This is Going to be Fun
First, Pedro defends the CPS lies as a "learning experience:"
- Chicago
Public Schools CEO Pedro Martinez answered questions Saturday about the
false report that ICE agents were at a school Friday.
Martinez defended the district's response to Friday's false ICE report at a school with over 90% Latino students, while an alderperson blamed CPS for spreading unnecessary panic.
[...] "It was an unfortunate misunderstanding, but actually a really good lesson for us," Martinez said. Martinez defended the incident Saturday by saying the school followed all the protocols as if the agents were ICE. The principal did not let them in, but it was Secret Service agents that came to Hamline unannounced. The agency claims the agents identified themselves and left business cards. They were looking for a student who made a threat to a government official."Regardless, we are not going to allow a federal agent to come in, whether it's immigration or another agency, without the legal jurisdiction without making sure they have a warrant," Martinez said.
Then the aldercreature demonstrates a complete ignorance of Federal supremacy and thinks CPS is going to mobilize a defense:
"We saw loads of people that we didn't know. We saw a few protesters at this school," 20th Ward Ald. Jeanette Taylor said. "And so where was the protection? What did CPS safety and security do? My opinion, nothing." Hamline sits in Ald. Taylor's ward. She said Martinez must take accountability for the situation.
"So you were quick to put out something without doing a real investigation, causes more harm to the community than help," Taylor said. Taylor said Martinez should have called Mayor Brandon Johnson's office before responding to the school. Moving forward, Taylor is calling on the Johnson administration and CPS to have a coordinated plan when ICE does show up.
Well aldercreature, should the feds actually show up, you will be ordered to stand aside. Failing that, you will be arrested. And immediately thereafter, the feds ought to revoke any and all Federal funding for CPS until a policy of cooperation and acknowledgement of Federal Immigration Law is obtained.
Then outlaw the CTU as teachers are always claiming to be "essential." Essential employees don't get to strike.
Labels: city politics, national politics
Ignorance on display for the entire nation to view. The ignorant Dem teachers prepare the future generations of Chicagoans and the ignorant Dem pols want to rule us. We are sooooo fucked!
Just saw the end of New Jack City on cable. Damn if Conehead doesn't have the exact same hairdo as Wesley Snipes while on the witness stand at his trial. Uncanny as hell !!!
Mexico has accepted the first four deportation flights of illegal immigrants from the United States, the White House said on Jan. 25.
White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said that the flights set a new record for deportations to Mexico in a single day.
“Yesterday, Mexico accepted a record 4 deportation flights in 1 day!” Leavitt wrote in a Jan. 25 post on social media platform X.
Revoke any state/fed required educational license, of any individual that obstructed, until a hearing can be held to determine the length of revocation or return of the license of each person involved. (And put them on a don't hire list like they do at ILETSB.)
Obviously federal agents don’t understand the power of the municipal ordinance.
Cannot wait until the feds cut off funding for EVERY service in Chicago, then Crooked County and finally the State of Governor Gluttony.
The public education system needs to be completely eliminated, especially in Chicago. Imagine the savings. Taxpayers should not be responsible for paying to educate other people's children, especially by paying the salaries of incompetent teachers at failing schools with failing students. It's a failed experiment that funnels tax dollars right down the drain. If you can't afford to educate your own children, you shouldn't have children. The same goes for housing and feeding and raising those children properly. All social programs designed to help those who can't help themselves, that have been so overwhelmingly abused and gamed by certain segments of the population, need to be severely overhauled or completely eliminated.
The feds should show up again on Monday. If they are not allowed in tow every single teacher and staff vehicle. When the door opens to complain about the towing arrest anyone that does not allow free movement into the school.
The corrupt Democrat party will not be allowed to aid and abet a person threatening gov’t.
Flip it and imagine if a white student threatened Biden. The school would give the red carpet treatment to the feds.
CPS failed to keep anyone safe. You have someone treating to kill someone and law enforcement comes and they tell them to get off the property. Real bad job.
The rats turning and eating one another blame gaming ect. They really show their naked ass ignorance in public and how dysfunctional and out of touch cps is. What would be fun a showdown cps vs feds a row of teachers, students holding the Frontline against armed federal officers.
Oughta lock her dumb ass up too
Chuckleheads all.
The student ran into the gym and threw his coat down in front of his number. Right behind him two guys in street clothes ran into the gym. Both had guns and badges, they were Chicago Dick's.Pistols drawn right to the late arrival they flew. All this happened so quickly not a word was spoken. One shoved the kid while the other picked up his coat. Buy now my buddy who had been taking attendance ran over just in time to see the other cop pick up the beautiful WWll commemorative Colt 45 automatic under the coat.Seems the lad had tried to rob the detectives in the park behind school. The irony is the chewing out the principal gave my buddy for letting the cops in the gym.He almost got fired. What a world.
The student ran into the gym and threw his coat down in front of his number. Right behind him two guys in street clothes ran into the gym. Both had guns and badges, they were Chicago Dick's.Pistols drawn right to late arrival they flew. All this happened so quickly not a word was spoken. One shoved the kid while the other picked up his coat. Buy now my buddy who had been taking attendance ran over just in time to see the other cop pick up the beautiful WWll commemorative Colt 45 automatic under the coat.Seems the lad had tried to rob the detectives in the park behind school. The irony is the chewing out the principal gave my buddy for letting the cops in the gym. True story.
Time for change and to support a mandate:
Next time that happens, people need to be led away in handcuffs for interring with a federal investigation.
The children are given a lesson to defy authority by the on display action of supposed adults in the room. The principal, C.T.U., radical extremist immigration protestors, Board of Ed bureaucrats are all concerned for the children. How about their direct their concerns towards making the near the bottom performing Hamline School an academic powerhouse or award it a title like a math or science scholastic academy to deceive the public.
In an ideal world, what you describe would happen. I am sure, though, that no matter what happens, big, small, or wildly exaggerated by the media, El Brandito will claim that he and his minions are being politically persecuted and prosecuted, just like Nelson Mandela. Personally, locking up him, some staff, and a few merit toadies would probably result in an improvement of city life!
Everybody who gets arrested from now on in Chicago should claim sanctuary. Why are illegal aliens the only ones deserving of sanctuary in Chicago? Why not make it across the board for everybody?
Did they ever finally kick CPD out of the schools? Seems many of those officers just sat in a backroom playing on their phones.
The CTU should be designated a domestic terrorist organization. They follow Marxist doctrine which is incompatible with a Constitutional Republic.
Maybe the DOJ will put CTU finances under a federal forensic microscope?
Why wouldn't the FEDs just wait for dismissal time to grab kids/parents, outside of school? OH NO we need a double safe passage lane! An inner lane for our glorious noble foreigners, and outer lane for the kids that may, or may not, get shot today.
All the principal had to do was view his id and ask what he wanted. Then would have known it was about a threat. But no had to further the agenda and let it get out out proportion. None of this should have left the school office. How and why did it ? We all know.
"Reaganize" the CTU. Just like Ronnie did to the Air Traffic Controllers who thought their Union made them untouchable.
Chicago, and the CPS are going to fuck around, and find out ! Cut off all federal funding until these Socialist communist democrats comply with the federal government laws ! The Communist Teachers Union, and the entire crook country democratic party need to be made an example of ! Start locking these mother fuckers up, and see how quick this shit changes !
Education choice vouchers will eliminate this Socialist communist fucking bull shit ! Fuck CPS there are pathetic turning out functionally illiterates at an obscene cost to the taxpayers, and the self serving Communist Teachers Union that need to be eliminated along with all the unnecessary, under underutilized, near empty schools !
20th Ward Ald. Jeanette Taylor and CPS Martinez both have perfectly logical excuses for their behavior and opinions. They're IDIOTS!
Spot on. Parents ( mother and father ) teach children religion, morals, and culture. I sent both my sons to Catholic high school and it was the best money I ever spent. I wouldn't send my dog to one of these public high schools here.
ICE-is the Bogy Man that will get you if you don't let the Nanny State protect you.
Isn't it nice that we teach children their parents violated established immigration law for starters and have "rights" to disregard certain laws and collect entitlements. Then American citizens give them lots of free stuff encouraging similar behaviors. Then when you misbehave and violate additional federal laws, there are agenda driven persons in authority who come your rescue and provide a public school sanctuary. Lesson learned is you break laws and there are no consequences. The public "educators" are teaching the children to disregard society's rules and challenge an orderly society. A recipe for lifelong deviant behavior and societal disruption.
Maybe the Chicago public education radicals are mirroring those no go zones in England demanded by their Mediterranean and North African migrants establishing their own version of Sharia law in their very generous new taxpayers financed homeland. The public educators have a blank slate to teach their radical version of Constitutional law to the illiterate foreign masses.
Democrats like being pro choice. How about school choice. Time for hope it changes in public schools putting private schools in direct competition for parental educational institution choice. If we can save just one child with school vouchers.
Terry Newsome
We caught red-handed ABC, MSM, CTU, BJ Prickster, and IL Marxist Sean Casten lying about Tom Homan sending ICE to a Chicago grammar school. They purposely scared innocent children for politics. PLEASE Share.
The school lunch program is funded by the Dept of Agriculture. Maybe the federal funding can end. Can you imagine parents bagging a nutritional culturally appropriate lunch for their children? The nerve of hard working privileged people for not feeding other peoples children. We all know that their LINK along with SNAP assistance is not enough. Who would have imagined that no bid lunch contracts for food services in public schools are quite profitable.
Illegal aliens sent fifty six billion dollars in cash transfers to their home countries last year alone.
That's after their kids enjoyed free education, free lunches and free medical care paid for by the American citizens.
Maybe this all could have been avoided by the Feds talking with the school SRO, oh wait, there isnt one anymore
I so look forward to seeing the principal of the Hamline School, Ms.Natasha Ortega, being cuffed and escorted to a transport vehicle. She said no amount of interference is acceptable when it comes to the children receiving an excellent education and ICE will not be allowed into the Hamline School. Guess again lady!
More fun Tom Homanis here was in the 25th District last night. He’s not playing if he puts the cuffs on the governor and the mayor. This would be the most phenomenal thing in history. They like the criminals let’s make them feel like a criminal lock their asses up.
Texas teacher invites ICE to raid his school: ‘I have many students who don’t even speak English’
In 2019, Georgia Clark, an English teacher at Carter-Riverside High School in Fort Worth, wrote several posts on X, then Twitter, asking Trump to help boot “illegal students from Mexico” from her school.
“Mr. President, Fort Worth Independent School District is loaded with illegal students from Mexico,” one of her tweets read. “Carter-Riverside High School has been taken over by them.”
In another message, Clark said she did “not know what to do” to address the problem and provided two phone numbers to contact her. She said her earlier attempts to “remove the illegals” were rebuffed by local and federal authorities in Fort Worth.
“The district knows about the issue and turns a blind eye to it,” Clark tweeted.
She also told Trump in another tweet that she needed “protection from recrimination” if and when steps to remove the undocumented students were taken.
“I contacted the Texas Education Agency and then my teacher organization,” Clark wrote. “Texans will not protect whistle blowers [sic]. The Mexicans refused to honor our flag.”
Clark later told district officials she thought the messages were private and didn’t intend for them to be public. She initially was placed on administrative leave with pay before the school district voted to fire her.
What a ridiculous idea. Here's a better one: just go in anyway, arresting anyone who tries to stop you or hide the offender.
Wouldn't it be nice if illegals had to show where their money came from before being allowed to wire it home? Seems easy enough to implement. Untaxed, unreported income? Sorry, it's seized now. Oh, and here's your ticket back home.
Don't forget people that do not / have not had children. Why do they have to pay taxes? If they call 9-1-1, what service can the school district provide?
Told ya conehead using his CPS/CTU activists as tho they are US Army Ready Reserves force to back up his illegal immigrant proxy army holding us citizen taxpayers as hostages. They must be defunded!
Before the real raids go down set up some of those cell site simulators, Stingrays and Harpoons to catch the insurrectionist making all the calls to assemble
If school authorities and special interest apparatchiks like CTU, SEIU and organized immigration agitators cannot adhere to, respect and uphold the Rule of Law, Democracy dies when the next generation mimics their unlawful anti-social behaviors
That would be great protecting America from "urban terrorists!"
Pedo Martinez. Pendejo Martinez. Pince Cabron Pendejo Martinez
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