CTA, CPS Out of their Lane
Anyone know what the CTA has to do with illegal immigration enforcement?
President Donald Trump has yet to follow through on his threat to make Chicago “ground zero” for mass deportations, beginning with immigrants without legal status who have criminal records.
But Mayor Brandon Johnson is not leaving anything to chance, turning to CTA buses and trains to make certain that immigrants without legal status know their rights.
City Hall and the CTA launched a public awareness and ad campaign Thursday to spread the word on CTA buses, trains and at mass transit stations.
The CTA isn't the only ones either. CPS is sending letters home or emailing all parents about possible enforcement actions over illegal aliens.
Kids can't read or do math, but the CPS/CTU money pit needs those illegal children to boost attendance numbers for more tax payer dollars!
We also received word (unverified) that attendance at Juarez High School was down to about 58% this past week. Some of that may have been weather related, but some might also have been illegal alien parents keeping kids away from one of the reported targets of ICE Officers.
As almost every targeted raid so far has been jails and/or prisons looking for criminal aliens, we're going to go out on a limb here and say "school raids" are part of the rhetorical debate to encourage self-deportations.
Labels: national politics
A hearty fuck you BJ, you are a ghetto piece of shit voted in by other pos and voters fraud. Ain't nothing worse that a ghetto politician who thinks they are something now.
So the city is spending money to assist illegal immigrants? Isn't that illegal?
I can’t wait to vote Brandon Johnson out! Waisting taxpayers money!
Self-deport: This is the way.
If only they’d have as much gusto warning riders about all the robberies and crime on their trains and buses; b it watch out for ICE!
Taxpayers pay very heavy taxes to fund the CTA and CPS. Did the City Council who represents us authorize this? Ask your own Alderperson who is your voice if they support this and why? Since citizens seem to waking up to the fact that the illegal aliens are sucking the money and life out of the City, they would be against this. If anything legal tax paying citizens should be given equal time to present their views on the CTA videos and on the indoctrination in the CPS. How dare Mayor BLM Brandon shove this down our throats. How about a new acronym like AFI (All For Illegals) Brandon. I’am sure you can think of many more!
Trump spent years and millions of his own dollars fighting the nasty Democrat cockroaches and they almost killed him. He is still being attacked but keeps on fighting. We can’t be complacent on the local political level because this is a breeding ground for these vermin especially with the likes of Mayor Conehead, Gov. Lizzo, Durbin, Duckworth and a host of others in the Statehouse. We have to Fight, Fight, Fight.
Not only will you get robbed, beaten & raped on the CTA but while that is happening you will have to listen & watch propaganda targeting illegals on how to outsmart Americans on the takeover of their country. Thank you Mayor Johnson, may I have another?
Makes sense. Jails are easy pickings and, more importantly, it clears out holding space.
Ben Bergquam And Terry Newsome Give Updates On The Situation Between ICE And Illinois
If you want them, you house them, not the city, not the government. Long past time these people put their money and life where their mouth is. No government money should be used at all.
Maybe there is a caravan of Chicago illegals heading to south border now.
Suddenly the attention is redirected to pandering to the illegals.
The media has so quickly forgotten how many resources have been given away to an entire illegal invasion over the last 4 years
The liberal socialist spin machine is trying to reset using the media to brain wash and suck away resources from government and tax payers.
Repeat the lies distract Democrat activism 101.
CPS News
The award in the category of ' This Mother Fucker doesn't get it"' goes to Chicago Board of Education President Sean Harden.
Harden put in a request for $154,000 to cover a Ford Expedition and his personal driver while CPS has a $500M shortfall. This was confirmed by the board VP Olga Bautista, known Socialist that scrubbed all her tweets off X.
Great job by Fox32's Paris Shultz on finding the request through Harden's emails. Shultz made a smart move to leave WCTU, I mean WTTW for Fox32.
Factoid: Harden doesn't have a degree in anything after apparently after only attending Morehouse College for their freak outs. And dumbass Bautista only has a HS diploma from outside the US.
These two geniuses are Mayor CTU's #1 & #2 on the school board
26th st is a ghost town again
ICE conducts raids in Boston area and arrests wanted Felons with outstanding charges. When arrests are made in Chicago be prepared to watch media coverage of crying children of alleged family members being arrested.
The only reason Gov. Flintstone is fighting so hard for them is because he sees them as the replacement of the people who fled this State, therefore shrinking the amount of dollars the State would receive regarding the census.
Brandumb Conehead is blowing them because he thinks they will be the props to save him in the next mayoral election...
Anyone with 1/4 of a brain knows that BJ’s and JB’s grandstanding is to distract and deflect from real issues. It is also intended to stem the flow of hispanic voters to the right. Alas, the majority of voters in Chicago and Illinois have less than a 1/4 of a brain.
Yep! What happened to that "migrant crisis" that was on the news every day? No word of were they actually put them but it was learned the majority are in homes and apartments in on the South Side.
Exit....Stage left.
It's wasting. And anyone who replaces him will just be another Democrat pushing the same bullshit policies, furthering the decline of Chicago.
I can't wait to see the crying family members of criminals being deported. It warms my cold heart.
Vote Democrat for more...
Remember a few in the early 70s
If I were President Trump. Any democRatic toilet that didnt comply gets all funding stopped.
Field General Conehead calling up his personal Ready Reserve CTU activist division to back up his proxy army of illegal immigrants 70,000 strong for the insurectionist takeover.
Yesterday we witnessed coneheads SS division (COPA) rush to the scene of an officer involved shooting hopeing to take the officer into custody for a kangaroo court show trial and punishment.
When a Chicago cop shoots someone it's the cops fault. When a illegal immigrant shoots someone it's the guns fault.
Remember you mentally defective Democratic motherfuckers are responsible for this shit ! You ignoramus voted these socialist communist Democrats into office and are now paying the price ! now read the world wind , reap it you dumb fucks !
CTA and CPS better stop spending public monies on agendas that are counter to the safety interests of actual American citizens, obstruct the enforcement of obvious violations of federal law and advance an exclusive core democrat party objective. It doesn't bother the CTA and CPS that foreign drug cartels exclusively have controlled the border and are running illegal border crossings letting in who knows who making billions of dollars tax free. CPS needs to concentrate on their actual mission of a quality education for pupils under their control cultivating American school children to academically perform at their grade level or better yet excel in a global economy. The CTA should fulfill the expectations of citizen commuters directing their energies ensuring the trains/buses/facilities are clean, crime free, advocating public safety forming that partnership with L.E. authorities in the enforcement of federal and state laws and providing reliable, punctual public transportation for the commuting American public. Both the CTA and CPS have a lengthy failed track record betraying the public's expectations and each agency failing to satisfy their respective core functions. Maybe the time has come for the feds to stop funding these seditious failed public agencies advancing the overthrow of the rule of law advocating defiance to the enforcement of on the books federal laws.
Exactly a good start but if u are here illegally you have no rights! Our tax dollars should not be their economic support system! Our government should not be their government,,, it’s for U.S citizens!
I worked for the Chicago Transit Authority for 26 years and retired as a Motorman in 2012. I appreaciate the opportunity and job, and the pension I have today. However with actions like this, I have never been more ashamed of the cta than I am now. This is our tax dollars at work encouraging illegal alien activity. This is none of cta's buisness. Cta management is encouraging illegal activity, and should be held accountable and be arrested for obstruction of justice.
In short, no! Hope this helps
Yeah, right!👍🏻👍🏻
Since enrollment in schools will go down more empty schools. Spending money to warm these half filled schools. Spending more money on lunches for non existent students . Spending more money for computers for non existent students. So why give teachers raises for non existent students?
Cps principal can’t read. She panicked called parents , news media that ICE agents were attempting to enter a school with illegals. Not too bright. She caused stress to parents and children. She should be dismissed immediately. No wonder kids can’t excel, she might be a DEI principal
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