives retain their RDO.

If there aren’t enough volunteers, then ok I get it.
Cancel non-bid units, and units by reverse seniority.
It’s a pretty simple system and the my can’t figure it out.

Volunteers first.
Non-bid units 2nd.
Districts by reverse seniority.

7/11/2024 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really should stop using that phrase “gun violence”. That is just changing the terminology to change the narrative. It glosses over the real world demographics. It is a known Marxist technique (think, BLM) that works very well on the inexperienced, ignorant masses. Look at how the phrase “Women’s Reproductive Rights” was used to replace abortion. It has energized women of all ages whether they plan to have kids or not, many of them are one issue voters. They know damn well that they are aborting the baby, but the phrase “Women’s Reproductive Rights” turns women into clawing screaming, angry masses that spout off anything the the leftists are saying on MSNBC.
How do you create a “useful idiot”?
Touch a nerve the right way. It works on the right and the left.

7/11/2024 11:52:00 AM  
Blogger Transmaster said...

Now they are talking about Governor Pritzker being a replacement for Biden. He would go over like a fresh turd floating in a swimming pool.

7/11/2024 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pritker and Johnson are quoted in the Tribune blaming Republicans for all the shootings last weekend. That’s pretty funny. Democrats run the city, county and state. They come up with these no accountability laws no bail etc etc and when it fails miserably, let’s blame the Republicans! WTF.

Minorities better wake the hell up and start voting republican

7/11/2024 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start with Area 1. Commander has a PO secretary, a detective secretary, a civilian time keeper, a PO time keeper, a detective time keeper. That’s just in the front office. Dont get me started on the amount of useless spots there are on the floor.

7/11/2024 12:04:00 PM  
Blogger anonymous said...

I agree with about 90% of the suggestions. I think we need to keep CAPS & SDSC. Where are guys gonna hangout before surgeries and divorces? 🤷‍♂️

7/11/2024 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile recent retirees are receiving certified letters “inviting” them back until age 65. Seniority is about all they are promising. No guarantee they will return to their District of retirement, watch or bid position. The department has lost its mind. No thanks, I’m happy taking the taxpayers money on my couch.

7/11/2024 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, point, laugh and leave. Let it go to shit. Gotta know how to flip it right back on these incompetent assholes!!! Mr Chalkie doesn't care anyway.

7/11/2024 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of the useless Mayors detail. A bunch of people who were never the police making huge money doing nothing.

7/11/2024 06:08:00 AM
Plus that massive detail getting sergeants pay and above also get that extreme pension dip this needs to stop!

7/11/2024 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with 90% of this. Keep the tact teams. They handle all the shit details, and respond to most of the in progress jobs person with gun calls and other calls and will process the arrest. Being the old salty vet on 2nd watch, the young cats are the only little deterrent left for the awipes on the corners.

7/11/2024 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can’t believe it’s come to this.

7/11/2024 07:52:00 AM

And I can't believe it's not butter!

Where's the BEEF?!!?!?!???


Sarcasm and silliness is not enough for you?

Are you not old enough to legally purchase a quart of Jack?

Or clever enough to obtain one?

Have you never been able to chill yourself the fuck out, find that sweet template to abide by, stifle whatever angst you subject yourself to, muffle your drama queening urges and work the job, not allowing the job to work you into this greta flavored frenzy?

7/11/2024 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have no recourse so complaining about it as you can do. But will that help? Nope. You’ll be scheduled for 12 hour days during the dnc, which is looking worse and worse due to the democrats collapsing into themselves.

7/11/2024 02:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Blue Flu in a few weeks! Oh yeah!

7/11/2024 12:17:00 AM

Do it! Do it! Do it! Please. Civilian here, so I don’t have your responsibility and sense of duty, but they’re never going to stop shitting on you unless you make them appreciate you. And the only way to do that is to withhold your services. Do it! Do it until they beg you to stop!

7/11/2024 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every single full duty house mouse needs to have their ass in a beat car! Every single inside spot should and could be civilians.

7/11/2024 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You didn’t include that they’re cancelling the all days off for the first five days of August because of Lalapalooza. Why the fuck would we be cancelling days off for that? This is the shit that drives us all insane. Make them hire their own security or don’t have the damn thing.

7/11/2024 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is spreading that they’re going to cancel the weekend after Lalapalooza also. That’s bud bilikin and air and water weekend. Then that’ll go right into the DNC canceling. So basically from the end of June until the end of August there will only be 3 weekends the dept is not cancelling days off. Unless you were lucky enough to have that day off group, you will not get any weekend days off the entire summer. What the fuck kinda place is this that we work for? We work all year long to try to spend a little time off with the family in the summer, then they take that away from us too. This is the worst job ever!! I tell everyone I know not to come on this job.

7/11/2024 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on a tact team. We do a great job. The tact teams are an important part of CPD. We are helping to lower crime. Yeah beat cars are important. The tact teams are equally important.

Clown. You guys don’t know how to even do paper for a domestic. “Can I get a paper car over here?” You’ll wait longer on scene for a paper car to take over than it would have taken you guys to knock out a report and go home.

7/11/2024 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these cancelled days off is wearing me down big time. My health, my stress and mental well being are in the toilet. I’m tired of feeling like a piece of shit and being treated like garbage by my leadership who continue to say they are all about our well being. I heard a lot of people talking about feeling the same way. More than ever before. Can someone advise about how to use the medical for stress? What’s the process? I’m tired of it.

7/11/2024 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can go back decades on the issue of staffing. Not much has changed over the years. The directive comes down from the Superintendent to minimize the inside sworn staffing positions. And? It is totally ignored by every gold star. They don't care and nothing happens. Some districts have dozens of police officers holding desk jobs. HQs is flooded with people hiding, light duty, clouted, and of course? Women and plenty of them. I personally have known many females , who, after probation, spent their entire career at a desk. It is high time to stop this nonsense, but I don't think anyone has the balls to actually get this done.

7/11/2024 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
There is a limit as to where white males can go on this department. Chief of Patrol will always be a white guy position because it is expendable. Same goes for Street Deputy. You might get a few Hispanics in that position. But historically the black SD never show to important jobs - think too drunk Eddie Johnson (Laquan McDonald) or Fredrick McLean (Tangie Brown). SD is a position for smart white dudes. If you are good you get out. If not, they McNaughton you.

7/11/2024 02:13:00 AM

The entire assignment of exempts is political and racial. Why can't a Black be commander of 8 or 16? Why can't a white commander head up 2 or 3 or 5? Why is it always a Latino who has 10 or 14? Time to assign by qualifications and not race or ethnic background? I was told by a black commander when I brought this up that the black people of Chicago would not stand for having a white commander in their area and the Mexicans would not stand for a black commander in their area. Lets test it. Let do something different.

7/11/2024 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein is one of the biggest assholes on CPD

7/11/2024 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
I am on a tact team. We do a great job. The tact teams are an important part of CPD. We are helping to lower crime. Yeah beat cars are important. The tact teams are equally important.

7/11/2024 07:14:00 AM

I say lets test your theory. I have worked tact in many districts; as a police officer, as a sergeant. Most of the arrests by tact teams are pure BS and going for the numbers only. The tact teams must go for numbers, They are not allowed to work crime patterns . Lots of useless traffic stops. Then, they are put in uniform for many reasons to supplement the details. Lets put the tact teams on the watch, in uniform, in a few districts and see what happens. I would be it would have little or no effect on the crime rates.

7/11/2024 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do what is right for you and your family. For the next 4-6 weeks (prep/DNC) our balls are no longer in the "lock box" (ala Larry the midget). They need us but do stupid and infuriating actions as noted above. Our balls are not in the box for now. After the DNC debacle our "nards" will be crushed, and we will be punished for any perceived foibles because of their poor/no planning, defunding the police efforts, media whores and outright lying, denials and deception. They will be looking for "fall guys" and other chumps. Be smart.

Cover your ass and remember you don't owe the Dept and the city nothing more than the basics. You want to do more, go ahead but remember you will be alone in the various Kangaroo Courts and media inquisitions scrutinizing your actions. The Democrats, the Media, Conehead and Snelling brought us to this horrible place in time.

If you're sick, then you are sick. If your scheduled for medical care and related appointments, then take care of priorities. Priorities are you, family and your partner. Let them sit in their own hot mess.

7/11/2024 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"plenty of greedy cops sucking up the OT" that do absolutely nothing.... Save your money.

7/11/2024 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cancelling days off prior to the DNC (which should have never been put in Chitown) and then sending officers there with low morale or tired will only increase the chances they do something in error and then get sued, thus providing the “reparations” to the ghetto community members. How else are reparations going to be made?
To the adulterers above POs that are coordinating these things- go repent and do something good for people- you can start small and then continue. Then you can retire one day with honor. As the word says those that have been given the most will be the ones that God expects more of

7/11/2024 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To those saying I’ll tell everyone I know not to take this job”
Hey goofy - then who will fund your pension?????
Tell people to come on and keep pressing forward and make changes while we’re here!

7/11/2024 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Money laundering in CAPS? You don’t say. That would explain why the 4th district was giving away $50 dollar bills as a door prize for the christmas party.

7/11/2024 12:12:00 AM

That’s the F Zoller shake down money from liquor stores and tow trucks they’re trying to get rid of from several years ago.

7/11/2024 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP can’t call for a Well Being Sick Out but our EAP can. Use this valued asset to bring to light the cause of so much suffering and death on our department. Now is the time to make a stand and demand change from an Anti-Police Mayor, Governor and City Council. If this was a corporation they’d strike!!! Use our tools we have and protect yourselves.

7/11/2024 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could man an entire district with all the “surveillance” officers at Homan Square. Please send them somewhere that they might have to do a little work.

7/11/2024 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Chalkie doesn't care anyway.

7/11/2024 01:30:00 PM

It's Chalkie.

An equal gendery opportunity service provider.

Not El Chalkie, nor La Chalkie.

At worst, Chalkie of the No Fucks Given clan.


7/11/2024 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cancelled RDOs mean 3 mice in the SDSC Room and 6 mice on the front desk of 019 1W.

Denni K is the biggest scared mice among them. Useless whiskers and temper!

7/11/2024 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Berwyn Police Department is proud to welcome Officer Nicholas Rex who laterally transferred from another agency. We are also proud to Congratulate Officers Garcia and John Gordon who were promoted to the rank of Sergeant.

congrats john

im sure mike is looking down and is proud

7/11/2024 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i new hein as a patrolman a complete stroke and pussy

he would try to talk sh-t and you told him to f-ckoff and he always backed off

7/11/2024 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of the useless Mayors detail. A bunch of people who were never the police making huge money doing nothing.

7/11/2024 06:08:00 AM
Plus that massive detail getting sergeants pay and above also get that extreme pension dip this needs to stop!

End this detail and let BLM take care of blue gums security.

7/11/2024 06:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer (one of)
Two words!
I agree with another poster
Duh there’d be tons of people
Volunteering to work and the city would save money
Idiots in charge

7/11/2024 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

M.J.P (Tac) 5th District would work for free.

7/11/2024 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bud bil parse cancelation just sent out. So for August we have the first week cancelled, the second week canceled, and the third-fourth week cancelled. Great.

7/11/2024 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey goofy - then who will fund your pension?????

The city will be directly responsable foe its promise. Remember, they save money by not paying into social security.

Also, the city advertised the pension a generous and benfit when I was hired.

Maybe, it a good time foe use with more then the minuium benefit to leave?

7/11/2024 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start with Area 1. Commander has a PO secretary, a detective secretary, a civilian time keeper, a PO time keeper, a detective time keeper. That’s just in the front office. Dont get me started on the amount of useless spots there are on the floor.

I’m telling you she is leaving. That decision has been made. Depending on your work ethic you will be really happy or begging to leave. No in between

7/11/2024 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s the deliberate destruction of American Law Enforcement Agencies by the communist (democrat) Party

7/11/2024 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told by a black commander when I brought this up that the black people of Chicago would not stand for having a white commander in their area and the Mexicans would not stand for a black commander in their area. Lets test it. Let do something different.

So segregation is Ok again? Just who are the racists? Seems to me it sure ain’t YT.

7/11/2024 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Work in 015 and was in roll call yesterday and absolutely felt like crap, just completely rundown. Looking around the room and talking to everyone we all felt the same way and know this weekend will be in upper 90’s. In my 20+ years I have always bounced back as have others but I have not seen it like this since the George Floyd crap. We have all been talking about hitting medical for exhaustion or PTSD symptoms, it just gets worse everyday with no end in sight and wifes at home saying we need to do something because they’ve had it with missing preplanned events. Expect people to start snapping before convention let alone dealing with a city being looted and burning for a month. Is there anyone else feeling this desperate?

7/11/2024 10:50:00 AM

Yes. I hear you and can completely relate. I was supposed to be off on the 4th of July. Had planned for a while to go up to a family cottage and spend a little time away from the city. Finally the 4th landed on my day off. Was so looking forward to it. Then they cancelled my day off and instead of doing some fishing, I was in a bear car. How unbelievably depressed I was. I never can plan anything. Even beginning of August they’re cancelling now, for lala. Give us a fucking break. The hate I have for the exempts is real. I can not stand any of them anymore. I’m actually disgusted by their silence and fear of speaking up for their people. Not a single one deserves to wear a gold star.

7/11/2024 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This job is barely bearable with your days off. Without them, my mental health takes a huge toll.
Dr Sobol should be shouting from the rooftops to help us keep our days off. But, as usually he says nothing. He knows where his bread gets buttered and isn’t going to stand up for us and risk his job. Phony.

7/11/2024 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT. Damn the president press conference was hard to watch. I don't care who you vote for but why have a man who obviously has dementia on public display? This is elder abuse.

7/11/2024 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least 80 people full duty sworn police officers assigned or detailed to D-Units.

7/11/2024 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Start with Area 1. Commander has a PO secretary, a detective secretary, a civilian time keeper, a PO time keeper, a detective time keeper. That’s just in the front office. Dont get me started on the amount of useless spots there are on the floor.

I’m telling you she is leaving. That decision has been made. Depending on your work ethic you will be really happy or begging to leave. No in between

Is she leaving or is she being forced to leave? Either way I’m sure most will be happy.

7/11/2024 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We are the only “union” in the city that doesn’t get double time for anything outside of our normal work week, so as far as I’m concerned the FOP is all talk and no action. Other unions have had double time for the last decade or longer.

7/11/2024 02:25:00 AM

My old man is a retired 134 guy and he always asks why we don’t get double or sometimes triple time like he used to when canceled

7/11/2024 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our only way to change this is to have nobody show up on their day off in solidarity. It’s not awop. It would be amazing to have nobody show up for one day off cancelled. Too many kids tik tok police that want to keep their spot, but SCC if you called for it like the second to last post and we did and you rode off into the sunset to never post again it would be in CLD lore forever as our tea party.

We have to stand up to the tyranny of these moron bosses who only know how to cancel every summer day off. Who gives a fuck if they give 14 day notice. All it does is give your significant other 14 days to yell at you. I’ve been seconds from a lot a bad decisions mostly because of how days off canceled have effected my life. In November your significant other thinks these are days off for the year. We all signed up knowing we would be working nights, weekends, and holidays. We do this with no problem. But the 5 of 6 times in 29 and a day you happen to get a 4th of July off you should be able to enjoy it.

Not according to people like this Hein, who if I understand correctly worked on the northside his whole career as a 9161. Sounds Iike a coward to me. Either you lead from the front or you don’t lead at all.

SCC sorry for the long post. Stay safe brothers and sisters we need to stand togethe, and yes I know people have spots. And yes I have “rudyed my jersey” on this job.

7/11/2024 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I've said it for years. There is no police shortage. There's a shortage of officers that work outside. Have you seen the academy in service training? Taser training being taught by POs who never discharged a taser in the field! And these front offices! 3 district secretaries, "liaison", affinity officers etc etc.

7/11/2024 05:43:00 AM"

And you've been wrong for years.

The 9161 rank has been decimated through attrition.

2-3 years ago there were over 9500, just a few months ago there were approximately 8400 and 400-500 of those were recruits in the academy. So, in reality there were under 8000 9161's.

7/11/2024 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what great programs our Director of Wellness Dr. Aaron Chatman has planned for these trying times?

7/11/2024 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I submitted a to/from for pride parade & 4th July and both of them were DENIED! by Senora Ben

7/11/2024 10:38:00 AM"

Should have sent it to Senorita instead!

7/11/2024 11:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Off topic but important. I have posted on here before and people don’t believe me. JB Pigster is the person undermining Biden. He wants to be President and will do anything to get it. His mortal enemies are the Crown family, don’t believe me ask Leo S. His ambition even permitted him to appear at their facility yesterday. This would have been unheard of six months ago. This is way more scandalous than I can put on here. The hot mic moment was scripted. Watch what happens.

7/11/2024 05:52:00 AM"

That fat fuck piece of shit has zero chance of being the nominee for the Communist Party.

Jim Clyburn calls the shots and he says it's going to be Kumala Heels Up Harris.

7/11/2024 11:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thought it would be different under snelling. If he’s such a great leader, then he should know rule #1 is to take care of your troops. He’s doing the opposite.

I’m just as disappointed. I actually spoke up to the Community Commission on his behalf. Fool me once..

7/11/2024 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


the real question that should be asked is- what is our union doing about it? they got us raises, training monies, a onetime bonus and they gave ftos et’s and dicks raises

this is lovely but why not put it out there and ask what has been accomplished about getting ten hour days, or more v days or more p days??? money is great and all, but what does it matter now?

I’m no union hater but this has gone too far

7/12/2024 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I can go back decades on the issue of staffing. Not much has changed over the years. The directive comes down from the Superintendent to minimize the inside sworn staffing positions. And? It is totally ignored by every gold star. They don't care and nothing happens. Some districts have dozens of police officers holding desk jobs. HQs is flooded with people hiding, light duty, clouted, and of course? Women and plenty of them. I personally have known many females , who, after probation, spent their entire career at a desk. It is high time to stop this nonsense, but I don't think anyone has the balls to actually get this done.

7/11/2024 04:07:00 PM
Well. When the day comes that Bosses or men in charge don’t want blowies or a side chick or secret sometimes not so secret mistresses that will stop but men in charge will always want the new young coed at work who puts out feeling the thrill of the endorphins and adrenaline of their wives not knowing. Women will always know their body parts are universal currency always has been always will be. So it’s the perfect storm. Got to pay to play.

7/12/2024 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. I hear you and can completely relate. I was supposed to be off on the 4th of July. Had planned for a while to go up to a family cottage and spend a little time away from the city. Finally the 4th landed on my day off. Was so looking forward to it. Then they cancelled my day off and instead of doing some fishing, I was in a bear car. How unbelievably depressed I was. I never can plan anything. Even beginning of August they’re cancelling now, for lala. Give us a fucking break. The hate I have for the exempts is real. I can not stand any of them anymore. I’m actually disgusted by their silence and fear of speaking up for their people. Not a single one deserves to wear a gold star.

7/11/2024 09:21:00 PM
I hear you on this I feel the same way. I’m always exhausted simple chores take all my mental effort and will to do like taking out the garbage or doing a few dishes. I never want to cook for myself anymore I find myself boozing more than I should be I don’t workout anymore I go to work with socks on that I wore 3 days in a row because I don’t want to do laundry my libido is gone my dog looks at me like I’m useless for not walking him it’s taking a toll on my personal relationship with my girlfriend I barely have an appetite. I look pale and sickly people always asking me if I lost weight it sucks I haven’t fished once this year either I love going to my little spots along the des Plaines river to pull out a few channel cats for fun or dangle a top water worm along the weeds it’s a great destressor out in nature it’s quiet I can’t even do that now I’m seeing back to school commercials summer will be over soon I’m irritable the other day my mom text me to see how I was I just deleted her text didn’t even reply what’s that say? Booze and the couch for a couple hours before I go to sleep is the only thing that gives me comfort now. I actually feel better posting this here for others to read you are not alone lots of us are feeling it.

7/12/2024 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"plenty of greedy cops sucking up the OT" that do absolutely nothing.... Save your money.

7/11/2024 04:26:00 PM

Guess what, officers working OT on RDO cancellations do absolutely nothing. Give us our time off!

7/12/2024 04:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CPD is a total Cluster Fuck from top to bottom. Clueless white shirt leadership, way to much oversight, poor rules of engagement, fetal cops on the street and a racist Mayor leading the shit show. What could go wrong?

7/12/2024 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start with Area 1. Commander has a PO secretary, a detective secretary, a civilian time keeper, a PO time keeper, a detective time keeper. That’s just in the front office. Dont get me started on the amount of useless spots there are on the floor.

I’m telling you she is leaving. That decision has been made. Depending on your work ethic you will be really happy or begging to leave. No in between

7/11/2024 07:38:00 PM

The earliest movement will be after Mexican Independence Day in September aka the last scheduled shit show for 2024.

7/12/2024 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's all this sitting around shit and feeling sorry for yourselves?

I say "Fuck you! Pay Me!!!

7/12/2024 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous J. Murzyn said...
You are right on this and I work in a unit. Lots of dead weight!

7/11/2024 08:31:00 AM

I hear not for long if “Sgt Andy” decides to throw any of his considerable weight around.

7/12/2024 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Berwyn Police Department is proud to welcome Officer Nicholas Rex who laterally transferred from another agency. We are also proud to Congratulate Officers Garcia and John Gordon who were promoted to the rank of Sergeant.

congrats john

im sure mike is looking down and is proud

7/11/2024 05:55:00 PM
Sgt Robert Gordon, John and Mike's brother.
Congrats Bob. I'm happy you survived from the CPD did to you many years ago. You are definitely in a better department.

7/12/2024 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m no union hater but this has gone too far

7/12/2024 12:31:00 AM

List your grievances.

List your gratitudes.

Maybe you'll get to see them posted here.

Then, you will have expressed your 'this has gone too far' for both the grievances and the gratitudes.

For the sake of clarity.

7/12/2024 10:10:00 AM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

Simple solution is to hit the medical. You owe this city and department nothing! I'm riding an IOD till mid November and that will leave me enough for next years summer bullshit. Im over this crap and will be gone soon so screw the department, my family and mental health come before anything this job offers.

7/12/2024 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t get me started on the “family liaison officer” position. Our unit got one recently and she is the most useless and annoying human I have ever met.

7/12/2024 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I wonder what great programs our Director of Wellness Dr. Aaron Chatman has planned for these trying times?

7/11/2024 11:30:00 PM

You can come down to HQ today and get your free 10 minute reiki massage. Happy ending not guaranteed.

7/12/2024 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sending prayers to all the heroes. Keep standing. We appreciate you more than you think.

Stay safe and know we really do have your back. The crazies that don't, they will learn the hard way. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

7/12/2024 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The CPD is a total Cluster Fuck from top to bottom. Clueless white shirt leadership, way to much oversight, poor rules of engagement, fetal cops on the street and a racist Mayor leading the shit show. What could go wrong?

7/12/2024 05:06:00 AM
This is one of the most truthful statements, leader ship is totally lacking when you have a gym rat at the top of the shit pile then, even on top of him, you have a clueless, indoctrination, so-called teacher as mayor that is just throwing money every which way, just look at his videos, he cannot even look straight must be all the drugs that is on for his Instability his mentally incompetent as we used to say he’s mentally retarded

7/12/2024 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That clown 🤡 commander from Area 3 Detective División needs to retire everyone hates him except his nut sucking secretaries. Denies everyone RDO’s, puts dumb policies into effects..

7/12/2024 05:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Trump wins Guaranteed going to be more Civil Unrest......Heavy OT is coming be prepared! Brought to you by the Dems/Libs

7/12/2024 05:43:00 PM  
Blogger Dr Who said...

This guy knows Jon Hein so good he can't even spell his name right. Hein was the police at one time. He started changing when he went to 009.

Hein is not respected by anyone from other exempts on down. Zero respect.
Seriously lacking in leadership and management. It’s one thing to not be liked,
But the lack of respect tells you all you need to know.
I have known him since our days in 024. I predict many other negative comments will reveal some of his secrets, right John. Pathetic.

7/11/2024 12:33:00 AM

7/12/2024 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CPD is a total Cluster Fuck from top to bottom. Clueless white shirt leadership, way to much oversight, poor rules of engagement, fetal cops on the street and a racist Mayor leading the shit show. What could go wrong?

Provide report numbers and that's it. Collect and run as soon as you hit 20! The department is a dumpster fire and only those working inside are awarded. Beat officers(the actual police officers) are just shit these days.

7/12/2024 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Don’t get me started on the “family liaison officer” position. Our unit got one recently and she is the most useless and annoying human I have ever met.

7/12/2024 10:45:00 AM
They need to disband that program. The program consist of useless detectives and officers tasked with reaching out to other lazy detectives’ victims. Giving victims baby showers, birthday parties, Christmas gifts, etc. How is this police work?

7/12/2024 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Start with Area 1. Commander has a PO secretary, a detective secretary, a civilian time keeper, a PO time keeper, a detective time keeper. That’s just in the front office. Dont get me started on the amount of useless spots there are on the floor.

How does she have a P.O. and Detective timekeeper when timekeeping is really a civilian or light duty spot? That’s a union violation.

7/12/2024 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I wonder what great programs our Director of Wellness Dr. Aaron Chatman has planned for these trying times?

Another waste of a salary.

7/12/2024 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The position of "Family Liasion Officer" or (flo-girls) needs to be eliminated and replaced by 1 PO or a civilian. Area 2 has 3 PO's and 1 Detective assigned as Family Liasion Officer's to dish out untold amounts of "Tax Dollar funds" to homicide victim families. Why is a Detective assigned as a "family liasion officer" anyway? This detective should be assgned to investigate homicides rater than pass out "tax dollar funds", but when your involved with the Administrative sgt then you dont have to investigate homicides. The other 3 "flo-girls" come and go at their leisure, but will always put in an OT slip for a hard days work. LOL

This is an example of 4 bodies that can be utilized to answer 911 calls that go unanswered for hours. Add this to the other 4 areas and you come up with 20 bodies to fill those empty beat and rapid response cars.

Why are Detectives holding the position of “Family Liaison Officer”? Not one White one in our Area. What is the purpose of CAPS? Why do Detectives need other Detectives to call their victims? Give those detectives a caseload.

7/12/2024 07:35:00 PM  
Anonymous FROG (f'n real old guy) said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
These fucking cancelled days off take a big fucking mental toll. It’s not like in the past when the job was easier and fun, these days every day at work is navigating thru a mine field. Every single interaction you have is video taped. You can not say one single perceived inappropriate thing or your ass is toast. You can not make a mistake. The stakes are so high everyday you work that the stress just eats you up. We need those days off now more than ever before. Why can’t the exempts see this? Why can’t the union win us some kind of arbitration award that forces them to just give us our days off. I can’t believe it’s come to this.

7/11/2024 07:52:00 AM

You can never replace those times that you missed. I recall years ago working in the TF/SOG (can't remember if the change in letters took place) we had 1 weekend off a summer. Days off were canceled and we sat in busses/9th street yeads or Midway Airport. Doing nothing most of the time. Those years took its toll on families too. If you've been on more than 10-12 years, count the divorces in your unit or watch. Those cost mentally and monetarily (for years). It is your choice. I stayed and it cost me for the next 20 years financially and emotionally. Can't make up the time. Do you think the CPD, whoever is in charge, gives a damn?? NO! Your decision my friend. This will never change. There are options

7/12/2024 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

Responding to Anonymous @ 03:02 AM...

Booze and the couch for a couple hours before I go to sleep is the only thing that gives me comfort now. I actually feel better posting this here for others to read you are not alone lots of us are feeling it.

The corrupt politicians, media and violent thugs seemingly in control want you demoralized, anxious, unhealthy and addicted to alcohol and narcotics. They hate us cause they ain't us. They want us dead and unable to spend those overtime checks and collect a pension. If they can't smoke you with a bullet...well then a heart-attack or suicide will do just as well. (The EAP program is there for a reason and only a mouse-click away.)

Every day, every hour you spend fishing, talking to your mother, enjoying a good meal, working out, falling asleep while reading a good book is a loss for them. In those times they lose all power. You're on the winning side and don't even know it. It's just that our adversary is far better at propaganda, mind-games and taking advantage of others. Of course in the end those pathetic tactics don't matter...unless you decide to make them matter. Enjoy nature, put on some good music, make yourself a good meal. Put down the whiskey and iPhone, man the fuck up and push through.

7/13/2024 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On top of all this, the rehire and lateral programs have been closed. Both programs netted 74 officers. Not the 600 plus rehired. As a exempt said at compstat, "the job is soo good that over 600 people want to come back." A good portion of new hires want to leave after a year or two.

7/13/2024 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what great programs our Director of Wellness Dr. Aaron Chatman has planned for these trying times?

His wellness program is collecting a full pension, running a practice, and collecting 130k extra a year doing next to nothing.

7/13/2024 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hein should start with his cutting his own office staff. A deputy chief, 2 lieutenants (one who wears Crocs at work and he's bringing back one who just made merit LT/), 4 sergeants and about 11 police officers. Word is his office has no communication within it.

7/16/2024 09:41:00 PM  

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