City Council Revolt
Conehead hasn't just lost the voters....he's lost the City Council, historically a rubber stamp for most mayors:
Mayor Brandon Johnson’s $830 million general obligation bond issue to upgrade Chicago’s aging infrastructure stalled in the City Council on Wednesday amid claims the back-loaded repayment schedule is “fiscal insanity.”
Ald. Bill Conway (34th) is so concerned about the size of the borrowing — and a financing structure that saddles Chicago’s taxpayers with $2 billion in added costs —.that he tried and failed to send the matter back to the Finance Committee he co-chairs for additional discussion.
Conway’s motion was tabled, 27 to 23. That narrow margin underscores what former Finance Committee Chair Scott Waguespack (32nd) called a “lack of trust” between the mayor and Council that has become a “hallmark” of Johnson’s administration.
Not only is the bond issue in trouble, the proposed reduction in speed limits (thereby enabling a massive influx of automated camera fines) was defeated yesterday:
A divided City Council on Wednesday put the brakes on efforts to reduce the city’s default speed limit from 30 mph to 25 mph.
The 28-21 vote against lowering the speed limit followed a spirited and emotional debate that pitted traffic safety advocates, many of them on the North Side, against African-American alderpersons concerned about uneven enforcement and a surge in pretextual traffic stops targeting Black drivers.
West Side Ald. Jason Ervin (28th), Mayor Brandon Johnson’s handpicked Budget Committee chair, led the charge against the lower speed limit.
Cracking down on speeders is racist! Of course, the fact that CPD writes almost zero speeding tickets isn't brought up - nearly 99% of all speeding tickets are camera tickets, so obviously the cameras are even more racist that police officers.
Labels: city politics
Dig in your pockets...someone has to support these illegals, the Feds stopped. Your turn to help them live the high life...
Damn y’all! just approve what he’s axing for y’all! Cuz he’s a black man with a black wife raising three black kids y’all!
The police are racist, the cameras are racist and the morons who keep voting democrat in this City are racist. Only a racist would believe the democratic talking points that speed camera enforcement is racist, blah, blah, blah.
“The city council is revolting!”
You can say that again.
Sounds like the liBTARDS of Shitcago need their own DOGE
It was quite a spectacle seeing many of the African-American aldercreatures outfitted in traditional dashikis 🙄. I’d bet the house that none of them could find Africa on the map without some effort. Fuckin’ morons.
When was the last time anyone observed any officer running
radar on Lake Shore Drive? (crickets)
Cpd cars don’t have radar and nobody takes out the lidar. You can follow the car for a good while tracking their speed but I’ve never seen any speeding tickets written by a copper. But as we know, speeding cameras are notorious for being racist, able to deduce if a black or brown person is driving and alter the system so that it appears the minority driver is speeding when they were not.
Pay your fucking bills ASSHOLE!!!
Drive fast take chances assholes galore rules of the road are just suggestions nowadays
It’s about time the city council stands up first time in the history of city. The city would be in much better shape had the alderman done this 50 years ago.
It’s a shame Conehead spent 600 million on illegals 🤬🤬🤬🤬
That would normally put anyone in prison
The cameras AREN’T RACIST! It’s the a$$holes that placed 70% more in black communities.
Cameras have always been racist.
It would be for sure had alderman stood up and said no.
He's a product of CPS, why would anyone think he can add.
The shitty council should be renamed the league of nations...
The "Black Pride" outfits worn by Alderpeople brings up a question. What would be said if Conway, O'Shea, LaSpata, ....and the like, appeared with a similar token of their ancestors?
Is the mayor in the fetal position yet? What an embarrassment, honestly.
If the CPD did stops, how much revenue would be raised by Court Costs ? Lack of Insurance tickets, Lack of License Fines, Safety violations, missing tags, and no city stickers....... ????????
To them it's always 1964 Selma AL
those speed cameras give me a play every time. it is as if they can tell I am white.
to do other wise is just plain RACIST! Y'ALL!!! Racist! HAHAHAHA!!
Thank God we will be dead when this bill comes through.
Was this approved by city council too? Hold them also at fault.
How convenient that the ghetto alders left out the part about a majority of speed and red light cameras are on the north side.
I know a neighborhood with about a million Stop Signs where very few people actually stop! Most just roll through... Guesses anyone?
Who the f writes speeding tickets?! Dept hasn’t done radar training in over 10 years.
I got stopped @ 53 Wentworth by a guy on the early car speeding my way roll to call with his cool lidar...what a douche...probably a LT By now
"nearly 99% of all speeding tickets are camera tickets, so obviously the cameras are even more racist that police officers"
Of course because the white man programed the computers!
Not a single police department jobs is avaliable.
What a jerk for stopping you for …breaking the law
time to close 25% of cps schools, cut staff
not cooperating with ICE agents CPS/CTU may lose some federal funds
start with the school that lied to news media that ICE was at school. It was Secret Service. Can they read? Do they just lie??
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