Thursday, October 24, 2024

Idiot Mayor

This guy is truly a moron.

He had a press conference the other day and someone asked about Deter Reed and the investigation. Somehow both the moron mayor and the activist questioner missed a key point. See if you can spot it (starting at 11:17):

If you watch the entire exchange, both somehow miss the fact that Reed shot a Police Officer. Not only a Police Officer, but a black Police Officer, which would (in a sane world) negate the point they're trying to smear the entire Department with.

There was another presser yesterday we think, where Conehead was interrupted with a question and he ordered - ORDERED - the reporter never to interrupt him again. The 16/17 Police Scanner X/Twitter account had it, but we don't have a link.

Or what? You'll sic your wife on us? Your mistress? Your CTU minions? Your two-hundred cop detail?

Bring it. We're betting your as big a candy-ass as we think you are.



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