Sunday, July 07, 2024


We suppose having a live counter on the blog might be a fun retirement project, but we plan on being a little more active than sitting in front of the screen, reading news sites, monitoring encrypted radio transmissions and calling in favors.

Meanwhile, (the only accurate source for statistics) has Chicago at 17 expired and 81 bleeding as of 7 AM Sunday morning.

Have we already hit 100 and no one knows it?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon fiddles as Chicago burns. No pension money if Chicago dies. No tourists, no conventions, no trade shows….no tax revenue. No tax revenue = No pension funds.

7/07/2024 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your last sentence should be changed it’s not whether people know it or not it’s how many people don’t give 1/100000 of a moose shit about how many people are shot or killed. Unless it happens to them they will continue to vote the way their mommies & daddies (if applicable) told them too. The problem as every police officer knows & even a couple law abiding citizens. No punishment no reason to stop. If I knew I may spend 50 years in prison I would think twice. But then again unless someone F-ed W/ my family I wouldn’t pick up a gun just to start shooting. Sadly one color DOMINATES the victims & the criminals. There is no end in sight, I don’t think the politicians have or want a clue. Look at all the dead people no wait weren’t those lovely fireworks?

7/07/2024 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Fuckhead Snelling, thanks for cancelling everyone’s day’s off, and then sending an inspector to give shit to everyone at roll call.
The nerve of these assholes.
We’re doing you a favor showing up, some of us having both days off cancelled against our will, and you decide to screw with us just because? Despicable.

Meanwhile you have absolute ZERO plan for the hundred people shot this weekend, and likely 20 dead- including numerous children.
Having your uniform always squared away might have been possible while you were boning PPOs during your career inside- but sometimes it’s function over form. You’d know that if you didn’t get ahead by being a pretty face that “spoke real good”.

You can fool the mayor, but you can’t fool those of us who have actually been the working police.

7/07/2024 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rain will help slow it down a little.

7/07/2024 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm by the pool reading this. Quiet, birds going, dog lounging. We went out this morning, had breakfast as a local haunt, nice. Have a project I put off though, heading up to the pole barn, get a little done. Enjoy your day. P.S., not one shooting out this way...

7/07/2024 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you go on the medical or IOD in August, then you are a POS. We need all hands on deck. We need each other. Stop being selfish and become a team player.

7/06/2024 08:31:00 AM

Sounds a lot like KM and her band of suck pumps in 189. She’ll tell everyone who’ll listen that units are the work horses of the department and shouldn’t be relegated to duties patrol should handle. Her 6 years otj has been all unit time thanks to her bartending for a bunch of coppers pre academy. Relax hon you’ll be fine after the convention lolol

7/07/2024 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They’re not going to admit to 100. Each fake news outlet will report a different number in the 90s until everyone forgets by Wednesday. Who knows what’s coming nationally? NATO in DC this week. Getting ready to bojank y’all into a war with Russia before the end of the year. President Harris by end of month.
Nobody will remember 100+ shot shitbirds in Chiraq.

7/07/2024 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you go on the medical or IOD in August, then you are a POS. We need all hands on deck. We need each other. Stop being selfish and become a team player.

7/06/2024 08:31:00 AM

Sounds a lot like KM and her band of suck pumps in 189. She’ll tell everyone who’ll listen that units are the work horses of the department and shouldn’t be relegated to duties patrol should handle. Her 6 years otj has been all unit time thanks to her bartending for a bunch of coppers pre academy. Relax hon you’ll be fine after the convention lolol

7/07/2024 03:20:00 PM

KM isn't volunteering to be a team player when it's time to blue light to a domestic, is she? Exactly, have fun at the DNC, I have the sniffles.

7/07/2024 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The merit bosses out there sure are the brightest

7/07/2024 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait,,,, I heard the dems and liberal media say crime is down,,,, they would not lie again..

7/07/2024 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes please!

Over 100 every week please with 20-30 fatality of all Leftists!

7/07/2024 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds a lot like KM and her band of suck pumps in 189. She’ll tell everyone who’ll listen that units are the work horses of the department and shouldn’t be relegated to duties patrol should handle. Her 6 years otj has been all unit time thanks to her bartending for a bunch of coppers pre academy. Relax hon you’ll be fine after the convention lolol

7/07/2024 03:20:00 PM

Give KM a chance. Remember how awesome Bea Cuello turned out to be.

7/07/2024 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stopped by to see over/under on one of the NASCAR guys getting carjacked.

7/07/2024 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The shit heads are still breeding faster than they can kill each other off!

7/07/2024 05:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing .. left wing Chicago Tv media has all eyes on the Nascar .. what 100 shot in Chicago? over 4th July Holiday ?,, more than in Gaza.... Where is Conehead mayor?

7/07/2024 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Epic failure all around and there will be no consequences for anyone in charge.

7/07/2024 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn rain delays! Messing up the race and the kill count!

7/07/2024 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody cares, except maybe the victim's family. And even they don't care much unless they can hit the ghetto lottery by suing the city.

Our politicians get far more press and attention from the carnage than if we had a peaceful city. Also, "there are too many black and brown people in jail", so the solution is not to punish them for anything. They can do anything they want. Fire away...

7/07/2024 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“If you go on the medical or IOD in August, then you are a POS. We need all hands on deck. We need each other. Stop being selfish and become a team player.”
Really?! The balls to say IOD and not the medical” the audacity of your hostility to say not to go on the medical- there are people that need it and there are systems in place that ensure it’s legit compliance so go screw yourself and BTW
Im tired of POs and people banding together and sounding like they’re saints wanting to help one another and say things like “im here and here’s my cell” when someone offs themselves but why do we bully each other while we’re ALIVE? It’s all BS and you will answer to God one day and no one will be next you to it will be you by yourself lol
People treating each other like shit but they want to move mountains at funerals and shit when someone passes away it’s while we’re alive that matters dummies!!!!!!!

7/07/2024 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some dick said: "Stop being selfish and become a team player". Clearly, you have been a coma since 1976. Boss Daley was the last Chicago mayor that supported the police. The Chicago police have been treated like chit ever since and "hug-a-thug" became the political way. CPD is not a team, it's a whipping boy*.

*blamed or punished for the faults or incompetence of others.

7/07/2024 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love those numbers but need more stiffs keep the intensity right where it’s at especially in August

7/07/2024 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Civilian said...

Lightfoot: The death rate on my watch will never be beat.

Brandon: Hold my beer.

7/07/2024 08:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every crime ridden city in America plays cover for the trash. You only hear a fraction of their dirty deeds. It's much, much, worse than anyone thinks or what is reported.

They'll still be on the voting rolls though.

7/07/2024 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Horrific numbers. More a war zone than a civilized city.

7/07/2024 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now a word from this p.o.s. -

7/07/2024 09:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or is there absolutely nothing about this on the mainstream news outlets? Is the rest of the country unaware of what is going in the DNC host city (purposely unaware perhaps?)? Per HeyJackass, the clock keeps ticking until Monday morning at 6:00 a.m. I would be shocked if the total shot is less than 100, but no one seems to care. All the chanting about "put the guns down; stop the violence." How about "keep the shooters in jail". I guess this is just another weekend in Chicago....

7/07/2024 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.t. I saw a news episode tonight at Ohare airport and noticed the officers working there don't wear duty belts?
I thought no matter where you work you need to wear a duty belt in uniform??
What is going on with this department??

7/07/2024 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm definitely going on medical in August you stroke baseball hat wearing backwards young gun. You will realize years after your 3 years on Nobody cares about you and will not stand up for you. Lol you made me laugh goof

7/07/2024 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Brandon fiddles as Chicago burns. No pension money if Chicago dies. No tourists, no conventions, no trade shows….no tax revenue. No tax revenue = No pension funds.

7/07/2024 02:49:00 PM"

Yeah, that's a feature of the globalists/communist's plan.

7/07/2024 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you go on the medical or IOD in August, then you are a POS. We need all hands on deck. We need each other. Stop being selfish and become a team player.

You're the pos for wanting to get your fellow co-workers in that DNC mess. Go alone if you must kiss that democratic politician butthole, big soy boy or girl.

I hope everyone hits the medical next month!

7/07/2024 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous The Commissioner said...

I served in Afghanistan with, but not in, the US military as a civilian embedded in Army and Marine teams. A benefit of my role was having access to the secret Intranet (SIPR) and I would read reports about our troops in kinetic engagements with the enemy.

I was shocked by how many Taliban we were killing that wasn't reported in the domestic news media because the military doesn't divulge Vietnam-style body counts anymore. It was like the supply of enemy combatants was unlimited, as though they were on a conveyor belt entering the country.

I mention this because the situation in Chicago looks the same to me. After all these years the numbers of dead and wounded keeps adding up with no end in sight. And like Afghanistan, bringing stability to Chicago is a lost cause

7/07/2024 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boss Daley hated the police, he only spoke tough on law and order cause it’s what the voters wanted. He screwed us every chance he got, raises, furloughs etc. when we worked for emergencies we initially got nothing. Then the bosses would tell us the mayor would give us time due for hours worked after we had to beg for it.

7/07/2024 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/07/2024 06:31:00 PM

You absolutely nailed it.
This job is so full of two faced, selfish, bullies who preach and pretend and go about making a big show; and they will happily cut you to fucking pieces and trample over you in an instant.
We don’t stick together.
We don’t take care of each other.
Treat each other better.
Do better.
Because everyone else is treating us like shit already, so why the fuck are we ripping each other apart?
You know damn well how toxic and junior high school like the cpd environment is.

And…thank you for those who do actually care and those who try to take care of each other.

7/08/2024 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief of Detectives Ursitti thanking us for being present when our day off was cancelled involuntarily is insulting. Even more so when the inspector stands 2 feet away from her catching uniform infractions. Stand up for us Chief and tell the inspector he isn't needed.

7/08/2024 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give KM a chance. Remember how awesome Bea Cuello turned out to be.

Aunt Bea was awesome in a pair of jeans. There ended her awesomeness.

7/08/2024 12:38:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

“We suppose having a live counter on the blog might be a fun retirement project, but we plan on being a little more active than sitting in front of the screen, reading news sites, monitoring encrypted radio transmissions and calling in favors.“


Any copper with a lick of time on the job and worth their salt knows shit like that needs to get done on the clock.

I managed all my properties and sold real estate while pushing a beat car in a west side district for over 2 decades. I listened to the old timers who trained me when they said “treat this job like a side broad”. I was the “dork” sitting in the library at 26/Cal studying for my RE license while everyone else played poker, read magazines or slept off Ira’s from hours earlier.

There’s no time like ‘Company Time’ when it comes to taking care of personal errands and things of that nature.

7/08/2024 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rain delay stopped the climb to 100. Damn rain.

7/08/2024 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is now Monday morning and WGN news reports 19 dead, and that Conehead and Snelling will have to answer hard questions about their strategy for last holiday weekend in a news conference later this morning.

7/08/2024 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mention this because the situation in Chicago looks the same to me. After all these years the numbers of dead and wounded keeps adding up with no end in sight. And like Afghanistan, bringing stability to Chicago is a lost cause

7/07/2024 10:24:00 PM

Too few killers being killed.

Too many civilians being killed.

Too little law enforcements being allowed by too many politians impeding same.

The clarity you described in that foreign pit of insanity, concealed by restraints on releasing enemy kill counts, cannot be effectively concealed here, yet they try to fog and blur these things with their political pomposities most moistly mundane.

7/08/2024 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fatass desk dolly in 9 is a classic example hits the medical once a month useless POS

7/08/2024 09:01:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Beatrice was outstanding SpankDaddy material.

7/08/2024 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief of Detectives Ursitti thanking us for being present when our day off was cancelled involuntarily is insulting. Even more so when the inspector stands 2 feet away from her catching uniform infractions. Stand up for us Chief and tell the inspector he isn't needed.

This is hilarious! You fools still don't see the writing on the wall. HAHAHAHA!

7/08/2024 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any copper with a lick of time on the job and worth their salt knows shit like that needs to get done on the clock.

I managed all my properties and sold real estate while pushing a beat car in a west side district for over 2 decades. I listened to the old timers who trained me when they said “treat this job like a side broad”. I was the “dork” sitting in the library at 26/Cal studying for my RE license while everyone else played poker, read magazines or slept off Ira’s from hours earlier.

There’s no time like ‘Company Time’ when it comes to taking care of personal errands and things of that nature.

Is that you Jeff?

7/08/2024 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals and democRATs have turned this once beautiful city in a shithole. The civilized people are leaving this toilet bowl and the only ones left will be illegals and shitheads. Let it burn

7/08/2024 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any copper with a lick of time on the job and worth their salt knows shit like that needs to get done on the clock.

I managed all my properties and sold real estate while pushing a beat car in a west side district for over 2 decades. I listened to the old timers who trained me when they said “treat this job like a side broad”. I was the “dork” sitting in the library at 26/Cal studying for my RE license while everyone else played poker, read magazines or slept off Ira’s from hours earlier.

There’s no time like ‘Company Time’ when it comes to taking care of personal errands and things of that nature.

7/08/2024 02:03:00 AM

For those of us forced to carry all those landlords who treated CPD like a side job and sleeping in the back seat of a tac car…fuck you.

7/08/2024 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any copper with a lick of time on the job and worth their salt knows shit like that needs to get done on the clock.

I managed all my properties and sold real estate while pushing a beat car in a west side district for over 2 decades. I listened to the old timers who trained me when they said “treat this job like a side broad”. I was the “dork” sitting in the library at 26/Cal studying for my RE license while everyone else played poker, read magazines or slept off Ira’s from hours earlier.

There’s no time like ‘Company Time’ when it comes to taking care of personal errands and things of that nature.

7/08/2024 02:03:00 AM

For those of us forced to carry all those landlords who treated CPD like a side job and sleeping in the back seat of a tac car…fuck you.

7/08/2024 04:31:00 PM

I worked with a couple of those sleepers. Too tired to get out of the car to assist. We were stuck with them until their clout moved them. They were ignorant and dangerous pieces of garbage.

7/09/2024 09:15:00 AM  

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