Sunday, July 07, 2024

It's the Economy Stupid

This is why they lie constantly about how bad things truly are:

  • The unemployment rate has ticked up to 4.1%, going over 4% for the first time since November 2021.

    - 74% of jobs added last month came from government and healthcare education.

    - May jobs were revised down from 272K to 218K.

    - April jobs were revised down from 165K to 108K.

    - Black and Asian unemployment rates increased.

    - Full time employment in June actually decreased by 28,000 workers.

    - Part time employment went up by 50,000 workers.

    - In just over a year, the unemployment rate has increased from 3.4% to 4.1%.

Voting for democrats is - technically - against one's own self interest.



Anonymous Fred G. Sanford said...

The fake job numbers have a purpose. Show off a big headline number today and revise it way lower next month. It's been that way for a year or more. Look it up.

Gotta keep the phony numbers looking good for the senile old fool to maybe hang on to power a little longer.

7/07/2024 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But KJP said…


7/07/2024 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is proof that the establishment is completely clueless when it comes to the lives of the average citizen.”

Yellen Denies Food Inflation. (Again.)

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen once again is once again gas lighting the public to believe that the Biden Administration has inflation under control. When questioned about the rising prices at grocery stores, Yellen denied that prices have soared astronomically.

“I think largely it reflects cost increases, including labor cost increases that grocery firms have experienced, although there may be some increases in margins,” Yellen, who has a net worth of $20 million, stated. She later touted that she met with several grocery store CEOs who said they were cutting costs. After all, Biden has continually blamed “greedy corporations” for rising food prices. “I think that’s to be applauded, I think that kind of thing is helpful, but I would be reluctant to agree that we should be centralizing agriculture,” Yellen added.

She also stated, once again, that the Fed will reach the arbitrary 2% target by next year. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is proof that the establishment is completely clueless when it comes to the lives of the average citizen. This is the same Treasury Secretary who touted, “People are better off than they were pre-pandemic.” She is all-in on the globalist agenda to sacrifice the economy of the United States on behalf of foreign interests.

This is the same Treasury Secretary who touted, “People are better off than they were pre-pandemic.”

Yellen has said that the US has not done enough for Ukraine, despite sending more money than Zelensky has time to spend or circulate back into the military-industrial complex. When questioned about America’s immediate involvement in Israel after the Hamas attack, the Treasury Secretary proclaimed America could “certainly” afford two wars, or rather, the government would “certainly” be willing to tax the public to afford the cost of two wars and send your sons and daughters to die fighting them.

It was Yellen who admitted America’s largest spending package, the Inflation Reduction Act, was merely a scheme to push forward the climate change agenda. “The Inflation Reduction Act is, at its core, about turning the climate crisis into an economic opportunity,” Yellen admitted earlier in the year. She has never been concerned about inflation or the average American citizen who has been forced to reduce their quality of life.

7/07/2024 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now demonrats starting with voting bin dumps in Wisconsin to steal election from Trump again .. Washington State .. voters will not be required to be residents of state to vote....
democratic ..scum
Look at the restaurants closing.. Arbys on 78th Cicero in 008, closed after being open over 60 years.. Recession coming after elections

7/07/2024 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the fed claims that there are only 6.6 mil unemployed.

How bout we add the millions of illegals sitting in the shelters waiting for their work permits. That has to at least double that number

7/07/2024 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even these numbers are complete BS because the only people the government counts as unemployed are those currently drawing unemployment. Anyone that has exhausted their benefits isn’t included.

The number of jobs created is also utter fantasy.
They put out ridiculously high numbers that are shouted from the housetops by potato-brain’s administration and their pet media.
The next month or two, those numbers are (very) quietly revised down by 15-40%.
In more honest times, the numbers never changed by more than 5% and revisions could go up, not just down.

7/07/2024 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/07/2024 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is interesting, sadly, is how one is being LIED to, on a daily basis!!

Don't believe your eyes when you see 200000 crossing at a border.

Don't believe your eyes when you see a mumbling, bumbling fool acting as a leader of the free world.

Don't believe your eyes when you see dead downtowns, closed besinesses or kids who can't read/give change.

We already see revisionist history. Should be interesting to see what will be written of 2024 in 3024! ....or even 2030!

Seems these people want to tell us everything from the womb to the tomb and with Alexa, Siri or AI, they take the actually think "thinking" out of the equation!

Trump sacrificed his wealth for his country.
Biden sacrificed his country for his wealth.

This generation of REPORTERS, or "FACT CHECKERS" has no idea how to write. They just look at social media and copy.

In one word: control.
It's not the environment- it's controlling you from doing what you want.
it's not abortion- it's a woman having control over a man ( they don't want a man to choose not to be a parent)
It's not Covid- it's controlling you& wear a mask- they know there is no risk.
it's not Ukraine- it's control over Russia not doing what they are told.
It's not Musk or Alex jones or B- it's control of speech.
it's not gun violence- it's control of the people.
It's not about services- it's about taxes, which control you.
every. Single. Thing.
When you are pulling your hair out trying to understand a " liberal"- understand that ONE word.
if you want a liberal to lose their mind- let them know you can not control us.

F 'em all!

7/07/2024 03:19:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Democrats just don't understand jobs.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

7/07/2024 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Help wanted signs everywhere. Get off your lazy asses and get a job. Some find it easier to sponge off the government and others want to start off making 100k working for Mickey Dee’s . UFB

7/07/2024 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats just keep lying……they know everything is fucked up, but they keep trying to spin a lie into something it’s not.

7/07/2024 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baffle 'em with bullshit. The truth gets out sooner or later. Trump laid it all out in the debate. Why does that one guy always get them to expose themselves but everyone else seems to be all in on the scam?

7/07/2024 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

74% government created jobs. So, hardworking citizens paying their taxes so the US government can create fake jobs to bolster the employment numbers. I also heard every time the government hands out work permits to illegals, that's added to the "employment" records.

7/07/2024 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The majority of those out there protesting will be on some sort of government aid before they are 30 and will be so deep into the grasp of freebies they will never be free.

7/07/2024 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, housing doesn’t really crash until unemployment spike of 5%

Once that happens buyers will get 30-40% discounts on current prices.


7/07/2024 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I regularly scan Real Estate looking for options to escape my shit Chicago Neighborhood (010). Have noticed in recent months listings staying up far longer than was usual last few years, & major price drops on desperation for a sale. I'm talking like $25-30k+ at a shot. The Pandemic property boom is definitely winding down, yet no one has said a thing about it...

7/07/2024 09:17:00 AM  
Blogger Ludlow Peaswatter said...

Most of the federal government is run by a criminal syndicate that has been installing itself since Roosevelt and perhaps before. That’s why Trump is hated so much. He was one of the first people to really start to make a dent in their beautiful plan.. We cannot expect any prosecutions against him if the Democrats and the rhinos continue to control the syndicate that they are running.

7/07/2024 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An even more telling employment statistic is the number of new jobs gained by either foreign nationals (illegals) versus persons born here. It’s worse than it’s seems and I’ve recently argued with many who are voting Biden but would rather vote for Michelle Obama.

7/07/2024 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is getting hysterically, hilariously, insanely, incestuously, bat shit crazy.

Some democrats want Biden to withdraw his presumed candidacy.

Some republicans want biden to not withdraw.

Some democrats want biden to drop dead.

Some republicans want biden to both not drop dead and not withdraw.

All democrats want Trump to drop dead. Now. Or very much before the election.

Some republicans concur with this wanting.

Biden wants to not receive the just rewards for his immensely corrupted lifetime activities, without his death being the only way.

Biden's family of crooks want biden to not drop dead, leaving them to hold his, and their, bags of grafters' crimes.

The legions of corruption grifters, both democrats and republicans, wanting Trump dead, (since nothing else can prevent Trump from winning the election, and bringing many of them to actual justice), want anything that can effectively cover their own asses sufficiently to prevent investigations, indictments, prosecutions, convictiins and incarcerations, with hefty fines, to be bestowed upon their so deserving grifters' heads. Both heads, as the anatomy defines.

This current clusterfucking of our nation's political class is deeeeeeeeeeeeefuckinglightful.

Both their self inflicted and MAGA inspired clusterings.

All of the above brought to us via the gloriously gloryholing technologies of the abundances of smart ass phones and the oh so wide world wide web, aka, the internet.

Statues of Alan Turing should be placed next to Christopher Columbus.

7/07/2024 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats and their political candidates are the best that money can buy.

7/07/2024 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leftists will never vote for Trump, their emotions wound easily with mean tweets.

Doesn't matter if they pay $7.00 / gal for gas as long as they can virtue signal, stamp some rainbow, blm, hamas, ukraine, paws, F12, and valedictorian stickers on their cars, they'll pretend to be alright.

Such mindset is a cancer to society and must be eliminated.

7/07/2024 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biden is a world class Liar. And the suckers have been buying it for over 50 years.

7/07/2024 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you are pulling your hair out trying to understand a " liberal"- understand that ONE word.
if you want a liberal to lose their mind- let them know you can not control us.

F 'em all!

7/07/2024 03:19:00 AM

This is why leftists hate the Constitution, it shackles the government, not the people.
They try to undermine it at every turn in order to relegate the Constitution irrelevant.

The leftist media and politicians also recently have been harping on “our democracy”. It is scary how well coordinated the mantra coming from both is, they march in lock-step with the democracy messaging. They want the people to start thinking we are a democracy where the majority rules the country, they want to control opposition to their trampling peoples rights. We are a republic, where the minorities rights are protected against the majority. Ohh how they wish we were a democracy.
The left has been working behind the scenes for a long time to bring this country down. When Obama was installed that was when the full on frontal assault against the people started. Gitmo awaits………

7/07/2024 02:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Odeus said...

I understand that unemployment numbers are the result of complicated Labor Dept calculations.
If it was simply the number of Americans without jobs and looking for jobs, the rate would be between 10 and 25%.
And don't forget people already holding down 2 or even 3 jobs.

7/07/2024 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous texmex said...

lol - they aren't Democrats anymore. That's in name only. They seem to be some weird blend of Communist, Marxists, and Queers. I'm not sure there is even a name which describes them anymore.

7/07/2024 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The majority of those out there protesting will be on some sort of government aid before they are 30 and will be so deep into the grasp of freebies they will never be free.

7/07/2024 08:51:00 AM

When the freebies vanish, then what?


William Wallace style, without the style of William Wallace.

7/07/2024 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fred G. Sanford said...
The fake job numbers have a purpose. Show off a big headline number today and revise it way lower next month. It's been that way for a year or more. Look it up.

Gotta keep the phony numbers looking good for the senile old fool to maybe hang on to power a little longer.

7/07/2024 12:06:00 AM"

Under Comrade Obama and the Pedophile in Chief Biden, the BLS over reports the numbers, the stock market rallies higher, and then a few months later the inflated numbers quietly get revised down and the talking propagandists on business make believe TV ignore it.

It's Kabuki Theater. None of the headline numbers are real, they're fake. Designed to allow for insider selling of equity at higher valuations. Who do they sell their overvalued stock to? Pension funds.

It's all a rigged game.




7/07/2024 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Baffle 'em with bullshit. The truth gets out sooner or later. Trump laid it all out in the debate. Why does that one guy always get them to expose themselves but everyone else seems to be all in on the scam?

7/07/2024 06:43:00 AM"

Because Trump isn't part of the Uniparty globalist pilfering of American wealth.

The Democrat and Republican Party exist to make money for their members. Yes, both parties are actual chartered corporations. They espouse Globalist ideology. Trump isn't a member of either party's corporation, that's how and why he exposes them.

Trump is an economic nationalist, and there is nothing wrong with that. American citizens first. That doesn't work for the Globalists.

7/07/2024 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"F 'em all!

7/07/2024 03:19:00 AM"

So true. Politicians never change because human nature doesn't change. For over two thousand years politicians wanted 3 things: Power, Control, and Money. It never ends until the People put an end to it.

7/08/2024 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol - they aren't Democrats anymore. That's in name only. They seem to be some weird blend of Communist, Marxists, and Queers. I'm not sure there is even a name which describes them anymore.

7/07/2024 05:30:00 PM

DINO's and RINO's

Shitting in a tree

Birds of a feather

Schlocking together

Peas in a pod

Chained to their god

Of greed.

7/08/2024 08:55:00 AM  

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