Sunday, July 07, 2024

Crimesha Overreach

We've got no use for crooked cops, but even a first year law student should know you can't introduce "unsubstantiated allegations" when charging:

  • When a Chicago police officer stands trial in a case that accuses him of lying about a gun arrest, the jury won’t hear about other problematic gun seizures that could lead to his firing, a judge has ruled.

    Officer [DF], 35, was charged last year with writing a bogus report and providing false testimony about the arrest of Rodney Westerfield, who was found with two guns during a search in West Pullman in August 2020.

    As part of that case, the Cook County state’s attorney’s office has tried to tie [DF] to a broader “scheme” investigated by the city’s Civilian Office of Police Accountability, which found that [DF] and three other tactical officers seized guns without making arrests and then lied about where the weapons came from.

    Despite citing COPA’s allegations in court, prosecutors have declined to file charges in connection with those findings.

That last paragraph - Crimesha's own office REFUSED to file charges against the officer, but wants to introduce the investigation into evidence against him. Absent an actual conviction.

It's good to see that there are actually a few reasonably intelligent legal minds sitting on the bench, because there certainly aren't any around Crimesha's office.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is stupid....

7/07/2024 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lt. E. Spradley sure lead a corrupt team in 005.
I wonder if NOBLE is protecting this merit clown for his part of the shenanigans?

7/07/2024 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what happens when you chase away competent experienced ASAs and replace them with idiots.

7/07/2024 02:59:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Lil Kim should realize that you can't have it both ways, unless root beer is involved of course.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

7/07/2024 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Just a Gurl said...

The main reason anonymous complaints are BS. I will always say Thank You Former Superintendent Jody Weiss For Implementing That Policy & Fuck The Union For Pissing It Away.

Ps phuck Crimesha & phuck c0pa

Pps sounds like those alleged deals made were you give guns and in exchange you are gifted with a get out of jail free... which is different from that Erica R. and her fake foot chase of apprehending an offender that uic (?) Was holding with the guy and called for a unit to pick up n process. But you get no award or faux bragging rights, now do ya?

7/07/2024 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor shows up at "southside pride" gay festival. SMH... Let me off this planet.

7/07/2024 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ula Walowski is one of the few good judges left. That means they will go after her.

7/07/2024 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn’t Earn It.

7/07/2024 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only special people get defended by the department. No clout? You’re fucked

7/07/2024 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys dont Lie. Everything is recorded and theres nothing worth Lying about. Fuck it, just tell the truth and get paid. Thats all that matters.

7/07/2024 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about some overreach on this good friend of mine is a boss for the Illinois state police telling me that so many cars are getting nails and other things in their tires on the highways lately they don’t know who’s throwing them out somebody’s doing it some kind of challenge bullshit so just letting everyone know just be careful driving and your wives and your loved ones these people don’t give a shit somebody’s gonna have a terrible accident with all of this nonsense

7/07/2024 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lt. E. Spradley sure lead a corrupt team in 005.
I wonder if NOBLE is protecting this merit clown for his part of the shenanigans?

Well what did they expect? Our old commander in 002 dumped Lt. E. Spradley, his entire tact team and a timekeeper for moonlighting and stealing time. He went to 005 and got another team and now the timekeeper is in an Area working as a timekeeper. Stupid isn’t it?

7/07/2024 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All kinds of crazy sh— going on in 005. Merit hacks (Example: Lt.E. Spradley, Lt. P. Thompson, Sgt. C. Landrum, Sgt. L. Palmer, etc) run to Commander T.P. in 005 when they want get away with their bogus sh—. TP leads the pack in bogus arrests, traffic stops, searches and false reports.

7/07/2024 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the wild story Spradley told when he was shot off duty? That was crazy! As in unbelievable!!!

7/07/2024 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Propensity Evidence is not admissible. The only exceptions, Criminal Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence cases. Yeah, a first year law student should know that. Heck, police officers should know that as well.

7/08/2024 12:48:00 AM  

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