Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Next "progressive" Target

What did we say just last week? 

  • Stop doing traffic stops 

That set off quite a few angry comments. You think we advised that lightly? That we just think up dumb $hit to post about to provoke controversy?

Check out what CWB is reporting today:

  • With the ShotSpotter gunfire detection system soon to be removed from Chicago’s streets, so-called “reform” activists are turning their attention to another tool police find useful: traffic stops.

    Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx said in May that her office is developing a policy not to prosecute gun, theft, and drug charges stemming from certain traffic stops. Foxx said her staff would refuse to file charges in most cases if evidence was found during a traffic stop for missing license plates, expired registrations, and other minor infractions. She called the anticipated change “a public safety enhancement effort.”

We saw this coming years ago, and we struggled to reconcile two different schools of thought:

  • our desire to do actual police work 
  • and our other desire to stay out of Federal Court

After a slew of Federal cases where we were named as defendants or witnesses, we started see what a bunch of old timers had told us - the winds were shifting and weren't headed back any time soon, and we began to accept that police work as we were taught was more dangerous than ever, just not in terms of violence directed at us. 

We were in real danger of losing our houses, salary, savings, deferred comp, pensions, even our actual freedom and families. Not because of conscious criminal acts, but because of the "progressive" mindset taking over the courts.

If you aren't paying attention to the politics in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois today, then you're going to get blindsided one day, for something that was legal and proper just a few years ago.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that danger you were in about losing your family, homes, etc and yet you still go on about how the city should fight these lawsuits. In all of the lawsuits where you were named and had to list out those assets, were you chomping at the bit to take the stand during a trial or were you hoping the city would pay them off?

7/09/2024 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“a public safety enhancement effort” means “I’m turning this motha f$&king city into one large Cabrini Green Complex just like the one I was raised in” Enjoy :)

7/09/2024 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do proactive police work current day and do so at your own risk. I (and my partner) pretty much stopped once the BWC came into being. Not because we were ever beating on people or stealing or anything else nefarious. It’s because with BWC we lost discretion. Traffic stops are like roulette, and each one can be treated differently, or at least used to be. Now you get “counseled” or worse by the Lt after they review your BWC and you don’t handle everything little situation per general orders. I wasn’t trained that way. People that have jobs and are at least trying to do things the right way deserve a break and that discretion. People who aren’t deserve everything jammed right in their eye (legally). Go ahead and try to tell me I’m wrong. You can pretend you have discretion, but you really don’t anymore. Now go ahead and bring in those blue cards without “being racist”.

7/09/2024 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are going to do police work, do it right and document it correctly. Lesson over. Take ye heed or suffer the consequences of not doing so.

7/09/2024 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last three assholes killed by police all had handguns in their possession and two of those were traffic stops. No telling how many lives the police saved by putting these three in the dirt.

7/09/2024 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous HeyJackass said...

Hey SCC,

Yep, it's mostly starting and end time variance. CPD started early this year at 12a on Wednesday, but we didn't get going until noon on Wednesday. CPD ended at midnight on Sunday but we go to 6a on Monday. However, it didn't matter this year as no one was winged in those six hours.

The homicide count is now up to 20 with a late expiration on Monday from an early Sunday morning shooting. Side note, using the CPDs timeframe addds two additional homicides to the tally, but since both were handled by the ISP, they don't count (officially).

It was also good to hear that Richard Nixon was found to be the root cause of all this violence. Brandon solved a six decade-long mystery. He so smart. To commemorate this momentous occasion we spent 10 minutes designing a new t-shirt - https://www.shopjackass.com/product/nixon-root-cause-t-shirt/107

As always, thanks for the link.

7/09/2024 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don’t they build an auto bond! People can speed who cares! Driving is a privilege, why not have signs on the road drive at your own risk! It is Chicago after all! Why even have law!

7/09/2024 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody cares. Save yourselves. Captains no longer go down with the ship. They have "their" democracy. They want this anarchy. Give the peoples and folks what they want and deserve. Nothing.

7/09/2024 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please referencing “Cook” County. It is Crooked County!!

7/09/2024 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the crime rate in Martha's vineyard? The guy who started this isn't living this.

7/09/2024 04:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, he blamed Nixon for the violence? What the hell?

7/09/2024 04:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The salary is the same if you dont look out the side windows so put on your dancing shoe's and pretend your Fred Astaire.

7/09/2024 04:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do nothing just collect your paycheck....

...giving the voters what they voted for....

Vote democrat for more.

7/09/2024 05:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were in real danger of losing our houses, salary, savings, deferred comp, pensions, even our actual freedom and families. Not because of conscious criminal acts, but because of the "progressive" mindset taking over the courts.

Alas very wise observations that convinced this retiree to pull the trigger eight years ago, Life can be good if you let it...

7/09/2024 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The body count of this past weekend is a direct result of progressive policies and their belief that there needs to be police reform. As you can see their policies are resulting in staggering numbers of dead and injured people because the police are no longer allowed to do police work. Oh well , I’ve got one foot out the door so I really don’t give a shit.

7/09/2024 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you keep wearing that uniform in Chicago you will wind up in jail. They hate you with every fiber in their being and will do anything to trip you up. Do nothing other han write paper. Let the ghetto dwellers have their way. If you see something just keep on driving nor worth it.

7/09/2024 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

I said it before and I'll say it again...that's all these coppers with less than 10 years on know how to do. Traffic stops. DUIs. I place a lot of blame on our inexperienced instructors and FTOs teaching these youngin's that traffic stops and blue cards are the best way to bring in numbers. In fact it's the only way they know how. (Well you should have joined the state police then.) And the Far-Left will be coming for those DUI officers next.

7/09/2024 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired in Texas……

“Fox’s office will not prosecute certain gun, drug and theft charges tied to traffic stops.”

but splash Fox with a root beer float and you are slapped with a felony?

I am calling for a Consent decree on the whole cook county judicial system…

Keep voting for those democrats…..the party of the klan, slavery, women suffrage…….

Stay safe out there boys and girls….

7/09/2024 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they can indict a former president of the United States for numerous felonies what do you think they can do to a police officer. It's about power and control and has nothing to do with professionalism.

7/09/2024 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesnt seem to jive with what Conehead just said. He wants consequences. Sure you do. Tell that to Foxx.

7/09/2024 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sad, but very true. And even worse, there is no safe way to turn things around.

7/09/2024 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't chase, don't care. If they aren't shooting at the police just smile and wave.

7/09/2024 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Follow the rules that we are given. It's what they voted for.

7/09/2024 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dem traffic stops be racis and shit"

Let the savages run wild! Put your time in, Go home in one piece, Retire and get the fuck out of town!

Keep voting Democrat if you do you get what you voted for!

7/09/2024 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have been outta patrol for a few years now and hate how the dept. has been deploying the d-Unit as a back up to patrol ! Sure we're still P.Os and where they deploy us is usually for scare crow policing ! I'm waiting for the day when some dicks have to take police action and end with COPA on their ass because of all the policy changes that they're not used to applying to the job everyday !

7/09/2024 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The goal of the Marxists is a national police force. The first step which is succeeding is the consent decree. The feds set the standards and give the marching orders which local police departments must obey. Then the call when crime is out of control for federal help -just like Brandon is asking for. The second step, make the job so undesirable that no one wants it. Look at recruiting. No one wants the job nationwide so the solution is a federal police force. And look at what has happened to the FBI? Tool of the Marxists/democratic party to go after political opponents.

7/09/2024 08:06:00 AM  
Blogger Mark Felt said...

If you don't believe this look no further than what happened to Derek Chauvin up in Minneapolis.

7/09/2024 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s the saying “you can lead a horse to water”. You tried, but I guess they’ll have to learn for themselves.

7/09/2024 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thumbing your nose at private citizens is a bad idea (and stop calling them civilians, unless you're in the reserves or guard). Not all Chicagoans vote the wrong way. Like us, they're tied to their jobs here. If this keeps up, there are 2 possibilities. There could be a sharp upswing in vigilantism and / or we'll start getting regularly doxxed. I had a conversation with my neighbor about this the other day. He made the point that as soon as someone's family no longer feels safe, what's to stop them from telling the turds with whom they work where we live? He won't, but others might.

7/09/2024 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just hit the medical for the 6th time this year, I need to go fishing in Wisconsin. I love abusing the System .

7/09/2024 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired here...

Back in the day when it was getting harder to get felony charges for vehicle theft, the ASA's always wanted to have them charged with the fall back charge of misdemeanor CTTV. I began refusing to do that and calmly told them I was going RWC as long as charges were not approved. If they were a juvenile, and out late, I agreed to charge them with a curfew violation. No one can tell you how to charge an arrestee when you are the complainant. Sometimes you have to go against the grain...

We didn't know what was coming back then...I never heard the term SJW

Learn to read the writing on the wall officers...

7/09/2024 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today, putting this theory to the test, I passed a sheriff's car, then followed a police cruiser out of town down 94 sometimes going 85. He went to the Southside I went towards Indiana where I continued going as fast as traffic allowed. The prior week I set a new record time door to door of just a smidge over an hour on the way in. I love it...

7/09/2024 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city does not and will not have your back. The fact that they settled with the family of that good boy, Joshua Beal, for being shot while pointing a gun and pulling the trigger, tells you all you need to know. Shout out to go along, get along Matt O'Shea on that settlement. way to champion your constituents.

7/09/2024 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that danger you were in about losing your family, homes, etc and yet you still go on about how the city should fight these lawsuits. In all of the lawsuits where you were named and had to list out those assets, were you chomping at the bit to take the stand during a trial or were you hoping the city would pay them off?

7/09/2024 12:10:00 AM

So, this one covers the spread.

Shyster lawyer

Democrat party minion

Ghetto lotto whinner family member

Race baiter hustler

Deeply imbeded graft grifter

All touting the mantra: what are the taxpayers for, if not to fleece them?

7/09/2024 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, that friggin Nixon is the guy that caused all these black folks to get tickets. He was just a bad dude. If not for him, cornpop would have grown up to be a Rhodes scholar.

7/09/2024 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They really want to chase every last taxpayer from the city. How are these cocksuckers gonna pay my pension?

7/09/2024 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/09/2024 06:34:00 PM  
Anonymous FROG (f'n real old guy) said...

Boys and Girls:

Retired in 1996, friends have retired since then in the early 2000's. We have been called or subpoenaed for cases we testified back years ago by the corrupt money hawkers who make a living suing the CPD and those officers/detectives involved in the investigations. We are at risk of being on the hook paying for attorneys, jail and financial ruin. This is after being retired for years. The city council has been more than happy to give away taxpayer money to the convicted murders and even cop killers.

I do not see this ideology changing in the future. So, if you need a building to fall on you before you act, look around there are bricks on the road, grass and dirt. We survive partly because of our pension money. If you leave there will be less money, deposited into the pension funds. The city has no plan of paying the required make up payments. So, another brick just fell out the wall.

I know it is frightening to think about another job, especially after 10-20 years. But for self-preservation you need to think of yourself and your family. As old Area 4 Sgt. Mongomery Jackson would say: "The handwrittin is in the hall!"

7/09/2024 07:03:00 PM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Don't say cruiser.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

7/09/2024 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

L-Cubed Operations, LLC.

Become an employee today! Lower your risk profile with our exclusive, time-tested, and street-proven program with three easy steps:




Call now...

7/10/2024 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thumbing your nose at private citizens is a bad idea (and stop calling them civilians, unless you're in the reserves or guard). Not all Chicagoans vote the wrong way. Like us, they're tied to their jobs here. If this keeps up, there are 2 possibilities. There could be a sharp upswing in vigilantism and / or we'll start getting regularly doxxed. I had a conversation with my neighbor about this the other day. He made the point that as soon as someone's family no longer feels safe, what's to stop them from telling the turds with whom they work where we live? He won't, but others might.

7/09/2024 09:16:00 AM

Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.......

A twofer.....

7/10/2024 04:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boxing in during traffic stops- I know this is done in the hood but when will there be an order against this! These younger officers out here doing this putting themselves and their finances at risk for law suits! When were we taught to do this in the academy! Idiots!!!!!!!!! If you’re going to do a Damn stop do it right if they flee then make a decision, we were taught felony stop methods if my loved one gets stopped like that (boxed in) I’d be pissed! Put it in writing - this will reduce the BS - trr IOD law suits death! Etc etc

7/10/2024 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the day I kept hearing about this so when renewal came up I purposely left off the new plate sticker and put it under the seat of the truck. I drove for three years (two new renewals), between Illinois (Chicago) and Indiana, five -six days a week. Most of the driving was expressway driving but I'd take Clark through the city from 22nd street to the lots on the near south. Back then I'd take back roads home searching for antique items I collected. After 3 years, driving while white, I finally got pulled over. By a black cop in Gary...

7/10/2024 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Today, putting this theory to the test, I passed a sheriff's car, then followed a police cruiser out of town down 94 sometimes going 85. He went to the Southside I went towards Indiana where I continued going as fast as traffic allowed. The prior week I set a new record time door to door of just a smidge over an hour on the way in. I love it...

7/09/2024 10:28:00 AM

Still in high school, or did you finally get a GED?

7/10/2024 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Still in high school, or did you finally get a GED?" Funny enough, I got my GED. It was way back of course, but I'm happy you care, it's touching.

7/11/2024 09:21:00 AM  

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