Tuesday, January 28, 2025

GoFundMe Fraud

It seems the swindlers were quick to exploit the death of the sheriff's deputy in the Caribbean:

  • GoFundMe has removed an online fundraiser for Cook County sheriff’s deputy Shamone Duncan, who was killed earlier this month while visiting Turks and Caicos.

    The online fundraising platform removed the page after a Sun-Times inquiry. Family told the Sun-Times that Duncan’s family was not involved with the fundraiser for funeral expenses and was not receiving the money. The campaign had raised $500 by Monday morning.

If there's a legit fundraiser in existence, post it in the comments.

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Anonymous NavySealRanger12 said...

There still some legit GoFundMe accounts for coppers out there alright. One for Hoochie-Coochie in 012 asking for donations to repair his car after it got "shot by thugs" in the 10th District. Another for retired 12th District DUI officer JK for replacing his BMW after his "girlfriend stole his car" again for the fifteenth time. {snicker}

1/28/2025 04:51:00 AM  
Blogger I Voted For Kamala said...

That is a particular kind of evil.

1/28/2025 06:28:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

And dollars to donuts, it’s her own peeps running the grift.

1/28/2025 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are kidding I hope

1/28/2025 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is way to funny.

1/28/2025 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GIVESENDGO is Christian, Protestant fund raising org. They don't steal money from the person the fund raising is for. GoFundMe is a rip off.

1/28/2025 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just going with "retired" for JK, eh? That self-important, arrogant, sanctimonious douchebag retired to avoid being fired for perjury and forgery charges. He thought he was a god because he made DUI arrests. He thought everyone should bow down and thank him for singlehandedly saving the world from drunk drivers. Now his cases that he was so proud of are either dismissed or in jeopardy of being dismissed, since he can't be trusted to testify truthfully. I believe he used the "girlfriend stole my car" excuse 44 times. Just because most officers don't want to deal with DUI arrests doesn't make you a savior or a god, JK. It just means they'll temporarily treat you like one for taking their 501 for them.

1/29/2025 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with JK for many years and found him to be a great copper and easy to get along with. Very surprising what happened to him. As for the guy who thought he was a sanctimonious douchebag, you're probably just a lazy piece of shit that is afraid of the streets.

1/31/2025 01:31:00 AM  
Blogger Greg G said...

Go Fund me? Not Me. Make donations directly to the family. Go Fund Me skims 20% right out of the gate.

1/31/2025 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's always at least one prick who speaks bad about an officer just because he got caught up in some shit. It's like when your neighbor is arrested for a brutal crime and you get on TV saying "he was such a quiet person, kept to himself and kinda strange". JK got caught up in some shit and I wish him well. He worked his ass off on the job and was always riding on jobs to arrest someone if needed. I hated working with him because he was always out there looking for shit when I was tired and wanted to sleep. He always had a good joke, knew the fucking job really well, and made some great arrests. Even helped out the recruits whenever. You can talk smack all you want because you're a hater and a loser, but this brother knew his shit!

1/31/2025 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I met him twice, and he walked around with his chest puffed out, bossing other POs around because he knew how to do a DUI and they didn't. He acted like anyone who wasn't out looking for DUIs was personally responsible for any mayhem drunk drivers might cause. He loved being the savior of the clueless officers who got stuck with a DUI. If you worked with him for years, while he racked up tickets and blamed his girlfriend for stealing his car 44 times, and you didn't see red flags, maybe you shouldn't have worked the streets. I worked the streets for 20+ years, in constant fear, cowering behind the real police, fleeing from any potential danger, scratching my head about how to handle every job, just waiting for Jeff to come save me and teach me how to be the real police. You got me all figured out. You think anyone who doesn't worship your buddy must be some lazy piece of shit afraid of his own shadow? I also worked with and spoke to many people who worked with your hero. Some saw him as the hero you see, and some saw him as an arrogant douche. Maybe he was a combo of the two. One thing we do know is that he's a liar. Another thing we know is that many of the drunk drivers he was so proud of arresting will have their cases dismissed now. Get better heroes. I made a DUI arrest a few times. Maybe I can be your hero.

1/31/2025 10:04:00 PM  

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