Chicago School Board Priorities
The chairman of the Chicago Board of Education has requested an SUV with driver worth $ 154,000 a year, even though the school system has to contend with a budget deficit of $ 500 million.
President Sean Harden has requested Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to purchase a Ford Expedition of $ 76,000 for him, as well as a full -time driver, who would receive an annual salary of $ 78,000, said sources.
If he is awarded, he would be the first chairman of the board in at least ten years to get this privilege, CPS sources told the local newspaper.
This Conehead appointee shows up at maybe two or three meetings a month, so a new SUV and a driver are a bit out of line. And don't forget, CPS current budget is $500 million short and the ongoing contract negotiations with the CTU are expected to cost taxpayers another $2.4 BILLION over the next four years.
Labels: money questions
2 or 3 meetings a month? Hello Uber!
Every body in a position of power wants a fancy SUV and driver, including JCat less driver. I remember when McCarthy had a fancier SUV than Emmanuel and he ordered the SUV to be given to him. Ed Burke needed a driver, City treasure Conyers needs a driver and God knows how many other Aholes demand a driver and nice car. Warren Buffet drives a ten year old cadillac and untill recently drove himself.
Divert a little bus and driver already in the fleet.
Counter with the following:
1) Drive your own car. Park on the street like everyone else. Keep track of the mileage and deduct from your taxes as an unreimbursed business expense.
2) Take the CTA.
3) Ride a bike - great bikelanes all over the City!
4) Walk.
5) Take an Uber or Taxi
Problem solved for Chairman Sean Harden:
Directions to N Dearborn St station (Chicago) with public transit
The following transit lines have routes that pass near N Dearborn St
Chicago 'L'Chicago 'L':
Also Cab & Urber
It would be criminal to let that SUV sit all month except for 2 or 3 days for a meeting. Or grab a ride with Mayor BLM Brandon in his new SUV.
Hey, stop picking on my retirement gig? Driving a board president was just the gig I was looking for? Get to take the ride home, gas card, and really work 2-4 hours a day? Sitting outside nice restaurants, or City Hall while President sucks up to Brandon? They throw in benefits from City and my retirement would be set?
Gimme dat SUV and driver I be entitled to dat dawg
Curtis Mayfield sings.... CTU Head (tune of SuperFly)
"Ain't I clean, bad machine; Super cool, super mean; Feelin' good, for the man; , President Sean Harden here I stand
Secret stash, heavy bread; No education do I have
Ford Expedition... full -time driver,... 26" Rims make it bad
I'm your CTU Head , I'm your CTU Head ; I'm your CTU Head --"
Retired in Texas……
Another nickel-slick, slippery when wet, jack ass……
You get a free transit card and a pat on the head……..
Stay safe out there boys & girls in Blue!!!!!!!
The only driver this asshole should get is an Uber driver that he pays for himself. Maybe he can get a discounted Ventra card with his CPS ID and he can ride the clean and safe public transit to work.
CPS just paid out 2 million to a family whose kids were raped by a gym teacher who worked at Federico Lorca elementary
How about a ford fusion and you can drive yourself, you pretentious prick!
The ford fusion should also be used too. The city doesn’t have the money for these delusional self important clowns.
here's an idea - buy your own fucking car you rat
Catman is riding a brand new Jeep Cherokee. It should have been a 2 year old Chevy Traverse. The lodge would have saved $50,000.
Where are the voices of reason on the FOP board?
Expeditions suck. Go for the Escalade with spinners.
It's what THEY like.
Who does this guy think he is? FOP president??? Now that John is getting another new truck, is he going to ask for us to pay for a driver also?
True to Chicago form….now that it’s been reported……that car and driver will become reality even faster!
Take a bus or el train and reduce your carbon footprint democrat. Practice what is preached in your school system where kids are driven to fear of an environmental doomsday as the earth warms and the seas rise. Follow the science and reduce your consumption of fossil fuels. Be that leader that puts the NFL slogan of "Inspire Change" into action.
This Chairman get a check right? Go pay for it yourself jagoff!!! Go get your mommy to drive you to and from work you lazy fuck.
Knowing how the city works, he probably already has the car and driver
This mammone Sounds like cantazara, except cantazara is screwing cops for his personal gain. Time to vote this prick out
Maybe the president of the school board Harding should drive all all electric Prius affirms that he is down with the environmental struggle. Affix bumper stickers such as "Hate Has No Home Here", "Occupy Resist" with a socialist fist as distributed by the teachers union, a flamboyant rainbow cat, a revered "Co-Exist" and a Biden Harris 2024 campaign sticker. Be that change.
President Sean Harden here....That's what I was saying....
Wanting to play like a pimp?
I bet if you counted this all as a taxable benefit he would change his tune real fast.
Give 'em a brake. Harding conducted a cost benefit analysis for the cost of operating his own vehicle. For example, he discovered a gallon of gasoline purchased in Chicago revealed the following:
Federal Motor fuel Tax 18 cents, a federal Underground Storage and Environmental Impact fee 1 cent, State sales tax 6.25%, Cook County sales tax 1.75% ,Chicago sales tax 1.25%, RTA sales tax 1.0%, State Motor fuel tax 47 cents, Chicago Motor fuel 8 cents, Cook county fuel tax 6 cents and Illinois excise tax 19 cents. Illinois policy Institutes estimates its a dollar of taxes/fees on a gallon of gas purchased in Chicago. Gasoline producers only make 25 cents a gallon profit for actually producing a consumer good. Harding is on to something. It costs a lot to educate, feed, provide health services for students and pay administrators at CPS. Excessive compensation and benefits is one way to attract and retain the best administrators for a taxpayer funded bureaucracy which accomplishes very little damning our children to low skill lifelong employment. And just how much of a pension will this a-hole collect for a few weekly meetings during a couple years of disservice.
Chairman of Chicago’s pathetic schools yet another typical appointed ignorant, arrogant incompetent shithead ! Another example of the blue gummed camel tooth ignoramus’s failed administration ! FUBU !
Harden isn't the first president of the school board that spent or wanted to spend money on himself or his pals. Remember the $822,000+ Michael Scott and Rufus Williams spent on bullshit?
Questionable spending items included:
$3,000 to a surveillance company to have certain administrative offices swept for electronic eavesdropping devices.
$12,624 for party expenses
$92,900 worth of donations to not-for-profits on which Scott or a family member of Scott's at some point served as a member of the board of directors.
$979 for a one-night stay by Williams in a New York City hotel when he visited the Harlem Children's Zone
$1,734 limousine tab during a Washington trip
$1,978 on alcoholic beverages
Give it to him...if you don't, you're a racist!
Make the guy a deal - tell him he'll get his SUV and driver when more than 16% of CPS seniors can read and do math at a 10th grade level. Surely, that's achievable in the next school year, no?
City clerk has drivers,how many cpd gold star clowns have drivers? As a matter of fact brandon has more coppers and expensive SUV than any other mayor why?
How many PPL loans has he taken? Did he ever bay property tax's and or traffic tickets or water bills or did he not pay as many democratic politicians do.
Dayum. Where did I go wrong? I'm driving a 2013 Explorer (bought used from Enterprise Car sales) because it's paid for and my large dogs have to be walked in the park every day. Our Sunday car is too small for them but paid for. By me and alpha unit, not taxpayers. Voters and media are dumb as dumb gets for voting for this and not calling him out on it.
Well at least it was 'request' and not 'demand'. Gibs me dat!
So Sean Harden wants a seat on the gravy train as he demands a car and driver. What. Let this putz use the CTA, Uber, or Curb to get around the city. The city faces massive debt and this guy demands a car and driver. Another fine example of Brandon Johnson’s brain trust.
J Kitty needs a driver 🙋♀️ johnnie, over here
Larr, my bad- I saw raped by the gym teacher
You actually have a work ethic and conscience. Democrats hate that.
Harding should ride a bicycle. Lots of bicycle lanes for him to navigate to work and back home. You drive your own vehicle daily, you risk red light tickets, school zone tickets, parking fees, parking tickets, insurance premiums, city wheel taxes, state license fees, maintenance costs and a car note. Just another connected democrat operative who is hoping someone else pays the freight for his fat cat corporate CEO lifestyle.
Chicago School Board priorities. Illinois Policy has published that 470 sexual allegations from student against CPS employees were reported in 2022. This includes abuse, groping, grooming, assaults, and threats by school staff. In total, 1,825 complaints received in 2022 include sexual allegations, misappropriation of funds, fraud, bullying, and other assorted "bad" conduct. Probably needs cases of aspirins for all the headaches his organization causes more than a shiny new ride and a wheelman. Or a team of education Federal Consent Decree monitors. Spread the taxpayers wealth around so everyone can wet their beaks.
More on that tool Rufus Williams....He was so horrible as Board president that Richie Daley replaced him with Michael Scott (and he later off'd himself)
A Credit to Our Schools... Rufus Williams and Arne Duncan should at least say 'Thank You' for all that booze they put on our tab
While CPS officials, including Arne Duncan (CEO, above right) and Rufus Williams (Board President) were partying for thousands of dollars and getting $900 per night hotel rooms at Board expense, they were simultaneously telling parents, teachers and children that they were closing schools and moving them around for reasons of "efficiency." At the January 23, 2008, meeting of the Chicago Board of Education (above), Arne Duncan, then CEO of CPS, let Board President Rufus Williams (rear, speaking) do the lying about the proposal to move the Edison program seven miles away from its northwest side Chicago location. The move was ordered by Mayor Daley and completed by Duncan and Williams so that CPS could continue its policy of ethnic cleansing of schools in all-white neighborhoods (Edison was the only school in that part of town that had black children at the time; the Edison move got the last black kids out of that area). At the time of the Board of Education meeting shown above, Williams was denying that the Edison move was a "done deal" and was telling everyone that there would be "hearings" — before the Board voted to make the deal a "Done Deal" a month later. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.
What a Harden !
What kind of information does harden have on Brandon, inquiring minds want to know.
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