Tuesday, September 17, 2024

ShotSpotter Not Dead Yet

The political maneuvering isn't done yet:

  • The gunshot detection system some City Council members are trying desperately to keep is little more than “a walkie-talkie on a pole,” Mayor Brandon Johnson said Monday. Johnson condemned the ShotSpotter system as a costly waste of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars — even as the stage was being set for a legislative showdown.

    At Wednesday’s Council meeting, proponents of the system that Johnson wants to take offline on Sunday will attempt to round up the 34 votes they need to prevent that from happening. They’re backing an ordinance that would give Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling the power to extend the existing ShotSpotter deal or enter into a new contract for similar technology.

    That measure has been assigned to the Rules Committee, where legislation opposed by the mayor typically is sent to die. But its supporters want to invoke Rule 41 on Wednesday. That parliamentary maneuver allows an alderperson to call for immediate consideration of an ordinance if no action has been taken in committee.

    On Monday, however, Ald. Michelle Harris (8th), the committee chair, planned to prevent that showdown by moving the ordinance to another committee. That would make it ineligible for Rule 41. But the game of parliamentary ping-pong was blocked when the committee voted 30-to-17 against the move

Conehead must have already spent the money that was earmarked for ShotSpotter seeing as how desperate he is to shut it down. He's even spreading lies and showing his ass over ShotSpotter again:

  • The city spent "$100 million for a walkie-talkie on a pole, and the reason why they said we needed it was to reduce gun violence,” he added. “It didn’t do that.”

    City records actually peg the overall expenditure on ShotSpotter at $53 million so far.

So he had to out-and-out lie about the expenditure, while he still stonewalls inquiries about how much he burned through for illegals sleeping in police stations and shelters. Estimates are $290 million....which coincidentally is pretty close to the $250 million budget shortfall this year, and would have goen a long way to alleviating the Billion dollar shortfall next year.

Meanwhile, ShotSpotter continues to send cops to shooting scenes even before 9-1-1 calls are made to OEMC:

  • In yet another example of the technology’s usefulness, Chicago police received a ShotSpotter alert of a person shot at 5647 South Throop at 2:06 a.m. Monday. An officer working the local police district’s intelligence center was able to pull up a surveillance camera feed and confirm that a man was lying unresponsive at the ShotSpotter address, police radio transmissions show.

    CPD officers arrived on the scene 62 seconds after being dispatched to the call, well before any 911 calls were received. They administered first aid until EMS arrived, but, unfortunately, the victim, believed to be 19 years old, died from a gunshot wound above his right eye.

Well, at least there's loads of documented proof exactly who is responsible for cancelling the contract should there ever be an election issue over it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Det. McNulty says …
Shot spotter is racist without question. It needs to be removed immediately!! All the house mice assigned to the camera rooms should be put back into patrol !! More boots on the ground is what this dept needs. Shot spotter sends more police in low income neighborhoods which is racist and needs to stop!! Remove shot spotter immediately and give back these neighborhoods to the black and brown community without having to worry about racist pigs racing to reports of shots fired and trying to save lives. It’s time to give these communities what they want. Less racist police and more shooting victims !! I stand with the community !!!

9/17/2024 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, not sorry--dont care.
SDSC rooms are full of full duty officers avoiding street duties and 'adding ZERO -not to mention the manpower and $$$$$$ wasted assigning a cadre of Sgts in there- certainly NOT supervising 10 officers or imaginary civilians who were supposed to be babysitting this cutting dull-edge technology.

9/17/2024 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the VERY FEW times democrats claim we can't afford something. They spend billions on things that sound like they came from the Babylon bee regularly. Case in point,Trump wanted like 20-30 billion for the wall, OMG they screamed,where would we ever get that kind of money ????? No problem spending 20 times that much to feed the invaders the wall would have stopped. But in the build back better bill they put in 50 BILLION for Obama phones, like the ghetto needs more phones. Leave the shitspotter alone conedork, it's for your children. Fool !

9/17/2024 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may be the only thing I agree with Da Mayor with. Shotspotter is a total waste of taxpayer $. So if 98% of the people getting shot are minority gang bangers then who really gives a shit? It was designed to line the pockets of the connected with kickbacks like retired police commander Kevin Johnson the twin brother of Kenneth Johnson who stole his dead mother’s social security checks for decades until his ex old lady dropped the dime on him. This technology is as accurate as former Superintendent Brown’s prediction of keeping murders under 300 - which was more than double for each year he was in charge What difference does it make? It doesn’t reduce violence and police are eventually going to respond to shots fired if and when they can. They department is more busy trying to make them get certain amounts of blue TSSS cards instead of actual allowing officers to respond to calls for service or patrol knowing we are over 2K officers short.

9/17/2024 04:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s try another option like locking people up instead of releasing them back to society to keep plying their trade

9/17/2024 05:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a question I've not seen answered yet. When they arrive to remove the system, will they have private security or CPD protecting them? Good luck getting it back. The second you're up the pole the van you arrived in is getting robbed.

9/17/2024 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The technology only gets police to the scene faster. It doesn't (on a regular basis enough to justify its costs) help solve or reduce crime. Its another expenditure, probably paid to a connected company, that we can do without. Our budget is far too bloated with pork programs and we need to reduce spending to save our pensions.

9/17/2024 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck shotspotter , its in areas where all shootings happen and in the same area where the community doesn't cooperate, hates the police and are just ungrateful scum. Stop wasting our tax dollars on these assholes.

9/17/2024 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s a refined version of your message:

"Perhaps there’s a troubling brilliance to this agenda. When a body is discovered, it eliminates the need for extensive medical services, saving the city millions. The process becomes as simple as collecting the remains and transporting them to the morgue. We could even use the tagline, 'Detectives are investigating,' while sidestepping the actual need for thorough investigations. It seems the mayor is behind this approach, and while it saves taxpayer money, one must wonder what it says about our leadership priorities. Additionally, how about redirecting those savings to address the significant underfunding of the police pension fund, an issue that has been exacerbated by decisions made by leaders like you? Thank you."

9/17/2024 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no question it helps save lives.

9/17/2024 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think the city's not syphoning off dollars from the fed reimbursements for these hospital stays and gunshot treatments?

9/17/2024 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Shotspotter does not stop crimes neither does Chicago video surveillance system. So tear it all down and save some real money not only on hardware but also on the people manning the video surveillance system.

9/17/2024 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh don’t care really. More cameras would help the SDSC rooms support officers in the field. Shot spotter doesn’t really help support officers, just another ticket to respond to and look for foolishness. Now will they spend the money on better surveillance? Probably not. In general, a 360 camera on a corner is better surveillance than shotspotter. I could be wrong, I don’t have the juice to sit in an air conditioned room and watch cameras all day.

9/17/2024 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone really believe that the hoards of desk dollys, wimps, cowards, pets, future merit bosses and side pieces that inhabit the Shot spotter world will be reassigned to doing actual street policing when Shot Spotter goes away? Not a chance!

9/17/2024 09:20:00 AM  
Blogger I Voted For Kamala said...

It works. That's why Mayor Conehead hates it.

9/17/2024 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is not dead in elmwood park ill but then in that town they have a mayor that cares

9/17/2024 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jackass does it again

9/17/2024 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So shotspotter brought officers to scene of a dead guy. And we are toting that as mission success ? Come on now. That just proves the tech is useless. Especially when there’s no manpower to respond. It gives you nothing except a location.

But let’s just call spade a spade. Shotspotter logs all the shooting data , it’s a permanent record never destroyed of all the gun violence in the ghetto and proof for the reason of more police in violent areas are needed. Undisputed proof , so that needs to disappear

9/17/2024 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SDSC rooms started going up before shotspotter was a thing. The room isn't going anywhere.

9/17/2024 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other than occasionally (and I mean rarely enough to make a difference) getting ems there a bit quicker, how does it save lives? And can you tell us how many lives have been saved? Even a ballpark figure will do. I will be interested to hear your answer and see if the number of alleged lives saved is enough to justify the cost of the program.

9/18/2024 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to erase history of the violence in black neighborhoods.

9/18/2024 10:48:00 PM  

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