Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Feds Selling Gun Parts

Yet another reason to disband entire swaths of federal law enforcement:

  • The federal government has a long, proud history of arming people who commit violent crimes. Sometimes it’s intentional as it was during the Obama era Fast and Furious program when the ATF shipped weapons to the Mexican cartels. Sometimes it’s due to basic stupidity and negligence as it was when a BLM ranger left his gun in his car in San Francisco where it was stolen. It was later used to murder Kate Steinle.

    Sure, these are awkward and make for some bad PR cycles, but as far as the Gun Control Industry and anti-gun politicians are concerned, these incidents aren’t without their own silver linings. They use high profile failures of the government and the actions of criminals that result to demagogue against civilian gun ownership in order to further ratchet up gun control restrictions and put more limits on the rights of law-abiding Americans.

    That’s a wn-win!

    The latest example comes to us from our friends at the FBI and DEA. It seems that parts from a number of their retired duty weapons — firearms that were supposed to have been destroyed — have later turned up in “ghost guns.” In other words, someone in the FedGov is making a little fishing boat money by appropriating gun parts and selling them, sometimes to criminals.

Federal guns that were supposed to be destroyed as part of assorted modernization efforts, were disassembled and tossed into barrels at the range, where any fed could go through it and cherry-pick extra barrels, springs, grips, and assorted parts.

Someone saw an opportunity and started dealing un-serialized parts on the street.

Only the best and brightest.



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